SAMPLE Letter to Local School Board Members Personalize this

SAMPLE Letter to Local School Board Members
Personalize this letter and send it to your school board members to encourage them to
invest in arts education as part of the planning process for the Local Control Funding
Formula (LCFF)
Dear [Name] School Board Members,
[Personalize intro - I am parent / teacher / community member / ]
I am writing because, like you, I want to see the students in our schools succeed and
I’ve seen first hand the powerful impact arts education can have on students’ academic
After years of budget cuts and a focus on test-taking, the Local Control Funding
Formula gives us an opportunity to invest in programs that can help all our student
succeed. A broad body of research has established the ways in which arts education
addresses many of the priorities of LCFF:
Student & Parent Engagement: Research shows that students with access to arts
education have higher attendance rated and lower drop out rates. The arts also engage
the parents and families of students who are involved in performances and exhibitions.
School Climate: A classroom rich in project-based learning that integrates the arts has
shown to not only electrify school engagement but to dramatically decrease behavior
issues and keep kids coming to school.
Student Achievement & Pupil Outcomes: Students of all backgrounds and cultures
are more likely to achieve higher GPA and test scores, graduate from high school and
attend college when they have access to the arts.
The arts also develop valuable skills like creativity, problem-solving and critical thinking
that can help our students to succeed in today’s job market. In a recent study by IBM,
CEOs ranked creativity as the most important leadership quality they were looking for in
Broad Course of Study: The arts are part of a broad course of study prescribed by our
State Education Code – an indication that they have long been a valued part of a quality
education in California schools.
Common Core Standards: Professional development for arts teachers to align with
Common Core is being rolled out right now across the state. The arts can assist
teachers in working smarter instead of making it harder to transition to Common Core.
Arts Empower has tools available for arts integration strategies that will enhance the
mission of Common Core and should be included in the advancement of the Common
Core mission.
Credentialed Teachers: Credentialed art teachers enrich standards-based learning in
I would just add footnotes to each of the specifics.
I request that the board consider increased funding to improve the district’s arts
education programs.. Specifically, I would propose:
1. Develop a strategic visual and performing arts plan for the district using Arts
Empower resources.
2. Provide professional development for teachers on arts integration strategies
across the curriculum.
3. Restore the elementary music program to original levels including the 4th grade
Introduction to Instruments program.
I am available to assist district administration to evaluate what makes the most sense as
a first step. Thank you for your time, service and consideration.
[Personalize closing]