Stages of the French Revolution (1789-1799)


Stages of the French Revolution (1789-1799)


May 5, 1789

June 17, 1789



Estates-General convenes at Versailles (the first time in 175 years)

Third Estate delegates to the Estates-General declares themselves the National Assembly

June 20, 1789 Delegates of the Third Estate take the Tennis Court Oath

July 9 The Estates-General (National Assembly) meet together

July 14

August 27, 1789

October 1789

November 1789

July 1790

June 20, 1791

August 27, 1791

Sept. 13 1791

October,1, 1791

April 20, 1792

July 25, 1792

August 1792

September 1792

October 1792

December 1792

January 21, 1793

February 1793

May 31, 1793

July 13, Marat


February 1794

July 1794


Parisians storm the Bastille

* The Great Fear leads rural peasants to attack property of nobles, middle class landowners, and wealthy farmers (July-Aug.)

The National Assembly ends feudalism, tithes, and tax privileges and issues The Declaration of the Rights of Man

Abbé Sieyès- What is the 3 rd Estate?

Émigré flee

Bread Riots , Parisian women march to Versailles- King brought to Paris- National Assembly moves to Paris

National Assembly begins to confiscate Church land for revenue

The Civil Constitution of the Clergy is passed to bring the Church and clergy under state control.

Church officials to be elected by property owners and paid by the state. Church looses land and political influence

Royal family arrested at Varnnes

Declaration of Pillnitz by Austria and Prussia

Louis XVI agrees to a constitutional monarchy with the Legislative Assembly,

National Assembly adopts a constitution. Limited suffrage, ends “lettres de cachet”


France declares war on Austria

Prussia declares the Brunswick Manifesto

The Commune seizes power, new government grants suffrage to all men, mob takes Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette prisoner from the Tuileries

September Massacres/ The National Convention established by the Commune ends the monarchy and declares France a Republic “ Second Revolution ”

Louis XVI placed on trial

Louis XVI executed

France declares war on England, Holland, and Spain

Commune arrests Girondists; Mountain gain control of the National Assembly and set up the

Committee of Public Safety - Reign of Terror begins Sept. 5, 1793- Tribunals find 9/10 guilty

September 29, 1793- Price controls to aid san-culottes and mobilize war effort

October 16, 1793-MarieAntoinette executed

French armies are victorious on all fronts

Tricolor Flag adopted white (king), blue and red (colors of Paris)

Thermidorian Reaction (July Reaction) begins, Danton and Robespierre executed


A new constitution sets up a republic headed by the Directory

Economic control ends and suppression of the Sans-Culottes



November 9,1799

Napoleon defeats Austrian Armies in Italy and returns to Paris

Austria, Russia and England form a 2 nd Coalition against France

Coup d’ etat - fall of the Directory marks the end of the French Revolution

“Coup Brumaire” Abbé Sieyès orchestrates coup

Three Estates

First Estate

High Clergy

Low Clergy

Second Estate


Third Estate


City workers


*Cartoon shows the

Third Estate chained and supporting the monarchy as well as the First and Second


In the 1700’s, French Society was divided into three classes, called Estates.

Of the total population of 24 million, all but about 480,000 belonged to the

Third Estate, which was made up mostly of peasants.
