A. Cell Cell Organelle Quiz NAME: B. Cell Wall C. Chloroplast D. Cilia E. Cytoplasm F. Eukaryote G. Flagella H. Golgi Apparatus I. Homeostasis J. Lysosome K. Microfilament L. Microtubule M. Mitochondria N. Nuclear Envelope O. Nucleolus P. Nucleus Q. Organelle R. Plasma Membrane S. Plastid T. Prokaryote U. Ribosome V. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum W. Selective Permeability X. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Y. Vacuole 1. _____ A large structure found within the nucleus which creates ribosomes 2. _____A membrane that separates the nucleus and the cytoplasm inside a cell 3. _____A natural steady state, or balance within a cell, which allows for maximum function. Ions, molecules, and pH need to be balanced in a cell for this state to occur 4. _____A rigid structure found outside of the plasma membrane of plant cells, which provides support and protection 5. _____Cells that have membrane bound organelles 6. _____Cells that lack membrane bound organelles 7. _____Chemical reactions and protein transport occur in this ribosome covered structure 8. _____Clear jelly-like or gelatinous fluid within the cell which aids in protein transport 9. _____Longer projection that whips to help a cell move (Like the tail on a sperm) 10. _____Membrane bound storage bubbles. These plant cell structures store water, pigments, and toxins while animal cells structures store carbohydrates and lipids 11. _____Contains digestive enzymes responsible for digesting worn out organelles 12. _____Organelles that capture light energy and create glucose in plant cells 13. _____Organelles that provide energy for all of the cells functions 14. _____Packages the proteins into vesicles 15. _____Produces and stores lipids, detoxifies, and lacks ribosomes 16. _____Short hair-like projections that help a cell move 17. _____Site where a cell creates proteins according to the directions of the DNA 18. _____Small solid protein fibers that provide support in a cell and anchor organelles 19. _____Small specialized structures found within cells, each has its own function 20. _____Organelles in plant cells which stores starches or lipids as well as chlorophyll 21. _____The basic unit of structure and function of all living things 22. _____The control center of the cell which contains DNA in the form of chromatin 23. _____The selectively permeable and flexible boundary around a cell 24. _____Thin hollow cylinders made of protein which provide support in a cell 25. _____When a membrane allows only certain molecules or ions to cross