Vocab Unit 2 Word List

Unit 2
Vocabulary Building and Etymology
Unit 2
omni = all
omniscient – adjective – complete knowledge; all knowledgeable
omnipotent – adjective – complete power; all powerful
vore = to eat
omnivore – noun - eats both plants and animals
voracious – adjective – tremendous appetite for an activity, a food or pursuit
carnivore – noun – eats only meat or an animal that is a predator
herb = plant
herbivore – noun -eats only plants
herbaceous – adjective - green and leaf like in appearance or texture
cide = to kill
herbicide – noun - a substance for killing plants, especially weeds
genocide – noun - the deliberate killing of a national, racial, political, religious, or
cultural group
pest = to bother
pesticide – noun – a chemical to rid plants of fungus or pests
pestilence – noun – something that causes great harm, usually a fatal disease or epidemic
re = again; back
reincarnation – noun - the belief that the soul, upon death of the body, comes back to
earth in another body or form
reconcile – verb – to bring something back into agreement or harmony
renovate – verb - to restore to good condition; make new or repair
Unit 2
ject = to throw
reject – verb - to refuse to accept someone or something; rebuff
interject – verb - to insert something between other things (to interject a comment)
inter = between; among
interim – noun - an interval of time between one event and another
intermediate – adjective – being between two points, stages, things, persons (The
student is at the intermediate level in swimming.)
plac = peaceful; comfortable
placid – adjective - pleasantly calm or peaceful; tranquil
placebo – noun – a false cure or remedy for illness; a “fake” medicine to make them
believe they are more comfortable
at/ate = to make
placate – verb - giving someone their own way; pacify
mediate – verb –to settle an argument
mediator –noun – one who settles an argument between others
nov = new
novel – adjective - different from anything seen or known before (a novel idea)
novelty – noun – the state or quality of being new or unique (the novelty of a new grade
level or video game); a fad (bobble-heads, Webkinz)
novice – noun - a person who is new to the circumstances; a beginner