
Welcome to The Art of Sacred Success
Virtual Training and Healing Group Intensive
90 Days to Find Your Voice, Master Your Message
and Enroll Clients with Confidence
Congratulations on your decision to invest in YOU – your well-being, your personal growth, your life, your
business… your success! Just by making this decision, you have already begun to move forward.
I look forward to supporting you through this exciting 90 day group intensive!
Please review the attached Terms of Services Agreement and sign, date and return as instructed on
Page 3, and fill out and email the attached Questionnaire to support [at]
To prepare for our calls, make sure you turn off the sound to your computer and any phones you’re not
using, have a glass of water nearby, and be in a comfortable location with minimal or hopefully no
distractions. Out of respect for your peers, please do not multi-task during our calls, as the noise level for
everyone can be surprisingly high from just one person typing or doing dishes, for example. Make sure
you have a notepad and pen handy.
I will be in touch with call-in details, dates and times, and your bonus materials will be delivered to you
throughout the program, starting with the Sing Your Self Alive Homestudy Program immediately.
If you are eligible for a Bonus Jumpstart Call, you will receive a link right away to book your appointment
with Brenda. During the program you will also receive links to book your Medicine Song Healing &
Reading session as well as your two one-on-one coaching calls with Brenda.
Many Blessings,
Your Healer and Mentor,
Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman
The Art of Sacred Success Virtual Training and Healing Group Intensive Client Agreement
© 2012 Brenda MacIntyre
The Art of Sacred Success
By signing and dating this document, you agree to the following:
I understand this is a 90 day commitment and there are no cancellations or terminations.
I have either paid in full or I have paid my initial deposit and will make my 3 remaining monthly
payments starting one month from today.
I understand all group calls will be recorded, and may be used for promotional purposes or for sale
later on, with the exception of any of your personal identifying information, which shall be held in
confidence. Your private coaching calls will not be recorded.
SERVICES PROVIDED: The services and products to be provided by the Healer/Coach/Mentor to
the client are spiritual mentoring, business coaching, sound and energy healing, crystal healing,
guided meditations and energy readings, customized as designed jointly with the Client’s participation
and consultation. All healing sessions are recorded for your personal use only. Healing, Coaching
and Mentoring, which are not professional medical advice, therapy, counseling, or medical treatment,
may address specific personal and business projects, or general conditions in the client’s life or
profession. Other services include values clarification, identifying plans of action, asking clarifying
questions and making empowering requests.
CONFIDENTIALITY: The Healer/Coach/.Mentor considers the future plans, business affairs,
personal information, goals and financial information of the Client to be proprietary information. And
therefore the Healer promises that all confidential identifying information provided will be kept strictly
NATURE OF THE RELATIONSHIP: Throughout the working relationship, the Healer will engage the
Client in direct and personal conversations, healing sessions and Personalized Action Plans. The
Client can count on the Healer/Coach/Mentor to be honest and straightforward in asking questions
and making requests. The Client understands that Healing, Coaching and Mentoring are by
permission and hereby grants the Healer/Coach/Mentor permission to work with them in this capacity.
If the Client believes the Healing, Coaching or Mentoring are not working as desired, the Client will
communicate and work with the Healer/Coach/Mentor to obtain the desired results.
THE HEALER/MENTOR HAS A BACKGROUND IN: Professional singing, energy and sound
healing, business coaching, spiritual mentoring, motivational speaking, guided meditations, crystal
healing, energy reading, indigenous spiritual teachings, women’s empowerment, mentoring and
personal growth. The Client is aware that the Healer/Coach/Mentor-Client relationship is in no way to
be construed as psychological counselling, any type of therapy, professional medical advice or
medical treatment. In the event that the Client feels the need for personal counselling, therapy or
medical care, it is the responsibility of the Client to seek a licensed professional.
The Client enters into a Healer/Coach/Mentor-Client relationship with the understanding that he or
she is responsible for creating their own results and hereby releases the Healer/Mentor from any
liability for adverse actions or results experienced by the Client as a result of the healing/mentoring
There are NO REFUNDS for not showing up or doing the work involved. Optimal results can be
expected if you commit yourself to this program and implement what you learn.
Instructions for your Medicine Song Healing & Reading Session follow this agreement.
The Art of Sacred Success Virtual Training and Healing Group Intensive Client Agreement
© 2012 Brenda MacIntyre
Web-based Support:
Quick focused emails may be sent any time. Responses will be sent back to the Client within 3 business
days. To get a response quickly, make your emails clear and brief and put your question at the top of the
You get 2 private coaching calls and 1 Medicine Song Healing & Reading Session with the
Healer/Mentor. These calls must be used up within the term of this group program. You will receive the
appropriate links during the program with which to schedule your appointments with Brenda. You are
required to give at least 48 hours notice by email to cancel a previously booked session. If 48 hours
notice is not given to cancel a private coaching call, you will have one chance to re-schedule. If you need
to re-schedule your Medicine Song Healing & Reading session, you must notify Brenda within 48 hours,
or your session may be carried out anyway.
Once you have paid in full, no further payment requests will be sent to you.
NAME: (please print) _____________________________________________________________
Client Signature
By signing below, I hereby give my permission to Brenda MacIntyre to interact with me publicly and
mention my name on Twitter and FaceBook in relation to this program, and to use any of my posts about
this program as testimonials in Brenda’s promotional materials. I understand that these interactions and
postings will help me build my reputation in my business, and that ONLY POSITIVE feedback or
comments about me or my business will be posted, tagged, commented on or “liked” on FaceBook by
Brenda. I understand that without my permission, Brenda will not publicly acknowledge my participation in
this program. In other words, without my signature below, nobody will know I am coaching with Brenda
unless I tell them.
My FaceBook Profile: ____________________________ My Twitter: _________________________
Client Signature
*Note: To sign and send back by email, print, sign, scan and email as an attached document. Email to
concierge (AT) Or FAX to Program Coordinator Crystal Parrett at
(916) 404-5121.
The Art of Sacred Success Virtual Training and Healing Group Intensive Client Agreement
© 2012 Brenda MacIntyre
Below is information on how to prepare for your distance Medicine Song Healing Sessions, and a little
about how it works.
If for any reason you need to postpone your appointment, please give me at least 48 hours notice by
emailing brenda [at]
*NOTE: During each session, you might feel sensations in your body (goose bumps, pressure, tingles
etc.) and parts of your body might even move all by themselves. This is common and just means your
body is realigning itself and releasing stuck energy and/or bringing in new energy. Also, emotions may
come up and if you can allow them to flow, you will definitely be letting go of some of the stuck energy in
your body or energy field. After a session, you may experience further emotional or physical release and
it is important to drink lots of water and take extra self-care for 1-2 weeks afterward.
IMPORTANT: Please send me a current photo or leave me a voice mail at 1.416.519.7664 before your
FIRST session. It helps me to connect to your energy when I do the session.
Unless we have a scheduled call right before your session, turn off your phone(s). If we have a
call right beforehand, just turn off your phones when our call is over.
Drink at least one glass of water before your session AND have a glass of water near you during
the session (you'll drink it later and it will have picked up healing properties during the session).
You will want to be lying down if at all possible, and if not, at least relaxing.
You can listen to the guided meditation provided, do yoga/moving meditation, or sleep through the
session. Just focus on being open to receive and let go of what is for your highest good. Best way
to get optimal benefits is to be awake and present, in a meditative state with no distractions.
If you like, call on your spirit helpers/angels/guides and/or ancestors to help you.
Relax your breathing and try to keep your focus on just being open, or on your wellness or your
Give yourself at least 60 minutes from the time you drink your water to the end of the session.
Many clients sense the end of the session in their own way and the provided guided meditation
ends when the session is over.
After your session, drink lots of water for the next few days.
 viewing your picture if you've sent one
 recalling your voice if we've spoken
 speaking your name in my intentions and prayers for you
Within 2 business days of your session, you will receive an email from
concierge [at] with your 2 recordings.
The Art of Sacred Success Virtual Training and Healing Group Intensive Client Agreement
© 2012 Brenda MacIntyre
 I have to let you know that I strongly encourage you to have other support systems in place, such
as a therapist, medical doctor, counselor or elder, and that this treatment is not to be considered a
replacement for any other medical treatment you are currently prescribed.
 I can deliver healing energy to you, but it's up to you to allow yourself to receive it.
 Sometimes when energy blocks are opened up, the emotional root of the block is fully released
but sometimes it needs to be released in layers. When a pain or negative emotion comes up for
you, take note of it, and focus on letting go and allowing life force to flow through you.
When it's time for your "appointment," I will smudge with sage (a wild version of the herb used for
cooking) or clear the energy using my medicine rattle. I will have a healing altar set up for you, and
choose the drum that calls me. I will call on my spirit helpers¸ sing a traditional welcome song and say a
prayer of intention for your wellness.
Then I'll bring through (channel) a medicine song for you. I will be recording it as it happens.
When I do this, it's as if Creator/Source is a Radio DJ who plays a song at a radio station. I'm the radio
station that picks up Creator's signal and broadcasts it to you across the 'airwaves'. You are the
To receive my signal (healing energy) you tune in to the station (me) by following the instructions
I have provided above.
Afterward, I work with my hands, water, healing stones and crystals to work with your energy field some
more. This is when I get messages and visions for you - which are recorded separately as your reading.
After this, I close the ceremony with a Traveling Song to thank the ancestors, spirit guides/helpers and
send them on their way.
The mp3s of your song and energy reading are then edited for your convenience (so you don’t
have to listen to long silent spaces where I am doing healing work but not talking). Once your recordings
are ready for you, you will receive an email with instructions and a link. For questions related to your
recordings, please email concierge [at]
I know this is a lot to digest, so if you have any questions regarding the session, you can email me. Note
that my phone will be turned off about 20 minutes prior to our session, to make sure I am not distracted,
unless we have a scheduled call prior to the session.
Your Healer/Coach/Mentor,
Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman
The Art of Sacred Success Virtual Training and Healing Group Intensive Client Agreement
© 2012 Brenda MacIntyre