1. Where does electromagnetic energy come from?

7.1 READ p. 108
Fill in the correct term: producers, autotroph, photoautotroph, of heterotroph
_____________________-organisms that make their own food
_____________________-organisms the supply the food to the biosphere
_____________________-organisms that consume other plants or animals
7.2 READ p. 109
1. What organelle is in green plants that contain chlorophyll?_________________________
2. What is the green interior of a leaf called that contains the chlorophyll?_______________________
3. CO2 enters and O2 exits the leaf through the openings called:____________________________
4. How does the sugar made in the leaves get to the roots?______________________
5. Is the chloroplast a double-membraned organelle?_______
6. What is the thick fluid in the center of the chloroplast called?__________
7. The __________________________stacks are called grana. What pigment is found here?__________
7.3-7.4 READ pp.110-111
1. Write the equation for photosynthesis: (also see #3)
2. Using isotopes of the atoms in the equation and looking at Fig. 7.3B where does the oxygen come
from that is given off in photosynthesis?_____________________________ Where does the oxygen
come from that goes to the glucose molecule?_________________
3. In the equation you wrote (#1) show with arrows what carbon dioxide is being reduced to and what
water is being oxidized to:
Is photosynthesis an endergonic or exergonic reaction?
Honors Biology Chapter 7 Study Guide p.2
7.5 READ p. 110 OVERVIEW
1. In the light reactions ______________energy is converted to _________________energy and
releases what gas________________.
2. Where does the light reaction occur in the chloroplast?______________________________________
3. What is the name of the electron acceptor in the chloroplast?________________________________
4. The sugar-producing phase of photosynthesis occurs in the __________________________ of the
5. The Calvin_____________occurs in the ________________of the chloroplast.
6. Where does the carbon come from that is used to make the glucose?_________________________
7. Using carbon (from unusable carbon dioxide) into a more usable form is called carbon____________.
8. What two high-energy molecules are made in the light reaction that runs the Calvin cycle?_________
and ___________________.
9. Fill in the diagram with the following words: ATP
Thylakoids H20
Calvin Cycle
light reaction stroma
7.6 READ p. 112
1. Where does electromagnetic energy come from?_______
2. Define light wavelength:
3. Define light photon:
7. What does it mean that carotenoids
provide photoprotection?
4. Chlorophyll a absorbs what colors the most?
5. Chlorophyll b absorbs what colors the most?
8. Answer the question at the bottom of p. 112
about phytochemicals:
6. What colors are the carotenoids?______________________
Honors Biology Chapter 7 Study Guide p. 3
7.7 READ p. 113
1. What happens to a pigment electron when a photon of light hits it?
2. This means the electron has been raised from a __________________state to an
____________________________ state. What happens when this unstable excited state falls back
4. The electrons in a chlorophyll molecule are passed along in an organized pigment series called the
5. What is the purpose of the reaction-center complex and the primary electron acceptor in the
6. Which pigment and which wavelength is absorbed in Photosystem I?___________________________
Which pigment and which wavelength is absorbed in Photosystem II? __________________________
7.8 -7.9 READ p. 114-115
1. What absorbs a photon of light?__________________ Which photosystem has accepts a wavelength
of 680 nm?__________________
2. This excited electron is passed to the ________________ __________________ ________________.
3. One of the e- from split water plus an electron from the excited e- forms __________+ _________.
5. The photoexcited e- enters the ____________________ ___________________ ________________
in the thylakoid membrane. The exergonic “fall” of e- in the ETC causes _______ions pump across the
inner membrane.
6. Light energy excites which photosystem of 700 nm?___________. The excited electrons are passed
to a shorter ETC to convert NADP+ to ________________.
7. FOR SUMMARY: What three products are formed as a result of the Light Reaction (one electron
carrier, one high energy molecule, and one gas):
8. Remember chemiosmosis in the mitochondrion. It is here in the chloroplast. The energy to drive the
proton gradient comes from what ion?_____________ As they flow through what enzyme
________________________________what high-energy molecule forms?________________
9. What is this process called when a phosphate is added to ADP in the presence of light?
10. Contrast how the sources of the H+ are different from oxidative phosphorylation (in the
mitochondrion) with the photophosphorylation (in the chloroplast):
11. What is the final electron acceptor in oxidative phosphorylation ____________in
Honors Biology Study Guide Chapter 7 p. 4
7.10 READ p. 116
1. What is the “sugar factory” of photosynthesis called?________________________
2. Look at Fig. 7.10 A What are the three inputs into the Calvin Cycle: _____________________,
________________________, ___________________________. Where do each of these come from?
3. What is the name of the enzyme that carbon fixes the CO2? ________________________ This is
thought to be the most abundant protein on earth.)
4. This enzyme combines with what 5-C molecule_______________________________. (this molecule
will be recycled)
6. After being phosphorylated, what 3-C molecule forms _________________ Where have you seen this
molecule before?
7. How many CO2 are “fixed” to make one G3P?________
8. SUMMARY QUESTION (bottom of p. 116) TO synthesize one glucose molecule, the Calvin cycle uses
_________CO2 _____________ATP, and
_______NADPH. Why are so many molecules needed
to make glucose?
7.11 OMIT
7.12 READ p. 118
1.What percent of the carbohydrate made by photosynthesis is used for cellular respiration in the
mitochondrion of plants?___________ What else are the sugars used for?
2. Explain: No process is more important than photosynthesis to the welfare of life on earth:
7.13 READ p. 119
1. In the greenhouse effect the __________layer filters out most damaging ultraviolet light. What are
some of the greenhouse gases that absorb heat radiation? What are some of the adverse effects of
global warming?