Muscular System Overview To complete this worksheet, select: Module: Support and Movement Activity: Anatomy Overviews Title: Muscular System: Overview 1. Click the Skeletal Muscle Cross Section and identify each of the following. Consult your textbook for a description of each. Epimysium the connective tissue that surrounds the entire muscle at the outermost layer of the muscle. Deep Fascia connective tissue with dense irregular tissue that lines the body wall and limbs. Muscle Cell muscle fibers that are elongated and striated and multinucleated. A skeletal muscle fiber is actually embryonic cells that have fused together to form one large cell with multiple nuclei. Perimysium dense regular connective that surrounds the fascicles. Myofibril a threadlike structure, extending longitudinally inside a muscle fiber or cell consisting mainly of thick filaments (myosin) and thin filaments (actin, troponin, and tropomyosin). Filament small structures within the myofibril. It contains thin and thick filaments. Sarcolemma the cell membrane of a muscle fiber(cell), especially of a skeletal muscle fiber. Endomysium Loose connective tissue that separates each individual muscle fiber within a muscle bundle. Fascicle a small bundle or cluster, especially of nerve or muscle fiber (cell). Also called fasciculus. Tendon a white fibrous cord of dense regular connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone. Bone (radius) a bone of upper limb distal to the humerus. Periosteum the membrane that covers the outer layers of the bone. This consists of connective tissue, osteogenic cells, osteoblast. These are essential for bone growth, repair and nutrition. 2. Using your textbook, define an aponeurosis. A sheet- like tendon joining one muscle with another or with bone. 3. Identify each of the following: Biceps brachii Tendon Radius Describe arm movement (flexion) when filaments are contracted. When the filaments of biceps brachii muscle contract, the radius bone moves and serves as a lever. The elbow joints serves as the fulcrum for the lever. When the filaments contract, the skeletal muscle shortens because thick and thin filament slide past one another. This process is called the SLIDING FILAMENT MECHANISM. Click on the Skeletal Muscle Cell. Muscle fibers contain bundles of myofibrils. Myofibrils are composed of smaller filaments. Identify each of these structures in the diagram. Actin Filaments Myosin Filaments Titan Filaments Terminal cisterns of SR Mitochondria Sarcoplasmic Reticulum () Muscle fiber Sarcolemma Myofibrils Sarcomere Sarcoplasm T (transverse) tubules Describe what happens when a sarcomere shortens. The shortening of a sarcomere causes the shortening of the whole muscle fiber, which in turn leads to shortening of the entire muscle. Identify each of the following: Origins of triceps brachii Belly of triceps brachii Insertion of triceps brachii humerus 4. Identify each of the following: Origins of biceps brachii Tendons Belly of biceps brachii Elbow joints Radius Ulna Describe the following muscle functions o Movement producing body producing body movements such as exercising and simple facial expressions are the result of the functional work of bone, joints and skeletal muscle. o Stabilization the skeletal muscle contractions stabilize joints and help maintain body positions such as standing and sitting. Postural muscles contract continuously to help stabilized our body. o Heat production Muscle contractions can maintain body temperature through the production of heat in a process called thermogenesis. This is evident during shivering when skeletal muscles contract involuntarily to generate heat.