JUNIOR CHAMBER SOUTH AFRICA Constitution CHAPTER 1: NAME ARTICLE 1-1. NAME: The Association shall be known as Junior Chamber South Africa or a translation into an official language of South Africa and hereinafter in this Constitution shall be referred to as the NOM (National Organization Member) and shall not be abbreviated in any other form. CHAPTER 2: EMBLEM ARTICLE 2-1. EMBLEM: The emblem of the NOM shall consist of the emblem of Junior Chamber International and may only be reproduced as below: Use of the emblem must comply in full with the Corporate Identity Document attached as Appendix A. BYLAW 2-2. RESTRICTIVE USE: The use of the name and emblem of the NOM and those of Junior Chamber International shall be restricted to properly affiliated members of the NOM and shall not be used by others without the written consent of the NOM Board of Directors. BYLAW 2-3. USE OF EMBLEM AND REGALIA New regalia and the reproduction of the Junior Chamber emblem shall be approved by the Board before such articles may be produced or offered for sale by LOMs or Individual Members. CHAPTER 3: AFFILIATION ARTICLE 3-1. AFFILIATION: The NOM shall be affiliated to Junior Chamber International, hereinafter referred to as JCI, and this shall involve: 1. Acceptance of the JCI Declaration of Principles and Purposes which reads as follows: The Principles of Junior Chamber, inspired by the JCI Creed (Appendix B), are based on a belief in: * Faith in God * The brotherhood of man * Individual freedom and dignity * Government of laws * The value of human personality * Service to humanity 2. Compliance with the Constitution of JCI insofar as this affects the NOM. _______________________________________________________________ 1 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 CHAPTER 4: PURPOSES ARTICLE 4-1. PURPOSE OF JUNIOR CHAMBER: The purpose of Junior Chamber, inspired by the Declaration of Principles, shall be to contribute to the advancement of the global community by providing the opportunity for young people to develop the leadership skills, social responsibility and fellowship necessary to create positive change. ARTICLE 4-2. PURPOSES OF THE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION: The purposes of the NOM, as inspired by the JCI Declaration of Principles, shall be: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To develop and advance the purposes of Junior Chamber. To co-ordinate the activities of its members to achieve these purposes. To promote the extension of membership to all young people within the geographical limits of the Republic of South Africa. To promote the concept of universal interdependence. To act as a non-profit organization. To act as a registered fund raising organization. ARTICLE 4-3. POLITICS: The NOM shall refrain from any partisan political activity, and its members will avoid mixing their personal activities with their Junior Chamber activities in a sense that the general public might infer that the organization is partisan politically oriented. ARTICLE 4-4. RELIGION: The NOM shall refrain from sectarian or religious activities, and it's members will avoid mixing their personal activities with their Junior Chamber activities in a sense that the general public might infer that the organization is sectarian religiously oriented. ARTICLE 4-5. WORLD PEACE: The NOM, whilst recognizing the fundamental goal of its founder, Henry Giessenbier, Jnr., shall commit itself to strive for a true and everlasting world peace. ARTICLE 4-6 GOAL: The goal of Junior Chamber South Africa is the development of Leadership and Entrepreneurial Skills in young Business and Community people. CHAPTER 5: MEMBERSHIP ARTICLE 5-1. DEFINITION: Local organizations whose objectives and activities are in accordance with the purposes of JCI and the NOM, and which are formally affiliated to the NOM, shall be Local Organization Members (hereinafter known as LOMs) of the NOM. All LOMs shall be known as "Junior Chamber (name) ". ARTICLE 5-2. QUALIFICATIONS: Membership of the NOM shall be open to organizations in the geographical limits of the Republic of South Africa provided that such organizations: 1. 2. 3. 4. Comply with the requirements of the NOM as laid down in this Constitution. Have objectives and policies which are consistent with the purposes of the NOM and JCI. Maintain age limits as per Article 5-6 of this Constitution. Maintain a minimum membership of twenty-five (25) members for a fully affiliated LOM. _______________________________________________________________ 2 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 BYLAW 5-3. REQUIREMENTS: Applications for membership of the NOM shall be lodged in writing with the Secretary General at least twenty-eight (28) days prior to the Annual Meeting of the General Assembly. Such applications must be accompanied by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A copy of the applicant's Constitution which may not be in conflict with that of the NOM or JCI. The applicable dues payment method and Membership Application forms for the proposed members. The names and addresses of LOM officers. A list of past activities, if any. A list of proposed activities for the ensuing year and a plan of action to realize same. BYLAW 5-4. PROBATIONARY PERIOD: During the first six (6) months of its affiliation, a LOM will be Provisionally Affiliated. During this period, it can participate in all NOM meetings and activities, but will not have voting rights. ARTICLE 5-5. PROCEDURE: Every application for membership to the NOM which meets the requirements of Article 5-2 and Bylaw 5-3, and is approved by the Board shall be accepted upon approval by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the General Assembly. ARTICLE 5-6. AGE LIMIT: LOMs shall maintain age limits of not less than eighteen (18) and not more than forty (40) years for Individual Members, provided that membership may continue until the end of the operational year in which the person reaches the age of forty (40) years, except for the Immediate Past President, who may serve in that capacity for not more than one (1) year. BYLAW 5-6 ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Associate membership may be granted to individual members older than forty (40) years of age, with the provision that such members do not qualify for voting purposes, minimum membership numbers or elections. Associate members may not hold any elected office, but may be appointed by the NOM or LOM President for a particular action or service. LOMS may charge a membership fee at their discretion. The NOM may also charge a fee in accordance to services rendered to such members. ARTICLE 5-7. RESIGNATION: Any LOM may terminate its association with the NOM and may cease to be associated immediately upon its lodging notice of its wish to do so with the NOM President, accompanied by Financial Statements approved by an Internal Auditing Committee and all monies due by it to the NOM and all other creditors. The notice referred to above shall be supported by a directive, certified as an extract of the minutes of the LOM's General Meeting. All assets of the LOM revert to the NOM upon resignation. ARTICLE 5-8. DISQUALIFICATION: Where members of the Board agree unanimously that a LOM is no longer qualified for membership of the NOM due to violation of Article 5-2, the membership of that LOM may be suspended or terminated subject to ratification by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of General Assembly. Any LOM so disqualified will be deemed to have resigned. ARTICLE 5-9. REGISTRATION OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS: No person shall be a member of a LOM until he is registered as such with the Secretary General. Such registration shall consist of the submission of completed official membership application forms and the subsequent acceptance and written acknowledgement thereof by the Secretary General. _______________________________________________________________ 3 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 Upon application for individual’s membership, the LOM shall pay to the NOM the joining fee, as determined by General Assembly. A compulsory, structured pre induction program must be undertaken prior to the induction of new members. The correct description of an Individual Member of a LOM shall be "Jaycee" and this description shall not be abbreviated. ARTICLE 5-10. OATH OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS: All individual members shall take the following Oath or Solemn Declaration, to be administered by the LOM President or a NOM Board member at the induction which should take place as soon as possible after acceptance as members: "I do solemnly promise that I shall faithfully serve the purposes of Junior Chamber and shall at all times uphold its ideals and principles." ARTICLE 5-11. DISQUALIFICATION OF AN INDIVIDUAL MEMBER: Section 1. Reason A LOM may withdraw an individual's membership or temporarily suspend that member if he has conducted himself in a manner unworthy of a Junior Chamber member, or if the actions of the member are not in the best interests of the Organization or in violation of the LOM or NOM constitutions. Section 2. Procedure for appeal 1.The Individual Member may appeal against this disqualification in writing by registered mail addressed to the Secretariat, requesting the sitting of the Executive Committee with the purpose of appealing against the dismissal. A mutually acceptable date for the meeting shall be determined by the Secretary General. 2.In the event the Executive Committee unanimously decide not to reverse the withdrawal or suspension of membership after the meeting detailed in item 1 above, a meeting between the LOM executive and the Executive Committee must take place, after which the Executive Committee’s decision will be final and shall be circulated to General Assembly, together with a report, signed by the NOM President and the Secretary General, detailing the allegations. The individual member may circulate through the Secretary General to General Assembly, his response to the allegations. 3.During the procedure above, the Individual Member involved shall refrain from any Junior Chamber activity and from disrupting the activities of the organization or causing prejudice to its name and reputation. 4.In the event of a breach of item 3 above by the Individual Member, such member shall be deemed to have abandoned his appeal and to have consented to the withdrawal of membership or suspension thereof. 5.The Individual Member shall be informed by the Secretary General, by registered mail, of the outcome of the vote of General Assembly, within seven (7) days of the vote being taken. 6.Ratification by General Assembly must be made by a two-thirds (2/3) majority. Section 3 Any Individual Member so disqualified shall immediately be deprived of the benefit of any Senatorship, Ambassadorship or other similar awards. All regalia, records, documentation or any other LOM or NOM asset shall immediately be returned to the Secretariat at the cost of the Individual Member so disqualified. BYLAW 5-12. TRANSFER OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP An Individual Member may transfer from one LOM to another on the submission of a letter of introduction from his original LOM to the LOM to which he wishes to transfer. _______________________________________________________________ 4 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 LOMs are not obliged to accept a transfer into their membership and may levy a joining fee. On acceptance by the new LOM a member shall be deemed to have resigned from his former LOM and may not be a member of more than one LOM. The Secretary General must be informed by both LOMs in writing of the transfer. ARTICLE 5-13. LOM CONSTITUTIONS A copy of the current Constitution of all LOMs shall be submitted annually to the Secretary General prior to the commencement of General Assembly at the NOM Convention. In the event of any amendment being made to the LOM Constitution, a copy of such amendment shall be forwarded to the Secretary General. The General Legal Counsel shall notify the LOM, by registered post of the acceptance of the amendment. In the event of the amendment not being in accordance with the aims and purposes of the organization or being in conflict with the constitutions of the NOM or JCI, the Board shall notify the LOM of the discrepancy by registered post. Such notification or acceptance shall be communicated to the LOM within twenty-one (21) day of the receipt of the amendment by the Secretary General. Any item, Article or Bylaw in a LOM's Constitution which is in conflict with the constitutions of the NOM or JCI, will be disregarded until rectified. ARTICLE 5-14. EXTENSIONS OF EXISTING LOMs: On identification of a community which could support a Junior Chamber LOM, an existing LOM may consider an extension. An Extension Committee shall be formed and shall report to the sponsoring LOM's meetings. The Extension shall operate an banking account at a recognized financial institution, on joint signatures of the Extension Chairperson and the President of the sponsoring LOM. Such funds should be included in the sponsoring LOM's financial statements. The sponsoring LOM shall be responsible for the Extension until full Affiliation is granted. Membership of the Extension is deemed to be that of the sponsoring LOM until full Affiliation is granted. CHAPTER 6: GENERAL ASSEMBLY ARTICLE 6-1. SUPREME AUTHORITY: The General Assembly shall constitute the supreme authority of the NOM and it shall direct the affairs of the NOM. ARTICLE 6-2. EXCLUSIVE PREROGATIVES: The General Assembly shall have the exclusive prerogative to vote on any and all of the following matters: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. BYLAW 6-3. Election of all elective officers. Approval of appointments of non-elected members of the Board. Affiliation and disqualification of LOMs with the support of the Board. Approval of the NOM's program/s of activity for the ensuing year. Approval of the budget for the ensuing year. Approval of the NOM Convention site. Approval of the Long Range Plan and reports. Approval of the appointment of the auditors for the forthcoming year. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES: The General Assembly shall receive and act upon reports and recommendations referred to it by the Board or any member. _______________________________________________________________ 5 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 ARTICLE 6-4. COMPOSITION: The General Assembly shall be composed of: 1. 2. The Board of Directors (the Board) The President of each LOM. In the event of the President of a member LOM not being able to attend a meeting of the General Assembly, he shall notify the Secretary General in writing prior to the commencement of the meeting of his designated representative who must be a member of said LOM and in good standing as defined (Definitions,- Appendix C). Each LOM may appoint one co-delegate who is a member in good standing. Any member of General Assembly may request speaking rights for co-delegates or any other non-member of General Assembly. The General Assembly may rule on this request. ARTICLE 6-5. VOTING: In any vote by the General Assembly, all fully affiliated LOMs in good financial standing (Appendix C) with the NOM shall have a number of votes based on the following: 1. One (1) vote per registered member if membership is equal to or greater than twenty-five (25). BYLAW 6-6. VOTING STRENGTH: For the purpose of Article 6-5, the voting strength for General Assembly at National Convention shall be based upon registered members on 15 September prior to National Convention, save that only those members still registered by National Convention shall be included in the voting strength. The voting strength for General Assembly held at any other time than that held during National Convention shall be the registered number of members one month prior to the date of the General Assembly. ARTICLE 6-7 PROXIES In any vote at a General Assembly meeting, a LOM entitled to vote in terms of the Constitution may cast a proxy vote for another LOM. These proxies must be signed by the President or Secretary of the absent LOM and be submitted to the Secretary General prior to the commencement of General Assembly. Proxies must be utilized. Proxies are only valid if they are supported by a directive, certified as an extract of the absent LOM's General meeting. A proxy will only be valid if the absent LOM is entitled to vote in terms of this Constitution. BYLAW 6-8. CASTING VOTE: The NOM President shall have the casting vote in cases of equality votes, except in the case of election of NOM office bearers and the acceptance of the NOM budget. ARTICLE 6-9. QUORUM: A quorum for the General Assembly shall comprise fifty-one (51) percent of LOM Presidents or their authorized representatives. If a quorum is not present the General Assembly shall be adjourned for six (6) hours at the end of which period the LOMs then present shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE 6-10. MEETINGS: Section 1. The Annual General Meeting of the General Assembly shall be held at the NOM Convention. Special meetings may be called by the President or the Board on a postal ballot. Section 2. A Special General Assembly shall be held whenever a requisition signed by the LOM Presidents which are fully affiliated to the NOM, representing fifty one (51) percent of _______________________________________________________________ 6 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 individual members of the NOM; specifying the business of such General Assembly, is received by the Secretary General. Such General Assembly shall be held not later than twenty-eight (28) days from the date of the receipt of the requisition by the Secretary General. LOMs shall be entitled to at least fourteen (14) days written notice of the date and venue of such General Assembly. A Special General Assembly may be held at any time without the required notice provided four-fifths (4/5) of the LOMs agree. Section 3. In the event of a meeting not being practical, issues may be voted on by Postal Ballot. All Postal Ballots must comply with the following conditions: 1. It shall be requisitioned by not less than two-third (2/3) of the LOMs who, at the time of the requisition, each have at least twenty five (25) members. 2. The proposed and seconded amendment shall be sent by the Secretary General by fax or e-mail to LOMs, inviting them to vote on the amendment. 3. The Ballot shall close twenty-eight (28) days after dispatch of the notice. Any ballot not received by this date shall be excluded from the count. 4. Fifty (50) percent of the LOMs eligible to vote at the previous Convention shall have voted. 5. Two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast are in favour of the amendment(s). ARTICLE 6-11. OPERATIONAL YEAR: The operational year of the organization shall be from the first day after the NOM Convention to the last day of the following NOM Convention. CHAPTER 7: NATIONAL ORGANIZATION CONVENTION ARTICLE 7-1. PURPOSE The purpose and business of the NOM Convention (known as Natcon) shall be: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. To receive the Report of the Board. To receive the accounts for the year. To elect officers for the ensuing year. To approve the selection of officers appointed to the Board. To approve the appointment of the auditors for the ensuing year. To approve the NOM's program/s of activity for the ensuing year. To approve the budget for the ensuing year. To transact any other business appropriate to a NOM Convention. ARTICLE 7-2. PROGRAM: The Convention program shall include meetings of the General Assembly, the incoming and outgoing Boards and the Executive Committees, if any. The Agenda and reports for these meetings should be forwarded by the Secretary General to LOMs and Board members so as to reach them at least fourteen (14) days prior to the commencement of General Assembly. BYLAW 7-3. DATE AND PLACE: The convention shall take place each year no later than the end of October. The date and place shall be decided upon by a majority vote of the General Assembly and formal written notice thereof shall be given to LOMs and Board members by the Secretary General forty-two (42) days prior to the commencement of General Assembly. BYLAW 7-4. CANCELLATION: The Convention can only be cancelled for unexpected events occurring within the area of the NOM. The Convention must be scheduled as soon as possible after the initial date. _______________________________________________________________ 7 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 BYLAW 7-5. BUSINESS: The supervision of business arrangements and general programs for the Convention shall be the responsibility of the Board or any other person appointed by the Board. BYLAW 7-6. BIDS TO HOST THE NOM CONVENTION: LOMs wishing to host the NOM Convention, may submit a bid which shall include a budget, to the Board fourteen (14) days prior to the Pre-Natcon Board Meeting. The Board shall make recommendations to the bidding LOM prior to the presentation of the bid to General Assembly at the NOM Convention one year prior to the Convention being bid for. On acceptance of the bid by General Assembly, the host LOM may not alter the delegate price or convention site without the approval of General Assembly. Any profit or loss incurred by the host LOM is the responsibility of that LOM. In the absence of any decision at the NOM Convention with respect to Convention sites and hosts, the Board shall either assign LOM/s or appoint a Committee to organize and host the Convention subject to the postal ratification by General Assembly. BYLAW 7-7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ETIQUETTE AT CONVENTION: Media announcements shall only be issued by the Board in conjunction with the Host LOM during Convention. Registration fees shall not be levied on Board Members. Neither the NOM President nor the Secretary General shall be obliged to pay for the costs of the National Convention, except for their personal incidental expenses, inclusive of the period from the evening prior to the Pre-Natcon Board Meeting to the morning after the Post-Natcon Board Meeting. These costs shall be borne by the host LOM. In the event of insufficient voluntary Awards Judges being available at the Convention, the Awards Manager shall devise a formula to compel LOMs participating in the Awards Program, to supply Awards Judges. All motions tabled at Convention must be handed to the Secretary General or the person responsible for taking minutes at that meeting, in writing, specifying Proposer and Seconder, before a vote may be taken on the motion. CHAPTER 8: OFFICERS ARTICLE 8-1. ELECTED OFFICERS: The elected officers of the NOM shall be: * President * Executive Vice President * 5 Vice Presidents (maximum) ARTICLE 8-2. APPOINTED OFFICERS: The appointed officers of the NOM shall be: * Secretary General * Treasurer * 3 Directors (maximum) ARTICLE 8-3. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: In addition to the elected officers and the appointed officers, the Immediate Past President shall be an officer of the NOM Board and shall be deemed to have been elected. ARTICLE 8-4. DUTIES: The officers of the NOM shall carry out duties assigned by the President or as stipulated in this Constitution. _______________________________________________________________ 8 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 ARTICLE 8-5. SELECTION: 1. Each officer designated in Article 8-1., with the exception of the Executive Vice President, must be elected by a majority of votes cast at a General Assembly Meeting or in a postal ballot. 2. The Executive Vice President shall be deemed President-elect if: 1. candidacy is ratified at the mid-operational year Board meeting 2. candidacy is ratified at the Pre-Natcon Board meeting. 3. The President-elect shall stand unopposed at election and will have to obtain a simple majority of votes. Failing this majority, normal election procedure allowing multiple candidates will be held at least four hours later. ARTICLE 8-6. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS: The appointment of each officer to the Board, as designated in Article 8-2, must be approved by a majority of votes cast by a General Assembly during the NOM Convention or any meeting as specified in Article 6-10, or by postal ballot. In case of approval of appointment by postal ballot, the Secretary General will take the responsibility of the voting operation on behalf of the President. ARTICLE 8-7. PERIOD OF OFFICE: Elected and appointed officers shall hold office for a period of one (1) operational year, except for the Secretary General and Treasurer who may serve a maximum period of three years. In the case of appointment after the first day of the operational year, the period of office will only be for the remaining part of that year of operation. ARTICLE 8-8. SUCCESSION: With the exception of the Secretary General and the Treasurer no officer may hold the same office twice. However, an officer, at the discretion of the President, shall be permitted to be elected or appointed to a full term in the same office if: 1. 2. 3. BYLAW 8-9. That officer was appointed or elected to the office during the year and will not have served a full term in such office prior to the end of the operational year. For a reason accepted by the President, that officer was obliged to resign before the expiration of his term of office. That officer held the office of Vice President on the condition that he is not assigned to the same area of responsibility as previously assigned to him. EMERGENCY: In the event of the cancellation of an Annual Convention, the officers will remain in office beyond the term set out in Bylaw 8-6 until elections can be held. BYLAW 8-10. VACANCIES: Section 1. Vacancies in all offices other than that of President and Executive Vice President may be filled through appointment by the President, subject to the approval of the General Assembly in meeting or by postal ballot. Section 2. 1. Should the incumbent NOM President be indisposed prior to the mid operational year meeting of the Board, the Immediate Past President shall assume the presidency until an election is held. The said election must be held prior to that meeting. 2. Should the incumbent NOM President be indisposed after the mid operational year meeting of the Board, the Executive Vice President shall assume the presidency. The Executive Vice President shall hold office until the NOM Convention. _______________________________________________________________ 9 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 Section 3. Should more than two (2) Executive Committee Members resign during the operational year, an election may be called for by General Assembly as detailed in Article 6-10. ARTICLE 8-11. CONFLICTING OFFICE: No elected or appointed officer of the NOM shall hold office in a LOM, with the exception of the Immediate Past President of a LOM who shall not be considered an officer of a LOM for the purpose of this Article. An elected officer may hold, simultaneously, an appointed office upon a proposal made by the President and subject to the approval of the General Assembly. BYLAW 8-12. NOMINATIONS: Section 1. Deadline: All nominations for elective offices and appointed offices must be made on the prescribed form (Appendix D) and forwarded by LOMs to the Secretary General, to arrive at least twenty-eight (28) days prior to the opening of the Convention. The Secretary General shall, within fourteen (14) days after the deadline date for nominations, forward to all LOMs a list of nominees. Section 2. Extension of Deadline: In the event that fewer than the minimum number of nominations required have been received following the official close of nominations, the President shall extend the time for the filing of nominations for that office for a period to expire no later than 09h00 on the day marking the commencement of the General Assembly. For the purpose of this section, the minimum number of nominations shall be: * One (1) candidates for NOM President * One (1) candidate for Executive Vice President * Three (3) candidates for Vice President * Two (2) candidates for appointed Directors BYLAW 8-13. NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE: The NOM President shall appoint, subject to the approval of the Board, a Nominations Committee to examine the eligibility and qualifications of each nominee for a particular office sought. The Committee, chaired by the Immediate Past President and two past NOM Presidents shall report its findings to the General Assembly. Should 2 past NOM Presidents not be available, the positions may be filled by Senators or Ambassadors of the Organization. BYLAW 8-14. PROCEDURE: Each nominee shall appear personally before the Nominations Committee. The Committee shall report only as to eligibility of candidates and accuracy of information contained in the nomination form. This report will be made to General Assembly prior to the delivery of candidates' manifestos. BYLAW 8-15. QUALIFICATIONS: Section 1. Age: No person shall be elected or appointed who will reach his fortieth (40th) birthday prior to assuming office. Section 2. Member: Every nominee for election and every appointed officer shall be an individual member of a LOM, in good financial standing with both his LOM and the NOM and his proposing and seconding LOM must be, at the time of the election or appointment, in good financial standing with the NOM and fully affiliated thereto. _______________________________________________________________ 10 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 Section 3. Specific qualifications for the President: 1. The NOM President candidate shall have served at least one year on the current or the preceding Board. 2. The NOM President Candidate shall be a South African citizen. BYLAW 8-16. CONTINUED MEMBERSHIP: All officers must remain Individual Members of a LOM in good financial standing throughout their term of office. Officers not complying with this Bylaw shall automatically lose office. BYLAW 8-17. OATH: All officers shall take the following Oath or Solemn Declaration of Office to be administered by the NOM President at the annual Convention or, if necessary, as soon thereafter as possible: "I do solemnly promise that I will faithfully execute the office of (title) of Junior Chamber South Africa and will, to the best of my ability, serve as a living example of this organization’s philosophy and belief, and will uphold and enforce the Constitution of the National Organization and Junior Chamber International at all times." ARTICLE 8-18. VOTING METHOD FOR OFFICE BEARERS In the case of there being more candidates for a specific office in an election than available offices, a single transferable vote (Appendix C) will be used. In all other cases a simple majority will apply. All votes shall be by secret ballot and results shall be announced to General Assembly after each ballot. The voting order precedence shall be: 1. Election of NOM President 2. Election of NOM Executive Vice President 3. Election of NOM Vice President/s 4. Ratification of Appointed Officers Candidates not elected may stand for election for an alternative position lower in the order of precedence detailed above. BYLAW 8-19. LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE The Board shall appoint a Long Range Planning Committee consisting of at least two (2) LOM Presidents, the NOM Executive Vice President , a past national president and one other elected Board member, whose task will be to review and adapt the five year Long Range plan for the NOM. The Chairman shall be appointed by the NOM board. The report of the Long Range Planning Committee, as approved by General Assembly will be attached as an Annexure (Appendix E) to the Constitution. CHAPTER 9: DUTIES OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS BYLAW 9-1. DUTIES OF THE NOM PRESIDENT: The President shall: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Be the official representative of the NOM. Serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the NOM. Preside at all meetings of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors. Supervise the overall operations of the NOM and travel on its behalf. Report to the General Assembly and Board. Visit each LOM of the NOM at least once during the operational year. In the event that this is impractical, the President shall assign this task to an elected Board member. _______________________________________________________________ 11 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 BYLAW 9-2. DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT: The Executive Vice President shall: 1. Be responsible for the overall membership growth and extension of LOMs. 2. Deputize for the NOM President when called upon to do so. 3. Prepare a Plan of Action which shall be an extract of the Long Range Planning Committee's report for the following operational year. 4. Act as the General Legal Council as detailed in Bylaw 9-6. 5. Institute a mentorship program for delinquent LOMs. BYLAW 9-3. DUTIES OF THE VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall: 1. Carry out such duties as may be assigned by the President, and particularly monitor, coordinate and promote the growth and development activities related to JCI Area/s of Opportunity. 2. Study the material received relating to such JCI Area/s of Opportunity and advise LOMs, the President and the Board on matters arising from this study which affect them or are of interest to them. 3. Visit, communicate, and work with the LOMs assigned by the President to: a. Promote the purposes of Junior Chamber. b. Guide and assist LOM officers in the development of their LOM. c. Give training in LOM management. d. Ensure effective communications between assigned LOMs and the NOM. e. Promote programs adopted by the NOM amongst assigned LOMs. BYLAW 9-4. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL: The Secretary General shall: 1. Be the administrative officer of the NOM responsible directly to the President. 2. Be responsible for the operation of the Secretariat and the implementation of policies according to the direction of the President. 3. Give notice to the members of all meetings of the General Assembly and Board. 4. Be responsible for keeping permanent record of the minutes of such meetings; these records shall be open to inspection by members at all reasonable times. 5. Assist with the preparation of an annual report on the activities and programs of the NOM. 6. Distribute minutes of all meetings held at the NOM Convention to LOMs and Board members within three months of that Convention. 7. Distribute all Board Meeting minutes to Board Members and LOMs within twenty-one (21) days of the meeting. 8. Up date and circulate to LOMs the NOM Constitution within six weeks of amendments. BYLAW 9-5. DUTIES OF THE NOM TREASURER: The Treasurer shall: 1. Issue notices of accounts payable. 2. Be responsible for their collection and keep books of accounts of the NOM. 3. Be responsible for the disbursement of monies at the direction of the Board. 4. Be responsible for the preparation of an annual report on the financial affairs of the organization and for the submission of financial statements which should be distributed to all LOMs. 5. Prepare and submit a proposed budget for the NOM and circulate to LOMs and Board members so as to reach them at least fourteen (14) days prior to the commencement of the General Assembly meeting to be held at the NOM Convention. 6. Monitors and control the collection of membership dues. 7. Arrange all insurance of NOM assets, including awards. 8. Arrange Public Liability insurance. All cheques and other orders relating to the banking accounts of the NOM shall be signed by the President or Secretary General and shall be countersigned by the Treasurer. _______________________________________________________________ 12 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 BYLAW 9-6. DUTIES OF THE GENERAL LEGAL COUNSEL: The General Legal Counsel Shall: 1. Serve as Parliamentarian to the Board and the General Assembly. 2. Rule on matters or parliamentary procedure at the request of the presiding officer. 3. Make sure that the JCI and NOM Constitutions are respected at all times. 4. Propose amendments to the NOM Constitution if necessary. 5. Review and approve the LOM Constitutions. BYLAW 9-7. PARLIAMENTARIAN: In the absence of the General Legal Counsel, the President, with the concurrence of the meeting, shall appoint a Parliamentarian who shall serve for the period of the meeting. BYLAW 9-8. DUTIES OF APPOINTED DIRECTORS: The Directors shall: 1. Implement, promote, co-ordinate, and supervise program or project activities within the terms of reference of their assigned responsibilities. 2. Study information received relating to their responsibilities and recommend suitable action to the Board of Directors. BYLAW 9-9. DUTIES OF THE IMMEDIATE PAST NOM PRESIDENT: The Immediate Past President shall: 1. Serve as the Chief Ambassador. 2. Chair the Ambassador Forum at the NOM Convention. 3. Ensure communications between Ambassadors and the NOM. 4. Chair the Nominations Committee. 5. Circulate nominations forms for the Ambassadors' Awards. BYLAW 9-10 AWARDS The appointee responsible for Awards management shall: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Compile a list of awards entries at National Convention as well as the winners of awards presented prior to the Post-Natcon Board meeting. This list shall be given to the Secretary General who shall attach said list to the minutes of the Post-Natcon Board meeting. Maintain accurate records of Trophies belonging to the NOM, award entries and recipients of awards. Appoint and arrange for the recognition of award judges at Natcon. Ensure that award entries are returned to the relevant LOMs after judging. Ensure that the Awards Manual is updated and circulated to LOMs prior to Natcon. In the event of no funds being allocated in the NOM budget for the maintenance of trophies, the appointee responsible for awards management shall seek sponsorship to cover expenses incurred. CHAPTER 10: BOARD OF DIRECTORS ARTICLE 10-1. COMPOSITION AND DUTIES: The Executive Committee and all the Vice Presidents and appointed Directors, who have been ratified by General Assembly, shall comprise the Board of Directors herein referred to as the Board, which shall be the governing body of the NOM during its term of office. The Board shall have control of the property of the NOM and the administration of its funds. It shall discharge all functions of the NOM save those exercised by the General Assembly or delegated to the Executive Committee. BYLAW 10-2. SPECIFIC DUTIES: The specific duties of the Board shall be to: _______________________________________________________________ 13 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Train and brief all officers on their duties and responsibilities. Co-ordinate the activities of all officers in their duties. Receive report from all officers. Make recommendations to the General Assembly. Act on all matters referred to it by the General Assembly. Plan and co-ordinate the NOM's activities. Approve affiliation of LOMs. Appoint sub-committees and delegate authority thereto. BYLAW 10-3. MEETINGS: Section 1. The Board shall meet a minimum of four (4) times a year prior to the General Assembly Meeting at the NOM Convention. It shall also meet at other times the majority of the Board may determine. In case of emergency, the President may call for a Board meeting at his own discretion. Section 2. A joint meeting of the newly elected Board and the outgoing Board shall be held at the NOM Convention following the adjournment of General Assembly. The outgoing Board shall retire after the hand-over and the incoming Board shall reconvene the meeting. BYLAW 10-4. QUORUM: Fifty-one (51) percent of the members including 3 members of the Executive Committee, at any meeting of the Board shall constitute a quorum. BYLAW 10-5. VOTING: At all meetings of the Board, each elected member present as well as the Secretary General shall have one vote. Appointed Directors shall have one vote on issues pertaining to their assigned portfolios. Voting shall be determined by a show of hands, unless decided otherwise by the President at his own discretion or by a majority of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at the meeting. Proxy votes are not permitted. ARTICLE 10-6. INDEMNITY: Section 1. No member of the Board shall be responsible for any loss, damage or expense incurred or suffered by the NOM caused by, or arising out of the discharge of his duties provided that such loss, damage or expense shall not be incurred by reason of the willful act of gross negligence of such member. Section 2. Any member who shall be elected or appointed to the Board shall and does thereby, ipso facto such election or appointment, for himself, his heirs, dependent, executors, administrators or assigns, indemnify and hold harmless the Association against all and any loss, damage, loss of support or other compensation of whatsoever nature, arising out of death or injury or other loss arising in any manner whatsoever suffered by him, or his heirs, dependants, executors, administrators or assigns, whilst acting or travelling in the course and scope of his duties as a member of the Board. CHAPTER 11: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ARTICLE 11-1. COMPOSITION: The President, the Executive Vice President, the Immediate Past President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer, the Senate Chair and where applicable the General Legal Counsel shall comprise the Executive Committee. ARTICLE 11-2. DUTIES: The Executive Committee shall: _______________________________________________________________ 14 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Manage the affairs of the NOM within the powers vested in it by the Constitution and the General Assembly. Implement the action decided upon by the General Assembly and the Board. Recommend action to the Board. Constitute as a Finance Committee, review and revise the annual budget whenever deemed necessary for submission to the Board for approval. Receive reports from its members. Propose, receive or consider constitutional amendments; endorse, recommend against, or request changes to them. Be empowered by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of its members to call for a postal ballot to dismiss any NOM officer who does not fulfil the duties of the office. Be empowered to suspend such officer pending the outcome of the postal ballot. Act as an Arbitrator to settle disputes between LOMs and/or members. BYLAW 11-3. MEETINGS: Section 1. The Executive Committee shall meet a minimum of four (4) times a year. Section 2. Meetings at National Organization Convention: a. b. The Executive Committee shall meet prior to the meeting of the Board and the General Assembly. A joint meeting of the newly elected Executive Committee and the outgoing Executive Committee shall be held at the NOM Convention following the adjournment of the joint meeting of the newly elected and outgoing Boards. BYLAW 11-4. QUORUM: A quorum of the Executive Committee shall comprise a majority of its members. BYLAW 11-5. VOTING: 1. 2. At all meetings of the Executive Committee, each member shall have one vote. Voting shall be determined by a show of hands unless decided otherwise at the Presidents own discretion or by a majority of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at the meeting. CHAPTER 12: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES ARTICLE 12-1. AREAS OF OPPORTUNITY: To facilitate the achievement of the purposes of the NOM, its program activities shall be divided into four Areas of Opportunity with the following terms of reference: 1. Individual Opportunities: To provide the opportunity for the Individual Member to realize personal potential through training programs. 2. Community Opportunities: To develop the sensitivity of the Individual Member to societal problems and knowledge of community dynamics in solving these problems through actual experience. 3. International Opportunities: To provide the opportunity for the Individual Member to contribute to the development of goodwill, co-operation and understanding amongst all people. 4. Business Opportunities: To provide the opportunity for the Individual member to contribute to the development economical infrastructure, prosperity and well being of all nations. _______________________________________________________________ 15 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 BYLAW 12-2. LOM PROGRAM OFFICER: The NOM shall encourage each LOM to designate an officer to be responsible for each Area of Opportunity for the purpose of communicating with the NOM Officer responsible for Program activities and for bringing information received to the attention of the LOM. BYLAW 12-3 TRAINING The NOM shall appoint an officer to promote, co-ordinate and monitor the activities related to membership training at NOM and LOM levels and to correspond with the appropriate officers at JCI level. BYLAW 12-4. JCI MAJOR EMPHASIS THEME: The NOM shall appoint an officer to promote, co-ordinate and monitor the activities related to the JCI Major Emphasis Theme at LOM level and to correspond with the appropriate officers at JCI level. BYLAW 12-5. JCI-ENDORSED PROGRAMS: Where possible the NOM shall promote the adoption of JCI-endorsed programs amongst LOMs. BYLAW 12-6. AWARDS: The NOM shall implement the Awards Program attached as Appendix F to recognize and honour outstanding achievement in the fulfillment of the purposes of Junior Chamber by LOMs and Individual Members, and appoint an officer to act as Awards Manager and correspond with the appropriate LOM and JCI officers. BYLAW 12-7. NATIONALLY ASSIGNED PROJECTS: A Nationally Assigned Project is a project run on behalf of the NOM by a LOM/s. LOMs wishing to host such projects, may submit a bid which shall include a budget, to the Board fourteen (14) days prior to the PreNatcon Board Meeting. The Board shall make recommendations to the bidding LOM prior to the presentation of the bid to General Assembly at the NOM Convention prior to the commencement of the project. Any profit or loss incurred by the host LOM is the responsibility of that LOM. In the absence of any decision at the NOM Convention with respect to hosts for Nationally Assigned Projects, the Board shall either assign LOM/s or appoint a Committee to organize and host such projects subject to the postal ratification by General Assembly. BYLAW 12-8. NATIONAL PROJECTS: National Projects are projects co-ordinated by the Board or an appointed individual with the participation of LOMs or Individual Members. These projects shall be of such a nature that they can and should be run by LOMs. LOMs which do not intend participating in a National Project, must furnish the Secretary General, in writing, of the reasons for non-participation. BYLAW 12-9. NATIONAL FUND RAISING PROJECTS: National Fund Raising Projects are projects co-ordinated by the Board or an appointed individual with the aim of raising funds for the NOM. CHAPTER 13: FINANCES ARTICLE 13-1. FINANCIAL YEAR: The financial year of the NOM shall be 1 September to 31 August. The NOM Treasurer shall, annually, at the end of the financial year, prepare Financial Accounts, which shall be audited and presented to the Board at the Pre-Natcon Board Meeting and to General Assembly. _______________________________________________________________ 16 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 BYLAW 13-2. BOOKKEEPING: The cashbook, ledger and other bookkeeping records of the NOM shall be maintained by the Treasurer under the supervision of the Board. BYLAW 13-3. BUDGET: The Treasurer shall submit a proposed budget for the ensuing year to the Board at its meeting during the NOM Convention for its consideration. The proposed budget, with the recommendations of the Board, shall then be submitted for approval to the General Assembly at the Convention. ARTICLE 13-4. LIMITED LIABILITY: The organization is not formed for any purpose of gain and no Individual Member shall be liable for any debts or obligations of the organization save where the member willfully or unlawfully bound the organization to any form of debt or obligation either implicitly or explicitly forbidden by the NOM's Constitution or the Constitution of such member's LOM. BYLAW 13-5. DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS TO INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS: The income of the organization shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the purposes of the organization and no portion thereof shall be distributed by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise to an Individual Member or LOM save in respect of any service actually rendered to the organization or the reimbursement of expenses incurred on behalf of the organization. ARTICLE 13-6. FUND RAISING ACT REQUIREMENTS: The NOM Treasurer shall arrange for all documents required in terms of Regulation 13 of the Fund Raising Act 1978, to be submitted to the relevant government department within the time period specified by that department after ratification of these documents by the Board. ARTICLE 13-7. AUDITED ACCOUNTS OF LOMs: A LOM shall be required to submit a Financial Statement to the NOM Treasurer annually prior to the commencement of General Assembly at the NOM Convention. Such accounts shall not be more than three (3) month old. Such accounts shall be certified as a true reflection of the financial affairs by an auditor or an Accounting Officer (as defined in the Close Corporations Act) ARTICLE 13-8. INSURANCE: Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. All property, equipment and stocks of the NOM and/or any property and equipment entrusted to the NOM shall be insured to its full replacement value. Such insurance being the responsibility of the NOM Treasurer. In the event of the NOM effecting any policy of insurance on the persons or property of any Individual Member of the NOM, against loss or damage however arising, such policy shall not give any such member or his heirs, dependants, executors, administrators or assigns any claim whatsoever against the NOM or the insurer under such policy, and no right to any payment made under such policy or any portion thereof shall accrue to such member, his heirs, dependants, executors, administrators or assigns and any payment made to any such person by the NOM shall be entirely ex gratia. Insurance for Public Liability and Contingent Liability shall be arranged by the NOM Treasurer each year. ARTICLE 13.9 EXPENSES TO LOMs FOR NATIONAL OFFICER VISITS: The cost of National Officer visits requested by LOMs in addition to Board approved visits, shall be paid by the inviting LOM. LOMs hosting a function shall not charge for accommodation, food or Convention/Conference fee for invited Board members performing a specific duty or the NOM President in any capacity. _______________________________________________________________ 17 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 ARTICLE 13-10. INTEREST: Interest at the prime overdraft rate shall be charged on all amounts due by LOMs or Individual Members to the NOM or to LOMs outstanding for more than three months. ARTICLE 13.11 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: 1. 2. Elected or appointed Junior Chamber positions shall not be paid for work relating to their portfolio. NOM administration services which are not part of the Secretary General portfolio may be paid for as required. Professional services are defined as service performed by members in their current business capacity or qualified profession. Members can only be paid for professional services where: 1. 2. 3. It is not part of an existing portfolio. It does not cost more than the current market rate. It must be authorized in the proposal and voted on at NOM or LOM level as appropriate, before the service is provided. CHAPTER 14: DUES AND ACCOUNT PAYMENTS ARTICLE 14-1. DUES: Subscriptions of individual members shall be payable monthly together with all or any member joining fees collected during that month. This shall be the only dues payable by members to the NOM and JCI. A joining fee as determined by General Assembly, shall be levied on registration of a member and shall be payable by the LOM. The LOM may offset this expense by charging the member a joining fee. The Method of operation would be as outlined in the Policy Manual ARTICLE 14-2. COLLECTION OF DUES IN TRUST: All payments made by Individual Members for JCI dues shall be held in trust by the NOM and included in the next membership registration and remitted in full to Junior Chamber International by the NOM with its next dues payment. BYLAW 14-3. SUSPENSION: LOMs or Individual Members whose account payments or dues are more than three (3) months in arrears shall be suspended from membership of the NOM and shall lose all voting rights until such monies have been paid. Such suspension shall be subjected to a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Committee. All payment disputes must be settled within three (3) months of notification of the debt. BYLAW 14-4. TERMINATION: LOMs or Individual Members whose account payments or dues are more than twelve (12) months in arrears shall cease to be affiliated to the NOM. Such disaffiliation shall be subject to ratification by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the General Assembly upon proposal of the Board. BYLAW 14-5. SENATOR AND AMBASSADOR FEES: Senator and Ambassador fees must be paid to the NOM at the rate determined by the Treasurer and proposed in the budget accepted by General Assembly. These fees must be paid before the commencement of General Assembly at the NOM Convention at the end of the operational year. LOMs must determine whether the Senator and Ambassador fees are to be paid by the LOM or the Individual Member concerned. Fees are only due for Senators and Ambassadors under the age of forty (40) years. _______________________________________________________________ 18 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 CHAPTER 15: SENATORS AND AMBASSADORS ARTICLE 15-1. DEFINITION OF A SENATOR: An award entitled "Junior Chamber International (JCI) Senatorship", granting life membership of the organization and of the Junior Chamber International Senate, may be awarded to Individual Members or past members to honour them for rendering outstanding service to the Junior Chamber organization. ARTICLE 15-2. APPLICATION FOR SENATORSHIP: The Senatorship application form (included in the Awards Manual) shall be submitted by the LOM President or a senior LOM Executive member together with the application fee to the Senate Chairman. The Senate Chair will be elected at the Senate Annual General Meeting held during National Convention, and will receive a seat on the National Board of Directors and National Executive. The Senate Chair may be re-elected and is exempt from Article 8.7 and 8.15 section 1 of this Constitution. The Senate Chair shall: 1. Serve as the Senate Chairman. 2. Chair the Senate and Ambassador Forums at the NOM Convention. 3. Ensure communications between Senators and the NOM and JCI The Senate Chair shall submit the application for consideration to the Senate Committee comprising of the NOM President, Immediate Past President, the Executive Vice President or senior elected officer and two Senators. All applications for Senatorships require the approval of the majority of the members of the Senate Committee and must be endorsed by the NOM President before presenting them to JCI. BYLAW 15-3. REVOCATION OF SENATORSHIP: The Senate Chairman upon instruction by the Board may recommend to the JCI President that a Senatorship be withdrawn or temporarily suspended if the Senator has not conducted himself in a manner worthy of a Senator, or if the actions of the Senator are not in the best interests of the Organization. ARTICLE 15-4. DEFINITION OF AN AMBASSADOR: An award entitled "Junior Chamber South Africa Ambassadorship", granting life membership of Junior Chamber South Africa, may be awarded to Individual Members or past members to honour them for rendering outstanding service to the Junior Chamber South African organization. ARTICLE 15-5. APPLICATION FOR AMBASSADORSHIP: The Ambassadorship application form (included in the Awards Manual) shall be submitted by the LOM President or a senior LOM Executive member together with the application fee to the Chief Ambassador. The Chief Ambassador shall submit the application for consideration to the Ambassadors' Committee consisting of the Immediate Past President( Chief Ambassador), The NOM President, The NOM Executive Vice President or Senior Elected officer and two Ambassadors. All applications for Ambassadorship require the approval of the majority of the members of the Ambassadors Committee and must be endorsed by the NOM President. BYLAW 15-6. REVOCATION OF AMBASSADORSHIP: The Chief Ambassador upon instruction by the Board may recommend to the Ambassadors Committee that a Ambassadorship be withdrawn or temporarily suspended it the Ambassador has not conducted himself in a manner worthy of an Ambassador, or if the actions of the Ambassador are not in the best interests of the Organization. CHAPTER 16: PRINCIPAL OFFICE BYLAW 16-1. PLACE: The principal office of the NOM shall be located at the residential address of the incumbent Secretary General _______________________________________________________________ 19 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 CHAPTER 17: RULES OF PROCEDURE ARTICLE 17-1. DESIGNATION: The business of the NOM shall be conducted according to this Constitution and where not otherwise provided, according to the handbook entitled "Chairmanship and Parliamentary Procedure" as issued by the organization. ARTICLE 17-2. WAIVER: Articles and bylaws of this Constitution may be waived by a unanimous vote of LOMs at the General Assembly provided that four-fifths (4/5) of the total voting strength are in attendance. CHAPTER 18: AMENDMENTS ARTICLE 18-1. ARTICLES: Articles may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the General Assembly members present and voting at the NOM Convention or a Special General Assembly provided that written notice of the proposed and seconded amendment is given to each LOM and the Secretary General twenty-eight (28) days prior to the Convention. Such amendments may be made by Postal Ballot on compliance with the conditions detailed in Article 6-10 of this Constitution. ARTICLE 18-2. BYLAWS: Bylaws may be amended by a simple majority vote of the General Assembly members present and voting at the NOM Convention or a Special General Assembly provided that written notice of the proposed and seconded amendment is given to each LOM and the Secretary General twenty-eight (28) days prior to the Convention. Such amendments may be made by Postal Ballot on compliance with the conditions detailed in Article 6-10 of this Constitution. ARTICLE 18-3. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Constitution shall take effect immediately on approval by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of General Assembly. Any amendment to articles or bylaws will take effect immediately upon announcement of the result of the ballot. ARTICLE 18-4. AMENDMENTS WHERE NO DUE NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN: Where no due notice of a proposed amendment to the Constitution has been given as set out in Articles 18-1 and 18-2, the Constitution may be amended by a majority of four-fifths (4/5) of the votes cast by LOMs present and eligible to vote. CHAPTER 19: INTERNATIONAL BYLAW 19-1. CONGRESS/CONFERENCE DELEGATIONS: The outgoing NOM President shall be the Chief Delegate of the NOM at the Annual World Congress of JCI. In the event of the incoming NOM President being present, he shall be the NOM's co-delegate. The NOM President shall be Chief Delegate of the NOM at all other International Congresses or Conferences. In the event of neither the NOM President nor the Executive Vice President being able to attend an International Congress or Conference, the Board shall appoint a Chief Delegate. _______________________________________________________________ 20 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 Emergency Procedure: In the event that the NOM President, EVP and or Designated Chief delegate’s attendance is cancelled after departure of the delegation or at such time that a NOM Board meeting cannot be held, the Chief and Co-delegates will be the highest ranking officers present at the Congress or Conference. BYLAW 19-2. CANDIDATES FOR INTERNATIONAL OFFICE: All nominees for elected or appointed JCI positions must seek the approval of the Board prior to acceptance of the nomination. BYLAW 19-3. BIDS TO HOST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES/CONFERENCES: LOMs wishing to bid to host International Congresses or Conferences must seek the approval of the Board prior to the submission of the bid. BYLAW 19-4. PROCEDURE FOR INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OR CONFERENCE TOURS: The Board, shall decide on the methods used to promote and/or allocate the implementation of any tours to International Congresses or Conferences. BYLAW 19-5. PROJECTS WITH INTERNATIONAL IMPLICATIONS: LOMs shall inform the National Board of any Projects with International implications and such projects shall be acknowledged by the National Board JUNIOR CHAMBER SOUTH AFRICA POLICY MANUAL 1. That the National Treasurer be empowered, on application by an individual member, to waive payment of his/her membership fee, provided that such an amount does not exceed half the payment to the NOM 2. That Chapters no longer pays for Award Entry forms 3. That Chapters may choose to charge their members the minimum amount which the National Body is obliged to pay to JCI, and that the executive of the Chapter be empowered to subsidize a member for the balance to the National Body. 4. That LOM’s include the LOM portion of the National Plan of Action in their individual plans of actions 5. That the Secretary-General be appointed each year by the National President, and that he/she will carry full voting rights. 6. Junior Chamber South Africa reaffirms its commitment to the development of the informal, as well as small business sector of the economy, recognising that this is the most effective means of improving the management skills and entrepreneurial skills of the vast majority of South Africans 7. That, should a LOM win an award at Natcon, the LOM President be given the trophy to present a meeting or at the Awards Banquet of the LOM, It will be the physical and financial responsibility of the LOM President to return trophies to the Secretariat within 3 months. 8. That a mailing/administration fee of R 30.00 be levied on Senators and Ambassadors over the age of 40 9. Membership fees would be entirely at the discretion of each LOM 10. That all LOM’s contribute to the NOM, a minimum of 10% of profit of all ways and means projects run by the LOM, providing there is at least R 500.00 profit. 11. The venue for LPC is at the discretion of the National President. 12. Ambassadors fee R 400.00 and that the Senators/Ambassadors accounts should be separated from that of the NOM. 13. Performance standards for members as set by incoming LOM Presidents in line with the NOM 100% Efficiency Program should measure attendance, participation and punctuality, to be implemented from the 1996/7 operational year. _______________________________________________________________ 21 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 14. That a compulsory, standardized pre-induction program must be undertaken prior to the induction of new members. 15. That the FOYSA/ NATCON Chairperson of the previous year is an ex-officio member of the next year’s committee. 16. That all nationally assigned projects present a full report and detailed financial statements to JCSA, within 3 months after the closure of the project. 17. Joining fee of R 50.00 be levied on registration of a new member. Membership kid to include: pin, membership certificate, appropriate literature from JCI, Leadership Techniques and Parliamentary Procedures handbooks and a folder. 18. That the National Board shall constitute the Selection Committee for all such nominations (i.e. Japan Academy, Kenya Academy, etc) but with the provision that all LOMs will be invited to submit nominations within a given deadline. Should no nominations be received within the deadline period, or none of these nominees qualify -, the NOM Board shall have the prerogative to nominate a suitable candidate 19. That the NOM Budget, as described in Article 13 – 3, may be reviewed and adapted by the incoming NOM Board, to be in line with the POA 20: Method of Dues Payment 1. The LOM Treasurer shall arrange a monthly payment system for membership fees multiplied by the number of members in the LOM to be paid into the NOM Account. This shall be accompanied by a membership list to be reconciled with the registration forms held at the Secretariat. 2. The LOM shall arrange for collection of membership fees from their members. 3. When a LOM inducts a new member or members, the joining fees and one month’s membership dues shall accompany the membership forms sent to the Secretariat. No new members kits will be issued until these monies is received as well as the Application for Membership form. 4. When a member resigns all the outstanding dues of said member shall be sent with the resignation to the Secretariat. The minimum period of membership shall be one year. 5. The membership determined by the amount of dues received shall be used as the official membership figure for LOM voting strength. 6. Any LOM which defaults on its obligations shall lose its voting rights and risk disaffiliation. All Secretarial services shall be suspended until all arrears are settled. 7. LOMs will be responsible for dues payment of no less than 25 members to remain a fully affiliated LOM. APPENDIX A CORPORATE IDENTITY Full details provided on computer disk APPENDIX B JUNIOR CHAMBER CREED We believe: That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations That economic justice can best be won by free man through free enterprise That government should be of laws rather than of men That earth’s great treasure lies in human personality And that service to humanity is the best work of life. _______________________________________________________________ 22 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01 APPENDIX C DEFINITIONS DEFINITION OF GOOD STANDING FOR LOM MEMBERS An individual LOM member, duly registered with the LOM and the NOM, whose membership dues and all other amounts owing are paid up to date. The member may not be in violation of the LOM or the NOM constitutions in any way. GOOD FINANCIAL STANDING FOR LOMS An Local Organisation member, duly affiliated to the NOM, whose membership dues are paid up to date and who furnished the NOM with Financial Statements approved by an Internal Auditing Committee and are not in violation of the NOM constitution in any way. SINGLE TRANSFERABLE VOTE APPENDIX D NOMINATION FORM FOR ELECTIVE AND APPOINTED OFFICES Available on request from the National Secretariat _______________________________________________________________ 23 Junior Chamber South Africa Revised : 10/01