
Review Book Worksheets
(Pages: 105-111/ 142-149 Mesoamerican Civilizations)
The First Global Age
1. The group of people who migrated eastward and southward in North America were said
to be what?
2. What did they have to adapt to?
3. Between 8500 and 2000 BCE these people learned to do what 2 things?
4. What was grown in Mexico?
5. What animals were domesticated in South America?
6. In the Americas, what turning point had a major impact of population of the area?
7. Another name for Middle America is ____________ ________________, and this region
includes _______________ and _____________ ______________.
8. The empire that lasted from 1400 to 500 BCE was?
9. What was the first major American civilization?
10. Olmecs built:
11. Olmecs invented:
12. Which American empire flourished from 300-900 CE?
13. What type of society did they have?
14. What role did men serve?
15. What role did women serve?
16. Describe the role of religion in the Maya Civilization:
17. Mayan Social Structure:
Majority 
Learning an Science:
19. What caused the Mayan Empire to DECLINE?
20. What American Empire came about in the late 1200s?
21. Where did they settle and what city was created?
22. How did the Aztecs build such a huge empire?
23. How did the Aztecs become wealthy?
24. Label the social structure (___________________) of the Aztec Empire:
25. Describe the Aztec religious Beliefs:
 Priests:
 Place of worship:
 Gods:
 Human Sacrifices:
Learning and Science:
Architecture and Engineering:
27. What empire emerged in the 1400s in South America?
28. Where did they live and where did they conquer?
29. What type of power was held by the emperor of the Inca Empire and what did they
30. Who ran the provinces with the chieftains?
31. What was the language used by the Inca Empire?
32. What did the emperor have built that will allow for centralized rule over a large area?
33. What 2 groups used the roads to travel from one area to another?
34. Describe the religious beliefs of the Inca:
Engineering and Architecture:
Review Book Worksheets
(Pages: 112-115/ 150-153 Ming Dynasty in China)
The First Global Age
1. Who did the Chinese overthrow in the mid 1300s?
2. What Chinese group was responsible for the above?
3. Who was Zhu Yuanzhang?
4. In what traditional way did China see itself?
5. What were 2 examples of Ming government reform?
6. What did Zheng He do in the 1400s?
7. What was a result of Zheng He’s death in 1433?
8. Why did China feel that limiting contact with foreign influence was beneficial. (Be
9. What improved the production of food in China?
10. How did China advance technologically?
11. Give examples of how the arts flourished in China:
12. Why were Europeans interested in China?
13. Why did the Chinese restrict trade with foreigners?
14. Define Matteo Ricci:
15. Describe how China affected Korea:
16. Describe how China affected Japan:
17. What region did China conquer in 1st century BCE?
18. How long did it rule this area?
19. What 2 Chinese concepts were absorbed by this area?
Review Book Worksheets
(Pages: 116-118/ 154-157 Ottoman Empire)
The First Global Age
1. Who conquered Constantinople in 1453?
2. This brought down what empire?
3. Constantinople’s name was later changed to what?
4. What was the religion of the Ottoman Turks?
5. What allowed the Ottoman Empire to grow quickly?
6. What happened to the Ottoman Empire by the 1500s?
7. Describe the Ottoman military and why it was so successful?
8. Because the Ottoman Empire expanded into the Mediterranean Sea, what was the result?
9. What were the Portuguese and other European nations forced to do because of the above?
10. Did the Ottomans accept or reject Byzantine culture?
11. Who ruled the Ottoman Empire from 1520-1566?
12. Define Sultan:
13. What was so significant about Suleiman’s rule? (BE DETAILED)
14. Define Golden Age:
15. Describe the 4 Social Classes of the Ottoman:
 Men of the Pen:
Men of the Sword:
Men of Negotiations:
Men of Husbandry:
16. Define millets:
17. Define Janissaries:
18. Muslim House of Worship is called?
19. Describe the DECLINE of the OTTOMA EMPIRE:
 Internal Disorder:
European Advances:
Review Book Worksheets
(Pages 119-125/ 158-166:  Exploration, Encounters, and IMPERIALISM)
The First Global Age
1. What was the reason that Europeans began to make oceanic voyages of exploration?
2. What 2 European nations were the 1st to establish global trade empires?
3. What did Spain and Portugal have that allowed them to establish Global Empires?
4. Who were the king and queen of Spain in 1492?
5. What was the point of the RECONQUISTA?
6. What 2 groups of merchants controlled trade routes between Europe and Asia?
7. Who was the famous German printer of the1400s?
8. Why is he important in world history?
9. What were 3 results of the use of the printing press?
10. How did gun powder get to Europe?
11. What were the Portuguese doing in the 1400 to their ships?
12. Who created better maps?
13. Define:
 Compass
14. What did Henry the Navigator do?
15. What was the importance of being able to sail AROUND the southern tip of Africa?
16. Who was the 1st person in 1488 to sail around the Cape of Good Hope?
17. Who sailed to INDIA by rounding the Cape of Good Hope?
18. Where did Columbus land in 1492?
19. In 1493, what was created by Pope Alexander VI?
20. What did it divide and between whom?(be clear)
21. What agreement later moved the imaginary line?
22. The domination of a stronger nation over a weaker one is known as?
23. In the 1600s who settled the Cape Town area of Africa?
24. How did they (the Dutch) benefit from imperializing Southern Africa?
25. What European nation took control of the Indian Trade network in the 1500s?
26. Who did they take control away from?
27. What type of trade did the Portuguese control throughout the 1500s?
28. What did the Dutch East India Company accomplish?
29. Why was Ferdinand Magellan’s voyage so famous?
30. What land was claimed by Magellan in 1521?
31. How was the location of the Philippines strategic?
32. In the 1700s who competed for India?
33. What was the name of the armies that were created (using Indians)?
34. Define conquistador?
35. What were the 3 reasons (G’s) that the Spanish imperialized the Americas?
36. Who conquered the Aztec Empire 1521?
37. Who destroyed the Inca Empire in 1532?
38. Why were the Spanish SUCESSFUL in conquering areas of the world?
39. Who settled Canada in the 1600s? What did they send over?
40. Where was the 1st permanent English Colony in North America?
41. Why did English Settlers come to North America?
42. What was a result of the British winning the French and Indian War in the 1700s?
43. How did Europeans view African slaves in the 1500s?
44. Why were Europeans buying slaves in large numbers?
45. Define plantation:
46. What was the voyage from Africa to the Americas known as?
47. By 1800s, about how many Africans were sent to the Americas?
48. How large was the Spanish Empire?
 Gov’t:
Encomienda System:
Social Classes:  Draw and Label the Social Hierarchy
50. The global exchange of people, animals, goods and ideas between the Old and New
worlds (affecting Europe, Asia and the Americas) was called?
51. What did increased trade with the colonies encourage?
52. What was the point of joint stock companies?
53. Define mercantilism:
54. Who became less powerful because of the expansion of capitalism and mercantilism?
Review Book Worksheets
(Pages 126-130/ 67-172:  Absolutism and the Puritan Revolution)
The First Global Age
1. When monarchs of Europe and Asia sought to centralize their power, this was known as?
2. In India in the 1500s, the absolute ruler of the Mughal Empire was?
3. What was he responsible for?
4. In the 1500s, what was the most powerful nation in Europe? How did this happen?
5. Define:
 Charles V
Philip II-
Divine Right:
Louis XIV-
Ivan the Terrible (IV)-
Peter the Great-
Catherine the Great-
6. What royal family ruled England from 1485-1603?
7. After the death of Queen Elizabeth I (Tudor) in 1603, who did power pass to?
8. Define:
 James I
Thomas Hobbes-
Charles I-
Oliver Cromwell-
Charles II-
James II-
9. What was the CAUSE of the Glorious Revolution?
10. Define Glorious Revolution:
11. Define the English Bill of Rights:
12. As a result of the English Bill of Rights, England became a?
13. Define Toleration Act