Application objection - Womenswold Parish Council

Womenswold Parish Council
Dover District Council
Planning Department
11th November 2015
Ref: 14/01206
Dear Sir
We wish to make representation regarding the variation of the above application.
Firstly, we would like to point out that Womenswold Parish Council is in the Canterbury City Council
area but is surrounded by Dover Parish Councils. This planning application refers to a Dover
application but the subject of the variation is entirely within Canterbury district and adjacent to our
Parish. We have not been consulted on this variation and therefore this is our first response
1. We object to the variation of the highway trigger from 25 dwellings to 135 dwellings. There
is already serious congestion at the junction with the A2 and needs addressing sooner rather
than later. Clearly there will also be an increase in construction traffic even prior to the
construction of the first 25 dwellings which will place considerable pressure on the junction.
2. We object to the shelving of the A2 slip road extension. The slip road onto the A2 does not
conform to current Highways Agency standards and we consider it to be dangerous in its
current state. It needs to be extended as the original application stated.
3. We have not had sight of any rationale for the replacing of a roundabout by traffic lights. At
first sight it would appear the developers are steering towards a cheap, cost saving option.
We would ask for more information on this before commenting and as we have already
stated we have only had recent sight of this variation.
Womenswold Parish Council