Art History Midterm Exam Review

Art History Midterm Exam Review
o List 3 defining characteristics of the Mannerism movement:
o What artists was known as “The Greek” due to his birth origin and list 3 defining characteristics of his
o What artists influenced Baroque artists, who adopted their idealized, sometimes exaggerated muscular
o During Mannerism and Baroque, what area was the dominant center for art and why?
o Approximately how long did the Baroque art movement last and where and why did it spread ?
o What member of royalty embraced the Baroque movement and why? How was he instrumental in setting
the stage for a new dominant art center of Europe?
o List 2 ways Mannerism influenced Baroque and list 2 ways that Baroque differed from Mannerism:
o What artist during the Baroque was notorious for his behavior and actually fled Rome due to murder
charges? What societal factors impacted his style and how was it different from other artists prior to him?
Initially, how did the public react to his works?
o What Baroque artist came from a family of artists who started a school called “The Academy of
Progressives” and stressed life drawing and incredible draughtsmanship?
o The aforementioned artists is best known for what works? What planning process did he engage in to ready
for the works?
o What were 3 innovations in Baroque architecture?
o List 8 stylistic features of Baroque architecture:
o What artist was not only an architect but also an amazing sculptor?
o What innovating approach to sculpture did the aforementioned artist utilize and what approach did he take
to creating structures?
o What Flemish artist took the Baroque art world by storm and was knighted in both Spain and England?
o What were the defining characteristics of his style?
o What art movement was inspired by Baroque, highly decorative, and used lavish materials?
o This time period in art ushers in a new dominant center for art in Europe, which is where and why?
o List 6 universal themes prevalent in the work during this time and at least 3 defining characteristics of the
o What artist enjoyed the patronage of Madame de Pompadour and trained numerous aspiring artists in the
Rococo tradition?
o Which artist is known for “The Swing” and as the leader of the movement?
o During the aforementioned time period, Jean-Antione Watteau developed a genre of painting called “fetes
galantes” which is what?
o Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli was an Italian born artist who was appointed court architect of what
o What are characteristics of his work?
o This art movement is a reaction against Rococo and had what philosophy toward art?
o List 3 characteristics of the style:
o What artist created the painting Marat Assassinated and how was this work indicative of what was going on
in society and in his life?
o This Swiss artist was considered a prodigy during this time period and trained in Italy:
o This artist trained under David and created numerous studies prior to his actual works:
o This art movement is a reaction against the rigid strictures of Neoclassicism and is defined by what
o What other art forms influenced the visual art forms:
o List 3 defining characteristics:
o This artist used historical themes and his travels to Morocco as inspiration for his works:
o What defining characteristic of his style was a precursor to the Impressionists:
o What artist depicted the events of his homeland in a series of work called “The Disasters of War” and what
country inspired these works?
o Please list three defining characteristics of his work:
o Please explain Los Caprichos and the connection with the Inquisition:
o Orientalism is defined as what and what art movements did it impact?
o What events transpired in order to create the movement?
o Please list 4 defining characteristics:
o What movement was a reaction against the idealism of Romanticism and describe 2 of the style
o This Ornan born artist came from a well to do family and lived a tumultuous life due to his political
o What is he most known for and list his style characteristics:
o Why was the work “Burial at Ornan” significant and what impact did it have upon the Realism movement:
o This artist was also born in France, but came from humble beginnings:
o What event caused his removal from Paris and how did this impact his work?
o Please describe “Angelus” and how it reflected the philosophies of the time and of the artist:
o This early feminist was considered a bit of a troublemaker at school until she found her passion for art:
o What approach to studying the anatomy of animals did she utilize that is reminiscent of what earlier art
movement artists?
o What obstacles did she have to surmount as a woman artist?
o List 2 characteristics of her style:
***Please find one example from your art history presentations that connects events in culture with art.
Describe the events and how they impacted artistic philosophy and works. Use an example and give artistic
information. Please provide a critique and compare with the events.
*****Choose one of the artwork pairs and write a critique for each and then a comparative summary that
includes cultural impact:
Correggio “Ganymede” oil on canvas
Peter Paul Rubens “Christ and St. John with the Angels”
oil on canvas
François Boucher. Apollo Reveals his Divinity to the Shepherdess
Issé. 1750
Ingres “Triumph of Homer” oil on canvas
Two Court Ladies Out Shooting with Their Retinue in a Wooded River Landscape
by Amigoni Jacopo
The Village Fête Peter Paul Rubens