AGENDA THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE EAST CLEVELAND CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING BOARD PRESIDENT – JUDGE UNA KEENON SHAW HIGH SCHOOL– 7:00 P.M. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2009 I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG II. ROLL CALL BY TREASURER III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - IV. COMMUNICATIONS V. OPEN DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS SPECIAL MEETING REGULAR MEETING - July 24, 2009 August 17, 2009 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 VI. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES A. Buildings and Grounds Ms. Pamela McClarin Mrs. Barbara Jeffries 2 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 VI. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES B. Education 1. Ms. Chantelle Lewis Ms. Pamela McClarin RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH AND PAYMENT TO IDEASTREAM/DBA WVIZ PBS 90.3 WHEREAS, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Ideastream/DBA WVIZ PBS 90.3 to provide WVIZ/PBS online streaming video and discussion board enabling courses for East Cleveland City School District teachers, September 30, 2009 through November 18, 2009, at a cost of $16,000.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $16,000.00 for said services from the Title II-A Fund-590. 2. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH AND PAYMENT TO HORIZON HEALTH SERVICES WHEREAS, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Horizon Health Services to provide Individualized Education Program services in the form of a Licensed Practicing Nurse for students requiring these services from September 15, 2009 through June 15, 2010 at a cost of $33,000.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $33,000.00 for said services from the IDEIA, Part B-516. 3. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH AND PAYMENT TO SPORTS AND SPINE PHYSICAL THERAPY, INC. WHEREAS, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Sports and Spine Physical Therapy to provide district wide individualized education program services for special needs students in the form of physical and occupational therapy from September 18, 2009 through June 15, 2010 at a cost of $75,000.00; therefore be it RESOLVED, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $75,000.00 for said services from the IDEIA Fund-516. 3 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President 4. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH AND PAYMENT TO KYLE WILLIAMS WHEREAS, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Kyle Williams to provide thirty-eight weeks of Suzuki Rainbow Strings and Cello continuing education sessions for 1st and 2nd grade students at Chambers Elementary School during the 2009-2010 school year at a cost of $35,000.00 therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $35,000.00 for said services from the General Fund-001. 5. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH AND PAYMENT TO NARAYAN STITT WHEREAS, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Narayan Stitt to provide one hundred (100) hours of unarmed self-defense training and ASP baton training for Criminal Justice seniors at Shaw High School Building from September 30, 2009 through June 7, 2010 at a cost of $2,600.00 therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $2,600.00 for said services from the Career Tech./General Fund-001. 6. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH AND PAYMENT TO MELVA G. HENDERSON WHEREAS, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Melva G. Henderson to provide forty (40) hours of 911 telecommunications training for Shaw High School Criminal Justice and Fire Technology students at Shaw High School from September 30, 2009 through June 7, 2010 at a cost of $7,875.50; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $7,875.50 for said services from the Career Tech./General Fund-001. 4 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President 7. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH AND PAYMENT TO RAPHAEL S. SMITH WHEREAS, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Raphael S. Smith to provide three hundred (300) hours of physical fitness training, healthy living and stress reduction education for Criminal Justice students and Fire Technology students from September 30, 2009 through June 7, 2010 at a cost of $8,060.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $8,060.00 for said services from the Career Tech./General Fund-001. 8. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH AND PAYMENT TO GRANVILLE WHITE WHEREAS, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Granville White to provide five hundred (500) hours of firefighting training technical assistance for students enrolled in the Firefighter Training program from September 30, 2009 through June 7, 2010 at a cost of $12,500.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $12,500.00 for said services from the Career Tech./General Fund-001. 9. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH AND PAYMENT TO JOSHUA R. HARTMAN WHEREAS, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Joshua R. Hartman to provide five hundred (500) hours of firefighting training technical assistance for students enrolled in the Firefighter Training program from September 30, 2009 through June 7, 2010 at a cost of $12,500.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $12,500.00 for said services from the Career Tech./General Fund-001. 5 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President 10. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH AND PAYMENT TO ANDRE HAYNESWORTH WHEREAS, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Andre Haynesworth to provide a private security certification course for Criminal Justice seniors in addition to a public safety course to Criminal Justice students at Shaw High School from September 30, 2009 through June 7, 2010 at a cost of $22,880.00 therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $22,880.00 for said services from the Career Tech./General Fund-001. 11. AMEND DECEMBER 8, 2008 BOARD AGENDA/RESOLUTION 351/08 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH AND PAYMENT TO THE CITY OF CLEVELAND/DIVISION OF EMS WHEREAS, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with the City of Cleveland/Division of EMS to provide emergency medical services, CPR/First Aid and first responder classes for Shaw High School Career-Technical Education students from January 26, 2009 through June 8, 2009 at a cost of $7,230.00, therefore be it RESOLVED, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $7,230.00 for said services from the Career and Technical/General Fund-001. Add: Remove: Career and Technical/General Fund-001 12. Carl D. Perkins Fund-524 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH AND PAYMENT TO UNIVERSITY CIRCLE, INC. WHEREAS, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with University, Inc. to provide eight monthly Early Learning units for two preschool classes at the Superior Elementary School from September 30, 2009 through May 31, 2010 at a cost of $12,000.00 therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $12,000.00 for said services from the General Fund-001 and Title II-A-590 Fund. 6 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President 13. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 RESOLUTION TO AWARD A CONTRACT TO AMERICA’S CHOICE, INC. WHEREAS, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with America’s Choice, Inc. for professional development training, materials and technical assistance designed to increase the literacy, mathematics and science performance of students at Chambers, Caledonia, Mayfair, Prospect, Superior Elementary Schools and Heritage Middle School, September 30, 2009 through June 8, 2010 at a cost of $150,000.00; therefore be it RESOLVED, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $150,000.00 from Title I-572. 7 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 VI. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES C. Finance 1. Mrs. Barbara Jeffries Dr. Patricia Blochowiak RESOLUTION DECLARING IMPRACTICALITY OF TRANSPORTATION AND OFFER TO PROVIDE PAYMENT TO PARENTS IN LIEU OF DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES WHEREAS, identified students have been determined to be residents of this school district, and eligible for transportation services; and WHEREAS, after careful evaluation of all available options, it has been determined that it is impractical to provide transportation for these student(s) to their selected schools; and WHEREAS, the following factors are identified in Revised Code 3327.02 have been considered: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The time and distance required to provide the transportation The number of pupils to be transported The cost of providing transportation in terms of equipment, maintenance, personnel, and administration Whether similar or equivalent service is provided to other pupils eligible for transportation Whether and to what extent the additional service unavoidably disrupts current transportation schedules Whether other reimbursable types of transportation are available; and WHEREAS, the option of offering payment in lieu of transportation as provided in the Revised Code; therefore, be it RESOLVED, the East Cleveland City School District Board of Education hereby approves the declaration of impracticality to transport for the identified students, and offering them payment in lieu of transportation. 2. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TUITION AGREEMENT WHEREAS, school districts, boards of mental retardation and development disabilities, county educational service centers and other facilities are authorized pursuant to Chapter 3323 and Section 3327.04 of the Ohio Revised Code to provide or contract for educational services, including special education, and 8 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 WHEREAS, the East Cleveland City School District Board of Education desires to avail itself of such programs for the benefit of specified students; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the East Cleveland City School District Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent or her representative to enter into an agreement for said services with the designated school districts, boards of mental retardation and developmental disabilities, county educational service centers and other facilities as indicated below, and further be it RESOLVED, that this Board authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay funds in the amounts of the per pupil cost as indicated in the agreements. PROVIDER TERM OF AGREEMENT FEES Achievement Centers for Children 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Beachwood City Schools 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Berea Children’s Home 2009-2010 School Year Per Agreement Canton City Schools 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Chagrin Falls Exempted Village 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism 2009-2010 School Year Per Agreement Cleveland Municipal Schools 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Cleveland Hts. City Schools 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost University Hts. City Schools 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Columbiana County Board of MR/DD 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Columbiana Exempted Village 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Crestwood Local Schools 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Cuyahoga County Board of MR/DD 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Education Service Center of Cuyahoga County 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Education Service Center of Portage County 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost 9 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President 3. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 Elyria City Schools 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Fostoria City Schools 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Garfield Hts. City Schools 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Liberty Local Schools 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Lorain County Board of MR/DD 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Maple Hts. City Schools 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Mayfield City Schools 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Orange City Schools 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Parma City Schools 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost South Euclid/Lyndhurst City Schools 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Toledo City Schools 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Rose Mary Center 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost Education Alternatives 2009-2010 School Year Tuition or Excess Cost RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT THE OHSTI IMPLEMENTATION GRANT 019-9010 AND INCREASE THE APPROPRIATION WHEREAS, the Knowledge Works Foundation has awarded an OHSTI Implementation Grant 019-9010 in the amount of $2,000.00, and WHEREAS, the funds are to be distributed to the Freshman Academy, Shaw High School of Medicine, Science and Technology, Shaw Leadership Academy and Shaw Academy in equal increments, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the East Cleveland City School District accepts said OHSTI Implementation Grant award and increase the appropriation. (See Exhibit 1) 10 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President 4. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT THE PARENT MENTOR GRANT 516-9002 AND INCREASE THE APPROPRIATION WHEREAS, the Ohio Department of Education, Office of Exceptional Children, have approved and awarded the Parent Mentor Grant 516-9002 in the amount of $25,000.00, and WHEREAS, the effective dates of the grant are between July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 and will be used to fund payroll and benefits in connection with providing support services, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the East Cleveland City School District accepts said Parent Mentor Grant award and increase the appropriation. (See Exhibit 1) 5. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE PERMANENT APPROPRIATION WHEREAS, it is necessary by statute to adopt a permanent appropriation for the East Cleveland City School District by October 1st, of each fiscal year and file it with the Cuyahoga County Auditor, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the appropriation is within the parameters of the estimated revenues and carry-over balances, also to be filed with the Cuyahoga County Auditor, and further be it RESOLVED, that the Board of the East Cleveland City School District hereby authorizes the Treasurer to file such permanent appropriation. (See Exhibit 1) 6. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH AND PAYMENT TO EASE@WORK WHEREAS, the East Cleveland City School District will contract with Ease@Work to provide assistance to District employees and their family members through an employee assistance program (EAP) from October 2009 through December 2010 at a cost of $23.00 per employee, per year, totaling $10,925.00; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Board of the East Cleveland City School District hereby authorizes the Treasurer to encumber and pay an amount not to exceed $10,925.00 for said services from the General Fund-001. 11 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President 7. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A RETAIL POWER SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND THE OHIO SCHOOL COUNCIL’S ENDORSED SUPPLIER, DUKE ENERGY RETAIL SALES, LLC. WHEREAS, the boards of education of certain school districts located in Northeastern Ohio established the Ohio Schools Council as a regional council of governments, pursuant to Revised Code Chapter 167 (the "Council"), for the purposes of carrying out cooperative purchase programs and promoting cooperative arrangements and agreements among its member school districts and government agencies or private persons; and WHEREAS, the members of, and other participating public schools associated with, the Council desire to purchase retail electric power services from the supplier of such services that has received the endorsement of the Council, Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC (the "Endorsed Supplier") for the Council’s Energy for Education III Program; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education (the "Board") of this School District (the "District"), pursuant to this resolution desires to authorize the execution and delivery by the District of a retail power sales agreement between the District and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC (the "Power Sales Agreement"), pursuant to which the District, will purchase electricity generation at a discount for its school facilities THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the East Cleveland City School District, County of Cuyahoga, State of Ohio, as follows: Section 1. The Board authorizes and directs the Treasurer to execute and deliver, in the name of the District and on its behalf, the Power Sales Agreement, substantially in the form now on file with this Board, with any changes that are not inconsistent with this resolution and that may be acceptable to the Treasurer whose acceptance shall be conclusively evidenced by the execution of such document by the Treasurer. 12 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 Section 2. Monies adequate to pay amounts due under the Power Sales Agreement for the current fiscal year are hereby appropriated for that purpose. Section 3. It is hereby found and determined that all formal actions of the Board concerning and relating to the adoption of this resolution were adopted in an open meeting of the Board, and that all deliberations of the Board and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action, were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code. 13 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President VI. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES D. Welfare & Public Relations 1. Dr. Patricia Blochowiak Ms. Chantelle C. Lewis ACCEPTANCE OF A DONATION BE IT RESOLVED, that the East Cleveland City School District Board of Education accepts the following donation: 2. SOURCE PURPOSE ITEM VALUE Unity of Greater Cleveland Mayfair Elementary School Students 34 Backpacks $ 510.00 Check for a Uniform Voucher Program $ 345.00 RESOLUTION TO APPOINT A SUSPENSION APPEALS HEARING OFFICER BE IT RESOLVED, that the East Cleveland City School District Board of Education appoints Suszanne Hawthorne-Clay as Hearing Officer for Suspension Appeals. 3. RESOLUTION TO APPOINT AN EXPULSION HEARING OFFICER BE IT RESOLVED, that the East Cleveland City School District Board of Education appoints Dr. John Buckner as Hearing Officer for Expulsions. 4. RESOLUTION TO APPOINT EXPULSION APPEALS HEARING OFFICER BE IT RESOLVED, that the East Cleveland City School District Board of Education appoints Myrna Loy Corley as Hearing Officer for Expulsion Appeals. 5. RESOLUTION TO APPOINT 504 COMPLIANCE OFFICER BE IT RESOLVED, that the East Cleveland City School District Board of Education in order to be in compliance with certain Federal and State regulations appoints Suszanne Hawthorne-Clay as 504 Coordinator for the East Cleveland City School District. 14 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President 6. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 RESOLUTION TO APPOINT EEO/TITLE IX COMPLIANCE OFFICER BE IT RESOLVED, that the East Cleveland City School District Board of Education in order to be in compliance with certain Federal and State regulations appoints Pamela Prince as EEO/Title IX Compliance Officer for the East Cleveland City School District. 15 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 VII. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SUPERINTENDENT A. APPOINTMENTS - CERTIFICATED Subject to the approval of the Board of Education, I recommend the following be appointed to the positions indicated: 1. New Appointments - Certified a. Substitute Teachers (General: 001) ($100.00 per day) Effective: 2009-2010 School Year Ronald Bailey Annie Banks Ashlee M. Brewer Tanecia Carter Leslie Arthur Green Holly Kirkpatrick Heather Silver Steven Chandler Mahlon Rhodes b. Sharon Leak David Matt Jennifer A. Michalski Edward Settles Mitchel Watley Walter Williams Synella Norris Wilson Marcus Henry WVIZ/PBS Curriculum Mapping I K-12 (Title II-A: 590) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $800.00) Effective September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Hesham Anis Phyllis Banks-Cook Ayesha Barber Tishawn Benson Tommie Bickley-Sanders Elsa Blake Ellen Bogotay Bertha Brady Catherine Brown Dana Brown Carmen Bryson Crystal Cash Iris Chism Mary Alice Conkey Felicia Curtain Monique Davis Monique Delk Jacqueline Dickerson 16 Carol Godbold Antoinette Hampton Ella Harris Maryann Harris Deitra Harrison Jeanne Hill Jennifer Hyatt Jane Jackson Dana Jetter Stacia Joseph Sandra Lawrence Shauna LeSure Jacqueline Lewis Jacqueline Lucas Dawn Magnasco Susan Maier Debra Matthews Renee McDonnell AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 Paula Elder Janis Ernest Jason Floyd Tonita Ford Bridgid Foster Andratesha Fritzgerald Yuriko Gilbertson Michelle Reese Victoria Ridge Belinda Russell Kecia Sanders Sharon Smith Irene Spraggins Petra Sullivan Kimberly Trammell Maryann Tuscano Jack Wallingford Faith Wentz Nyree Wilkerson LaKeisha Word Wendy Zielinski Monique Patterson-Ceasor c. Sonaray Miller Steven Mitchell Vanessa Moore Bennie Neal Carla Neely Conrad Oyatsi Susan Range Sonequa Reeves Gilda Roberts Katherine Ryan Sandra Singh Tim Smith Alisha Starks Lillian Tolbert Graldine Tucker Lori Urogdy-Eiler Susan Washington Jesse Williams Karen Winston Taunya Young Natasha Taylor Literacy I Institute/Reading Assessments (Title I: 572) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $700.00) Effective September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Tishawn Benson Bertha Brady Catherine Brown Crystal Cash Felicia Curtain Janet Ernest Bridgid Foster Gwendolyn Haynesworth Gloria Jastromb Miriam Livingston Debra Matthews Lorentha Morah Bennie Neal Nicole Richardson Kecia Sanders Hazel Slaughter Alisha Starks Lillian Tolbert Geraldine Tucker 17 Elsa Blake Tommie Bickley-Sanders Barbara Bucker Mary Alice Conkey Paula Elder Jason Floyd Deitra Harrison Joyce Hives Stacia Joseph Jacqueline Lucas Steven Mitchell Vanessa Moore Michelle Reese Gilda Roberts Sandra Singh Irene Spraggins Maxine Studmire Kimberly Trammell Maryann Tuscano AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 Susan Washington Tanya Young d. Karen Winston Literacy II Institute/Reading Assessments (Title I: 572) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $700.00) Effective September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Tanya Allen Tommie Bickley-Sanders Bertha Brady Barbara Bucher Mary Alice Conkey Paula Elder Jason Floyd Deitra Harrison Joyce Hives Stacia Joseph Jacqueline Lucas Steven Mitchell Vanessa Moore Michelle Reese Gilda Roberts Sandra Singh Irene Spraggins Maxine Studmire Kimberly Trammell Maryann Tuscano Karen Winston e. CIP Team/Superior Elementary School (Title I-572) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $700.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 TiShawn Benson Gilda Roberts f. TiShawn Benson Elsa Blake Catherine Brown Crystal Cash Felicia Curtain Janis Ernest Bridgid Foster Gwendolyn Haynesworth Gloria Jastromb Miriam Livingston Debra Matthews Lorentha Morah Bennie Neal Nicole Richardson Kecia Sanders Hazel Slaughter Alisha Starks Lillian Tolbert Geraldine Tucker Susan Washington Tanya Young Stacia Joseph After School Tutoring/Superior Elementary School (Title I-572) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $4,000.00) (Contingent Upon Enrollment) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 TiShawn Benson Bridget Foster Jason Floyd Stacia Joseph Gilda Roberts Nicole Richardson 18 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President g. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 CIP Team/Chambers Elementary School (Title I-572) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $700.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Rose Hardy Pat Richburg Jeri Shore h. SharonSmith Karen Winston Faith Wentz After School Tutoring/Chambers Elementary School (Title I-572) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $4,000.00) (Contingent Upon Enrollment) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Yuri Gilbertson Sharon Smith Martha Logan Karen Winston Lynette Corn i. Faith Wentz Susan Washington Jacklyn Rush Nyree Wilkerson Charlene Usalis CIP Team/Caledonia Elementary School (Title I-572) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $700.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Felicia Curtain Scott Ridge j. Michelle Reese After School Tutoring/Caledonia Elementary School (Title I-572) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $4,000.00) (Contingent Upon Enrollment) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Sandra Dover Elaine Rushton Tommie Sanders Sandra Singh Lakeisha Word 19 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President k. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 CIP Team/Mayfair Elementary School (Title I-572) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $700.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Catherine Brown Nim Bryant Barbara Bucher l. Maxine Studmire Geraldine Tucker CIP Team/Prospect Elementary School (Title I-572) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $700.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Phyllis Lox Renee McDonnell m. Alisha Starks CIP Team/Shaw Academy (Building Blocks-001) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $700.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Joseph Kostrab Belinda Russell n. Wendi Zielinski CIP Team/Shaw Leadership Academy (Building Blocks-001) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $700.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Lori Urogdy-Eiler Mary Tella Kia Jones o. Jackie Massengale James Copeland CIP Team/Heritage Middle School (Title I-572) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $700.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Tanya Allen Londa Byrd Charla Couch Sandra Lawrence Lorentha Morah Dorothy Ruddick Michael Murray Alenda Phillips 20 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President p. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 Saturday School Tutors/Heritage Middle School (Title I-572) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $4,00.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Shaundallah Campbell Tanya Allen Beatrice Price q. Iben-Ali Fike Jesse Williams Desmarie Carter Adult GED Instructor (General-001) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $18,828.00) (Contingent Upon Enrollment) Effective: September 30, 2009 through June 7, 2010 Theresa Haynesworth r. Phyllis East Part-Time Evening Adult GED Instructor (General-001) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $5,648.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through May 21, 2010 Janis Ernest s. Sandra Benjamin Adult GED Intake and Assessment (General-001) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $11,296.80) Effective: September 30, 2009 through May 21, 2010 Bennie Neal t. Elementary Saturday School Teachers (Title I-572) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $4,00.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through May 21, 2010 Crystal Cash Gwendolyn Haynesworth Jacqueline Lucas u. Janis Ernest Miriam Livingston David Pope Curriculum Council Members (Title II-A-590) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through May 21, 2010 Paula Elder Joy Howard Diane England Andratesha Fritzerald Courtney Jones Charles McCants 21 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 Bennie Neal Suweeyah Salih-Niang Maryann Tuscano Alisha Starks Lillian Tolbert Dorothy Ruddick v. Pamela Prince LaKeisha Word Sabrina Worthy-Gibson Lori Urogdy-Eiler Mary Ann Harris Mary Alice Conkey OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Team/Heritage Middle School (Title II-A-590) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through May 21, 2010 Desmarie Carter Margaret Leden Alenda Phillips Tanya Allen w. Karen Davis Beatrice Price Sandra Lawrence Michael Murray OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Team/Caledonia Elementary School (Title II-A-590) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through May 21, 2010 LaKeisha Word Michelle Reese x. Tommie Sanders OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Team/Chambers Elementary School (Title II-A-590) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through May 21, 2010 Clifton Spencer Jennifer Hyatt y. Dawn Magnasco Carolee Doehner OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Team/Mayfair Elementary School (Title II-A-590) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through May 21, 2010 Steven Mitchell Katherine Ryan Catherine Brown 22 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President z. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Team/Prospect Elementary School (Title II-A-590) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through May 21, 2010 Renee McDonnell Alisha Starks aa. Phyllis Lox OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Team/Superior Elementary School (Title II-A-590) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through May 21, 2010 Stacia Joseph bb. Jason Floyd Reading is Fundamental (Title I-572) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $1,000.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through May 21, 2010 Barbara Bucher cc. Elementary and Middle Schools’ After School Literacy and Mathematics Professional Development (Title I-572) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $3,500.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through May 21, 2010 Ellen Bogotay Faith Bryant Janis Ernest Barbara Bucher Bridged Foster dd. Yuri Gilbertson Scott Ridge Gloria Jastromb Maxine Studmire Gilda Roberts District Discipline Committee (General-001 and Title II-A-590) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $700.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through June 8, 2010 Malcolm Williams John Buckner Beverly Bright-Lloyd Monroe Kennedy Stacia Joseph Katherine Ryan Irene Chudzick Sandra Lawrence Steven Mitchell Debra Matthews Dennis Bunkley Carol Godbold Shawna LeSure Catherine Brown James Copeland James Akins Sharrice Taylor 23 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President ee. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 After School Tutors/Heritage Middle School (Title I-572) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $2,000.00) (Contingent Upon Enrollment) Effective: October 5, 2009 through June 8, 2010 Erica Talbot Tanya Allen Kathy Booker Beckie Galinski B. Sandra Lawrence Dorothy Ruddick Londa Byrd Shaundallah Campbell ADMINISTRATIVE - APPOINTMENTS 1. Administrative Appointments a. Saturday School Administrator/Heritage Middle School (Title I-572) (Not to exceed $7,500.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through May 21, 2010 Beverly Bright-Lloyd b. Elementary Saturday School Administrator (Title I-572) (Not to exceed $7,500.00) (Contingent Upon Enrollment) Effective: September 30, 2009 through May 21, 2010 Pamela Prince c. Saturday School Administrator/Shaw High School (Building Blocks-001) (Not to exceed $7,500.00) (Contingent Upon Enrollment) Effective: September 30, 2009 through May 31, 2010 Byron Wasko 24 CherineWard Dianne Parker Desmarie Carter AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President C. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 SUPPLEMENTALS 1. Supplementals Effective: 2009-2010 Academic School Year 1) Shaw High School Professional Supplemental/Mileage-Certified: (General Fund-001) Joyce Abegglen Laura Brown James Gartner Deborah Gibson Sue Maier $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 Mock Trial: (General Fund-001) Lori Urogdy-Eiler Coach 2009-2010 Senior Class: Henderson Deal (General Fund-001) Class Advisor Athletic Department: $2,941.00 (General Fund-001) Robert Ramsey D. $4,394.00 Faculty Manager APPOINTMENTS - CLASSIFIED 1. New Appointments - Classified a. CIP Team/Caledonia Elementary School (Building Blocks-001) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Desiree Lankford b. CIP Team/Chambers Elementary School (Building Blocks-001) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Terris Patton 25 $8,504.00 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President c. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 CIP Team/Mayfair Elementary School (Building Blocks-001) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Leona Bostick d. CIP Team/Prospect Elementary School (Building Blocks-001) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Crystal Harris e. CIP Team/Superior Elementary School (Building Blocks-001) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Nancy Townsley f. CIP Team/Heritage Middle School (Building Blocks-001) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Valerie Sowell g. CIP Team/Shaw Academy (Building Blocks-001) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Angela Sneed h. Elementary Saturday School Custodians (Title I-572) ($26.15 per hour, not to exceed $6,000.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Charles Bradley Thomas Lewis 26 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President i. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 Saturday School Bus Drivers (Title I-572) (Per OAPSE negotiated contract, not to exceed $6,420.44) Effective: September 30, 2009 – June 8, 2010 Clara Byrd Ronnie Burnett Romona Manuel-Hubbard Theresa Williams-Petty j. Larry Brown Sandra Jackson Thomas Petty Parent Coordinator (Title I-572) ($13.23 per hour, not to exceed $16,000.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through May 31, 2010 Terri Powell k. Substitute Cleaners (General: 001) ($10.43 per hour, contingent upon need) Effective: September 30, 2009 through June 30, 2010 Gene Patterson l. OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Team/Heritage Middle School (Title II-A-590) Per OAPSE Agreement, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through June 8, 2010 Daphne Leatherwood m. OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Team/Caledonia Elementary School (Title II-A-590) Per OAPSE Agreement, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through June 8, 2010 Michael See n. OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Team/Chambers Elementary School (Title II-A-590) Per OAPSE Agreement, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through June 8, 2010 Brenda Preston 27 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President o. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Team/Mayfair Elementary School (Title II-A-590) Per OAPSE Agreement, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through June 8, 2010 Barbara Roscoe p. OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Team/Prospect Elementary School (Title II-A-590) Per OAPSE Agreement, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through June 8, 2010 Crystal Harris q. OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Team/Mayfair Elementary School (Title II-A-590) Per OAPSE Agreement, not to exceed $800.00) Effective: September 30, 2009 through June 8, 2010 Anthony Lockhart E. Nancy Townsley RETIREMENT - CLASSIFIED 1. Adrian Pratt Safety Coordinator 28 Effective: January 1, 2010 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President H. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS Subject to the approval of the Board of Education, I recommend that the following be given permission to attend the meetings indicated and that they be reimbursed for their expenses from the General Fund (unless otherwise indicated) in accordance with Board Policy: Henderson Deal Jr. OHSAA Responsibilities of Athletic Administrators Workshop Worthington, OH August 4, 2009 Athletic-300 ($125.00) Vernillis Chambers Phyllis Banks-Cook Beverly Bright-Lloyd Debra Matthews Charles McCants Hiawatha Shivers Leadership Academy Warrensville Hts., OH August 6, 2009 August 7, 2009 Title II-A: 590 No Cost Diana England Instructional Mentoring Resident Educator Transition Program Columbus, OH September 9-11, 2009 Title II-A-590 ($371.00) Mary Ann Nowak 2009 OSBA Treasurer’s Clinic Rootstown, OH September 9, 2009 General-001 ($175.00) Diana England GCCG Coordinators Meeting Valley View OH November 13, 2009 January 8, 2009 February 12, 2010 March 12, 2010 April 9, 2010 May 14, 2010 June 11, 2010 Title II-A-590 No Cost Phyllis Banks-Cook Hiawatha Shivers Ohio Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Kick-Off Session Columbus, OH September 15, 2009 Title II-A-590 ($180.00) 29 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 Tom Moritz 21st Annual Ohio School Bus Mechanics Association Workshop Columbus, OH September 28, 2009 P.M. September 29-30, 2009 General-001 ($685.00) Pamela Prince 2009 OAASFEP Fall Coordinators Conference Columbus, OH October 12-16, 2009 Title I-572 ($1,480.00) Maxine Studmire Partnering for Success University Hts., OH October 20, 2009 November 19, 2009 No Cost Darlene Helems-Alaniz Mary Ann Harris SIRSI Library Circulation Training Valley View, OH September 18, 2009 No Costs John Dutton Lillian Morris Science Curriculum Mapping Cleveland, OH September 23, 2009 September 24, 2009 Title II-A-590 ($471.16) Dennis Bunkley Jacqueline Reid Fall Parent Mentor Conference Columbus, OH October 7-8, 2009 IDEIA, Part B-516 ($250.00) Lawrence Nichta ADHD Conference Cleveland, OH October 7, 2009 October 8, 2009 October 9, 2009 IDEIA, Part B-516 ($375.00) 30 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President VIII. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 REPORTS OF THE SUPERINTENDENT A. B. Approval of the following student managed activities for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. ACTIVITY NAME BUILDING JROTC Shaw High School 200-9355 Student Newspaper Shaw High School 300-9690 Cheerleaders Heritage Middle School 200-9673 Yearbook Heritage Middle School 300-9681 Student Council Heritage Middle School 200-9608 Junior Honor Society Heritage Middle School 200-9142 EXTENDED TRAVEL School: Date of Trip: Destination: Shaw High School September 12-13, 2009 Whitehaven High School “Memphis, Tennessee Whitehaven Competition” Memphis, TN Marching Band Chartered Bus To promote higher achievement No Cost Subject: Transportation: Educational Objective: Funding Source: C. FUND NUMBER EXTENDED TRAVEL School: Date of Trip: Destination: Shaw High School September 26, 2009 Inkster High School “Marching Band Festival” Inkster, MI Marching Band Chartered Bus To promote higher achievement No Cost Subject: Transportation: Educational Objective: Funding Source: 31 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President D. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 EXTENDED TRAVEL School: Date of Trip: Destination: Shaw High School October 3, 2009 Highland Park High School “Marching Band Festival” Highland Park, MI Marching Band Chartered Bus To promote higher achievement No Cost Subject: Transportation: Educational Objective: Funding Source: E. EXTENDED TRAVEL School: Date of Trip: Destination: Shaw High School October 10, 2009 Southfield Senior High School “Marching Band Festival” Lathrup Village, MI Marching Band Chartered Bus To promote higher achievement No Cost Subject: Transportation: Educational Objective: Funding Source: F. EXTENDED TRAVEL School: Date of Trip: Destination: Shaw High School October 17, 2009 Benton Harbor High School “Marching Band Competition” Benton Harbor, MI Marching Band Chartered Bus To promote higher achievement No Cost Subject: Transportation: Educational Objective: Funding Source: G. EXTENDED TRAVEL School: Date of Trip: Destination: Shaw High School October 24, 2009 Maplewood High School “Maplewood High Competition” Nashville, TN Marching Band Chartered Bus To promote higher achievement No Cost Subject: Transportation: Educational Objective: Funding Source: 32 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President H. Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 EXTENDED TRAVEL School: Date of Trip: Destination: Shaw High School November 18-27, 2009 Orlando, FL “State Farm High School Battle of the Bands” “Florida A and M University vs. Bethune Cookman Classic” Montgomery, AL “Turkey Day Classic” Marching Band Chartered Bus To promote higher achievement No Cost Subject: Transportation: Educational Objective: Funding Source: 33 AGENDA – Regular Meeting Judge Una Keenon - President Board of Education East Cleveland City School District September 14, 2009 IX. NEW BUSINESS-NEXT REGULAR MEETING: TBA X. EXPRESSIONS FROM THE COMMUNITY XI. ADJOURNMENT 34