Course No Longer Eligible Template

State University General Education Requirement (SUNY-GER)
Course No Longer Eligible Template
Once approved, GER courses are not deleted from the database because it serves as an historical
record in addition to a current record of courses actively offered. This applies to most situations,
for example, when courses are no longer offered at a campus.
If the student learning outcomes have changed so that the course no longer meets the category
learning outcomes, the SUNY database will indicate a final date for which GER credit can be
granted and the course status will move from “Approved” to “No longer eligible.”
Electronic submissions are requested. They should be sent in Word format to
Any questions about the suitability of courses that are no longer eligible from the SUNY-GER
will normally be conveyed within 30 days of receipt by the Provost’s Office. Campuses shall
refrain from publicizing deletions from the SUNY-GER before receiving confirmation from the
Provost’s Office. Requests for expedited processing should be made at the time of submission.
May 2010
State University General Education Requirement (SUNY-GER)
Course No Longer Eligible Template
I. Campus.
[Campus name.]
II. Campus Contact Person.
[Name, relevant title, phone & fax, email]
III. Courses No Longer Eligible
[For each course no longer eligible on the campus’ list of SUNY-GER
offerings, fill out requisite information in the table below. Please attach a
rationale demonstrating that course learning outcomes have changed.]
Course (Dept/#/Title)
Effective No Longer
Eligible Date