Recruitment in terms of survival For some species it might be more intuitive to consider the stock recruitment relationship in terms of survival rather than recruitment (although the same functions can be used to represent pregnancy rates and other related processes). R=SE (eq. 1) Where S is survival and E is the number of eggs. The commonly used Ricker and Beverton-Holt stock-recruitment models can be put in terms of survival Beverton-Holt S 1 D (eq. 2) Ricker model S exp D (eq. 3) Where is the maximum survival, is a model parameter, D is the density measure that controls density dependence and could be equal to E. Both of these models show concave decreasing survival functions that describe survival decreasing fastest at low stock size. For many species, particularly low fecund species, it might be more reasonable to expect survival to decrease faster when the population approaches carrying capacity. The logistic recruitment model assumes a linear decline in survival with density. S D (eq. 4) Which can be reformulated in terms of the carrying capacity (see Punt XXXX and Taylor 200X) D S 1 D 0 (e.q. 5) The move flexible three parameter stock-recruitment models may be more appropriate to model a wider range of survival functions including both convex and concave functions of density. The Deriso-Schnute is a general three parameter model that has special cases that include the Beverton-Holt ( 1 ), Ricker ( 0 ), recruitment proportional to spawners ( ) and logistic ( 1 ). The model is convex decreasing when 1 and 0. S 1 D 1/ (e.q. 6) An alternative to the Deriso-Schnute model is the three parameter stock-recruitment curve that has been applied to marine mammals (e.g. Pun XXXX; Breen et al. XXXX) and is based on the generalized logistic or Pella-Tomlinson model. The survival function for this stock-recruitment relationship is D S 1 (eq. 7) 0 and 0 And allows the survival to be either a convex ( 1 ) or concave ( 0 1 ) decreasing ( 0 ) function of density. To make the generalized logistic stock-recruitment model more consistent with contemporary uses of stock-recruitment models in fisheries stock assessment. The survival, S, is modeled using the generalized logistic equation formulated in terms of the maximum survival rate , Smax, when the abundance measure, D, that represents the density dependent effect approaches zero, and the survival rate that occurs when the population is in a virgin state, S0. (note E and D may be the same or different and Smax may be greater than 1 if E is only a relative index of “egg” production). Dz S 1 z D0 S max S 0 S 0 (eq. 8) Where S0 can be calculated as a function of the virgin recruitment, R0, and virgin “egg” production, E0. S0 R0 E0 (eq. 9) Finally, the shape parameter of the generalized logistic can be reparameterized in terms of survival, Sx, at a given depletion level x, where x =D/D0. S S0 ln 1 x S max S 0 z ln x (eq. 10) It also may be convenient to define Sx as a fraction of Smax, Sx = pSmax, so that p is the model parameter to fix or estimate. For example, S50 = 0.8Smax and the parameters of the model to estimate are Smax and R0. The parameter p or Sx could also be estimated. The quantities D0 and E0 are calculated from R0 using the natural mortality at age and other biological quantities. Marine mammal applications parameterize the generalized logistic model in terms of the maximum sustainable yield level (MSYL) and the maximum sustainable yield rate (MSYR) (Punt XXXX). Taylor (200X) suggests redefining Smax = Sfrac(1-S0) + S0 to avoid keeping Smax higher than S0, as Sfrac is naturally defined between 0 and 1 (if E is eggs not some relative term) and it may also reduce confounding between S0 and Smax. Dz S 1 z S frac 1 S 0 S 0 D0 (eq. 11) Ian Taylor also suggested reparameterization of Sx in a way that would deal directly with the constraint S0 < Sx < Smax, such as, S x S 0 pS max S 0 (eq. 12) In terms of the reparameterization of Smax suggested above, this would be S x S 0 p S frac 1 S 0 (e.q. 13) Appendix 1: Reparameterization in terms of steepness. The shape parameter (from Eq. 10) could also be parameterized in terms of steepness, h, the recruitment as a percentage of R0 achieved at 20% of E0. This is commonly used to reparameterize the Beverton-Holt stock-recruitment model, but is not as useful for stockrecruitment models that are dome-shaped. If E ≠ D then this is somewhat problematic since E20 ≠ 0.2E when D/D0 = 0.2 and the value of E20 will depend on how D20 was achieved. hR0 S0 E ln 1 20 S max S 0 z ln 0.2 (e.q. A1.1) Appendix 2: Other interesting quantities. The depletion level where maximum recruitment occurs (from Eq. 10) can be found and could be used to fix the shape parameter. However, this calculation requires that E = D. DR max S max D0 S max S 0 z 1 1/ z (e.q. A2.1