Explaining Midterm Loss: The Tandem Effects of Withdrawn Coattails and Balancing Robert S. Erikson Department of Political Science Columbia University rse14@columbia.edu Prepared for the 2010 Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC, Sept. 2-5 Abstract This paper tests coattail and balancing theories of midterm loss in congressional elections. Neither theory can by itself account for the regularity of midterm loss. But together they can. When, following a close presidential election, there are no coattails to withdraw, ideological balancing at midterm generates a loss for the presidential party. When voters can anticipate a presidential landslide allowing them to balance their congressional vote in the presidential year, the winner’s coattails are withdrawn at midterm. Either way, the presidential party loses seats. Testing the variables of each theory while controlling for those of the other, this paper finds strong statistical evidence that both processes are at work to insure midterm loss. One nearly universal “law” of American politics is that in midterm elections the presidential party almost always loses seats in the House of Representatives. One spectacular run occurred from 1938 through 1994. For fifteen consecutive midterm elections, the “out” party gained seats at midterm. And even when the string was broken in 1998, Clinton’s Democrats lost strength in terms of the national vote. The 2002 election presented one clear exception to the midterm rule as the Republicans gained both seats and votes in the wake of 9/11. The 2006 election presented a return to normal, as George W. Bush’s Republicans lost 30 House seats, based on a 5.5 percent decline in the popular vote. What accounts for the phenomenon of midterm loss? Familiar explanations include included withdrawn presidential coattails (a.k.a. surge-and-decline), ideological balancing; and a negative referendum on the president. Here, I show how none of these explanations is sufficient in itself, yet they work together to account for a decline in support for the president’s party as a near-certain outcome at midterm. The challenge is not simply to explain why the presidential party loses seats in most elections but why the phenomenon occurs with near-perfect regularity. One’s first temptation might be to invoke “referendum theory,” or the idea that midterm loss signifies a protest against unpopular presidents (Tufte, 1975). Certainly low presidential approval can lead to a harsh midterm loss. But for referendum theory to account for the regularity of midterm loss requires that presidents must almost always be embattled at the midpoint of their election cycle, and this is decidedly untrue. For the 16 post-WWII midterm years (1946-2006), one can consult the extensive Gallup Poll data bank on presidential approval. In October of 16 midterm years 1946-2006, the average approval 1 of the president is 53 percent, with the president exceeding the 50 percent threshold in 10 of 16 instances. While unusually high presidential popularity can explain the 1998 and 2002 exceptions of midterm gain, a pattern of persistent presidential unpopularity cannot account for the midterm loss in the remaining cases. Even excluding 1998 and 2002, presidents averaged 51 percent approval in the October before the midterm election. To understand the regularity of midterm loss, we must look elsewhere. However, as shown below, referendum theory can account for the severity (including the rare revoking) of the rule of midterm loss. This brings the discussion to two other prominent theories, left to compete for the explanation of the regularity of midterm loss: “coattail theory” and “balance theory.” Coattail theory accounts for midterm loss in terms of a surge for the winning presidential party in the presidential election year. Balance theory accounts for midterm loss in terms of voters surging to the out party at midterm. The coattail argument (e.g., J. Campbell, 1991), is that winning presidential candidates sweep an exceptional number of ticket-mates into office on their presidential “coattails,” only to see them swept out again at midterm when the coattails are withdrawn. In the language of “surge and decline” (A. Campbell, 1966), support for the presidential winner’s congressional ticket surges due to “strong short-term partisan forces” which are aided by the participation of persuadable non-“core” peripheral nonpartisan voters. At midterm these peripheral voters stay home, yielding a more partyline normal vote with minimal “short-term partisan forces” at the national level. In other words, the winning president’s ticket-mates are boosted by the same short-term forces 2 that generate the presidential victory while the dissipation of these forces by midterm account for the midterm decline. How “coattails” work is an intriguing but challenging question. In part it could be that voters lazily vote a straight-ticket with the presidential choice influencing downballot choices. It can also be that presidential and congressional choices respond to identical forces without either actually influencing the other (Ferejohn and Calvert, 1984). For purposes here, this nuance is not important. The interest for this paper is on the simple question of the degree to which the partisan vote for the House of Representatives rises and falls with the presidential vote for whatever reason. The balancing argument accounts for midterm loss as a surge toward the out-party at midterm. Alesina and Rosenthal’s version of balance theory (see also Fiorina 1995) holds that midterm voters shift toward the non-presidential party in order balance off the ideological tendencies of the president. The theory starts with the fact that the president is more conservative (if a Republican) or more liberal (if a Democrat) than most voters. Thus, ideologically attuned voters will tend to support the opposition party to achieve greater ideological balance between president and Congress. In this way, the midterm vote provides a partial policy corrective to the presidential year verdict. Although balance theory is generally framed in terms of liberal-conservatism, it is possible to broaden the motivational possibilities to incorporate policy motivations generally without the baggage of ideological language. For instance, some voters might try to balance the influence of the two parties from the simple motivation of preventing any one group of rascals to have too much influence over policy. For purposes here, this nuance is not 3 important. Interest is in the degree to which midterm congressional voters are attracted—for whatever reason—to the party that does not hold the presidency. It is tempting to depict the distinction between the coattail and balancing theories as a clash between competing views of the American voter. Coattail voting is in alignment with the traditional (“Michigan” school) model whereby electoral change is largely the response of inattentive swing voters (e.g., Converse, 1962, Zaller, 1992, 2004). The idea of unenlightened coattail voters temporarily surging to the winning president’s party fits this model. Balance theory is in alignment with models of rational actors who vote based on ideological proximity and think strategically (e.g., Downs, 1957). In extreme one can model midterm balancing voters as solving a complex problem of N-person game theory (e.g., Mebane, 2000). Of course the two types of voter models could apply to different strata of the electorate. And it is also possible that some voters share attributes of the voter as depicted in the separate models. In short, it is possible for the two models to coexist and work together to explain midterm loss. Evidence can be marshaled for both the coattail theory and balance theory. Consistent with coattail theory, parties win a greater share of the congressional vote in years when they win the presidency rather than lose. (As a postwar average, winning rather than losing the presidency makes a 2.7 point differential in the presidential year national vote for the House of Representatives, as a bonus for presidential victory.) Consistent with balance theory, the parties win more votes at midterm when they do not hold the presidency than when they do. (The differential here is an even large 4.1 point differential, as a reward for not holding the presidency.) Still, these are mere tendencies and not near-universal regularities. By itself, neither theory can fully account for the 4 near-universality of midterm loss. Moreover, at the theoretical level, each has a logical flaw that makes it implausible as a universal explanation. As a universal explanation for midterm loss, coattail theory has two problems. First, coattails should arise only when the presidential winner achieves a decisive victory. When presidential elections are close, they generate no presidential coattails to withdraw at midterm. Second, the coattail explanation requires that short-term forces return to normal at midterm. Only with a dampening of short-term forces at midterm (e.g., to reflect the normal vote and nothing else) would a coattail-driven surge in the presidential year guarantee a midterm loss. But the facts defy surge-and-decline theory. Historically the variance of the two-party vote at midterm is almost twice as great at midterm than in presidential years (13.7 vs. 7.0 over postwar elections). Balancing theory also has a problem as a universal explanation for midterm loss. This problem is the possibility of anticipatory balancing. Many presidential elections are not close, with polls informing voters of the likely winner. In theory, this knowledge would allow voters to balance in the presidential year without waiting for midterm, as voters could balance in advance by casting their congressional votes for the party about to lose the presidency. This sort of anticipatory balancing in presidential years would leave no need for further corrective action at midterm that would generate midterm loss. This leads to the central argument of this paper. Although neither coattails or balancing can account for midterm loss by themselves, they do so by working together. One or the other will apply, depending on the nature of the presidential race. Landslide presidential elections provide coattails to be withdrawn at midterm. Close presidential elections prevent advance balancing, allowing balancing behavior to newly arise at 5 midterm. Either way, the presidential party loses votes from the presidential to the midterm year. Together, coattails and balancing make a powerful engine that drives midterm loss. Consider the prospects for midterm loss when the presidential outcome is a landslide, complete with coattails, and anticipated in advance by voters who balance the presidential winner by supporting the opposition for Congress. Although balancing in advance negates the need for new balancing at midterm, the midterm withdrawal of coattails still causes a decline in the presidential party’s seats. Consider the opposite case of a close presidential election where the outcome is in doubt (no balancing) and no coattails. Then, despite the lack of coattails, midterm loss occurs as a result of midtermyear balancing. Note that the argument is more than an appeal to the axiom that two theories should predict better than one. Rather, it is the two theories complement each other so that the circumstances where one theory falters are those where the other theory prevails. Whether the president wins big or small, one expects a subsequent pattern of midterm loss. With a close presidential election, there are no coattails to withdraw; meanwhile the electorate can balance at midterm. With a landslide presidential election, voters can balance in advance; meanwhile coattails lift the congressional vote for the winning party only to fall at midterm. The greatest midterm loss would occur with a surprise presidential landslide (no advance balancing, withdrawn coattails at midterm). The one combination of circumstances where one would not expect midterm loss would be when the widely 6 anticipated presidential victor wins by a small margin. Then there would be full advance balancing, no coattails to withdraw, and thus little or no midterm loss. If the two theories complement each other in the manner described, why has this not been evident from empirical studies? The problem is that the evidence for each theory collides with that for the other. When landslide presidential victories are accompanied by lackluster success downballot, the fault might not be a lack of coattails but rather that the coattails are obscured by balancing voters offsetting coattail voters. Similarly, the presence of balancing behavior in presidential years is obscured by the offsetting vote by coattail voters. This paper tests for the joint effects of coattails and balancing, with the key being the measurement of both the actual presidential vote (representing coattail strength) and expectations of who will win (representing the circumstance for balancing). The paper finds that large presidential victory margins and a strong expectation of victory each influence the congressional vote, with the expected opposite signs. Among coattail voters, landslides generate coattails. Among balancers, the anticipation of presidential victory generates voting for the opposite congressional party. The crucial test is for the effect of anticipatory balancing. When anticipatory balancing in the presidential year cab be estimated and controlled for, the evidence for coattails is strengthened. Also, evidence for anticipatory balancing in the presidential year helps to bolster ideological balancing as the source of the presidential party’s electoral penalty at midterm. If voters are capable of punishing the winning presidential party in anticipation of their holding office, it is easier to accept that they do so in the midterm year when the presidential party is known with certainty. 7 The Model The central task is to statistically model the congressional vote in the 32 postWWII congressional election 1946-2008, for the purpose of further accounting for the phenomenon of midterm loss.1 The congressional vote is measured as the Democratic percent of the national two-party vote for the House of Representatives, minus 50 percent so that a 50-50 vote becomes the zero baseline. The congressional vote is modeled separately for presidential and midterm years.2 The starting point is the classic “Michigan” model identified with the American Voter authors. In the presidential year, the national vote for Congress is modeled as a function of the normal vote, plus short-term forces. The normal vote is represented by the national division of party identification in October of the election year. October party identification is measured as the percent Democratic minus percent Republican, pooling all available October polls.3 The short-term forces are represented by the presidential vote. The presidential vote is measured as the Democratic percent of the national two party vote minus 50 percent. 1 Votes are preferable to seats because votes comprise the most direct measure of the electoral response. The partisan seat division varies over time in its responsiveness to partisan stimuli. As the number of marginal districts vanish (Mayhew 1974; Jacobson, 1990), the swing-ration (ratio of votes to seats) declines This paper is a strictly “aggregate” level analysis. Some might insist that this analysis should be conducted at the individual level as an examination of degrees of split-ticket voting. Balancing behavior—even in presidential years—is not a matter of ticket splitting. Rational balancing for one office is conditional on the voter’s expectations of the electorate’s verdict for the other office, not the voter’s personal choice for the other office. (Alesina and Rosenthal, 1994). . 2 3 Alternatively, party identification could be measured as Erikson et al. (2002) do for macropartisanship as the percent Democratic of combined Democrats and Republicans. The measure here includes independents in the construction. The choice makes no difference, however, since the alternative measures correlate at +.99. Election-year October partisanship has an average N of 12,949, ranging from 1,500 to 35,488. 8 For the presidential year model, two additional variables are included to represent possible balancing behavior. One is the expectation of the presidential vote winner in terms of knowledgeable voters’ perception of the probability of a Democratic presidential victory. This crucial variable is estimated from the gambling odds from betting markets as reported on election eve. Details are presented below. The second balancing variable is a dummy variable for the current presidential party at the time of the presidential election. The reasoning is that the electoral demand for balancing in the prior midterm year may not be entirely satisfied two years later at the time of the presidential election. In the presidential year, voters may be still see value in voting against the current presidential party for Congress in order to push policy in the opposite direction from the persistent ideological tilt of the president’s party. For midterm elections, the modeling is simpler. As with presidential years, the normal vote is represented by party identification in October. Balancing is represented by two variables. One is the dummy variable for the party of the president, which of course is universally known at midterm. The other is a dummy variable for the party of the president two years earlier. The idea for the latter variable is that the policy excesses (from the median voter’s perspective) of the president 2 to 6 years earlier may still need correction at midterm. The longer the administration party has been in office, the greater the perceived need for ideological correction. Measuring Electoral Expectations The central challenge is to separate the effects of our two highly collinear predictor variables of the presidential year congressional outcome—presidential coattails 9 and presidential election expectations. Presidential coattails are measured straightforwardly as the Democratic percent of the two-party presidential vote. Needed is a measure of the probable outcome as perceived by voters at the time they cast their ballots. We can conceptualize this variable as the perceived probability (on election day) that a Democrat rather than a Republican is about to be elected president. The goal is to approximate the mean subjective probability of a Democratic presidential win among voters who takes the probable outcome into account when casting a congressional vote. To obtain an objective measure this subjective probability, I directly borrow Snowberg,Wolfers, and Zitzewitz’s (2007) compilation of probabilities of a Democratic presidential win based on actual election eve gambling odds. For the years through 1960, Snowberg et al. use Rohde and Strumpf’s (2004) report of election-eve market prices from the once flourishing Wall Street Curb markets on elections. For 1976-2004, Snowberg et al. use election eve odds by London bookmakers and market prices from the Iowa Political Stockmarket and Intrade. For the gap years 1964, 1968, and 1972, they infer prices from public opinion polls. For 2008 I update using Intrade prices.4 Ideally, these probabilities represent the collective beliefs of informed unbiased observers. At the same time, oddsmakers—especially London bookmakers—do not necessarily set prices to reflect what voters were thinking in the booth. (For instance, bookies might tilt the late price in one direction to offset a flurry of earlier betting the other way.) Figure 1 lays out the scatterplot between the presidential vote two-party vote division and the perceived probability of the outcome, 1936-2008. Outcomes and expectations of the likely winner are highly correlated, as expected. The .81 correlation 10 allows little wiggle-room for testing their separate effects on the congressional vote. With this high correlation among the key independent variables and only 16 cases, is it possible to find convincing evidence that the Democratic vote in House elections increases in response to the national Democratic presidential vote margin (coattails) and decreases in response to the perceived chance of a Republican presidential victory? (Figure 1 about here) Coattails, Balancing, and the National Congressional Vote We turn immediately to Table 1 for an accounting of the congressional vote in presidential years to test for the separate effects of coattails and advance balancing. Equation 1 predicts the vote from party identification alone. As can be seen, party identification can explain 26 percent of the variance in the national vote for the House of Representatives. Prediction improves by adding the presidential vote to capture the impact of short-term forces at the presidential level (coattails). But as the explained variance rises to 32 percent (equation 2), the presidential vote’s contribution is small and not even statistically significant. For this preliminary equation, we can ask, where is the evidence for coattails? (Table 1 about here) Equation 3 includes the balancing variables and party identification, while ignoring presidential coattails. The coefficient for the current presidential party has the expected negative sign, but is not statistically significant. The key coefficient for the expected presidential outcome is positive, which of course is the “wrong” sign. Thus we can ask, where is the evidence for balancing? At the end of November 3, 2008, (the day before the election), Obama’s expected probability of winning was .908, calculated from Obama’s share of the combined prices for Obama and McCain 4 11 The solution of course is to allow both coattails and balancing in the same equation. Equation 4 does this. Now, with the presidential vote, current presidential party, and expected presidential party in the same equation, all variables are statistically significant with the “correct” sign, together explaining almost three-quarters of the variance in the congressional vote. The coattail (presidential vote) effect now appears to be strong with each percentage point of the presidential vote carrying with it almost half a percentage point of the congressional vote (b=.0.46). For instance, a presidential win by 10 points (i.e., 55-45) rather than a close call (i.e., 50-50) makes a difference of 2.3 points in the congressional vote. This suddenly strong coattail effect is offset by strong balancing the opposite direction. Almost a 5 percentage point differential swings on the difference between a certain Republican victory and a certain Democratic victory (b=4.73). For instance, a universal belief that the Democrat will win the presidency with certainty (PrDEMPRES=1.00) rather than a tossup (PrDEMPRES=.50) means that it will lose about 2.4 percentage points. Although the coattail effect is the stronger statistically, the offsetting effect of expectations dampens the presidential party’s congressional yield considerably. Figure 2 illustrates the offsetting effects of coattails and anticipatory balancing by means of a residual plot of the vote by first coattails and then balancing. In each scatterplot, the two variables are residualized as the deviation from the prediction from all other independent variables in equation 4. When the Democratic presidential vote is greater than expected, the Democratic congressional vote also exceeds the model’s expectations. When the Democratic presidential candidate’s perceived chance of victory winning the presidential election. 12 is greater than the model’s projection, the Democratic congressional vote slumps relative to expectations of the model. (Figure 2 about here) One crucial independent variable is yet to be discussed. Table 1 shows that not only the anticipated presidential party matters but also the current presidential party, with a coefficient of -3.61.5 If a party already holds the presidency and is expected to win again, the balance penalty can be considerable. The difference for the congressional vote between a party freshly taking over the presidency in an election perceived to be close and then winning reelection as expected is a penalty shift of about 7 percentage points!6 Against this handicap, offsetting coattails may be at work but go undetected. Certain landslide elections (1956, 1972, 1984, 1996) may have generated strong coattails that were hidden from view because offsetting balancing voters were pushing in the opposite direction. In each of these landslide reelections, the president’s congressional ticketmates received less voter support than four years earlier when the presidential race was tighter. The crucial finding from equation 4 is that strong coattails are offset (and otherwise obscured) by anticipatory balancing the other direction. In fact the average offset from anticipatory balancing truncates by half the average gain from coattails. Over the 16 presidential year elections analyzed, the presidential winner averaged 54.4 percent of the vote, or a 4.4 point surplus vote margin over 50-50. Calculating based on equation 5 The current party coefficient is smaller but more statistically significant than that for the expected presidential winner. The reason for the difference in significance is that the current presidential party is relatively uncorrelated with the presidential vote (r=+.34) unlike the case with the expected winner (r=+.81) 6 The math is as follow. The net effect for winning a tossup presidential election from the opposition is (+3.61 -.50 X 4.73) = 1.25. The net effect for reelection as expected is -3.61- 13 4, that was worth an additional 2.0 percentage point of the congressional vote beyond the yield from a 50-50 presidential election (0.46 4.4).7 Meanwhile, on average over the same election years, the winning presidential party was favored with a .71 probability of winning in the betting markets. According to equation 4, that was worth an additional 1.0 percent of the vote to the losing presidential party beyond the yield from a .50-50 expectation (.21 4.73). It should be emphasized that the statistical evaluation is not to choose one explanation for the vote over another but rather to show that the coattail and balancing explanations are complementary. To demonstrate the effect of balancing brings out the evidence for coattails. And incorporating coattails in the model allows the statistical evidence for anticipatory presidential-year balancing. In turn, evidence that voters are capable of anticipatory balancing in presidential years strengthens the argument that what looks like balancing at midterm is in fact ideological balancing. Presidential years vs. Midterm years Attention turns next to the evidence for voter balancing in midterm elections. Table 2 compares the presidential year equation (equation 4 from Table 1, now repeated as equation 5) with the comparable equation for midterm years. Equation 6 for midterm years naturally does not include a coattail variable. Comparable to the presidential year’s predicted presidential party, the midterm equation includes the actual presidential party. 4.73=8.34 The net change is 8.34-1.25 = 7.09 percentage points as the difference between the expectation of reelection and taking the presidency from the other party in a close election. 7 This calculation ignores the winning presidential party’s congressional vote yield from its shortterm boost in party identification. Parties earn about 4 points on the party identification index when they win rather than lose the presidency, which according to Table 1 translates into about one percent of the House vote. 14 Comparable to the current party of the presidential year equation, the midterm equation includes the previous presidential party (from two years earlier) as an independent variable. The idea is that when the current administration party has held the presidency for more than two years, existing policy at midterm will be farther from the median voter’s preference than if a partisan transition had occurred two years earlier. (Table 2 about here) The presidential-year and midterm equations are remarkably similar. The party identification coefficient is virtually identical in the two equations. The coefficient for the current presidential party is highly significant and negative (-3.71), suggesting that the price for winning the presidency includes a loss of almost four percentage points of the vote at midterm two years later. The midterm vote is also sensitive to the lagged presidential party, which has a coefficient of -2.37. Adding these two coefficients, one sees that the differential in the midterm congressional vote between holding the presidency for at least two terms versus being out of power for two terms is about six percentage points, with the congressional advantage going to the “out” presidential party.8 Note that the “balancing” coefficient for the presidential party at midterm is slightly less negative than the balancing coefficient for the expectation of the presidential 8 Besides the vote in the presidential and midterm years, one can analyze vote intentions between elections. In February of the midterm year, vote intentions monitored by generic ballot polls are unrelated to both the presidential vote from the previous election (i.e., coattails have been withdrawn) and the current presidential party (i.e., balancing is not yet on voters’ minds). As recorded in the generic polls, voters gravitate to the “out” party over the course of the midterm campaign. See Bafumi Erikson, and Wlezien, 2010. 15 party in the presidential year. While this differential is not statistically significant,9 it suggests the possibility of more balancing behavior in those presidential elections where the outcome is universally known in advance than at midterm. This possibility is not as strange as it might seem. In the presidential year, the balancing electorate takes into account the anticipated presidential policy position over the next four years. At midterm, the clear horizon is only for the next two years. We now have enough statistical evidence to roughly sketch how the coattails plus balance model works to insure midterm loss. In the wake of a close presidential election where the outcome had been uncertain and the winner has no coattails, midterm loss occurs because the midterm electorate penalizes the president’s party, on average by almost two percentage points—half the 3.61 midterm differential between holding and not holding the presidency. If the presidential election is not close, and with the outcome known in advance, then midterm loss occurs because the victorious president’s coattails carry in almost one vote for Congress for every two votes the president wins. The withdrawal of presidential coattails at midterm create a midterm loss. Senate Elections One useful robustness check is to repeat the analysis of the House vote on elections for the US Senate. Each election year approximately 33 or 34 states hold Senate elections. Because these races are held in states of uneven population, it is not appropriate to use the net partisan vote in the year’s Senate elections as the dependent variable. Instead, I use a measure of the mean percent Democratic in the year’s Senate 9 The significance test is from a pooled equation incorporating presidential and midterm years together, where the party effect is allowed to vary by type of election year. 16 elections, adjusted for unopposed races.10 With this setup, the vote for each senate seat counts equally. Table 3 shows the results. Equation 7 models the vote in Senate elections in presidential elections 1948-2008. Echoing the House analysis, the impact of coattails and the balance variables—the expected presidential winner and the current presidential party—are significant predictors, with opposite signs. Thus the crucial findings from Table 1 are replicated. In fact, each effect is of considerably higher magnitude and greater significance than for House elections. According to equation 7, the presidential year vote in Senate elections follows the presidential margin virtually one to one—each percent of the vote gained for a presidential candidate is also worth (on average) another one percent for senatorial ticket-mates. A landslide 60-40 presidential win, for instance would yield over ten points for the president’s senatorial ticket mates. But this effect is tempered by a large effect of anticipatory balancing the opposite direction. If the landslide winner is widely predicted to win at the time, the average cost would be about 6 percentage points for the president’s Senate ticketmates compared to the situation where the election is seen as a 50-50 tossup. Figure 3 illustrates by means of a residual plot. (Table 3, Figure 3 about here) Equation 8 shows the companion senatorial equation for midterm years. In midterms, the coefficient for the president’s party once again is statistically significantly 10 The estimate is the mean Democratic vote per year where the vote for unopposed seats is interpolated. The interpolation is an average of the most recent past and previous contested vote for the particular seat (at 6 year intervals) adjusted for the national vote trend for contested seats between the base time period and the interpolated time periods. For instance, suppose for a particular uncontested seat the state’s vote six years earlier had been 48 percent Democratic and the national trend over the following 6 years had been +2 Democratic. The interpolated vote 17 and negatively related to the presidential party. The coefficient shrinks to about one-third the size of the effect of the anticipated vote in presidential years but very similar to the estimated effect for House elections. And at midterm the lagged presidential party seems to have no Senate elections. These differences from equation 7 for presidential years may be that the six-year horizon of senate elections. Looking forward well into the next presidential term, the current and recent presidential parties are of lesser consequence. In sum, the senatorial election analysis reinforces the key findings that the electorate reacts against the candidates of the anticipated presidential winner in presidential years and against the sitting president’s party at midterm. This is balancing at work. At the same time, the more the electorate votes for the presidential winner, it elects Senators of the winning president’s party. This is coattails at work. While replication of key findings with Senate elections is a useful cross-check to see further evidence of coattails and balancing—both in presidential and midterm years— senatorial elections play little role in the larger story of the presidential midterm loss. This is because change in Senate composition from the presidential to the midterm year is a function of changing electoral behavior over a six-year rather than a two-year period. When the in-party loses Senate seats at midterm (as it usually does, but with less frequency than for House seats), the loss is due to support for the presidential party at midterm being lower than it had been six years earlier when the seats that were up for election were last contested. It is important to remember that results from the previous presidential election (two years earlier) have nothing to do with senatorial midterm loss would be 48+2=50 percent Democratic. If the race six years later was also contested, it would be used similarly for a second interpolation. The average of the two estimates would be recorded. 18 of seats. For further discussion of this obvious but often neglected point, see Grofman, Brunell adnd Koetzle (1998).11 Further Robustness Checks This section presents some further robustness checks involving alternative specifications of the statistical models for both presidential and midterm years, and both House and Senate elections. The most crucial coefficients to watch for in these tables are for coattails and anticipatory balancing in presidential years. Except for a somewhat worrisome dependence on the critical 1948 election (see below), it holds up well under alternative specifications. The relevant equations are presented in Table 4. (Table 4 about here) Since the equations involve time serial data, it is important to perform checks and possible corrections for autocorrelated disturbances that could otherwise propel overconfidence in the parameter estimates. One obvious specification is to include the lagged dependent variable on the right hand side of the equations. When this is done (equations 9a-9d), the lagged term is significant only for the presidential year House election equation. The crucial coefficients for coattails and the president’s party (past, present, or anticipated) are essentially unaffected. An alternative specification is Prais-Winston regression. Here, the model assumes a first-order autoregressive time series to the error structure, whereby the error in one observation is a linear function of the error at the previous observation. A 11 While the two-year Senate seat change is a function of electoral change over six years, the change in the mean vote for Senate seats over two years (for different seats in the two years) approximates in magnitude the mean House of Representatives vote loss for presidential parties. 19 complication is that Prais-Winston regression requires one uninterrupted time-series, whereas the presidential and midterm year observations are staggered. This requires one pooled series with separate independent variables for each series, with each independent variable set to zero when not operating. A midterm dummy variable is also added for identification. The result is separate equations but with a pooled autoregressive structure. The results are shown in equations 10a-10d. The coefficients and standard errors are essentially unaffected by the Prais-Winston specification. Still another specification is to exploit the procedure known as “seemingly unrelated regression” (SUR). In SUR, two parallel time series equations with different dependent variables share some of their error. This allows a more efficient estimation of the standard errors. Here, we have a natural application—running SUR with the House and Senate election equations, sharing the same unmeasured short-term forces or errors. The results are shown in equations 11a-11d. With SUR, the coefficients are constrained to be identical to the OLS coefficients, but the standard errors are not. The standard errors shrink relative to their OLS counterparts, allowing each independent variable to achieve a still greater level of statistical significance.12 Next, equations 12a-12d truncate the data by starting each time series one election later—in 1950 (midterms) and 1952 (presidential years) rather than 1946 and 1948. Starting the midterm series in 1950 makes little difference. But starting the presidential year series in 1952 rather than 1948 does matter. The cropping out the 1948 observation has little impact on the parameter estimates. But starting the series in 1952 rather than 1948 expands the standard errors for the expected presidential outcome, causing the 12 With SUR, the equations are identical to the OLS equations as long as the independent variables in the two equations are identical, as here. 20 estimate for the House (but not the Senate) to fall below the standard .05 level. The 1948 observation is crucial to the analysis because guided by erroneous polls, the election-day expectation was that Dewey would defeat Truman. Mistakenly expecting a Republican president, 1948 voters elected a Democratic Congress—as if to block “President Dewey.” Fortunately it is possible to apply some extra statistical firepower to help re-shrink the standard error for the expected vote when the 1948 observation is excluded. Equations 13a-13d maintain the election exclusions of Equations 12a-12d but apply seemingly unrelated regression equations. Now, with SUR applied to the House equation for presidential elections 1952 forward, the coefficient for Pr(DemPres) is .077 (twotailed test), at the cusp of the .05 significance level. Notably, applying SUR expands the significance level of the Senate equation farther into the comfort zone--to .005. Thus, while our degree of confidence in the precision of the estimated effect of presidential expectation is heavily influenced by the inclusion or exclusion of the crucial 1948 observation, this is far from a knockout blow.13 In effect the 1948 observation is a test case that turns a strong statistical argument into a more compelling one. If we were to ignore the 1948 observation, multicolinearity among the independent variables would make the statistically analysis less conclusive than one would like. The best way to overcome multicolinearity is to locate additional cases where the correlated independent variables are in fact far apart. The 1948 election fills this bill, as the one contest where electoral expectations and electoral reality severely separate. The inclusion of the 1948 case provides an especially compelling case that 13 As a further test, the presidential year equation was run without 1948 but with the dependent variable as the average of the House and the Senate vote. With this specification and OLS, the expected presidential outcome is significant at the .01 level. And when the dependent variable is 21 beliefs about who will win the presidential election drive some voters toward the opposition with its congressional votes. The Dynamics of Midterm Loss: An Analysis in First-Differences So far the analysis attempts to explain the congressional vote in terms of the level of support for the Democratic party in different years. The question of midterm loss, however, is dynamic—about change in the congressional outcome from the presidential year to the next midterm. Accordingly, this section models the presidential-to-midterm year vote shift. Attention centers on the role of withdrawn coattails and also the balancing effect induced by the presidential surprise—the degree to which the presidential election outcome had been correctly anticipated. Table 5 models the change in the Democratic vote—presidential year to midterm—as a function of four variables: Lagged coattails: the Democratic vote for president in the prior election (minus 50 percent). The more Democratic the presidential vote, the greater the Democratic decline. The presidential shock: the realization of the presidential winner (1 if Democrat, 0 if Republican) minus the presidential year probability of a Democratic win from the prediction markets. The larger the Democratic shock, the greater the Democratic decline. Party Identification Change: from October of the presidential year to October of the midterm year. The larger the Democratic gain in partisanship, the greater the Democratic vote gain. House seats rather than votes for 1952-2008 using OLS, Pr(DemPres) achieves a .037 level of 22 Presidential approval: in October (Gallup), measured relative to the 1950-2006 October midterm mean (54.3 percent). For Democratic administrations, the measure is the deviation of approval from 54.3. For Republican administrations, the measure is the opposite—the degree to which approval falls below the mean. (Table 5 about here) Table 5 offers two equations. Equation 14 models the vote shift as a function of the first three variables. The coefficients approximate those from the static analysis in levels for presidential and midterm years separately. All three variables—coattails, change in the expected presidential party, and change in party identification, are statistically significant.14 Equation 14 explains almost three-quarters of the variance in the change in the Democratic vote from midterm to presidential years.15 To fully account for t the midterm vote shift, an important consideration is the state of political play in the midterm year. Toward this end, equation 15 adds the measure of presidential approval described above. The estimated effect of approval is a significance. 14 A companion first-difference equation can be computed to explain the vote shift from midterms to presidential years. The variables include the presidential vote, the midterm to presidential year change in the expected presidential party, the change in the lagged presidential party, and the change in party identification. All variables show statistically significant coefficients. 15 With modeling in first-differences, the 1948-1950 transition can be put under a microscope as a crucial test case of the balancing hypothesis. Due to the public misperceiving the presidential winner in 1948, any swing from 1948 to 1950 should be exceptionally large; following their Democratic voting in 1948 to block “President Dewey,” balancing voters needed to reverse directions in 1950 to blocking President Truman. Contrarily, if there had been no premature advance balancing in 1948—if the evidence for it were an illusion—then we would see less of a Republican swing in 1950 than the balancing model predicts. The swing in 1950 was 3.10 percentage points.. The model (equation 13) predicts a Republican swing of 3.04, virtually on the mark. Moreover, if the 1948-1950 observation is deleted, the change in the presidential party remains significant (at. .049). 23 coefficient of 0.14, or a 14 point increase for the presidential party’s vote for every 10 percentage point growth in approval. The incorporation of the approval effect cuts the unexplained variance in the vote change (already reduced to only 24 percent, from equation 13) in half (to 11 percent).16 Incorporating approval does not greatly affect the coefficients for the other variables. In fact, the additional explained variance tightens the standard errors for the original three variables, thus increasing their degree of statistical significance.17 Midterm loss: The Accounting Over the 15 midterm cycles from 1948-1950 to 2004-2006, whether a party won or lost the presidency resulted in an average partisan swing of 6.2 percentage points of the vote. From the perspective of the winning presidential party, the midterm loss is half this amount, or a loss of 3.1 percentage points of the congressional vote from presidential year to midterm. The present section shows how the twin effects of withdrawn coattails and partisan balancing account for most of this midterm loss. 16 Besides presidential approval, another potential indicator of the electoral landscape in midterm years is per capita income growth as an indicator of economic prosperity. Accordingly, I considered annual per capita income growth, as a deviation from its midterm mean. This variable contributed nothing (and was far from statistically significant) in all relevant specifications. 17 Estimation of the effect of presidential approval on the Democratic vote (rather than the presidential party vote) inevitably requires some awkwardness. In the analysis of first differences in Table 5, any alternative to the 53.1 percent pivot point would present some shift in the coefficient for approval and for other variables. Estimating the approval effect on the presidential party vote yields a variety of estimates. One estimation procedure is to convert the residuals from the equation 13 prediction to represent the residual presidential party vote and then predict it from presidential approval. The resultant coefficient for approval is 0.12 (standard error=0.03). Simply regressing the change in the presidential party vote change on approval yields an 0.18 coefficient (standard error=0.05). Regressing the level of presidential party support on the presidential party, identification with the president’s party and approval yields a coefficient of 0.11 (standard deviation = 0.06). 24 For this exercise, it is necessary to analyze the change in the vote at midterm as the net change for the presidential party rather than for the Democratic party. Doing this truncates the variance by about 60 percent. Whereas the variance of the Democratic gain (loss) at midterm is 16.5 percentage points, the variance of the presidential party’s gain (loss) is a mere 6.3 percent.18 Table 6 shows the details. For each source of midterm loss (and the coattails plus balance combination), the table shows the net average change (for the presidential party), the estimated effect of a unit change from equation 15, and the product of the two as the estimate of net mean impact on the vote. The final column presents the variance (across the 15 midterm cycles) of the year-specific estimated effects. (Table 6 about here) The first thing to note is that the average net effects roughly add up to the average midterm vote swing (3.1 percentage points against the presidential party) but also appear surprisingly small. On average, withdrawn coattails and balancing from the presidential shock account for vote declines of only 1.40 and 1.16 percentage points respectively.19 Additionally, an estimated 0.47 points of the congressional vote declines due to the waning of identification with the presidential party between the presidential victory and midterm. A particularly revealing aspect of Table 6 is the column of variances for the components of midterm loss. Note that not only are the net effects due to coattails and 18 Except for 2002, each election result in effect is folded at the 50-50 mark. 19 By construction, the net effect of approval on midterm loss is zero. Also by construction, the four components plus the trivial intercept must add up to the actual average loss when measured as the change in the Democratic vote. When “folded” to represent the change in the presidential 25 balancing small; the variance around these expectations are also small. In other words, the precise presidential party’s penalty from the combination of withdrawn coattails and the presidential shock does not vary much across the midterm elections. Most importantly, because loss from coattails and loss from the presidential shock are negatively correlated, the variance for the net effect of the combination of coattails and balancing effects is less than the sum of the variances for the two components considered separately. With an average loss of about 2.8 percentage points from withdrawn coattails plus the electoral shock, the variance of only 1.20 keeps this penalty at close to a constant level across elections. On the one hand, withdrawn coattails and the presidential shock create an average loss of 3.1 percentage points for the party winning the presidency. On the other hand, there is little variation in their contribution, as together they account for only 19 percent of the total variance in the presidential party vote. Together, the combination of coattails and balancing account for the regularity of midterm loss. To learn the size of this loss, we turn elsewhere—the change in party identification and presidential approval. In determining the size of the loss (or the rare gain), party identification is more important than the details of coattails and balancing. Table 6 shows that the variance in the vote shift due to changing partisanship (1.77) is slightly greater than that for coattails and balancing either separately or combined. A similar amount of variance (1.83) is accounted for by presidential approval. Together, the change in partisanship plus approval account for more than four times the variance in the presidential party vote than the combination of coattails and presidential shockinduced balancing. party vote, some jitter is entered due to unequal representation of Democratic and Republican presidents during the time frame of the study. 26 The result of this exercise should now be evident. On the one hand, coattails and balancing account for the existence of midterm loss. Call this the “structural” source of midterm loss. One can anticipate the actuality of the structurally-induced midterm loss immediately upon the determination of the presidential winner from the size of the presidential victory and the degree of surprise in the outcome. On the other hand, the degree of midterm loss is largely shaped by unanticipated political variables reflected in the change in partisanship and the president’s approval at midterm. Call this the referendum effect. Referendum theory cannot account for the presence of midterm loss but it can account its magnitude. Figure 4 illustrates, by showing the structural and referendum components together as predictors of the presidential party’s midterm vote shift. The structural component—due to withdrawn coattails and surprise-induced balancing varies little around its average of -2.6. The referendum component shows a wide variation, but rarely enough to predict midterm gain. The 2002 case is the notable exception, with George W. Bush’s popularity plus post-9/11 Republican gains in party identification overriding the structural pressure for a loss.20 (Figure 4 about here) The argument of this section can be summarized as follows. First, withdrawn coattails and balancing together explain most of the average magnitude of midterm loss. 20 An argument can be made for a more sophisticated but complex division into structural and referendum components that goes as follows. Suppose we divide the change in party identification into the expected and surprise portion based on an equation predicting partisan change from lagged partisanship from the presidential year (b = 0.88). Then , include only the residual with the referendum component, with the expected component assigned as structural. The advantage would be to add slightly to the structural part predicted in advance at the moment the presidential election is decided. As would be expected, the result is very similar to that reported in the text. 27 (Midterm loss would even be larger except if there were no anticipatory balancing in presidential elections.) This joint contribution of withdrawn coattails and balancing to midterm loss is fairly constant over elections. The result is the regularity of midterm loss, with an average of a few percentage points of the vote. But coattails and balancing do not help much to predict the variation around the central tendency. Inter-election shifts in party identification and the president’s popularity account for much of the residual variation. Discussion and Conclusion Attempts to explain midterm loss typically focus on one aspect of the puzzle at the expense of others. The withdrawal of presidential coattails is a strong contributor— but not if the presidential election was too close for coattails to matter. Ideological balancing also contributes—but not if the presidential election was so lopsided that voters could balance in advance. Presidential approval contributes, along with changes in party identification, contribute to the size of the loss—but cannot explain the presence of balancing when presidents are popular. Individually, these explanations fail to account for the near certainty of midterm loss as a “law” of politics. Collectively, however, they work together to account for both the regularity of midterm loss, the magnitude of the loss, and even the rare upset gain (2002). The waxing and waning of coattails plus midterm balancing correction following presidential election shocks work in tandem. Together they produce the near certainty of presidential party loss at midterm. When the presidential election is close and coattails are absent, the presidential election shock generally induces midterm voting for the 28 opposition. When the presidential election is lopsided and the outcome is widely anticipated, the winner’s congressional ticketmates ride on the coattails, which are then withdrawn at midterm. A crucial part of this argument is the documentation of the evidence for anticipatory balancing in presidential years. This serves two purposes. It strengthens the case for ideological balancing. If the electorate can balance based on the anticipation of the winner, the argument is strengthened that what looks like balancing at midterm is exactly that. Also, the control for ideological balancing in presidential years strengthens the evidence for coattails and their withdrawal. Finally, while withdrawn coattails and balancing providing a structural explanation for midterm loss, the variation in the loss can be clearly seen as a referendum on the president and the president’s party. Political conditions at midterm determine the extent of midterm loss. The near certainty that midterm loss will occur is established two years earlier with the outcome of the presidential election. References Alesina, Albert and Howard Rosenthal. 1995. Partisan Politics, Divided Government, and the Economy. New York: Cambridge University Press. Calvert, Randall L. and John A. Ferejohn. 1983. “Coattail Voting in Recent Presidential Elections.” American Political Science Review. 77: 407-19. Campbell, Angus. 1966. “Surge and Decline: A Study of Electoral Change.” In Angus Campbell, Philip E. Converse, Warren E. Miller, and Donald E. 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Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press 30 1 1964 .5 1960 1952 19681976 2004 2000 .25 1956 1984 1980 1988 1948 1972 0 Market Price .75 1996 1992 2008 35 40 55 50 45 % Democratic, Presidential Vote 60 65 Figure 1. Election-Eve Probability of a Democratic Victory in Election Markets by Democratic Percent of the Two-Party Presidential Vote, 1946-2008. 31 4 Balancing 4 Coattails 1948 2 1948 1988 1976 1984 2008 1964 1976 2000 1972 2000 0 1984 1968 1980 1956 1968 1972 1992 1960 1956 1980 1996 1960 19921996 1952 -2 -2 0 2 Residual Democratic Vote for House 1988 1964 2008 2004 2004 -4 -4 1952 -6 -3 0 3 Residual Dem. Vote for Pres. 6 -.4 -.2 0 .2 .4 Residual Price of Dem. Win Figure 2. Residual Plots Predicting the Vote for House of Representatives from Vote for President (Coattails) and from Election Market Prices (Balancing). For the left panel (coattails), the two variables are the residuals from regressing on market prices, the lagged presidential party, and party identification. For the right panel (balancing), the two variables are the residuals from regressing on the presidential vote, the lagged presidential party, and party identification. 32 Coattails Balancing 1948 1956 3 1964 1988 19601988 1956 1960 1968 1976 1964 1968 0 1976 1992 20082004 2000 2004 1980 1972 2000 1992 2008 1952 1984 -3 -3 0 3 Residual Mean Dem. Vote for Senate 6 6 1948 1980 1972 1984 1996 1996 -6 -6 1952 -5 0 5 Residual Dem. Vote for Pres. 10 -.4 -.2 0 .2 .4 Residual Price of Dem. Win Figure 3. Residual Plots Predicting the MeanVote for Senate Races from Vote for President (Coattails) and from Election Market Prices (Balancing). For the left panel (coattails), the two variables are the residuals from regressing on market prices, the lagged presidential party, and party identification. For the right panel (balancing), the two variables are the residuals from regressing on the presidential vote, the lagged presidential party, and party identification. 33 2 0 -2 1994 1962 1998 1970 1990 1978 1982 2006 -4 1958 1954 1986 1950 -6 1966 1974 2002 -4 -2 0 2 Party ID Change + Pres. Approval Prediction 4 Figure 4. Predicting the presidential party vote from structural variables (withdrawn xoattails and balancing) versus Referendum variables (party identification change plus presidential approval). Observations represent the predictions from equation 15. The diagonal line (which incorporates the intercept) represents values at which the expected vote is 50 percent Democratic. 34 Table 1. Predicting the Democratic Vote for the U.S. House of Representatives, Presidential Years, 1948-2008 (1) (2) (3) (4) Party ID Add Add Coattails Only Coattails Balancing and Balancing COATTAILS (Dem. b 0.15 0.46 Presidential Vote minus s.e. (0.10) (0.11) 50 % ) p .15 .002 Pr(DEMPRES) (Probability of Democratic President) b s.e. p 1.89 (1.66) .278 -4.73 (2.00) .038 CURRENT PRESIDENTIAL PARTY (1=Dem., 0=Rep.) b s.e. p -2.25 (1.06) .055 -3.61 (0.79) .001 OCTOBER PARTY IDENTIFICATION,. (% Dem. minus % Rep.) b s.e. p 0.21 (0.08) .026 0.19 (0.08) ,033 0.23 (0.08) .012 0.25 (0.05) .001 Constant b s.e. p -.0.09 (1.36) .939 0.29 (1.21) .813 -0.28 (1.28) .828 3.66 (1.31) .018 .257 .322 .404 .733 Adjusted R squared Root MSE 2.27 2.17 2.04 1.36 N = 16. The congressional (House of Representatives) vote and the presidential vote are each measured as the Democratic percent of the two-party vote, minus 50 percent. The probability of a Democratic president is based on election-eve election market prices. Reported p-values are based on two-tailed tests. 35 Table 2. Predicting the Democratic Vote for the U.S. House of Representatives, Presidential Years and Midterm Years , 1946-2008 (5) (6) Presidential Years Midterm Years COATTAILS (Dem. Presidential b 0.46 Vote minus 50 % ) s.e. (0.11) p .002 Pr(DEMPRES) (Probability of Democratic President) b s.e. p -4.73 (2.00) .038 CURRENT PRESIDENTIAL PARTY (1=Dem., 0=Rep.) b s.e. p -3.61 (0.79) .001 LAGGED PRESIDENTIAL PARTY (1=Dem., 0=Rep.) b s.e. p OCTOBER PARTY IDENTIFICATION,. (% Dem. minus % Rep.) b s.e. p 0.25 (0.05) .001 0.25 (0.05) .001 Constant b s.e. p 3.66 (1.31) .018 1.74 (1.04) .122 .733 .774 Adjusted R squared -3.71 (0.89) .001 -2.37 (0.89) .021 RMSE 1.36 1.76 N 16 16 The congressional (House of Representatives) vote and the presidential vote are each measured as the Democratic percent of the two-party vote, minus 50 percent. The probability of a Democratic president is based on election-eve election market prices. Reported p-values are based on two-tailed tests. 36 Table 3. Predicting the Democratic Vote for the U.S. Senate, Presidential Years and Midterm Years , 1946-2008 (7) (8) Presidential Years Midterm Years COATTAILS (Dem. Presidential b 1.04 Vote minus 50 % ) s.e. (0.17) p .000 Pr(DEMPRES) (Probability of Democratic President) b s.e. p -13.44 (2.92) .001 CURRENT PRESIDENTIAL PARTY (1=Dem., 0=Rep.) b s.e. p -3.30 (1.15) .015 LAGGED PRESIDENTIAL PARTY (1=Dem., 0=Rep.) b s.e. p OCTOBER PARTY IDENTIFICATION,. (% Dem. minus % Rep.) b s.e. p 0.19 (0.08) .031 0.30 (0.07) .001 Constant b s.e. p 8.64 (1.91) ..001 0.15 (1.41) .916 .729 .615 Adjusted R squared -3.54 (1.21) .012 -0.13 (1.20) .096 RMSE 1.99 2.37 N 16 16 The Senate vote and the presidential vote are each measured as the Democratic percent of the two-party vote, minus 50 percent. The Senate vote is the mean state vote as described in the text. The probability of a Democratic president is based on election-eve election market prices. Reported p-values are based on two-tailed tests. 37 Table 4. Alternative Equations for House and Senate Election Equations, Presidential and Midterm Years. Lagged PraisSeemingly OLS, SUR, Dependent Winston Unrelated Start with Start with Variable Regression Regressions 1950/1952 1950/1952 (9a) (10a) (11a) (12a) (13a) House of Representative Elections, Presidential Yrs. Lagged Dependent b 0.33 Variable s.e. (0.14)* . Dem. Presidential Vote b 0.50 0.46 0.46 0.45 0.45 minus 50 % ) s.e. (0.10)*** (0.12)*** (0.10)*** (0.16)* (0.13)** Pr(DEMPRES) Prob. of Dem. Pres. b s.e. -5.14 (1.70)* -4.27 (1.98)* -4.73 (1.66)** -4.57 (3.00) Current Pres. Party (1=Dem., 0=Rep.) b s.e. -2.07 (0.94) -3.54 (0.84)*** -3.61 (0.65)*** -3.62 (0.83)*** -3.62 (0.68)*** October Party Identification (D-R ) b s.e. 0.15 (0.06)* 0.24 (0.04)*** 0.25 (0.04)** 0.25 (0.06)*** 0.25 (0.05)*** Constant b s.e. 3.81 (1.11)* 3.58 (1.35)* 3.66 (1.09)*** 3.56 (1.91) 3.56 (1.56)* .810 1.15 16 .753 1.45 16 .804 1.13 16 .725 1.43 15 .803 1.43 15 (9b) (10b) (11b) (12b) (13b) 0.17 (0.28) -4.22 (1.30)** -2.17 (1.05) 0.24 (0.07)** -3.58 (0.76)*** -2.38 (0.74)** 0.24 (0.04)*** -3.71 (0.77)*** -2.37 (0.77)** 0.25 (0.05)*** -3.74 (0.98)** -2.40 (0.95)* 0.26 (0.06)** -3.74 (0.94)*** -2.40 (0.82)** 0.26 (0.05)*** 1.66 (1.18) .670 1.89 15 1.63 (1.30) .753 1.45 16 1.74 (0.90) .819 1.53 16 1.70 (1.14) .690 1.84 15 1.70 (0.98) Adjusted R squared RMSE N House of Representative Elections, Midterm Years Lagged Dependent Variable Current Pres. Party (1=Dem., 0=Rep.) Lagged Pres. Party (1=Dem., 0=Rep.) October Party Identification (D –R) Constant Adjusted R squared RMSE N -4.57 (2.45) 15 38 Table 4 continued. Alternative Equations for House and Senate Election Equations, Presidential and Midterm Years. Senate Elections, Presidential Years Lagged Dependent b Variable s.e. Lagged Dependent Variable (9c) PraisWinston Regression (10c) Seemingly Unrelated Regressions (11c) OLS, Start with 1950/1952 (12c) SUR, Start with 1950/1952 (13c) 0.26 (0.25) Dem. Presidential Vote minus 50 % ) b s.e. 1.07 (0.17)*** 1.11 (0.16)*** 1.04 (0.14)*** 0.91 (0.23)** 0.91 (0.19)** Pr(DEMPRES) Prob. of Dem. Pres. b s.e. -13.34 (2.91)*** -14.16 (2.82)*** -13.43 (2.42)*** -10.92 (4.23)* -10.92 (3.45)** Current Pres. Party (1=Dem., 0=Rep.) b s.e. -2.17 (1.59) -3.63 (1.20)** -3.30 (0.95) -3.38 (1.17)* -3.38 (0.95)** Oct. PartyID (D –R) b s.e. 0.09 (0.12) 0.23 (0.06)*** 0.19 (0.06)** 0.20 (0.08)* 0.20 (0.06)** Constant b s.e. 8.76 (1.91)*** 8.68 (1.91)*** 8.64 (1.58)*** 7.08 (2.69)* 7.08 (2.20)** Adjusted R squared RMSE N .730 1.98 16 .732 2.06 16 .801 1.65 16 .654 2.02 15 .754 2.02 15 Senate Elections, Midterm Years Lagged Dependent b Variable s.e. (9d) (10d) (11d) (12d) (13d) 0.08 (0.30) Current Pres. Party (1=Dem., 0=Rep.) b s.e. -4.36 (1.57)* -3.31 (1.08)** -3.54 (1.04)*** -4.02 (1.23)** -4.02 (1.06)*** Lagged Pres. Party (1=Dem., 0=Rep.) b s.e. -0.46 (1.25) -0.61 (1.06) -0.13 (1.04) -0.45 (1.20) -0.45 (1.03) Oct. Party ID (D –R) b s.e. 0.34 (0.08)** 0.23 (0.06)*** 0.30 (0.06)*** 0.35 (0.08)*** 0.35 (0.07)*** Constant b s.e. -0.34 (1.50) 1.22 (1.28) 0.15 (1.22) -0.39) (1.44) -0.39) (1.23) Adjusted R squared .591 .732 .692 .623 RMSE 2.41 2.06 2.05 2.31 N 15 16 16 15 15 Prais-Winston equations are pooled across all years, with effects estimated separately by presidential and midterm year as indicated in the text. Separate midterm and presidential year dummies are estimated. (The party identification effect is pooled.) The Prais-Winston Adjusted R Squareds and RMSEs are derived for the full sample.of 32 cases. For both House and Senate election equations, rho=.38.. 39 Table 5. Predicting Change in the Democratic Vote from the Presidential Year to Midterm, 1944-1946—2004-2006. (14) (15) Percent Change in Democratic Vote, Presidential Year to Midterm WITHDRAWN COATTAILS (50% b 0.31 0.31 minus President’s Vote Two Year s.e. (0.12) (0.08) Earlier) p .026 .004 PRESIDENTIAL SHOCK (Change from Pr(DEMPRES) to Actual Presidential Party (1=Dem., 0 =Rep.) b s.e. p -4.48 (1.53) .014 -3.88 (1.08) .005 OCTOBER PARTY b s.e. p 0.33 (0.14) .039 0.29 (0.10) ..017 IDENTIFICATION,. (% Dem. minus % Rep.) PRES. APPROVAL INDICATOR (October deviation from mean, positive if Dem. president., negative if Rep. president Constant b s.e. p b s.e. p 0.14 (0.04) .005 -0.61 (0.53) .279 -0.18 (0.39 ..661 Adjusted R squared .763 ..886 Root MSE N 1.98 15 1.38 15 40 Table 6. Estimating the Net Effects of Withdrawn Coattails, Balancing, and Party ID Change on Midterm Loss for the Presidential Party Component of Midterm Loss Mean for Coefficient Mean Net Variance Presidential (from Effect of Net Party equation (Mean Effect 15) Coefficient) Withdrawn Coattails (50% -4.52 0.31 -1.40 1.64 minus President’s Vote Two Year Earlier) Balancing (1 minus President’s. Win Probability Two Years Earlier) 0.30 -3.87 Coattails + Balancing -1.16 1.00 -2.56 0.97 Party Identification for Pres. Party, Midterm minus Presidential Year -1.64 0.29 -0.47 1.77 Pres. Approval (October deviation from mean, +if Dem. president., - if Rep. president 1.23 0.14 0.00 1.83 -0.47 3.85 Party + Approval Constant 0.04 Total Prediction Equation Actual Change in Presidential Party’s Vote -3.12 0.04 -2.99 5.72 -3.12 6.27 41