Reading Guide_Ch25 - wths

NAME: ____________________________________
PERIOD: _____
DUE: __________
Reading Guide – Chapter 25 Earth’s Moon
Before you read each section, look over the questions that you are to answer.
Then, once you know what you are reading for, begin to read the section.
As you are reading, answer the questions.
25.1 Origin and Properties of the Moon
1) List the two key main ideas for this section?
2) What is astronomy?
3) In what year did Apollo astronauts land on the moon?
Origin of the Moon
4) State the four ways in which scientist believe the moon ended up in orbit around the Earth?
5) Explain the development of the Moon for the Impact Theory.
6) What is a meteoroid?
7) What are craters?
8) What are micrometeoroids
9) Why do micrometeoroids not burn up before they reach the Moon’s surface like they do on Earth?
Properties and Features of the Moon
10) Why do we only see one side of the moon?
11) What evidence on the Moon supports the impact theory?
12) What are the light and dark areas on the moon?
13) Why are the basins called maria, and what does it mean?
14) What are mascons?
15) What is a rille??
16) How would the Mare Imbrium have formed?
17) Why are the lunar highlands a lighter color?
18) What two explanations explain how the lunar mountains reach such high altitudes?
19) How are craters formed?
20) What are rays?
21) What is regolith?
22) How is regolith different from Earth soil?
25.2 The Moon’s Motion
23) What is the main idea for this section?
The Moon’s Orbit
24) How long does it take the Moon to orbit the Earth?
25) Draw the diagram on page 562 and copy the explanation of the Moon’s orbit.
26) What shape is the moon’s orbit?
27) How far away is the moon from Earth?
28) What is a perigee?
29) What is an apogee?
30) a. What is a phase of the moon?
b. What are the eight (8) phases of the moon?
31) What two reasons do the moon’s phases occur?
32) Define waxing and waning.
Lunar Eclipses
33) Draw the diagram on page 564 of the Lunar Eclipse and label the parts.
34) What is the umbra?
35) What is the preumbra?
36) What is a lunar eclipse and when does it occur?
Solar Eclipses
37) What is a solar eclipse?
38) Draw the three pictures on page 565 for the three types of solar eclipses. Write the description
next to the picture.