bridgend gannochy and kinnoull community council perth

Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 17th June 2010 in Gannochy Community Hall at 7.30pm
Present: Brian Raine (Chairman), Deirdre Beaton (Vice-Chairman), Colin Styles
(Treasurer), Margaret Cairns (Secretary), Graham Fleming, Dave Beattie and eight
members of the public.
Apologies: Andrew Douglas, Constable Fiona Wilson, Councillor Archie McLellan,
Councillor Heather Stewart, Councillor Jack Coburn and Councillor Peter Barrett
1. Welcome: Chairman Brian Raine welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Minutes of Meeting and Matters Arising: The secretary had been in touch with PKC
regarding gulley cleaning and hedge trimming. The gulley cleaning was passed to
the department dealing with this and the hedges would be looked at but it is their
policy not to trim hedges until after the nesting season.
3. Constable’s Report: Constable Fiona Wilson did not attend and there was no report
for the meeting. However a subsequent report is as follows:
(Incidents since 15/04/2010 – last BGK CC meeting)
Vandalisms – 5 reported – 2 cars damaged in Potterhill area, 1 car damaged in car
park at MRH, 1 car damaged car park Rodney Pavilion, all currently undetected.
1 window broken Dundee Road – detected crime. Two break-ins at Murray Royal
Hospital – one to the Walled Garden project and one to a derelict building within the
grounds – still live enquiries ongoing.
Youth Causing Annoyance – 11 calls received in total across the area, (Annat Road,
Gladstone Court, Gannochy Road, Muirhall Road, Murray Royal Hospital, Norrie
Miller Walk, Dundee Road, Perth Bridge and Queens Bridge), a rise which is always
anticipated when the lighter nights are here, with exam leave for some secondary
pupils and school holidays approaching. In most cases, some youths were traced
and spoken to.
Regular proactive checks carried out in grounds of MRH, Millennium Park,
Quarrymill, Norrie Miller Walk and Gannochy area for youths, particularly on Friday
and Saturday nights. As part of a regular patrol strategy, separate groups of
teenagers traced on several different occasions at Norrie Miller Walk and Quarrymill,
and alcohol confiscated. Some youths have been returned home to their parents as
a result. Also regular foot patrols in area of the Potterhill Park following a request
from a local councillor for extra attention – no problems encountered, and no
complaints from the public re any issues there – only local youths traced and not
apparently causing any trouble.
Pavement parking issue - had two complaints since the last meeting with continued
regular patrols carried out and any vehicles traced pavement parking in the Kinnoull
area moved at police request with no issues. Dundee Road parking has had no
further complaints and no complaints re parking Pitcullen/Muirhall area since last
meeting. I will continue to give this issue attention and monitor the areas affected.
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Members of the public should be vigilant at this time of year for suspicious persons,
particularly any who may fall into the category of bogus workmen and to report
anything at the time – police would rather attend and check (genuine tradesmen will
have no problem in having their credentials confirmed) than get a call to find
someone has been left out of pocket. Please also be aware of your household
security now that the warmer weather is upon us (finally) and windows/doors being
left open – don’t leave any opportunities for passing criminals. Any suspicious
activity or prowlers should be reported to police AT THE TIME to allow us the
opportunity to trace the person and deal with the matter.
PC Wilson has now completed her cycle patrol officer’s course so you will see her
out and about on two wheels in your community.
To get in touch with Community Police, please call 0300 111 2222 or Email
4. Positive Packaging: Brian Raine reported that the person involved had left PKC
and we were awaiting a new date from PKC when this can be put back on the
5. Shore Road - update: Dave Beattie gave the following report:
CC elevated our complaint against SEPA to the next level. Mike Curtis, SEPA’s
North Scotland Process Engineering Mgr is managing this stage.
CC members met with Mr Curtis on 4th June where we reiterated our complaint that
SEPA had failed to recognise its responsibilities and comment on the Shore Rd site
size, location and suitability.
SEPA responded accepting the validity of the complaint. They accepted that they
should have commented on the size and suitability of the site when first requested by
They agreed to investigate the difference between the very cautious position SEPA
adopted at the Determination Meeting and what was stated in the Nov 12th letter.
They confirmed that their position was still that stated in the Nov letter where they
opposed the Shore Rd Development.
SEPA also agreed that they hadn’t adequately commented on the Air Dispersion
Model and also that they would follow up on concerns with odours and the proximity
of the proposed development to Perth Prison.
SEPA’s new, documented position considerably undermines Grundon’s Appeal.
The Reporter appointed to hear the appeal has requested further written
submissions. He has made this request of BG&KCC, PKC, SEPA and Grundon.
He asked for more information on the following:
1) Views on need for the facility
2) Views on the availability of other sites
3) Views on odours, noise and the appropriateness of buffer between site and
sensitive receptors.
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4) Adequacy of the site size compared to the scale of the development, including
capacity to accommodate efficient heat and power generation.
5) Views of Scotland Zero Waste Plans.
The CC will respond on all these aspects
It was felt that we needed to keep this to the forefront and that we should get the PA
to do a piece updating the public.
6. Murray Royal update: Graham Fleming reported:
Development work for the new Murray Royal Hospital facility has started. More
breaches of site security by local youths have been reported to the developer and
contact information to report any issues to the developer is posted on the Community
Council notice boards. As we are now in the construction rather than design phase,
the frequency of engagement meetings with NHS Tayside will be reduced. With
regard to the Community Council's long-held concerns about the poor road
infrastructure supporting the new hospital facilities, we still await any response to
our suggestions from Perth & Kinross Council Planning Department and have
reminded them that a reply is outstanding.
NHS Tayside has delayed until the end of June 2010 the proceedings of the working
group set up to identify potential uses for the Murray Royal Hospital “surplus”
buildings and land while the Board considers its role regarding a proposed disposal
of these assets. A draft proposal, recommending the formation of a project team to
investigate the viability of creating a Development Trust to purchase the surplus land
and buildings in March 2012, will go before the NHS Tayside Board in August 2010.
The next meeting of the team set up to implement NHS Tayside's travel plan for
Murray Royal Hospital is convened for 18 June 2010. The team includes
representatives from NHS, the Community Council, Perth & Kinross Council and
Tactran. The agenda will address how to generate and evaluate ideas to meet the
target for significantly reducing the use of cars by staff travelling to and from the
A member of the public who owns a business at Back Wynd reported that
construction traffic is using this road during the day. There are signs up for them to
use Gannochy Road but these are too small and some are hidden by overgrown
hedges. This traffic is causing chaos as some of the Lorries have difficulty turning
onto Lochie Brae and the road is very narrow which is causing alarm to pedestrians.
A telegraph pole was erected on the pavement at Muirhall Road on behalf of NHS
but no notice was given by B.T. to the neighbours. Pay parking at Bridgend is not
being used regularly and costs of keeping this are ridiculous. Hedges around that
area need pruned but PKC say that this work is not scheduled to be done this year.
People are now parking at Potterhill to avoid parking charges. Colin Styles wanted
to know how NHS was going to cope with parking at handover time when there will
be double the amount of staff cars. At peak times – morning shift and afternoon shift
– there will be 74 more staff than amount of spaces available.
7. Development Trust: Following our talk from Alan Caldwell at the last meeting, the
Community Council are planning to hold an open meeting at the end of September.
Support at this meeting will be an indication for going ahead. Graham Fleming
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noted that with the surplus land at Murray Royal and regeneration needed for
Bridgend, this would be an ideal opportunity for a Development Trust in our area.
8. Planning: Dave Beattie reported:
1) Fernhill - PKC has refused planning permission for this development. An appeal
from Edinmore is expected. Should an appeal arise the CC will be keeping an eye on
the fate of the field set aside as green land, as well as the legal environment for
ensuring that only 4 houses will ever be developed on the site.
2) Turbines and Monopoles - After writing to PKC expressing a wish to set up a
working group to consider the planning aspects of these, we received a letter from
Roland Bean. On monopoles there were bland words which said the monopoles
were needed for progress and benefits to industry and commerce and that PKC will
exercise their due care in ensuring that they are placed sensitively.
On turbines PKC drew our attention to new legislation which they claimed said that
turbines could only be installed at a minimum distance of 100m from a neighbour
and that, should the proposed turbine meet the legislation requirements, planning
permission would not be required. Along with their letter, they sent a copy of the
legislation which actually didn’t say any of the words they claimed. I pointed out to
them that there was a conflict. They agreed that they didn’t understand the
legislation and hoped that it would be clarified.
9. PKC Councillors Report: There were no reports in the absence of the Councillors.
However a member of the public is seeking help regarding an ongoing issue at
Potterhill Flats. PKC have been housing young people in the area who have been
causing disruption, the police have been called on several occasions for various
reasons and the residents now want something to be done to stop all the disruption
to normal life. The Community Council agreed to take this matter up with the local
Councillors and the Constable.
10. Treasurer’s Report: Since February various payments have been made to Simple
Webhosting (£11.74), AGM Catering (£13.59), Gratuity to Auditor (£9.98), and Perth
News for leaflet distribution (£25.00), Alan Caldwell Assoc. for travel expenses
(£21.60) and Perth Civic Trust (£15.00). We received bank interest of £5.02 and
PKC Grant of £604.42.
Balance of account is £5633.69 which is made up of Millennium Park £3912.98 and
Community Council £1720.71
11. Kinnoull School: Following an invitation to the World Café Event at the school,
Deirdre Beaton reported on the following: Kinnoull is the most over-capacitated
school in Perthshire; they have to go off-site for P.E., have no Library or Computer
Suite. The school is 2nd on the list for upgrading after Abernethy. They have been
told it will be 30 years before it will be possible for a new school to be built. PKC
have taken views on board and will get back to the school with a response. It was
noted that any upgrade may result in them going further down the list and not having
a new school built. Colin Styles stated that the surplus ground at Murray Royal may
be suitable and a letter went to parents some time ago regarding this to which they
were supportive.
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12. AOCB:
Residents in Isla Road were wondering what was happening at Bell Park as it was
boarded up; apparently the park is being upgraded. Another member of the public
asked what was going to happen at Hillside Hospital and if Walnut Grove Park &
Ride will be going ahead. If Walnut Grove does not go ahead then the Hillside
Hospital area could have a Park & Ride for Murray Hospital staff and visitors.
Date of next meeting: The next meeting will be held on 16th September 2010
in Gannochy Hall at 7.30pm.
Further meetings will be held on:
18th November 2010 and 17th February 2011.
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