Syllabus: Japanese 201IA, Fall Semester 2014 Instructor: Fumiko Kishi Chiuini Office: B008E telephone #: 765-285-7411 E-Mail Address: Office Hours: 10-11am (MTWF), 3-4pm (MTWF), and 4-6pm (T) Classrooms and hours: MTWF from 12pm-1pm in Room BU 119 Course Objectives: Students will become fluent in speaking and listening to the Japanese language contents covered in the lessons 1 through 9 of the textbook. Students will also master the writing and reading of the first 86 kanji, Chinese characters. Students will learn about traditional arts established in the 16th and the 17th century. Prerequisite: Japanese 101-102 or its equivalent Evaluation: 80% Lesson mastery tests, quizzes, essays, skits, and the final exam. 20% Homework—Late homework, including homework done in the class hour will receive no credits. Homework not following guide lines of the instructor will not receive full credits. Academic Dishonesty will be handled according to the rules of the Indiana Academy. Laptops must be closed in the classroom unless otherwise instructed. Attendance: Sleeping in class is regarded as unexcused absence. Grading Scales: A(100-94%) A-(93-90%) B+(89-88%) B(87-84%) B-(83-80%) C+(79-78%) C(77-74%) C-(73-70%) D*(69% and below) Course Content and Schedule 1) Textbooks GENKI: Level I Textbook and GENKI: Level I Workbook 2) Weekly Course Content week 1(Aug.11-15) Review of Japanese 101-102: a. Lesson 1-7(Prac.I), b. hiragana & katakana week 2(Aug.18-22) Review: a. Lesson 1-7(I), b. kanji from Lesson 3 -6 <Culture: Daimyo and the Dual Ways> week 3(Aug. 25-29) Lesson 7-Practice 2 and kanji from Lesson 7 < Culture: Principles and Practices of Japanese Zen> week 4(Labor Day/Sept. 3&5) Lesson 7-Practice 3 & 4 and kanji from Lesson 7 week 5(Sep. 8-12) L 7-Practice 5& 6 and kanji from L7 <Culture: The Japanese Tea Ceremony (Video)> week 6(Sep.15-19) Lesson 7 Review, kanji from lesson 7 and test, Begin Lesson 8 <Culture: Tea Ceremony and Catholicism in the 16th C. Japan> week 7(Sep.22-26) Lesson 8-Practice 1 & 2 and kanji from lesson 8 <Culture: aware, wabi and sabi> week 8(Sept. 29-30-Oct.3) Lesson 8-Practice 3 & 4 and kanji from Lesson 8 <Culture: Tea Ceremony at the BSU Tea House> week 9(Oct.6-10) L 8-Practice 5 & 6 and kanji from L 8 <Culture: introduction to haiku> week 10(Fall Break/Oct.15-17) Lesson 8-Practice 7 & 8 and kanji from Lesson 8. week 11(Oct.20-24 Lesson 8 review and test. <Culture: haiku calligraphy> week 12(Oct.27-31) Lesson 9-Practice 1 and kanji from Lesson 9 <Culture: Intangible National Treasures of Japan> week 13(Nov.3-7) L 9-Practice 2 & 3 and kanji from L 9 <Culture: Japanese art---BSU Museum> week 14(Nov.10-14) Lesson 9 Practice 4 and kanji from lesson 9 <Culture: patrons of daimyo culture--presentation on Nobunaga, Hideyoshi & Ieyasu) week 15(Nov.17-21) L9 Practice 5 & 6 and kanji from L 9<Culture: Historical Figures of Japan-1> week 16(Nov. 24-28) No Classes---Thanksgiving Vacation week 17(Dec.1-5) Lesson 9 Practice 7 and test <Culture:Historical Figures of Japan-2> week 18-19 (Dec. 8-12) Semester Review, (Dec. 15-18) Semester Finals