Advanced Earth Science

Advanced Earth Science
Grading Guidelines and Rules
Mr. Posovsky & Mr. Ratcliffe
(Room B 102)
Welcome to Advanced Earth Science. We will be covering many different
aspects of the world and universe surrounding us. You are expected to come to class
everyday prepared with your textbook, writing utensil, calculator, and paper.
The grade that you earn will be dependent upon the following criteria. Every
assignment will be given a point value. Some of the typical assignments and there
values are listed below (these point values may vary). By adding up the points you have
earned and dividing by the total possible points, then multiplying by 100 you can
determine your grade by using the following 100 point scale. 100-90=A, 89-80=B, 7970=C, 69-60=D, 59-0=F. Grades will be entered every two weeks in Gradebook.
Tests - 25-100 (If you are sick the day of the test you will be expected to take the test
your first day back in class unless prior arrangements have been made with me.)
Homework - 5-15 there will be a Homework quiz on all homework assignments. This
will be explained in detail in class. Homework will be listed on the board and also found
on my web page.
Class assignments- 5-20
Labs - 10-20
Extra credit - You may bring in one article per class (Newspaper, magazine) that is
somehow connected to Earth Science. You will need to write a paragraph summarizing
the article and a paragraph stating your opinion about the article. You are allowed one
per class up to a maximum of 2 per week. Each article and write up is worth 2 points.
You may not accumulate the articles and bring them in all at one time.
Rules of the classroom:
We will have a few simple rules that will guide everyone. Treat others the same way
that you would like to be treated. Respect each other’s right to learn and the teachers
right to teach. All cell phone use is prohibited. Cheating is unacceptable. This will be
explained in more detail in class. We will also be governed by all rules that are listed in
the student handbook. If there are any questions please refer to the student handbook.
(No food or drink is allowed in the classroom. Only bottled water that has a
resealable top will be allowed.)
Tardy Policy
The tardy policy is listed in the student handbook however I will restate it so this
will be clear. After 3 tardies you will be assigned an absence by
the administration.
Rules of the Laboratory
Follow all instructions carefully. The lab is a serious place and safety must be of the first
Make Up work due to absences
You must speak with me within two days of your return to discuss missed work.
Extra help:
Additional help may be received by making an appointment or by coming in
during my office hours. My office hours are Wednesday and Thursday 12:10-12:30. I am
also available during most lunch periods. (Except Friday first semester)
Parents or guardian may contact me by calling WAHS at 823-8700 and leaving a
message. I will return the call as soon as possible. My e-mail address is
The following topics will be covered.
Branches of Earth science: Geology, Meteorology, Astronomy, Oceanography
Chemical composition of minerals, Structure of minerals, Identifying
minerals, Description of rock forming minerals, Igneous rocks,
Metamorphic rocks, Sedimentary rocks, Rock cycle, Plate tectonics,
earthquakes, Mountain formation, Volcanism, erosion and weathering,
Maps: Topography, Navigation and compass use, Latitude and longitude, map
reading skills, scales, and time zones.
Oceanography and water:
Fresh water budgets, ground water salinity of
seawater, ocean water composition, the ocean floor, ocean
Astronomy: Telescopes, stars and galaxies, the sun and solar system, the
planets in our solar system, the moons and other satellites in our
solar system.
Meteorology: Weather and the atmosphere, evaporation, condensation,
precipitation, atmospheric pressure, winds, air masses, fronts,
storms weather forecasting, climates.
I have seen and read the syllabus for Advanced Earth Science as outlined
by Mr. Posovsky.
Parent or Guardian:______________________ Student______________________