Item 24c - TBA Student - Central Consolidated School District

Title Page…………………………………………… 1
School Calendar ……………………………………. 2
CCSD Mission & District Goals…………………… 2
CCSD Board of Education………………………… 3
CCSD Administration……………………………… 3
TBA Mission/Vision Statement……………………. 3
TBA Faculty & Staff………………………………. 3
Bell Schedule……………………………………….. 3
Attendance Policy………………………………….. 3
Student Discipline………………………………….. 4
Student Consequences………………………………4
Dangerous Weapons at School…………………….. 4
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Offenses……… 4
Special Education Student Discipline………………4
General Rules & Procedures………………………. 5
Closed Campus Policy…………………………….. 5
Check-out Policy…………………………………... 5
Tardy Policy……………………………………….. 5
Student Placement Policy…………………………. 5
Co-Curricular Participation Policy………………… 5
Student Transportation Policy…………………….. 5
Disruptive Conduct & Items………………………. 5
Nuisance Items…………………………………….. 5
Cafeteria Rules…………………………………….. 5
Insubordination……………………………………. 5
Expulsion …………………………………………. 5
Lockers…………………………………………….. 5
Hall Passes…………………………………………. 6
Dress Code………………………………………… 6
Fire Drills………………………………………….. 6
Medication…………………………………………. 6
Personal Valuables………………………………… 6
General Information………………………………. 6
Parent Involvement & Conferences……………….. 6
Guidance Office…………………………………….6
Health Services……………………………………. 6
Library…………………………………………….. 6
Student Council & Organizations…………………. 6
Homework & Make up Work……………………… 7
Lost & Found ……………………………………... 7
Telephones………………………………………… 7
Visitors……………………………………………. 7
Sniffer Dog on Campus……………………………. 7
Rights Concerning Student Records……………… 7
Rights Concerning Directory Information………. 7
Student Rights & Responsibilities………………… 7
Search & Seizure…………………………………… 7
Notification of Rights under FERPA…………….. 8
Non-Discrimination………………………………… 8
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act………………8
August 7-8
August 11-13
August 14
September 1
September 8
September 15
September 16
September 22
October 20
November 10
November 26-28
December 19
December 22-January 2
January 12
January 19
New Teacher Orientation
Professional Days
First Day of Classes
Labor Day-No School
Professional Day-No School
High School P/T Conference
Elementary P/T Conference
Mid-School P/T Conference
Professional Day-No School
Veterans Day-No School
Thanksgiving-No School
High School Semester Ends
Christmas Break
Mid-School P/T Conference
Martin Luther King Birthday
(No School)
January 26
February 9
February 16
February 23
March 11-12
March 22-26
April 9
May 27
Elementary P/T Conference
High School P/T Conference
President’s Day-No School
Professional Day-No School
Snow Days
Spring Break
Good Friday-No School
Last Day of School
(Early Release)
Improvement is continuous, Excellence is expected,
Lifelong learning is valued.
GOAL 1: High Student Achievement – A 5% increase
in the number of students who meet or exceed the state
standards for growth on the scale score and the median
percentile score.
Focus 1: Improve reading across the curriculum.
GOAL 2: Safe and Welcome Learning Environment
Focus 2: Encourage positive behavior.
Focus 3: Expect and support a welcoming learning
Focus 4: Respect all individuals.
GOAL 3: Efficient and Effective Operations
Focus 5: Integrate technology to support District goals.
Focus 6: Manage the resources and facilities of the
District to support District goals.
Focus 7: Ensure high performing workforce.
Focus 8: Integrate continuous improvement.
Randy Manning
Gary Ray
Stanley King
Bernadette Todacheene
Glenn Duncan
Dr. Linda Besett
Jay Mortensen
Dennis Nicholson
Assistant Superintendent
Assistant Superintendent
The mission of Tse Bit’Ai Middle School is success for
all by working together to increase achievement and
strengthen character.
The vision of Tse Bit’Ai Middle School is to provide an
environment that encourages an equitable opportunity for
all students to acquire cross-culturally relevant
conceptual and technological skills for lifelong learning
and citizenship in local and global community settings.
Harry “Sonny” Franklin
Dr. Leo Johnson, Jr.
Marcia Michaelis
Arlene Nez
Val Garner
Patricia Chase
Regina Benally
Charlie Jones
Barbara Walker
Colette Arnold
Joanna Lucas-Klepac
Theresa Melton
Sara Miller
Samantha Bowen
Eva Benally
Edwin Newcomer
Steve Silverberg
Tasha Begay
Fabian Tsosie
Tara Kuehn
Jerald Bidtah
Yvette Bustos
Amy John
Daniel Sandrick
Patrick McGrath
Micheal Neal
Harrison Benally
Keith Smith
Assistant Principal
Guidance Secretary
Attendance Secretary
Financial Secretary
Reading /English
General Math
General Math
Pre-AlgebraAlgebra I
Social Studies
Social Studies
Social Studies
Social Studies
Melodie Hill
Nick Bustos
Joetta Lewis
Shannon Shorty
Richard Study
Lula Begay
Rebecca Werth
Sandra Jones
Travis Thomas
Mark Allen
Joe Rhoades
Scott Schwarting
Sue Gnas
Eva Joe
Louise Johnson
Cecelia Lee
Joey Frankline
Mary Tsosie
Thompson Bruce
Charley Joe
Tony Kinney
Special Education
Special Education
Special Education
Special Education
Special Educaiton
Navajo Language
Home Economics
Arts & Crafts
Industrial Arts/Tech Lab
In-School Suspension
Breakfast Bell
Class Preparation Bell
1st Hour
2nd Hour
3rd Hour
4th Hour
5th Hour
7:30 am
7:50 am
8:00 am – 8:48 am
8:52 am – 9:40 am
9:44 am – 10:32 am
10:36 am – 11:24 am
11:28 am – 12:52 am
11:28 am – 11:58 am
12:04 pm – 12:52 pm
11:28 am – 12:19 pm
12:19 pm – 12:49 pm
(A) Lunch
5th Hour for (A) Lunch students
5th Hour for (B) Lunch students
(B) Lunch
6th Hour
12:56 pm – 1:44 pm
7th Hour
1:48 pm – 2:36 pm
8th Hour (Study Hall)
2:40 pm – 3:15 pm
Three-Thirty Bell
3:30 pm
(note: changes may be made by the administration)
The purpose of the attendance policy is to place the
responsibility of school attendance upon the student and
parents/guardians. Students should attend school
everyday and arrive at school before 8:00am. The tardy
bell rings at 8:00am. Any student arriving later than 8:00
a.m. or was absent should report to the attendance
secretary with a note signed by the parents/guardian
stating the reason(s) for being tardy or absent. Excused
absences will be determined based on CCSD policy.
Students with an excused absence will be permitted to
make up the work missed. For excessive absences,
parents/guardians will be contacted in writing after the
(3rd), (6th), and (10th) absences. Parents/guardians are
required to send a written note to school for all absences.
If a student was absent for more (10) days within a
semester it may result in retention. Unexcused absences
may be not appealed for reconsideration. The following
will be considered excused absences: Illness, medical
leave, AOSS, professional appointments, death in the
immediate family, traditional ceremonies, pre-arranged
absences, and school sponsored activities. Unexcused
absences include but not limited to; suspension, truancy,
ditching, unexcused trades, and no written note from
parents explaining the absences. Students must be in
attendance 78 days per semester. TseBit’Ai operates
under the “CLOSED CAMPUS” policy. Students are not
to leave campus before the regular dismissal time.
The student discipline guidelines are based on Board
policy and will be administered by the administration of
TseBit’ Ai Middle School. The administration reserves
the right to evaluate each situation and access
consequences accordingly. In most cases,
parent/guardian will be notified of the infractions and
005.200 - Student Consequences
005.201.1 - ISS (In School Suspension)
Student is placed in an alternative setting on campus and
is not counted absent.
005.201.2 - OSS (Out of School Suspension)
Student is not permitted to attend school and is counted
as an unexcused absent. While student is out of school,
completion of class work is expected.
005.201.3 -AOSS (Alternate Out Of School
Student continues to attend school in an alternative
setting at Shiprock High School ISS classroom and is not
counted absent.
005.204 – Dangerous Weapons at School
For the purpose of this policy, a “weapon” shall mean
any device instrument, material, or substance, animate or
inanimate that is used for or is readily capable of,
causing death or serious bodily injury. The term
“weapon” shall also include, but not limited to the
following; firearms (muffler, silencer), explosives, guns,
starter guns, dangerous instruments, all knives, lookalike objects.
005.204.5 -Weapons Possession
Long-term suspension/professional counseling
005.204.6 - Weapon Use (includes look alike)
Long-term suspension/professional counseling
005.205 – Truancy (Ditching)
Truancy/ditching is classified as skipping school,
unauthorized absence from class or school campus.
Building administrators can evaluate the level of severity
and set the appropriate consequences. Consequences
may include; law enforcement and parents may be
notified, ISS, OSS, AOSS, long-term suspension, and
005.206 - Property Offenses
Property offenses include theft, criminal damage, arson,
graffiti, and vandalism of public and private property.
Law enforcement and parents may be notified depending
on the severity of the offense. Monetary reimbursement
may be required. Building administrators can evaluate
the level of severity and set the appropriate
consequences. Consequences may include; ISS, OSS,
AOSS, long-term suspension, and counseling.
005.207 – Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Offenses
005.207.3 - Tobacco Possession or Use
Building administrators will evaluate the level of severity
and set appropriate consequences. Consequences may
include; notify parents, ISS, OSS, AOSS, long-term
suspension, and counseling (First Offenders). Monetary
reimbursement may be required.
005.207.4 - Possession or Use of Alcohol, Illegal
Drugs, or Abuse of Controlled or Other Dangerous
Substances by Student.
005.207.5: Possession with Intent to Sell or Distribute
Building administrators will evaluate the level of severity
and set appropriate consequences.
1st offense – Consequences may include; notify parents,
law enforcement may be notified, ISS, AOSS, OSS (1-9
days), counseling (First Offenders), Student Assistance
Team (SAT) referral.
2nd offense - Consequences may include; notify parents,
law enforcement may be notified, long-term suspension,
and professional counseling.
005.208 – Violence
School violence will not be tolerated.
005.208.1 - Harassment/Intimidation (Assault)
005.208.2 - Fighting (Battery)
005.209.3 - Unprovoked attack (Battery)
Building administrators will evaluate the level of severity
and set appropriate consequences. Consequences may
include; law enforcement may be notified, notify parents,
ISS, OSS, AOSS, long-term suspension, and counseling
(Anger Mgmt, Mediation), behavioral contract, social
service referral for uncooperative parents. Monetary
reimbursement may be required.
005.201 Student Sexual Harassment
Student sexual harassment is define as an unwelcome
sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other
verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. All sexual
harassment infractions will be reported to the building
administrator and consequences will adhered to in
accordance with the CCSD and school discipline polices.
005.300 – Special Education Student Discipline
Special education student discipline will be carried out in
compliance with NMAC 6.1.4 included in CCSD Board
Policy Appendix 7.
Closed Campus Policy
Students are to remain on school campus during school
hours. Closed campus policy shall be enforced at all
times per CCSD Board policy.
Checkout Policy
Only the legal guardian on the registration card may
check out student out of school. PARENT PLEASE
2:30 PM. If parents/guardians refuse cooperation at any
time, a referral to social services and/or suspension from
school will be considered until the parents/guardians
decide to cooperate. If no one is home, student will be
transported to the parents/guardians place of work.
Tardy Policy
Building administrators will evaluate the level of severity
and set appropriate consequences
Student Placement Policy
Students may be recommended for retention due to:
 Failure of two (2) or more required classes.
 Lack of readiness for the next grade level.
 Attendance problems.
 Students with attendance problems will be
considered on the basis of their performance.
 Teacher recommendations to the Principal will be
considered as to placement of the students.
 Students will not be retained in the same grade two
(2) consecutive years.
Co-Curricular Participation Policy
Requirements to participate in extracurricular activities:
 Students must meet all eligibility rules outlined by
the New Mexico Activities Association.
 All 7th grade students are eligible to participate.
 Students must have a 2.0 grade point average and
not more than one (1) Failing (F) grade in any
 “Extracurricular activities” is defined as school–
sponsored activities and students will be given the
opportunity to make up the class-work missed.
 Coaches and sponsors are responsible for notifying
all participants of the rules and regulations
pertaining to extracurricular activities.
 A student cannot practice or participate in any
extracurricular activity while on OSS or AOSS.
Administration, coaches and sponsors will determine
consequences for students placed in ISS. Parents are
contacted in all cases of OSS and AOSS. Parents
will be invited to all conferences required in case of
Student Transportation Policy
Students without a proper license will not be permitted to
drive a car or motorcycle on school property at any time.
All students must register their driver’s license with the
Principal if they drive a car or motorcycle to school. All
driving violations will be reported to the police. All
vehicles will remain parked from 8:00 am until end of
school. Students riding bicycles to school will provided
with an area to secure their bicycles. The school is not
responsible for bicycles, motorcycles, or automobiles
that are stolen or damaged. Skateboards or roller skates
are not allowed at school. Students are to stay away
from all vehicles on school property.
Disruptive Conduct and Items
The following students need to abide by while on school
campus. Consequences will be determined by the
building administrator.
 Rubber bands and paper wads will not be tolerated.
 Refusal to cooperate with school personnel. This is
when students refuse to obey the lawful orders of
school personnel.
 Throwing snowballs anywhere on school campus is
 The faculty restrooms are off limits to all students.
 Students shall have full respect for all staff members
at all times. Being disrespectful, defiant, expressing
profanity (verbal or written) and obscenity will not
be tolerated.
 Chewing gum during school is not allowed.
Nuisance Items
Items such as walkman radios, CD players, CDs, laser
pointers, gameboys, cell phones, pagers and other similar
items are considered nuisance items and distracts the
educational process. They will be confiscated. Parents
can have them returned by coming in to get them.
Students can also pick them up on the last day of school.
Cafeteria Rules
Students should conduct themselves as ladies and
gentlemen. Form a quiet orderly line. Students cannot
save places in line for their friends. After eating,
students should clean the area around them then take
their trays to the designated areas for proper disposal.
When students are leaving the cafeteria after lunch they
should exit through the doors designated by the staff on
duty in the cafeteria. During bad weather, students will
remain inside the cafeteria. No food allowed on the
bleachers. Running and horseplay will not be tolerated.
No food is to be taken from the cafeteria.
Building administrators will evaluate the level of severity
and set appropriate consequences.
A student may be expelled from school for a serious
offense. Expulsions will be executed by the board of
Lockers will be provided for each student. Only
combination locks will be allowed. Students will be
asked to leave book bags and large winter coats in their
lockers after they come to school. They will be allowed
to go their lockers in the morning, at lunch, and after
The following locker rules will apply:
 No sharing of lockers.
 Locker numbers and combinations must be
submitted to the office.
 Lockers are to be kept clean at all times.
 Lockers may be searched by the administration
when deemed necessary.
 Students may go to their lockers before school, after
lunch, and after school.
 If a student must go to their locker during class, a
pass from their teacher is required.
Hall Passes
Any student out of class MUST have a hall pass from
their teacher or the office.
005.203 Student Dress Code
A dress code is established to promote discipline,
respect, and responsibility among all students and to
maintain an appropriate school environment conducive
to learning and free of unnecessary distractions and
distractions and disruptive influences. While on campus,
or at any school-sponsored event, students and guests
will not be allowed to wear clothing, tattoos, or
accessories which advertise, display, or promote any
drug (including alcohol and tobacco), sexual innuendo,
violence, weaponry, satanic symbols, profanity, hate, or
bigotry towards any group or is offensive, disrespectful
to other individuals. The responsibility for the proper
attire of all students rests with the parent. Dress code
enforcement rests with the classroom teachers,
administrators and other staff on each campus. The
building administrator may make reasonable exceptions
to accommodate special events days that involve dress.
Any type of hats shall not be worn in the building.
Fire Drills
Directions regarding fire drills are posted in all
classrooms. Exits to be used by each classroom are
posted. Students should quickly and quietly exit the
building. Pushing, shoving, or running will not be
It is against Board policy for medication to be given to
students by anyone other than the school nurse.
Personal Valuables
Students should refrain from bringing large sums of
money or other valuables to school. It is recommended
that students turn monies or valuables into the office, if
brought to school, it will remain in the office until
needed by student.
Parent Involvement and Conferences
Parents/guardians are encouraged to be part of their
child’s education by participating in school activities and
attending all parent conferences. Supporting your
children’s education is key to great success.
The cafeteria serves well-balanced meals for students. If
students do not desire to eat in the cafeteria, they may
bring their own lunch; however, all meals are to be eaten
in the cafeteria. Students’ behavior in the cafeteria
should be courtesy and maintain cleanliness.
Guidance Office
The guidance office at Tse Bit’ Ai Middle School is a
service to assist all students in seeking maximum use of
their abilities, for their own good and for that of society.
The emphasis of this service is on early identification of
the pupil’s intellectual, emotional, social, and physical
characteristics, development of talent, referral to learning
difficulties. If any, and early use of available resources to
meet the pupil’s needs.
Health Services
Tse Bit’ Ai Middle School has a school nurse available
to administer immunizations and perform other health
services as required or needed. The nurse is not
responsible for giving physicals. Students who are sick
cannot come to school and expect the school nurse to
care for them. Sick students will be sent home. The
school nurse will handle emergency cases, such as
injuries that occur at school.
A variety of materials are available for student use from
the library. These include books, magazines, newspapers,
vertical file pamphlets, audio-visual materials, and
computer technology. It should be the goal of every
student to become an independent user of any library.
This library offers students the opportunity to study,
explore, discover, and acquire information as well as to
satisfy personal reading interest. Please observe posted
library rules and regulations for checking out and
returning books and other materials. It is the student’s
responsibility for being orderly in the library and to
return materials to their proper places. The library is
usually open from 8:00 am until3: 00-pm everyday of the
week for student and staff.
Student Council
The Student Council is composed of student officers,
grade representatives, and a faculty sponsor. The
Principal shall appoint the Student Council faculty
sponsor and act as an advisor to the Student Council.
years of age (eligible students) certain rights with respect
to the student’s education records.
Student Clubs/Organizations
Pep Club
Student Council
Art Club
Computer Club FCCLA
History Club
Reading Club
Science Club
(note: other clubs may be added)
The District may disclose directory information if it has
given notion to parents and eligible students of the types
of personally identifiable information that the district has
designated as directory information. CSSD Policy
designates a student’s name, date of birth, participation
in officially recognized activities and sports, and weight
and height of members of athletic teams as directory
information. A parent or eligible student has the right to
refuse to allow the district to designate any or all of the
above types of information as directory information by
notifying the school in writing, within 20 school days of
the receipt of this notice, that he or she does not want any
or all of the above types of information designated as
directory information which may released without parent
or eligible student consent.
Homework & Make Up Assignments
Homework by the students is encouraged when it is
needed to supplement or strengthen regular classwork.
All students profit from a certain amount of systematic
study. This is a part of the student’s grade, and the
student will be held responsible for turning it in. The
parent/guardian is responsible for making sure the
student completes their work. All Make-up work should
be done within one week. Please consult each teacher for
his or her policy.
Rights Concerning Directory Information:
005.102 Student Rights and Responsibilities
(Revised 7/17/01): Statement of Policy
On a random basis sniffer dogs will search vehicles on
campus, hallways, lockers, desks, or similar facilities
under the school’s control are to searched due to dog
alert. All searches will occur under the supervision of
both building administrator and the certified dog handler.
Items found are subject to seizure, in accordance with the
requirements above. Searches are conducted throughout
the school year to ensure school safety.
A primary responsibility of Central Consolidated
School District #22 and their professional staff shall be
to instill in students an appreciation of our representative
form of government, the rights and responsibilities of the
individual, and the legal processes whereby necessary
changes are brought about.
The school is a community and the rules and
regulations of a school are the laws of that community.
All persons enjoying the rights of citizenship are subject
to the laws of their community. Each right carries with it
a corresponding obligation.
The right to attend public school is not absolute. It is
conditional on each student’s acceptance of the
obligation to abide by the lawful rules of the school
community until and unless the rules are changed
through established processes.
Teachers, administrators, and other school employees
also have rights and duties. Teachers are required by law
to maintain a suitable environment for learning in their
classes and to assist in maintaining school order and
discipline. Administrators are responsible for
maintaining and facilitating the educational program by
ensuring an orderly, safe environment in the public
schools. In discharging their duties, all school employees
have the right to be free from intimidation or abuse and
to have their lawful requests and instructions followed by
The schools have both the authority and responsibility
to ensure that suitable rules of student conduct and
appropriate disciplinary processes are established.
Rights Concerning Students Records
005.103 Searches and Seizures
Lost and Found
All lost items should be reported to the office
immediately. Items, which have been found, will be kept
in the office until claimed.
Office telephones are strictly for school business and are
not available for student uses expect in emergency cases.
Students will not be called out of class for telephone
calls nor will collect calls be accepted for students. A pay
phone is available for use by anyone that may need to
use it.
All visitors must register with the office. Students are
requested not to bring friends, relatives, or other students
to visit classes. Parents and other responsible adults are
always welcome and urged to visit our classrooms.
005.103.1 Guidelines for use of Sniffer Dog on
Campus (Revised 07/17/01)
Central Consolidated School District Policy and State
Federal regulations afford parents and students over 18
The Board of Education, in recognition of the
necessity of conducting searches and seizures of
employees and students from time to time in order to
enforce school policies and discipline, adopts the
following policy regarding searches and seizures.
Definition: As used in this policy "contraband" means
any substance, material or object prohibited from school
pursuant to school policy or state or federal law,
including drugs, alcohol, fireworks, or weapons.
The Principal, Assistance Principal, or designee may
conduct a search on a student’s person or school property
assigned to that student. If they have a reasonable cause
to believed that a crime is being or has been committed
or if they have reasonable cause to believe that a search
is necessary in the aid of maintaining school discipline a
search may be conducted. General searches of school
property, including lockers, may be conducted at any
time with or without the presence of the student. Should
the search of the student, or locker, disclose contraband
material whose possession violates the law, school
personnel will consider whether circumstances require
the notification of the Navajo Police Department.
Metal detectors may be used for search purposes if
necessary to detect suspected weapons or other
Notification of Rights under FERPA (Appendix 10)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of
age ("eligible students") certain rights with respect to the
student’s education records:
The Central Consolidated Schools (the District) is
providing you notice of these rights, as outlined below:
The right to inspect and review the student’s
education records within 45 days of the day the
District receives a request for access. Parents or
eligible students should submit to the school
principal [or appropriate school official] a written
request that identifies the record(s) they wish to
inspect. The principal will make arrangements for
access and notify the parent or eligible student of the
time and place where the records may be inspected.
The right to request the amendment of the student’s
education records that the parent or eligible student
believes are inaccurate or misleading. Parents or
eligible students may ask the District to amend a
record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading.
They should write the school principal, clearly
identify the part of the record they want changed,
and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the
District decides not to amend the record as requested
by the parent or eligible student, the District will
notify the parent or eligible student of the decision
and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding
the request of amendment. Additional information
regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to
the parent or eligible student when notified of the
right to a hearing.
The right to consent to disclosures of personally
identifiable information contained in the student’s
education records, except to the extent that FERPA
authorizes disclosure without consent. One
exception which permits disclosure without consent
is disclosure to school officials with legitimate
educational interests. A school official is a person
employed by the District as an administrator,
supervisor, instructor, or support staff member
(including health or medical staff and law
enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the
School Board; a person or company with whom the
District has contracted to perform a special task
(such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or
therapist); or a parent or student serving on an
official committee, such as a disciplinary or
grievance committee, or assisting another school
official in performing his or her tasks. A School
official has a legitimate educational interest if the
official needs to review an education record in order
to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
The District classifies the following as Directory
Information: student’s name, parent’s name, address,
telephone listing, electronic mail address, date and
place of birth, participation in officially recognized
activities and sports, weight and height of members
of athletic teams, dates of attendance, diplomas and
awards received, student’s photograph, and the most
recent previous school attended by the student.
School officials may release this information to any
person without the consent of the parents or the
student. Any parent or eligible student who objects
to the release of any or all of this information
without his consent must notify, in writing, the
principal of the school where the records are kept by
September 15. The objection must state what
information the parent or student does not want to be
classified as director information. If no objection is
received by September 15, information designated
above will be classified as Directory Information
until the beginning of the next school year.
Copies of the complete FERPA Policy adopted by
the District may be obtained from the
Superintendent’s Office or from the Principal’s
Office of each school within the District.
The right to file a complaint with U.S. Department
of Education concerning alleged failures by Central
Consolidated School District to comply with the
requirements of FERPA. The name and address of
the Office that administers FERPA are:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-4605
005.101 Non-Discrimination (Revised 07/17/01)
The Board and District staff will make every effort to
provide equal opportunities for students to participate in
school-sponsored activities and programs.
No discrimination because of race, ethnicity, gender,
disability, age, marital status, nationality, or religious
affiliation may be practiced in providing educational
Gender will not be used as a determinant for
participation in a program except when gender is a valid
Applicable state and federal statutes are to be
followed in providing equal educational opportunity.
Inquiries concerning the application of Title VI, and Title
VII of Civil Rights Act, Section 504 of PL 92-112, may
be referred to the Superintendent or his/her designee.
005.101.1 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
(Adopted 7/17/01)
Central Consolidated School District affirms that no
qualified person shall, solely by reason of his/her
disability, be excluded from the participation in, be
denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination
under any program or activity conducted by the District.
In order to assure compliance with Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act the District has established referral
procedures, parent rights information, and grievance
procedures. The Superintendent has designated the
Director of Special Education as the person responsible
for assuring the District’s compliance with Section 504.
Shiprock Police
Shiprock Hospital
Shiprock CCSD Administration
Kirtland Business Office
Shiprock High School
Princiapal: Larry DeWees
Mesa Elementary School
Principal: Glojean Todacheenie
Eva B. Stokely School
Principal: Phil Kasper
Nizhoni Elementary School
Principal: Mike Zimmerman
Nataani Nez Elementary School
Principal: Roselyn Begay
(505) 368-1350
(505) 368-6001
(505) 368-4984
(505) 368-4963
(505) 368-5161
(505) 368-4529
(505) 368-5109
(505) 368-4565
(505) 368-4687