UNIT IX: THE 1920s CH.32, THE POLITICS OF BOOM AND BUST TOPIC: THE ROARING TWENTIES, 1919-1929 I. ”Politics and Foreign Policy of the 1920s” A. Harding Presidency: “The Republican ‘Old Guard’ Returns” 1. Personality 2. “Ohio Gang” 3. “Best Minds of Cabinet” a. Charles Evans Hughes b. Andrew Mellon c. Herbert Hoover B. Republican Business Policies: “GOP Reaction at the Throttle” & “The Aftermath of War” 1. Business Doctrine of laissez-faire 2. Supreme Court a. Appointments b. “Adkins v. Children’s Hospital” (effect and result on “Muller v. Oregon”) 3. Business Policies a. Antitrust or Not b. Wartime Controls c. Railroads d. Shipping e. Labor f. Veterans UNIT IX: THE 1920s CH.32, THE POLITICS OF BOOM AND BUST C. Republican Foreign Policies: “America Seeks Benefits Without Burdens”, “Ship-Scrapping at the Washington Conference”, “Hiking the Tariff Higher” 1. Treaty and League 2. Middle East 3. Washington “Disarmament” Conference (1921-1922) a. 5:5:3 b. Five Power Naval Treaty c. Four Power Treaty d. Nine Power Treaty e. Effects 4. Kellogg-Briand Pact a. Provisions b. Effectiveness 5. Fordney-McCumber Tariff Law a. Purpose/Provisions b. Reactions D. Harding & Scandals: “The Stench of Scandal” 1. Forbes & Veterans Bureau 2. Teapot Dome Scandal a. Actions b. Results 3. Attorney General Daugherty UNIT IX: THE 1920s CH.32, THE POLITICS OF BOOM AND BUST E. Coolidge Presidency: “Silent Cal Coolidge”- “Unraveling the Debt Knot” 1. Personality 2. Farmers a. Post War Problems b. Effect of Machines c. McNary-Haugen Bill 3. Election of 1924 a. Candidates b. Results 4. Coolidge and Foreign Policy a. Isolation b. Intervention in Caribbean and Central America c. International Debt Issues d. G.B., France and German Reparations e. Dawes Plan f. Results UNIT IX: THE 1920s CH.32, THE POLITICS OF BOOM AND BUST TOPIC: THE GREAT DEPRESSION AND NEW DEAL, 1929-1939 II. “Herbert Hoover’s Presidency” A. Election of 1928: “The Triumph of Herbert Hoover, 1928” 1. Candidates a. Republican b. Democrat 2. Campaign Issues 3. Results B. Hoover and the Economy: “President Hoover’s First Moves” 1. Farmers a. Agricultural Marketing Act (1929) b. Farm Board Actions 2. Hawley-Smoot Tariff (1930) a. Provisions b. Results C. The Crash and Its Causes: “The Great Crash Ends the Golden Twenties” & “Hooked on the Horn of Plenty” 1. “Black Tuesday”, October 29, 1929 2. Unemployed 3. Banks and Effects 4. Causes a. Overproduction b. Installment Buying c. European Economies d. Drought 5. Effects on America UNIT IX: THE 1920s CH.32, THE POLITICS OF BOOM AND BUST E. The Toll of the Depression: “Rugged Times for Rugged Individualists” 1. Hoover Virtues/Belief 2. Initial Efforts 3. Critics F. Hoover’s Efforts at Recovery: “Herbert Hoover: Pioneer for the New Deal” 1. Hoover Dam 2. Muscle Shoals Bill 3. Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) 4. Dealings w/ Labor 5. Was it a New Policy? G. Veterans Protest: “Routing the Bonus Army in Washington” 1. Bonus Army 2. Complaints 3. March on Washington 4. Government Reaction 5. Effect UNIT IX: THE 1920s CH.32, THE POLITICS OF BOOM AND BUST H. Hoover and Foreign Policy: “Japanese Militarists Attack China” & “Hoover Pioneers the Good Neighbor Policy” 1. Japanese in Manchuria a. League of Nations Reaction b. Hoover and American Reaction c. Stimson Doctrine d. Effects 2. Depression Effects “Economic Imperialism” 3. “Good Neighbor Policy”