UNIVERSIDAD DE ESPECIALIDADES ESPIRITU SANTO FACULTY OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES SYLLABUS JAPANESE DEPARTMENT SYLLABUS SUBJECT: Comprensión de Textos Auténticos CODE: JPN400 FACULTY: Eri Sato CREDIT: 3 CONTACT HOURS: 48 NON-CONTACT HOURS: 96 YEAR: 2011 PERIOD: Fall II October 31 to December 02th DAYS: Mon- Thu SCHEDULE: CLASSROOM: F309 SYLLABUS DATE: 15/Oct/2011 1. DESCRIPTION This class is for the students who finished JPN101 to JPN 308. This class focuses mainly on reading and writing, and also this course is a preparation for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. In this course, students are expected to learn a lot of expressions and vocabularies, and practice more Kanji, at the same time they learn about Japan through the texts. 2.JUSTIFUCATION a) To get accustomed to reading b) To learn more Japanese expressions c) To understand how to use them when you can use d) To know more Kanji e) To prepare for Japanese Proficiency Test f) To know and understand Japanese culture and custom 3.OBJECTIVES a. GENERAL a) To develop skills in reading and writing Japanese sentences b) To read and write Kanji c) To prepare for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test b. SPECIFIC ・To read and write Kanji ・To understand the articles ・To know about Japanese food ・To write about their interesting experience ・To talk about their worry 1 ・To give advice ・To know Japanese geography ・To write and talk about their favorite place ・To write and talk about their dream ・To know about life of Yoko Ono ・To write and talk about their favorite person ・To know Japanese college life and compare with the life here ・To write and talk about the college life 4.COMPETENCIES L.13 ・can talk about Japanese food ・can write about their interesting experience L.14 ・can talk about their worry ・can give advice L.15 ・can know Japanese geography ・can write and talk about their favorite place L.16・can write and talk about their dream L.17・can know about life of Yoko Ono ・can write and talk about their favorite person L.18・can know Japanese college life and compare with the life here ・can write and talk about the college life 5.SCHEDULES ( JPN Comprension de Textos Autenticos) DATE Specific Competencies Contents Oct 31 Orientation (01) Review Kanji Non-Contact Hours 1) Review Kanji Reviews and remembers (GEN L3-12) the materials studied in (L.7-9) Assessment previous level Review Kanji (Kanji L.1) Nov 1 (02) Review Kanji (L.10-12) 1) Try to memorize Reviews and remembers Kanji (L.13) the materials studied in 2) Read p.247 previous level L.13 (Kanji + 1) Read p.249-250 Reads Japanese fluently 練習) 2) Do WB p.101-102 Understands new Kanji KANJI L.1 3) Review all the new (1&2) Kanji Review Kanji (Kanji L.2) Nov 7 (03) can understand and read new Kanji can use them in context 4) Read p.247-248 2 Nov 8 ・ can understand the (04) reading and talk about their interesting experience HW Due (WB 1) Read p.249-250 Reads Japanese fluently p.101-102) 2) Study for Reads passage about L.13 (読解) Mini-Quiz interesting experience and KANJI L.2 (KANJI L.1 & 2) understands (1&2) Nov 9 (05) ・can talk about their Mini-Quiz worry (KANJI L.1 & ・can give advice 2) Nov 10 L. 13 (読解 II) KANJI L. 3 (1) Kanji Quiz (06) (L.13) L.14 (Kanji & 1) Study for Kanji Quiz (L.13) 2) Try to memorize Writes about his interesting experience in Japanese Kanji (L.14) 1) Do WB p.103-104 2) Study for 練習) Mini-Quiz KANJI L.3 (2) (KANJI L.3) Reads Japanese fluently Talks about his worry Gives advice 3) Read p254 Nov 11 (07) Mini-Quiz 1) Study for Kanji (KANJI L.3) Quiz (L.14) HW Due (WB 2) Try to memorize 103-104) L. 14 (読解) KANJI L.4 Kanji (L.15) (1&2) Nov 14 (08) ・ can know Japanese JLPT Kanji Quiz geography (L.14) K.15 (Kanji & 練習) Nov 15 (09) ・ can write and talk about place Nov 16 their 1) DO WB p.105-106 2) Try to memorize Kanji (L.15) KANJI L. 5 (1) 3) Read p259-261 HW Due (WB 1) Study for Kanji favorite p.105-106) Quiz (L.15) L.15(読解) 2) Read p.259-262 KANJI L.5 (2) Kanji Quiz (10) (L.15) L.15 読解 II Review for 1) Study for Midterm Exam Describe Hiroshima, Okinawa, about Miyajima, Kyoto and Tokyo Gets knowledge Japanese geography Talks about his favorite place 3 Mid-term Exam Nov 17 Midterm Exam (11) (GENKI L.13-15) EXAM (KANJI L.1-5) 1) Try to memorize Kanji (L.16) 2) Study for Mini-Quiz (KANJI L.4 & 5) 3) Read p.266-167 Nov 18 (12) ・ can write and talk about their dream Mini-Quiz (KANJI L.4 & 5) L.16 (漢字& 練習&読解) KANJI L.6 1) Study for Kanji Quiz (L.16) 2) Do WB p.107-108 3) Try to memorize Discusses about Japanese manga Understands Doraemon text well Talks about his dream Kanji (L.17) (1&2) Nov 21 (13) ・can know about life of JLPT Kanji Quiz Yoko Ono (L.16) HW Due (WB 1) Do WB p.109-110 Knows about the life of Yoko Ono 2) Read p.273-274 p.107-108) L.17(漢字&練 習) Nov 22 (14) ・ can write and talk about their KANJI L.7 (1) HW Due (WB favorite person Nov 23 p,109-110) Mini-Quiz L.17 (読解) (KANJI L.6 & 7) KANJI L.7 (2) Mini-Quiz (15) (KANJI L.6 & 7) Nov 24 (16) ・ can know Japanese college life L.17 (読解 II) KANJI L.8 (1) Kanji Quiz and compare with the life 1) Study for (L.17) L.18 (漢字& Talks about his favorite person 1) Study for Kanji Quiz (L.17) 2) Try to memorize Kanji (L.18) 1) Do WB p. 111-112 Discuss about Japanese college life 2) Study for 4 here 練習) Mini-Quiz KANJI L.8 (2) (KANJI L.8) 3) Read p.279- 280 Nov 25 (17) ・ can write and talk about the college life (KANJI L.8) Nov 28 Mini-Quiz 1) Study for Kanji Compares the Japanese Quiz (L.18) College life with the one HW Due (WB of Ecuador p.111-112) Talks about his college L.18 (読解) life KANJI L.9 (1) JLPT Kanji Quiz (18) (L.18) KANJI L.10 (1) Nov 29 (19) KANJI L.10 (2) 2) Study for Mini-Quiz (KANJI L.9 & 10) Nov 30 (20) Mini-Quiz (KANJI L.9 & 10) Kanji Review JLPT Dec 1 Kanji Review (21) JLPT 1) Review all the Kanji 2) Study for JLPT 1) Review all the Kanji 2) Study for JLPT Dec 2 (22) EXAM Final Exam (written) Prepare for JLPT * There will be pop-up homework. 6. METHODOLOGY ・ Students need to review all the materials learned through Genki 1 to Genki 2. ・ The grammar will be explained in English. ・ As a preview, students have to check the new vocabulary and read and translate reading in the text. 5 ・ In class students are expected to discuss only in Japanese. ・ Students have to write about the topic of the lesson. ・ Students have to do some pages from the workbook at home. NOTE: ・ Students have to try to speak in Japanese, using the words, expressions, and grammar already learned all the time in class. It affects participation points. ・ It is preview and review that are the most important things for students to master what they learn on the day. Failure to do these will easily lead to falling behind. ・ Late homework will be accepted with penalty. Suggested Preparations and Practices ・ It is very important that you study some Japanese everyday. Preparation before you come to class is very important. See the schedule (especially “Non-Contact Hours”) regularly for the information on what you should do before and after each class. Additional information may be announced in class. ・ Before you attend each class, you should: 1. Read the Grammar section of the textbook that is going to be covered in the class. The explanation in the textbook should be clear and accessible, but if you have any question, raise it during the class. The instructor assumes that you have read the grammar section before attending each class. 2. Familiarize yourself with the new words and memorize them. 3. Memorize hiragana by the mid-term exam and katakana by the final exam. You will be expected to write them in Hiragana and Katakana. ・ After you attend each class, you should: 1. Review the material covered in the class and make sure that you can perform the tasks done in class on your own. You may ask questions to the instructor if some materials are not clear. 2. Complete homework assignments to review the material covered in class. ・ Before a quiz or an exam: 1. For a vocabulary quiz, review the vocabulary section on each lesson and memorize them. You will be expected to know both words (in Japanese) and the meaning (in English). 2. For an exam, review thoroughly textbook exercises, homework assignments, class materials and previous quizzes. Also, review the dialogs thoroughly so that you can perform similar tasks without referring to the text. 7. EVALUATION 7.1 Assessment Criteria Individual work pair work 6 group work Managing of grammars and expressions learned through GEN L.1-23 Memorize Kanji Conversation in Japanese 7.2 Performance Markers Reviews and remembers the materials studied in previous level Reads Japanese fluently Talks about Japanese food Reads Japanese fluently Discuss about Japanese jam-packed train Talks about his interesting experience in Japanese Talks about his worry Gives advice Describe about Hiroshima, Miyajima, Okinawa, Kyoto and Tokyo Gets knowledge Japanese geography Talks about his favorite place Gives a clear presentation in Japanese Discusses about Japanese manga Understands Doraemon text well Talks about his dream Knows about the life of Yoko Ono Talks about his favorite person Discuss about Japanese college life Compares the Japanese College life with the one of Ecuador Talks about his college life 7.3 Weighting ・Attendance/Participation--------------15% ・Homework----------------------------------20% ・Quiz------------------------------------------15% ・Exams(Written Exam, Oral Exam)--50% Quizzes and Examinations: 1. No make-ups will be given for all quizzes, except injury and illness with written proof. 2. Mid-tern exam and Final exam will not be rescheduled for any reasons, except injury and illness withwritten proof. 7 Assignments: 1. Homework will be assigned regularly. Check the schedule for the deadline for each assignment. 2. Homework is graded as follows: 1 points - when it is turned by the beginning of the class (Full points) 0.5 points - when it is turned in after the deadline (50% penalty) 0 point - when it is not turned in at all Attendance policy: 1. Students must be on time for class. 2. You cannot miss the class more than 6 times. 3. 3 times late arriving will be counted as 1 absence. 4. It will be considered as late arrival if you arrive 10 minutes after the time the class hour starts. 8. BIBLOGRAPHY 8.1 REQUIRED 1. GenkiII, The Japan Times (Writing and Reading L.13-L.18) p.244-p.282 2. Genki IIWorkbook, The Japan Times (L.13-L.18) p.101-p.112 3. Genki KANJI Look and Learn, The Japan Times (L.1 – L.20) p.1 – p.123 4. Genki KANJI Look and Learn, The Japan Times (L.1 -L.20) p.1- p.104 8.2 COMPLEMENTARY 8.3 HANDOUTS 8.4 WEBLIOGRAPHY ・The Kanji Site www.kanjisite.com ・Kanji for Tatoos http://japanese.about.com ・Kanji Clinic http://www.kanjiclinic.com ・Kanji Learn www2.gol.com ・Japanese Language Learning Tool on Web www.sabotenweb.com/bookmarks/language.html ・Japan-guide.com ・The Japanese page.com http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e621.html http://www.thejapanesepage.com/news.php 9.FACULTY INFORMATION NAME: Eri Sato GRADUATE: Kansai Gaidai in Osaka, Japan E-MAIL: e.sato28@gmail.com 8 Phone-number: 088593789 10. Created by: Eri Sato Date: 15/Oct/2011 9