
Botany Fall 08 – Study Sheet Lecture Final (Hybrid)
Cellular Respiration - Chapter 9 – Respiration (1 SLIDE SHOW)
Organelle involved in cellular respiration; The main point of respiration; Cellular Respiration Equation; Definition of
cellular respiration; the 3 stages.
Photosynthesis - Chapter 10 – Photosynthesis (2 SLIDE SHOWS)
Who does photosynthesis activities? Autotrophs; Producers; Overall point of photosynthesis; Photosynthesis Equation;
Where does the input atoms end up; Chloroplasts diagram (chlorophyll, thylakoid, stroma, grana, mesophyll); 2 main
stages and table associated with these; pigments involved with light reaction. Water is split and gives off what? 
What does this: Electromagnetic Spectrum, photon, absorbed and reflected light
Light reaction and specifics (Inputs and Outputs, Light harvesting complex, Photosystems I and II, ATP and NADPH
synthesis, Electron transport chain, photophosphorylation). How are the 2 main stages related and how do they fit into
the overall equation. Calvin Cycle and Specifics (Inputs and outputs, What is another name for the Calvin Cycle?); C3
Pathway; Compensation Point; Photorespiration; C4 plants; C4 Pathway; C4 Plant Structure; C3 Vs. C4 Plants; CAM
Plants; Cam Pathway; Plant Productivity; Factors affecting productivity – temp, light, CO2, Water, Mineral nutrients
(Primary, Secondary, Micronutrients); Important Nutrient Facts.
Fungi - Chapter 20 – Kingdom Fungi (1 SLIDE SHOW)
Domain Eukarya, Mycology, Fungal Examples; Fungal Facts (2 Slides Worth); Fungal Body Structure (Thallus,
Mycelium, Hyphae, Mushroom); Lichen; Fungi Classification; Which 2 phyla include 95% of all named fungi?
The Protists Chapter 21 – The Protists (1 SLIDE SHOW)
Domain Eukarya; Kingdom Protista Characteristics; General Cladogram; General Protista groups and triats; Algae
and Algal Traits; Euglenoids; Alveolates; Heterokonts; Protista and Humans; Protista Reproduction; First Eukaryotes
to arise; What are we calling the land plants? How are green and red algae classified?
Bryophytes: Mosses and Relatives - Chapter 22 – Bryophytes (1 SLIDE SHOW)
Byrophytes; Bryology; Bryophyte Facts; Bryophyte Divisions (Cladogram) and members in those divisions;
gametophyte dominates the life cycle; gametangia, archegonium; antheridium; general bryophyte life cycle; Know
Taxonomy from Domain down to Division; Bryophyte Ecology and Human Use
The Early Tracheophytes: Ferns and Relatives - Chapter 23 – The Early Tracheophytes (1 SLIDE SHOW)
Tracheophyte characteristics; early vs. late tracheophytes; cladogram of early tracheophytes; early tracheophyte traits;
Early tracheophyte divisions and members; Know Taxonomy from Domain down to Division; true fern structure; fern
reproduction and reproductive parts; generalized true fern life cycle; true fern reproduction; blue box on page 422.
Gymnosperms - Chapter 24 – Gymnosperms (1 SLIDE SHOW)
What are the seed plants? Gymnosperm facts; cladogram of gymnosperms; gymnosperm evolution; Gymnosperms
Divisions and members of those divisions; Know Taxonomy from Domain down to Division; gymnosperm
reproduction; life cycle of pine; ecological and economic importance of gymnosperms.
Angiosperms - Chapter 25 – Angiosperms (1 SLIDE SHOW)
Angiosperm characterisitics; Know Taxonomy from Domain down to class: angiosperm cladogram; what traits do
angiosperms have that gymnosperms do not… what do they both have in common: basal angiosperms; magnoliids:
monocots; eudicots; asteracease most members in family; monocots vs. dicots.
Plant Ecology: Plant Populations, Communities & Ecosystems - Chapters 26 & 27 – (2 SLIDE SHOWS)
Plant Ecology, Environment; biotic vs. abiotic elements; Plant Population; Plant Community; Ecosystem; Ecosystem
Examples; Plant Distribution; Life History; Annuals, Biennials, Perennials (Herbaceous and all Woody Types);
Iteroparous vs. Semelparous Reproduction; Plant Demography, Simulated Energy Budget of a Leaf; Fire’s role,
Competition; Amensalism; Herbivory; Mutualism; Commensal; freshwater ecosystems; Biome; what biome is
Kentucky in? Ecological Succession; Climax Ecosystem; Primary vs. Secondary Succession; Introduced Species vs.
Native Species; Invasive; Conservation Biology; Ecosystem Restoration.
General Classification of Plants
Kingdom Plantae
Division Bryophyta - Mosses
Division Anthocerotophyta - Hornworts
These are the Bryophyte Divisions.
The Nonvascular Plants
Division Marchantiophyta - Liverworts
Division Lycophyta (Lycopodiophyta) – Club Mosses
The Early Tracheophytes
(Seedless Vascular Plants:
Spore Producing)
Division Psilophyta - Whisk Ferns
Division Ophioglossophyta - Ophioglossalean Ferns
Division Sphenophyta (Equisetophyta) – Horsetails
Division Pterophyta (Pteridophyta) – True Ferns
Division Coniferophyta – the Conifers
Division Gnetophyta - Gnetum, Welwitchsia, Ephedra
(Naked Seeds)
Division Ginkgophyta – Ginkgo biloba
Division Cycadophyta – the Cycads
Seed Plants
Division Magnoliophyta (Anthophyta) - Angiosperms (Covered Seeds)
Class Magnoliopsida – Dicots (Peanuts, Beans, Maple)
Class Liliopsida – Monocots (Banana, iris, grass )
(Vascular Plants)
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