Present: Linda Dunion, NHS Tayside (Chair) Fiona Robertson, Head

Community Empowerment Working Group (CEWG) Meeting
Sandeman Room, A K Bell Library
20 May 2015 at 3.00 pm
Linda Dunion, NHS Tayside (Chair)
Fiona Robertson, Head of Cultural & Community Services, PKC (FR)
David Stokoe, Service Manager, Communities, PKC (DS)
Councillor Archie MacLellan (AM)
Councillor Dave Cuthbert (DC)
Councillor Peter Barrett (PB)
Inspector Nicola Russell, Police Scotland (MW)
Pamela Rennie, PKC, Community Planning Team Leader (PR)
Chris Sweeney, PKC, Community Planning Policy Research Assistant
Paul Davison, PKC, Corporate Research and Information Manager
Mohammed Afzal, Project Manager, MEAD (MA)
Allyson Angus, NHS Tayside (AA)
Councillor Barbara Vaughan (BV)
Jennifer Kerr, Service Manager, PKAVS (JK)
Diane Fraser, Head of Community Care, PKC, (DF)
Apologies: Bernadette Malone, Chief Executive, PKC (BM)
Bill Atkinson, Depute Director, ECS, PKC (BA)
Sgt Julie Robertson, Police Scotland (JR)
Councillor Anne Gaunt (AG)
Rab Middlemiss, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (RM)
Councillor Anne Younger (AY)
John Gilruth, PKC, Depute Director, Housing and Social Care
Welcome and Introductions
LD welcomed all and highlighted the importance of this
meeting in the progression of workstreams within the
Programme Plan
Update on Programme Plan
Joint Resourcing
DS delivered a presentation on Joint Resourcing
progress. Reviews key actions and discusses the
building of the “as is” picture of current service delivery
in the locality area. Group welcomed the presentation
and agreed it was an informative piece of work which
should lead to improved outcomes for local people.
Asset transfer
DC asked for clarity on the PKC property asset register
and whether it would cover the PKC housing
stock/account. Furthermore, he asked whether a
register centred on localities would be more beneficial?
DF asked for time to consult with colleagues in HSC in
order to properly respond.
Participatory Budgeting
PB stated that Community Innovation fund could
contribute to any proposed participatory budget scheme.
DS asked that any further potential funding sources be
highlighted to himself and RM.
Stories of Place
PD gives a presentation on the principles of Stories of
DC enquired about the formulation of these Stories of
Place and how they were collated. PD stated that they
will be completed with the co-production of services and
communities. BV highlighted the need to ensure that
local elected members be included in this intelligence
MW highlighted the possible danger of sharing too much
information to communities. There should be careful
consideration in the collection and dispersal of
information. LD stated a need for synchronicity of the
partner organisations in this regard to ensure data is
correct and appropriate for public display.
Re-Cap on the Community Empowerment Bill
FR delivered a presentation on the status and content of
the Community Empowerment Bill.
DC enquired about how current PKC allotment policy
AA states that participation requests currently exist
within the NHS, in the form of the Patient’s Right Act
Next Steps
It was agreed that there should be a workshop for
members to refocus the group on what the CEWG is
ultimately trying to achieve for communities.
Ensure that there is contact between members if
more information or meetings are required over the
summer period
Actions should be progressed with a view to issuing
a report/update to the Sept 4th CPP Board meeting