ECOLE DOCTORALE SI-MMEA ( 2015 Doctoral research projects for PhD recruitment I- General information : VILLE, LABORATOIRE Town, Laboratory Etablissement Institution TITRE en français French title TITRE en anglais English title Directeur(s) de thèse (HDR) Supervisor(s) Taux d’encadrement prévu (%) Supervising rates (%) Co-encadrant(s) Co-supervisor(s) Taux d’encadrement prévu (%) Supervising rates (%) Contact pour informations Contact for information Compétences requises Pre requisite Poitiers (FR) : P’D1* P’D2* P’D3* Limoges (FR) : SPCTS* GEMH* La Rochelle (FR) : LaSIE* UP* ENSMA* UL* ENSCI* ULR* ÉTUDE NUMERIQUE ET EXPERIMENTALE D’UNE BUTEE HYDRODYNAMIQUE LUBRIFIEE PAR UN FLUIDE MAGNETORHEOLOGIQUE. NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF A HYDRODYNAMIC THRUST BEARING LUBRICATED WITH A MAGNETO-RHEOLOGICAL FLUID. Nom 1 : FILLON Nom 2 : BOUYER Nom 1 : Prénom 1 : Michel Prénom 2 : % :50 Jean Prénom 1 : % :50 HDR ? oui non HDR ? oui non %: Nom 2 : Prénom 2 : %: Nom : BOUYER Tel : +33549496537 Jean Prénom : Email : Programmation, méthodes numériques, génie mécanique, rhéologie *Sigle : P’D1, P’D2 et P’D3 : Départements D1, D2 et D3 de l’institut P’ :; II- Description of the 3 year doctoral research project A significant part of the R&D of hydrodynamic bearings today is focused on energy saving. In relation to the consumption of energy, efficiency inevitably becomes a priority. To achieve this goal, the optimum performance of the sliding bearings should be adapted to the operating conditions: the bearings should be active and controllable which requires electro-mechanical systems to measure the performance and if necessary, to act on some parameters like pressure, temperature, bearing clearance or lubricant viscosity in order to improve their characteristics. This project of PhD could be included in the PIRE project, a NSF-ANR joint call, in which Pprime Institute researchers have applied for funding. The results of this project will be known in the next trimester. The main objective of this PhD is to allow a better understanding of the lubrication of guiding devices operating with magneto-rheological (MR) fluids. The student will have to develop a numerical model of the rheological behavior of the fluid as a function of magnetic field solicitations as well as temperature. This primary modelling will then be included in a larger model to be also developed, allowing the prediction of steady-state and transient behavior of the bearing. The second part of the project will consist in designing a new type of thrust bearing to be lubricated with MR fluids. Then, experiments will be conducted in order to compare the performance of this bearing when using classical oil or MR fluids as a lubricant. The student should have knowing in mechanical engineering, programming, numerical methods and as a must, rheology. Skills in hydrodynamic lubrication as well as mechatronics will be greatly appreciated.