Forms must be downloaded from the UCT website:
You must complete this form when becoming a member of the UCT Retirement Fund.
The completed form must be sent to your HR Practitioner or the Appointments Office, Bremner Building.
For more information, see the UCTRF website: .
First Name/s
Identity Number
I request that my retirement funding be invested as follows from now until I request the UCTRF to change my choice at an investment switching opportunity.
1. Do you want to select the Life Stage Model? (tick)
( All contributions will be invested in Portfolio C until the member reaches age 60, when the funds will be transferred proportionally to Portfolio A over a period of 5 years.
S ee UCTRF Member’s Investment Guide pages 22-23)
Yes No
If Yes - go to 3 below , sign and return this form to us as indicated above.
If No - go to 2 below and fill in the percentages according to your choice.
2. Contributions to be invested in Portfolio/s
(see UCTRF Member’s Investment Guide pages 11-21)
UCTRF Future
Contribution Percentage
(Total amount must be 100%)
Transfer Value **
(Total amount must be 100%)
Income Fund (Portfolio A)
Smoothed Bonus Fund (Portfolio B) *
Balanced Fund (Portfolio C)
Shari’ah Fund (Portfolio D)
* I acknowledge and understand that, if I choose the Smoothed Bonus Fund (Portfolio B), I may incur a market value adjustment if I switch from Portfolio B and I have not invested in this portfolio for a continuous period of five years.
** Transfer Value refers to any lump sum you are transferring to the UCTRF from your previous employer’s retirement fund. This can be invested the same way or differently to your UCT future contributions.
The information provided will be treated as private, but may be disclosed to UCT HR staff for information and
UCTRF Fund Administration for benefit reporting purposes only.
3. Signature Date
New Member's Staff Number
Date of UCTRF Membership
Temp/Perm Employment
Social Insurance (IT150) checked by Date
University of Cape Town Retirement Fund (Registration No. 12/8/31582/R)
29 February 2016 Page 1 of 2 HR150
This form must be completed by every employee who joins the University of Cape Town Retirement Fund. It provides an instruction to the Trustees about how you wish your retirement funding to be invested.
Staff Category
Permanent staff
Staff on T2 conditions of service
Staff on T1 conditions of service
UCTRF Eligibility
It is a UCT condition of service that you must belong to the UCTRF
It is a UCT condition of service that you must belong to the UCTRF
You are not eligible to join the UCTRF
Investment choice information
You must submit this form on initially joining the Fund to reflect your investment choices for portfolio allocations.
If you do not complete and submit this form to UCT HR by the 20 th of the first month of your appointment your
UCTRF funds will be invested according to the default investment strategy (see UCTRF Investment Guide, page
24). Thereafter you will only be able to change your investment choice at one of the formal UCTRF investment switching opportunities.
The UCTRF has two investment switching opportunities per annum for members. The first (a free switch) is effective 1 April and the second (at a small administrative cost to your accumulation account) is effective 1 October.
You will be sent documentation for each of these investment choice options. You are not required to switch and, if you do not, your existing investment portfolio allocations will remain in place.
If you join the Fund in the three months preceding either of these switching dates you are unlikely to be sent the documentation for that switch. If you do wish to switch your investment choices and the deadline date for that switch has not passed, you can obtain the necessary documentation from the UCTRF Principal Officer.
When you join the UCTRF this form should be sent, as instructed, either to:
your HR Practitioner or
the Appointments Office, Bremner Building.
Within one week of an employee’s start date.
When you join the UCTRF you will also be required to complete:
UCTRF Beneficiaries form (HR151) (i.e. T2 and permanent staff)
Group Life Assurance Beneficiaries form (HR155) (i.e. T2 and permanent staff)
Optionally, you may complete:
UCTRF Additional Voluntary Contributions (HR152) to make additional contributions to the UCTRF.
Group Life Assurance Optional Cover (HR156) for additional separate death and lump sum disability cover.
University of Cape Town Retirement Fund (Registration No. 12/8/31582/R)
29 February 2016 Page 2 of 2 HR150