DRAKES BROUGHTON and WADBOROUGH with PIRTON PARISH COUNCIL Clerk & R.F.O.: Mrs Michelle Elliott, 1 Greenfields Close, Drakes Broughton, WR10 2BD ; Tel. 01905 841564; e-mail, michelleelliott@gmx.com PLANNING APPLICATION COMMENTS APPLICANT: CROWN HOUSE DEVELOPMENTS LTD PLANNING APPLICATION No: W/14/00273/OU LOCATION: LAND OPPOSITE, WOODMEAD, WALCOT LANE, DRAKES BROUGHTON PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: OUTLINE APPLICATION WITH ALL MATTERS RESERVED FOR 32 DWELLINGS ON LAND SOUTH OF WALCOT LANE, DRAKES BROUGHTON Drakes Broughton & Wadborough with Pirton Parish Council accepts that Wychavon have been set targets beyond their control to provide suitable land for development and fully appreciates that some development within Drakes Broughton is inevitable. The Parish Council & Residents actively participated in the creation of the SWDP preferred sites and a suitable site was identified within Drakes Broughton SWDP60/14. The original allocation for Drakes Broughton was approximately 50 dwellings. The Parish Council’s preference for this site was expressed during the consultation and included the following reasons: 1. Good links to public transport and local amenities. All buses stop at the B4084 lay-by. 2. Reduced need for vehicles to travel through the village. 3. Excellent access to schools and travel to work. 4. Easy access to high pressure sewage pumping station. 5. No risk of flooding identified on the site. 6. The new development would be close to the centre of the village near to the school, village hall, church and public houses. 7. Good access to cycle routes to Pershore and Pinvin via Walcot lane. 8. A new road layout at the junction of Stonebow road and the B4084 could incorporate an entrance to the site and help reduce queuing traffic at peak times on Stonebow Road. The Parish Council fully appreciates the delays and can only imagine the frustrations experienced by Officers when the original SWDP was deemed to require additional work. Site SWDP60/14 has the capability of accommodating more than the recommended 50 dwellings and as such the developer has increased it’s proposal to 90 dwellings the Parish Council and Residents would have no objections to this and indeed land adjacent to the preferred site which was previously put forward for consideration and discounted may now be reconsidered following the South Worcestershire Council’s letter dated 18 th March 2014 calling for additional sites. To recap Drakes Broughton & Wadborough with Pirton Parish Council accepts and embraces the need for additional housing within the Village but urges the committee to listen to the Parish Council & residents and site them in the preferred location. This application is for 32 dwellings on agricultural land. Drakes Broughton is a relatively large Village and the Parish Council & residents are concerned that the continued expansion would result in the loss of a Village ambience. The Village is currently subject to numerous speculative applications. This proposal is on a site which provides views for the village to enjoy of the Bredon Hills. Development here would threaten and have an adverse effect the very character of the Village and rural landscape. Once lost this can never be replaced. It is believed that this development would be contrary to saved Policies GD1,GD2, ENV1, SR5, and SUR1. Highways The Parish Council were encouraged to read comments initially submitted 8th April 2014 by Mr Pilcher addressing many of the Parish Council’s concerns regarding Highways issues including the admission that the traffic counts relied upon were undertaken between January 11th & 18th January when then road was known to be closed. The Parish Council were therefore stunned to read further comments submitted by Highways on 28th May advising that it was deemed that no further assessment was felt necessary!! Concerns are also raised at a comment stating that it was felt that not enough consideration had been given to the use of Walcot Lane East of the Village. Those who know the Village will be well aware that this road leads to a ford and is a route that is frequently impassable or closed due to the depth of water. It has seen at least one fatality over recent years due to a driver trying to drive through when levels have been high! Walcot Lane itself is an already very busy route, the introduction of more traffic and sides road would just be ludicrous. Education The Village school is already at capacity. The implementation of existing temporary buildings is already indicative of this. Drainage Drainage and flooding in village has already been well documented. Sewers are already over capacitated and regularly at capacity. Brickyard Lane is also subject to flooding. 5 Year Land Supply The provision of a 5 year land supply is frequently referred to as in this application. This application is for outline permission, no indication is given to the actual timescale for the commencement of the development. The Parish Council is aware that pre-application consultations have already been held with the Local Authority regarding the development of the Parish Council’s preferred site, a Village consultation has also taken place and we are advised that an application submission is imminent. We are advised that work on the preferred site could begin immediately subject to receipt of approval. Conclusion Drakes Broughton & Wadborough with Pirton Parish Council strongly object to this planning application.