FEDERALIST PAPERS #10, #51, AND #78 (Use Link on American Government Home Page) FEDERALIST #10 PARAGRAPH 1 What is the key advantage of a “well constructed union”? What has “been the mortal diseases under which popular governments have everywhere perished”? PARAGRAPH 2 What is a faction? What are examples of factions in our country today? PARAGRAPHS 5-6 What are the main points Madison makes about removing the causes of factions? PARAGRAPH 7 What is “the most common and durable source of factions”? PARAGRAPH 11 How will our system of government deal with a misinformed minority faction? What was “the great object to which our inquiries are directed” after realizing how to deal with minority factions? PARAGRAPH 14+ What is Madison comparing in this paragraph? What is the key difference between them? Which of these forms of government best controls the negative effects of factions? How will this form of government control the negative effects of factions? (you will need to read further on to answer this) FEDERALIST #51 PARAGRAPH 1 What is the only way to maintain the separation of powers according to Madison? PARAGRAPH 3 Make note of the entire paragraph especially “Ambition must be made to counteract ambition” and “If men were angels…” PARAGRAPH 4 Which branch of government should be the most powerful and influential according to Madison? How do you prevent this branch from abusing its power? PARAGRAPH 6 How does the American government protect society against the usurpation of power? PARAGRAPH 6-8 What else must society be protected from? How will this be accomplished in the United States? What “is the end of government”? FEDERALIST #78 PARAGRAPH 5 Under what conditions will federal judges hold on to their office? What two reasons are given for a lifetime term of office? PARAGRAPH 6 Why is the judiciary “the least dangerous of the political rights of the Constitution”? PARAGRAPH 8 How does Hamilton define a limited Constitution? What must the judiciary be able to do to preserve this limited Constitution? PARAGRAPH 12 What is described as “the proper and peculiar province of the courts”? PARAGRAPH 13 Does Hamilton want the judiciary superior to the legislature? What does he want superior? PARAGRAPH 21 What other reasons does Hamilton give for a life term for judges?