Deadliest Earthquakes: NOVA Name____________________________ date________ Period_________ 1. How many people died as the result of the Haitian earthquake? 2. What is a benchmark? 3. Where do they put the benchmarks? 4. What are benchmarks used for? 5. Locations north of Port-au-Prince are moving __________ and locations south of Portau-Prince are moving __________. 6. How far did certain benchmarks move during the earthquake? 7. What is plate tectonics? 8. What moves the plates? 9. Why don’t the plates move gradually? 10.When was the last earthquake on that fault? 11.How much elastic strain was building up on the fault? 12.Can seismologists place a date on an earthquake prediction? 13.Was all the elastic stress relieved during the earthquake? 14.Where is the San Andreas Fault? 15.Which fault is faster (San Andreas or Haiti)? 16.When was the last San Andreas earthquake? 17.Weeks after Haiti, where did another earthquake occur? 18.What was the magnitude of the earthquake? 19.What happened to earth rotation due to this earthquake? 20.(Pause video) What is the tectonic setting of Chile? 21.How did they determine that the coastline rose 2-3 meters? 22.What can occur due to earthquakes along these plate boundaries? 23.How high was the tsunami in Chile? 24.The earthquakes along the Cascadia fault generated ___________ deep in the ocean. 25.Based upon their data, what is the chance of a huge earthquake here? 26.How deep are slow-slip earthquakes? 27.How would a slow-slip earthquake precede a major quake? 28.Why would one earthquake lead to another? 29.What is happening to the stadium at UC-Berkley? 30.(pause video) How do earthquakes send out their own warning signals? 31.Where are p-wave detectors systems impractical? 32.What can be done to prevent death in earthquakes? 33.What is the best way to survive an earthquake?