Photosynthesis Worksheet: Chloroplast & Reactions

Name________________ Date_____________ Period_________
Photosynthesis Worksheet
1. Label the following structures on the chloroplast diagram below: stroma, grana, thylakoid
2. In which structure do the light reactions occur?
3. In which structure do the dark reactions (Calvin Cycle) occur?
4. What high energy molecule is synthesized in photosystem I?
5. Describe how this high energy molecule is made.
6. Where does this high energy molecule go? What is it used for?
7. What high energy molecule is synthesized in photosystem II?
8. Describe how this high energy molecule is made.
9. Where does this high energy molecule go? What is it used for?
10. What is the role of water in photosynthesis? What is it used for?
11. Describe the process of photolysis. Write the chemical equation for photolysis.
12. Explain the importance of photolysis. What is the major product of use to the plant.
13. What is carbon fixation? Where does this occur?
14. How does carbon dioxide get into the leaf and into the chloroplast? What are the pores that
allow gases in and out of the leaf called?
14. Explain the role of RuBP in the Calvin cycle.
15. What product does the Calvin cycle require ATP and NADPH2 to make?
16. What is the final product of the Calvin cycle when 2 molecules (from #15) are joined together?