SAY: Welcome Welcome to SpeakEasy! SpeakEasy is a revolutionary computer-based sales simulation tool designed to build effective sales habits based on your organizations brand messages and proven talking points. Effective skill development is a deliberate practice process of moving through critical phases of skill building. Put simply, when learning a skill you must crawl before you walk, walk before you run and run before you sprint. SAY: Before we get started with the demonstration I would like to share a few thoughts. Tutorials While you are running SpeakEasy for the first time, three tutorials will guide you. If you miss the tutorials or want to review them at any time you can find them in the help menu If you are struggling with SpeakEasy we recommend that you watch the 'Study/Practice’ and Perform/Personalize tutorials again. If you are struggling with SpeakEasy we recommend that you watch the 'Study/Practice’ and Perform/Personalize tutorials again. DO: Pass Speakeasy demo to co-facilitator SAY: (as facilitator demonstrates) The Dashboard is the first screen you will see when you start SpeakEasy. It contains: (a) A running total of how many hours: minutes you have spoken while practicing and performing SpeakEasy role-plays. (b) A link that will take you to your online dashboard. The online dashboard provides you with more complete information on your use of SpeakEasy including a log of your practice sessions and recordings from your sessions. (b) A grid that displays the number of minutes you have practiced each week during the preceding 12 weeks. (c) The 'How you Rank' section shows you how you rank in terms of practice time in your company, region, and team. (d) Two leader boards show the reps that are practicing the most in your company and your team. SpeakEasy only succeeds if your organization develops a 'Culture of Practice'. A 'Culture of Practice' occurs when practice becomes a regular and ongoing part of your professional development. To this end we recommend you practice in SpeakEasy for at least 20 minutes/week. Each week you and your manager will receive an e-mail update on your progress. SAY: Let’s take a look at the Role Play window next… The Role-Play window contains a List of all the role-plays assigned to you. This list may change as more role-plays are assigned. Each link represents a role-play. To the right of the link you will see information on your attempt count, total time and days since your last attempt. Click the first role-play link to begin. SpeakEasy has four role-play modes. The first three Study, Practice and Perform are designed for new associates or experienced associates learning a new message. These three “Learning Modes” are highly scripted and are similar to training wheels. They are to be used as a means to an end. That end is role-play practice in a outlined not a scripted process. As experienced associates you are not likely to use the learning or training wheel modes. However, we will briefly demonstrate the modes in case you have occasions where you need more help in learning a message. 1. In the Study mode (the crawling phase), you will be presented with a partial list of talking points. In this mode, you will read the customer statements and practice the appropriate responses by verbally repeating the highlighted key phrases of each talking point into the microphone of your headset. Speech recognition will be listening for you to say the key phrase (shown in gold text) for each of the talking points. This key phrase is what you are working to commit to memory. Supporting text surrounding the key phrase helps provides context to the a. phrase but it is not critical to commit to memory. b. Isolate the statement of the key-phrase. Make a short pause before you speak each key-phrase. c. When speech recognition hears you say a key phrase, it will check it off and you will hear a chime. d. Make sure to pause between talking points. Don’t move on to another talking point until you have completed the one you are on. Once the key phrase of the talking point is recognized, SpeakEasy will highlight the next talking point. You will continue this process until all of key phrases of the talking point are recognized. You can always use the “Give Me Credit” if speech recognition doesn’t hear you say the talking point. Practice -- In Practice mode (the walking phase), you will demonstrate your ability to verbalize the talking points. Perform – In Perform mode, (the running phase) you will attempt to deliver the entire message at full speed. Speech recognition is no longer used. When you are finished you will self-score your response placing a check by each key phrase that you recalled. . SpeakEasy does not score you in Perform mode. Repeat Perform mode as many times as needed to commit the key phrases to your memory. Personalize - In Study, Practice and Perform modes you worked to commit talking point key-phrases to your memory. Practicing in Perform mode helps you to master keyphrases but it may result in 'scripted speech' Personalize mode, is the sprinting phase where the talking points are replaced with a strategic outline and the you practice delivering the message and scoring yourself on your ability to naturally deliver an accurate message. Personalize mode is where you make the message your own. Personalize also allows you to prepare for actual customer situations by customizing your conversation on the fly to an actual customer while using the outline provided in Personalize to score your performance. SAY: Before we break for some practice… Tips for Success If you find occasion to use the learning modes (Study, Practice, Perform) Your goal is not to memorize each talking point word-for-word. Instead your goal is to commit each of the key phrases within the talking point to your long-term unconscious memory It may be frustrating when speech recognition fails to hear what you’ve said (even when you are correct). However, the processes of restating the correct key phrase or arguing in your mind that you got it correct actually helps you remember the key phrase. Use the learning modes one time only. The learning modes are designed like training wheels. You use them so you can learn the basics but you take them off as soon as possible. When you return to a role-play at a later time focus only on Personalize mode. Experienced Associates Use Personalize to polish and practice an authentic message. Customers do not want to hear a script. YOU control Personalize mode. You’re only requirement is to follow the outline. The words you choose should be your own. Personalize can be used to prepare for actual calls. Replace the customer information and details provided in the role-play with actual customer information. With Personalize you are practicing proven patterns for handling customer situations. The outline or message points are your road-map to success. DO: Release associates to practice (15 min)