English IV-AP Summer Reading/Writing Assignments Updated May 21, 2015 Dear English IV-AP Student: The 2015-16 English IV-AP class is scheduled for the fall/spring or year-long term. These projects are due the first week of school/class. Expect these assignments to be submitted to an authentication program. Expect to: a. complete the required summer reading projects by the first week of school b. take a test over The Awakening and The Metamorphosis only by the first two weeks of school Due Date: These projects ( 2 reading and 2 writing projects) are due on the third day of the first week of the term. Be prepared to submit a hard copy of all assignments. Grades: These projects will be averaged. (All projects will be submitted to an authentication program). Reading project A=___ Reading project B=___ Writing Project A= ___ TOTAL= ______÷3= PROJECT GRADE These will be separate major grades: Novel Test 1= ___ Novel Test 2= ___ Writing Project B= ___ Reading Project A: The Awakening( must be typed): 1. Create a chart like the one below. 2. Select 1 direct quote from each chapter (39 chapters)of the novel (can be a sentence or a short passage). 3. Apply one of the following themes to these quotes using the following format. Be sure to vary your use of themes as much as possible. Use each one at least 4+ times (these themes are reflected throughout the novel). i. Identity iv. Family vii. Love ii. Repression v. Art/Culture iii. Reputation vi. Society 4. Format: a. b. c. d. e. Identify the chapter. quote and page number what is the context/situation of the quote(summary)? identify the theme what do you think the author is saying about this theme/idea? Quote –page # Ch I 1. “Before them, something like a great ape was sitting asleep with its head between its knees. Then the wind roared in the forest, there was confusion in the darkness and the creature lifted its head, holding toward them the ruin of a face.” Pg 112 II 2. 3. 4. 39 III IV XXXIX context The boys are on the side of the mountain searching for the “beast”. theme --intellect/savagery commentary The boys seem to be losing touch with their civilized world/upbringing. They seem to be reverting back to primal instincts such as seeing the dead parachutist as an “ape”. Updated May 21, 2015 Reading Project B: The Metamorphosis( must be typed): 1. Create a chart like the one below. Select a direct quote that describes the following characters of the novel: Mr. Samsa, Mrs. Samsa, Grete, Gregor, the Cleaning Woman, the Boarders, the Manager 2. Select a quote that reveals the character’s: Speech Thoughts What does the character say? How does the character speak? What is revealed through the character’s private thoughts and feelings? What others say about him/her What is revealed through the character’s effect on other people? How do other characters feel or behave in reaction to the character? Actions What does the character do? How does the character behave? Looks What does the character look like? How does the character dress? 3. Be sure to select quotes equally distributed from beginning, middle, and end of your book for Gregor (3 quotes), Grete(3 quotes), Mr. Samsa(3 quotes), Mrs. Samsa (3quotes), the cleaning woman, the Boarders, the Manager. Be sure to write something for ALL characters that appear in each chapter, yet you should not exceed 16 quotes for this section. 4. Format: a. Identify the chapter. b. the character, quote and page number c. what is the context/situation the character finds himself/herself in? d. identify the type of indirect characterization e. what can you infer about the character? Chp Character-quote –page # Context Characterization Commentary 2 Jack-“We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.” Pg 8 Jack is demonstrating respect for authority and order. Speech Jack appears to have respect and pride for his order because he is head choir boy; therefore he appears to be a bit arrogant and entitled. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1.Gregor 2.Gregor 3.Gregor 4.Grete 5. Grete 6. Grete 7. Mr. Samsa 8. Mr. Samsa 9. Mr. Samsa 10. Mrs. Samsa 11. Mrs. Samsa 12. Mrs. Samsa 13. 14. 15. 16. Updated May 21, 2015 2 WRITING PROJECTS Pre-Course Writing Project A( must be typed):: 1. Select 10 “Quotable Quotes” which express your philosophy of life. Choose quotes that represent your thoughts on several aspects of life—not only love, but also faith, success integrity, character, friendship etc. List ten you have selected, including who said them and explain how or why they identify you. Use the internet, novels, music etc. to find your quotes. Quote-Author 1. “Man is the measure of all things”— Protagoras 485-410 B.C. Reflection If we are the “measure” of all things, then it would make sense to try to accomplish all that I can in order to be successful therefore creating the “mold” of my own level of success. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Pre-Course Writing Project B( must be typed):: 2. Select a prompt from the college essay handout. (See attachment College Admission Essay prompts). Follow the directions for the essay submission. I look forward to having you in class. Thank you and have a great summer, English IV-AP teacher Updated May 21, 2015 Pre-Course Writing Project B: College Admission Essay prompts: -Select one of the following prompts and write a well-written essay. -Be sure to use your personal voice. -As you write your essay, be sure not to use passive voice. -Be sure that your essay “shows” and not “tells” the reader who you are. -Be prepared to share your essays with your peers during peer editing, so do not write about a sensitive topic that you would not want others to know about. -Your paper should be submitted in MLA format ( Times New Roman/12pt font, margins all 1”, and double- spaced) and stapled on the left side -Your essay should not exceed 1 ½ page to 2pages. -EXPECT TO SUBMIT YOUR PAPER TO AN AUTHENTICATION PROGRAM UPON COMPLETION. Some helpful websites: MLA .org and/or Purdue OWL http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/. #1. Describe a circumstance, obstacle or conflict in your life, and the skills and resources you used to try to resolve it. What did you learn from it? Did it change your feelings about yourself? If so, how? #2. Discuss your strengths and weaknesses and how they affect your current future goals. #3. Describe a setting in which you have collaborated or interacted with people whose experiences and/or beliefs differ from yours. Address your initial feelings, and how those feelings were or were not changed by this experience. #4. Considering your lifetime goals, discuss how your current and future academic and extra-curricular activities might help you achieve your goals. Updated May 21, 2015 DIALECTICAL JOURNAL RUBRIC: Critical Reader (detailed, elaborate responses)— Extra effort is evident. Your quotes are relevant, important, thought provoking, and representative of the themes of the novel. You can “read between the lines” of the text (inference). You consider meaning of the text in a universal sense. You create new meaning through connections with your own experiences or other texts. You carry on a dialogue with the writer. You question, agree, disagree, appreciate, and object. Sentences are grammatically correct with correct spelling and punctuation. Connected Reader (detailed responses) A solid effort is evident. Your quotes are relevant and connect to the themes of the novel. Entries exhibit insight and thoughtful analysis. You construct a thoughtful interpretation of the text. You show some ability to make meaning of what you read. You create some new meaning through connections with your own experiences and the text. You explain the general significance. You raise interesting questions. You explain why you agree or disagree with the text. Sentences are generally grammatically correct with correct spelling and punctuation. Thoughtful Reader (somewhat detailed responses) You selected quotes that may be interesting to you, but that don’t necessarily connect to the themes of the novel. Entries exhibit insight and thoughtful analysis at times. You make connections, but explain with little detail. You rarely make new meaning from the reading. You ask simple questions of the text. You may agree or disagree, but don’t support your views. Sentences are mostly correct with a few careless spelling and grammatical errors. Literal Reader (simple, factual responses) Entries exhibit limited insight or none at all. You accept the text literally. You are reluctant to create meaning from the text. You make few connections which lack detail. You are sometimes confused by unclear or difficult sections of the text. You paraphrase the text Sentences contain numerous grammatical and spelling errors. Limited Reader (perfunctory responses) Very little effort is evident. You find the text confusing, but make no attempt to figure it out. You create little or no meaning from the text. You make an occasional connection to the text, and the ideas lack development You provide a summary of the text. Sentences is immature, inconsistent, and/or awkward with significant grammatical and spelling errors. 90-95 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 Total----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated May 21, 2015 COLLEGE ESSAY RUBRIC Highly Effective Essay------------------------------------- 90-95 Focus and Coherence Organization • Focused • Controlled • Complete • Meaningful transitions • Developed • Well-chosen organizational strategy Development Voice Conventions(grammar) • Depth *Engaging • Strong • Insightful *Authentic • Effective • Compositional risk • Mature Generally Effective Essay-------------------------------- 80-85 Focus and Coherence Organization • Generally focused • Generally controlled • Generally complete • Good organizational strategy • Generally developed • Some wordiness Development Voice Conventions(grammar) • Some depth • Generally engaging • Generally effective/FEW • Thoughtful • Generally authentic mistakes • Little compositional risk Somewhat Effective Essay----------------------------------------70-75 Focus and Coherence Organization • Somewhat logical • Ineffective organizational strategy • Wordiness/Repetition Development Voice Conventions(grammar/spelling • Superficial • Disconnected punctuation) • Contrived • Uneven • Limited • Gaps in thinking • Simplistic • NUMEROUS mistakes Ineffective Essay--------------------------------------------60-65 • Somewhat focused • Somewhat complete • Somewhat extraneous writing Focus and Coherence • Unfocused • Incomplete • Extraneous writing Development • No development • General/Vague • Plot summary • Gaps in thinking COMMENTS: Organization • Illogical • No organizational strategy • Wordiness/Repetition Voice Conventions(grammar) •Disconnected • Misuse • Awkward Little/none • SEVERE mistakes · Updated May 21, 2015