Study Guide Questions for Module 508


Study Guide Questions for Environment and Ecology

Day 1

1. The study of living things and how they interact with their environment is called ____________________________________.

2. Environmentalists _______________________________________________________________.

3. Animals, plants, and humans are all ______________________________________________________.

4. Like all living things, plants need _______________________________________________________ to grow.

5. We use _________________________________________________ to make our lives easier and more comfortable.

6. The flow of water is used to generate ______________________________________________________.

7. Resources like coal and oil are _____________________________________________________________.

8. Fossil fuels are ________________________________________________________________________.

9. PPM stands for ________________________________________________________________________.

Day 2

1. The hydrologic cycle helps to _____________________________________________________________ water

2. The hydroponic process is _______________________________________________________________________________.

3. The hole in the ozone layer is getting bigger due to ____________________________________________________________.

4. Someone needs to constantly check the __________________levels in the water we drink to make sure that it is safe.

Day 3

1. The pH of normal rainfall is ________________________________________________________________.

2. Acid rain has a pH under _______________________________________________________________________.

3. In the average American city, __________________________________of the water supply is wasted through leaks in pipes.

4. Water that is too acidic can cause ______________________________________________________.

5. The main cause of acid rain is _______________________________________________________________.

6. Normally, dry air is mostly made up of _______________________________________________________.

7. A significant cause of global warming is ________________________________________________________.

Day 4

1. The best method of eliminating trash is to _______________________________________________________________.

2. A waste management process in which organic wastes decay and produce a fertile soil is called ___________________.

3. It takes about _____________________________________________ years for a plastic 6-pack holder to break down.

4. _______________________________________________________________will take the longest to decompose.

5. Materials that will easily break down in the soil are called ___________________________________________.

6. Most waste generated in a city goes to __________________________________________________________.

Day 5

1. EPA is the abbreviation for ____________________________________________________________________.

2. The EPA was created in 1970 for __________________________________________________________.

3. Reducing extra packaging and making packaging that lasts longer is known as __________________________________.

4. An incinerator ______________________________________________________________________________.

5. A landfill produces _______________________________________, which can be harmful to the environment.

6. The cycle in which water from the ocean passes through the atmosphere, to the land, and back to the ocean is called the _________.

7. _____________________________________________ is a measure of how acidic or basic something is.

Day 6

1. The three R’s of waste reduction stand for ___________________________________________________.

2. Polystyrene packaging material is _____________________; cornstarch packaging material is ___________________.

3. Out of $11 you pay for a product, _________________________________________ is for packaging.

4. Using recycled aluminum saves _______________________ of the energy needed to manufacture aluminum cans.

5. Aluminum cans have become more environmentally friendly in the last 15 years by ___________________________.

Day 8

1. Biomass is fuel that comes from______________________.

2. The Earth produces enough biomass to meet the world’s energy needs ___________times over.

3. Fossil fuels are ___________________________________.

Day 9

1. Hybrid cars use _______________________________________________________________ for energy.

2. Fuel cell cars use hydrogen fuel and ________________________________ to create a chemical reaction.

3. Solar energy cars use __________________________________________________ to collect the Sun’s energy.

4. The exhaust from a fuel cell car is _______________________________________________________.

4. Electric cars can ______________________________________________before the batteries have to be recharged.
