Database gr3gcom_gr3gcom Table structure for table wp_posts Column Type Null Default bigint(20) No ID post_author bigint(20) No 0 post_date datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00 post_date_gmt datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00 post_content longtext No post_title text No post_category int(4) No 0 post_excerpt text No post_status varchar(20) No publish comment_status varchar(20) No open ping_status varchar(20) No open post_password varchar(20) No post_name varchar(200) No to_ping text No pinged text No post_modified datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00 post_modified_gmt datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00 post_content_filtered longtext No post_parent bigint(20) No 0 guid varchar(255) No menu_order int(11) No 0 post_type varchar(20) No post post_mime_type varchar(100) No comment_count bigint(20) No 0 Dumping data for table wp_posts 200 200 6- 6Well, I've finally come round to setting up my own blog. Don't really know why I'm doing this cos 05- 051 1 have this intrinsic need to leave something behind. Seems I'm probably not going to leave behind a 05 05 next best thing. To leave a digital trail of bits and bytes to document this brief existence. Well, her 22:3 14:3 1:47 1:47 200 200 1. child family 2. of us left 3. thirty-something... 4. string Steinberger Synapse is the current aXe 5 2 1 6- 6- to hold you by Veruca Salt rocks! 9. by Damien Rice is also good. 05- 0505 05 22:3 14:3 1:47 1:47 200 200 9- 9<a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 45 12- 121 src="" alt="" /></a> <span style=" 7 09 09 some Xmas festivities have begun! Cheap and good headgear for party-wear if you ever need one. 23:3 15:3 6:47 6:47 200 200 6- 6I must say this Wordpress software I've read so much about in other people's blogs is quite a breez 05- 053 1 server, clicking on a few configuration links and off you go. Only tricky thing u had to ensure was 05 05 time for me to go check out all the bells and whistles for this little nifty online tool. 23:0 15:0 9:46 9:46 200 200 6- 6- It felt like a non-event sort of day. No noisy crowds. No car park jams. In fact, no queue at the stat 05- 05- rain at 8 in the morning. That probably washed it all out. Got there at about 230pm, was still in a q 4 1 06 06 walking there. Could not really make up my mind since on the one hand you want the established 14:5 06:5 some credible alternative voices. Well, turns out Sylvia Lim was pacing around the polling station 0:38 0:38 200 200 6- 6by The Breeders i don't know how old i was but it was a '65 pickup i was lying on the ground with 05- 055 1 in your head at two thousand degrees that's right man, you be the metal man at two thousand degre 08 08 src="" alt="" width="160" height="120" /> 23:5 15:5 1:34 1:34 200 200 6- 6- Had this weird dream last night which i actually remembered... This is indeed strange as i hardly r 05- 05- suicide kit. Its like one of those blood pressure kits in the doctor... The metal longish ones.. They o 6 1 09 09 you're dead in a couple of minutes. Its supposed to be painless. Funny thing was it had to be bough 22:5 14:5 following a guy to watch him "off" himself at a pub where he bought it under the counter, but i lef 2:19 2:19 200 200 6- 6- Business User: Can we do this? Project Manager: Its not in the requirements. Business User: But t 05- 05- the requirements. I always wondered, if absolutely everything has to be in the requirements docum 9 1 12 12 english then the actual lines of programming code in the application. In which case, requirements w 12:3 04:3 Hence all current models of timelines used to manage projects are void. 1:34 1:34 200 200 6- 68 1 <img src="" alt="" 05- 0509 09 23:2 15:2 5:02 5:02 200 200 <img src="" alt="" hspace="5" align="righ 6- 6Orchard. Quite refreshing to see an up-and-coming female fronted band in the likes of Wendi Koh 05- 0510 1 rare in SG, too bad they were plagued by bad sound. There was basically no sound engineer, and t 13 12 without much success. Hopped on down to Bar None and caught Enigma. Must be the new Energy 01:1 17:1 image and the passion. Just too clinical for my liking. 3:30 3:30 Aimee Mann | Ash | The Beatles | Belle and Sebastian | Belly | The Bird and the Bee | Blake Babie 200 200 Scream | Corinne May | Cranberries | The Cure | Damien Rice | Death Cab For Cutie | Def Leppard 6- 6- Franz Ferdinand | Garbage | Guided by Voices | Humpback Oak | Idlewild | Indigo girls | Jewel | Ji 05- 05- Killers | Kings of Convenience | Kristen Hersh | Lemonheads | Letters to Cleo | Lisa Loeb | Liz Pha 11 1 13 13 Lord | Matthew Sweet | Motley Crue | My Chemical Romance | Neds Atomic Dustbin | Nina Gord 22:0 14:0 The Police | Queen | The Raveonettes | Red House Painters | Red Hot Chili Peppers | REM | Sarah 5:56 5:56 Sting | The Strokes | Sum 41 | Suzanne Vega | Teenage Fanclub | Tegan and Sara | They Might Be Tristan Prettyman | U2 | Urge Overkill | Veruca Salt | Voice of the Beehive | Weezer | XTC | Yeah 200 200 6- 6<img src="" alt="" hs 05- 0512 1 hands on the almost complete series of Lost - Season 1 and are about to begin on a quest to find w 14 14 on TV as well as the Season 1 episodes on disc. We're gonna get real lost! 12:0 04:0 6:35 6:35 200 200 <strong>Server Hosting</strong> - <a href=""> New Media Ex 6- 6- href=""> Wordpress v3.1</a> <strong>Image Hosting</strong> - <a href="ht 05- 05- href="" target="_blank">The Morning Afte 13 1 14 14 blogsite, that's all the components you need to understand to be able to set up one similar to this. O 12:1 04:1 little details like link colours and sort orders etc On this note, I'd like to give a shoutout to <a href= 9:34 9:34 all things mac and tech turned a couple of us onto the HTML bandwagon back in 96'. Thanks man 200 200 Been two weeks since we last jammed. Did a new Idlewild song which was really a challenge cos 6- 6chords for it. But its all good, we managed to finish the song as a group. Its always a nice feeling t 05- 0514 1 everybody needs some form of release. Been thinking about my musical journey recently, its stran 14 14 never really got anywhere with it, cept for the few gigs in the JC band which was an official ECA 23:5 15:5 jumped on it and picked up the bass in a jiffy and have found my "voice". 1:50 1:50 200 200 6- 605- 05- Thank god its the weekend again. This has been quite a crazy week. V has been doing the superhu 15 1 20 20 Once, i woke up in the morning to find her still typing away. She got an hour's shut-eye and then w 11:5 03:5 2:05 2:05 200 200 Apparently we are. Offbeat gem causes musical mayhem in the OK camp! After repeated playing 6- 6- nailed my part. All I can say is maybe we should plug the mp3 into the studio somehow so we can 16 1 05- 05- different in everybody's head so trying to get a consensus would be harder. Another weekend flies 21 21 episodes of "lost". Now we've got a void of episodes 9-17! 22:2 14:2 9:47 9:47 200 200 6- 6- Some guy didn't check some other guy's work... Some member of the public got a stray email. And 05- 05- was the usual 10% off something somewhere. This is F#$%ing ridiculous. I mean c'mon, u get hun 17 1 24 24 button M#$%F@$$ker. Its like u tripped over a stone that fell off a truck on the road and then u ca 22:2 14:2 people should transport stones in a safe manner. F@$^ u man. Why are some people just so free! 4:36 4:36 <img src="" alt="" hspace="5" w 200 200 Went by Swee Lee today and played with a Ibanez SR900 for a bit. i didn't like the look of it but th 6- 6really low and the active EQ really gives u a whole range to play with. Am now gas-sing for this b 05- 0518 1 these model numbers anyway? No wonder they need to give you a catalogue, so u can point out ex 28 27 Warwick bass guitars, but I guess unless they can bring in a simple Warwick Corvette to SG, i'll h 00:5 16:5 5-strings and Vampyre shaped ones. Maybe I'm not good enough to handle these boutique brands 4:12 4:12 stuff... 200 200 6- 6Seem to be in a strange mood of letting my instruments go. First the bass amp, then the acoustic gu 05- 0519 1 tool. I guess when you're in an equipment-upgrading mood, it does help to let go of the older stuff 29 29 you're wasting money on something u already have... Cos now u don't :) 23:3 15:3 6:04 6:04 200 200 6- 606- 06- Wonder if there's a band by that name. Its been a bad week for both V and me, we've been taking t 20 1 03 03 we've had 2 days of mcs each, we're still hacking away at our computers from home cos its major 11:3 03:3 1:09 1:09 200 200 <img src="" alt="" width="400" /> Rock this pl 6- 6partner in crime. After ditching all the other low-end gear, I've decided to get something that lasts 06- 0621 1 such a beautiful piece of art. And the irony is that it sounds so good on its own that my Hartke Bas 05 05 guitar now makes this sound bad. So the pedal is going to stay home alone till i find a new "sound" 23:4 15:4 Esplanade park. Think its near the war memorial structure thingy opposite Raffles City. More abou 9:28 9:28 200 200 6- 6Things to count down to: 1. Major thing in office that will give my life back to me next week! 2. J 06- 0622 1 apparently will be a girl - see reading blogs is informational! Its the new paper, they should make a 11 11 will give her back our life! 5. A long awaited break somewhere with sun sand sea after we get our 23:2 15:2 9:30 9:30 200 200 This thing which we've been counting down for in the office just got postponed by a week, so its b 6- 6clean up the never-ending mess, bad because everybody's quite tired out of this long drawn affair a 06- 0623 1 end, she just spent a whole 24-hours working on a Final Year submission for a design degree! Wh 17 17 help in crafting out advertising campaigns and all... She's definitely not gonna ace it this time roun 22:4 14:4 at Timbre and catch the Typewriter gig, but she's so burned out after the submission we decided to 5:57 5:57 Anyone seen <a href=""> Stomp </a>yet? its like the dot com days all o I hear its a 2 million dollar venture! C'mon, I'm sure you can spend a couple of Ks for a profession dot bomb, you couldn't afford to hire one to give it a professional make-over. I bet it was done INtrained but to me that's a non-design. Have you seen the tabs they have for navigation. That's so 20 they heard of mouse-overs or drop-down menus or FLASH! Just take a look at any of the sites <a 200 200 rightfully has a section called "Stink". I think that's probably the portal's tagline. Just gonna give m 6- 6another acronym right. CTE AYE CBD not enough, now got ST Online Mobile Print! Simi lai eh? 06- 0624 1 quotes in the front it looks more like a Star Forum. Content - You mean kids just want to know ab 20 19 court case! What kind of bloody mix of news is this? And what the hell is a My Singapore section 00:3 16:3 the ST itself. And why the hell would anyone want to know what May and Choy think of "entrapm 0:09 0:09 your online dairy? i want to know what they did yesterday or who they did it with for that matter : a topic a day... give me 500 words or you're dead! Have you seen the stompcast top 3 videos! 2 vid something! WTF, they should at least put that Tammy video online! You mean SG got nothing hap start one in a bucket and film one minute of it for submission... Sigh, you would think that after all can say is two words - Project Eyeball! 200 200 6- 6- Big thing in the office happens tonight! For better or for worst we gotta bite the bullet and launch t 06- 06- Quite a few of us will spend the night in the office waiting for the domain name to switch over... A 25 1 24 24 content to disclaimers to graphics to blah.. Its also <a href="">Nicole's 15:5 07:5 list from the dinner table :P Well, I guess the remainder few of us will just have to drink more shar 4:58 4:58 200 200 The madness is the office is mostly over. Now its time to get some semblance of a life back :) Firs 6- 6rock the stage at the <a href=" 07- 0726 1 pm. We'll be playing after I-can-never-remember-the-other-band's-name cos its too long, so if you 02 02 organised by <a href="">Music For Good</a> and NParks. My gues 22:1 14:1 your dog, your grandma, watever :) Set-list includes the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Interpol and of cos the 9:10 9:10 200 200 It's not supposed to rain in July. That's what Ah Boy the sound guy said. Well, I guess it did, and t 6- 6went on as scheduled, the turn-out would probably be quite bad as its quite an isolated location and 07- 0727 1 vie. The OKs end up having coffee in the Esplanade library and dinner in Marina Square instead. T 09 09 yakking about cars and their maintenance towards the end of the night, it somehow jinxed my own 22:5 14:5 the drive home. When we got home, we saw that the front left tyre is flat. V thinks she's been putti 3:39 3:39 <img src="" alt="" hspace="10" align="le extra tickets to Coldplay. I was like WOOOOHOOO! We met for dinner with a couple of his othe THE BEST concert I have ever seen on our shores! Most of the bands that drop by SG just use min 200 200 backdrop and the band. But this was worldclass entertainment! Widescreen videowall as backdrop 6- 6to climb up the suspended rig to just point the spots at the band members. I must say they spared n 07- 0728 1 lame excuse for the promoter and band to make $$, we are after all being charged world class pric 11 10 screen were great for those upstairs who could hardly make out the members on stage. Kudos to th 00:3 16:3 The swirling hand-written text in the background when Chris was singing "swallowed in the sea" r 9:47 9:47 get when u buy a concert DVD :) Apart from the visuals, the music was of course excellent! Must first place. I've always liked the band, not "fanatical-like" but now after watching them live, is a go wearing the same outfit and using the same guitar on their hit single - Yellow. Its amazing how 10 200 200 <img src="" alt="" width="250" height 29 1 6- 6- href="">Baybeats</a> was back. Lennat made her debut on SG's larg 07- 07- href="">etc</a> played a good set. The crowd was generally sup 17 16 ask for in Singapore :) <a href="" 01:4 17:4 href="">Concave Scream</a> played the larger stage and they ma 1:08 1:08 you can feel all the hair on your body move whenever the bass thumps. Overheard a funny conver leh...Is it rock?" "Yah its rock wat...must be dream rock lah!" Noticed all the guitars are new too. M the crowd was generally wowed by the double-kicking bass drums of the last song. Hooray Dean! really knew their music, but i do remember seeing reviews of them a long way back. Regardless, y energy throughout the set and the singer ended the whole thing by ripping out his strings. Guess th I wonder how come the last two times i planned a trip, something happens like a week before the f 200 200 week before we flew, the beach riots happened in Sydney. Now before we fly on Sunday, a Tsuna 6- 6- later. Not to mention, I've been helping out with a company outing to KL soon, the haze comes bac 07- 07- can write-off, cos it happened last year and we had to change plans the day before to head to the ea 30 1 21 20 be in the office is also spooked by it cos the happy couple also have plans for a Bali getaway next 01:1 17:1 spooked level for her by telling her I switched hotels to be on a different side of the island. I guess 9:06 9:06 I joked with some colleagues that I should bring along some floats...but they said it won't save me hopefully some nice pics of the place! 200 200 6- 6V couldn't get out of work for the week, so we had to KIV the plans for Bali. Guess I'm not totally 07- 0731 1 looking forward to it. O well, I have a whole week more of chilling out. Need to do more! The last 24 23 of cycling. 01:1 17:1 4:52 4:52 On a more serious note, good friend Isaiah was assaulted over the weekend and is now in hospital because he horned at a car filled with 3-4 guys that overtook him suddenly. The driver seemed to w but as soon as he got out of the car, a caucasian dude pounced on him and said he "wanted to settle chokehold till he blacked out. Luckily a bystander managed to pull away the attacker's hand and he 200 200 the guy said "C'mon c'mon you already blacked out once!" The guy was still itching for a fight but 6- 6consciousness. Apparently, some other folks who were watching the incident did not bother to call 07- 0732 1 just sat around and waited for the police to arrive. The attacker and friends then milled around and 24 23 story worked out. Wat's more amazing is the police came and took statements and everyone was fr 01:1 17:1 F##$%ing bizarre! Singapore is the premiere "authoritarian" state known for its draconian laws etc 5:52 5:52 of the public! Its been 48 hours and the police haven't even gotten in touch with him to follow up o gets discharged. WTF, its not like its some street brawl between some kids or something, this is a gave statements. Well, it looks like if you have some grievance with a neighbour or something, jus can just work out a story for the form-filling and you're done. All in a day's work. 200 200 6- 6Still don't understand why Bangkok is called the city of angels.. Isn't that Los Angeles? Anyway, I 08- 0833 1 and bonding. Had to organise some drink session while we're there, so hopefully we get to check o 03 02 href="">Bed Supper Club</a> is about. Cheers! 00:3 16:3 4:19 4:19 <img src="" alt="" hspace="10" align=" 200 200 rooftop bar at the Baiyoke Sky Hotel where we stayed 2. Shopping at Siam centre - Siam Paragon, 6- 634 1 Tom Yam soup and green curry 6. Thai massage 7. Swedish massage What sucked: 1. The band at 08- 084. Tourist scams along the river cruise 5. Thai massage is not for the faint-hearted. Its like they are 09 09 swedish version to recover from the thai one :) The local band at RCA rocked! I guess they must b 23:3 15:3 behind them. RCA is the "happening" place to be i presume from the crowds.. Its like Zouk X10 is 9:51 9:51 with Hip-hop, Techno, Live band, Top40 types. The guys liked it so much they were there all 3 nig soda water mixes cost about $70. Amazingly cheap. Nobody really knows where the address is bu government is trying to clean up the place so most of the pubs close at 2am. At RCA the music sto people heading to the main road to catch cabs. Overall the trip was quite good as it was mainly fre had more fun doing their shopping and other stuff in their own time. The group I hanged out with days with clubbing nites. 200 200 6- 6- The story made it to the front page of The New Paper today. Was a 2-page feature on the incident 08- 08- and hit at a car containing 3 women. Apparently the case was dropped as there wasn't enough evid 35 1 10 09 admit any wrong-doing. Well at least the 3 ladies weren't hurt. Let's hope with this added publicity 00:0 16:0 jail time and a caning. 4:34 4:34 200 200 6- 6- The first appointment with HDB has been set. Its at the end of Nov. As i understand, even though 10- 10- does nothing till then! That's super-fantastic efficient service from the SG government for you!! B 44 1 31 31 through due process...4 weeks of a form sitting in somebody's inbox. If it was run by a private com 21:5 13:5 Anyway, we're kinda taking two recommendations for interior decorators, hope to start briefing th 4:39 4:39 200 200 <img src="" alt="" hspace="10" w 6- 6to justify to myself why i need a portable mp3 player, I've decided to finally bite the bullet and get 08- 0837 1 thanks to V! I guess the only good thing about getting it this late in the game is that now, it comes 28 28 capacity... Its amazing how u can bring your music everywhere u Almo 23:2 15:2 also have more time to explore those CDs which i've only spun a couple of times. Woot! 0:50 0:50 Yep, nothing major is happening now so its kinda quiet here. Have gone for my third lesson alread instead of this half hour bullshit.. Its almost like just having a conversation and before you know it 200 200 Defintely not half an hour! Asked the guy about combining 2 lessons in one but becos he's booked 6- 6building is so packed on Sundays I take half an hour just to park the car !! On the house-front, its a 09- 0938 1 am kinda sad to leave this place having been here almost 20 years. But the morning traffic and the 11 11 probably not have a dedicated study/music room anymore. Defintely miss the space... Managed to 22:3 14:3 weeks ago at Wala. Boy were they in their element! Guess they really do rock big time when they 5:14 5:14 entertaining pub act and they really blew the crowd away doing non-conventional 70s rock amidst other bands should strive for. After all its not called a "show" for nothing :) If you don't know the meaning of that. Look it up :) That's what i went through yesterday. As usua 200 200 government hospital was an eye-opener. For my first appointment, getting myself to the clinic to g 6- 6- total. Small queue at the clinic and no queue at the specialist. Even the carparking only cost $2. W 09- 09- waiting, 5 min with the doctor, fifteen more minutes to pay and half an hour more for the pharmac 39 1 14 14 govt hospitals just make u drowsy. All i remember of yesterday was the nurse lowering the bed in 23:2 15:2 is good reason to work for an organisation that pays your medical bills. Guess its the closest thing 3:13 3:13 polyp in me and removed it. Guess this would be my kryptonite. Well i guess if that averages out t catches up and we can zap them sonically. This process majorly sucks. Yucks! 200 200 Seems like I'm not the only one with health problems, if you saw the blog yesterday, it was display 40 16- 6- and fixed it pretty quickly. I must say webhosting companies are pretty responsive when it comes 09- 09- the office :P 25 25 22:0 14:0 5:31 5:31 200 200 Yes that's what i am! Went back to camp to endorse my MC because my fitness test is due in Nov 6- 6defaulter and call me back again for an explanation on why i didn't do it during the year. I asked if 09- 0942 1 trouble to drive all the way back to the West for this, but No, technically i haven't defaulted since i 29 29 the SAF reads this, give me a break man! You think long term MC so easy to take one ah. Why sti 15:0 07:0 of the yearly cycle so we can siam the stupid test. Doesn't the doctors' word count. If doctor MC no 0:19 0:19 Ok after months of toying with options of renting and buying all sorts of living spaces from flats to Holland Village. I'm not terribly excited about the space but i think the location is great. It overloo 200 200 everything really. Cheap food, expensive food, 24-hour supermarket, tons of shops and Wala Wala 6- 6some effort hunting down flats, we learned a thing about Holland V which swayed me. At any one 10- 1043 1 for most other estates, which means when its time to sell, it shouldn't be on the market for too long 16 15 piece of land back since its prime location. The potential payout should be good. Lastly, even if i d 00:5 16:5 the place, I'm assuming the rental income would be decent so i can hopefully use it as allowance d 2:02 2:02 generating passive income. Otherwise, really dunno how to retire. We're definitely gonna make thi though... The adventure begins... Friends who know me long enough probably think i've gone nuts to actually blog about this, but re href="">Purpose Driven Life</a> book which was some bestse church which i'm attending actually gave them out at service and is using it as a guide for the next 200 200 good cause. You know if you've grown up like me cruising through my entire youth-hood attendin 6- 6yourself why you're on this earth? The answer isn't there. I'm not sure if i'm dense or inattentive bu 10- 1045 1 blah... and nobody actually gave you the answer. So anyway, this book is pretty concise and its lik 31 31 day(40 in total) and though i still don't think i'm fully up to adhering to what i'm supposed to, it is 22:2 14:2 place. Make sense :) There was a recent article in <a href="">Wired</a> which d 3:05 3:05 on the offense to "preach" and sign up believers of there being no higher power, and that the whole with a poignant note from the author himself: What if you bet wrongly? Its an intresting thought, e next life, if u believe there is one. So the Christians are the ones that are "gambling" ... and we play Ok Kev, this one's for you :) What's the book about you ask? Well its split into the following sectio God's pleasure Purpose #2 You were formed for God's family Purpose #3 You were created to bec #5 You were made for a mission Every section has a couple of chapters and there are detailed argu gonna do to "sell" Christianity, all those who do not believe or who get offended with religious tal 200 200 and i must say shallow knowledge about the faith, and cynical worldviews that have shaped me. T 6- 6- complicated ecosystem with complicated bio-organisms all existing and co-existing to support eac 11- 11- believe in a superior being after witnessing how everything just works seemlessly together. That ta 46 1 02 01 create us? I've always seen ourselves as tiny creatures in his snowglobe and every once in a while 00:2 16:2 put here to worship him. It can't get any simpler. Imagine, if you were yourself a God and created 5:30 5:30 be thankful for you etc.. He doesn't need us, he doesn't need our money, our fame etc This was ess should live our lives, get along as a community, support each other and focus towards our eternal l because its like the owner's manual to life. With the bible, it's more like a compilation of stories et just states everything point blank. And if you have some Christian background and knowledge, thi one thing to read and understand, but to live it out is damn difficult. Well, at least i've got my who 200 200 We've gone to two IDs over the weekend to get quotations. Both were recommended by colleague 47 16- 6- hassle of visiting ah beng contractor type shops. I know people who visit like 10 IDs to get quotati 11- 11- what would they need to know in order to come up with a design? So I came up with a "brief" that 07 07 everything starts with a brief :) So here's the list we came up with: - Need to make the apartment lo 21:1 13:1 Willing to have a studio effect, everything is just one large living area - Willing to forgo a sofa - D 9:31 9:31 shower area - Cater for 1 fridge, 1 washing machine and 1 dishwasher - Cater for a music area � printer - Cater for 1 bicycle storage - Cater for a 27� LCD TV , DVD player and 3 piece Hi-fi an possible - Cater for ease of maintenance for hidden trunking etc Well, let's see what these 2 IDs ca that allows them to build from scratch starting with hacking away all the walls possible.. One guy to choose the furniture and add some wall features. Anyway, we'll get the first proposals and costin <img src="" alt="" /> Took the Friday Sentosa. I must admit i wasn't expecting much because you've seen the Rasa and The Sentosa over href="">Siloso Beach Resort's</a> architecture is excellent ma 200 200 architecture... Especially those with lots of clean lines. Their website totally doesn't do them justic 6- 6usability issues like having no covered walkway from the reception to the rooms - hello, this is tro 11- 1148 1 quite interesting with a 4-storey high waterfall on one end, so you can take a shower below :) Parts 13 12 functional yet, but that was no biggie cos there's food along the beach. The uncompleted villas loo 00:5 16:5 the top-end ones which come with your own private jacuzzi with a view!! Room design was damn 4:39 4:39 second level u can stretch out in your own private water heaven overlooking the siloso beach. Very rained in the afternoon. Overall, that was my best gift ever! I've been telling people that i'll visit V Sentosa, we popped by for a bit of shopping... so I guess that's how i turned 33 :P This is a sad post. Lunch with my family today was anything but routine. Yes, the food was delicio my mum suffered a heart attack about three years back. Ever since then, it was the turning point of miraculously seem to be better though smaller ailments started to plague her like the weakening of your ears that controls balance, so now she can't get up suddenly or move too fast as it will cause h spiritually. Over the years, she was always the one that had prenominations in dreams and then som visions and they prompted her towards joining a Catholic prayer group, and now she prayers every 200 200 pray for all the things happening around us as well as for the salvation of souls. She has been conv 6- 6- contact meant she was truly saved. The thing is, she has gotten news that she will soon be gone fro 11- 11- estimated time frame of when it will happen and that it probably will be another heart attack. Skep 49 1 26 26 maybe she's just gone nuts. But i do have long conversations with her, and she is as lucid as you or 21:1 13:1 doesn't really want to speak of it and dismisses it. Well, i'm just writing this down so that when it d 3:41 3:41 event as testimony to the existence of God. In her daily conversations she has been asking many qu anyone is interested i can always share some of these privately. These are not politically correct an thoughts are now turned to how i can give her the best christmas gift this world can offer before sh many sacrifices she has endured for me. Those of you who grew up with me will know that i have item or two that was the in-thing. This was really a miracle in itself, she's been an amazing mother neither were we poor because she gave us her all, she never bought herself nice gifts or dresses or I am eternally grateful. I am also very sad... <a class="imagelink" title="floorplan" href=" src="" alt="floorplan" width="5 200 200 We haven't ironed out the final details and actual numbers but we're suitably impressed with the se 6- 6mockups, we gave some comments and Kelly sketched this layout out in 5 min. We messed about 12- 1250 1 the important tasks are to get our dream layout on budget and on time! We hope to move in before 08 08 it'll be a longer wait once you miss that deadline. We've only bounced around 2 designers in our se 10:1 02:1 got are weekends and some occasional week nights. Really can't imagine trying to brief 5 compani 9:38 9:38 ideas are also in your own head and you're brainstorming this with your partner and being able to a stand-alone sink in the bedroom cos it reminds me of prison" :) 200 200 6- 612- 1251 1 08 08 10:0 02:0 9:34 9:34 Renovation loans have an amazingly small cap of $30K. Before doing the homework, I've always 200 200 home. But apparently the MAS regulates that you can only get up to $30K, and that is per project. 6- 6is all you can get (6x your salary is what they advertise, whichever is lower). To do up a 3-roomer 12- 1252 1 better have lots of cash on hand. Not to mention when you start adding appliances, furniture etc ca 10 10 items into the reno loan and pay off one loan, but instead it actually makes more sense to try to get 23:2 15:2 reno loans are about 6-8% per annum and they also have penalties on early payments, so u might a 0:49 0:49 T&amp;Cs... That was the theme for the office party i had to organise. More pics can be seen in <a href="http:// site</a> I guess it turned out well enough, everybody seemed to have a good time and the drinks w 200 200 party and the people seem really hyped up about dressing up and playing games and such... So unl 6- 6Lilac Saints down for 2 sets at Hideout. Kudos to them for their professionalism. The first set was 12- 1254 1 rather loudly. But by the end of the evening, the folks that stayed longer kinda warmed up to them 16 16 night for me. <img src="" alt="" /> T 23:5 15:5 people were streaming in at all times and we delayed the start for about 2 hours. So we improvised 7:15 7:15 get through the whole programme in one piece. O well, i'm glad its over, hopefully i won't be invo Barely went to any when i was young, and the only parties i threw had people eating and sitting ar 200 200 6- 612- 1255 1 Stewed chicken Prawns and lady's fingers Codfish and pineapple Kangkong and belachan 19 19 18:4 10:4 6:13 6:13 200 200 6- 612- 1256 1 20 20 21:4 13:4 1:59 1:59 200 200 6- 612- 1257 1 20 20 21:4 13:4 2:39 2:39 200 200 <img src="" alt="" /> <im 6- 6- content/uploads/2006/12/RIMG0706.JPG" alt="" /> Finally got round to plugging the camera into 58 1 12- 12- room decor from 30 years ago. We're gonna meet up with the designer again this Saturday. She's g 20 20 more specs on the carpentary and more drawings etc Can't wait... 21:4 13:4 5:25 5:25 200 200 6- 612- 1260 1 24 24 21:4 13:4 9:11 9:11 200 200 6- 612- 1261 1 24 24 21:4 13:4 9:50 9:50 200 200 6- 612- 12- <img src="" alt="" width="400" /> Ju 59 1 20 20 for a business trip. 22:0 14:0 9:32 9:32 200 200 We met up with the designer yesterday morning and spent about 2 hours discussing some finishing 6- 6- going to be smooth and greyish homogenous tiles for the living and kitchen and a rougher version 12- 12- next meeting she'll give us some 3D drawings and colourings to help visualise better. We're quite s 62 1 24 24 the TV wall/walk in wardrobe will be grey too. This is the revised floorplan. We switched the war 22:0 14:0 past the bed to get to the kitchen from the previous iteration. <img id="image60" src="http://www 4:24 4:24 alt="Floorplan" /> 200 200 This is what we're doing for the walk-in wardrobe. (Details erased so that nobody can say we spoil 6- 6content/uploads/2006/12/wardrobe.jpg" alt="Wardrobe" /> Essentially, if you're trying to cut cost 12- 1263 1 the frame and hanging rods as shown, and just buy some cheaper chest of drawers for the lower po 24 24 be about 4m of custom costs, we're only paying about $1500 for the structure and probaly another 22:0 14:0 second half shows the plan view from the side. 4:40 4:40 <img src="" alt="" width="400 200 200 really cared for photographs of family events. Even our wedding photos haven't really been scrutin 6- 6- photos for such events and its almost a herculean task to just look at each and every photo and give 12- 12- up 2 family pics: <img src="" a 64 1 25 25 prepared it, the USA for Africa song must be playing somewhere - "Feed the world...Let them kno 23:3 15:3 meats, curries, pastas, cake, wine, beer, juices, its almost like we didn't have lunch in the first plac 4:57 4:57 src="" alt="" width="400" /> T we'll celebrate it in this house and the other reason you'd know if you read my earlier posts. We met our designer today and started our shopping spree for the house fixtures. Total damage tod 200 200 dining/study/cove/toilets etc - Sinks/Showers/Mixers/Heater for the toilets Also, popped by the Ro 6- 665 1 splurged on a pillow, quilt and new sheets. We were hoping that the big discounts would apply to 12- 12we settled for a micro-gel quilt which sorta feels like the feather type but at 1/3 the price! Cool cat 30 30 src="" alt="" /> Since our ceiling 22:0 14:0 toilet, this is a good alternative. Its essentially a regular hand-shower but with a wide spray to simu 9:46 9:46 without turning any knobs etc, just push and it slides along smoothly. Somehow it just looks much folks at Lumiere and Lookz (both also along Balestier) have been very friendly and helpful. Its def Only glitch was Lookz was really crowded so we had to wait a fair bit for someone to serve. So if customers around. We also stopped by a row of tile shops along Balestier. We ended up here cos w enough the first time round. So we changed our minds on the selected tiles and went with a new on textures there are) 200 200 7- 701- 0166 1 01 01 11:5 03:5 4:00 4:00 200 200 7- 701- 0167 1 01 01 11:5 03:5 4:32 4:32 200 200 We stumbled upon the <a href="">Air</a> Year-End sale and fell in lo 7- 7- src="" alt="Volume Dining Ta 01- 01- Matches well with the glass coffee table we currently have in the house. <img id="image67" src=" 68 1 01 01 alt="Daydream Dining Chair" width="500" /> See-through plastic chairs to complete the transpare 12:0 04:0 because we were mocking up colour schemes in Photoshop and realised that any coloured table, ev 2:51 2:51 idea of going with the transparent approach. 200 200 7- 701- 0169 1 Pasta in Pesto Roast chicken with orange sauce Famous stuffing 01 01 12:0 04:0 8:58 8:58 200 200 I'd say they were miracles in themselves cos i dun believe in luck: 1. Val - We met online, we got 7- 7- href="">Driving a dreamcar</a> on our honeymoon 01- 01- the shop was pure justice 3. Climbing a rung on the corporate ladder - I've always joked that i've re 70 1 01 01 should be no.1 but i'm going by chronological order - Rediscovering God and my mum's connectio 23:2 15:2 done/ discovered in His time, well, i do think the number of senior pastors/ religious folks at the w 0:23 0:23 if you're reading this, I wish you a blessed and great year ahead! Cheers! 200 200 7- 7The paperwork for the actual sale is finally complete. We now have the keys and we own the place 01- 0172 1 throughout the whole process. Anybody need to buy/sell/rent house etc I'd gladly recommend them 04 04 approval to go and the hacking begins... 22:0 14:0 1:47 1:47 200 200 7- 7On the work front, the tidal wave is moving and political lines are being redrawn. Let's hope i live 01- 0173 1 impending tsunami. Damn it, i really enjoyed the current structure. My ex-boss once drilled into u 05 05 generation now. Cest la vie. 22:5 14:5 0:23 0:23 200 200 7- 701- 0176 1 <img src="" alt="" width="500" /> 06 06 23:3 15:3 7:01 7:01 200 200 7- 701- 0175 1 06 06 23:3 15:3 3:18 3:18 Did more shopping for the new house. Total damage about $4k plus this time. Here's some more n 200 200 src="" alt="" /> This is an 7- 7- induction ones, they heat up faster but u require special magnetic based pots n pans. We decided o 01- 01- can see its bright red colour when its hot. With the induction ones, there is usually just a digital sym 77 1 07 07 hands! <img src="" alt="" /> A 22:1 14:1 to understand and operate... 'Nuff said. <img src=" 7:50 7:50 loved the idea of having a dishwasher ever since we used one in one of the lodges we stayed in du and Paykel. Lovely if you're lazy! 200 200 7- 701- 0178 1 Work starts next monday. Yipee! 09 09 22:3 14:3 4:38 4:38 200 200 7- 701- 01- <a href="">1966 - John Lennon says The Beatles are "more 79 1 11 11 states.</a> 21:5 13:5 3:11 3:11 200 200 We met up with the ID again today and ran through all the specs of the components and carpentary 7- 7material for the kitchen top. We were concerned about solid surface tops and their getting scratche 01- 0180 1 homogenous glass! Its amazing how many material options are out there in the market. Apparently 13 13 they don't lose their shine. And of course they look great. The white coloured sample we saw was 22:5 14:5 so i guess we gotta extend our wait. Anyways our fridge and dining set won't be delivered til Marc 1:07 1:07 200 200 7- 701- 0181 1 Hokkien mee 16 16 21:2 13:2 0:43 0:43 200 200 7- 701- 0182 1 17 17 22:2 14:2 0:00 0:00 200 200 7- 7<img src="" alt="Smashe 01- 0183 1 days and this is the result of all that whacking! I'm just so glad i'm nowhere near enough to hear th 17 17 work... Well, the place does look much bigger now. 22:2 14:2 3:20 3:20 200 200 <img id="image60" src="" a 7- 7- the current proposal is basically a shower curtain dividing the stall into two with one half encompa 01- 01- screen every time u wanna take a shower or brush your teeth etc. So we brainstormed and our ID, 84 1 20 20 new hole in the wall where the fridge now stands so that there is a little passageway once you shift 14:4 06:4 create a proper shower screen for the wet area. So it becomes a "L" shaped shower stall like this (p 3:24 3:24 content/uploads/2007/01/shower.jpg" alt="shower.jpg" width="300" /> Great idea! Now let's hope 200 200 7- 701- 0185 1 20 20 14:3 06:3 8:34 8:34 200 200 7- 7Chicken Bryani Lentil Dahl She speaks about her week as usual. This time she's passing messages 01- 0188 1 prayer. The word needs to be spread. Visions of the afterlife. Family members are there, there's als 21 21 for your return". Be not afraid. 17:5 09:5 5:14 5:14 200 200 7- 701- 0189 1 Roast Beef Mashed Potatoes Mango Salad Winter Melon Soup Qn: Are there any good restaurants 28 28 17:5 09:5 5:58 5:58 200 200 Its nice to meet up with old friends again. Especially when stories you tell strike a chord and sudde 90 17- 7- maybe someday sooner than later i will go back to my roots. Of course the lamb and tiramisu didn 02- 02- for that arm! Keep the faith. 02 01 00:4 16:4 7:38 7:38 200 200 7- 7- Bua Keluah Ayam Some fried fish in belachan Winter melon soup Fried toufu Beansprouts and sa 02- 02- pray over us individually today. Seems it was something she needed to do. I've never had anyone p 91 1 04 04 this way. In her whole life you would have never imagined her doing something like this. Even tho 18:3 10:3 devotion. We never had family prayers or anything. You can really see the Lord working in his my 0:54 0:54 200 200 7- 7Haven't been updating these stuff much cos there really isn't anything to shout about. We popped b 02- 0292 1 laid out. The "L" shaped shower area is structually there and the toilets are tiled on the wall too. N 04 04 Tues when i go there to catch the aircon piping in action during the day, i'll try to snap a few shots 18:4 10:4 0:35 0:35 200 200 7- 7- V's friend has been staying with us the past 2 weeks. She flew in from Korea cos she was sick of th 02- 02- but its to do with a single gal hitting a certain age and their male dominated culture just doesn't wo 93 1 07 07 was here and today it seems that interview worked out and they made her an offer. So all that's left 22:3 14:3 must really be looking up in the job market. That's a 100% hit rate :) 3:50 3:50 200 200 7- 702- 0294 1 11 11 17:5 09:5 0:08 0:08 200 200 7- 702- 0295 1 11 11 17:5 09:5 3:51 3:51 200 200 7- 702- 0296 1 11 11 17:5 09:5 5:43 5:43 200 200 After 4 weeks of work, this is what the place looks like: <img id="image94" src="http://www.gr3g 7- 7- alt="RIMG0767.JPG" width="500" /> The tiles have been laid and the first coat of paint is up on t 02- 02- content/uploads/2007/02/RIMG0769.JPG" alt="RIMG0769.JPG" width="500" /> You can finally 97 1 11 11 the shower stall to include a little passageway in. <img id="image96" src=" 18:0 10:0 alt="RIMG0785.JPG" width="500" /> The view from the side of the kitchen entrance. You can se 6:23 6:23 src="" alt="RIMG0789.J floor to match the spare room at the back, so now the whole house is just one level ground. Kudos anyway. So far we've just gone down like twice a week to inspect the work and its been quite smo some quibbling but so far its been hassle-free. Thanks to the man upstairs! 200 200 7- 702- 0298 1 11 11 17:5 09:5 7:29 7:29 200 200 7- 702- 0299 1 Wild prawns BBQ chicken wings Potato, carrot, onion soup 12 12 22:4 14:4 6:12 6:12 <img id="image101" src=" CNY this year. We kicked it off with the reunion dinner at Jumbo seafood in Serangoon Gardens. to be booked out a few months back! It was noisy and we couldn't really hear each other. The food these out: <img id="image102" src=" 200 200 id="image104" src="" alt= 7- 7Keluah) <img id="image105" src=" 10 02- 021 id="image106" src="" alt= 0 20 19 src="" alt=" 01:1 17:1 src="" alt=" 4:37 4:37 limited to the game of "in-between" which we played at my cousin's house. Here's what the pool lo src="" alt=" such: Dealer goes round the table opening up 2 cards per player, you bet whether the 3rd card is "i and if the 3rd card is similar to the 2 open ones, you pay double your bet. 200 200 7- 710 02- 021 1 20 19 00:2 16:2 9:13 9:13 200 200 7- 710 02- 021 2 20 19 00:3 16:3 2:25 2:25 200 200 10 7- 71 3 02- 0220 19 00:3 16:3 3:30 3:30 200 200 7- 710 02- 021 4 20 19 00:3 16:3 4:38 4:38 200 200 7- 710 02- 021 5 20 19 00:3 16:3 5:34 5:34 200 200 7- 710 02- 021 6 20 19 00:3 16:3 7:29 7:29 200 200 7- 710 02- 021 7 20 19 00:3 16:3 8:44 8:44 200 200 7- 710 02- 021 8 20 19 00:4 16:4 0:16 0:16 200 200 7- 710 02- 021 9 20 19 00:5 16:5 5:45 5:45 if you found out your loved one had X amount of time left on earth? Its really an emotional and ye 200 200 sense of impending lost that will never be replaced, and yet sobering because we are only mortal a 7- 7what can you do to maximise the time left... I guess ultimately when u get over the initial crazy ide 11 02- 021 thing. Spending qualty time with the person. I wanted to take a week off and just take my family o 0 21 21 be able to talk and recap the times we had together. But that was not to be... With the new place an 23:0 15:0 boss at work, i just didn't feel responsible enough by taking a week off. Same with V, she was fini 5:07 5:07 importantly, my mum asked God if she should be traveling anywhere and the answer was no. I gue work. The convenience and safety of home was much more suitable. So i did the next best thing i c conversations with her in my whole life. i picked her up at 10 in the morning and dropped her off a jammed for an hour due to the crowds thronging the island on the 3rd day of cny. Had a long lunch Walked about some more, had a drink at a hotel lobby lounge and finally had a long dinner at a nic notes about where she lived when she was younger, her first job, how she met my dad etc But mai while speaking with Him and the work she has been doing. Its truly an amazing spiritual journey s privilege. The message i received from all this is simple. It has been said many times before. I can the story. Surprisingly, the day ended without a single tear. There were moments of sadness and si for this opportunity to be able to share my innermost thoughts with my mum and to hear her life st 200 200 7- 7- The date which could not be named has come and gone. It was an emotional rollercoaster. The wh 11 03- 03- But through reasons only He will truly know, it didn't end. Maybe it was just a test of faith, maybe 1 1 06 06 well for now. The event still looms, but the next time round there won't be any warning. I guess al 23:2 15:2 she was just thinking how we'd cope with increased living expenses. Today it seems an offer was m 5:18 5:18 200 200 7- 7Here's the previously mentioned shower area mod which wasn't quite clear. Plan view. <img id="i 11 03- 031 content/uploads/2007/03/shower1.gif" alt="shower1.gif" /> Work has resumed after the long CNY 3 07 07 in about 2 weeks if nothing is delayed... 22:2 14:2 7:21 7:21 200 200 7- 711 03- 031 4 07 07 22:3 14:3 2:25 2:25 <img id="image116" src="" al Tristan Prettyman gig at the <a href=" 200 200 describe it! Its the loudest acoustic guitar, bass and drum set i've seen and sonically its really balan 7- 7start filling it with string ensembles ala MTV unplugged. But Tristan's fingerstyle with the guitar m 11 03- 031 strum mute strum type guitarist. She's also really got a great voice and the thing about good singer 5 18 17 good. Just that the instruments are lively. Lots of in-between banter and funny anecdotes about how 01:0 17:0 She also did a ditty about Lindsay Lohan and rehab. Quite hilarious! Opening act was Jack and Ra 8:44 8:44 surprised that they are coming up with an album in a month or so and they did a set of originals. V The Observatory and Concave Scream are playing at the Esplanade in the comng two weeks. Let's 200 200 7- 711 03- 031 6 18 18 18:3 10:3 6:13 6:13 200 200 11 17- 77 03- 03- 25 25 22:1 14:1 4:34 4:34 200 200 7- 711 03- 031 8 25 25 22:1 14:1 5:48 5:48 The workers are going to be working hard this week! As you can tell from the pics below that its n 200 200 the clock is ticking... We kinda have faith that they can deliver so let's hope there are no major roa 7- 7- up. <img id="image117" src=" 11 03- 03- src="" alt=" 1 9 25 25 src="" alt=" 22:3 14:3 Lights Kitchen cabinets Sinks Aircon Wardrobe hangars and shelves Blinds + curtain Main door f 0:34 0:34 far... Even in the hottest of afternoon sun, its not as warm as the current place. Water pressure is al long. Its the simple things like these that make a home feel complete. 200 200 7- 712 03- 031 0 25 25 22:2 14:2 1:00 1:00 200 200 7- 7- Went down to survey the progress after work today. Am quite amazed at the progress. Just today, 12 03- 03- built-in dishwasher, kitchen and bathroom sinks. The audio-visual cabinet was also installed along 1 1 26 26 floor is finally cleared of bulky objects so you can see the whole open layout. Not bad... No pics to 22:1 14:1 although there is no electricity yet so nothing can be tested. Keep it up! 9:27 9:27 In a couple of hours we'll be hauling ourselves over to the new place to clean it up as best as we ca crazy last day and there are still some outstanding reno items: - Kitchen top is in today but the plum dishwasher yet. - Grill on main door arrived today but they realised its the wrong way round cos th inform them that we switched sides on the hinge. So off they went grumbling... - Glass shower scr Frustrations which everybody seems to have when they go through reno, but we've been quite luck 200 200 ID never gave specifics on distance between tap and drainage etc so we got sinks which were too l 7- 7so the glass cutters can cut the required holes on the counter top for it while they were still here. K 12 04- 031 cutter/kitchen top folks were arrowed to help move our fridge into position and they dented the ma 2 01 31 hope the manufacturer can replace a door... - Study was supposed to be painted white, but in show 00:1 16:1 white and grey but they appeared all grey. Essentially the changes that we made along the way we 5:09 5:09 We thought we ordered a curtain to divide the room but it showed up at the wardrobe door instead can't install anything for two weeks, unless i do the wifi thing at coffee shops... Darn, no wifi on th they'll let me plug in my mac to their network. Don't trust public terminals with all those keylogge week so if anybody wants to chill by the village and see the place etc just give me a buzz, i'm just into boxes isn't fun. Let's hope taking them out of it would be. 200 200 7- 712 04- 041 3 08 07 00:1 16:1 5:50 5:50 200 200 7- 712 04- 041 <img id="image123" src=" 4 08 07 00:1 16:1 6:12 6:12 After a whole week of watching contractors come in and out of the place, i'm glad to say its almos hours and we're almost done - though the carpenter is still suppose to rectify the tightly-fitting kitc Here's the newly painted study: <img id="image126" src=" 200 200 /> I thought i could get away with a week of leisurely unpacking and physically sorting out my life 7- 7experience from how to change the light bulbs (believe me its not as straight-forward as you imagi 12 04- 041 minor reno dramas that presented themselves were: - Hot shower tap started to leak because plumb 5 09 09 a few weeks back. Luckily this was fixed within hours so we just lost a few cupfuls of water. - Cab 14:1 06:1 wooden door are too thick for the tracks. - Vanity area glass top cracked while plumber was trying 7:55 7:55 Dented fridge door was duely replaced for a $100. Whew... - Curtain which we thought we mis-co once more. :) Free internet at Coffee Bean doesn't really get up to speed with loading pics, so i'll ju know me and are curious about what the place looks like, just wait for those house-warming invite 200 200 7- 712 04- 041 6 09 09 13:4 05:4 7:13 7:13 200 200 7- 712 04- 041 7 14 14 14:3 06:3 8:38 8:38 200 200 7- 712 04- 041 8 14 14 14:3 06:3 9:33 9:33 200 200 12 7- 71 9 04- 0414 14 14:4 06:4 1:12 1:12 200 200 7- 713 04- 041 0 14 14 14:4 06:4 1:51 1:51 200 200 7- 713 04- 041 1 14 14 14:4 06:4 2:35 2:35 We're kinda settled in already. Finally got broadband so i can upload more pics. Everything that w not to have anything on the "to-do" list anymore! Most of our things are out of the boxes but its sti following pics are just from "safe" angles :) Our cool view: <img id="image127" src="http://www alt="RIMG1512.jpg" width="500" /> AV stuff: <img id="image134" src=" alt="RIMG1526.jpg" width="500" /> Foyer/ Bike storage: <img id="image146" src="http://www. alt="RIMG1528.jpg" width="300" /> Volume table &amp; Daydream chair: <img id="image137" content/uploads/2007/04/RIMG1533.jpg" alt="RIMG1533.jpg" width="500" /> Custom shelves: < content/uploads/2007/04/RIMG1534.jpg" alt="RIMG1534.jpg" width="500" /> Walk-in-wardrobe content/uploads/2007/04/RIMG1506.jpg" alt="RIMG1506.jpg" width="500" /> Walk-in-wardrobe 200 200 content/uploads/2007/04/RIMG1507.jpg" alt="RIMG1507.jpg" width="500" /> Walk-in-wardrobe 7- 7src="" alt=" 13 04- 041 src="" alt=" 2 14 14 src="" alt=" 15:2 07:2 src="" alt=" 1:16 1:16 src="" alt=" src="" alt=" src="" alt=" src="" alt=" src="" alt=" src="" alt=" src="" alt="RIMG15161. src="" alt=" src="" alt=" 200 200 7- 713 04- 041 3 14 14 14:5 06:5 0:40 0:40 200 200 13 17- 74 04- 04- 14 14 14:5 06:5 1:25 1:25 200 200 7- 713 04- 041 5 14 14 14:5 06:5 2:35 2:35 200 200 7- 713 04- 041 6 14 14 14:5 06:5 3:30 3:30 200 200 7- 713 04- 041 7 14 14 14:5 06:5 4:09 4:09 200 200 7- 713 04- 041 8 14 14 14:5 06:5 5:03 5:03 200 200 7- 713 04- 041 9 14 14 14:5 06:5 9:57 9:57 200 200 7- 714 04- 041 0 14 14 15:0 07:0 0:42 0:42 200 200 7- 714 04- 041 1 14 14 15:0 07:0 2:06 2:06 200 200 7- 714 04- 041 2 14 14 15:0 07:0 4:04 4:04 200 200 7- 714 04- 041 3 14 14 15:0 07:0 5:47 5:47 200 200 7- 714 04- 041 4 14 14 15:0 07:0 7:48 7:48 200 200 7- 714 04- 041 5 14 14 15:1 07:1 0:11 0:11 200 200 7- 714 04- 041 6 14 14 15:1 07:1 1:50 1:50 200 200 7- 714 04- 041 7 14 14 15:1 07:1 3:05 3:05 200 200 7- 714 04- 041 8 14 14 15:1 07:1 5:05 5:05 200 200 Over the last few weeks, an idea just popped into our heads. Since my mum's got a reprieve, we ca 14 17- 7- doing something in june or july but because there was going to be work clashes on V's end and my 9 04- 04- $100 fine for not doing IPPT last year (With a valid 6 mnth MC mind you, something is really wro 21 20 week of may 7, so that's when we'll do it. The location will be the "everyone-says-its-beautiful" Ne 00:3 16:3 drive off for a week. Thanks to Anwar, we managed to get plane tix for the dates we wanted! Mos 1:41 1:41 dun get scammed by anybody :) Transport will be a <a href=" HC&amp;JS_ELEMENT_INDEX=6&amp;RATE=100.44+NZD&amp;DAYS=1+Day&amp;JS_ E=CAR_GROUP_CODE">Toyota Prado from Avis</a> and the highlight will be a 2 night stay < hope mum will love this trip and I can't wait to get out of here... 200 200 7- 715 05- 05- In a couple of hours, we'll be flying off to our NZ getaway. Since it's going to be a pretty relaxing 1 0 06 06 see some nice pics posted along our way. Hope it doesn't rain too much.. 13:4 05:4 6:10 6:10 <a href=""><img id="image152" src=" alt="RIMG1891.jpg" /></a> We finally got back into Singapore at about midnight. Its been a real of the great scenery and how my family works together as a unit. We travelled close to 1400 kms b Mount Cook. The only regret i have is lugging the laptop half way around the world and not being style="text-decoration: underline;">Day 1</span> Landed in Christchurch, picked up the car in th href="">Heritage Christchurch </a>. We stayed fo Government building - really nice cosy place and if you get a good deal over the net, is really wort too much in the city as its mainly restaurants and souvenir shops. Dinner was at a stone grill place Room</a>. The food was great and we were pleasantly surprised when the bill was only $113 for underline;"> Day 2</span> Drove 5 hours straight from Christchurch to <a href="http://www.cityo many international students staying there so the makeup is quite cosmopolitan though i hear the w out partying and half drunk. Met up with Anwar here as he is on a business trip and he brought us the night in NZ's only castle - <a href="">Larnach Castle</a>. The other guests staying the night. This was quite a social challenge, as you can tell, my family doesn't 200 200 conversation going with all the small talk :) There was an interesting Irish guest who was on a 3-m 7- 7through russia, australia, new zealand and the US etc Must be the time of his life! <span style="tex 15 05- 051 beach and the supermarket to stock up on food before we drove 4 hours to <a href=" 1 14 14 near Queenstown. The lodge was beautiful! This place was valued at 3-4 million bucks and it cost 15:0 07:0 of a valley and a river below us. The place was fully-equipped - automatic heaters, Sky TV, dishw 2:29 2:29 double showers! <span style="text-decoration: underline;"> Day 4</span> We awoke to find the h the electrical system :) The owner had to call in an electrician but we went out to explore Queensto href="">Skyline gondola</a> .This had lovely views of the whole area a a AJ Hackett bungy near the top. I also did the luge ride which seemed more interesting than the o href="">Gibbston Valley</a> for a wine tour as well as some cheese ta barrels of wines in the caves. The wine was good so we just had to bring back 5 bottles even thoug we had pasta with lovely mussels and mushrooms. Pity we couldn't make use of the outdoor jacuzz decoration: underline;"> Day 5</span> We drove another 3 hours to Lake Tekapo for our next des href="">The Residence</a>. Very modern stand-alone apartments in a co do around here except to visit a small church building by the water's edge and some dog statue wh settlers. The strange thing about this location was that it was a second choice to Mount Cook itself mountain ranges. We didn't know this at the time of planning but Val picked up the brochure in Qu see the mountains. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"> Day 6</span> We called the <a hre weather was just nice for flying. It costs $260 per head which wasn't too exorbitant considering yo been the best experience of the whole trip. The plane was a small 13-seater Nomad and it was fairl the mountains. You can see why Mount Cook is called "Cloud Piercer" and glaciers aren't that big the air before we headed back to Christchurch. We checked into <a href="http://www.questchristc another double-storey setup right in the middle of the city. The rest of the afternoon was spent sho href="">Coyo Checked out of the apartment and spent an hour at the <a href="http://www.christchurchartgallery market so that was our last stop before we returned the car and flew out. Overall its been a brillian granted. It also gave me more insight into how He is there with us in our travels. The weather ama down to 5 degrees the week before we were there but when we got over, the temperatures were jus past week. There was not a drop of rain all the way we were driving. Which really helped cos it wo It only rained twice, over night, while we were staying at the lodge which was fine cos we were in amazingly smooth and i didn't feel fatigue even though i have been driving 3-5 hour stretches. Eve amazing. The other incident which opened my eyes was the one about flying. We originally never were just heading to that town with the airfield the next day. I then found out from my mum that sh into place. That's about it. Photos of this trip can be <a href=" 200 200 7- 715 05- 051 2 14 14 15:0 07:0 1:54 1:54 <img id="image154" src=" />You know, after all that i've been experiencing lately with my mum and stuff, the last thing i wa 200 200 negative equity on the current Altezza, i never expected to find a way to change rides, in fact i was 7- 7- considering anything. But i went to service my car over the weekend and i decided to just try my lu 15 06- 06- to changing cars for good. Reason 1: The dealer was giving me a too good to be true deal on the ex 1 3 07 07 profit margin so although i wanted the next car to be more modest, it was financially impossible. N 21:2 13:2 way more finance deals than a couple years back, you can most certainly drive away with one with 7:53 7:53 We're still evaluating the options but i hope not to go down that route ever. A little pain upfront is benefit we have which would make the monthly $$ the same as what we pay now. Reason 4: Its an the story of why we're jumping from one car to the other. I really do have mixed feelings about thi 200 200 7- 715 06- 061 4 07 07 21:1 13:1 3:45 3:45 200 200 7- 715 06- 061 Tick tock tick tock 5 07 07 21:3 13:3 1:16 1:16 200 200 After years of evading "Remedial Training" by doing the IPPTs in-camp and "just" passing, i've fi 15 17- 7- because i was on a 6mnth MC no less, and after being fined $100! So anyway, the last few weeks 6 06- 06- tuesdays. It basically consists of 2 groups of people - those who like me, have a chance of passing 09 09 and whatever, and those that do not give a damn and will walk the whole way of a 3km running se 15:3 07:3 on Tues, and i'm going to try my darnest to pass it and get out of this freaking program, its a blood 9:02 9:02 do explain exercise tips and how you can improve your fitness etc but sweating is just not for me, this crap like i need a hole in my head! Wish me luck! 200 200 7- 715 06- 061 Trial run today took 15 min for 2.4km! And i didn't stop...There is no hope for Tuesday... 7 10 10 18:3 10:3 8:50 8:50 200 200 7- 715 06- 061 The nightmare continues... 8 12 12 22:0 14:0 1:07 1:07 200 200 7- 7- V is coming back in an hour after visiting her sick grandma back in Korea. She's already been back 15 06- 06- thing about this story is when my mum heard about her grandma, she started to pray for her. She h 1 9 19 19 grandma will be taken, but it turns out she got better, apparently this was a case of transference wh 22:5 14:5 person went "home". A story like this is hard to belive but i leave it up to you. I'm glad it ends wel 4:04 4:04 200 200 7- 7- Mum told us a story today. She was in the car going by the lavender road area when she suddenly 16 06- 06- was seeing things cos there couldn't be reflections of building etc as the place was pretty devoid of 1 0 24 24 looked up again. They were still there. She asked Him in prayer, "am i seeing things, are they real? 19:5 11:5 to Singapore casket just being round the corner. I guess God really does have a sense of humour. 6:09 6:09 <a href=""><img src="http://farm hspace="10" align="left" /></a> This thing drives like a dream... floats like a butterfly, stings like href="">click here!</a> Got the c RT right after getting the rims swapped with some guy who wanted the stock ones! Imagine stinky 200 200 O well, at least the air-con vents in the seat helped. Took a day off to bring my mum out for a spin 7- 7car was a "test" and i failed :( Interestingly, He did mention that credit from bank is like getting lo 16 06- 061 So i'm going to just enjoy this while it lasts, but its always a visual reminder for me about not bein 1 30 30 the road, how many people actually have fully paid up cars. Note to self: Be debt-free in X years! 22:4 14:4 acceleration 2.Super quiet 3.Great sound system (2&amp;3 combined gives a superb audio setup, n 6:38 6:38 good.) 4.Sound positioning options for driver, front, rear or all 5.Keyless entry - Changes your life Just damn cool can! 7.Dual air-con zones 8.Air-con in the seat - For those days u jump into the car european-feel thing but i have to use more energy on the wheel and pedals - good thing i'm gaining enough !!s in one post for now... 200 200 16 7- 71 You take care too. ~Feeling melodramatic. 2 07- 0712 12 22:0 14:0 8:44 8:44 Finally finished the stupid 2 month RT regime and as i promised the man upstairs, i will go back to 200 200 home. Very convenient, and the decor actually impressed me as its got a good sense of design and 7- 7- again with the familiar mass order. Its also a good thing this time the priest spoke clearly so V can 16 07- 07- we've been to have very bad sound systems coupled with mumbling and its really hard to follow. N 1 3 15 15 of a message from Him via my mum. "Its for my own salvation" is what He said. I guess that's a p 22:0 14:0 through another testing period. She even cleared out her fridge and didn't plan anything for lunch t 8:50 8:50 too much, surprisingly, and we majorly overate. Calamari, prawns, potato leaf, tom yam soup, herb big step in the faith life would be to go to confession. Not sure when this will be though... Baby ste 200 200 After 2 months of hell going for RT, i've knocked 1 min of the 2.4km timing. Still can't pass. I gue 7- 7really not accurate. The thing i found out at the last session which really pisses me off and is maki 16 07- 071 testing on our own before our birthday, and if we fail that one, we automatically re-enrol for the 2 4 15 15 this one and volunteer for the 1 month one next year. Damnit, by some miracle i've gotta get throu 22:2 14:2 because he couldn't clear his chinups. NS obligations really suck! 0:52 0:52 So that i'll never forget, these things actually happened to me by divine intervention! Of course the to, so here's the stuff i vow never to forget (and i'm writing these cos i really do forget stuff!!): - C We're not doing anything great or anything but i think our eyes are truly opened. Hopefully in the Asian financial crisis, survived the dot bomb. Still gainfully employed and it is generally an uphill disappearing - Meeting V. Needle in haystack situation. At the same time getting a new job via a S reverse-con job - Holland V flat. The place was up for sale only a week, somebody already made a 200 200 offered. We got it. Also via newspaper ad btw. - Sale of Serangoon North flat. Trying to sell for 6 7- 7- agent, he takes over the sale. We do the NZ trip wondering how the hell we gonna pay for all this s 16 07- 07- all the bills. - New Zealand. The timing, the weather, the flying, the places we stayed. Everything w 1 5 22 22 driving for 7 days straight. It only fell apart 2 days after i got back. - Bike. Sold it via online classi 20:5 12:5 middle of nowhere of Jeju. - Healing by the Holy Spirit. 19 April 2008. - Baptism by the Holy Spi 9:12 9:12 Peggy prayed over me in tongues and said "Trust in the Lord" and "Don't be so stubborn and God was not in stock in SG, and was ordered from the US and flown in, arriving on the second day afte done quickly. - Mum's angiogram in 2008 showing up 20% blockage on one artery when it used to We traveled there right after the typhoon Kompas blew across Seoul. Weather was perfect right til back to SG, we learnt that Seoul had flooded. I also write this in testimony to God's divine power w some god-syndrome or whatever else psycho text definition you call attributing the good in your li all these events coming together must be so astronomically small a number it has to be either luck 200 200 7- 716 07- 07- Tried taking stock of the amazing things that happened to me in recent years. There are really quit 1 6 22 22 href="">permanent link here</a>. Reminder to keep this 21:1 13:1 9:33 9:33 200 200 Yesterday was a rare occasion where i popped by the Novena in the afternoon and an interesting th 7- 7- there is this NET open house coming up in Sept. NET stands for New Evangelization Team and th 16 07- 07- already been around for like 20 years and they basically put you through a 20 month program to eq 1 7 29 29 i'm now checking out their <a href="">website</a> and am 22:2 14:2 where i feel i need to be involved somehow after witnessing what i have with my mum n all. As us 4:17 4:17 outcome will be, i guess we shall see... Anybody wanna join me? Sure beats going alone.. <img src="" alt="" hspace=" 200 200 with nothing to do but chill. An old fren suggested we cycle Ubin cos things have changed abit and 7- 7- number of changes have happened: -The jetty at changi is now quite modern and when u get back 16 08- 08- seem to have modified themselves! I dun seem to recognise the trails anymore. -They are building 1 8 11 10 pretty interesting. Well, here's some pics: <img src=" 00:5 16:5 src="" alt="" /> < 3:33 3:33 src="" alt="" /> W well heading to Noordin beach so we didn't manage to check out the revamped Chek Jawa. O well Have been to BKK and back for a company offsite. It was mostly free and easy except for a depart can say about it. Over the past 2 weeks we've been trying to attend a Divine Mercy session in chur a small room with about 15 people. I guess I wasn't really comfortable being in a small group. So s 200 200 another church to check it out. This time its St Mary of the Angels. I must say the architecture and 7- 7- should be. I guess critics may say it has loss its tradition or whatever but i always say religion and 16 09- 09- location looks like. <img src=" 1 9 02 02 that session and also realised its in a small room, so i guess we're moving on to our next target nex 22:2 14:2 enough to settle down abit. V also managed to get season 3 of Lost from a colleague, so the last fe 2:09 2:09 questions were answered but i guess there are still many unanswered ones for season 4. The island ability to be rescued and thrown back to present day quashes that theory. Just wonder how they are and Jacob. Mum also went through another testing period. We talked on the phone for a long time Maybe its not such a good thing. 200 200 7- 7- My last confession was like 12- 15 years ago. With that in mind, i thought the penance will be like 17 09- 09- something to the effect that because it was Mary's birthday, i should just say one hail mary. He als 1 0 09 08 surprise... So i've finally done it... been putting it off for awhile but i got round to it and its like a w 02:3 18:3 keep the slate clean... 4:55 4:55 200 200 The date finally arrived. My aunt came along to see what its all about. I guess it does sound quite s 7- 7- only one who signed my life away :) Anyway, here's my understanding of what this is all about: 17 09- 09- evangelisation to public speaking to comparative religions, the sacraments, marionlogy etc - It also 1 1 16 16 mission trip in the region - Its essentially to equip you with basic skills so that after you "graduate" 23:1 15:1 write up a letter and pass it on the your parish priest Seeing as the above doesn't really go well wit 7:47 7:47 for me to be obedient unto Him and actually pull this off. Its going to be a challenge indeed and sc <a title="More Pics" href="" targ src="" alt="" hspace="10" a celebration of their full moon festival. Its like CNY for them where all Koreans will go back to the annual pilgrimage and the roads are all jammed throughout their country with all the people travel 200 200 normal for them. Navigating the roads there was indeed a heroic act and my hat's off to V's dad wh 7- 7- about what they do and its really a humbling experience to see the extremes people go through for 17 09- 09- something like this. You really can't do this just based on human will. Either something will get yo 1 2 29 29 years there for them and i must say they have made alot of progress in this strange land from what 14:0 06:0 computing lessons, weekly services as well as bible classes and outreach programs with the local k 7:42 7:42 language , Khmer. They have also procured a piece of land in an outlying area in which the plan is some legality because the govt is restricting the number of churches, so the plan is to start of as an the road. They live frugally and don't even have air conditioning in their rooms. The only simple lu their native channel. Respect. Well, <a href=" want to see our adventures. We basically arrived in Phnom Penh over the weekend, flew out to Sie spent a last night in their home/church and came back the following evening. I actually ate more K the Koreans form the largest group of tourists there, so alot of stuff there caters to them. <img src="" alt="" hspace="10" a in Siem Reap - <a href="" target=" exchange program where the prettiest, most talented girls from the communist state go over to wor They sing karaoke, play musical instruments and dance as well as serve food in the traditional cost Most of the patrons were the Korean tourists who see it as a chance to peek into the world of their 200 200 <div>Its still pretty simple going and the lessons are hovering around the "why" did you sign up fo 7- 7- expected heavier going stuff but i guess since its catered to all walks of life, you can't just jump int 17 10- 10- motley bunch with enough young people in the mix. Was afraid it'll mainly be retirees. Also a fair 1 3 05 04 type mindset, so its not like a whole bunch of zealots coming into this with a divine mission. Make 00:1 16:1 outcome and stay on though. Based on a population of a few hundred thousand Catholics on this is 1:50 1:50 the Christian denominations who have highly active evangelical groups.</div> <div>O well, that's <a title="More Pics" href="" targ src="" alt="" hspace="10" a celebration of their full moon festival. Its like CNY for them where all Koreans will go back to the annual pilgrimage and the roads are all jammed throughout their country with all the people travel normal for them. Navigating the roads there was indeed a heroic act and my hat's off to V's dad wh about what they do and its really a humbling experience to see the extremes people go through for something like this. You really can't do this just based on human will. Either something will get yo years there for them and i must say they have made alot of progress in this strange land from what 200 200 computing lessons, weekly services as well as bible classes and outreach programs with the local k 8- 8language , Khmer. They have also procured a piece of land in an outlying area in which the plan is 30 04- 041 some legality because the govt is restricting the number of churches, so the plan is to start of as an 4 13 13 the road. They live frugally and don't even have air conditioning in their rooms. The only simple lu 12:0 04:0 their native channel. Respect. Well, <a href=" 8:16 8:16 want to see our adventures. We basically arrived in Phnom Penh over the weekend, flew out to Sie spent a last night in their home/church and came back the following evening. I actually ate more K the Koreans form the largest group of tourists there, so alot of stuff there caters to them. <img src="" alt="" hspace="10" a in Siem Reap - <a href="" target=" exchange program where the prettiest, most talented girls from the communist state go over to wor They sing karaoke, play musical instruments and dance as well as serve food in the traditional cost Most of the patrons were the Korean tourists who see it as a chance to peek into the world of their 200 200 7- 7- <img title="Flock" src="" alt="Fl 17 10- 10- Its sort of a social web browser type thingy that has good linkups with your Facebook, Flickr, Blog 1 4 22 22 better <a href="">review of it here.</a> Or download the < 20:0 12:0 comes with the flavours for Mac PC and Linux. 7:42 7:42 200 200 <img src="" alt="" hspace="10 7- 7a geeky thing to do, but scrabble is one of my all-time favourite board games. I guess in the long r 17 11- 111 each player does 300 points and above. Using the computer to play does have its advantage becaus 5 06 06 kinda strange that there is an official two-letter dictionary with words such as TI, ZA, RE...etc acc 23:4 15:4 scoring letters on those beloved coloured squares using these babies. Anyway, c'mon make a move 4:03 4:03 200 200 7- 717 11- 111 V starts her sessions today. Straight off the bat, i couldn't make the first session. So much for supp 6 13 13 23:0 15:0 5:42 5:42 The job brief goes out to your development department to build a house. After years of developme 200 200 finished" product. You just need to do verify that this is a house and we can hand it over. "Where i 7- 7- there no rooms in the house?" Then u spend 20 days convincing them that a roof is essential becau 17 11- 11- guy around mark out the area where the walls will be because apparently they can't read blueprints 1 7 17 17 lock should be accessible from the outside or the inside of the house. In between all these argumen 16:2 08:2 roof, put in the walls and the lock in the first place. Finally due to the lack of time, you let the first 2:15 2:15 2. And not only that, they need to draft the requirments they want for the roof, should it be brick, s of cyber-coolies! 200 200 7- 7- Just got some xrays done on my back today cos of the pain i've been getting and his verdict is that 17 11- 11- pain/tc/degenerative-disc-disease-topic-overview" target="_blank">disc degeneration.</a> Yet an 1 8 26 26 stuff suppose to start happening when you hit your 40s or 50s. I guess i'm just too mature for my a 21:3 13:3 fitness zealots. And there goes the mountain biking and squash for good. Sigh. 8:40 8:40 Things have kinda fallen nicely into place for the usual year-end lull. I must say i truly appreciate you who are interested in my mum's story, well the past events about her time running out were tes 200 200 He won't say when. I kept wondering why the tests are so challenging and it seems based on books 7- 7- similar strange testing scenarios. I guess the big learning point for me is that life is really going to 17 12- 12- at it. Met up with an old friend today and he was telling me about how he's become jaded after inv 1 9 14 13 humans are really the problem. The scene here seems to be quite dead and I'm just wondering how 00:4 16:4 energy to without getting burned out and jaded like him. We came up with an idea for next year an 4:15 4:15 assignment was mentioned about organising an event for an elderly club type thing. Everybody see interaction anyway, but the thing that strikes me is that if nobody in a class of supposed "evangelis arrowed to be in the committee. Just watch this space! <img src=" 200 200 from me. It wasn't supposed to go out to absolutely everyody i know.. but alas i thought that it was 7- 7type the message and... voom it sent to all. So anyhow, it was kinda incomplete but i didn't want to 18 12- 121 milestone year for me, lots of things have happened in my life, in and out of the office, church, ban 0 25 25 you have various changes happening too, new kids on the way, new houses, new career considerat 11:2 03:2 enjoy Christmas as it was meant to be amidst all the parties. The baby in the manger is really the b 0:33 0:33 may your wishes for the next year come true! Cheers! 200 200 8- 8The year begins, people start making resolutions and all which i don't really do. So i'll do this my w 18 01- 011 I hope and pray that: I don't lose my faith Family unit remains strong US economy doesn't tank Oi 1 05 05 not just for me but for all My back doesn't break Everybody around me has a little more fun in the 12:3 04:3 2:36 2:36 18 200 200 The doc sent me for an MRI yesterday and its really quite an experience! I'm sure people who hav 1 2 8- 8- mummy position and they slide you into the machine which is like 2 inches from your face, and w 01- 01- you feel like you're in some alien� movie where they suck you up into their mother ship and try 11 10 actually give you ear plugs... Imagine being stuck there motionless for 20 min. Anyhow, the scan c 00:4 16:4 a focal annular tear posteriorly. It shows a small central disc protrusion indenting the thecal sac bu 4:44 4:44 medical jargon... In my own words, four letters - ouch! So i finally get a letter to downgrade myse being doing anything too twisty forever... sigh. 200 200 Since i'm no longer going to be climbing any hills with this, I've decided to put my beloved bike u 8- 8- href=""><img title="Klein Mantra" 18 01- 01- src="" alt="Klein Mantra" w 1 3 13 13 (Medium) Headset: Klein Airheadset Fork: Manitou Spyder Rear Shock: Fox Float Stem: Stiffy H 18:2 10:2 Calipers: Avid SD 10 Shifters: Shimano Crank: Sugino Mighty 350 F/D: Shimano STX R/D: Deo 6:25 6:25 Wheelset: Maverick Tires: Kenda Karma 26x2.0 (new) Price:$1.8K Neg. (Bought at ~5K) Drop m 200 200 8- 8- The bike is sold! Its kinda sad for me cos when i was a kid i always loved to cycle and always wan 18 02- 02- know. And we could never afford it, til i finally get my own job and i got my dream bike, cos its g 1 4 02 01 i'm losing all my worldy interests one by one whether i'm ready to let go or not...Maybe its a step b 02:3 18:3 more band, no more bike, i wonder what is next... I've even stopped buying CDs on impulse! Well 2:13 2:13 200 200 8- 818 02- 02- Someone once told me my Sunday lunches with my Mum are like those described in this book. Ab 1 5 18 18 take a look at it. Speaking of which Til Tuesday's "Voices Carry" is still haunting til this day. 08:3 00:3 3:14 3:14 200 200 8- 8<img title="Frump and Boo" src=" 18 02- 021 got married on the 23rd of Feb. It was a beautiful morning Church ceremony and the dinner was su 6 24 24 just waiting for them to get back and tell us where they went... After 8.5 yrs of courtship, it would 23:0 15:0 6:43 6:43 200 200 8- 818 03- 03- That's goodbye in Korean! After surviving this hectic week in the office, we'll be off to K land for 1 7 03 03 blows off... 21:5 13:5 5:49 5:49 <a title="Seoul Pics" href="" target="_" borde 200 200 /></a>Here�s our travelogue of our Korean getaway which lasted 2 weeks. The trip started with 8- 8- supposed to have separate seats, but when we got to the gate, the lady mumbled something about t 18 03- 03- <strong>Day 1</strong> Landed in Korea in the morning and we roamed around Itaewon killing t 1 8 23 23 was a quaint little place known for having many side dishes with the meal. We counted 22! The ev 23:0 15:0 We took a river cruise to view the scenery and we ended up in Building 63 for a Japanese dinner a 4:22 4:22 ended with more scenic views from the 63rd floor. <strong>Day 2</strong> Checked out the cathe district. Lunch was Soujebe, a sort of �hand-torn� rice noodle. We then made our way to take the city. Dinner was a pork-rib BBQ back in Myeongdong. <strong>Day 3</strong> Lotte World ï building linked to another outdoor area with rides surrounding a lake. Went on the scariest ride of round device doing a Viking swing. And its huge! Dinner was at the TGIFridays in the shopping p Shopping at Coex mall. Lunch was a cool fusion place called Omuto Tomato which creates many checking up on news and mails. <strong>Day 5</strong> Spa heaven at Icheon Termeden Spa &a Notable ones were the strawberry, lemon type soaks, which make you feel like fruit in a cocktail. E type musical. Simple storyline but really cool and funky moves. Dancers are really world class and wanna jump! <strong>Day 6</strong> We got off a train and had lunch at Kyochon chicken in som beats KFC flat man! Its a fried chicken and beer place and has branches all over. Yum! The afterno scariest ride of my life yet again. This time its called � Top Spin. We thought it was similar to th is when they rotate you forward �slowly� till you are upside down and then the whole giant m was pretty wild and you can feel all the blood slowly rush to your head before everything runs amo didn�t get to play with other rides, so we just walked around in awe of the giant devices before h restaurant � Jackie�s Kitchen. Not really fantastic and the prices are steep. <strong>Day 7</s room treatment with just two orders of a set menu. Real good fresh crab. All nicely carved and cra them with a small thin device and all the meat is out. No mess! Later we wandered around the Roy handicraft district famed for its authentic tea houses. Dinner was at a cosy Korean place and I tried Topoki � A type of rice cake in orange sauce was lunch for the day and we roamed around the S Lots of shops around the streets. Made our way to City Hall and had a famous Ginseng Chicken fo famous Namdemoon � South Gate, which was recently burned down by a disgruntled old man. from head to toe for reconstruction work. So we had Haggan Daz ice cream to cool off. <strong>D then chilled at an expensive tea place called O�sulloc before catching a domestic flight to Jeju is flight was less than an hour and when we arrived there, we found out we couldn�t rent a car bec seriously get this done before we fly the next time. Anyhow, it�s also a relief cos the roads were on a long ride through the mountains before heading to dinner to catch the views we would otherw BBQ style at a place called Hedongga. Black pig meat was quite yummy and it really goes well wi have a look. Think its like the sex expo thing in Singapore recently. Just a bunch of sex inspired sc lots of exhibits of Kamasutra type poses as well as dildos and condoms and other sex paraphenelli watching groups of aunties and uncles laughing their way through the exhibits while younger coup the day go-karting on an empty track. Fun but pretty tiring after a while. Lunch was more pork in a in a soup. We then took an hour-long bus ride to get to Minsokchon � which means traditional v drama were filmed there. It was an authetic village mockup of the way the Koreans lived in the 18 gardens. Next we headed further east to this �Allin House�. This was a mocked-up church bu were statues of the leading actors and actress all over the place as well as posters and other memor nun but finds herself marrying this rich dude, hence the church thing. Pretty commercialized crap a the area were great. We then took an agonizing two-hour bus ride which weaved in and out of the though, we just didn�t want to wait for another bus in the cold. Had a late dinner at a seafood pl a fish called � Calqi (hair-tailed fish) Very creamy texture, similar to cod fish. The holiday apar place to retire after you get your money ? The one we stayed in was a nice little studio apartment w Pretty nice. <strong>Day 11</strong> The day started with a yacht tour of the southern side of the way to the sailing centre. It looked like it was a 2.5KM distance on the map but in real-life it was p walking through parks and deserted roads,we spotted a cab in the middle of nowhere with the driv the street, you call to make a booking in Jeju, so this was a god-send and we got to the centre just o even have some fresh seafood for you to peck at. The ride was smooth but the winds were strong w so many layers of coats and clothes. Back on land, we killed some time at Cheonjiyeon falls before there�s only a couple of places in the world you can get into a submarine but I wasn�t that thr zoom around, so that was a downer. It basically went on a straight line, had a diver wave schools o then it went down to 20m and 40m to have a look at some coral and a shipwreck before heading ba Jia jiang noodles for dinner which is the common dish the locals order all the time. The biker send you�re done and they�ll collect it another time. Apparently the competition is so stiff that the etc so all you need is your mobile phone and you won�t starve in Korea. <strong>Day 12</stron Seoul. This time we checked into a nice business hotel � Hotel Kukdo. The location as it turns o either way towards the Myeongdong and Insadong districts. Dinner was at a BBQ place called � 13</strong> We wanted to check out what the designer area � Apgujeong looked like, so we fou dumplings � Mandu at a nearby eating house. The actual malls were like 15 min walk away and chain outlet. They even name the area Rodeo street, after the famous US shopping district. Norma � Galleria. We walked around one level of one of them and decided we couldn�t even afford place � Stella Place. <strong>Day 14</strong> We started by walking down the Cheonggye Stre now president basically revitalized a stream that was running across the city with nice new sidewa bustle on the street level. We spent this day buying all the gifts and souvenirs and a last-minute su Covered the usual areas of Myeongdong and Insadong and attended a Korean Good Friday mass w sequence, as compared to reading it in SG. This made the mass exceptionally long :P Had a midnig tasted better! <strong>Day 15</strong> The last day of our adventure. We had a quick lunch at a e were headed back to the airport. For those of you who are thinking of exploring Korea, I hope the and Jeju. I must summise to say that it would have been difficult getting a lot of the logistics done some key phrases or language guides before you make a similar trip. Especially for Jeju which see it was great fun and I was lucky to have V plan the activities and get the best deals from the local p Reference Links:</strong> <a title="Hotel Vision" href=" Seoul.html" target="_blank">Hotel Vision</a> <a title="Hotel Kukdo" href="http://book.bestwes target="_blank">Hotel Kukdo</a> <a title="63City" href=" title="Myeongdong Cathedral" href=" 3_1&amp;sight=sightseeing&amp;sightseeing_id=169" target="_blank">Myeongdong Cathedral< href="" target="_blank">NSeoul Tower</a> <a title="Lotte World</a> <a title="Coex" href="" target="_blank">Co href="" target="_blank">Spa Termeden Bboy &amp; Ballerina Seo 200 200 <img src=" 8- 8me!) Just saw <a title="Midnight Marvel" href=" 19 03- 031 Friday night at the home club. I must say its an entertaining set and i was pleasantly surprised to fi 0 30 30 cranking out the stuff for the Baybeats gig! Also cool were the nifty merchandise including guitar 23:2 15:2 All-in-all, a good showing. Rock on \m/ 8:16 8:16 Got a phonecall today to say my uncle's in hospital. Turns out, he went to check his heart and they 200 200 main arteries was like 95% blocked. Apparently you have 3 main ones.. Anyhow, the amazing thin 8- 8guess getting your heart fixed these days is pretty routine stuff in our hospitals! He should be out o 19 04- 041 and exercise routines. Get well soon! In other medical related news, i read recently that they have 1 12 12 get a 3D walkthrough of your intestines without the intrusive scope. Hooray! I hope this gets wide 23:5 15:5 horrific scopes. Its not the scope that bugs you, its the night before purging and fasting process wh 6:52 6:52 Yuck...Nuff said... 200 200 Over the past year or so, we've been told by my mum a couple of times that she might be taken bac 19 8- 8- nothing happens. Of course the emotions running through her are even more intense than what we 1 2 04- 04- written more about those days. For now, it seems those testing days are over. She's now fully occu 13 13 does work in mysterious ways. 21:0 13:0 4:04 4:04 200 200 My NET experience is getting exciting! The most wonderous thing happened today. We were in a 8- 8- presence of the Spirit. 2 members prayed over me and the tears just kept on flowing.� If this is n 19 04- 04- come back to the Church, it has been a head-knowledge kinda journey where you just know its the 1 3 19 19 best thing that has happened to me and i have been hoping for this since i was a kid. To all Catholi 21:5 13:5 Spirit Seminars in your parish and go for it! Its life changing. Interestingly, the sermon at mass tod 2:44 2:44 the fact that it has been "revealed" to us mortals... Jesus walked the earth and revealed the mystery 200 200 8- 8- The second day of the retreat culminated with a Baptism by the Holy Spirit session which included 19 04- 04- heard, nearly everyone was touched in some way or other. Interestingly enough, I didn't get any gr 1 4 20 20 href="" target="_self">i got a personal message</a> whe 22:3 14:3 i pray for the strength to see through this task. I truly pray for the strength to be obedient to thy wi 8:39 8:39 200 200 8- 8- Have been doing some research on content management systems and <a href="http://www.joomla 19 05- 05- are a whole bunch of templates you can plug and play with that look really cool. Have been out of 1 7 04 03 that could have cost up to 100k during the dot com days are now going for Free! Guess you really 00:4 16:4 software is going down... 0:19 0:19 <img class="alignleft" style="float: left; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;" src="http://www. coming-soon.jpg" alt="" width="308" height="400" />Couple of weeks back V made me fall off m 200 200 not?" I said,"What relative?" and she nonchalently said "Ironman lah, you metalman what..." So w 8- 8say its really entertaining. One of the best comics-to-movie type projects in my opinion. His suit is 20 05- 051 sized suit. I would have thought he needed to lug a container truck around of ammo and fuel just to 2 19 19 the movie making business rather than just selling out the rights to Hollywood, so i guess in a matt 12:1 04:1 to the big screen. Makes sense i guess, with comics, the whole concept, story and artwork is alread 3:25 3:25 art direction and effects they desire. Much easier than starting something from scratch. Plus there's already. Anyhow, Ironman rocks, so go watch it if you haven't! 200 200 Was having dinner with V when i saw a maid crushing cans and putting them into bags around a tr 8- 8lady, about 70, came up to her and gave her more cans to crush. Can you believe it? I recognised h 19 05- 051 bugging me once a few months back to finish my drink. Is our country so affluent that even the "p 9 07 07 a little weird and does this for fun, to pass time, or that she's so money-minded that she wants to m 22:3 14:3 in collecting cans for scrap.. Bizarre... 0:46 0:46 200 200 V went for her afternoon RCIA interview with the Priest today and she came out to tell me that the 8- 8our wedding outside the Church not only makes it non-recognisable by the Church but i'm kinda li 20 05- 051 go through a small rite of <a href="" targ 0 10 10 the altar to bring us back to the Church. Also interesting to know is that when that is done, they ac 22:5 14:5 Seems like they really need a good oracle database to keep everything centralised! So I guess we'r 5:55 5:55 200 200 Its been awhile since we went shopping but today has been crazy! V almost instantly fell in love w 20 8- 8- href="" target="_blank">this ring 1 1 05- 05- she was convinced that's the one, and I got a <a href=" 12 11 match. The reason we wanted to get new rings was because� we bought fairly basic ones earlier 01:0 17:0 getting nice ones at maybe the 5th anniversary, but since we gotta appear at the altar again, now is 2:01 2:01 Nespresso machines in Taka. My cousin had this imported last year (we were quite impressed but we saw it just now, we just had to get it :P <img src=" This is the most user-friendly coffee machine we've seen. It uses capsules costing about a buck a p the capsule, forces a jet of hot water through and ejects the cartridge (sounds like a gun!). So the o mechanism a couple of times i.e. pressing a button. No mess with filters or loose beans etc. Perfec doesn't have any functional place for it except in the study right at the back. O well...Looking forw <img style="vertical-align: top; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;" src="http://farm4.static. 200 200 width="500" height="333" /> Don't think many people can say this, but i got married again! And t 8- 8did the convalidation ceremony over the weekend. It was a rather non-event and so much so that th 20 06- 061 paperwork done and the helper in the church who was new, looked quite puzzled that people want 3 03 03 march in or something... So after the initial briefing, the Priest bundled us into the smaller area wh 23:5 15:5 follow. It was a short reading, a short homily and then the exchange of vows and rings and that's a 5:24 5:24 Church under <a href="" target="_blank">Canon law </a> Have been reading up a bit more about that <a href="" target="_blank">Joomla< that there is now a� <a href="" target="_blank">P 200 200 run some of your webserver apps on your Mac! (There is however a security warning that you sho 8- 8PRD version because the security settings etc are not setup.) So that of course gave me great impe 20 06- 061 user-friendly, but because its a full CMS suite by nature, you need to understand the concepts of th 4 15 15 category before you can get round to linking something up on a demo site. Its not so straight-forwa 11:0 03:0 into this: <a href=" 3:31 3:31 href="" target="_blank">Jo tool is capable of and the whole range of extensions it has for the platform, but first I've got to figu 200 200 8- 8- For those of you who know me, you'll know that i'm not really into jewellery and i've probably not 20 07- 07- gave me a silver crucifix and V a pendant with Christ having outstretched arms as gifts for our Ch 1 5 02 01 to keep them on us at all times. So since it'll be a waste to carry it around in my wallet, i've finally 00:1 16:1 Catholic :) 3:46 3:46 Recently, after going through about 4 months of physiotherapy for my aching back, I stumbled up set me thinking and i started doing some readings on the art/science of <a href="http://en.wikipedi what i've seen so far, the idea that pain is all caused by nerves not properly aligned etc and since y spine would be a logical way of managing pain. Also the concepts of non-invasive, non-pill poppi so far been alright, the massages were the most effective pain relief and the heat treatment also felt 200 200 treatments all my life, that's just relieving the symptoms and not really solving any problem. Henc 8- 8- bollocks. Just simply rubbing a magic stick around the affected area for awhile isn't going to do jac 20 07- 07- always has shoulder/neck pains) yesterday and we popped by the clinic. At first glance, it got my r 1 6 06 06 there was this giant screen showing the wonders of it and a couple of rows of chairs which i assum 12:3 04:3 contact details, pain symptoms and medical history and went in to see the doc. He told us about ho 3:30 3:30 some initial questionings and examination which included probing the back and looking for pain s seem knowledgeable enough and there were other people who were popping in for their sessions a lack of privacy. Why did they have to put the treatment beds in the open - four in a row, being ove step is to get our Xrays done next week and we'll pop back for the initial review and recommendat "adjustments" - that's what they call the sessions where they fix your back.� Yesterday's damage interested in this). Thus begins our chiro journey... <img src=" credit: It was Mum's birthday yesterday and we went for a nice cosy Jap din 200 200 convention of ordering set meals and instead went for a smorsgaboard of side dishes. Yum! V also 8- 8- something for her to remember, so after dinner we took a walk there to check it out. Surprisingly, i 20 07- 07- though swarms of people were in the vincinity for the National Day Parade rehearsals, the flyer wa 1 7 13 13 get a whole cabin to herself! So the whole check-in and fly with us procedure was pretty novel and 12:4 04:4 smooth and fast. I even liked the instructional graphics on the TV screens. Very interesting. Finall 7:03 7:03 you can really see far and wide but the interesting sights for us were the NDP rehearsals, the Marin humongous. I guess it was a great experience overall, and the only thing i could reocommend is to be totally different. We ended the night with coffee at TCC back in Millenia and I'm glad my mum Have you ever wondered if God really exists? Or if indeed he did, why doesn't he speak to me or g I'd like to share this little story about how God "showed up" in my life. I was a cradle Catholic and went through 10 years of mission school, the whole Catechism regime and was even in the Church question why we had to go through so much rituals and I also began to question why people had to abstaining from meat on Fridays when I enlisted in the army and eventually I stopped going to Chu The funny thing was I always knew God was there, I was just too lazy to do anything about it. I co financial crisis, it was generally an uphill trajectory surviving the dot com crash and I kept buildin came when I met my wife. She was the daughter of a Christian missionary pastor and I knew that i Church whether I liked it or not. But since I never really hated God or anything, I figured it'll be du so ritualistic, which was one of the things that bugged me previously. After marriage, we started lo Creation Church, which I found too simplistic. We went to a Presbytarian Church and eventually w 200 200 eloquent, the message was logical and the service presentation had great music and was sleek enou 8- 8attack. She was devout her whole life but was never active in Church. She was near retirement and 20 07- 071 and suffer a second attack. Doctors also generally give you a statistical 5-7 years more to live after 8 14 13 Once she got out of the rat race, she began to be called by God, she signed up for the Life In Spirit 00:3 16:3 postponements but finished the course. One day after the course while she was thinking about how 3:52 3:52 times in her head. She looked around, and there was nobody there. From then on, she got closer to taught us a lot about God and what we're put on earth for. She was glad that I was finally back to a pray for us. Eventually, God left me messages via my mum that he wanted me back in the one true up the stairs at the Novena to make this "big" confession to come back home and a lady approache target="_blank">NET</a> brochure at me. So that's how I ended up in NET. For me, NET gave m praying over sessions' during a weekend retreat, the sudden uncontrollable bout of tearing, was my was solid evidence that there is a higher being and it broke the cynicism in me once and for all. An mum's guidance has brought about a change in my wife too, and she is now attending the Rite of C October (2008). So if you're wondering how come God hasn't shown up in your life or if there real for everyone of us, you just need to open up yourself and accept His will and get involved in Chur imagined. 200 200 8- 8- Currently in NET, we're in the middle of a module on public speaking conducted by some ex-toast 20 07- 07- speech on our conversion or faith story. So since i already wrote it out, its going to be a <a href="h 1 9 16 15 page on this site</a> too :) I guess i've been telling this story in bits and pieces to the people aroun 00:1 16:1 whole thing into a coherent presentation format, it does seem to give a bigger picture feel to it all. 8:52 8:52 200 200 Ever since i sold off the Klein Mantra, i've still been itching to do some cycling of some sort, but d 21 18- 8- gonna cut it. So i surfed around aimlessly on bike sites til i <img class="alignright" style="float: ri 0 07- 07- src="" alt="" width="280" he 20 19 href="" target="_blank">local Strida site</a>. Its an interesti 00:2 16:2 Actually it feels a bit like riding a unicycle or something like that. And the best part is the folding 1:56 1:56 made of rubber so there its really a no mess affair with no oil and the only maintenance being a wi and went down for a test ride at the shop today and now i'm the proud owner of a black Strida5! Ju comments on this cool bike: The pros - Looks great, easy to fold/unfold, allows for straight back r slopes and it was fine. The cons - Cost! Not cheap for a toy-like bike, compared to a regular full-fr good speeds felt scary because the bike seems to pull towards the right. Initial riding on it also req as tensing them made the bike wobble a lot. The 10kg weight was alright to lift up and down stairs as the wheels kinda keeps running away from you unless you use a lot of strength to guide it, so yo I'm still impressed with it but i really wished it handled better. Seems like i really have to stick to r death situations along the roads. Anybody wanna go riding? We did our Xrays last week and turned up for our review today. It was an interesting experience. F This was produced by the American Chiropractioners' Industry president or something like that so go to. The doc then explained in great detail what we should look out for in Xrays of the spine in g individually reviewed our Xrays on the lightboard and it showed that my lower back, actually the t is misaligned by 1cm which is probably why i'm getting the pains. My mid-back is out by 11 degre neck also have some twists around the C4/C5 bones. That's as technical as i get! Likewise for V, h 200 200 the cause of her perennial shoulder pains which also shoot pains down her arm when she is over-w 8- 8and he explained that our scans showed that its just phase 1 of degeneration problems so the treatm 21 07- 071 cos your discs in between the bones get dried up and the bones themselves start to have spurs arou 1 19 19 on to the "adjustments" which was basically the doc twisting our backs and necks in the specific d 23:5 15:5 "pops" just like when you crack your knuckles and I actually felt relieved because my back was pr 3:36 3:36 day before. Everything's fine and good so far, the only negative aspect is as expected the costs! Th times a week for the next 3 months and finally maybe a once a week or once a month for the rema heavy financial burden. The sales pitch given was that just like training for a marathon, you can't j similarly for the adjustments, the body needs the frequency for it to be corrected. Fair enough i gue the more sessions you sign up for up-front, the bigger the discount on each session, but we're talkin packages and see what happens after a month or two before committing such $$. Its been 4 and a half years since mum had the heart attack. She has been complaining of breathless 200 200 they increase the stress on your heart to see if it functions properly. That didn't turn out too good, s 8- 8- href="" target="_blank">angiogram</a> for validation. Th 21 07- 07- arteries which is pretty common. And no other treatment is required except the usual medication. I 1 2 26 26 and diet this year. She has been rather slack on the discipline and its now biting back at her. So fro 20:0 12:0 back to the daily walks around the parks etc again. Thanks to the many folks who have been prayin 6:35 6:35 sounded strange, so we spoke to her about it today and she said that after the initial attack 4 years b she's been healed! Although that doesn't solve all problems cos she obviously still isn't feeling too 200 200 8- 821 07- 071 I received an interesting SMS. I asked for directions and He answered. Who needs GPS... Praise b 3 31 31 23:0 15:0 3:56 3:56 200 200 1. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn 21 8- 8- Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 8. Yishun - 20 Jul 9. <a href="http://www 1 4 08- 08- Park</a> - 24 Jul 10. <a href="" 02 02 href="" target="_blank">Zoo</a> - 21:5 13:5 href="" target="_blank">Mandai Loo 7:46 7:46 href="" target="_blank">East Coast href="" target="_blank">Yishu East Coast Park - 29 Dec 18. Zoo - 21 Feb 2010 20. Yishun Loop - Nov 21. Northern PCN - 14 De Coast Park - 29 Dec 25. Northern PCN-half - 2 Jan 2011 26. Zoo-half - 4 Feb 2011 27. Lower Sele href="" target="_blank">Yishun dam</a> 200 200 8- 8The public speaking/toastmasters module in NET finally ended tonight. I had to present <a href="h 21 08- 081 story</a> to a group of 20 odd people and surprisingly it lasted a whole 9 minutes even though it w 5 07 07 with.. the last 8 weeks was kinda stressful to have to come to class prepared with short speeches... 23:5 15:5 6:00 6:00 <h5>Blessings for Obedience</h5> <span id="en-NIV-5613" class="sup">1</span> If you fully o you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. <span id="en-NIV and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God: <span id="en-NIV-5615" class="sup">3</s id="en-NIV-5616" class="sup">4</span> The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops o and the lambs of your flocks. <span id="en-NIV-5617" class="sup">5</span> Your basket and yo 200 200 class="sup">6</span> You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. <span 8- 8- the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one 21 08- 08- class="sup">8</span> The LORD will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put yo 1 6 11 11 you. <span id="en-NIV-5621" class="sup">9</span> The LORD will establish you as his holy pe 23:4 15:4 LORD your God and walk in his ways. <span id="en-NIV-5622" class="sup">10</span> Then all 7:33 7:33 LORD, and they will fear you. <span id="en-NIV-5623" class="sup">11</span> The LORD will of your livestock and the crops of your ground�in the land he swore to your forefathers to give y open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all from none. <span id="en-NIV-5625" class="sup">13</span> The LORD will make you the head, God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the b aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left, following other gods a 200 200 Kudos to the women's table tennis team on the superb fight til the Silver! Though it does make you 8- 8honestly, what's so "olympic" about it. Its just like any other job of managing resources and HR fa 21 08- 081 watching table tennis cos i'm generally not a big sports fan. I guess its really one of the few sports 7 22 21 Fencing looked pretty fun too, with all the electronic tags and all and the staged lighting which is s 01:0 17:0 and poke the bugger! 9:29 9:29 <img src="" alt="" width="325" heig 200 200 that the SG iPhone 3G launch experience for me has lived up to my Apple expectations of being u 8- 8- launch - Singtel created a website to accept interest Launch - The tier 1 customers were invited to 21 08- 08- appointments at various outlets over the next few weeks - Just one day before my appointed time, 1 8 30 30 outlets to get one (I guess the crowds had dissipated and there wasn't a need to manage it so tightly 12:4 04:4 20 min which is pretty normal anyway, signed a couple of forms, paid up and got out. So now I've 5:16 5:16 That to me is great :) Can never imagine all those news reports of people queueing for days for the have to await the number portability approval from M1. 200 200 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 21 8- 81 src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 9 08- 08via email on my new toy in just a few clicks. Woot! <a href=" 31 30 02:5 18:5 3:10 3:10 200 200 8- 822 08- 08- Because He "lives", I can face tomorrow. Because He "lives", All fear is gone. Because I know He 1 0 31 31 God does have a sense of humour :) 22:2 14:2 3:30 3:30 200 200 8- 8- After 12 sessions, there was a simple review session at the doc. He took pictures of my posture and 22 08- 08- Interestingly, my left and right weights are much more balanced than when i first showed up. Whi 1 1 31 31 showing up in the way i stand... Overall i must say there has been a mark improvement in my back 22:3 14:3 going to start her treatment for her shoulder pain. Its not easy to commit 3 times a week at the doc 4:20 4:20 200 200 8- 8- <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 22 09- 09- src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 1 2 11 11 href="">Rage against the machine!</a> Origin 23:4 15:4 href="">gr3gtan</a> </span> 8:38 8:38 200 200 <img style="border: 0; vertical-align: top;" src=" 8- 8I'd just like to mark this day as the day we hear the news from events unfolding from <a href="http 22 09- 091 both can't believe it's happening so fast but here's to a new journey in life! On one hand, many thin 3 13 13 Lessons in NET also coincidentally focused on the <a href="" t 16:3 08:3 now it all makes sense at a big picture level. So now i'll just go live it out... :P 7:40 7:40 <a href=";id=720042714&amp;saved# target="_blank"><img style="border: 0;" src=" Ferrari going past at about 300km/h! Its an interesting shot for me because the TV screen also show for snagging me a seat. I've got a chance to experience the big event of the year for our tiny red do its pretty impressive to see the multi-million dollar lighting system lighting up our night sky. Espe href="" target="_blank"> track fro 200 200 for you. Really nice! I'm not a die-hard fan of F1 but i do enjoy the races occasionally, and the eng 8- 8own and it does push the manufacturers to improve the whole auto industry with all the new techn 22 09- 091 and third for the qualifiers so the fans will be happy as everyone has said that the track is difficult 4 28 27 the race winners. Kudos to the organisers for pulling off this logistical miracle, all i can say is they 02:2 18:2 the main exit everyone from various grandstands are leaving from. And of course, THE TICKETS 0:54 0:54 concert, its priced like the royal ball or some millionaire's club night. Just that you get to sweat it o in this country, the target audience are the tourists or the rich. Anecdotal evidence tells me that peo tickets. If they can't afford it, who can? Ok i've made my point. Maybe in 5 years when the novelty the meantime, can't wait for today's race on TV ... <a href=";id=720042714&amp;saved#/al target="_blank">More photos here</a> 200 200 8- 8- <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 22 09- 09- src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 1 5 28 28 href="">Call to reception into the full commun 23:3 15:3 href="">gr3gtan</a> 6:20 6:20 V's RCIA class finally got baptised today! And she did her confirmation as a Catholic because her 200 200 mass and aunt C was her godparent. It brings us to the end of an 11 month journey through the inia 8- 8- workings of Church groups etc Its interesting to note how long and difficult it is to get baptised he 22 10- 10- water. I guess its kind of a test of committment for the newbies to show sincerity and the ability to 1 6 12 11 lessons for 7 months or so. Its nice to know its really not a numbers driven game here to convert as 01:1 17:1 should really think about it more and possibly do it sometime down the road when they are ready. 1:02 1:02 them" syntax with V because we have had intense discussions over the differences between Catho side of the fence. I just had this thought cross my mind that its kinda like KFC chicken, original vs As with any of our new life projects, we start it all by doing some basic research. Surfing the net, r 200 200 baby hypermart in Kaki Bukit and Mothercare in Harbourfront to look-see and check out what sor 8- 8- the same thing where the guy gets to choose the stroller and car seat cos its a more gadgety thing to 22 10- 10- rear-facing, height-adjustable, 5-position, ISO fix etc The options are bewildering and you get cau 1 7 19 19 with newborns, got brakes, bigger wheels etc� Which just shows how great the marketing of the 23:5 15:5 need is a blinking seat with 4 wheels which can hold a baby and fold up to be kept. So although its 7:11 7:11 going to keep my head and just go with something that works! And we figured that since the kid w probably get the wheels after we get the kid home first... 200 200 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 8- 8- src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 22 11- 11- Esplanade and Swissotel made a great phallic shot. My opportunity came along when we were hea 1 8 04 04 target="_blank">duck-tour</a> recently. Not sure how, but the iPhone even gave a little hazy fish 12:3 04:3 margin-top: 0px;">Some cynics may think this is the ultimate symbol of this country where the cit 5:56 5:56 href=""></a> 200 200 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 8- 8src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 22 11- 111 to go cycling about the east coast. This picture was taken before the sky came down on me! Had to 9 04 04 wondering what the reason was for all the ships to be painted red and black. I'm sure there is a tech 16:1 08:1 href=""></a> 6:17 6:17 <img class="alignleft" style="border: 0; float: left; margin: 10px;" src=" width="375" height="500" />I'll be turning 35 in a couple of minutes and today at Church, i was ju from God before finally coming back to believing in Him.� So i guess i owe the next 35 to Him 200 200 going to be a long journey, but i guess we'll see how that turns out. Nothing is impossible. Have ha 8- 8Japanese ala carte buffet for a NET gathering yesterday, a seafood lunch this afternoon and finally 23 11- 111 about this Wagyu beef thing for so long and wondering what a $100 burger can taste like, i finally 0 09 09 Square. Truly amazing! Softest and smoothest beef i've ever eaten.� I do recommend this to all 23:4 15:4 guess the next step is to check out Kobe beef.� Although i don't think i'll be able to taste the diff 9:39 9:39 href="" target="_blank">Canon Po and since V has given me the duties to be cameraman for our kids' precious moments, i've decided jumbo aperture, ISO thingies to take better shots. As you can see from this pic, i really do need a lo Over the past few months now, i have met the committees running NET and ACMA to talk about phases. As a culmination of this episode, i got invited to a retreat that NET was organising. I've alr and i know only the committee members were invited and not my classmates. So imagine my surp 200 200 alignment exercise. As in setting up mission statement and values and brainstorming what the orga 8- 8- surprise when towards the end of the day an org chart was flashed on screen with a newly created 23 11- 11- committee... And to seal the deal, mass in Church after that had the Gospel of the owner who left h 1 1 15 15 made use of it and got another 5 while the owner was unhappy with the guy that just hid the 1 talen 23:0 15:0 bizarre thing was that the priest then went on to try to explain the parable by telling a story he hear 1:45 1:45 Herod. In that cave was a little cave spider who felt honored to have distinguished guests and was them. This actually saved them from the search party because the soldeirs reckoned that if the entr cave recently. Thus saving them from being discovered. He ended the explanation of the story alon then just doing that is honoring God ..." I turned around to V and exclaimed "web making!" I gues Wow, its been awhile since i've written anything. Many things have been happening in the office w 200 200 month or so. Just saw my previous post and wanted to post a link on my new project - <a title="NE 8- 8- the draft stage of this new site for NET and the basic info has been migrated from the old site. Gue 23 12- 12- bells and whistles to the site too. Joomla has been fairly easy to implement. As with all tech projec 1 2 18 17 requires you to have a basic understanding of how to purchase a virtual host, domain name and use 00:5 16:5 might have been a bit confusing so i do recommend loading in the sample data so that all the navig 2:51 2:51 the content as necessary. So far i'm pretty impressed with the simple plug-ins i found so far, like th allows text to be overlayed so you can create titles over it. We finally found some time to do some Xmas shopping over the weekend as both of us took some enough to take notes on some baby stuff so that we can compare them when the post-xmas sales co 200 200 go to Kaki Bukit again and were pleasantly surprised that most of the smaller stuff had 20% discou 8- 8- because they were clearing their 2007 stock. So after making a last minute head-check that we won 23 12- 12- booked our kid a <a href=" 1 3 22 22 target="_blank">Maclaren Techno XT</a> ($388) and <a href=" 23:1 15:1 target="_blank">Inglesina Moovy</a> ($238). That's a great price if you've seen the normal retail 7:06 7:06 href="" target="_blank">Pigeon</a> fan because she recko we've probably got 40% of the stuff we need today including sterilisers and breast pumps and play list and it's almost a hundred items! How did people have kids before modern technology? 200 200 9- 8- <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 23 01- 12- src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 1 4 01 31 href="">Happy New Year !</a> Originally up 00:0 16:0 href="">gr3gtan</a> </span> 4:01 4:01 We finally found some time to do some Xmas shopping over the weekend as both of us took some enough to take notes on some baby stuff so that we can compare them when the post-xmas sales co 200 200 go to Kaki Bukit again and were pleasantly surprised that most of the smaller stuff had 20% discou 9- 9- because they were clearing their 2007 stock. So after making a last minute head-check that we won 23 06- 06- booked our kid a <a href=" 1 5 22 22 target="_blank">Maclaren Techno XT</a> ($388) and <a href=" 22:1 14:1 target="_blank">Inglesina Moovy</a> ($238). That's a great price if you've seen the normal retail 7:30 7:30 href="" target="_blank">Pigeon</a> fan because she recko we've probably got 40% of the stuff we need today including sterilisers and breast pumps and play list and it's almost a hundred items! How did people have kids before modern technology? 200 200 9- 923 06- 061 Great! I've finally got my backup files to run properly on the server. Unfortunately, i've just lost 6 22 22 22:3 14:3 1:37 1:37 200 200 9- 923 06- 061 Great! I've finally got my backup files to run properly on the server. Unfortunately, i've just lost 7 22 22 22:3 14:3 1:29 1:29 200 200 9- 923 06- 061 Great! I've finally got my backup files to run properly on the server. Unfortunately, i've just lost 8 22 22 22:3 14:3 3:29 3:29 Have been reading up a bit more about that <a href="" target="_blank">Joomla< that there is now a� <a href="" target="_blank">P 200 200 run some of your webserver apps on your Mac! (There is however a security warning that you sho 9- 9PRD version because the security settings etc are not setup.) So that of course gave me great impe 23 06- 061 user-friendly, but because its a full CMS suite by nature, you need to understand the concepts of th 9 22 22 category before you can get round to linking something up on a demo site. Its not so straight-forwa 22:4 14:4 into this: <a href=" 3:54 3:54 href="" target="_blank">Jo tool is capable of and the whole range of extensions it has for the platform, but first I've got to figu 200 200 8- 8- After 12 sessions, there was a simple review session at the doc. He took pictures of my posture and 24 08- 08- Interestingly, my left and right weights are much more balanced than when i first showed up. Whi 1 0 31 31 showing up in the way i stand... Overall i must say there has been a mark improvement in my back 22:3 14:3 going to start her treatment for her shoulder pain. Its not easy to commit 3 times a week at the doc 4:20 4:20 We did our Xrays last week and turned up for our review today. It was an interesting experience. F This was produced by the American Chiropractioners' Industry president or something like that so go to. The doc then explained in great detail what we should look out for in Xrays of the spine in g individually reviewed our Xrays on the lightboard and it showed that my lower back, actually the t 200 200 is misaligned by 1cm which is probably why i'm getting the pains. My mid-back is out by 11 degre 8- 8neck also have some twists around the C4/C5 bones. That's as technical as i get! Likewise for V, h 24 07- 071 the cause of her perennial shoulder pains which also shoot pains down her arm when she is over-w 1 19 19 and he explained that our scans showed that its just phase 1 of degeneration problems so the treatm 23:5 15:5 cos your discs in between the bones get dried up and the bones themselves start to have spurs arou 4:14 4:14 on to the "adjustments" which was basically the doc twisting our backs and necks in the specific d "pops" just like when you crack your knuckles and I actually felt relieved because my back was pr day before. Everything's fine and good so far, the only negative aspect is as expected the costs! Th times a week for the next 3 months and finally maybe a once a week or once a month for the rema heavy financial burden. The sales pitch given was that just like training for a marathon, you can't j similarly for the adjustments, the body needs the frequency for it to be corrected. Fair enough i gue the more sessions you sign up for up-front, the bigger the discount on each session, but we're talkin packages and see what happens after a month or two before committing such $$. 200 200 9- 924 06- 061 Great! I've finally got my backup files to run properly on the server. Unfortunately, i've just lost 2 22 22 22:3 14:3 1:37 1:37 200 200 9- 8- <a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 24 01- 12- style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; 1 3 01 31 href="">Happy New Year !</a> <br /> Origin 00:0 16:0 href="">gr3gtan</a> </span> <br clear="all" /> <p></p> 4:01 4:01 We finally found some time to do some Xmas shopping over the weekend as both of us took some enough to take notes on some baby stuff so that we can compare them when the post-xmas sales co 200 200 go to Kaki Bukit again and were pleasantly surprised that most of the smaller stuff had 20% discou 8- 8- because they were clearing their 2007 stock. So after making a last minute head-check that we won 24 12- 12- booked our kid a <a href=" 1 4 22 22 target="_blank">Maclaren Techno XT</a> ($388) and <a href=" 23:1 15:1 target="_blank">Inglesina Moovy</a> ($238). That's a great price if you've seen the normal retail 7:06 7:06 href="" target="_blank">Pigeon</a> fan because she recko we've probably got 40% of the stuff we need today including sterilisers and breast pumps and play list and it's almost a hundred items! How did people have kids before modern technology? Wow, its been awhile since i've written anything. Many things have been happening in the office w 200 200 month or so. Just saw my previous post and wanted to post a link on my new project - <a title="NE 8- 8- the draft stage of this new site for NET and the basic info has been migrated from the old site. Gue 24 12- 12- bells and whistles to the site too. Joomla has been fairly easy to implement. As with all tech projec 1 5 18 17 requires you to have a basic understanding of how to purchase a virtual host, domain name and use 00:5 16:5 might have been a bit confusing so i do recommend loading in the sample data so that all the navig 2:51 2:51 the content as necessary. So far i'm pretty impressed with the simple plug-ins i found so far, like th allows text to be overlayed so you can create titles over it. Over the past few months now, i have met the committees running NET and ACMA to talk about phases. As a culmination of this episode, i got invited to a retreat that NET was organising. I've alr and i know only the committee members were invited and not my classmates. So imagine my surp 200 200 alignment exercise. As in setting up mission statement and values and brainstorming what the orga 8- 8- surprise when towards the end of the day an org chart was flashed on screen with a newly created 24 11- 11- committee... And to seal the deal, mass in Church after that had the Gospel of the owner who left h 1 6 15 15 made use of it and got another 5 while the owner was unhappy with the guy that just hid the 1 talen 23:0 15:0 bizarre thing was that the priest then went on to try to explain the parable by telling a story he hear 1:45 1:45 Herod. In that cave was a little cave spider who felt honored to have distinguished guests and was them. This actually saved them from the search party because the soldeirs reckoned that if the entr cave recently. Thus saving them from being discovered. He ended the explanation of the story alon then just doing that is honoring God ..." I turned around to V and exclaimed "web making!" I gues <img class="alignleft" style="border: 0; float: left; margin: 10px;" src=" width="375" height="500" />I'll be turning 35 in a couple of minutes and today at Church, i was ju from God before finally coming back to believing in Him. So i guess i owe the next 35 to Him to 200 200 going to be a long journey, but i guess we'll see how that turns out. Nothing is impossible. Have ha 8- 8Japanese ala carte buffet for a NET gathering yesterday, a seafood lunch this afternoon and finally 24 11- 111 about this Wagyu beef thing for so long and wondering what a $100 burger can taste like, i finally 7 10 09 Square. Truly amazing! Softest and smoothest beef i've ever eaten. I do recommend this to all me 00:0 16:0 the next step is to check out Kobe beef. Although i don't think i'll be able to taste the difference. I 0:48 0:48 href="" target="_blank">Canon Po and since V has given me the duties to be cameraman for our kids' precious moments, i've decided jumbo aperture, ISO thingies to take better shots. As you can see from this pic, i really do need a l 200 200 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 8- 8src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 24 11- 111 to go cycling about the east coast. This picture was taken before the sky came down on me! Had to 8 04 04 wondering what the reason was for all the ships to be painted red and black. I'm sure there is a tech 22:0 14:0 href=""></a> 5:35 5:35 200 200 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 8- 8- src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 24 11- 11- Esplanade and Swissotel made a great phallic shot. My opportunity came along when we were hea 1 9 04 04 target="_blank">duck-tour</a> recently. Not sure how, but the iPhone even gave a little hazy fish 12:4 04:4 margin-top: 0px;">Some cynics may think this is the ultimate symbol of this country where the cit 4:50 4:50 href=""></a> As with any of our new life projects, we start it all by doing some basic research. Surfing the net, r 200 200 baby hypermart in Kaki Bukit and Mothercare in Harbourfront to look-see and check out what sor 8- 8- the same thing where the guy gets to choose the stroller and car seat cos its a more gadgety thing to 25 10- 10- rear-facing, height-adjustable, 5-position, ISO fix etc The options are bewildering and you get cau 1 0 19 19 with newborns, got brakes, bigger wheels etc Which just shows how great the marketing of these 23:5 15:5 need is a blinking seat with 4 wheels which can hold a baby and fold up to be kept. So although its 9:10 9:10 going to keep my head and just go with something that works! And we figured that since the kid w probably get the wheels after we get the kid home first... V's RCIA class finally got baptised today! And she did her confirmation as a Catholic because her 200 200 mass and aunt C was her godparent. It brings us to the end of an 11 month journey through the inia 8- 8- workings of Church groups etc Its interesting to note how long and difficult it is to get baptised he 25 10- 10- water. I guess its kind of a test of committment for the newbies to show sincerity and the ability to 1 1 12 11 lessons for 7 months or so. Its nice to know its really not a numbers driven game here to convert as 01:1 17:1 should really think about it more and possibly do it sometime down the road when they are ready. 8:12 8:12 them" syntax with V because we have had intense discussions over the differences between Catho side of the fence. I just had this thought cross my mind that its kinda like KFC chicken, original vs 200 200 8- 8- <a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 25 09- 09- style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; 1 2 28 28 to reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church</a> <br /> Originally uploaded by <a 23:3 15:3 <br clear="all" /> <p></p> 6:20 6:20 <a href=";id=720042714&amp;saved# target="_blank"><img style="border: 0;" src=" Ferrari going past at about 300km/h! Its an interesting shot for me because the TV screen also show for snagging me a seat. I've got a chance to experience the big event of the year for our tiny red do its pretty impressive to see the multi-million dollar lighting system lighting up our night sky. Espe href="" target="_blank"> track fro 200 200 for you. Really nice! I'm not a die-hard fan of F1 but i do enjoy the races occasionally, and the eng 8- 8own and it does push the manufacturers to improve the whole auto industry with all the new techn 25 09- 091 and third for the qualifiers so the fans will be happy as everyone has said that the track is difficult 3 28 28 the race winners. Kudos to the organisers for pulling off this logistical miracle, all i can say is they 11:3 03:3 the main exit everyone from various grandstands are leaving from. And of course, THE TICKETS 8:06 8:06 concert, its priced like the royal ball or some millionaire's club night. Just that you get to sweat it o in this country, the target audience are the tourists or the rich. Anecdotal evidence tells me that peo tickets. If they can't afford it, who can? Ok i've made my point. Maybe in 5 years when the novelty the meantime, can't wait for today's race on TV ... <a href=";id=720042714&amp;saved#/al target="_blank">More photos here</a> 200 200 <img style="border: 0; vertical-align: top;" src=" 8- 8I'd just like to mark this day as the day we hear the news from events unfolding from <a href="http 25 10- 101 both can't believe it's happening so fast but here's to a new journey in life! On one hand, many thin 4 19 19 Lessons in NET also coincidentally focused on the <a href="" t 23:5 15:5 now it all makes sense at a big picture level. So now i'll just go live it out... :P 7:55 7:55 200 200 8- 8<a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 25 09- 091 style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; 5 11 11 against the machine!</a> <br /> Originally uploaded by <a href=" 23:4 15:4 8:38 8:38 Over the last few months, ever since my backaches became more manageable, I've had the green e distraction from the major change in lifestyle ever since Je-In joined our coop. So i've done my rou what's hot nowadays. Was pretty impressed with this bike - <a href=" 200 200 target="_blank">Felt Q720</a>. But i was majorly holding back the purchase because it was too e 9- 9Also, V wanted me to do test rides to make sure that my back could take the riding strains before b 25 07- 071 a test-ride with M at east coast, just before i leave the office, my colleague told me he had a friend 8 11 11 awhile and if i liked it, he'd gladly sell it. Of course i jump at this great opportunity for a trial witho 22:1 14:1 delivers this <a href="" target="_blank">Sco 1:38 1:38 with his friend and was going to send him home anyway. <img class="alignnone" title="Scott P4" alt="" width="450" height="263" /> Now isn't that divine! Honestly, the bikes are not in the same components, but well, i guess at some point i really have got to stop getting "good" stuff anyway. I 200 200 9- 9- <a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 25 06- 06- style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; 1 7 27 27 href="">Bliss</a> <br /> Originally uploaded 17:1 09:1 </span> <br clear="all" /> <p></p> 6:04 6:04 Over the last few months, ever since my backaches became more manageable, I've had the green e distraction from the major change in lifestyle ever since Je-In joined our coop. So i've done my rou 200 200 what's hot nowadays. Was pretty impressed with this bike - <a href=" 9- 9- target="_blank">Felt Q720</a>. But i was majorly holding back the purchase because it was too e 25 07- 07- Also, V wanted me to do test rides to make sure that my back could take the riding strains before b 1 9 11 11 a test-ride with M at east coast, just before i leave the office, my colleague told me he had a friend 22:0 14:0 awhile and if i liked it, he'd gladly sell it. Of course i jump at this great opportunity for a trial witho 9:57 9:57 delivers this <a href="" target="_blank drinks with his friend and was going to send him home anyway. Now isn't that divine! Honestly, th and has lower-end components, but well, i guess at some point i really have got to stop getting "go Over the last few months, ever since my backaches became more manageable, I've had the green e distraction from the major change in lifestyle ever since Je-In joined our coop. So i've done my rou what's hot nowadays. Was pretty impressed with this bike - <a href=" 200 200 target="_blank">Felt Q720</a>. But i was majorly holding back the purchase because it was too e 9- 9Also, V wanted me to do test rides to make sure that my back could take the riding strains before b 26 07- 071 a test-ride with M at east coast, just before i leave the office, my colleague told me he had a friend 0 11 11 awhile and if i liked it, he'd gladly sell it. Of course i jump at this great opportunity for a trial with 22:1 14:1 delivers this <a href="" target="_blank">Sco 5:09 5:09 with his friend and was going to send him home anyway. <img class="alignnone" title="Scott P4" alt="" width="450" height="263" /> Now isn't that divine! Honestly, the bikes are not in the same components, but well, i guess at some point i really have got to stop getting "good" stuff anyway. I Over the last few months, ever since my backaches became more manageable, I've had the green e distraction from the major change in lifestyle ever since Je-In joined our coop. So i've done my rou 200 200 what's hot nowadays. Was pretty impressed with this bike - <a href=" 9- 9- target="_blank">Felt Q720</a>. But i was majorly holding back the purchase because it was too e 26 07- 07- Also, V wanted me to do test rides to make sure that my back could take the riding strains before b 1 1 11 11 a test-ride with M at east coast, just before i leave the office, my colleague told me he had a friend 22:1 14:1 awhile and if i liked it, he'd gladly sell it. Of course i jump at this great opportunity for a trial witho 1:38 1:38 delivers this <a href="" target="_blank drinks with his friend and was going to send him home anyway. Now isn't that divine! Honestly, th heavier and has lower-end components, but well, i guess at some point i really have got to stop get 200 200 8- 826 08- 08- Because He "lives", I can face tomorrow. Because He "lives", All fear is gone. Because I know He 1 2 31 31 God does have a sense of humour :) 22:2 14:2 3:30 3:30 Recently, after going through about 4 months of physiotherapy for my aching back, I stumbled upo set me thinking and i started doing some readings on the art/science of <a href="http://en.wikipedi 200 200 what i've seen so far, the idea that pain is all caused by nerves not properly aligned etc and since y 8- 8spine would be a logical way of managing pain. Also the concepts of non-invasive, non-pill poppi 26 07- 071 so far been alright, the massages were the most effective pain relief and the heat treatment also felt 3 06 06 treatments all my life, that's just relieving the symptoms and not really solving any problem. Henc 15:4 07:4 bollocks. Just simply rubbing a magic stick around the affected area for awhile isn't going to do jac 9:43 9:43 always has shoulder/neck pains) yesterday and we popped by the clinic. At first glance, it got my r there was this giant screen showing the wonders of it and a couple of rows of chairs which i assum contact details, pain symptoms and medical history and went in to see the doc. He told us about ho some initial questionings and examination which included probing the back and looking for pain s seem knowledgeable enough and there were other people who were popping in for their sessions a lack of privacy. Why did they have to put the treatment beds in the open - four in a row, being ove step is to get our Xrays done next week and we'll pop back for the initial review and recommendat "adjustments" - that's what they call the sessions where they fix your back. Yesterday's damage in interested in this). Thus begins our chiro journey... <img src=" credit: It was Mum's birthday yesterday and we went for a nice cosy Jap din 200 200 convention of ordering set meals and instead went for a smorsgaboard of side dishes. Yum! V also 8- 8- something for her to remember, so after dinner we took a walk there to check it out. Surprisingly, i 26 07- 07- though swarms of people were in the vincinity for the National Day Parade rehearsals, the flyer wa 1 4 13 13 get a whole cabin to herself! So the whole check-in and fly with us procedure was pretty novel and 12:4 04:4 smooth and fast. I even liked the instructional graphics on the TV screens. Very interesting. Finall 7:03 7:03 you can really see far and wide but the interesting sights for us were the NDP rehearsals, the Marin humongous. I guess it was a great experience overall, and the only thing i could reocommend is to be totally different. We ended the night with coffee at TCC back in Millenia and I'm glad my mum 200 200 8- 8- Currently in NET, we're in the middle of a module on public speaking conducted by some ex-toast 26 07- 07- speech on our conversion or faith story. So since i already wrote it out, its going to be a <a href="h 1 5 16 15 page on this site</a> too :) I guess i've been telling this story in bits and pieces to the people aroun 00:1 16:1 whole thing into a coherent presentation format, it does seem to give a bigger picture feel to it all. 8:52 8:52 Ever since i sold off the Klein Mantra, i've still been itching to do some cycling of some sort, but d gonna cut it. So i surfed around aimlessly on bike sites til i <img class="alignright" style="float: ri src="" alt="" width="280" he href="" target="_blank">local Strida site</a>. Its an interesti 200 200 Actually it feels a bit like riding a unicycle or something like that. And the best part is the folding 8- 8- made of rubber so there its really a no mess affair with no oil and the only maintenance being a wi 26 07- 07- and went down for a test ride at the shop today and now i'm the proud owner of a black Strida5! Ju 1 6 20 19 comments on this cool bike: The pros - Looks great, easy to fold/unfold, allows for straight back r 00:2 16:2 slopes and it was fine. The cons - Cost! Not cheap for a toy-like bike, compared to a regular full-fr 1:56 1:56 good speeds felt scary because the bike seems to pull towards the right. Initial riding on it also req as tensing them made the bike wobble a lot. The 10kg weight was alright to lift up and down stairs as the wheels kinda keeps running away from you unless you use a lot of strength to guide it, so yo I'm still impressed with it but i really wished it handled better. Seems like i really have to stick to r death situations along the roads. Anybody wanna go riding? Its been 4 and a half years since mum had the heart attack. She has been complaining of breathless 200 200 they increase the stress on your heart to see if it functions properly. That didn't turn out too good, s 8- 8- href="" target="_blank">angiogram</a> for validation. Th 26 07- 07- arteries which is pretty common. And no other treatment is required except the usual medication. I 1 7 27 27 and diet this year. She has been rather slack on the discipline and its now biting back at her. So fro 22:2 14:2 back to the daily walks around the parks etc again. Thanks to the many folks who have been prayin 1:50 1:50 sounded strange, so we spoke to her about it today and she said that after the initial attack 4 years b she's been healed! Although that doesn't solve all problems cos she obviously still isn't feeling too 200 200 8- 826 07- 071 I received an interesting SMS. I asked for directions and He answered. Who needs GPS... Praise b 8 31 31 23:0 15:0 3:56 3:56 200 200 8- 8The public speaking/toastmasters module in NET finally ended tonight. I had to present <a href="h 26 08- 081 story</a> to a group of 20 odd people and surprisingly it lasted a whole 9 minutes even though it w 9 07 07 with.. the last 8 weeks was kinda stressful to have to come to class prepared with short speeches... 23:5 15:5 6:00 6:00 <h5>Blessings for Obedience</h5> <span id="en-NIV-5613" class="sup">1</span> If you fully o you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. <span id="en-NIV and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God: <span id="en-NIV-5615" class="sup">3</s id="en-NIV-5616" class="sup">4</span> The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops o and the lambs of your flocks. <span id="en-NIV-5617" class="sup">5</span> Your basket and yo 200 200 class="sup">6</span> You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. <span 8- 8- the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one 27 09- 09- class="sup">8</span> The LORD will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put yo 1 0 08 08 you. <span id="en-NIV-5621" class="sup">9</span> The LORD will establish you as his holy pe 14:5 06:5 LORD your God and walk in his ways. <span id="en-NIV-5622" class="sup">10</span> Then all 7:50 7:50 LORD, and they will fear you. <span id="en-NIV-5623" class="sup">11</span> The LORD will your livestock and the crops of your ground—in the land he swore to your forefathers to give you. open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all from none. <span id="en-NIV-5625" class="sup">13</span> The LORD will make you the head, God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the b aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left, following other gods a 200 200 Kudos to the women's table tennis team on the superb fight til the Silver! Though it does make you 8- 8honestly, what's so "olympic" about it. Its just like any other job of managing resources and HR fa 27 08- 081 watching table tennis cos i'm generally not a big sports fan. I guess its really one of the few sports 1 22 21 Fencing looked pretty fun too, with all the electronic tags and all and the staged lighting which is s 01:0 17:0 and poke the bugger! 9:29 9:29 <img src="" alt="" width="325" heig 200 200 that the SG iPhone 3G launch experience for me has lived up to my Apple expectations of being u 8- 8- launch - Singtel created a website to accept interest Launch - The tier 1 customers were invited to 27 08- 08- appointments at various outlets over the next few weeks - Just one day before my appointed time, 1 2 30 30 outlets to get one (I guess the crowds had dissipated and there wasn't a need to manage it so tightly 12:4 04:4 20 min which is pretty normal anyway, signed a couple of forms, paid up and got out. So now I've 5:16 5:16 That to me is great :) Can never imagine all those news reports of people queueing for days for the have to await the number portability approval from M1. 200 200 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 27 8- 81 src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 3 08- 08via email on my new toy in just a few clicks. Woot! <a href=" 31 30 02:5 18:5 9:17 9:17 200 200 8- 8- For those of you who know me, you'll know that i'm not really into jewellery and i've probably not 27 07- 07- gave me a silver crucifix and V a pendant with Christ having outstretched arms as gifts for our Ch 1 4 02 01 to keep them on us at all times. So since it'll be a waste to carry it around in my wallet, i've finally 00:1 16:1 Catholic :) 3:46 3:46 Have been reading up a bit more about that <a href="" target="_blank">Joomla< there is now a <a href="" target="_blank">PHP/My 200 200 some of your webserver apps on your Mac! (There is however a security warning that you shouldn 8- 8version because the security settings etc are not setup.) So that of course gave me great impetus to 27 06- 061 friendly, but because its a full CMS suite by nature, you need to understand the concepts of the hie 5 15 15 before you can get round to linking something up on a demo site. Its not so straight-forward as a W 11:0 03:0 <a href=" 3:31 3:31 href="" target="_blank">Jo tool is capable of and the whole range of extensions it has for the platform, but first I've got to figu <img style="vertical-align: top; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;" src="http://farm4.static. 200 200 width="500" height="333" /> Don't think many people can say this, but i got married again! And t 8- 8did the convalidation ceremony over the weekend. It was a rather non-event and so much so that th 27 06- 061 paperwork done and the helper in the church who was new, looked quite puzzled that people want 6 03 03 march in or something... So after the initial briefing, the Priest bundled us into the smaller area wh 23:5 15:5 follow. It was a short reading, a short homily and then the exchange of vows and rings and that's a 5:24 5:24 Church under <a href="" target="_blank">Canon law </a> <img class="alignleft" style="float: left; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;" src="http://www. coming-soon.jpg" alt="" width="308" height="400" />Couple of weeks back V made me fall off m 200 200 not?" I said,"What relative?" and she nonchalently said "Ironman lah, you metalman what..." So w 8- 8say its really entertaining. One of the best comics-to-movie type projects in my opinion. His suit is 27 05- 051 sized suit. I would have thought he needed to lug a container truck around of ammo and fuel just to 7 19 19 the movie making business rather than just selling out the rights to Hollywood, so i guess in a matt 12:1 04:1 to the big screen. Makes sense i guess, with comics, the whole concept, story and artwork is alread 3:25 3:25 direction and effects they desire. Much easier than starting something from scratch. Plus there's a w Anyhow, Ironman rocks, so go watch it if you haven't! Its been awhile since we went shopping but today has been crazy! V almost instantly fell in love w href="" target="_blank">this ring she was convinced that's the one, and I got a <a href=" 200 200 match. The reason we wanted to get new rings was because we bought fairly basic ones earlier on 8- 8getting nice ones at maybe the 5th anniversary, but since we gotta appear at the altar again, now is 27 05- 051 Nespresso machines in Taka. My cousin had this imported last year (we were quite impressed but 8 12 11 we saw it just now, we just had to get it :P <img src=" 01:1 17:1 This is the most user-friendly coffee machine we've seen. It uses capsules costing about a buck a p 7:50 7:50 the capsule, forces a jet of hot water through and ejects the cartridge (sounds like a gun!). So the o mechanism a couple of times i.e. pressing a button. No mess with filters or loose beans etc. Perfec doesn't have any functional place for it except in the study right at the back. O well...Looking forw 200 200 V went for her afternoon RCIA interview with the Priest today and she came out to tell me that the 8- 8our wedding outside the Church not only makes it non-recognisable by the Church but i'm kinda li 27 05- 051 go through a small rite of <a href="" targ 9 10 10 the altar to bring us back to the Church. Also interesting to know is that when that is done, they ac 22:5 14:5 Seems like they really need a good oracle database to keep everything centralised! So I guess we'r 5:55 5:55 200 200 Was having dinner with V when i saw a maid crushing cans and putting them into bags around a tr 8- 8lady, about 70, came up to her and gave her more cans to crush. Can you believe it? I recognised h 28 05- 051 bugging me once a few months back to finish my drink. Is our country so affluent that even the "p 0 07 07 a little weird and does this for fun, to pass time, or that she's so money-minded that she wants to m 22:3 14:3 in collecting cans for scrap.. Bizarre... 0:46 0:46 200 200 8- 8- Have been doing some research on content management systems and <a href="http://www.joomla 28 05- 05- are a whole bunch of templates you can plug and play with that look really cool. Have been out of 1 1 04 03 that could have cost up to 100k during the dot com days are now going for Free! Guess you really 00:4 16:4 software is going down... 0:19 0:19 200 200 8- 8- The second day of the retreat culminated with a Baptism by the Holy Spirit session which included 28 10- 10- heard, nearly everyone was touched in some way or other. Interestingly enough, I didn't get any gr 1 2 19 19 href="" target="_self">i got a personal message</a> whe 23:5 15:5 i pray for the strength to see through this task. I truly pray for the strength to be obedient to thy wi 8:55 8:55 200 200 My NET experience is getting exciting! The most wonderous thing happened today. We were in a 8- 8- presence of the Spirit. 2 members prayed over me and the tears just kept on flowing. If this is not 28 04- 04- come back to the Church, it has been a head-knowledge kinda journey where you just know its the 1 3 19 19 best thing that has happened to me and i have been hoping for this since i was a kid. To all Catholi 21:5 13:5 Spirit Seminars in your parish and go for it! Its life changing. Interestingly, the sermon at mass tod 2:44 2:44 the fact that it has been "revealed" to us mortals... Jesus walked the earth and revealed the mystery 200 200 8- 8- Over the past year or so, we've been told by my mum a couple of times that she might be taken bac 28 04- 04- nothing happens. Of course the emotions running through her are even more intense than what we 1 4 13 13 written more about those days. For now, it seems those testing days are over. She's now fully occu 21:0 13:0 does work in mysterious ways. 4:21 4:21 Got a phonecall today to say my uncle's in hospital. Turns out, he went to check his heart and they 200 200 main arteries was like 95% blocked. Apparently you have 3 main ones.. Anyhow, the amazing thin 8- 8guess getting your heart fixed these days is pretty routine stuff in our hospitals! He should be out o 28 04- 041 and exercise routines. Get well soon! In other medical related news, i read recently that they have 5 12 12 get a 3D walkthrough of your intestines without the intrusive scope. Hooray! I hope this gets wide 23:5 15:5 horrific scopes. Its not the scope that bugs you, its the night before purging and fasting process wh 6:52 6:52 Yuck...Nuff said... 28 200 200 <img src=" 1 6 8- 8- me!) Just saw <a title="Midnight Marvel" href=" 04- 04- Friday night at the home club. I must say its an entertaining set and i was pleasantly surprised to fi 13 13 cranking out the stuff for the Baybeats gig! Also cool were the nifty merchandise including guitar 19:1 11:1 All-in-all, a good showing. Rock on \m/ 4:26 4:26 <a title="Seoul Pics" href="" target="_" borde /></a>Here’s our travelogue of our Korean getaway which lasted 2 weeks. The trip started with a to have separate seats, but when we got to the gate, the lady mumbled something about transit, scr <strong>Day 1</strong> Landed in Korea in the morning and we roamed around Itaewon killing t was a quaint little place known for having many side dishes with the meal. We counted 22! The ev We took a river cruise to view the scenery and we ended up in Building 63 for a Japanese dinner a ended with more scenic views from the 63rd floor. <strong>Day 2</strong> Checked out the cathe district. Lunch was Soujebe, a sort of “hand-torn” rice noodle. We then made our way to take a cab city. Dinner was a pork-rib BBQ back in Myeongdong. <strong>Day 3</strong> Lotte World – Th building linked to another outdoor area with rides surrounding a lake. Went on the scariest ride of device doing a Viking swing. And its huge! Dinner was at the TGIFridays in the shopping part at t Shopping at Coex mall. Lunch was a cool fusion place called Omuto Tomato which creates many checking up on news and mails. <strong>Day 5</strong> Spa heaven at Icheon Termeden Spa &a Notable ones were the strawberry, lemon type soaks, which make you feel like fruit in a cocktail. E type musical. Simple storyline but really cool and funky moves. Dancers are really world class and wanna jump! <strong>Day 6</strong> We got off a train and had lunch at Kyochon chicken in som beats KFC flat man! Its a fried chicken and beer place and has branches all over. Yum! The afterno 200 200 scariest ride of my life yet again. This time its called – Top Spin. We thought it was similar to the 8- 8- when they rotate you forward “slowly” till you are upside down and then the whole giant mechani 28 04- 04- wild and you can feel all the blood slowly rush to your head before everything runs amok and you 1 7 13 13 with other rides, so we just walked around in awe of the giant devices before heading back to Coex 12:0 04:0 Kitchen. Not really fantastic and the prices are steep. <strong>Day 7</strong> Lunch was deliciou 7:43 7:43 orders of a set menu. Real good fresh crab. All nicely carved and cracked out and laid out in front and all the meat is out. No mess! Later we wandered around the Royal Palace in the city and check authentic tea houses. Dinner was at a cosy Korean place and I tried a new type of rice wine – Tong orange sauce was lunch for the day and we roamed around the Sinchon district which housed a fam Made our way to City Hall and had a famous Ginseng Chicken for dinner. Really nice and brothy. which was recently burned down by a disgruntled old man. Actually, there was nothing to see sinc work. So we had Haggan Daz ice cream to cool off. <strong>Day 9</strong> Mass at Myeongdon called O’sulloc before catching a domestic flight to Jeju island. The tea was just so-so but the déco arrived there, we found out we couldn’t rent a car because I didn’t have the international driving li Anyhow, it’s also a relief cos the roads were quite confusing and it’s left-hand drive. We hired a c dinner to catch the views we would otherwise miss. This was the famous “black pig” of Jeju, also quite yummy and it really goes well with soju. We had tix to this place called Loveland, so we pop recently. Just a bunch of sex inspired sculptures, with a whole gallery selling dicks sculpted out of and condoms and other sex paraphenellia. Nothing you can’t get online really :P The funny part w the exhibits while younger couples were shyly ogling the stuff. <strong>Day 10</strong> We start while. Lunch was more pork in a soup, V had some pig intestines stuffed with rice type of a dish, a Minsokchon – which means traditional village. Apparently parts of the famous “Jewel in the Palac way the Koreans lived in the 1800s. We sighted some cherry blossoms among the plant life and ga mocked-up church building on a cliff. And it was the main site of a popular drama, so there were s posters and other memorabellia. The storyline was a about some babe who was going to be a nun b commercialized crap and abit on the sacrilegious side for me, but overall the views around the area weaved in and out of the little towns before heading back to our district. The driver did warn us th dinner at a seafood place near our “Pension” before heading home. Korea is famous for a fish calle The holiday apartments here are called “Pensions” interestingly. Sounds like a place to retire after apartment with kitchen, floor heating and even a PC for you to do your surfing. Pretty nice. <stron side of the island. Another miracle happened when we were trying to walk our way to the sailing c it was pretty far. So, after seemingly getting nowhere near the centre after walking through parks a driver just chatting on his handphone. Normally you don’t hail cabs off the street, you call to make on time. The cruise was very nice with free-flow of wine, beer and they even have some fresh seaf when you’re on the deck, check out the “fat” versions of us with so many layers of coats and cloth heading to the next activity – a Submarine ride! They claim there’s only a couple of places in the w how small it was. The submarine also didn’t get to zoom around, so that was a downer. It basically your bubble windows so you can take nice photos, then it went down to 20m and 40m to have a lo nonetheless, it was an interesting experience. We ordered-in Jia jiang noodles for dinner which is t food in real bowls and you just leave them at the door when you’re done and they’ll collect it anot to outdoor locations like a certain tree on a uni campus etc so all you need is your mobile phone an cup noodle lunch before catching our flight back to Seoul. This time we checked into a nice busine to the nearest train station, and 15 min walks either way towards the Myeongdong and Insadong di yummy as always. <strong>Day 13</strong> We wanted to check out what the designer area – Ap cold noodles – NyengMien and dumplings – Mandu at a nearby eating house. The actual malls we laptop at a local electronic chain outlet. They even name the area Rodeo street, after the famous U labels were in two malls – Galleria. We walked around one level of one of them and decided we co was at a quiet pasta place – Stella Place. <strong>Day 14</strong> We started by walking down th The then-mayor, now president basically revitalized a stream that was running across the city with the hustle and bustle on the street level. We spent this day buying all the gifts and souvenirs and a in SG. Covered the usual areas of Myeongdong and Insadong and attended a Korean Good Friday sequence, as compared to reading it in SG. This made the mass exceptionally long :P Had a midnig tasted better! <strong>Day 15</strong> The last day of our adventure. We had a quick lunch at a e were headed back to the airport. For those of you who are thinking of exploring Korea, I hope the and Jeju. I must summise to say that it would have been difficult getting a lot of the logistics done key phrases or language guides before you make a similar trip. Especially for Jeju which seemed m great fun and I was lucky to have V plan the activities and get the best deals from the local portals Reference Links:</strong> <a title="Hotel Vision" href=" Seoul.html" target="_blank">Hotel Vision</a> <a title="Hotel Kukdo" href="http://book.bestwes target="_blank">Hotel Kukdo</a> <a title="63City" href=" title="Myeongdong Cathedral" href=" 3_1&amp;sight=sightseeing&amp;sightseeing_id=169" target="_blank">Myeongdong Cathedral< href="" target="_blank">NSeoul Tower</a> <a title="Lotte World</a> <a title="Coex" href="" target="_blank">Co href="" target="_blank">Spa Termeden Bboy &amp; Ballerina Seo 200 28 81 8 0303 200 8- That's goodbye in Korean! After surviving this hectic week in the office, we'll be off to K land for 03- blows off... 03 21:5 13:5 5:49 5:49 200 200 8- 8<img hspace="10" align="left" title="Frump and Boo" alt="Frump and Boo" src="http://farm3.sta 28 03- 031 got married on the 23rd of Feb. It was a beautiful morning Church ceremony and the dinner was su 9 23 22 just waiting for them to get back and tell us where they went... After 8.5 yrs of courtship, it would 01:3 17:3 7:30 7:30 200 200 8- 829 04- 04- Someone once told me my Sunday lunches with my Mum are like those described in this book. Ab 1 0 13 13 take a look at it. Speaking of which Til Tuesday's "Voices Carry" is still haunting til this day. 11:2 03:2 4:32 4:32 200 200 8- 8- The bike is sold! Its kinda sad for me cos when i was a kid i always loved to cycle and always wan 29 02- 02- know. And we could never afford it, til i finally get my own job and i got my dream bike, cos its g 1 1 02 01 i'm losing all my worldy interests one by one whether i'm ready to let go or not...Maybe its a step b 02:3 18:3 more band, no more bike, i wonder what is next... I've even stopped buying CDs on impulse! Well 2:55 2:55 200 200 Since i'm no longer going to be climbing any hills with this, I've decided to put my beloved bike u 8- 8- href=""><img width="346" height="25 29 01- 01- src="" /></a>Frame: Klein M 1 2 13 13 Rear Shock: Fox Float Stem: Stiffy Handlebar: Bontrager Comp II Brake Levers: Avid AD1-0L B 18:3 10:3 350 F/D: Shimano STX R/D: Deore XT Seatpost: Graphite Series Saddle: Selle Royal Xsenium W 6:22 6:22 (Bought at ~5K) Drop me a note if anyone is interested. The doc sent me for an MRI yesterday and its really quite an experience! I'm sure people who hav 200 200 mummy position and they slide you into the machine which is like 2 inches from your face, and w 8- 8you feel like you're in some alien movie where they suck you up into their mother ship and try to 29 01- 011 give you ear plugs... Imagine being stuck there motionless for 20 min. Anyhow, the scan confirms 3 11 10 annular tear posteriorly. It shows a small central disc protrusion indenting the thecal sac but not ca 00:4 16:4 jargon... In my own words, four letters - ouch! So i finally get a letter to downgrade myself in the a 4:44 4:44 doing anything too twisty forever... sigh. 200 200 8- 8The year begins, people start making resolutions and all which i don't really do. So i'll do this my w 29 01- 011 I hope and pray that: I don't lose my faith Family unit remains strong US economy doesn't tank Oi 4 05 05 not just for me but for all My back doesn't break Everybody around me has a little more fun in the 13:5 05:5 5:07 5:07 200 200 <img align="top" src=" 7- 7me. It wasn't supposed to go out to absolutely everyody i know.. but alas i thought that it was a 2-s 29 12- 121 the message and... voom it sent to all. So anyhow, it was kinda incomplete but i didn't want to spam 5 25 25 milestone year for me, lots of things have happened in my life, in and out of the office, church, ban 11:2 03:2 you have various changes happening too, new kids on the way, new houses, new career considerat 0:33 0:33 enjoy Christmas as it was meant to be amidst all the parties. The baby in the manger is really the b may your wishes for the next year come true! Cheers! Things have kinda fallen nicely into place for the usual year-end lull. I must say i truly appreciate you who are interested in my mum's story, well the past events about her time running out were te 200 200 He won't say when. I kept wondering why the tests are so challenging and it seems based on books 7- 7- similar strange testing scenarios. I guess the big learning point for me is that life is really going to 29 12- 12- at it. Met up with an old friend today and he was telling me about how he's become jaded after inv 1 6 14 13 humans are really the problem. The scene here seems to be quite dead and I'm just wondering how 00:4 16:4 energy to without getting burned out and jaded like him. We came up with an idea for next year an 4:15 4:15 assignment was mentioned about organising an event for an elderly club type thing. Everybody see interaction anyway, but the thing that strikes me is that if nobody in a class of supposed "evangelis arrowed to be in the committee. Just watch this space! 200 200 8- 8- Just got some xrays done on my back today cos of the pain i've been getting and his verdict is that 29 07- 07- pain/tc/degenerative-disc-disease-topic-overview" target="_blank">disc degeneration.</a> Yet an 1 7 06 06 stuff suppose to start happening when you hit your 40s or 50s. I guess i'm just too mature for my a 12:3 04:3 fitness zealots. And there goes the mountain biking and squash for good. Sigh. 4:08 4:08 The job brief goes out to your development department to build a house. After years of developme 200 200 finished" product. You just need to do verify that this is a house and we can hand it over. "Where i 7- 7- there no rooms in the house?" Then u spend 20 days convincing them that a roof is essential becau 29 11- 11- guy around mark out the area where the walls will be because apparently they can't read blueprints 1 8 17 17 lock should be accessible from the outside or the inside of the house. In between all these argumen 16:2 08:2 roof, put in the walls and the lock in the first place. Finally due to the lack of time, you let the first 3:19 3:19 2. And not only that, they need to draft the requirments they want for the roof, should it be brick, s of cyber-coolies! The job brief goes out to your development department to build a house. After years of developme 200 200 finished" product. You just need to do verify that this is a house and we can hand it over. "Where i 9- 9- there no rooms in the house?" Then u spend 20 days convincing them that a roof is essential becau 29 07- 07- guy around mark out the area where the walls will be because apparently they can't read blueprints 1 9 11 11 lock should be accessible from the outside or the inside of the house. In between all these argumen 22:2 14:2 roof, put in the walls and the lock in the first place. Finally due to the lack of time, you let the first 8:21 8:21 2. And not only that, they need to draft the requirments they want for the roof, should it be brick, s of cyber-coolies! 200 200 7- 730 11- 111 V starts her sessions today. Straight off the bat, i couldn't make the first session. So much for supp 0 13 13 23:0 15:0 5:42 5:42 <img src="" alt="" hspace="10 200 200 a geeky thing to do, but scrabble is one of my all-time favourite board games. I guess in the long r 30 8- 81 each player does 300 points and above. Using the computer to play does have its advantage becaus 1 04- 04kinda strange that there is an official two-letter dictionary with words such as TI, ZA, RE...etc acc 13 13 scoring letters on those beloved coloured squares using these babies. Anyway, c'mon make a move 19:1 11:1 6:31 6:31 200 200 7- 7- <img align="top" alt="Flock" title="Flock" src=" 30 10- 10- Its sort of a social web browser type thingy that has good linkups with your Facebook, Flickr, Blog 1 2 22 22 better <a href="">review of it here.</a> Or download the < 20:1 12:1 comes with the flavours for Mac PC and Linux. 1:08 1:08 <div align="left">Its still pretty simple going and the lessons are hovering around the "why" did y 200 200 I must say i expected heavier going stuff but i guess since its catered to all walks of life, you can't 7- 7align="left">I'm glad that on the people side its a motley bunch with enough young people in the m 30 10- 101 were in the "let's try it out and see how long it lasts" type mindset, so its not like a whole bunch of 3 05 04 me i guess. I do hope many will get a positive outcome and stay on though. Based on a population 00:1 16:1 30+ folks seems pretty paltry when u compare to the Christian denominations who have highly act 1:50 1:50 align="left">O well, that's it for now...</div> 200 200 The date finally arrived. My aunt came along to see what its all about. I guess it does sound quite s 7- 7- only one who signed my life away :) Anyway, here's my understanding of what this is all about: 30 09- 09- evangelisation to public speaking to comparative religions, the sacraments, marionlogy etc - It also 1 5 16 16 mission trip in the region - Its essentially to equip you with basic skills so that after you "graduate" 23:1 15:1 write up a letter and pass it on the your parish priest Seeing as the above doesn't really go well wit 7:47 7:47 for me to be obedient unto Him and actually pull this off. Its going to be a challenge indeed and sc 200 200 7- 7- My last confession was like 12- 15 years ago. With that in mind, i thought the penance will be like 30 09- 09- something to the effect that because it was Mary's birthday, i should just say one hail mary. He als 1 6 09 08 surprise... So i've finally done it... been putting it off for awhile but i got round to it and its like a w 02:3 18:3 keep the slate clean... 4:55 4:55 Have been to BKK and back for a company offsite. It was mostly free and easy except for a depart can say about it. Over the past 2 weeks we've been trying to attend a Divine Mercy session in chur a small room with about 15 people. I guess I wasn't really comfortable being in a small group. So s 200 200 another church to check it out. This time its St Mary of the Angels. I must say the architecture and 7- 7- should be. I guess critics may say it has loss its tradition or whatever but i always say religion and 30 09- 09- location looks like. <IMG SRC=" 1 7 02 02 session and also realised its in a small room, so i guess we're moving on to our next target next we 22:2 14:2 enough to settle down abit. V also managed to get season 3 of Lost from a colleague, so the last fe 2:09 2:09 questions were answered but i guess there are still many unanswered ones for season 4. The island ability to be rescued and thrown back to present day quashes that theory. Just wonder how they are and Jacob. Mum also went through another testing period. We talked on the phone for a long time Maybe its not such a good thing. 200 200 <IMG SRC="" align=left hsp 7- 7- to do but chill. An old fren suggested we cycle Ubin cos things have changed abit and its been qui 30 08- 08- have happened: -The jetty at changi is now quite modern and when u get back to shore still must s 1 8 11 10 modified themselves! I dun seem to recognise the trails anymore. -They are building a stunt-bike p 00:5 16:5 interesting. Well, here's some pics: <IMG SRC=" 3:33 3:33 SRC=""> <IMG SRC=""> We wer heading to Noordin beach so we didn't manage to check out the revamped Chek Jawa. O well, till 200 200 Yesterday was a rare occasion where i popped by the Novena in the afternoon and an interesting th 7- 7- there is this NET open house coming up in Sept. NET stands for New Evangelization Team and th 30 07- 07- already been around for like 20 years and they basically put you through a 20 month program to eq 1 9 29 29 i'm now checking out their <A HREF="">website</A> and 22:2 14:2 time where i feel i need to be involved somehow after witnessing what i have with my mum n all. 4:37 4:37 the outcome will be, i guess we shall see... Anybody wanna join me? Sure beats going alone.. 200 200 7- 731 07- 07- Tried taking stock of the amazing things that happened to me in recent years. There are really quit 1 0 22 22 HREF="">permanent link here</A>. Reminder to keep t 21:1 13:1 9:33 9:33 200 200 After 2 months of hell going for RT, i've knocked 1 min of the 2.4km timing. Still can't pass. I gue 7- 7really not accurate. The thing i found out at the last session which really pisses me off and is maki 31 07- 071 testing on our own before our birthday, and if we fail that one, we automatically re-enrol for the 2 1 15 15 this one and volunteer for the 1 month one next year. Damnit, by some miracle i've gotta get throu 22:2 14:2 because he couldn't clear his chinups. NS obligations really suck! 0:52 0:52 Finally finished the stupid 2 month RT regime and as i promised the man upstairs, i will go back to 200 200 home. Very convenient, and the decor actually impressed me as its got a good sense of design and 7- 7- again with the familiar mass order. Its also a good thing this time the priest spoke clearly so V can 31 07- 07- we've been to have very bad sound systems coupled with mumbling and its really hard to follow. N 1 2 15 15 of a message from Him via my mum. "Its for my own salvation" is what He said. I guess that's a p 22:0 14:0 through another testing period. She even cleared out her fridge and didn't plan anything for lunch t 8:50 8:50 too much, surprisingly, and we majorly overate. Calamari, prawns, potato leaf, tom yam soup, herb big step in the faith life would be to go to confession. Not sure when this will be though... Baby ste 200 200 7- 731 07- 071 You take care too. ~Feeling melodramatic. 3 12 12 22:0 14:0 8:44 8:44 <a href=""><img src="http://farm hspace="10" align="left" /></a> This thing drives like a dream... floats like a butterfly, stings like href="">click here!</a> Got the c 200 200 RT right after getting the rims swapped with some guy who wanted the stock ones! Imagine stinky 8- 8O well, at least the air-con vents in the seat helped. Took a day off to bring my mum out for a spin 31 07- 071 car was a "test" and i failed :( Interestingly, He did mention that credit from bank is like getting lo 4 26 26 So i'm going to just enjoy this while it lasts, but its always a visual reminder for me about not bein 20:1 12:1 the road, how many people actually have fully paid up cars. Note to self: Be debt-free in X years! 0:37 0:37 acceleration 2.Super quiet 3.Great sound system (2&amp;3 combined gives a superb audio setup, n good.) 4.Sound positioning options for driver, front, rear or all 5.Keyless entry - Changes your life Just damn cool can! 7.Dual air-con zones 8.Air-con in the seat - For those days u jump into the car european-feel thing but i have to use more energy on the wheel and pedals - good thing i'm gaining enough !!s in one post for now... 200 200 7- 7- Mum told us a story today. She was in the car going by the lavender road area when she suddenly 31 06- 06- was seeing things cos there couldn't be reflections of building etc as the place was pretty devoid of 1 5 24 24 looked up again. They were still there. She asked Him in prayer, "am i seeing things, are they real? 19:5 11:5 to Singapore casket just being round the corner. I guess God really does have a sense of humour. 6:09 6:09 200 200 7- 7- V is coming back in an hour after visiting her sick grandma back in Korea. She's already been back 31 06- 06- thing about this story is when my mum heard about her grandma, she started to pray for her. She h 1 6 19 19 grandma will be taken, but it turns out she got better, apparently this was a case of transference wh 22:5 14:5 person went "home". A story like this is hard to belive but i leave it up to you. I'm glad it ends wel 4:04 4:04 200 200 7- 731 06- 061 The nightmare continues... 7 12 12 22:0 14:0 1:07 1:07 200 200 7- 731 06- 061 Trial run today took 15 min for 2.4km! And i didn't stop...There is no hope for Tuesday... 8 10 10 18:3 10:3 8:50 8:50 After years of evading "Remedial Training" by doing the IPPTs in-camp and "just" passing, i've fi 200 200 because i was on a 6mnth MC no less, and after being fined $100! So anyway, the last few weeks 7- 7tuesdays. It basically consists of 2 groups of people - those who like me, have a chance of passing 31 06- 061 and whatever, and those that do not give a damn and will walk the whole way of a 3km running se 9 09 09 on Tues, and i'm going to try my darnest to pass it and get out of this freaking program, its a blood 15:3 07:3 do explain exercise tips and how you can improve your fitness etc but sweating is just not for me, 9:02 9:02 this crap like i need a hole in my head! Wish me luck! 200 200 9- 9<a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 32 07- 071 style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; 0 12 12 first smile :)</a> <br /> Originally uploaded by <a href=""> 11:3 03:3 9:12 9:12 200 200 9- 9Usually on the weekends, there'll be some time when V needs to get out of the house for an appoin 32 07- 071 with Je-in. This weekend, i noticed he has stopped crying indiscriminately and is able to play on h 1 18 18 always in full swing. Guess he'll be a very active up and about guy in the future. He's also started t 14:2 06:2 5:46 5:46 200 200 9- 9Usually on the weekends, there'll be some time when V needs to get out of the house for an appoin 32 07- 071 with Je-in. This weekend, i noticed he has stopped crying indiscriminately and is able to play on h 2 18 18 always in full swing. Guess he'll be a very active up and about guy in the future. He's also started t 14:2 06:2 5:15 5:15 200 200 9- 9Usually on the weekends, there'll be some time when V needs to get out of the house for an appoin 32 07- 071 with Je-in. This weekend, i noticed he has stopped crying indiscriminately and is able to play on h 3 18 18 always in full swing. Guess he'll be a very active up and about guy in the future. He's also started t 14:2 06:2 5:46 5:46 1. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 8. Yishun - 20 Jul 9. <a href="http://www 201 201 Park</a> - 24 Jul 10. <a href="" 1- 1href="" target="_blank">Zoo</a> 32 08- 081 href="" target="_blank">Mandai Loo 4 20 20 href="" target="_blank">East Coast 15:5 07:5 href="" target="_blank">Yishu 7:36 7:36 East Coast Park - 29 Dec 18. Zoo - 21 Feb 2010 20. Yishun Loop - Nov 21. Northern PCN - 14 De Coast Park - 29 Dec 25. Northern PCN-half - 2 Jan 2011 26. Zoo-half - 4 Feb 2011 27. Lower Sele 200 200 8- 832 11- 11- 1. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn 1 5 04 04 Nov 22:0 14:0 6:07 6:07 200 200 9- 932 07- 07- 1. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn 1 6 20 20 Nov 6. <a href="" target="_blank"> 22:4 14:4 0:44 0:44 200 200 Was chatting with my fren online and he recommended this iPhone mapping software - <a title="R 9- 9- target="_blank">RunKeeper</a> which allows you to track your running/cycling trips. Best of all 32 07- 07- Fwah, the iPhone is indeed changing the world one app at a time! Very cool indeed. Installation w 1 7 20 20 address and password and you're up. Amazingly the app is Free! There's a paid version with some 22:5 14:5 getting the distance, speed, location and timing mapped out digitally. Made my maiden run with th 0:23 0:23 href="" target="_blank">Sample ro 200 200 Was chatting with my fren online and he recommended this iPhone mapping software - <a title="R 9- 9- target="_blank">RunKeeper</a> which allows you to track your running/cycling trips. Best of all 32 07- 07- Fwah, the iPhone is indeed changing the world one app at a time! Very cool indeed. Installation w 1 8 20 20 address and password and you're up. Amazingly the app is Free! There's a paid version with some 22:4 14:4 getting the distance, speed, location and timing mapped out digitally. Made my <a href="http://ww 8:30 8:30 target="_blank">maiden run</a> today. Good stuff. 200 200 9- 91. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn 38 07- 071 Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 8. <a href=" 6 24 24 Jul 9. <a href="">East Coast Park</ 22:5 14:5 3:34 3:34 200 200 Was chatting with my fren online and he recommended this iPhone mapping software - <a title="R 9- 9- target="_blank">RunKeeper</a> which allows you to track your running/cycling trips. Best of all 32 07- 07- Fwah, the iPhone is indeed changing the world one app at a time! Very cool indeed. Installation w 1 9 24 24 address and password and you're up. Amazingly the app is Free! There's a paid version with some 23:0 15:0 getting the distance, speed, location and timing mapped out digitally. Made my <a href="http://ww 0:06 0:06 target="_blank">maiden run</a> with the app today on the Scott P4. Good stuff... 200 200 7- 733 06- 061 Tick tock tick tock 0 07 07 21:3 13:3 1:16 1:16 <img id="image154" src=" hspace=10>You know, after all that i've been experiencing lately with my mum and stuff, the last 200 200 major negative equity on the current Altezza, i never expected to find a way to change rides, in fac 7- 7- considering anything. But i went to service my car over the weekend and i decided to just try my lu 33 06- 06- to changing cars for good. Reason 1: The dealer was giving me a too good to be true deal on the ex 1 1 07 07 profit margin so although i wanted the next car to be more modest, it was financially impossible. N 21:2 13:2 way more finance deals than a couple years back, you can most certainly drive away with one with 7:53 7:53 We're still evaluating the options but i hope not to go down that route ever. A little pain upfront is benefit we have which would make the monthly $$ the same as what we pay now. Reason 4: Its an the story of why we're jumping from one car to the other. I really do have mixed feelings about thi <a href=""><img id="image152" src=" alt="RIMG1891.jpg" /></a> We finally got back into Singapore at about midnight. Its been a real of the great scenery and how my family works together as a unit. We travelled close to 1400 kms b Mount Cook. The only regret i have is lugging the laptop half way around the world and not being style="text-decoration: underline;">Day 1</span> Landed in Christchurch, picked up the car in th href="">Heritage Christchurch </a>. We stayed fo 200 200 Government building - really nice cosy place and if you get a good deal over the net, is really wort 8- 8- too much in the city as its mainly restaurants and souvenir shops. Dinner was at a stone grill place 33 04- 04- Room</a>. The food was great and we were pleasantly surprised when the bill was only $113 for 1 2 13 13 underline;"> Day 2</span> Drove 5 hours straight from Christchurch to <a href="http://www.cityo 12:0 04:0 many international students staying there so the makeup is quite cosmopolitan though i hear the w 8:41 8:41 out partying and half drunk. Met up with Anwar here as he is on a business trip and he brought us the night in NZ's only castle - <a href="">Larnach Castle</a>. The other guests staying the night. This was quite a social challenge, as you can tell, my family doesn't conversation going with all the small talk :) There was an interesting Irish guest who was on a 3-m through russia, australia, new zealand and the US etc Must be the time of his life! <span style="tex beach and the supermarket to stock up on food before we drove 4 hours to <a href=" near Queenstown. The lodge was beautiful! This place was valued at 3-4 million bucks and it cost of a valley and a river below us. The place was fully-equipped - automatic heaters, Sky TV, dishw double showers! <span style="text-decoration: underline;"> Day 4</span> We awoke to find the h the electrical system :) The owner had to call in an electrician but we went out to explore Queensto href="">Skyline gondola</a> .This had lovely views of the whole area a a AJ Hackett bungy near the top. I also did the luge ride which seemed more interesting than the o href="">Gibbston Valley</a> for a wine tour as well as some cheese ta barrels of wines in the caves. The wine was good so we just had to bring back 5 bottles even thoug we had pasta with lovely mussels and mushrooms. Pity we couldn't make use of the outdoor jacuzz decoration: underline;"> Day 5</span> We drove another 3 hours to Lake Tekapo for our next des href="">The Residence</a>. Very modern stand-alone apartments in a co do around here except to visit a small church building by the water's edge and some dog statue wh settlers. The strange thing about this location was that it was a second choice to Mount Cook itself mountain ranges. We didn't know this at the time of planning but Val picked up the brochure in Qu see the mountains. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"> Day 6</span> We called the <a hre weather was just nice for flying. It costs $260 per head which wasn't too exorbitant considering yo been the best experience of the whole trip. The plane was a small 13-seater Nomad and it was fairl the mountains. You can see why Mount Cook is called "Cloud Piercer" and glaciers aren't that big the air before we headed back to Christchurch. We checked into <a href="http://www.questchristc another double-storey setup right in the middle of the city. The rest of the afternoon was spent sho href="">Coyo Checked out of the apartment and spent an hour at the <a href="http://www.christchurchartgallery market so that was our last stop before we returned the car and flew out. Overall its been a brillian granted. It also gave me more insight into how He is there with us in our travels. The weather ama down to 5 degrees the week before we were there but when we got over, the temperatures were jus past week. There was not a drop of rain all the way we were driving. Which really helped cos it wo It only rained twice, over night, while we were staying at the lodge which was fine cos we were in amazingly smooth and i didn't feel fatigue even though i have been driving 3-5 hour stretches. Eve amazing. The other incident which opened my eyes was the one about flying. We originally never were just heading to that town with the airfield the next day. I then found out from my mum that sh into place. That's about it. Photos of this trip can be <a href=" 200 200 7- 733 05- 05- In a couple of hours, we'll be flying off to our NZ getaway. Since it's going to be a pretty relaxing 1 3 06 06 see some nice pics posted along our way. Hope it doesn't rain too much.. 13:4 05:4 6:10 6:10 Over the last few weeks, an idea just popped into our heads. Since my mum's got a reprieve, we ca doing something in june or july but because there was going to be work clashes on V's end and my 200 200 $100 fine for not doing IPPT last year (With a valid 6 mnth MC mind you, something is really wro 7- 7- week of may 7, so that's when we'll do it. The location will be the "everyone-says-its-beautiful" Ne 33 04- 04- drive off for a week. Thanks to Anwar, we managed to get plane tix for the dates we wanted! Mos 1 4 21 20 dun get scammed by anybody :) Transport will be a <A 00:3 16:3 HREF=" 1:41 1:41 _ELEMENT_INDEX=6&RATE=100.44+NZD&DAYS=1+Day&JS_FORM_NAME=CAR_AVA ta Prado from Avis</A> and the highlight will be a 2 night stay <A HREF="http://www.thecanyon and I can't wait to get out of here... We're kinda settled in already. Finally got broadband so i can upload more pics. Everything that w not to have anything on the "to-do" list anymore! Most of our things are out of the boxes but its sti following pics are just from "safe" angles :) Our cool view: <img id="image127" src="http://www alt="RIMG1512.jpg" / width=500> AV stuff: <img id="image134" src=" width=500> Foyer/ Bike storage: <img id="image146" src=" width=300> Volume table & Daydream chair: <img id="image137" src=" / width=500> Custom shelves: <img id="image138" src=" Walk-in-wardrobe entrance: <img id="image140" src=" 200 200 Walk-in-wardrobe: <img id="image141" src=" 7- 7- wardrobe/ ikea drawers: <img id="image145" src=" 33 04- 04- in-wardrobe top shelves: <img id="image135" src=" 1 5 14 14 Kitchen: <img id="image147" src=" 15:3 07:3 rear: <img id="image129" src=" 8:12 8:12 id="image144" src="" alt= src="" alt=" src="" alt=" src="" alt=" src="" alt=" src="" alt=" src="" alt="RIMG15161. src="" alt=" src="" alt=" After a whole week of watching contractors come in and out of the place, i'm glad to say its almos hours and we're almost done - though the carpenter is still suppose to rectify the tightly-fitting kitc Here's the newly painted study: <img id="image126" src=" 200 200 width=400> I thought i could get away with a week of leisurely unpacking and physically sorting 7- 7learn experience from how to change the light bulbs (believe me its not as straight-forward as you 33 04- 041 Some minor reno dramas that presented themselves were: - Hot shower tap started to leak because 6 14 14 running a few weeks back. Luckily this was fixed within hours so we just lost a few cupfuls of wa 16:4 08:4 on the wooden door are too thick for the tracks. - Vanity area glass top cracked while plumber was 3:56 3:56 - Dented fridge door was duely replaced for a $100. Whew... - Curtain which we thought we mis-c us once more. :) Free internet at Coffee Bean doesn't really get up to speed with loading pics, so i'l actually know me and are curious about what the place looks like, just wait for those house-warmi 200 200 7- 733 04- 041 <img id="image123" src=" 7 08 07 00:1 16:1 6:12 6:12 In a couple of hours we'll be hauling ourselves over to the new place to clean it up as best as we ca 200 200 crazy last day and there are still some outstanding reno items: - Kitchen top is in today but the plum 7- 7dishwasher yet. - Grill on main door arrived today but they realised its the wrong way round cos th 33 04- 031 inform them that we switched sides on the hinge. So off they went grumbling... - Glass shower scr 8 01 31 Frustrations which everybody seems to have when they go through reno, but we've been quite luck 00:1 16:1 ID never gave specifics on distance between tap and drainage etc so we got sinks which were too l 5:43 5:43 so the glass cutters can cut the required holes on the counter top for it while they were still here. K cutter/kitchen top folks were arrowed to help move our fridge into position and they dented the ma hope the manufacturer can replace a door... - Study was supposed to be painted white, but in show white and grey but they appeared all grey. Essentially the changes that we made along the way we We thought we ordered a curtain to divide the room but it showed up at the wardrobe door instead can't install anything for two weeks, unless i do the wifi thing at coffee shops... Darn, no wifi on th they'll let me plug in my mac to their network. Don't trust public terminals with all those keylogge week so if anybody wants to chill by the village and see the place etc just give me a buzz, i'm just into boxes isn't fun. Let's hope taking them out of it would be. 200 200 7- 7- Went down to survey the progress after work today. Am quite amazed at the progress. Just today, t 33 03- 03- built-in dishwasher, kitchen and bathroom sinks. The audio-visual cabinet was also installed along 1 9 26 26 floor is finally cleared of bulky objects so you can see the whole open layout. Not bad... No pics to 22:1 14:1 although there is no electricity yet so nothing can be tested. Keep it up! 9:27 9:27 The workers are going to be working hard this week! As you can tell from the pics below that its n 200 200 the clock is ticking... We kinda have faith that they can deliver so let's hope there are no major roa 7- 7- up. <img id="image117" src=" 34 03- 03- src="" alt=" 1 0 25 25 src="" alt=" 22:3 14:3 Lights Kitchen cabinets Sinks Aircon Wardrobe hangars and shelves Blinds + curtain Main door f 0:34 0:34 far... Even in the hottest of afternoon sun, its not as warm as the current place. Water pressure is al long. Its the simple things like these that make a home feel complete. <img id="image116" src="" al Prettyman gig at the <A HREF=" 200 200 describe it! Its the loudest acoustic guitar, bass and drum set i've seen and sonically its really balan 7- 7start filling it with string ensembles ala MTV unplugged. But Tristan's fingerstyle with the guitar m 34 03- 031 strum mute strum type guitarist. She's also really got a great voice and the thing about good singer 1 18 18 good. Just that the instruments are lively. Lots of in-between banter and funny anecdotes about how 18:3 10:3 She also did a ditty about Lindsay Lohan and rehab. Quite hilarious! Opening act was Jack and Ra 7:20 7:20 pleasantly surprised that they are coming up with an album in a month or so and they did a set of o coming soon. The Observatory and Concave Scream are playing at the Esplanade in the comng tw 200 200 7- 7Here's the previously mentioned shower area mod which wasn't quite clear. Plan view. <img id="i 34 03- 031 content/uploads/2007/03/shower1.gif" alt="shower1.gif" /> Work has resumed after the long CNY 2 07 07 in about 2 weeks if nothing is delayed... 22:3 14:3 8:25 8:25 200 200 9- 9Here's the previously mentioned shower area mod which wasn't quite clear. Plan view. <img id="i 34 07- 071 content/uploads/2007/03/shower1.gif" alt="shower1.gif" /> Work has resumed after the long CNY 3 20 20 in about 2 weeks if nothing is delayed... 22:5 14:5 7:27 7:27 34 200 200 The date which could not be named has come and gone. It was an emotional rollercoaster. The wh 1 4 7- 7- But through reasons only He will truly know, it didn't end. Maybe it was just a test of faith, maybe 03- 03- well for now. The event still looms, but the next time round there won't be any warning. I guess al 06 06 she was just thinking how we'd cope with increased living expenses. Today it seems an offer was m 23:2 15:2 5:18 5:18 if you found out your loved one had X amount of time left on earth? Its really an emotional and ye sense of impending lost that will never be replaced, and yet sobering because we are only mortal a what can you do to maximise the time left... I guess ultimately when u get over the initial crazy ide thing. Spending qualty time with the person. I wanted to take a week off and just take my family o be able to talk and recap the times we had together. But that was not to be... With the new place an 200 200 boss at work, i just didn't feel responsible enough by taking a week off. Same with V, she was fini 7- 7- importantly, my mum asked God if she should be traveling anywhere and the answer was no. I gue 34 02- 02- work. The convenience and safety of home was much more suitable. So i did the next best thing i c 1 5 22 21 conversations with her in my whole life. i picked her up at 10 in the morning and dropped her off a 00:5 16:5 jammed for an hour due to the crowds thronging the island on the 3rd day of cny. Had a long lunch 5:38 5:38 Walked about some more, had a drink at a hotel lobby lounge and finally had a long dinner at a nic notes about where she lived when she was younger, her first job, how she met my dad etc But mai while speaking with Him and the work she has been doing. Its truly an amazing spiritual journey s privilege. The message i received from all this is simple. It has been said many times before. I can the story. Surprisingly, the day ended without a single tear. There were moments of sadness and si for this opportunity to be able to share my innermost thoughts with my mum and to hear her life st <img id="image101" src=" this year. We kicked it off with the reunion dinner at Jumbo seafood in Serangoon Gardens. The v booked out a few months back! It was noisy and we couldn't really hear each other. The food was out: <img id="image102" src=" 200 200 src="" alt=" 7- 7id="image105" src="" alt= 34 02- 021 src="" alt=" 6 20 19 src="" alt=" 01:1 17:1 src="" alt=" 4:37 4:37 limited to the game of "in-between" which we played at my cousin's house. Here's what the pool lo src="" alt=" such: Dealer goes round the table opening up 2 cards per player, you bet whether the 3rd card is "i and if the 3rd card is similar to the 2 open ones, you pay double your bet. 200 200 7- 734 02- 021 Wild prawns BBQ chicken wings Potato, carrot, onion soup 7 19 19 20:4 12:4 7:33 7:33 After 4 weeks of work, this is what the place looks like: <img id="image94" src="http://www.gr3g 200 200 alt="RIMG0767.JPG" / width=500> The tiles have been laid and the first coat of paint is up on the 7- 7content/uploads/2007/02/RIMG0769.JPG" alt="RIMG0769.JPG" / width=500> You can finally se 34 02- 021 shower stall to include a little passageway in. <img id="image96" src=" 8 11 11 width=500> The view from the side of the kitchen entrance. You can see our walk-in-wardrobe. < 18:0 10:0 content/uploads/2007/02/RIMG0789.JPG" alt="RIMG0789.JPG" / width=500> A clearer view of 6:23 6:23 so now the whole house is just one level ground. Kudos to the team for the initiative! They didn't a a week to inspect the work and its been quite smooth so far. Mayne when we get down to the final Thanks to the man upstairs! 200 200 7- 7- V's friend has been staying with us the past 2 weeks. She flew in from Korea cos she was sick of th 34 02- 02- but its to do with a single gal hitting a certain age and their male dominated culture just doesn't wo 1 9 07 07 was here and today it seems that interview worked out and they made her an offer. So all that's left 22:3 14:3 must really be looking up in the job market. That's a 100% hit rate :) 3:50 3:50 200 200 7- 7Haven't been updating these stuff much cos there really isn't anything to shout about. We popped b 35 02- 021 laid out. The "L" shaped shower area is structually there and the toilets are tiled on the wall too. N 0 04 04 Tues when i go there to catch the aircon piping in action during the day, i'll try to snap a few shots 18:4 10:4 0:35 0:35 200 200 7- 7- Bua Keluah Ayam Some fried fish in belachan Winter melon soup Fried toufu Beansprouts and sa 35 02- 02- pray over us individually today. Seems it was something she needed to do. I've never had anyone p 1 1 19 19 this way. In her whole life you would have never imagined her doing something like this. Even tho 20:4 12:4 devotion. We never had family prayers or anything. You can really see the Lord working in his my 7:45 7:45 200 200 7- 7Its nice to meet up with old friends again. Especially when stories you tell strike a chord and sudde 35 02- 021 maybe someday sooner than later i will go back to my roots. Of course the lamb and tiramisu didn 2 02 01 for that arm! Keep the faith. 00:4 16:4 7:38 7:38 200 200 7- 735 02- 021 Roast Beef Mashed Potatoes Mango Salad Winter Melon Soup Qn: Are there any good restaurants 3 19 19 20:4 12:4 8:05 8:05 200 200 7- 7Chicken Bryani Lentil Dahl She speaks about her week as usual. This time she's passing messages 35 02- 021 prayer. The word needs to be spread. Visions of the afterlife. Family members are there, there's als 4 19 19 for your return". Be not afraid. 20:4 12:4 8:19 8:19 200 200 <img id="image60" src="" a 7- 7- the current proposal is basically a shower curtain dividing the stall into two with one half encompa 35 01- 01- screen every time u wanna take a shower or brush your teeth etc. So we brainstormed and our ID, 1 5 20 20 new hole in the wall where the fridge now stands so that there is a little passageway once you shift 22:5 14:5 create a proper shower screen for the wet area. So it becomes a "L" shaped shower stall like this (p 9:30 9:30 content/uploads/2007/01/shower.jpg" alt="shower.jpg" / width=300> Great idea! Now let's hope th 200 200 7- 7<img src="" alt="Smashe 35 01- 011 and this is the result of all that whacking! I'm just so glad i'm nowhere near enough to hear the sou 6 17 17 Well, the place does look much bigger now. 22:2 14:2 3:20 3:20 200 200 7- 735 02- 021 Hokkien mee 7 19 19 20:4 12:4 8:34 8:34 We're kinda settled in already. Finally got broadband so i can upload more pics. Everything that w not to have anything on the "to-do" list anymore! Most of our things are out of the boxes but its sti following pics are just from "safe" angles :) Our cool view: <img id="image127" src="http://www alt="RIMG1512.jpg" width="500" /> AV stuff: <img id="image134" src=" alt="RIMG1526.jpg" width="500" /> Foyer/ Bike storage: <img id="image146" src="http://www. alt="RIMG1528.jpg" width="300" /> Volume table &amp; Daydream chair: <img id="image137" content/uploads/2007/04/RIMG1533.jpg" alt="RIMG1533.jpg" width="500" /> Custom shelves: < content/uploads/2007/04/RIMG1534.jpg" alt="RIMG1534.jpg" width="500" /> Walk-in-wardrobe content/uploads/2007/04/RIMG1506.jpg" alt="RIMG1506.jpg" width="500" /> Walk-in-wardrobe 200 200 content/uploads/2007/04/RIMG1507.jpg" alt="RIMG1507.jpg" width="500" /> Walk-in-wardrobe 9- 9src="" alt=" 35 07- 071 src="" alt=" 8 20 20 src="" alt=" 22:5 14:5 src="" alt=" 5:00 5:00 src="" alt=" src="" alt=" src="" alt=" src="" alt=" src="" alt=" src="" alt=" src="" alt="RIMG15161. src="" alt=" src="" alt=" After a whole week of watching contractors come in and out of the place, i'm glad to say its almos hours and we're almost done - though the carpenter is still suppose to rectify the tightly-fitting kitc Here's the newly painted study: <img id="image126" src=" 200 200 /> I thought i could get away with a week of leisurely unpacking and physically sorting out my life 9- 9experience from how to change the light bulbs (believe me its not as straight-forward as you imagi 35 07- 071 minor reno dramas that presented themselves were: - Hot shower tap started to leak because plumb 9 20 20 a few weeks back. Luckily this was fixed within hours so we just lost a few cupfuls of water. - Cab 22:5 14:5 wooden door are too thick for the tracks. - Vanity area glass top cracked while plumber was trying 5:11 5:11 Dented fridge door was duely replaced for a $100. Whew... - Curtain which we thought we mis-co once more. :) Free internet at Coffee Bean doesn't really get up to speed with loading pics, so i'll ju know me and are curious about what the place looks like, just wait for those house-warming invite 200 200 9- 936 07- 071 <img id="image123" src=" 0 20 20 22:5 14:5 5:19 5:19 In a couple of hours we'll be hauling ourselves over to the new place to clean it up as best as we ca crazy last day and there are still some outstanding reno items: - Kitchen top is in today but the plum dishwasher yet. - Grill on main door arrived today but they realised its the wrong way round cos th inform them that we switched sides on the hinge. So off they went grumbling... - Glass shower scr Frustrations which everybody seems to have when they go through reno, but we've been quite luck 200 200 ID never gave specifics on distance between tap and drainage etc so we got sinks which were too l 9- 9so the glass cutters can cut the required holes on the counter top for it while they were still here. K 36 07- 071 cutter/kitchen top folks were arrowed to help move our fridge into position and they dented the ma 1 20 20 hope the manufacturer can replace a door... - Study was supposed to be painted white, but in show 22:5 14:5 white and grey but they appeared all grey. Essentially the changes that we made along the way we 6:34 6:34 We thought we ordered a curtain to divide the room but it showed up at the wardrobe door instead can't install anything for two weeks, unless i do the wifi thing at coffee shops... Darn, no wifi on th they'll let me plug in my mac to their network. Don't trust public terminals with all those keylogge week so if anybody wants to chill by the village and see the place etc just give me a buzz, i'm just into boxes isn't fun. Let's hope taking them out of it would be. 200 200 9- 9- Went down to survey the progress after work today. Am quite amazed at the progress. Just today, 36 07- 07- built-in dishwasher, kitchen and bathroom sinks. The audio-visual cabinet was also installed along 1 2 20 20 floor is finally cleared of bulky objects so you can see the whole open layout. Not bad... No pics to 22:5 14:5 although there is no electricity yet so nothing can be tested. Keep it up! 6:46 6:46 The workers are going to be working hard this week! As you can tell from the pics below that its n 200 200 the clock is ticking... We kinda have faith that they can deliver so let's hope there are no major roa 9- 9- up. <img id="image117" src=" 36 07- 07- src="" alt=" 1 3 20 20 src="" alt=" 22:5 14:5 Lights Kitchen cabinets Sinks Aircon Wardrobe hangars and shelves Blinds + curtain Main door f 6:56 6:56 far... Even in the hottest of afternoon sun, its not as warm as the current place. Water pressure is al long. Its the simple things like these that make a home feel complete. 200 200 We met up with the ID again today and ran through all the specs of the components and carpentary 7- 7material for the kitchen top. We were concerned about solid surface tops and their getting scratche 36 01- 011 homogenous glass! Its amazing how many material options are out there in the market. Apparently 4 13 13 they don't lose their shine. And of course they look great. The white coloured sample we saw was 22:5 14:5 so i guess we gotta extend our wait. Anyways our fridge and dining set won't be delivered til Marc 1:44 1:44 200 200 36 7- 7- <A HREF="">1966 - John Lennon says The Beatles are "mo 1 5 02- 02- states.</A> 19 19 20:4 12:4 8:51 8:51 200 200 7- 736 01- 011 Work starts next monday. Yipee! 6 09 09 22:3 14:3 4:38 4:38 Did more shopping for the new house. Total damage about $4k plus this time. Here's some more n 200 200 SRC=""> This is an Arist 7- 7- induction ones, they heat up faster but u require special magnetic based pots n pans. We decided o 36 01- 01- can see its bright red colour when its hot. With the induction ones, there is usually just a digital sym 1 7 07 07 hands! <IMG SRC =""> Aristo 22:1 14:1 understand and operate... 'Nuff said. <IMG SRC =" 7:50 7:50 idea of having a dishwasher ever since we used one in one of the lodges we stayed in during our h Lovely if you're lazy! 200 200 7- 736 01- 011 <img src="" width=500 > 8 06 06 23:3 15:3 7:01 7:01 200 200 7- 7On the work front, the tidal wave is moving and political lines are being redrawn. Let's hope i live 36 01- 011 impending tsunami. Damn it, i really enjoyed the current structure. My ex-boss once drilled into u 9 05 05 generation now. Cest la vie. 22:5 14:5 0:23 0:23 200 200 7- 7The paperwork for the actual sale is finally complete. We now have the keys and we own the place 37 01- 011 throughout the whole process. Anybody need to buy/sell/rent house etc I'd gladly recommend them 0 04 04 approval to go and the hacking begins... 22:0 14:0 1:47 1:47 200 200 I'd say they were miracles in themselves cos i dun believe in luck: 1. Val - We met online, we got 7- 7- HREF="">Driving a dreamcar</A> on our honeymo 37 01- 01- ran the shop was pure justice 3. Climbing a rung on the corporate ladder - I've always joked that i'v 1 1 01 01 should be no.1 but i'm going by chronological order - Rediscovering God and my mum's connectio 23:2 15:2 done/ discovered in His time, well, i do think the number of senior pastors/ religious folks at the w 0:23 0:23 if you're reading this, I wish you a blessed and great year ahead! Cheers! 200 200 37 7- 71 Pasta in Pesto Roast chicken with orange sauce Famous stuffing 2 02- 0219 19 20:4 12:4 9:50 9:50 200 200 We stumbled upon the <A HREF="">Air</A> Year-End sale and fell i 7- 7- src="" alt="Volume Dining Ta 37 01- 01- Matches well with the glass coffee table we currently have in the house. <img id="image67" src=" 1 3 01 01 alt="Daydream Dining Chair" / width=500> See-through plastic chairs to complete the transparent 12:1 04:1 we were mocking up colour schemes in Photoshop and realised that any coloured table, even white 5:04 5:04 going with the transparent approach. We met our designer today and started our shopping spree for the house fixtures. Total damage tod dining/study/cove/toilets etc - Sinks/Showers/Mixers/Heater for the toilets Also, popped by the Ro splurged on a pillow, quilt and new sheets. We were hoping that the big discounts would apply to 200 200 we settled for a micro-gel quilt which sorta feels like the feather type but at 1/3 the price! Cool cat 6- 6- SRC=""> Since our ceiling is too 37 12- 12- is a good alternative. Its essentially a regular hand-shower but with a wide spray to simulate the w 1 4 30 30 turning any knobs etc, just push and it slides along smoothly. Somehow it just looks much better th 22:1 14:1 Lumiere and Lookz (both also along Balestier) have been very friendly and helpful. Its definitely b 4:10 4:10 glitch was Lookz was really crowded so we had to wait a fair bit for someone to serve. So if you a customers around. We also stopped by a row of tile shops along Balestier. We ended up here cos w enough the first time round. So we changed our minds on the selected tiles and went with a new on textures there are) 200 200 This is what we're doing for the walk-in wardrobe. (Details erased so that nobody can say we spoil 6- 6content/uploads/2006/12/wardrobe.jpg" alt="Wardrobe" /> Essentially, if you're trying to cut cost 37 12- 121 the frame and hanging rods as shown, and just buy some cheaper chest of drawers for the lower po 5 24 24 be about 4m of custom costs, we're only paying about $1500 for the structure and probaly another 22:4 14:4 second half shows the plan view from the side. 7:33 7:33 200 200 We met up with the designer yesterday morning and spent about 2 hours discussing some finishing 6- 6- going to be smooth and greyish homogenous tiles for the living and kitchen and a rougher version 37 12- 12- next meeting she'll give us some 3D drawings and colourings to help visualise better. We're quite s 1 6 25 24 the TV wall/walk in wardrobe will be grey too. This is the revised floorplan. We switched the war 00:4 16:4 past the bed to get to the kitchen from the previous iteration. <img id="image60" src="http://www 6:18 6:18 alt="Floorplan" /> <IMG SRC="" width=400> Cr 200 200 cared for photographs of family events. Even our wedding photos haven't really been scrutinised b 7- 7- such events and its almost a herculean task to just look at each and every photo and give comment 37 02- 02- family pics: <IMG SRC="" wid 1 7 19 19 the USA for Africa song must be playing somewhere - "Feed the world...Let them know its Christ 20:5 12:5 pastas, cake, wine, beer, juices, its almost like we didn't have lunch in the first place! <IMG SRC= 1:12 1:12 width=400> This Christmas is kinda special for 2 reasons: its probably the last time we'll celebrate posts. 200 200 37 6- 6- <IMG SRC="" width=400> Just one o 1 8 12- 12- business trip. 20 20 22:1 14:1 0:55 0:55 I wrote this fairly long account of our son Je-in's birth on this blog, but i lost some data when i trie remember what i wrote and this time it gets stuck as a permanent page: When V went in for the las birth be induced because the baby was getting bigger and she wanted to play it safe. So she told us Friday 15 May. We checked into the hospital at midnight and the nurses settled us in and began wi 200 200 but no they told us to get a good night's sleep, which was highly impossible for me since it was a v 9- 9said she was 1.5 cm dilated. 830 am, the contractions were about 3 min apart and they started a Oc 37 07- 071 about 925 to break the water bag. 11 am was when the full contractions started and the pain w 9 20 20 begged her to take the epidural but she refused. She had prayed that it will be over quickly and her 23:2 15:2 15 min because she was screaming and buzzing her to call the doctor but she kept saying its still to 9:45 9:45 and the other equipment. 130pm she started coaching V on the pushing as the dilation was 8cm. Th in again and she was smiling that things were going well. She coached V for 2 pushes and Je-in po We have heard of so many other stories of 10,12, 16 hour labour pains. The 4 hours that V went th Je-in was born. 200 200 9- 9I wrote this fairly long account of our son Je-in's birth on this blog, but i lost some data when i trie 38 07- 071 time it gets stuck as a permanent page: When V went in for the last checkup before the due date, th 0 20 20 was getting bigger and she wanted to play it safe. So she told us to pick a date and we chose the da 23:1 15:1 4:31 4:31 I wrote this fairly long account of our son Je-in's birth on this blog, but i lost some data when i trie time it gets stuck as a permanent page: When V went in for the last checkup before the due date, th 200 200 was getting bigger and she wanted to play it safe. So she told us to pick a date and we chose the da 9- 9- the hospital at midnight and the nurses settled us in and began with the inducing tablet. We though 38 07- 07- night's sleep, which was highly impossible for me since it was a very small chair. By 620 in the m 1 1 20 20 am, the contractions were about 3 min apart and they started a Ocitocin drip. At 9am there was som 23:2 15:2 bag. 11 am was when the full contractions started and the pain was intense. I could see in her fa 2:42 2:42 but she refused. She had prayed that it will be over quickly and her immense faith kept her going. screaming and buzzing her to call the doctor but she kept saying its still too early. 1pm dilation wa 130pm she started coaching V on the pushing. This went on for almost an hour. At about 230 pm t I wrote this fairly long account of our son Je-in's birth on this blog, but i lost some data when i trie remember what i wrote and this time it gets stuck as a permanent page: When V went in for the las birth be induced because the baby was getting bigger and she wanted to play it safe. So she told us Friday 15 May. We checked into the hospital at midnight and the nurses settled us in and began wi 200 200 but no they told us to get a good night's sleep, which was highly impossible for me since it was a v 9- 9said she was 1.5 cm dilated. 830 am, the contractions were about 3 min apart and they started a Oc 38 07- 071 about 925 to break the water bag. 11 am was when the full contractions started and the pain w 2 20 20 begged her to take the epidural but she refused. She had prayed that it will be over quickly and her 23:2 15:2 15 min because she was screaming and buzzing her to call the doctor but she kept saying its still to 9:39 9:39 and the other equipment. 130pm she started coaching V on the pushing as the dilation was 8cm. Th in again and she was smiling that things were going well. She coached V for 2 pushes and Je-in po We have heard of so many other stories of 10,12, 16 hour labour pains. The 4 hours that V went th Je-in was born. 38 200 200 I wrote this fairly long account of our son Je-in's birth on this blog, but i lost some data when i trie 1 3 9- 9- remember what i wrote and this time it gets stuck as a permanent page: When V went in for the las 07- 07- birth be induced because the baby was getting bigger and she wanted to play it safe. So she told us 20 20 Friday 15 May. We checked into the hospital at midnight and the nurses settled us in and began wi 23:3 15:3 but no they told us to get a good night's sleep, which was highly impossible for me since it was a v 1:51 1:51 said she was 1.5 cm dilated. 830 am, the contractions were about 3 min apart and they started a Oc about 925 to break the water bag. 11 am was when the full contractions started and the pain w begged her to take the epidural but she refused. She had prayed that it will be over quickly and her 15 min because she was screaming and buzzing her to call the doctor but she kept saying its still to and the other equipment. 130pm she started coaching V on the pushing as the dilation was 8cm. Th in again and she was smiling that things were going well. She coached V for 2 pushes and Je-in po We have heard of so many other stories of 10,12, 16 hour labour pains. The 4 hours that V went th Je-in was born. 200 200 9- 91. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn 38 07- 071 Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 6. <a href=" 4 20 20 Jul 22:4 14:4 3:18 3:18 200 200 Was chatting with my fren online and he recommended this iPhone mapping software - <a title="R 9- 9target="_blank">RunKeeper</a> which allows you to track your running/cycling trips. Best of all 38 07- 071 Fwah, the iPhone is indeed changing the world one app at a time! Very cool indeed. Installation w 7 24 24 address and password and you're up. Amazingly the app is Free! There's a paid version with some 23:1 15:1 getting the distance, speed, location and timing mapped out digitally. Made my maiden run with th 1:12 1:12 200 200 Was chatting with my fren online and he recommended this iPhone mapping software - <a title="R 9- 9- target="_blank">RunKeeper</a> which allows you to track your running/cycling trips. Best of all 38 07- 07- Fwah, the iPhone is indeed changing the world one app at a time! Very cool indeed. Installation w 1 5 20 20 address and password and you're up. Amazingly the app is Free! There's a paid version with some 22:5 14:5 getting the distance, speed, location and timing mapped out digitally. Made my <a href="http://ww 0:23 0:23 target="_blank">maiden run</a> with the app today on the Scott P4. Good stuff... 200 200 6- 6Things to count down to: 1. Major thing in office that will give my life back to me next week! 2. J 38 06- 061 apparently will be a girl - see reading blogs is informational! Its the new paper, they should make a 8 11 11 will give her back our life! 5. A long awaited break somewhere with sun sand sea after we get our 23:2 15:2 9:30 9:30 200 200 <IMG SRC ="" width="400"><BR><BR> Roc 6- 6musical partner in crime. After ditching all the other low-end gear, I've decided to get something th 38 06- 061 warrant such a beautiful piece of art. And the irony is that it sounds so good on its own that my Ha 9 06 05 previous guitar now makes this sound bad. So the pedal is going to stay home alone till i find a new 00:0 16:0 5pm at the Esplanade park. Think its near the war memorial structure thingy opposite Raffles City 3:06 3:06 200 200 39 6- 6- Wonder if there's a band by that name. Its been a bad week for both V and me, we've been taking t 1 0 06- 06- we've had 2 days of mcs each, we're still hacking away at our computers from home cos its major 03 03 11:3 03:3 1:09 1:09 200 200 6- 6Seem to be in a strange mood of letting my instruments go. First the bass amp, then the acoustic gu 39 05- 051 tool. I guess when you're in an equipment-upgrading mood, it does help to let go of the older stuff 1 29 29 you're wasting money on something u already have... Cos now u don't :) 23:3 15:3 6:04 6:04 200 200 <img src="" align=left width="80 6- 6- Swee Lee today and played with a Ibanez SR900 for a bit. i didn't like the look of it but the Bartoli 39 05- 05- and the active EQ really gives u a whole range to play with. Am now gas-sing for this beauty on th 1 2 28 27 model numbers anyway? No wonder they need to give you a catalogue, so u can point out exactly 01:1 17:1 bass guitars, but I guess unless they can bring in a simple Warwick Corvette to SG, i'll have to sett 9:42 9:42 and Vampyre shaped ones. Maybe I'm not good enough to handle these boutique brands yet :) Sim 200 200 6- 6- Some guy didn't check some other guy's work... Some member of the public got a stray email. And 39 05- 05- was the usual 10% off something somewhere. This is F#$%ing ridiculous. I mean c'mon, u get hun 1 3 24 24 button M#$%F@$$ker. Its like u tripped over a stone that fell off a truck on the road and then u ca 22:2 14:2 people should transport stones in a safe manner. F@$^ u man. Why are some people just so free! 4:36 4:36 200 200 6- 6- Apparently we are. Offbeat gem causes musical mayhem in the OK camp! After repeated playing 39 05- 05- nailed my part. All I can say is maybe we should plug the mp3 into the studio somehow so we can 1 4 24 24 different in everybody's head so trying to get a consensus would be harder. Another weekend flies 22:2 14:2 episodes of "lost". Now we've got a void of episodes 9-17! 5:17 5:17 200 200 6- 639 05- 05- Thank god its the weekend again. This has been quite a crazy week. V has been doing the superhu 1 5 20 20 Once, i woke up in the morning to find her still typing away. She got an hour's shut-eye and then w 11:5 03:5 2:05 2:05 200 200 Been two weeks since we last jammed. Did a new Idlewild song which was really a challenge cos 6- 6chords for it. But its all good, we managed to finish the song as a group. Its always a nice feeling t 39 05- 051 everybody needs some form of release. Been thinking about my musical journey recently, its stran 6 16 15 never really got anywhere with it, cept for the few gigs in the JC band which was an official ECA 00:4 16:4 jumped on it and picked up the bass in a jiffy and have found my "voice". 6:59 6:59 200 200 6- 6<IMG SRC="" width 39 05- 051 the almost complete series of Lost - Season 1 and are about to begin on a quest to find what lies in 7 14 14 well as the Season 1 episodes on disc. We're gonna get real lost! 23:3 15:3 4:54 4:54 200 200 <img src="" align=right hspace=5>Finally 6- 6refreshing to see an up-and-coming female fronted band in the likes of Wendi Koh or Tanya. They 39 05- 051 bad they were plagued by bad sound. There was basically no sound engineer, and the guitarist from 8 13 12 success. Hopped on down to Bar None and caught Enigma. Must be the new Energy, very polished 01:5 17:5 passion. Just too clinical for my liking. 9:37 9:37 200 200 6- 6- Business User: Can we do this? Project Manager: Its not in the requirements. Business User: But t 39 05- 05- the requirements. I always wondered, if absolutely everything has to be in the requirements docum 1 9 12 12 english then the actual lines of programming code in the application. In which case, requirements w 18:0 10:0 Hence all current models of timelines used to manage projects are void. 5:09 5:09 200 200 6- 640 05- 051 <center><IMG SRC=" 0 12 12 18:0 10:0 6:05 6:05 200 200 6- 6- Had this weird dream last night which i actually remembered... This is indeed strange as i hardly r 40 05- 05- suicide kit. Its like one of those blood pressure kits in the doctor... The metal longish ones.. They o 1 1 09 09 you're dead in a couple of minutes. Its supposed to be painless. Funny thing was it had to be bough 22:5 14:5 following a guy to watch him "off" himself at a pub where he bought it under the counter, but i lef 2:19 2:19 200 200 6- 6- <IMG SRC=""> <IMG S 40 12- 12- content/uploads/2006/12/RIMG0706.JPG"> Finally got round to plugging the camera into the Mac 1 2 20 20 from 30 years ago. We're gonna meet up with the designer again this Saturday. She's going to run 22:4 14:4 on the carpentary and more drawings etc Can't wait... 4:37 4:37 200 200 7- 740 02- 021 Stewed chicken Prawns and lady's fingers Codfish and pineapple Kangkong and belachan 3 19 19 20:5 12:5 0:19 0:19 That was the theme for the office party i had to organise. More pics can be seen in <A HREF="htt Flickr site</A> I guess it turned out well enough, everybody seemed to have a good time and the d 200 200 xmas party and the people seem really hyped up about dressing up and playing games and such... S 6- 6got the Lilac Saints down for 2 sets at Hideout. Kudos to them for their professionalism. The first 40 12- 121 playing cards rather loudly. But by the end of the evening, the folks that stayed longer kinda warm 4 17 16 that made the night for me. <IMG SRC=" 00:0 16:0 around, people were streaming in at all times and we delayed the start for about 2 hours. So we im 6:30 6:30 managed to get through the whole programme in one piece. O well, i'm glad its over, hopefully i w parties! Barely went to any when i was young, and the only parties i threw had people eating and s Renovation loans have an amazingly small cap of $30K. Before doing the homework, I've always 200 200 home. But apparently the MAS regulates that you can only get up to $30K, and that is per project. 6- 6is all you can get (6x your salary is what they advertise, whichever is lower). To do up a 3-roomer 40 12- 121 better have lots of cash on hand. Not to mention when you start adding appliances, furniture etc ca 5 16 16 items into the reno loan and pay off one loan, but instead it actually makes more sense to try to get 23:3 15:3 reno loans are about 6-8% per annum and they also have penalties on early payments, so u might a 5:33 5:33 T&Cs... <a class="imagelink" href="" ti src="" width=500 alt="floorpla 200 200 File</A> We haven't ironed out the final details and actual numbers but we're suitably impressed w 6- 6rounds of mockups, we gave some comments and Kelly sketched this layout out in 5 min. We mes 40 12- 121 layout. Now the important tasks are to get our dream layout on budget and on time! We hope to m 6 16 16 2 weeks, so it'll be a longer wait once you miss that deadline. We've only bounced around 2 design 23:3 15:3 all you've got are weekends and some occasional week nights. Really can't imagine trying to brief 5:50 5:50 that all the ideas are also in your own head and you're brainstorming this with your partner and bei not like the stand-alone sink in the bedroom cos it reminds me of prison" :) This is a sad post. Lunch with my family today was anything but routine. Yes, the food was delicio my mum suffered a heart attack about three years back. Ever since then, it was the turning point of miraculously seem to be better though smaller ailments started to plague her like the weakening of your ears that controls balance, so now she can't get up suddenly or move too fast as it will cause h spiritually. Over the years, she was always the one that had prenominations in dreams and then som visions and they prompted her towards joining a Catholic prayer group, and now she prayers every 200 200 pray for all the things happening around us as well as for the salvation of souls. She has been conv 7- 7- contact meant she was truly saved. The thing is, she has gotten news that she will soon be gone fro 40 02- 02- estimated time frame of when it will happen and that it probably will be another heart attack. Skep 1 7 19 19 maybe she's just gone nuts. But i do have long conversations with her, and she is as lucid as you or 20:5 12:5 doesn't really want to speak of it and dismisses it. Well, i'm just writing this down so that when it d 1:37 1:37 event as testimony to the existence of God. In her daily conversations she has been asking many qu anyone is interested i can always share some of these privately. These are not politically correct an thoughts are now turned to how i can give her the best christmas gift this world can offer before sh many sacrifices she has endured for me. Those of you who grew up with me will know that i have item or two that was the in-thing. This was really a miracle in itself, she's been an amazing mother neither were we poor because she gave us her all, she never bought herself nice gifts or dresses or I am eternally grateful. I am also very sad... <IMG SRC=""> Took the Friday off a Sentosa. I must admit i wasn't expecting much because you've seen the Rasa and The Sentosa over HREF="">Siloso Beach Resort's</A> architecture is excellent 200 200 architecture... Especially those with lots of clean lines. Their website totally doesn't do them justic 6- 6usability issues like having no covered walkway from the reception to the rooms - hello, this is tro 40 11- 111 quite interesting with a 4-storey high waterfall on one end, so you can take a shower below :) Parts 8 13 12 functional yet, but that was no biggie cos there's food along the beach. The uncompleted villas loo 01:5 17:5 the top-end ones which come with your own private jacuzzi with a view!! Room design was damn 1:05 1:05 second level u can stretch out in your own private water heaven overlooking the siloso beach. Very rained in the afternoon. Overall, that was my best gift ever! I've been telling people that i'll visit V Sentosa, we popped by for a bit of shopping... so I guess that's how i turned 33 :P We've gone to two IDs over the weekend to get quotations. Both were recommended by colleague hassle of visiting ah beng contractor type shops. I know people who visit like 10 IDs to get quotati 200 200 what would they need to know in order to come up with a design? So I came up with a "brief" that 6- 6- everything starts with a brief :) So here's the list we came up with: - Need to make the apartment lo 40 12- 12- Willing to have a studio effect, everything is just one large living area - Willing to forgo a sofa - D 1 9 16 16 shower area - Cater for 1 fridge, 1 washing machine and 1 dishwasher - Cater for a music area – el 23:3 15:3 Cater for 1 bicycle storage - Cater for a 27” LCD TV , DVD player and 3 piece Hi-fi and 2 book s 6:06 6:06 for ease of maintenance for hidden trunking etc Well, let's see what these 2 IDs can come up with! build from scratch starting with hacking away all the walls possible.. One guy was telling us that c furniture and add some wall features. Anyway, we'll get the first proposals and costings in 2 weeks Ok Kev, this one's for you :) What's the book about you ask? Well its split into the following sectio God's pleasure Purpose #2 You were formed for God's family Purpose #3 You were created to bec #5 You were made for a mission Every section has a couple of chapters and there are detailed argu gonna do to "sell" Christianity, all those who do not believe or who get offended with religious tal 200 200 and i must say shallow knowledge about the faith, and cynical worldviews that have shaped me. T 6- 6- complicated ecosystem with complicated bio-organisms all existing and co-existing to support eac 41 11- 11- believe in a superior being after witnessing how everything just works seemlessly together. That ta 1 0 02 01 create us? I've always seen ourselves as tiny creatures in his snowglobe and every once in a while 00:2 16:2 put here to worship him. It can't get any simpler. Imagine, if you were yourself a God and created 5:30 5:30 be thankful for you etc.. He doesn't need us, he doesn't need our money, our fame etc This was ess should live our lives, get along as a community, support each other and focus towards our eternal l because its like the owner's manual to life. With the bible, it's more like a compilation of stories et just states everything point blank. And if you have some Christian background and knowledge, thi one thing to read and understand, but to live it out is damn difficult. Well, at least i've got my who Friends who know me long enough probably think i've gone nuts to actually blog about this, but re HREF="">Purpose Driven Life</A> book which was some be the church which i'm attending actually gave them out at service and is using it as a guide for the n 200 200 good cause. You know if you've grown up like me cruising through my entire youth-hood attendin 6- 6yourself why you're on this earth? The answer isn't there. I'm not sure if i'm dense or inattentive bu 41 10- 101 blah... and nobody actually gave you the answer. So anyway, this book is pretty concise and its lik 1 31 31 day(40 in total) and though i still don't think i'm fully up to adhering to what i'm supposed to, it is 22:2 14:2 place. Make sense :) There was a recent article in <A HREF="">Wired</A> whi 3:05 3:05 going on the offense to "preach" and sign up believers of there being no higher power, and that the ended with a poignant note from the author himself: What if you bet wrongly? Its an intresting tho in the next life, if u believe there is one. So the Christians are the ones that are "gambling" ... and w 200 200 6- 6- The first appointment with HDB has been set. Its at the end of Nov. As i understand, even though 41 12- 12- does nothing till then! That's super-fantastic efficient service from the SG government for you!! B 1 2 16 16 through due process...4 weeks of a form sitting in somebody's inbox. If it was run by a private com 23:3 15:3 Anyway, we're kinda taking two recommendations for interior decorators, hope to start briefing th 6:22 6:22 Ok after months of toying with options of renting and buying all sorts of living spaces from flats to 200 200 Holland Village. I'm not terribly excited about the space but i think the location is great. It overloo 41 6- 61 everything really. Cheap food, expensive food, 24-hour supermarket, tons of shops and Wala Wala 3 12- 12some effort hunting down flats, we learned a thing about Holland V which swayed me. At any one 16 16 for most other estates, which means when its time to sell, it shouldn't be on the market for too long 23:3 15:3 piece of land back since its prime location. The potential payout should be good. Lastly, even if i d 6:34 6:34 the place, I'm assuming the rental income would be decent so i can hopefully use it as allowance d generating passive income. Otherwise, really dunno how to retire. We're definitely gonna make thi though... The adventure begins... 200 200 Yes that's what i am! Went back to camp to endorse my MC because my fitness test is due in Nov 6- 6defaulter and call me back again for an explanation on why i didn't do it during the year. I asked if 41 09- 091 trouble to drive all the way back to the West for this, but No, technically i haven't defaulted since i 4 29 29 the SAF reads this, give me a break man! You think long term MC so easy to take one ah. Why sti 15:0 07:0 of the yearly cycle so we can siam the stupid test. Doesn't the doctors' word count. If doctor MC no 0:19 0:19 200 200 6- 6Seems like I'm not the only one with health problems, if you saw the blog yesterday, it was display 41 09- 091 and fixed it pretty quickly. I must say webhosting companies are pretty responsive when it comes 5 25 25 the office :P 22:0 14:0 5:31 5:31 If you don't know the meaning of that. Look it up :) That's what i went through yesterday. As usua 200 200 government hospital was an eye-opener. For my first appointment, getting myself to the clinic to g 6- 6- total. Small queue at the clinic and no queue at the specialist. Even the carparking only cost $2. W 41 09- 09- waiting, 5 min with the doctor, fifteen more minutes to pay and half an hour more for the pharmac 1 6 15 14 govt hospitals just make u drowsy. All i remember of yesterday was the nurse lowering the bed in 00:2 16:2 is good reason to work for an organisation that pays your medical bills. Guess its the closest thing 7:50 7:50 polyp in me and removed it. Guess this would be my kryptonite. Well i guess if that averages out t catches up and we can zap them sonically. This process majorly sucks. Yucks! Yep, nothing major is happening now so its kinda quiet here. Have gone for my third lesson alread instead of this half hour bullshit.. Its almost like just having a conversation and before you know it 200 200 Defintely not half an hour! Asked the guy about combining 2 lessons in one but becos he's booked 6- 6building is so packed on Sundays I take half an hour just to park the car !! On the house-front, its a 41 09- 091 am kinda sad to leave this place having been here almost 20 years. But the morning traffic and the 7 11 11 probably not have a dedicated study/music room anymore. Defintely miss the space... Managed to 22:4 14:4 two weeks ago at Wala. Boy were they in their element! Guess they really do rock big time when t 4:02 4:02 entertaining pub act and they really blew the crowd away doing non-conventional 70s rock amidst other bands should strive for. After all its not called a "show" for nothing :) 200 200 <IMG SRC="" width="204" heigh 6- 6justify to myself why i need a portable mp3 player, I've decided to finally bite the bullet and get th 41 08- 081 thanks to V! I guess the only good thing about getting it this late in the game is that now, it comes 8 29 28 capacity... Its amazing how u can bring your music everywhere u Almo 00:0 16:0 also have more time to explore those CDs which i've only spun a couple of times. Woot! 0:44 0:44 200 200 6- 6- The story made it to the front page of The New Paper today. Was a 2-page feature on the incident 41 08- 08- and hit at a car containing 3 women. Apparently the case was dropped as there wasn't enough evid 1 9 10 09 admit any wrong-doing. Well at least the 3 ladies weren't hurt. Let's hope with this added publicity 00:0 16:0 jail time and a caning. 4:34 4:34 <img src="" alt="" hspace="10" align=" rooftop bar at the Baiyoke Sky Hotel where we stayed 2. Shopping at Siam centre - Siam Paragon, Tom Yam soup and green curry 6. Thai massage 7. Swedish massage What sucked: 1. The band at 200 200 4. Tourist scams along the river cruise 5. Thai massage is not for the faint-hearted. Its like they are 8- 8- swedish version to recover from the thai one :) The local band at RCA rocked! I guess they must b 42 04- 04- behind them. RCA is the "happening" place to be i presume from the crowds.. Its like Zouk X10 is 1 0 13 13 with Hip-hop, Techno, Live band, Top40 types. The guys liked it so much they were there all 3 nig 12:1 04:1 soda water mixes cost about $70. Amazingly cheap. Nobody really knows where the address is bu 1:18 1:18 government is trying to clean up the place so most of the pubs close at 2am. At RCA the music sto people heading to the main road to catch cabs. Overall the trip was quite good as it was mainly fre had more fun doing their shopping and other stuff in their own time. The group I hanged out with days with clubbing nites. 200 200 6- 6Still don't understand why Bangkok is called the city of angels.. Isn't that Los Angeles? Anyway, I 42 08- 081 and bonding. Had to organise some drink session while we're there, so hopefully we get to check o 1 03 02 HREF="">Bed Supper Club</A> is about. Cheers! 00:3 16:3 4:19 4:19 On a more serious note, good friend Isaiah was assaulted over the weekend and is now in hospital because he horned at a car filled with 3-4 guys that overtook him suddenly. The driver seemed to w but as soon as he got out of the car, a caucasian dude pounced on him and said he "wanted to settle chokehold till he blacked out. Luckily a bystander managed to pull away the attacker's hand and he 200 200 the guy said "C'mon c'mon you already blacked out once!" The guy was still itching for a fight but 6- 6consciousness. Apparently, some other folks who were watching the incident did not bother to call 42 07- 071 just sat around and waited for the police to arrive. The attacker and friends then milled around and 2 24 23 story worked out. Wat's more amazing is the police came and took statements and everyone was fr 01:3 17:3 F##$%ing bizarre! Singapore is the premiere "authoritarian" state known for its draconian laws etc 8:18 8:19 of the public! Its been 48 hours and the police haven't even gotten in touch with him to follow up o gets discharged. WTF, its not like its some street brawl between some kids or something, this is a c gave statements. Well, it looks like if you have some grievance with a neighbour or something, jus can just work out a story for the form-filling and you're done. All in a day's work. 200 200 6- 6V couldn't get out of work for the week, so we had to KIV the plans for Bali. Guess I'm not totally 42 07- 071 looking forward to it. O well, I have a whole week more of chilling out. Need to do more! The last 3 24 23 of cycling. 01:1 17:1 4:52 4:52 I wonder how come the last two times i planned a trip, something happens like a week before the f 200 200 week before we flew, the beach riots happened in Sydney. Now before we fly on Sunday, a Tsuna 6- 6- later. Not to mention, I've been helping out with a company outing to KL soon, the haze comes bac 42 07- 07- can write-off, cos it happened last year and we had to change plans the day before to head to the ea 1 4 21 20 be in the office is also spooked by it cos the happy couple also have plans for a Bali getaway next 01:1 17:1 spooked level for her by telling her I switched hotels to be on a different side of the island. I guess 9:06 9:06 I joked with some colleagues that I should bring along some floats...but they said it won't save me hopefully some nice pics of the place! <IMG SRC="" align=right width="250 HREF="">Baybeats</A> was back. Lennat made her debut on SG's l 200 200 HREF="">etc</A> played a good set. The crowd was generally 6- 6- can u ask for in Singapore :) <A HREF=" 42 07- 07- HREF="">Concave Scream</A> played the larger stage and they 1 5 17 16 you can feel all the hair on your body move whenever the bass thumps. Overheard a funny convers 02:0 18:0 leh...Is it rock?" "Yah its rock wat...must be dream rock lah!" Noticed all the guitars are new too. M 5:11 5:11 the crowd was generally wowed by the double-kicking bass drums of the last song. Hooray Dean! really knew their music, but i do remember seeing reviews of them a long way back. Regardless, y energy throughout the set and the singer ended the whole thing by ripping out his strings. Guess th <IMG SRC="" align=left hspace=10>An tickets to Coldplay. I was like WOOOOHOOO! We met for dinner with a couple of his other frien BEST concert I have ever seen on our shores! Most of the bands that drop by SG just use minimal 200 200 and the band. But this was worldclass entertainment! Widescreen videowall as backdrop, lasers tha 6- 6up the suspended rig to just point the spots at the band members. I must say they spared no expens 42 07- 071 excuse for the promoter and band to make $$, we are after all being charged world class prices. Vi 6 11 10 were great for those upstairs who could hardly make out the members on stage. Kudos to the visua 00:5 16:5 swirling hand-written text in the background when Chris was singing "swallowed in the sea" really 5:27 5:27 when u buy a concert DVD :) Apart from the visuals, the music was of course excellent! Must dig place. I've always liked the band, not "fanatical-like" but now after watching them live, is a good r wearing the same outfit and using the same guitar on their hit single - Yellow. Its amazing how 10 200 200 It's not supposed to rain in July. That's what Ah Boy the sound guy said. Well, I guess it did, and t 6- 6went on as scheduled, the turn-out would probably be quite bad as its quite an isolated location and 42 07- 071 vie. The OKs end up having coffee in the Esplanade library and dinner in Marina Square instead. T 7 09 09 yakking about cars and their maintenance towards the end of the night, it somehow jinxed my own 22:5 14:5 the drive home. When we got home, we saw that the front left tyre is flat. V thinks she's been putti 3:39 3:39 200 200 The madness is the office is mostly over. Now its time to get some semblance of a life back :) Firs 6- 6rock the stage at the <A HREF=" 42 07- 071 pm. We'll be playing after I-can-never-remember-the-other-band's-name cos its too long, so if you 8 02 02 organised by <A HREF="">Music For Good</A> and NParks. My g 22:2 14:2 your dog, your grandma, watever :) Set-list includes the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Interpol and of cos the 4:40 4:40 200 200 6- 6- Big thing in the office happens tonight! For better or for worst we gotta bite the bullet and launch t 42 06- 06- Quite a few of us will spend the night in the office waiting for the domain name to switch over... A 1 9 24 24 content to disclaimers to graphics to blah.. Its also <A HREF="">Nico 15:5 07:5 guest-list from the dinner table :P Well, I guess the remainder few of us will just have to drink mo 6:10 6:10 Anyone seen <A HREF=""> Stomp </A>yet? its like the dot com days a 200 200 DESIGN! I hear its a 2 million dollar venture! C'mon, I'm sure you can spend a couple of Ks for a 6- 6survived the dot bomb, you couldn't afford to hire one to give it a professional make-over. I bet it w 43 06- 061 not art-school trained but to me that's a non-design. Have you seen the tabs they have for navigatio 0 20 19 (1024x768) Haven't they heard of mouse-overs or drop-down menus or FLASH! Just take a look a 00:3 16:3 guys</A> have done! It rightfully has a section called "Stink". I think that's probably the portal's ta 7:03 7:03 Stomp - Just has to be another acronym right. CTE AYE CBD not enough, now got ST Online Mo of the different blog quotes in the front it looks more like a Star Forum. Content - You mean kids j crime story and some court case! What kind of bloody mix of news is this? And what the hell is a enough PopAgenda in the ST itself. And why the hell would anyone want to know what May and suppose to be about your online dairy? i want to know what they did yesterday or who they did it w those poor folks.. here's a topic a day... give me 500 words or you're dead! Have you seen the stom car on fire on the ECP or something! WTF, they should at least put that Tammy video online! You to see fire so much, I can start one in a bucket and film one minute of it for submission... Sigh, you would not be possible... All I can say is two words - Project Eyeball! 200 200 This thing which we've been counting down for in the office just got postponed by a week, so its b 6- 6clean up the never-ending mess, bad because everybody's quite tired out of this long drawn affair a 43 06- 061 end, she just spent a whole 24-hours working on a Final Year submission for a design degree! Wh 1 17 17 help in crafting out advertising campaigns and all... She's definitely not gonna ace it this time roun 22:4 14:4 at Timbre and catch the Typewriter gig, but she's so burned out after the submission we decided to 5:57 5:57 We have been attending 3 sunday sessions of prepatory lessons, apparently organised by the north 200 200 is all about, how important are god-parents etc. Fairly informational with some sharing sessions th 9- 9after the 11 am mass, the ceremony was held. It was a pretty subdued affair with 5 babies present. 43 07- 071 other kid who was wailing away throughout the whole half and hour event. Even the priest joked t 2 26 26 Catholics baptise their children without their consent? Its because as parents, we want what we thi 23:3 15:3 restaurant for dinner, you wouldn't just leave the kid at the door just because he can't eat solid food 5:49 5:49 the evening after getting some nightmares.. Indeed a blessed day. We have been attending 3 sunday sessions of prepatory lessons, apparently organised by the north 200 200 is all about, how important are god-parents etc. Fairly informational with some sharing sessions th 9- 9after the 11 am mass, the ceremony was held. It was a pretty subdued affair with 5 babies present. 43 07- 071 other kid who was wailing away throughout the whole half and hour event. Even the priest joked t 3 26 26 Catholics baptise their children without their consent? Its because as parents, we want what we thi 23:3 15:3 restaurant for dinner, you wouldn't just leave the kid at the door just because he can't eat solid food 5:14 5:14 the evening after getting some nightmares.. Indeed a blessed day. 200 200 9- 91. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn 43 07- 071 Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 8. Yishun - 20 Jul 9. <a href="http://www 4 24 24 Park</a> - 24 Jul 23:1 15:1 1:34 1:34 200 200 9- 943 08- 081 The first offspring of every womb belongs to me, including all the firstborn males of your livestoc 5 02 02 18:3 10:3 6:12 6:12 200 200 43 9- 91 6 08- 0802 02 18:3 10:3 4:51 4:51 200 200 9- 91. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn 43 08- 081 Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 8. Yishun - 20 Jul 9. <a href="http://www 7 01 01 Park</a> - 24 Jul 10. <a href="" 15:3 07:3 9:35 9:35 200 200 9- 9- 1. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn 43 08- 08- Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 8. Yishun - 20 Jul 9. <a href="http://www 1 8 07 07 Park</a> - 24 Jul 10. <a href="" 21:2 13:2 href="" target="_blank">Zoo</a> 0:16 0:16 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 200 200 src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 9- 9home playing with little Je-in, and never-endingly changing his diapers whenever i can over the w 43 08- 081 I'm in and out of the house in an hour or two riding around the area which is well endowed with ni 9 10 10 too. </span> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px;">Am really thankful to Him that thi 18:2 10:2 disc episode and all those chiro sessions i've attended. So far i've done about six rides and the back 7:24 7:24 0px;">Alleluia :) </span> <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 200 200 src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 9- 9home playing with little Je-in, and never-endingly changing his diapers whenever i can over the w 44 08- 081 I'm in and out of the house in an hour or two riding around the area which is well endowed with ni 0 10 10 too. </span> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px;">Am really thankful to Him that thi 18:3 10:3 disc episode and all those chiro sessions i've attended. So far i've done about six rides and the back 7:41 7:41 0px;">Alleluia :) </span> 200 200 9- 9- <a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 44 08- 08- style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; 1 1 10 10 href="">Runs</a> <br /> Originally uploaded 18:2 10:2 </span> <br clear="all" /> <p></p> 7:24 7:24 200 200 1. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn 9- 9Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 8. Yishun - 20 Jul 9. <a href="http://www 44 08- 081 Park</a> - 24 Jul 10. <a href="" 2 10 10 href="" target="_blank">Zoo</a> 17:4 09:4 href="" target="_blank">Mandai Loo 7:32 7:32 200 200 1. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn 44 9- 9- Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 8. Yishun - 20 Jul 9. <a href="http://www 1 3 08- 08- Park</a> - 24 Jul 10. <a href="" 16 16 href="" target="_blank">Zoo</a> - 22:0 14:0 href="" target="_blank">Mandai Loo 0:52 0:52 href="" target="_blank">East Coast 200 200 9- 9- <a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 44 08- 08- style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; 1 4 30 30 href="">Yum!</a> <br /> Originally uploaded 21:2 13:2 </span> <br clear="all" /> <p></p> 6:24 6:24 200 200 9- 9- <a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 44 09- 09- style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; 1 5 16 16 in Seoul</a> <br /> Originally uploaded by <a href="">gr3 11:0 03:0 wedding this weekend. Nice view from our<br /> mcheriville apartment.</p> 0:11 0:11 1. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn 200 200 Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 8. Yishun - 20 Jul 9. <a href="http://www 9- 9Park</a> - 24 Jul 10. <a href="" 44 08- 081 href="" target="_blank">Zoo</a> 6 29 29 href="" target="_blank">Mandai Loo 23:5 15:5 href="" target="_blank">East Coast 0:00 0:00 href="" target="_blank">Yishu <a href=""><img class="alignleft src="" alt="" width="375" height= overall he's been quite a good baby. He just follows his usual cycle of eat, play, sleep etc So we ju on the plane though was that every time there was turbulence and the seat belt signs came on, we h seat belt on mum's lap. Of course this will wake up the baby and make him cry out. Now we know 200 200 simply overcome this requirement by modifying the bassinet to include some sort of safety harnes 9- 9- strange things as usual. Just some highlights from the trip: 1. Wedding ceremony - Beautiful and c 44 09- 09- making 3 costume changes for the main ceremony, greeting the guests in the eating area and the tr 1 7 25 25 where V's aunt lives and got to see how a typical apartment out of Seoul looks like. Very modern w 19:2 11:2 guardroom, even the sink had sensors for the foot to tap so you do not have to "turn on" the tap. 3. 8:42 8:42 identify the person because most other tombs have been raided over time. This guy was buried 150 the learnings they gleaned from this discovery. 4. Acorns - Was brought to a diner where everythin noodles. Not much of a taste though, rather plain. 5. Duck BBQ - Fairly rare even in Korea, everyt innards. 6. Getting my hair permed - Although i must have swore never to do this, it did turn out p is now there with her parents and Je-in making up for lost time from her home country while i've g href="" target="_blank">Click he <a href=""><img class="alignleft src="" alt="" width="375" height= 200 200 overall he's been quite a good baby. He just follows his usual cycle of eat, play, sleep etc So we ju 9- 9on the plane though was that every time there was turbulence and the seat belt signs came on, we h 44 09- 091 seat belt on mum's lap. Of course this will wake up the baby and make him cry out. Now we know 8 25 25 simply overcome this requirement by modifying the bassinet to include some sort of safety harnes 19:2 11:2 strange things as usual. Just some highlights from the trip: 1. Wedding ceremony - Beautiful and c 8:35 8:35 making 3 costume changes for the main ceremony, greeting the guests in the eating area and the tr where V's aunt lives and got to see how a typical apartment out of Seoul looks like. Very modern w guardroom, even the sink had sensors for the foot to tap so you do not have to "turn on" the tap. V her home country. <a href="" targ <a href=""><img class="alignleft src="" alt="" width="375" height= overall he's been quite a good baby. He just follows his usual cycle of eat, play, sleep etc So we ju on the plane though was that every time there was turbulence and the seat belt signs came on, we h seat belt on mum's lap. Of course this will wake up the baby and make him cry out. Now we know 200 200 simply overcome this requirement by modifying the bassinet to include some sort of safety harnes 9- 9- strange things as usual. Just some highlights from the trip: 1. Wedding ceremony - Beautiful and c 44 09- 09- making 3 costume changes for the main ceremony, greeting the guests in the eating area and the tr 1 9 25 25 where V's aunt lives and got to see how a typical apartment out of Seoul looks like. Very modern w 19:3 11:3 guardroom, even the sink had sensors for the foot to tap so you do not have to "turn on" the tap. 3. 7:45 7:45 identify the person because most other tombs have been raided over time. This guy was buried 150 the learnings they gleaned from this discovery. 4. Acorns - Was brought to a diner where everythin noodles. Not much of a taste though, rather plain. 5. Duck BBQ - Fairly rare even in Korea, everyt innards. 6. Getting my hair permed - Although i must have swore never to do this, it did turn out p is now there with her parents and Je-in making up for lost time from her home country while i've g href="" target="_blank">Click he <a href=""><img class="alignleft src="" alt="" width="375" height= overall he's been quite a good baby. He just follows his usual cycle of eat, play, sleep etc So we ju 200 200 on the plane though was that every time there was turbulence and the seat belt signs came on, we h 9- 9seat belt on mum's lap. Of course this will wake up the baby and make him cry out. Now we know 45 09- 091 simply overcome this requirement by modifying the bassinet to include some sort of safety harnes 0 25 25 strange things as usual. Just some highlights from the trip: 1. Wedding ceremony - Beautiful and c 19:2 11:2 making 3 costume changes for the main ceremony, greeting the guests in the eating area and the tr 8:42 8:42 where V's aunt lives and got to see how a typical apartment out of Seoul looks like. Very modern w guardroom, even the sink had sensors for the foot to tap so you do not have to "turn on" the tap. V her home country. <a href="" targ <a href=""><img class="alignleft src="" alt="" width="375" height= overall he's been quite a good baby. He just follows his usual cycle of eat, play, sleep etc So we ju on the plane though was that every time there was turbulence and the seat belt signs came on, we h 200 200 seat belt on mum's lap. Of course this will wake up the baby and make him cry out. Now we know 9- 9simply overcome this requirement by modifying the bassinet to include some sort of safety harnes 45 09- 091 strange things as usual. Just some highlights from the trip: 1. Wedding ceremony - Beautiful and c 1 25 25 making 3 costume changes for the main ceremony, greeting the guests in the eating area and the tr 19:3 11:3 where V's aunt lives and got to see how a typical apartment out of Seoul looks like. Very modern w 2:52 2:52 guardroom, even the sink had sensors for the foot to tap so you do not have to "turn on" the tap. 3. identify the person because most other tombs have been raided over time. This guy was buried 150 the learnings they gleaned from this discovery. V is now there with her parents and Je-in making u back here in SG. <a href="" targe 200 200 V's 4 months of maternity leave are over and for now, she still has some leave for the year so she's 45 9- 9- months. So mum comes over every other day and looks after Je-in while we're both at work. The a 1 2 11- 11- Dec will be challenging once she goes back to the 5-day work week. We'll have to see how that pa 07 07 She picked up the baby from the floor and her back went "pop". Intense pain shot through her mid 22:2 14:2 and Dad sent her to the chinese doc who promptly referred her to the A&amp;E for x-rays. The sca 6:21 6:21 killers and sent her home. Even though it was a trying day, we thank God for all the small things li otherwise perpetually full carpark. V's 4 months of maternity leave are over and for now, she still has some leave for the year so she's 200 200 months. So mum comes over every other day and looks after Je-in while we're both at work. The a 9- 9Dec will be challenging once she goes back to the 5-day work week. We'll have to see how that pa 45 11- 111 She picked up the baby from the floor and her back went "pop". Intense pain shot through her mid 3 07 07 and Dad sent her to the chinese doc who promptly referred her to the A&amp;E for x-rays. The sca 22:2 14:2 killers and sent her home. Even though it was a trying day, we thank God for all the small things li 6:11 6:11 perpetually full carpark. V's 4 months of maternity leave are over and for now, she still has some leave for the year so she's 200 200 months. So mum comes over every other day and looks after Je-in while we're both at work. The a 9- 9Dec will be challenging once she goes back to the 5-day work week. We'll have to see how that pa 45 11- 111 She picked up the baby from the floor and her back went "pop". Intense pain shot through her mid 4 07 07 and Dad sent her to the chinese doc who promptly referred her to the A&amp;E for x-rays. The sca 22:2 14:2 killers and sent her home. Even though it was a trying day, we thank God for all the small things li 6:21 6:21 otherwise perpetually full carpark. 200 200 9- 945 11- 11- 1. child family 2. kids better than one? 3. thirty-something... 4. string Warwick Corvette is the curr 1 5 18 17 number 8. arms to hold you by Veruca Salt rocks! 9. by Damien Rice is also good. 00:0 16:0 3:16 3:16 200 200 8- 845 04- 04- 1. child family 2. <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">wheeler Klein Mantra collecting du 1 6 13 13 Corvette is the current aXe 5. 394 was the old license plate 6. sixth job 7. favourite number 8. arm 11:5 03:5 7:12 7:12 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px;">That's Je-in with his modified room. We changed it aro <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px;">I ended the old year with a fortnight of leave bu all the way while V is back at work. Thank god for my mum who pops by for short periods during 201 201 I've never camped out so much on my living room floor before... </span> <span style="font-size: 0 0- 0- now he's able to spritely crawl/drag himself around the house, always going for places he shouldn' 46 01- 01- play-mats around. He's also started to stand on his own using the couch or whatever else he can ha 1 0 03 03 toys. He's already done it with his bare hands.</span> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 17:4 09:4 whirled our lives around him, moving house and all. I finally completed the <a title="NET" href=" 7:24 7:24 now helping them with their web communications. The day-job seems stable enough even though holding up and she's able to look after the baby while we are both at work. Its been tough because style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px;">Even though we dropped off the entertainment radar a visit Wala 3 times during the year :) So there are many blessings to be thankful for. </span> <span <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px;">And since you're reading this, a Happy New Ye </span> 200 200 9- 9<a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 45 12- 121 src="" alt="" /></a> <span style=" 8 09 09 some Xmas festivities have begun! Cheap and good headgear for party-wear if you ev </span> 23:4 15:4 0:44 0:44 200 200 9- 9- <a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 45 12- 12- style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; 1 9 09 09 href="">photo.jpg</a> <br /> Originally uploa 23:3 15:3 </span> <br clear="all" /> <p></p> 6:47 6:47 201 201 0- 0- <a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 46 01- 01- style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; 1 1 03 03 href="">photo.jpg</a> <br /> Originally uploa 17:4 09:4 </span> <br clear="all" /> <p></p> 7:24 7:24 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px;">That's Je-in with his modified room. We changed it aro <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px;">I ended the old year with a fortnight of leave bu all the way while V is back at work. Thank god for my mum who pops by for short periods during 201 201 I've never camped out so much on my living room floor before... </span> <span style="font-size: 0 0- 0- now he's able to spritely crawl/drag himself around the house, always going for places he shouldn' 46 01- 01- play-mats around. He's also started to stand on his own using the couch or whatever else he can ha 1 2 04 03 toys. He's already done it with his bare hands.</span> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 00:0 16:0 whirled our lives around him, moving house and all. I finally completed the <a title="NET" href=" 8:01 8:01 now helping them with their web communications. The day-job seems stable enough even though holding up and she's able to look after the baby while we are both at work. Its been tough because style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px;">Even though we dropped off the entertainment radar a visit Wala 3 times during the year :) So there are many blessings to be thankful for. </span> <span <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px;">And since you're reading this, a Happy New Ye </span> 201 201 0- 0- <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 46 01- 01- src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 1 3 03 03 href="">photo.jpg</a> Originally uploaded by 18:1 10:1 </span> 1:01 1:01 200 200 1. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn 9- 9Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 8. Yishun - 20 Jul 9. <a href="http://www 46 09- 091 Park</a> - 24 Jul 10. <a href="" 4 25 25 href="" target="_blank">Zoo</a> 18:3 10:3 href="" target="_blank">Mandai Loo 0:37 0:37 href="" target="_blank">East Coast href="" target="_blank">Yishu <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px;">That's Je-in with his modified room. We changed it aro <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px;">I ended the old year with a fortnight of leave bu all the way while V is back at work. Thank god for my mum who pops by for short periods during 201 201 I've never camped out so much on my living room floor before... </span> <span style="font-size: 0 0- 0now he's able to spritely crawl/drag himself around the house, always going for places he shouldn' 46 01- 011 play-mats around. He's also started to stand on his own using the couch or whatever else he can ha 5 03 03 toys. He's already done it with his bare hands.</span> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 23:5 15:5 whirled our lives around him, moving house and all. I finally completed the NET program and am 5:56 5:56 stable enough even though the mother-ship gets rocked time and again. Mum's health has been hol Its been tough because she's not as strong as before but so far it all seems good. </span> <span sty the entertainment radar and have not been to a movie or the pub or whatever, i still managed to vis thankful for. </span> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px;">Goodbye o-nine!</span> reading this, a Happy New Year to you too and may the blessings of the Lord be upon you this yea 201 201 0- 0<a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 46 01- 011 style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; 6 17 16 Je-in!</a> <br /> Originally uploaded by <a href="">gr3gta 01:3 17:3 8:43 8:43 1. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn 201 201 Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 8. Yishun - 20 Jul 9. <a href="http://www 0- 0- Park</a> - 24 Jul 10. <a href="" 48 01- 01- href="" target="_blank">Zoo</a> 1 2 04 03 href="" target="_blank">Mandai Loo 00:0 16:0 href="" target="_blank">East Coast 2:10 2:10 href="" target="_blank">Yishu East Coast Park - 29 Dec 201 201 0- 0<a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 46 01- 011 style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; 8 17 17 V</a> <br /> Originally uploaded by <a href="">gr3gtan</ 22:5 14:5 5:07 5:07 In my new life, though i've been convinced that doing God's Will is the way to go, assuming you k to get through life. It might involve giving up some things, changing a habit/lifestyle, going agains 201 201 for the longest time i've been thinking i must be the most unhappy Christian on earth because the m 0- 0more painful it is. I always even wonder why i need to know anything in the first place? Wouldn't 48 03- 031 all wrong. Sometimes i'd much rather do that. But recently it has been revealed to me through a vis 1 07 07 for us. When i first heard that, something clicked in my brain! An "aha" moment if you may.. A 10:1 02:1 life and we painfully go around dodging things. But if you take the positive spin on it, He actually 0:33 0:33 walk it. And of course he doesn't cast down fire and brimstone on us when we deviate from the pa the path, things just get that much harder. But that is where prayer comes in and we can ask anythi 201 201 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 0- 0- src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 47 01- 01- discovered <a href=" 1 2 17 17 nifty app which brings the whole brand proposition + fun to an app. In this day and age, nobody ne 23:1 15:1 that's quite cool :)</span> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px;">Really nifty stuff. No 2:43 2:43 href="">gr3gtan</a> </span> In my new life, though i've been convinced that doing God's Will is the way to go, assuming you k to get through life. It might involve giving up some things, changing a habit/lifestyle, going agains 201 201 for the longest time i've been thinking i must be the most unhappy Christian on earth because the m 0- 0more painful it is. I always even wonder why i need to know anything in the first place? Wouldn't 48 03- 031 all wrong. Sometimes i'd much rather do that. But recently it has been revealed to me through a vis 0 07 07 for us. When i first heard that, something clicked in my brain! An "aha" moment if you may.. A 10:1 02:1 life and we painfully go around dodging things. But if you take the positive spin on it, He actually 0:57 0:57 walk it. And of course he doesn't cast down fire and brimstone on us when we deviate from the pa the path, things just get that much harder. But that is where prayer comes in and we can ask anythi 201 201 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 0- 0- src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 47 01- 01- discovered <a href=" 1 5 17 17 nifty app which brings the whole brand proposition + fun to an app. In this day and age, nobody ne 23:2 15:2 that's quite cool :)</span> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px;">Really nifty stuff. No 4:08 4:08 href="">gr3gtan</a> </span> 201 201 0- 0<a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 47 01- 011 style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; 6 17 17 Me</a> <br /> Originally uploaded by <a href="">gr3gtan< 23:1 15:1 2:43 2:43 <img class="alignright" style="border: 0pt none; margin: 5px;" title="je-in" src="http://farm3.stat height="500" />Je-in is about 9 months now. I'd like to say time flies but i don't feel it flying. Thou 201 201 energy. Thank god for our parents who are always willing to sub us whenever something crops 0- 0- christmas and yesterday to watch Avatar. The movie was already only showing in the mornings bu 47 02- 02- animation thing up close. So its the first lunar new year for Je-in and he's got his taste of an ang ba 1 7 15 15 poor family so he won't be able to get all the fancy toys etc. That's gonna really be a challenge i gu 18:4 10:4 from middle class families. I can understand the parents too cos sometimes i get so caught up in w 8:57 8:57 him so that i can see his face light up when i get home. But the reality is that he doesn't need all th boxes. O well, i digress from a cny posting, so here's wishing you a prosperous new year and all th double-dip recession. gongxifacai! <img class="alignright" style="border: 0pt none; margin: 5px;" title="je-in" src="http://farm3.stat 201 201 height="500" />Je-in is about 9 months now. I'd like to say time flies but i don't feel it flying. Thou 0- 0- energy. Thank god for our parents who are always willing to sub us whenever something crops 47 02- 02- christmas and yesterday to watch Avatar. The movie was already only showing in the mornings bu 1 8 15 15 animation thing up close. So its the first lunar new year for Je-in and he's got his taste of an ang ba 18:4 10:4 poor family so he won't be able to get all the fancy toys etc. That's gonna really be a challenge i gu 8:34 8:34 from middle class families. I can understand the parents too cos sometimes i get so caught up in w him so that i can see his face light up when i get home. But the reality is that he doesn't need all th boxes. O well, i digress from a cny posting, so here's wishing you a prosperous new year and all th double-dip recession or some gongxifacai! <img class="alignright" style="border: 0pt none; margin: 5px;" title="je-in" src="http://farm3.stat height="500" />Je-in is about 9 months now. I'd like to say time flies but i don't feel it flying. Thou 201 201 energy. Thank god for our parents who are always willing to sub us whenever something crops 0- 0- christmas and yesterday to watch Avatar. The movie was already only showing in the mornings bu 47 02- 02- animation thing up close. So its the first lunar new year for Je-in and he's got his taste of an ang ba 1 9 15 15 poor family so he won't be able to get all the fancy toys etc. That's gonna really be a challenge i gu 18:5 10:5 from middle class families. I can understand the parents too cos sometimes i get so caught up in w 1:00 1:00 him so that i can see his face light up when i get home. But the reality is that he doesn't need all th boxes. O well, i digress from a cny posting, so here's wishing you a prosperous new year and all th double-dip recession. gongxifacai! 201 201 0- 048 03- 031 V's medical result is out. Its not good. And its not even the 13th. 3 12 12 23:2 15:2 5:10 5:10 201 201 0- 048 03- 031 V's medical result is out. Its not good. 4 12 12 23:2 15:2 4:44 4:44 Well since there are some cancer cells on the spine, the doc also confirmed that technically its at S makes not much of a diff to us right now. I've been crazily busy the last two weeks or so at work a 201 201 him to sleep a couple o times. He seems to be sleeping earlier at about 9ish these days. Probably b 0- 0been trying to walk and can go a few steps on his own before coming back down to all fours. Its re 51 04- 041 were a few days of gastric symptoms and the doc confirmed its a common side-effect of one of the 9 16 16 another drug to fight the first drug that fought the chemo! She's still strong and sticking to her rout 23:1 15:1 what's giving her strength. Her parents are also staying strong and they are taking it all in as a bles 5:29 5:29 get to bond to make up for the lost time since they left the daughters here to go and do their missio him, i can see this clearly at work and am humbled. One more week til the next chemo session. Yesterday V's biopsy results showed that the tumour is cancerous. We were referred to a cancer sp 201 201 start chemotherapy immediately. And they will decide on the next steps once the cycle of 6 session 0- 0they basically pump medicines into you to help kill the cancer cells. Now we know what chemo en 48 03- 031 to be flying in every time the old lady needs a session of chemo. Can't imagine the expenses they h 6 13 13 started and the doc had to call it off saying it was probably a reaction to the chemo. She rested the 21:5 13:5 We're still in abit of a shock at the quick turn of events for us. We didn't think it was so severe and 9:35 9:35 the chemo as she lies in bed now. Do keep us in your prayers. 201 201 48 0- 0- Yesterday V's biopsy results showed that the tumour is cancerous. We were referred to a cancer sp 1 7 03- 03- start chemotherapy immediately today. So V sat through an almost 4-hour infusion session where 13 13 21:4 13:4 7:21 7:21 201 201 Yesterday V's biopsy results showed that the tumour is cancerous. We were referred to a cancer sp 0- 0- start chemotherapy immediately. And they will decide on the next steps once the cycle of 6 session 48 03- 03- they basically pump medicines into you to help kill the cancer cells. Now we know what chemo en 1 8 13 13 to be flying in every time the old lady needs a session of chemo. Can't imagine the expenses they h 21:5 13:5 started and the doc had to call it off saying it was probably a reaction to the chemo. She rested the 7:38 7:38 We're still in abit of a shock at the quick turn of events for us. And V is starting to feel the effects Yesterday V's biopsy results showed that the tumour is cancerous. We were referred to a cancer sp 201 201 start chemotherapy immediately. And they will decide on the next steps once the cycle of 6 session 0- 0they basically pump medicines into you to help kill the cancer cells. Now we know what chemo en 48 03- 031 to be flying in every time the old lady needs a session of chemo. Can't imagine the expenses they h 9 13 13 started and the doc had to call it off saying it was probably a reaction to the chemo. She rested the 21:5 13:5 We're still in abit of a shock at the quick turn of events for us. We didn't think it was so severe and 8:35 8:35 the chemo as she lies in bed now. Do keep us in your prayers. Yesterday V's biopsy results showed that the tumour is cancerous. We were referred to a cancer sp 201 201 start chemotherapy immediately. And they will decide on the next steps once the cycle of 6 session 0- 0they basically pump medicines into you to help kill the cancer cells. Now we know what chemo en 49 03- 031 to be flying in every time the old lady needs a session of chemo. Can't imagine the expenses they h 1 13 13 started and the doc had to call it off saying it was probably a reaction to the chemo. She rested the 21:5 13:5 We're still in abit of a shock at the quick turn of events for us. We didn't think it was so severe and 9:35 9:35 the chemo as she lies in bed now. Do keep us in your prayers. 201 201 0- 049 03- 031 V's medical result is out. Its not good. And its not even the 13th. 2 12 12 23:2 15:2 5:10 5:10 201 201 Third day after chemo was bad for V. Her backaches which she originally was suffering from was 0- 0and could hardly sit up to eat her meals. The doc suggested taking some left over pain killers from 49 03- 031 improvement. Finally in the evening, the doc suggested taking 2 panadols. An hour later, she could 3 15 15 relieve her pain for good. Its gut wrenching watching someone writhe in pain. Everyone is rallying 22:4 14:4 staying over. Her mum is flying in tomorrow which hopefully will bring some relief too. 9:44 9:44 201 201 Third day after chemo was bad for V.Her backaches which she originally was suffering from was 0- 0and could hardly sit up to eat her meals. The doc suggested taking some left over pain killers from 49 03- 031 improvement. Finally in the evening the doc suggested doing 2 panadols. An hour later, she could 4 15 15 relieve her pain. Its gut wrenching watching someone writhe in pain. Everyone is rallying around u 22:4 14:4 hope that brings some relief too. 8:54 8:54 Third day after chemo was bad for V. Her backaches which she originally was suffering from was 201 201 and could hardly sit up to eat her meals. The doc suggested taking some left over pain killers from 49 0- 01 improvement. Finally in the evening, the doc suggested taking 2 panadols. An hour later, she could 5 03- 03relieve her pain for good. Its gut wrenching watching someone writhe in pain. Everyone is rallying 15 15 staying over. Her mum is flying in tomorrow w hope that brings some relief too. 22:5 14:5 2:38 2:38 201 201 Third day after chemo was bad for V.Her backaches which she originally was suffering from was 0- 0and could hardly sit up to eat her meals. The doc suggested taking some left over pain killers from 49 03- 031 improvement. Finally in the evening the doc suggested doing 2 panadols. An hour later, she could 6 15 15 relieve her pain. Its gut wrenching watching someone writhe in pain. Everyone is rallying around u 22:4 14:4 Her mum is flying in tomorrow. I hope that brings some relief too. 9:44 9:44 Things have been better the last two days. V is able to get up and move about as the pain is less ex 201 201 heart scan done today. The doc just needed this as reference data. She's also trying to be brave and 0- 0the back of her throat seems dry or something, i guess different days will bring about different sym 49 03- 031 popped into Novena to seek intercession. After tumbling through all these private clinics in the do 7 19 19 business. There are tons of foreigners seeking treatment. Most come with their whole families too. 16:0 08:0 are lounges, comfortable waiting areas. And the nurses generally talk nicely to you. Contrast this t 2:59 2:59 cold sterile environment, wait forever and the nurses tend to just scream your name when its your 201 201 0- 0Things have been better the last two days. V is able to get up and move about as the pain is less ex 49 03- 031 heart scan done today. The doc just needed this as reference data. After tumbling through all these 8 19 19 business. The clinics are done 15:2 07:2 5:33 5:33 Things have been better the last two days. V is able to get up and move about as the pain is less ex 201 201 heart scan done today. The doc just needed this as reference data. She's also trying to be brave and 0- 0the back of her throat seems dry or something, i guess different days will bring about different sym 49 03- 031 popped into Novena to seek intercession. After tumbling through all these private clinics in the do 9 19 19 business. There are tons of foreigners seeking treatment. Most come with their whole families too. 16:0 08:0 are lounges, comfortable waiting areas. And the nurses generally talk nicely to you. Contrast this t 2:31 2:31 cold sterile environment, wait forever and the nurses tend to just scream your name when its your 201 201 The last few days have been quite incredible. V has been speaking to both our mums often and sha 0- 0- to us spiritually. We understand that this will be a conversion period as well as a cleansing sort of 50 03- 03- strong now and is praying fervently everyday ever since mum told her to "storm heaven" with pray 1 0 27 27 peace of mind. On the physical side of things, an ulcer has popped up on her upper lip and seems p 12:2 04:2 it. Will need to go look for a bandana of sorts soon. Her back has at least been relieved bit by bit, d 2:50 2:50 that she be healed in God's time with his Divine Mercy. 201 201 The last few days have been quite incredible. V has been speaking to both our mums often and sha 0- 0- to us spiritually. We understand that this will be a conversion period as well as a cleansing sort of 50 03- 03- strong now and is praying fervently everyday ever since mum told her to "storm heaven" with pray 1 1 27 27 peace of mind. On the physical side of things, an ulcer has popped up on her upper lip and seems p 12:2 04:2 it. Will need to go look for bandana of sorts soon. Her back has at least been relieved bit by bit, da 2:39 2:39 that she be healed in God's time with his Mercy. 201 201 The last few days have been quite incredible. V has been speaking to both our mums often and sha 50 0- 0- to us spiritually. We understand that this will be a conversion period as well as a cleansing sort of 1 2 03- 03- strong now and is praying fervently everyday ever since mum told her to "storm heaven" with pray 27 27 peace of mind. On the physical side of things, an ulcer has popped up on her upper lip and seems p 12:2 04:2 it. Will need to go look for bandana of sorts soon. Her back has at least been relieved bit by bit, da 2:50 2:50 that she be healed in God's time with his Divine Mercy. Once the news of V's troubles reached her relatives in Korea, her uncle whom we stayed with in th that some church member also went through chemo and survived stage 3 cancer. The lady's experi 201 201 makes you weak and destroys your immunity. So her method was to eat well and to keep on exerc 0- 0regularly. Even when she was really weak after the first two chemos, she decided that she would e 50 03- 031 mountain was a better choice. That lady survived 9 sessions of chemo and is doing well now. Of c 3 28 28 uncle then made the offer to ask V to stay with them as they are closer to nature and fresh air etc a 12:0 04:0 can get some welfare coverage since she holds a Korean passport even though she doesn't live ther 5:33 5:33 are people out there who really care. Not forgetting numerous other advice and offers we got to ba bless them. 201 201 0- 0Once the news of V's troubles reached her relatives in Korea, her uncle whom we stayed with in th 50 03- 031 that some church member also went through chemo and survived stage 3 cancer. Her experience w 4 28 28 you weak and destroys your immunity 11:5 03:5 0:29 0:29 Once the news of V's troubles reached her relatives in Korea, her uncle whom we stayed with in th 201 201 that some church member also went through chemo and survived stage 3 cancer. The lady's experi 0- 0- makes you weak and destroys your immunity. So her method was to eat well and to keep on exerc 50 03- 03- regularly. Even when she was really weak after the first two chemos, she decided that she would e 1 5 28 28 mountain was a better choice. That lady survived 9 sessions of chemo and is doing well now. Of c 12:0 04:0 V to stay with them as they are closer to nature and fresh air etc and aunt can look after Je-in.He e 4:48 4:48 since she holds a Korean passport even though she doesn't live there. We probably won't take up th care. God bless them. Once the news of V's troubles reached her relatives in Korea, her uncle whom we stayed with in th that some church member also went through chemo and survived stage 3 cancer. The lady's experi 201 201 makes you weak and destroys your immunity. So her method was to eat well and to keep on exerc 0- 0regularly. Even when she was really weak after the first two chemos, she decided that she would e 50 03- 031 mountain was a better choice. That lady survived 9 sessions of chemo and is doing well now. Of c 6 28 28 uncle then made the offer to ask V to stay with them as they are closer to nature and fresh air etc a 12:5 04:5 can get some welfare coverage since she holds a Korean passport even though she doesn't live ther 7:47 7:47 are people out there who really care. Not forgetting numerous other advice and offers we got to ba some timeout. God bless them. Once the news of V's troubles reached her relatives in Korea, her uncle whom we stayed with in th 201 201 that some church member also went through chemo and survived stage 3 cancer. The lady's experi 0- 0- makes you weak and destroys your immunity. So her method was to eat well and to keep on exerc 50 03- 03- regularly. Even when she was really weak after the first two chemos, she decided that she would e 1 7 28 28 mountain was a better choice. That lady survived 9 sessions of chemo and is doing well now. Of c 12:0 04:0 uncle then made the offer to ask V to stay with them as they are closer to nature and fresh air etc a 5:33 5:33 can get some welfare coverage since she holds a Korean passport even though she doesn't live ther are people out there who really care. God bless them. 201 201 Once the news of V's troubles reached her relatives in Korea, her uncle whom we stayed with in th 50 10- 0- that some church member also went through chemo and survived stage 3 cancer. The lady's experi 8 03- 03- makes you weak and destroys your immunity. So her method was to eat well and to keep on exerc 28 28 regularly. Even when she was really weak after the first two chemos, she decided that she would e 12:5 04:5 mountain was a better choice. That lady survived 9 sessions of chemo and is doing well now. Of c 6:42 6:42 uncle then made the offer to ask V to stay with them as they are closer to nature and fresh air etc a can get some welfare coverage since she holds a Korean passport even though she doesn't live ther are people out there who really care. Not forgetting numerous other advice and offers we got to ba some timeout. God bless them. <img class="alignleft" style="border: 0pt none; margin: 5px;" src=" height="222" /> Normally people go for a scan to see how bad the cancer has spread before the do was quite advanced, we started on chemo immediately when the doc first saw her since that would cycle of chemo was the time to do the full scan because the body would have more or less have rec relatively painless, she just had to stop food the night before and show up at the clinic. They inject body before they put her into a scanner which is similar to an MRI. The results were out in a coupl 201 201 tumour seems to have shrunk a little and she responded well to the first round of chemo without 0- 0affirmation of the drugs chosen. The bad news though, is that the scan actually shows cancer activ 50 04- 041 causing all the backpain that she was suffering the last few months. I am quite in shock as the spin 9 01 01 out and if it gets serious, you'll probably get severe pain and mobility problems. We talked with th 18:3 10:3 attention you can't get at a govt hospital. The doc was informative and cheerful and it helped to lift 8:31 8:31 good medical advisor in comfortable settings and not shopped around like sheep. The gameplan re decent size to be operated on and other options like radiotherapy might kick in on some remnant c has come into contact with cancer cells in the milk as the digestive system will destroy it and canc no docs can say why it occurs just that there are people with higher risk factors and that there is a l getting it because of the huge change in hormones in your body. We are trying to be strong, and sh healing. Please continue to pray on. Normally people go for a scan to see how bad the cancer has spread before the doc will recommen 201 201 we started on chemo immediately when the doc first saw her since that would have been a given tr 0- 0the time to do the full scan because the body would have more or less have recovered from the sho 51 04- 041 stop food the night before and show up at the clinic. They injected her with some "dye", she waited 0 01 01 scanner which is similar to an MRI. The results were out in a couple of hours and doc debriefed us 18:2 10:2 little and she responded well to the first round of chemo without further side effects. Doc reckon 2:56 2:56 The bad news though, is that the scan actually shows cancer activity on the breast, lymph node and Normally people go for a scan to see how bad the cancer has spread before the doc will recommen we started on chemo immediately when the doc first saw her since that would have been a given tr the time to do the full scan because the body would have more or less have recovered from the sho stop food the night before and show up at the clinic. They injected her with some "dye", she waited scanner which is similar to an MRI. The results were out in a couple of hours and doc debriefed us 201 201 little and she responded well to the first round of chemo without further side effects. Doc reckon 0- 0The bad news though, is that the scan actually shows cancer activity on the breast, lymph node and 51 04- 041 was suffering the last few months. I am quite in shock as the spine is an area you really don't want 1 01 01 probably get severe pain and mobility problems. We talked with the doc for almost an hour and in 18:3 10:3 hospital. The doc was informative and cheerful and it helped to lift some spirits. Am truly grateful 7:59 7:59 settings and not shopped around like sheep. The gameplan remains the same - 6 cycles of chemo. H options like radiotherapy might kick in on some remnant cells. We have also confirmed that Je-in in the milk as the digestive system will destroy it and cancer is not infectious. It has to start from s there are people with higher risk factors and that there is a little known fact that pregnancy actually hormones in your body. We are trying to be strong, and she is, more than me i guess, and still has Normally people go for a scan to see how bad the cancer has spread before the doc will recommen we started on chemo immediately when the doc first saw her since that would have been a given tr the time to do the full scan because the body would have more or less have recovered from the sho stop food the night before and show up at the clinic. They injected her with some "dye", she waited scanner which is similar to an MRI. The results were out in a couple of hours and doc debriefed us 201 201 little and she responded well to the first round of chemo without further side effects. Doc reckon 0- 0The bad news though, is that the scan actually shows cancer activity on the breast, lymph node and 51 04- 041 was suffering the last few months. I am quite in shock as the spine is an area you really don't want 2 01 01 probably get severe pain and mobility problems. We talked with the doc for almost an hour and in 18:3 10:3 hospital. The doc was informative and cheerful and it helped to lift some spirits. Am truly grateful 8:31 8:31 settings and not shopped around like sheep. The gameplan remains the same - 6 cycles of chemo. H options like radiotherapy might kick in on some remnant cells. We have also confirmed that Je-in in the milk as the digestive system will destroy it and cancer is not infectious. It has to start from s there are people with higher risk factors and that there is a little known fact that pregnancy actually hormones in your body. We are trying to be strong, and she really is, more than me at least, and sti 201 201 0- 0Je-in's 1st birthday is coming up this Sat! We've managed to plan a little BBQ get-together at <a 52 05- 051 target="_blank">Alchemy</a>. So if you're not doing anything happening on Sat evening, do drop 6 10 10 awhile longer for V to get over, but she's ok now, so its all good. Hope she enjoys this event as mu 23:1 15:1 4:08 4:08 Normally people go for a scan to see how bad the cancer has spread before the doc will recommen we started on chemo immediately when the doc first saw her since that would have been a given tr the time to do the full scan because the body would have more or less have recovered from the sho she just had to stop food the night before and show up at the clinic. They injected her with some "d put her into a scanner which is similar to an MRI. The results were out in a couple of hours and do 201 201 have shrunk a little and she responded well to the first round of chemo without further side effec 0- 0- drugs chosen. The bad news though, is that the scan actually shows cancer activity on the breast, ly 51 04- 04- backpain that she was suffering the last few months. I am quite in shock as the spine is an area you 1 6 01 01 gets serious, you'll probably get severe pain and mobility problems. We talked with the doc for alm 18:3 10:3 get at a govt hospital. The doc was informative and cheerful and it helped to lift some spirits. Am t 9:31 9:31 in comfortable settings and not shopped around like sheep. The gameplan remains the same - 6 cyc operated on and other options like radiotherapy might kick in on some remnant cells. We have also contact with cancer cells in the milk as the digestive system will destroy it and cancer is not infect say why it occurs just that there are people with higher risk factors and that there is a little known of the huge change in hormones in your body. We are trying to be strong, and she really is, more th continue to pray on. 201 201 0- 0Je-in's 1st birthday is coming up this Sat! We've managed to plan a little BBQ get-together at <a 52 05- 051 target="_blank">Alchemy</a>. So if you're not doing anything happening on Sat evening, do drop 9 10 10 awhile longer for V to get over, but she's ok now, so its all good. Hope she enjoys this event as mu 23:1 15:1 6:56 6:56 201 201 Je-in's 1st birthday is coming up this Sat! We've managed to plan a little BBQ get-together at <a 52 10- 0- target="_blank">Alchemy</a>. So if you're not doing anything happening on Sat evening, do drop 8 05- 05- awhile longer for V to get over, but she's ok now, so its all good. Hope she enjoys this event as mu 10 10 23:1 15:1 4:08 4:08 201 201 0- 0Je-in's 1st birthday is coming up this Sat! We've managed to plan a little BBQ get-together at <a 52 05- 051 target="_blank">Alchemy</a>. So if you're not doing anything happening on Sat evening, do drop 7 10 10 awhile longer for V to get over, but she's ok now, so its all good. Hope she enjoys this event as mu 23:1 15:1 2:25 2:25 201 201 0- 0- <a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 51 04- 04- style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; 1 8 04 04 href="">:(</a> <br /> Originally uploaded by 17:4 09:4 <br clear="all" /> <p></p> 3:22 3:22 Well since there are some cancer cells on the spine, the doc also confirmed that technically its at S makes not much of a diff to us right now. I've been crazily busy the last two weeks or so at work a 201 201 him to sleep a couple o times. He seems to be sleeping earlier at about 9ish these days. Probably b 0- 0been trying to walk and can go a few steps on his own before coming back down to all fours. Anyw 52 04- 041 symptoms and the doc confirmed its a common side-effect of one of the drugs used to prevent ano 0 16 16 drug that fought the chemo! She's still strong and sticking to her routine of a morning walk and 2 i 23:1 15:1 Her parents are also staying strong and they are taking it all in as a blessing because they are finall 4:36 4:36 the lost time since they left the daughters here to go and do their mission. You sometimes hear how work and am humbled. One more week til the next chemo session. I've been thinking, you know how you always felt you had to drag yourself to mass when you were 201 201 Well, today its just the direct opposite. With God's grace, V's mum decided to stay for the weekend 0- 0- some time with their family, and we could never attend mass together because initially she was 52 04- 04- with him around. But today, she was up and about and we could go together! Her 3rd chemo sessio 1 1 24 24 postponed it til Monday. This itself is another blessing as we couldn't spend time on the weekends 22:4 14:4 change, we'll now have more weekends to do simple stuff like having lunch out. Je-in has started t 5:04 5:04 times he still comes back down to all fours but is quite keen to get up and try again :) He can also m really the simple things in life that are meaningful. I've been thinking, you know how you always felt you had to drag yourself to mass when you were 201 201 Well, today its just the direct opposite. With God's grace, V's mum decided to stay for the weekend 0- 0- some time with their family, and we could never attend mass together because initially she was 52 04- 04- with him around. But today, she was up and about and we could go together! Her 3rd chemo sessio 1 2 24 24 postponed it til Monday. This itself is another blessing as we couldn't spend time on the weekends 22:4 14:4 change, we'll now have more weekends to do simple stuff like having lunch out. Je-in has started t 4:36 4:36 times he still comes back down to all fours but is quite keen to get up and try again :) He can also m the simple things in life that are meaningful. I've been thinking, you know how you always felt you had to drag yourself to mass when you were 201 201 Well, today its just the direct opposite. With God's grace, V's mum decided to stay for the weekend 52 0- 01 some time with their family, and we could never attend mass together because initially she was 3 04- 04with him around. But today, she was up and about and we could go together! Her 3rd chemo sessio 24 24 postponed it til Monday. This itself is another blessing as we couldn't spend time on the weekends 22:4 14:4 change, we'll now have more weekends to do simple stuff like having lunch out. Je-in has started t 5:04 5:04 times he still comes back down to all fours but is quite keen to get up and try again :) He can also m really the simple things in life that are meaningful. 201 201 V just did #3 yesterday. Her mum wanted to go with her so i didn't take the day off. Dropped them 0- 0- to be done, they got home only in the late afternoon. A rather long day but it gave good news. The 52 04- 04- that everything was going well, so despite the chemo killing cells within her, her immunity is still 1 4 27 27 need for intermediate scans as its obviously getting smaller which means the medicines are suitabl 22:1 14:1 session of chemo. Its day 2 today so she's still feeling the effects of the chemo, being drowsy and n 2:18 2:18 who have been praying for us and please continue to do so. 201 201 V just did #3 yesterday. Her mum wanted to go with her so i didn't take the day off. Dropped them 0- 0- to be done, they got home only in the late afternoon. A rather long day but it gave good news. The 52 04- 04- that everything was going well, so despite the chemo killing cells within her, her immunity is still 1 5 27 27 need for intermediate scans as its obviously getting smaller which means the medicines are suitabl 22:1 14:1 session of chemo. Its day 2 today so she's still feeling the effects of the chemo, being drowsy and n 1:34 1:34 who have been praying for us and please continue to do so. 201 201 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 0- 0src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 53 05- 051 href="">#4</a> Originally uploaded by <a hre 0 17 17 is really happy that the tumour is obviously smaller and it's also softer. She does not need to do an 14:3 06:3 naseous at the beginning but some nuggets and fries from Mc D helped! Junk food to the rescue.. 0:37 0:37 201 201 0- 0<a href=";view=article&amp;id 53 05- 051 way&amp;catid=243:may-23-2010-vol-60-no10&amp;Itemid=78" target="_blank">Have a read. 1 22 22 for everyone of us. 11:3 03:3 5:09 5:09 201 201 0- 0<a href=";view=article&amp;id 53 05- 051 way&amp;catid=243:may-23-2010-vol-60-no10&amp;Itemid=78" target="_blank">Have a read. 2 22 22 fir 11:3 03:3 4:48 4:48 201 201 0- 0<a href=";view=article&amp;id 53 05- 051 way&amp;catid=243:may-23-2010-vol-60-no10&amp;Itemid=78" target="_blank">Have a read. 3 22 22 for everyone of us. 11:3 03:3 5:09 5:09 201 201 <img class="alignnone" title="IS250" src=" 0- 0- toying with the idea of trading in the car for awhile now. Since the COE prices went up tremendou 53 05- 05- refuse to admit it and stubbornly attribute it to market forces), I've been checking the resale value o 1 4 29 29 However, upon checking them in the real-world at auto-dealers, the numbers are like lower by 10% 22:0 14:0 with some cash because V will eventually stop working and any $$ saved in the long term is better 4:40 4:40 trying it out on the existing car as the dimensions are also larger than a normal saloon. So over the on our next ride. We've signed on the dotted line and will probably get the keys within a month. G expected but now its time to let you go... <img class="alignnone" title="IS250" src=" 201 201 toying with the idea of trading in the car for awhile now. Since the COE prices went up tremendou 0- 0- refuse to admit it and stubbornly attribute it to market forces), I've been checking the resale value o 53 05- 05- However, upon checking them in the real-world at auto-dealers, the numbers are like down 10%. S 1 5 29 29 with some cash because V will eventually stop working and any $$ saved is better than nothing. S 22:0 14:0 existing car as the dimensions are also larger than a normal saloon. So over the long weekend, we' 3:55 3:55 We've signed on the dotted line and will probably get the keys within a month. Goodbye L. Its bee to let you go... <img class="alignnone" title="IS250" src=" 201 201 toying with the idea of trading in the car for awhile now. Since the COE prices went up tremendou 0- 0- refuse to admit it and stubbornly attribute it to market forces), I've been checking the resale value o 53 05- 05- However, upon checking them in the real-world at auto-dealers, the numbers are like lower by 10% 1 6 29 29 with some cash because V will eventually stop working and any $$ saved in the long term is better 22:0 14:0 trying it out on the existing car as the dimensions are also larger than a normal saloon. So over the 4:40 4:40 on our next ride. We've signed on the dotted line and will probably get the keys within a month. G expected but now its time to let you go... <img class="alignnone" title="IS250" src=" 201 201 toying with the idea of trading in the car for awhile now. Since the COE prices went up tremendou 0- 0- refuse to admit it and stubbornly attribute it to market forces), I've been checking the resale value o 53 05- 05- However, upon checking them in the real-world at auto-dealers, the numbers are like lower by 10% 1 7 29 29 with some cash because V will eventually stop working and any $$ saved in the long term is better 22:0 14:0 trying it out on the existing car as the dimensions are also larger than a normal saloon. So over the 6:47 6:47 on our next ride. We've signed on the dotted line and will probably get the keys within a month. G expected but now its time to let you go... The fifth session came and went pretty quickly. She's now asleep back at home. Its almost like a ro blood test. We hang out for an hour or so for the lab results, doc runs us through the updates and c are able to tackle this via the private healthcare system and everything is pleasant and convenient. 201 201 clinical environments and waiting lines with hordes of others. So for those of you who are in the p 0- 0- and see if there are ways to upgrade. We now know first hand that the medishield plan reimbursem 53 06- 06- have to do these repeated treatments, you don't want to be shuffled around like some statistic. The 1 8 07 07 like $4k per session. My colleague told me her mum's was $12k per session at one point. The num 18:0 10:0 My suggestion: upgrade the medishield plan to the private ones which deduct from your CPF and 4:33 4:33 year.(a few hundred i reckon) This usually covers "as charged" expenses which mean you are free the math,you probably get your money's worth within your lifetime and more but the peace of min hardly feel the edges of the tumour anymore. Her immunity is also stronger than the last session w last session. The gameplan is still to finish chemo #6 and do the PET scan again before the surgeon The fifth session came and went pretty quickly. She's now asleep back at home. Its almost like a ro 201 201 blood test. We hang out for an hour or so for the lab results, doc runs us through the updates and c 0- 0- are able to tackle this via the private healthcare system and everything is pleasant and convenient. 53 06- 06- clinical environments and waiting lines with hordes of others. So for those of you who are in the p 1 9 07 07 and see if there are ways to upgrade. We now know first hand that the medishield plan reimbursem 18:0 10:0 have to do these repeated treatments, you don't want to be shuffled around like some statistic. The 4:20 4:20 like $4k per session. My colleague told me her mum's was $12k per session at one point. The num My suggestion: upgrade the medishield plan to the private ones which deduct from your CPF and year.(a few hundred i reckon) This usually covers "as charged" expenses which mean you are free the math,you probably get your money's worth within your lifetime and more but the peace of min hardly feel the edges of the tumour anymore. Her immunity is also stronger than the last session w the last session. The gameplan is still to finish chemo #6 and do the PET scan again before the sur The fifth session came and went pretty quickly. She's now asleep back at home. Its almost like a ro blood test. We hang out for an hour or so for the lab results, doc runs us through the updates and c are able to tackle this via the private healthcare system and everything is pleasant and convenient. 201 201 clinical environments and waiting lines with hordes of others. So for those of you who are in the p 0- 0- and see if there are ways to upgrade. We now know first hand that the medishield plan reimbursem 54 06- 06- have to do these repeated treatments, you don't want to be shuffled around like some statistic. The 1 0 07 07 like $4k per session. My colleague told me her mum's was $12k per session at one point. The num 18:0 10:0 My suggestion: upgrade the medishield plan to the private ones which deduct from your CPF and 4:33 4:33 year.(a few hundred i reckon) This usually covers "as charged" expenses which mean you are free the math,you probably get your money's worth within your lifetime and more but the peace of min hardly feel the edges of the tumour anymore. Her immunity is also stronger than the last session w the last session. The gameplan is still to finish chemo #6 and do the PET scan again before the sur 201 201 <a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 0- 0style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; 54 05- 051 href="">#4</a> <br /> Originally uploaded by 1 17 17 </span> <br clear="all" /> <p>Doc is really happy that the tumour is obviously smaller and it's als 14:3 06:3 Praise<br /> God! This time round V felt a bit naseous at the beginning but some<br /> nuggets an 0:37 0:37 201 201 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 0- 0src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 54 06- 061 href="">#4</a></span> Originally uploaded b 2 07 07 is really happy that the tumour is obviously smaller and it's also softer. She does not need to do an 21:3 13:3 naseous at the beginning but some nuggets and fries from Mc D helped! Junk food to the rescue.. 1:58 1:58 This is the last prescribed session and everything seemed faster. The session itself was about an ho 201 201 she was up and about on the second day. Doc said the same thing as last time about the size of the 0- 0little and she did say the results are quite exceptional. Next step is to do the PET scan again and to 54 06- 061 for all the blessings so far. There were hardly any major side effects from the chemo apart from th 3 30 30 session. We continue to pray for a miracle. V's mum is currently ill in Cambodia too. She couldn't 22:2 14:2 Apparently she got attacked by amoeba which is common in third-world countries. She was in the 4:44 4:44 challenges. 201 201 This is the last prescribed session and it came and went pretty quickly. The session itself was abou 0- 0- as she was up and about the second day. Doc said the same thing as last time about the size of the 54 06- 06- little and she did say the results are quite exceptional. Next step is to do the PET scan again and to 1 4 30 30 for all the blessings so far. There were hardly any major side effects from the chemo apart from th 22:2 14:2 session. We continue to pray for a miracle. V's mum is currently ill in Cambodia too. She couldn't 3:58 3:58 Apparently she got attacked by amoeba which is common in third-world countries. We hear she w 201 201 This is the last prescribed session and it came and went pretty quickly. The session itself was abou 54 0- 0- as she was up and about the second day. Doc said the same thing as last time about the size of the 1 5 06- 06- little and she did say the results are quite exceptional. Next step is to do the PET scan again and to 30 30 for all the blessings so far. There were hardly any major side effects from the chemo apart from th 22:2 14:2 session. We continue to pray for a miracle. V's mum is currently ill in Cambodia too. She couldn't 4:44 4:44 Apparently she got attacked by amoeba which is common in third-world countries. She was in the challenges. Today was in a way, a day of reckoning for us. V was scheduled for the PET scan after completing first, so she ran up again to get it, the roads were peak-hour packed and we were late. So we rushed She went into the scanning area and i was left to wait out front. I wandered around the mall for an then off to her regular clinic for one more round of Zometa (the chemo that focused on strengtheni in the day for the results of the earlier scan. When we came back later and were called into the roo on her spinal area were all gone! Its clearly shown on the scans as they placed them on side-by-sid 201 201 cancer cells on the breast itself were only about 10% of the original scans, but there was also some 0- 0were taken, so she's not a 100% sure on that bit. She then told us that she was still recommending 54 07- 071 ultimately that decision will be made by the breast specialist as she was only handling the oncolog 7 16 16 year or two just to be safe. And the first thing that popped into my head was "and how much is tha 23:5 15:5 heart sank abit. It took me awhile to register that her spine is given the all clear! That's the most im 1:11 1:11 a funny story on God's healing. My mum has heard that when God is doing his healing work on yo whole life, V doesn't really sneeze, but all throughout the chemo there are just days when she wou burping, farting and yawning so maybe everything is just getting expelled :) Next appointment is o not need to undergo any surgery. Medical evidence seems to point that she does need to cut some t received from the beginning, that there will be no surgery. This has lifted our spirits somewhat. W with us right now. I'll prob put that up on Monday so you can see for yourself the contrast) 201 201 0- 0- Today was in a way, a day of reckoning for us. V was scheduled for the PET scan after completing 54 07- 07- first, so she ran up again to get it, the roads were peak-hour packed and we were late. So we rushed 1 8 16 16 She went into the scanning area and i was left to wait out front. I wandered around the mall for an 23:2 15:2 off to her regular clinic for one more round of Zometa (the chemo that focused on strengthening th 7:26 7:26 Today was in a way, a day of reckoning for us. V was scheduled for the PET scan after completing first, so she ran up again to get it, the roads were peak-hour packed and we were late. So we rushed She went into the scanning area and i was left to wait out front. I wandered around the mall for an then off to her regular clinic for one more round of Zometa (the chemo that focused on strengtheni in the day for the results of the earlier scan. When we came back later and were called into the roo on her spinal area were all gone! Its clearly shown on the scans as they placed them on side by sid 201 201 cancer cells on the breast itself were only about 10% of the original scans, but there was also some 0- 0were taken, so she's not a 100% sure on that bit. She then told us that she was still recommending 54 07- 071 ultimately that decision will be made by the breast specialist as she was only handling the oncolog 9 16 16 year or two just to be safe. And the first thing that popped into my head was "and how much is tha 23:4 15:4 heart sank abit. It took me awhile to register that her spine is given the all clear! That's the most im 9:52 9:52 a funny story on God's healing. My mum has heard that when God is doing his healing work on yo whole life, V doesn't really sneeze, but all throughout the chemo there are just days when she wou burping, farting and yawning so maybe everything is just getting expelled :) Next appointment is o not need to undergo any surgery. Medical evidence seems to point that she does need to cut some t received from the beginning, that there will be no surgery. This has lifted our spirits somewhat. W with us right now. I'll prob put that up on Monday so you can see for yourself the contrast) 201 201 Today was in a way, a day of reckoning for us. V was scheduled for the PET scan after completing 55 10- 0- first, so she ran up again to get it, the roads were peak-hour packed and we were late. So we rushed 0 07- 07- She went into the scanning area and i was left to wait out front. I wandered around the mall for an 17 17 then off to her regular clinic for one more round of Zometa (the chemo that focused on strengtheni 11:3 03:3 in the day for the results of the earlier scan. When we came back later and were called into the roo 4:58 4:58 on her spinal area were all gone! Its clearly shown on the scans as they placed them on side-by-sid cancer cells on the breast itself were only about 10% of the original scans, but there was also some were taken, so she's not a 100% sure on that bit. She then told us that she was still recommending ultimately that decision will be made by the breast specialist as she was only handling the oncolog year or two just to be safe. And the first thing that popped into my head was "and how much is tha heart sank abit. It took me awhile to register that her spine is given the all clear! That's the most im a funny story on God's healing. My mum has heard that when God is doing his healing work on yo whole life, V doesn't really sneeze, but all throughout the chemo there are just days when she wou burping, farting and yawning so maybe everything is just getting expelled :) Next appointment is o not need to undergo any surgery. Medical evidence seems to point that she does need to cut some t received from the beginning, that there will be no surgery. This has lifted our spirits somewhat. W with us right now. I'll prob put that up on Monday so you can see for yourself the contrast) Today was in a way, a day of reckoning for us. V was scheduled for the PET scan after completing first, so she ran up again to get it, the roads were peak-hour packed and we were late. So we rushed She went into the scanning area and i was left to wait out front. I wandered around the mall for an then off to her regular clinic for one more round of Zometa (the chemo that focused on strengtheni in the day for the results of the earlier scan. When we came back later and were called into the roo on her spinal area were all gone! Its clearly shown on the scans as they placed them on side by sid 201 201 cancer cells on the breast itself were only about 10% of the original scans, but there was also some 0- 0were taken, so she's not a 100% sure on that bit. She then told us that she was still recommending 55 07- 071 ultimately that decision will be made by the breast specialist as she was only handling the oncolog 1 16 16 year or two just to be safe. And the first thing that popped into my head was "and how much is tha 23:5 15:5 heart sank abit. It took me awhile to register that her spine is given the all clear! That's the most im 1:11 1:11 a funny story on God's healing. My mum has heard that when God is doing his healing work on yo whole life, V doesn't really sneeze, but all throughout the chemo there are just days when she wou burping, farting and yawning so maybe everything is just getting expelled :) Next appointment is o not need to undergo any surgery. Medical evidence seems to point that she does need to cut some t received from the beginning, that there will be no surgery. This has lifted our spirits somewhat. W with us right now. I'll prob put that up on Monday so you can see for yourself the contrast) 201 201 V is in good health now. We're just waiting for the effects of the last chemo to wear off before we 0- 0- its nice to have their whole family together again. Je-in seems to know what he wants these days a 56 08- 08- basically have to keep distracting him with something else to get his mind off whatever it is he wa 1 9 07 07 to let V drive the new car. She's done two short trips already and its nerve-wrecking for me as muc 22:5 14:5 out of daily mass early in the morning before i leave for work. So God pls be with her when she dr 5:21 5:21 well, mergers and splits come and go. That's life. 201 201 0- 0- <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 55 07- 07- src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 1 3 19 19 the left image fading off from the image on the right.</span> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; marg 22:0 14:0 </span> 0:57 0:57 201 201 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 55 10- 0- src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 4 07- 07- the left image fading off from the image on the right.</span> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; marg 19 19 22:0 14:0 3:13 3:13 201 201 0- 0- <a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 55 07- 07- style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; 1 5 19 19 href="">Spine recovered</a> <br /> Originall 22:0 14:0 href="">gr3gtan</a> </span> <br clear="all" /> <p></p> 0:57 0:57 201 201 0- 0- We went to see the surgeon today and she laid out the options of : 1. Masectomy 2. Mammogram / 55 07- 07- or 2 Initially the doc's preference was option 1 over option 2 as it would give her the fullest confid 1 6 19 19 option 3 was presented because she hasn't max-ed out her chemo threshold yet. So tomorrow she g 22:1 14:1 The thought of losing your arm or leg or breast for the matter is really a tough decision to make if 3:32 3:32 201 201 0- 0- We went to see the surgeon today and she laid out the options of : 1. Masectomy 2. Mammogram / 55 07- 07- or 2 Initially the doc's preference was option 1 over option 2 as it would give her the fullest confid 1 7 19 19 option 3 was presented because she hasn't max-ed out her chemo threshold yet. So tomorrow she g 22:1 14:1 The thought of losing your arm or leg or breast for the matter is really a tough decision to make if 3:20 3:20 201 201 Business As Usual is what we call it at work. I guess life is fairly back to normal for now. Even V' 0- 0getaway with the whole family, so hopefully we get to relax a little and enjoy the company. This ti 59 08- 081 island. Apparently, Nami is the location set for the very successful Winter Sonata drama and is no 4 30 30 sure the scenery will be enchanting. On a sadder note, a good friend M, is having some problems i 23:2 15:2 prayers. 8:22 8:22 201 201 Business As Usual is what we call it at work. I guess life is fairly back to normal for now. Even V' 0- 0getaway with the whole family, so hopefully we get to relax a little and enjoy the company. This ti 59 08- 081 island. Apparently, Nami is the location set for the very successful Winter Sonata drama and is no 5 30 30 sure the scenery will be enchanting. On a sadder note, a good friend M, is having some problems i 23:3 15:3 prayers. 0:32 0:32 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img class=" src="" alt="" width="300" hei i guess its time to just do a little show and tell! Its a Golf 1.4 TSI. Sporty hatchback from "Volksw 201 201 Subaru Impreza hatchback, but just decided to pop into the VW showroom to have one look at the 0- 0is it. Didn't really think this was within budget, but the salesguy explained the current offer which 56 07- 071 take in the old ride for a slightly better price then previous offers. So we took the plunge, and boy, 0 23 23 Went to check out the local VW forums and i read articles on 7-speed DSG gearbox failures. Doub 22:0 14:0 up and gotten VW to throw in a 5-year warranty on the DSGs or 100,000 miles. They are just basi 8:54 8:54 even got the keys, i was already feeling queasy about the whole thing - Me being paranoid android deal. Suffice to say that for now, the car still runs great, the 1.4L saves on your insurance and road The technology is simply amazing. It just needs to hold up :) Only peeve is that at low speeds, its g converter (no idea what that means but i read it!) so it doesn't just cruise when you release the acce give her the confidence and maybe soon i can get chauffeured around on weekends. <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img class=" src="" alt="" width="300" />< time to just do a little show and tell! Its a Golf 1.4 TSI. Sporty hatchback from "Volkswagen" (also Impreza hatchback, but just decided to pop into the VW showroom to have one look at the Polo. T 201 201 Didn't really think this was within budget, but the salesguy explained the current offer which broug 0- 0in the old ride for a slightly better price then previous offers. So we took the plunge, and boy, God 56 07- 071 check out the local VW forums and i read articles on 7-speed DSG gearbox failures. Double-check 2 23 23 gotten VW to throw in a 5-year warranty on the DSGs or 100,000 miles. They are just basically on 22:3 14:3 the keys, i was already feeling queasy about the whole thing - Me being paranoid android and all. 3:58 3:58 Suffice to say that for now, the car still runs great, the 1.4L saves on your insurance and roadtax in technology is simply amazing. It just needs to hold up :) Only peeve is that at low speeds, its got th (no idea what that means but i read it!) so it doesn't just cruise when you release the accelerator. V the confidence and maybe soon i can get chauffeured around on weekends. 201 201 0- 0- <a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 56 07- 07- alt="" style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top 1 3 23 23 href="">Golf 1.4 TSI</a> <br /> Originally up 22:0 14:0 href="">gr3gtan</a> </span> <br clear="all" /> <p>blah</p 8:54 8:54 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img class=" src="" alt="" width="300" />< 201 201 time to just do a little show and tell! Its a Golf 1.4 TSI. Sporty hatchback from "Volkswagen" (also 0- 0Impreza hatchback, but just decided to pop into the VW showroom to have one look at the Polo. T 56 07- 071 Didn't really think this was within budget, but the salesguy explained the current offer which broug 4 23 23 in the old ride for a slightly better price then previous offers. So we took the plunge, and boy, God 22:2 14:2 check out the local VW forums and i read many articles on 7-speed DSG gearbox failures. Double 4:35 4:35 and gotten VW to throw in a 5-year warranty on the DSGs or 100,000 miles. So before we even go being paranoid android and all. Didn't want to lose the deposit so we didn't back out on the deal. <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img class=" src="" alt="" width="300" />< time to just do a little show and tell! Its a Golf 1.4 TSI. Sporty hatchback from "Volkswagen" (also Impreza hatchback, but just decided to pop into the VW showroom to have one look at the Polo. T 201 201 Didn't really think this was within budget, but the salesguy explained the current offer which broug 0- 0in the old ride for a slightly better price then previous offers. So we took the plunge, and boy, God 56 07- 071 check out the local VW forums and i read articles on 7-speed DSG gearbox failures. Double-check 5 23 23 gotten VW to throw in a 5-year warranty on the DSGs or 100,000 miles. They are just basically on 22:3 14:3 the keys, i was already feeling queasy about the whole thing - Me being paranoid android and all. 2:55 2:55 Suffice to say that for now, the car still runs great, the 1.4L saves on your insurance and roadtax in technology is simply amazing. It just needs to hold up :) Only peeve is that at low speeds, its got th (no idea what that means but i read it!) so it doesn't just cruise when you release the accelerator. V the confidence and maybe soon i can get chauffeured around on weekends. 201 201 56 V did her mammogram and one more shot at chemo already.She's also decided to start going for d 10- 06 apparently she sneezed quite a few times. Remember my last posts on sneezing.. Anyway, mum ga 07- 07- 23 23 23:2 15:2 8:08 8:08 201 201 0- 056 07- 07- V did her mammogram and one more shot at chemo already.She's also decided to start going for d 1 7 23 23 apparently she sneezed quite a few times. Remember my last posts on sneezing.. Anyway, mum ga 23:2 15:2 8:03 8:03 201 201 0- 056 07- 07- V did her mammogram and one more shot at chemo already.She's also decided to start going for d 1 8 23 23 apparently she sneezed quite a few times. Remember my last posts on sneezing.. Anyway, mum ga 23:2 15:2 9:11 9:11 201 201 V is in good health now. We're just waiting for the effects of the last chemo to wear off before we 0- 0- its nice to have their whole family together again. Je-in seems to know what he wants these days a 57 08- 08- basically have to keep distracting him with something else to get his mind off whatever it is he wa 1 0 07 07 to let V drive the new car. She's done two short trips already and its nerve-wrecking for me as muc 22:5 14:5 out of daily mass early in the morning before i leave for work. So God pls be with her when she dr 5:00 5:00 well, mergers and splits come and go. That's life. 201 201 V is in good health now. We're just waiting for the effects of the last chemo to wear off before we 0- 0- its nice to have their whole family together again. Je-in seems to know what he wants these days a 57 08- 08- basically have to keep distracting him with something else to get his mind off whatever it is he wa 1 1 07 07 to let V drive the new car. She's done two short trips already and its nerve-wrecking for me as muc 22:5 14:5 out of daily mass early in the morning before i leave for work. So God pls be with her when she dr 7:00 7:00 well, mergers and splits come and go. That's life. 201 201 V is in good health now. We're just waiting for the effects of the last chemo to wear off before we 0- 0- its nice to have their whole family together again. Je-in seems to know what he wants these days a 57 08- 08- basically have to keep distracting him with something else to get his mind off whatever it is he wa 1 2 07 07 to let V drive the new car. She's done two short trips already and its nerve-wrecking for me as muc 22:5 14:5 out of daily mass early in the morning before i leave for work. So God pls be with her when she dr 5:21 5:21 well, mergers and splits come and go. That's life. <dl> <dd style="text-align: left;"><strong>"For behold, from this day all generations will call me mighty one has done great things to me, and holy is his name.</strong></dd> <dd style="text-alig generation to generation."</strong></dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-alig 201 201 Solemnity of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.</em></dd> <dd> ------------------------0- 0- </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;">For those of you who have been reading my blog, you might h 58 08- 08- doing His work via intercessory prayers. In major life events, we tend to naturally ask her to seek h 1 4 15 15 left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;">Today after lunch, mum again said that the message is i 23:3 15:3 week in Church and at adoration rooms. Even Mary has appeared to say to "trust in Him". </dd> < 7:19 7:19 mum's nature is a worry-wot, and she doesn't trust easily. Especially when she also knows that V's see from the previous post. So she probes further to ask "And what about all those things still there left;">The answer is that "in layman terms, its just like scabs, of what's left". </dd> <dd style="tex resolute in not wanting to go for surgery. Not because she's afraid of the knife, but because He has </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;">So today, on the feast of The Assumption of Mary our heavenl treatment. We'll use the example of Mary's faithfulness to God's will to guide us through this. We style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;">The doctors may think we're crazy. B safe. But this is beyond science. We have been given a test of faith. And we believe.</dd> <dd sty 201 201 We made a trip back to Korea again. V wanted to thank my parents for all the help and support the 0- 0with the chemo schedules etc. The idea was to celebrate V's victory over cancer but it wasn't really 60 09- 091 external lumps started to grow and bleed. We sought my mum for a message and decided to go 1 23 22 mentioned reading about some new technology that was featured in the papers a while back. The h 00:3 16:3 too young to undergo the particular procedure. 1:32 1:32 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img class=" src="" alt="" width="180" hei discussing the outcome of the latest mammograms and ultrasounds, my thoughts were "surely we 201 201 just go away?" The doctor's sketch on the left shows the areas with questionable substances. There 0- 0density seen at the 10 o'clock position. Nine smaller hypoechoic nodules with fairly well defined o 57 08- 081 measure less than 10mm each in size and may represent complicated cysts or solid lesions" says th 6 15 15 but she was willing to try a "sub-optimal" plan of just taking out the main mass and trying to get as 22:1 14:1 time we were in this chair, V had the guidance to insist on not opting for surgery yet. A lifeline wa 8:07 8:07 we sat here thinking, "there is no way out". V again had the inspiration to ask, "are you certain the know for sure when you cut it out and test it. I asked what would happen if we just left it as is and said she had seen a case where the patient did the surgery but didn't do the chemo and it came back <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img class=" src="" alt="" width="180" hei discussing the outcome of the latest mammograms and ultrasounds, my thoughts were "surely we a 201 201 just go away?" The doctor's sketch on the left shows the areas with questionable substances. There 0- 0density seen at the 10 o'clock position. Nine smaller hypoechoic nodules with fairly well defined o 57 08- 081 measure less than 10mm each in size and may represent complicated cysts or solid lesions" says th 8 15 15 but she was willing to try a "sub-optimal" plan of just taking out the main mass and trying to get as 22:4 14:4 time we were in this chair, V had the guidance to insist on not opting for surgery yet. A lifeline wa 0:12 0:12 we sat here thinking, "there is no way out". V again had the inspiration to ask, "are you certain the know for sure when you cut it out and test it. I asked what would happen if we just left it as is and said she had seen a case where the patient did the surgery but didn't do the chemo and it came back 201 201 0- 0- <a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 57 08- 08- alt="" style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top 1 9 15 15 href="">V is healed</a> <br /> Originally upl 22:1 14:1 href="">gr3gtan</a> </span> <br clear="all" /> <p></p> 8:07 8:07 201 201 <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img class=" 0- 0- src="" alt="" width="180" hei 58 08- 08- the latest mammograms and ultrasounds, my thoughts were "surely we are not worthy for a miracl 1 0 15 15 on the left shows the areas with questionable substances. There is basically "a 31.2x11.5x26.4mm 22:2 14:2 Nine smaller hypoechoic nodules with fairly well defined oval shapes are scattered throughout the 5:30 5:30 may represent complicated cysts or solid lesions". <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img class=" src="" alt="" width="180" hei discussing the outcome of the latest mammograms and ultrasounds, my thoughts were "surely we a 201 201 just go away?" The sketch on the left shows the areas with questionable substances. There is basic 0- 0the 10 o'clock position. Nine smaller hypoechoic nodules with fairly well defined oval shapes are s 58 08- 081 10mm each in size and may represent complicated cysts or solid lesions" says the report. The surg 1 15 15 to try a "sub-optimal" plan of just taking out the main mass and trying to get as much else as possi 22:3 14:3 chair, V had the guidance to insist on not opting for surgery yet. A lifeline was thrown and one mo 6:08 6:08 "there is no way out". V again had the inspiration to ask, "are you certain these are all cancer cells cut it out and test it. I asked what would happen if we just left it as is and it turned out to be cancer where the patient did the surgery but didn't do the chemo and it came back in 9 mnths. We said we <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img class=" src="" alt="" width="180" hei discussing the outcome of the latest mammograms and ultrasounds, my thoughts were "surely we 201 201 just go away?" The doctor's sketch on the left shows the areas with questionable substances. There 0- 0density seen at the 10 o'clock position. Nine smaller hypoechoic nodules with fairly well defined o 58 08- 081 measure less than 10mm each in size and may represent complicated cysts or solid lesions" says th 2 15 15 but she was willing to try a "sub-optimal" plan of just taking out the main mass and trying to get as 22:4 14:4 time we were in this chair, V had the guidance to insist on not opting for surgery yet. A lifeline wa 0:26 0:26 we sat here thinking, "there is no way out". V again had the inspiration to ask, "are you certain the know for sure when you cut it out and test it. I asked what would happen if we just left it as is and said she had seen a case where the patient did the surgery but didn't do the chemo and it came back <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img class=" src="" alt="" width="180" hei discussing the outcome of the latest mammograms and ultrasounds, my thoughts were "surely we a 201 201 just go away?" The doctor's sketch on the left shows the areas with questionable substances. There 0- 0density seen at the 10 o'clock position. Nine smaller hypoechoic nodules with fairly well defined o 58 08- 081 measure less than 10mm each in size and may represent complicated cysts or solid lesions" says th 3 15 15 but she was willing to try a "sub-optimal" plan of just taking out the main mass and trying to get as 22:4 14:4 time we were in this chair, V had the guidance to insist on not opting for surgery yet. A lifeline wa 0:34 0:34 we sat here thinking, "there is no way out". V again had the inspiration to ask, "are you certain the know for sure when you cut it out and test it. I asked what would happen if we just left it as is and said she had seen a case where the patient did the surgery but didn't do the chemo and it came back <dl><dd style="text-align: left;">"For behold, from this day all generations will call me blessed;< things to me, and holy is his name.</dd><dd style="text-align: left;">And his mercy is on those w left;"> </dd><dd style="text-align: left;"><em>From Today's Gospel of the Solemnity of The Ass ---------------------------------------------------------------- </dd><dd style="text-align: left;">For those 201 201 my mum is able to receive divine messages and is doing His work via intercessory prayers. In maj 0- 0show us the way. </dd><dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd><dd style="text-align: left;">Today aft 58 08- 081 has gotten this message several times this week in Church and at adoration rooms. Even Mary has 5 15 15 </dd><dd style="text-align: left;">My mum's nature is a worry-wot, and she doesn't trust easily. E 23:3 15:3 masses all over the breast as you can see from the previous post. So she probes further to ask "And 4:46 4:46 left;"> </dd><dd style="text-align: left;">The answer is that "in layman terms, its just like scabs, o new revelations, V has been pretty resolute in not wanting to go for surgery. Not because she's afra necessary.</dd><dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd><dd style="text-align: left;">So today, on the f decision that V will not be going for further treatment. We'll use the example of Mary's faithfulnes word to us that V is healed.</dd><dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd><dd style="text-align: left;"> cut out the unknown masses - to be safe. But this is beyond science. We have been given a test of f <dl> <dd style="text-align: left;"><strong>"For behold, from this day all generations will call me mighty one has done great things to me, and holy is his name.</strong></dd> <dd style="text-alig generation to generation."</strong></dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-alig Solemnity of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.</em></dd> <dd> ------------------</dd> my blog, you might have known that my mum is able to receive divine messages and is doing His 201 201 ask her to seek help from God and to show us the way. </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> 0- 0- the message is indeed "V is healed". She has gotten this message several times this week in Churc 58 08- 08- Him". </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;">My mum's nature is 1 6 15 15 knows that V's scans have showed up the little masses all over the breast as you can see from the p 23:5 15:5 things still there?"</dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;">The ans 0:46 0:46 <dd style="text-align: left;">Even without these new revelations, V has been pretty resolute in not because He has said that it won't be necessary.</dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style our heavenly mother, we validate the decision that V will not be going for further treatment. We'll through this. We give complete trust to His word to us that V is healed.</dd> <dd style="text-align we're crazy. Because the textbook answer is to cut out the unknown masses - to be safe. But this is believe.</dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> </dl> <dl><dd style="text-align: left;">"For behold, from this day all generations will call me blessed;< things to me, and holy is his name.</dd><dd style="text-align: left;">And his mercy is on those w left;"> </dd><dd style="text-align: left;"><em>From Today's Gospel of the Solemnity of The Ass ---------------------------------------------------------------- </dd><dd style="text-align: left;">For those my mum is able to receive divine messages and is doing His work via intercessory prayers. In maj 201 201 show us the way. </dd><dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd><dd style="text-align: left;">Today aft 0- 0- has gotten this message several times this week in Church and at adoration rooms. Even Mary has 58 08- 08- </dd><dd style="text-align: left;">My mum's nature is a worry-wot, and she doesn't trust easily. E 1 7 15 15 masses all over the breast as you can see from the previous post. So she probes further to ask "And 23:3 15:3 left;"> </dd><dd style="text-align: left;">The answer is that "in layman terms, its just like scabs, o 7:19 7:19 new revelations, V has been pretty resolute in not wanting to go for surgery. Not because she's afra necessary.</dd><dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd><dd style="text-align: left;">So today, on the f decision that V will not be going for further treatment. We'll use the example of Mary's faithfulnes word to us that V is healed.</dd><dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd><dd style="text-align: left;"> cut out the unknown masses - to be safe. But this is beyond science. We have been given a test of f style="text-align: left;"> </dd></dl> <dl> <dd style="text-align: center;">"For behold, from this day all generations will call me blesse great things to me, and holy is his name.</dd> <dd style="text-align: center;">And his mercy is on style="text-align: left;"> </dd><dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"><e 201 201 Blessed Virgin Mary.</em></dd> <dd> </dd><dd>-------------------------------------------------------0- 0- of you who have been reading my blog, you might have known that my mum is able to receive div 58 08- 08- life events, we tend to naturally ask her to seek help from God and to show us the way. </dd> <dd 1 8 15 15 after lunch, mum again said that the message is indeed "V is healed". She has gotten this message 23:4 15:4 has appeared to say to "trust in Him". </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-a 0:25 0:25 easily. Especially when she also knows that V's scans have showed up the little masses all over the ask "And what about all those things still there?"</dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd st scabs, of what's left". </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;">Even without these new revelations, V h she's afraid of the knife, but because He has said that it won't be necessary.</dd> <dd style="text-a of The Assumption of Mary our heavenly mother, we validate the decision that V will not be going God's will to guide us through this. We give complete trust to His word to us that V is healed.</dd doctors may think we're crazy. Because the textbook answer is to cut out the unknown masses - to And we believe.</dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> </d <dl> <dd style="text-align: left;"><strong>"For behold, from this day all generations will call me mighty one has done great things to me, and holy is his name.</strong></dd> <dd style="text-alig generation to generation."</strong></dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-alig Solemnity of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.</em></dd> <dd> </dd> <dd style="te might have known that my mum is able to receive divine messages and is doing His work via inter 201 201 seek help from God and to show us the way. </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style= 0- 0- is indeed "V is healed". She has gotten this message several times this week in Church and at ador 59 08- 08- <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;">My mum's nature is a worry-wot 1 1 15 15 scans have showed up the little masses all over the breast as you can see from the previous post. S 23:4 15:4 there?"</dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;">The answer is that 8:42 8:42 style="text-align: left;">Even without these new revelations, V has been pretty resolute in not wan because He has said that it won't be necessary.</dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style our heavenly mother, we validate the decision that V will not be going for further treatment. We'll through this. We give complete trust to His word to us that V is healed.</dd> <dd style="text-align we're crazy. Because the textbook answer is to cut out the unknown masses - to be safe. But this is believe.</dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> </dl> <dl> <dd style="text-align: left;"><strong>"For behold, from this day all generations will call me mighty one has done great things to me, and holy is his name.</strong></dd> <dd style="text-alig generation to generation."</strong></dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-alig Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.</em></dd> <dd> </dd> <dd>-------------------------------align: left;">For those of you who have been reading my blog, you might have known that my mu 201 201 intercessory prayers. In major life events, we tend to naturally ask her to seek help from God and t 0- 0- style="text-align: left;">Today after lunch, mum again said that the message is indeed "V is healed 58 08- 08- at adoration rooms. Even Mary has appeared to say to "trust in Him". </dd> <dd style="text-align: 1 9 15 15 worry-wot, and she doesn't trust easily. Especially when she also knows that V's scans have showe 23:4 15:4 previous post. So she probes further to ask "And what about all those things still there?"</dd> <dd 3:56 3:56 answer is that "in layman terms, its just like scabs, of what's left". </dd> <dd style="text-align: lef not wanting to go for surgery. Not because she's afraid of the knife, but because He has said that it style="text-align: left;">So today, on the feast of The Assumption of Mary our heavenly mother, w We'll use the example of Mary's faithfulness to God's will to guide us through this. We give compl left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;">The doctors may think we're crazy. Because the textboo beyond science. We have been given a test of faith. And we believe.</dd> <dd style="text-align: l <dl> <dd style="text-align: left;"><strong>For behold, from this day all generations will call me b mighty one has done great things to me, and holy is his name.</strong></dd> <dd style="text-alig 201 201 generation to generation.</strong></dd> <dd style="text-align: left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-align 0- 0- Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.</em></dd> <dd> </dd> <dd>-------------------------------59 08- 08- align: left;">For those of you who have been reading my blog, you might have known that my mu 1 0 15 15 intercessory prayers. In major life events, we tend to naturally ask her to seek help from God and t 23:4 15:4 style="text-align: left;">Today after lunch, mum again said that the message is indeed "V is healed 7:16 7:16 at adoration rooms. Even Mary has appeared to say to "trust in Him". </dd> <dd style="text-align: worry-wot, and she doesn't trust easily. Especially when she also knows that V's scans have showe previous post. So she probes further to ask "And what about all those things still there?"</dd> <dd answer is that "in layman terms, its just like scabs, of what's left". </dd> <dd style="text-align: lef not wanting to go for surgery. Not because she's afraid of the knife, but because He has said that it style="text-align: left;">So today, on the feast of The Assumption of Mary our heavenly mother, w We'll use the example of Mary's faithfulness to God's will to guide us through this. We give compl left;"> </dd> <dd style="text-align: left;">The doctors may think we're crazy. Because the textboo beyond science. We have been given a test of faith. And we believe.</dd> <dd style="text-align: l 201 201 Business As Usual is what we call it at work. I guess life is fairly back to normal for now. Even V 0- 0getaway with the whole family, so hopefully we get to relax a little and enjoy the company. This ti 59 08- 081 island. Apparently, Nami is the location set for the very successful Winter Sonata drama and is no 3 30 30 sure the scenery will be enchanting. On a sadder note, a good friend M, is having some problems i 23:2 15:2 prayers. 9:28 9:28 <a href=""><img class="alignleft src="" alt="" width="150" /></ for all the help and support they have given over the months babysitting Je-in and helping her cope over cancer but it wasn't really the way we wanted it to be. Days before we got on the plane, the ex answer and was told to go visit a doctor at NUH. She was referred to a head of dept. and she m 201 201 papers a while back. The head referred her to the specialist that was featured but he said she was to 0- 0- another specialist. The last doctor took a look and recommended possibly more chemo but it wasn 60 09- 09- from the trip. So we made the trip with a heavy heart and bleeding breast. It was a fairly tough trip 1 0 23 22 being able to sit in his pram, so the 5 adults had to take turns to carry him screaming around the wh 01:2 17:2 chronic diabetes, disintegrated disc on lower back and breast cancer patients. Not exactly Amazing 2:14 2:14 island of Ganghwa-do, took a bus to Gapyeong to visit Nami island (where they shot the famous W Seoul. <a title="Korea 2010" href=" from the constant grumbling in my brain. It was a really fun trip! Galilee pension (they call them " be by the sea and we wouldn't mind making a future trip there just to chill and eat all sorts of shell NUH. So we're trying to book an appointment to see someone from there. They journey seems to h questioning her faith, but we all kinda know we just need to hang on because that's all we've got. D 201 201 <h5>The Festival of Shelters</h5> <sup id="en-NLT-5331">13</sup> “You must observe the 0- 0- href=";version=NLT#f 59 09- 09- season, after the grain has been threshed and the grapes have been pressed. <sup id="en-NLT-533 1 7 06 06 sons and daughters, your male and female servants, and the Levites, foreigners, orphans, and wido 21:4 13:4 days you must celebrate this festival to honor the Lord your God at the place he chooses, for it is h 2:58 2:58 your work. This festival will be a time of great joy for all. 201 201 <h5>The Festival of Shelters</h5> <sup id="en-NLT-5331">13</sup> “You must observe the 0- 0- href=";version=NLT#f 59 09- 09- season, after the grain has been threshed and the grapes have been pressed. <sup id="en-NLT-533 1 8 06 06 sons and daughters, your male and female servants, and the Levites, foreigners, orphans, and wido 21:4 13:4 days you must celebrate this festival to honor the Lord your God at the place he chooses, for it is h 2:52 2:52 your work. This festival will be a time of great joy for all. 201 201 <h5>The Festival of Shelters</h5> <sup id="en-NLT-5331">13</sup> “You must observe the 0- 0- href=";version=NLT#f 59 09- 09- season, after the grain has been threshed and the grapes have been pressed. <sup id="en-NLT-533 1 9 06 06 sons and daughters, your male and female servants, and the Levites, foreigners, orphans, and wido 21:4 13:4 days you must celebrate this festival to honor the Lord your God at the place he chooses, for it is h 4:03 4:03 your work. This festival will be a time of great joy for all. We made a trip back to Korea again. V wanted to thank my parents for all the help and support the with the chemo schedules etc. The idea was to celebrate V's victory over cancer but it wasn't really external lumps started to expand and bleed. We sought my mum for a message and decided to g 201 201 mentioned reading about some new technology that was featured in the papers a while back. The h 0- 0- too young to undergo the particular procedure and passed her on to another specialist. The last doc 60 09- 09- proper consultation so we have to see her when she gets back after the trip. So we made the trip wi 1 2 23 22 phase of being cranky and not even being able to sit in his pram, so the 5 adults had to take turns to 00:4 16:4 we've got a heart attack survivor, chronic diabetes, disintegrated disc on lower back and breast can 2:03 2:03 managed to rent a car to explore the island of Ganghwa-do, took a bus to Gapyeong to visit Nami ended with shopping in Seoul. You can see the pics here. So anyway, apart from the constant grum them pensions instead of chalets) was really a nice place to be by the sea and we wouldn't mind ma seafood. We made a trip back to Korea again. V wanted to thank my parents for all the help and support the with the chemo schedules etc. The idea was to celebrate V's victory over cancer but it wasn't really external lumps started to expand and bleed. We sought my mum for an answer and was told t mentioned reading about some new technology that was featured in the papers a while back. The h 201 201 too young to undergo the particular procedure and passed her on to another specialist. The last doc 0- 0- proper consultation, so we should see her formally once we get back from the trip. So we made the 60 09- 09- physically. Je-in began a new phase of being cranky and not even being able to sit in his pram, so 1 3 23 22 of Korea. Between us five, we've got a heart attack survivor, chronic diabetes, disintegrated disc o 00:4 16:4 contestants material. We managed to rent a car to explore the island of Ganghwa-do, took a bus to 8:13 8:13 Sonata cover pose) and caught a train back for some shopping in Seoul. You can see the pics here. really fun trip! Galilee pension (they call them pensions instead of chalets) was really a nice place chill and eat all sorts of shells and seafood. We're back now and again the message was to go to N They journey seems to have only begun again. V is quite drained from the whole ordeal and is que because that's all we've got. Do continue to pray for us. We made a trip back to Korea again. V wanted to thank my parents for all the help and support the with the chemo schedules etc. The idea was to celebrate V's victory over cancer but it wasn't really external lumps started to expand and bleed. We sought my mum for an answer and was told t mentioned reading about some new technology that was featured in the papers a while back. The h 201 201 too young to undergo the particular procedure and passed her on to another specialist. The last doc 0- 0- proper consultation, so we should see her formally once we get back from the trip. So we made the 60 09- 09- physically. Je-in began a new phase of being cranky and not even being able to sit in his pram, so 1 4 23 22 of Korea. Between us five, we've got a heart attack survivor, chronic diabetes, disintegrated disc o 00:4 16:4 contestants material. We managed to rent a car to explore the island of Ganghwa-do, took a bus to 9:39 9:39 Sonata cover pose) and caught a train back for some shopping in Seoul. You can see the pics here. really fun trip! Galilee pension (they call them pensions instead of chalets) was really a nice place chill and eat all sorts of shells and seafood. We're back now and again the message was to go to NU They journey seems to have only begun again. V is quite drained from the whole ordeal and is que because that's all we've got. Do continue to pray for us. 201 201 We made a trip back to Korea again. V wanted to thank my parents for all the help and support the 0- 0- with the chemo schedules etc. The idea was to celebrate V's victory over cancer but it wasn't really 60 09- 09- external lumps started to expand and bleed. We sought my mum for an answer and was told t 1 5 23 22 mentioned reading about some new technology that was featured in the papers a while back. The h 00:5 16:5 too young to undergo the particular procedure and passed her on to another specialist. The last doc 3:19 3:19 proper consultation, so we should see her formally once we get back from the trip. So we made the physically. Je-in began a new phase of being cranky and not even being able to sit in his pram, so of Korea. Between us five, we've got a heart attack survivor, chronic diabetes, disintegrated disc o contestants material. We managed to rent a car to explore the island of Ganghwa-do, took a bus to Sonata cover pose) and caught a train back for some shopping in Seoul. You can see the pics here. really fun trip! Galilee pension (they call them "pensions" instead of chalets or B&amp;Bs) was re trip there just to chill and eat all sorts of shells and seafood. We're back now and again the messag someone from there. They journey seems to have only begun again. V is quite drained from the wh need to hang on because that's all we've got. Do continue to pray for us. We made a trip back to Korea again. V wanted to thank my parents for all the help and support the with the chemo schedules etc. The idea was to celebrate V's victory over cancer but it wasn't really external lumps started to expand and bleed. We sought my mum for an answer and was told t mentioned reading about some new technology that was featured in the papers a while back. The h too young to undergo the particular procedure and passed her on to another specialist. The last doc 201 201 proper consultation, so we should see her formally once we get back from the trip. So we made the 0- 0physically. Je-in began a new phase of being cranky and not even being able to sit in his pram, so 60 09- 091 of Korea. Between us five, we've got a heart attack survivor, chronic diabetes, disintegrated disc o 6 23 22 contestants material. We managed to rent a car to explore the island of Ganghwa-do, took a bus to 01:2 17:2 Sonata cover pose) and caught a train back for some shopping in Seoul. <a title="Korea 2010" hre 2:14 2:14 target="_blank">You can see the pics here</a>. So anyway, apart from the constant grumbling in "pensions" instead of chalets or B&amp;Bs) was really a nice place to be by the sea and we would and seafood. We're back now and again the message was to go to NUH. So we're trying to book an only begun again. V is quite drained from the whole ordeal and is questioning her faith, but we all continue to pray for us. Well, the fateful day arrived again and we braced ourselves as we went into the NUH cancer centr hospital vs a private clinic. Actually it wasn't bad, they had leather chairs in the waiting room so it handed around from this room to that and its very much part of a textbook process. Of course, the not comparing apple to apple. Also, seeing many other patients doing chemo is not an uplifting sig 201 201 doing a biopsy and a 5-hour session of chemo. The doc actually said it was 2 hours, but the nurse l 0- 0procedure which also took a fair amount of time. When we first met the doc, V showed her some p 61 10- 101 particular piece was missing, the doc told her to do a biopsy there and then. The strange thing abou 0 02 02 but the biopsy doc said she shouldn't and should just dig up the old records. So in the end, it was d 21:4 13:4 another surgery but the oncologist managed to get V to just jump in and take 15 min of her time. 9:35 9:35 The chemo itself was as expected except for the longer first session. Gladly, the after-effects of the walk steadily on her own and we even had a meal at the foodcourt before heading home. The next but thankfully there were no other side effects. Again, the gameplan is to do chemo til the swelling this is going to take but doc reckons a month or two. So our lives go on hold again... <h5>Today's mass readings resonated:</h5> <sup id="en-NIV-12906">1</sup> After this, Job op 12907">2</sup> He said: <sup id="en-NIV-12908">3</sup> "May the day of my birth perish, an 201 201 12909">4</sup> That day—may it turn to darkness; may God above not care about it; may no lig 0- 0- deep shadow <sup title="&quot;See">[<a title="See footnote a" href="http://www.biblegateway.c 60 09- 09- 12910a">a</a>]</sup> claim it once more; may a cloud settle over it; may blackness overwhelm i 1 8 28 28 darkness seize it; may it not be included among the days of the year nor be entered in any of the m 23:1 15:1 may no shout of joy be heard in it. <sup id="en-NIV-12913">8</sup> May those who curse days 0:09 0:09 href=";version=NIV#fen-NIV-12913b Leviathan. <sup id="en-NIV-12914">9</sup> May its morning stars become dark; may it wait for 12915">10</sup> for it did not shut the doors of the womb on me to hide trouble from my eyes. < die as I came from the womb? <sup id="en-NIV-12917">12</sup> Why were there knees to recei 12918">13</sup> For now I would be lying down in peace; I would be asleep and at rest <sup id= who built for themselves places now lying in ruins, <sup id="en-NIV-12920">15</sup> with ruler 12921">16</sup> Or why was I not hidden in the ground like a stillborn child, like an infant who the wicked cease from turmoil, and there the weary are at rest. <sup id="en-NIV-12923">18</sup shout. <sup id="en-NIV-12924">19</sup> The small and the great are there, and the slave is freed given to those in misery, and life to the bitter of soul, <sup id="en-NIV-12926">21</sup> to those hidden treasure, <sup id="en-NIV-12927">22</sup> who are filled with gladness and rejoice whe life given to a man whose way is hidden, whom God has hedged in? <sup id="en-NIV-12929">24 like water. <sup id="en-NIV-12930">25</sup> What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded peace, no quietness; I have no rest, but only turmoil." ----------------------------------------------------He has led us to and starts a whole treatment of chemo again this Thursday. There are many emoti sanity is to trust and go through with this. Lord have mercy. <h5>Today's mass readings resonated:</h5> <sup id="en-NIV-12906">1</sup> After this, Job op 12907">2</sup> He said: <sup id="en-NIV-12908">3</sup> "May the day of my birth perish, an 12909">4</sup> That day—may it turn to darkness; may God above not care about it; may no lig deep shadow <sup title="&quot;See">[<a title="See footnote a" href="http://www.biblegateway.c 12910a">a</a>]</sup> claim it once more; may a cloud settle over it; may blackness overwhelm i darkness seize it; may it not be included among the days of the year nor be entered in any of the m may no shout of joy be heard in it. <sup id="en-NIV-12913">8</sup> May those who curse days href=";version=NIV#fen-NIV-12913b Leviathan. <sup id="en-NIV-12914">9</sup> May its morning stars become dark; may it wait for 201 201 12915">10</sup> for it did not shut the doors of the womb on me to hide trouble from my eyes. < 0- 0die as I came from the womb? <sup id="en-NIV-12917">12</sup> Why were there knees to recei 60 09- 091 12918">13</sup> For now I would be lying down in peace; I would be asleep and at rest <sup id= 9 28 28 who built for themselves places now lying in ruins, <sup id="en-NIV-12920">15</sup> with ruler 23:0 15:0 12921">16</sup> Or why was I not hidden in the ground like a stillborn child, like an infant who 9:49 9:49 the wicked cease from turmoil, and there the weary are at rest. <sup id="en-NIV-12923">18</sup shout. <sup id="en-NIV-12924">19</sup> The small and the great are there, and the slave is freed given to those in misery, and life to the bitter of soul, <sup id="en-NIV-12926">21</sup> to those hidden treasure, <sup id="en-NIV-12927">22</sup> who are filled with gladness and rejoice whe life given to a man whose way is hidden, whom God has hedged in? <sup id="en-NIV-12929">24 like water. <sup id="en-NIV-12930">25</sup> What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded peace, no quietness; I have no rest, but only turmoil." ----------------------------------------------------He has led us to and starts a whole treatment of chemo again this Thursday. There are many emoti sanity is to trust and go through with this. Lord have mercy. Well, the fateful day arrived again and we braced ourselves as we went into the NUH cancer centr hospital vs a private clinic. Actually it wasn't bad, they had leather chairs in the waiting room so it 201 201 handed around from this room to that and its very much part of a textbook process. Also, seeing m 0- 011am for the first consult but only left at 730pm after doing a biopsy and a 5-hour session of chem 61 10- 101 to say that's only for the meds, there was the flushing procedure which also took a fair amount of t 1 02 02 documentation which she had requested. But because a particular piece was missing, the doc told h 21:3 13:3 was that V actually wanted to do it in the previous consult but the biopsy doc said she shouldn't an 8:07 8:07 hoc and immediate. The biopsy doc was rushing off to another surgery but the oncologist managed that the biopsy results will show some new light on things. Well, the fateful day arrived again and we braced ourselves as we went into the NUH cancer centr hospital vs a private clinic. Actually it wasn't bad, they had leather chairs in the waiting room so it handed around from this room to that and its very much part of a textbook process. Of course, the not comparing apple to apple. Also, seeing many other patients doing chemo is not an uplifting sig 201 201 doing a biopsy and a 5-hour session of chemo. The doc actually said it was 2 hours, but the nurse l 0- 0procedure which also took a fair amount of time. When we first met the doc, V showed her some p 61 10- 101 particular piece was missing, the doc told her to do a biopsy there and then. The strange thing abou 2 02 02 but the biopsy doc said she shouldn't and should just dig up the old records. So in the end, it was d 21:4 13:4 another surgery but the oncologist managed to get V to just jump in and take 15 min of her time. 9:17 9:17 The chemo itself was as expected except for the longer first session. Gladly, the after-effects of the walk steadily on her own and we even had a meal at the foodcourt before heading home. The next but thankfully there were no other side effects. Again, the gameplan is to do chemo til the swelling long this is going to take but doc reckons a month or two. So our lives go on hold again... Well, the fateful day arrived again and we braced ourselves as we went into the NUH cancer centr hospital vs a private clinic. Actually it wasn't bad, they had leather chairs in the waiting room so it handed around from this room to that and its very much part of a textbook process. Of course, the not comparing apple to apple. Also, seeing many other patients doing chemo is not an uplifting sig 201 201 doing a biopsy and a 5-hour session of chemo. The doc actually said it was 2 hours, but the nurse l 0- 0procedure which also took a fair amount of time. When we first met the doc, V showed her some p 61 10- 101 particular piece was missing, the doc told her to do a biopsy there and then. The strange thing abou 3 02 02 but the biopsy doc said she shouldn't and should just dig up the old records. So in the end, it was d 21:5 13:5 another surgery but the oncologist managed to get V to just jump in and take 15 min of her time. 0:38 0:38 The chemo itself was as expected except for the longer first session. Gladly, the after-effects of the walk steadily on her own and we even had a meal at the foodcourt before heading home. The next but thankfully there were no other side effects. Again, the gameplan is to do chemo til the swelling this is going to take but doc reckons a month or two. So our lives go on hold again... 201 201 0- 062 10- 10- Thankfully nothing eventful has been happening. I guess the only thing to complain about is it take 1 4 16 16 blood test, one more appointment to see the doc a couple of hours later, and then the actual chemo 21:5 13:5 7:19 7:19 201 201 0- 061 10- 10- This week's chemo seem to have taken the whole day again because the wrong time was given. V 1 5 08 07 have gone up. She's also taking panadols every day now to sleep. 00:0 16:0 1:18 1:18 201 201 0- 061 10- 10- This week's chemo seem to have taken the whole day again because the wrong time was given. V 1 6 08 07 have gone up. She's also taking panadols every day now to sle. 00:0 16:0 1:05 1:05 61 201 201 <span style="font-size: small;">Peace is flowing like a river. Flowing out through you and me--. S 1 7 0- 0- the captives free. </span> 10- 1008 08 22:4 14:4 5:47 5:47 201 201 0- 061 10- 10- <span style="font-size: xx-small;">Peace is flowing like a river. Flowing out through you and me1 8 08 08 all the captives free. </span> 22:4 14:4 3:51 3:51 201 201 0- 061 10- 10- <span style="font-size: small;">Peace is flowing like a river. Flowing out through you and me--. S 1 9 08 08 the captives free. </span> 22:4 14:4 7:30 7:30 201 201 0- 062 10- 10- <span style="font-size: xx-small;">Peace is flowing like a river. Flowing out through you and me1 0 08 08 all the captives free. </span> 22:4 14:4 5:47 5:47 So that i'll never forget, these things actually happened to me by divine intervention! Of course the to, so here's the stuff i vow never to forget (and i'm writing these cos i really do forget stuff!!): - C We're not doing anything great or anything but i think our eyes are truly opened. Hopefully in the Asian financial crisis, survived the dot bomb. Still gainfully employed and it is generally an uphill dissapearing - Meeting V. Needle in haystack situation. At the same time getting a new job via a S reverse-con job - Holland V flat. The place was up for sale only a week, somebody already made a 201 201 offered. We got it. Also via newspaper ad btw. - Sale of Serangoon North flat. Trying to sell for 6 0- 0- agent, he takes over the sale. We do the NZ trip wondering how the hell we gonna pay for all this s 62 10- 10- all the bills. - New Zealand. The timing, the weather, the flying, the places we stayed. Everything w 1 1 08 08 driving for 7 days straight. It only fell apart 2 days after i got back. - Bike. Sold it via online classi 23:0 15:0 middle of nowhere of Jeju. - Healing by the Holy Spirit. 19 April 2008. - Baptism by the Holy Spi 0:33 0:33 Peggy prayed over me in tongues and said "Trust in the Lord" and "Don't be so stubborn and God was not in stock in SG� and was ordered from the US and flown in, arriving on the second day a ceremony done quickly. - Mum's angiogram in 2008 showing up 20% blockage on one artery whe Sep. 2010. We traveled there right after the typhoon Kompas blew across Seoul. Weather was perf we got back to SG, we learnt that Seoul had flooded. I also write this in testimony to God's divine these are some god-syndrome or whatever else psycho text definition you call attributing the good probability of all these events coming together must be so astronomically small a number it has to 200 200 So that i'll never forget, these things actually happened to me by divine intervention! Of course the 8- 8- to, so here's the stuff i vow never to forget (and i'm writing these cos i really do forget stuff!!): - C 62 08- 08- We're not doing anything great or anything but i think our eyes are truly opened. Hopefully in the 1 2 02 02 Asian financial crisis, survived the dot bomb. Still gainfully employed and it is generally an uphill 22:0 14:0 dissapearing - Meeting V. Needle in haystack situation. At the same time getting a new job via a S 2:50 2:50 reverse-con job - Holland V flat. The place was up for sale only a week, somebody already made a offered. We got it. Also via newspaper ad btw. - Sale of Serangoon North flat. Trying to sell for 6 agent, he takes over the sale. We do the NZ trip wondering how the hell we gonna pay for all this s all the bills. - New Zealand. The timing, the weather, the flying, the places we stayed. Everything w driving for 7 days straight. It only fell apart 2 days after i got back. - Bike. Sold it via online classi middle of nowhere of Jeju. - Healing by the Holy Spirit. 19 April 2008. - Baptism by the Holy Spi Peggy prayed over me in tongues and said "Trust in the Lord" and "Don't be so stubborn and God was not in stock in SG and was ordered from the US and flown in, arriving on the second day afte done quickly. - Mum's angiogram in 2008 showing up 20% blockage on one artery when it used to testimony to God's divine power without whom we are nought. Detractors will always say all these call attributing the good in your life to a divine power but seriously, if you do the math, the probab small a number it has to be either luck or divine intervention. And i don't believe in luck. So that i'll never forget, these things actually happened to me by divine intervention! Of course the to, so here's the stuff i vow never to forget (and i'm writing these cos i really do forget stuff!!): - C We're not doing anything great or anything but i think our eyes are truly opened. Hopefully in the Asian financial crisis, survived the dot bomb. Still gainfully employed and it is generally an uphill dissapearing - Meeting V. Needle in haystack situation. At the same time getting a new job via a S reverse-con job - Holland V flat. The place was up for sale only a week, somebody already made a 201 201 offered. We got it. Also via newspaper ad btw. - Sale of Serangoon North flat. Trying to sell for 6 0- 0- agent, he takes over the sale. We do the NZ trip wondering how the hell we gonna pay for all this s 62 10- 10- all the bills. - New Zealand. The timing, the weather, the flying, the places we stayed. Everything w 1 3 08 08 driving for 7 days straight. It only fell apart 2 days after i got back. - Bike. Sold it via online classi 23:0 15:0 middle of nowhere of Jeju. - Healing by the Holy Spirit. 19 April 2008. - Baptism by the Holy Spi 4:08 4:08 Peggy prayed over me in tongues and said "Trust in the Lord" and "Don't be so stubborn and God was not in stock in SG� and was ordered from the US and flown in, arriving on the second day a ceremony done quickly. - Mum's angiogram in 2008 showing up 20% blockage on one artery whe Sep. 2010. We traveled there right after the typhoon Kompas blew across Seoul. Weather was perf we got back to SG, we learnt that Seoul had flooded. I also write this in testimony to God's divine these are some god-syndrome or whatever else psycho text definition you call attributing the good probability of all these events coming together must be so astronomically small a number it has to 201 201 0- 062 10- 10- Thankfully nothing eventful has been happening. I guess the only thing to complain about is it take 1 5 16 16 blood test, one more appointment to see the doc a couple of hours later, and then the actual chemo 21:5 13:5 6:47 6:47 201 201 Life is just passing by us. We're kinda in zombie mode just waiting for the weeks to disappear. Ev 0- 0- we were kinda bored and went into a mini house-enhancement mode. Finally put in glass windows 62 11- 11- compound, the insecticides come right into our kitchen because the original design of the place ha 1 9 07 07 were also quite sick of our cherry wood dining set with red cushions and decided to get something 21:4 13:4 was actually a freebie from my Aunt's developer when she got her place, so there's no sentiment at 2:14 2:14 but o well... I guess we're human. 201 201 Another Wednesday came and went. V spent the whole day there again. She finished reading a bo 62 0- 01 she has to at least do 3 more cycles of the 3 week chemos, so i guess the rest of the year's calendar 7 10- 10turns out well. 21 21 22:0 14:0 0:11 0:11 201 201 0- 062 10- 10- Another Wednesday came and went. V spent the whole day there again. She finished reading a bo 1 8 21 21 she has to at least do 3 more cycles of the 3 week chemos, so i guess the rest of the year's calendar 21:5 13:5 9:45 9:45 201 201 Life is just passing by us. We're kinda in zombie mode just waiting for the weeks to disappear. Ev 0- 0- we were kinda bored and went into a mini house-enhancement mode. Finally put in glass windows 63 11- 11- compound, the insecticides come right into our kitchen because the original design of the place ha 1 0 07 07 were also quite sick of our cherry wood dining set with red cushions and decided to get something 21:4 13:4 was actually a freebie from my Aunt's developer when she got her place, so there's no sentiment at 1:52 1:52 but o well... I guess we're human. 201 201 Life is just passing by us. We're kinda in zombie mode just waiting for the weeks to disappear. Ev 0- 0- we were kinda bored and went into a mini house-enhancement mode. Finally put in glass windows 63 11- 11- compound, the insecticides come right into our kitchen because the original design of the place ha 1 1 07 07 were also quite sick of our cherry wood dining set with red cushions and decided to get something 21:4 13:4 was actually a freebie from my Aunt's developer when she got her place, so there's no sentiment at 3:18 3:18 but o well... I guess we're human. 201 201 Been crazy busy at work hence the lack of updates. Just launched a couple of web revamps and its 0- 0finished her 9th session and she told the doc that its not working out. The tumour seems bigger, an 63 12- 121 the chemo medcines. So starting next week, its going to be fortnightly cycles. Not sure for how lon 3 05 04 she does get upset every once in awhile. Hopefully the christmas season can cheer her up. Six mor 00:0 16:0 more time together as a family. 7:43 7:43 201 201 Been crazy busy at work hence the lack of updates. Just launched a couple of web revamps and its 0- 0finished her 9th session and she told the doc that its not working out. The tumour seems bigger, an 63 12- 121 the chemo medcines. So starting next week, its going to be fortnightly cycles. Not sure for how lon 4 05 04 she does get upset every once in awhile. Hopefully the christmas season can cheer her up. Six mor 00:0 16:0 more time together as a family. 7:40 7:40 201 201 Been crazy busy at work hence the lack of updates. Just launched a couple of web revamps and its 0- 0finished her 9th session and she told the doc that its not working out. The tumour seems bigger, an 63 12- 121 the chemo medcines. So starting next week, its going to be fortnightly cycles. Not sure for how lon 5 05 04 she does get upset every once in awhile. Hopefully the christmas season can cheer her up. Six mor 00:0 16:0 more time together as a family. 8:46 8:46 My usual year-end leave has begun and I accompanied V for the weekly chemo. And for the first t 201 201 could technically go for surgery now, but she still wanted to give this new chemo a shot. And she e 0- 0in the lump and whatever treatment that worked for the lump would work on any other area, if any 64 12- 121 more like a its all gloom and doom but i just wanted to see that you're all coping etc in contrast, th 0 20 19 gave more assurance and came off more confident and positive. I guess that sums up the experienc 00:3 16:3 because the bills come weeks later, and i realise the difference between the two is actually not that 9:42 9:42 guess God only knows... 201 201 0- 0- Today V went for the new round of chemo. It turns out the doc is now switching her to a oral-base 63 12- 12- infusion once a fortnight. Every third week is a week of rest. I guess its a good thing she doesn't ha 1 7 08 08 and there is a bruise after they take it out. The nurses there also seem to suck at needle technique, b 23:4 15:4 arms and some of it itches. It never happened at the Paragon doc. Round 3... Fight! 7:09 7:09 201 201 0- 0- Today V went for the new round of chemo. It turns out the doc is now switching her to a oral-base 63 12- 12- infusion once a fortnight. Every third week is a week of rest. I guess its a good thing she doesn't ha 1 8 08 08 and there is a bruise after they take it out. The nurses there also seem to suck at needle technique, b 23:4 15:4 arms and some of it itches. It never happened at the Paragon doc. Round 3... Fight! 7:06 7:06 1. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn 201 201 Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 8. Yishun - 20 Jul 9. <a href="http://www 0- 0- Park</a> - 24 Jul 10. <a href="" 63 03- 03- href="" target="_blank">Zoo</a> 1 9 07 07 href="" target="_blank">Mandai Loo 10:2 02:2 href="" target="_blank">East Coast 3:15 3:15 href="" target="_blank">Yishu East Coast Park - 29 Dec 18. Zoo - 21 Feb 2010 My usual year-end leave has begun and I accompanied V for the weekly chemo. And for the first t 201 201 could technically go for surgery now, but she still wanted to give this new chemo a shot. And she e 0- 0in the lump and whatever treatment that worked for the lump would work on any other area, if any 64 12- 121 more like a its all gloom and doom but i just wanted to see that you're all coping etc in contrast, th 1 20 19 gave more assurance and came off more confident and positive. I guess that sums up the experienc 00:3 16:3 because the bills come weeks later, and i realise the difference between both is actually not that gr 9:00 9:00 God only knows... 201 201 0- 0The past few weeks have been disconcerting to both V and myself. V was in doubt over all the eve 64 12- 121 wrong path in our decisions. So she did a 3-day prayer retreat of sorts on her own. I took care of th 6 30 29 mass. She has also been fasting for this. I truly respect her strength in prayer. The 3 days are over a 02:0 18:0 2:17 2:17 1. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn 201 201 Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 8. Yishun - 20 Jul 9. <a href="http://www 0- 0- Park</a> - 24 Jul 10. <a href="" 64 12- 12- href="" target="_blank">Zoo</a> 1 4 08 08 href="" target="_blank">Mandai Loo 23:5 15:5 href="" target="_blank">East Coast 1:48 1:48 href="" target="_blank">Yishu East Coast Park - 29 Dec 18. Zoo - 21 Feb 2010 20. Yishun Loop - Nov 201 201 1. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn 64 0- 0- Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 8. Yishun - 20 Jul 9. <a href="http://www 1 5 12- 12- Park</a> - 24 Jul 10. <a href="" 20 19 href="" target="_blank">Zoo</a> - 00:4 16:4 href="" target="_blank">Mandai Loo 2:27 2:27 href="" target="_blank">East Coast href="" target="_blank">Yishu East Coast Park - 29 Dec 18. Zoo - 21 Feb 2010 20. Yishun Loop - Nov 21. Northern PCN - 14 De 201 201 0- 0The past few weeks have been disconcerting to both V and myself. V was in doubt over all the eve 64 12- 121 wrong path in our decisions. So she did a 3-day prayer retreat of sorts on her own. I took care of th 7 30 29 has also been fasting for this. I truly respect her strength in prayer. The 3 days are over and she has 02:0 18:0 1:30 1:30 201 201 1- 1By this time tomorrow evening, the surgery would have been completed. Truly we pray that this w 65 01- 011 the body and blood, soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ in atonement for our sins and those 8 12 12 have mercy on us and on the whole world.</em>" 23:1 15:1 6:32 6:32 <img class="alignleft" style="border: 0pt none; margin: 5px;" title="Swissbike x50" src="http://sp snc4/hs1385.snc4/163710_10150154102392715_720042714_8364060_6848038_n.jpg" alt="" wid some time to do some cycling again to try to do some good to my back, and as usual was bitten by 201 201 forums. After a few rides on my humble Scott P4 , I decided the larger 700c wheels make me more 1- 1Strida and Scott within a day of posting them online, and got myself a <a title="Swissbike" href=" 64 01- 011 bikes.html" target="_blank">full-size MTB</a> that also folds in half! Been eye-ing this foldie fo 9 02 02 boot of the car rather than by mounting a rack on the rear. God must have blessed this buy, becaus 19:4 11:4 on a forum which he found too large, so we drove down to lakeside MRT to check it out and it wa 5:53 5:53 especially harder if you're just eye-ing one particular model. Anyway, the next few days were spen comfortable ride level. Turns out there is now a bike shop just 5 min down the road from home. So the feel of it. Goodbye <a href="" target="_self">Scotty</a>. 201 201 1- 165 01- 011 0 02 02 21:4 13:4 7:36 7:36 <img class="alignleft" style="border: 0pt none; margin: 5px;" title="Swissbike x50" src="http://sp snc4/hs1385.snc4/163710_10150154102392715_720042714_8364060_6848038_n.jpg" alt="" wid some time to do some cycling again to try to do some good to my back, and as usual was bitten by 201 201 forums. After a few rides on my humble Scott P4 , I decided the larger 700c wheels make me more 1- 1Strida and Scott within a day of posting them online, and got myself a <a title="Swissbike" href=" 65 01- 011 bikes.html" target="_blank">full-size MTB</a> that also folds in half! Been eye-ing this foldie fo 1 02 02 boot of the car rather than by mounting a rack on the rear. God must have blessed this buy, becaus 22:0 14:0 on a forum which he found too large, so we drove down to lakeside MRT to check it out and it wa 3:28 3:28 especially harder if you're just eye-ing one particular model. Anyway, the next few days were spen comfortable ride level. Turns out there is now a bike shop just 5 min down the road from home. So the feel of it. Goodbye <a href="" target="_self">Scotty</a>. 201 201 1- 1- During the year-end break, I finally had some time to do some cycling again to try to do some goo 65 01- 01- or GAS as I've seen mentioned in forums. After a few rides on my humble Scott P4 , I decided the 1 2 02 02 as agile as before. So I sold off the Strida and Scott within a day of posting them online, and got m 19:4 11:4 awhile now as it's really more convenient to transport around in the boot of the car rather than by m 5:53 5:53 <img class="alignleft" style="border: 0pt none; margin: 5px;" title="Swissbike x50" src="http://sp snc4/hs1385.snc4/163710_10150154102392715_720042714_8364060_6848038_n.jpg" alt="" wid some time to do some cycling again to try to do some good to my back, and as usual was bitten by 201 201 forums. After a few rides on my humble Scott P4 , I decided the larger 700c wheels make me more 1- 1Strida and Scott within a day of posting them online, and got myself a <a title="Swissbike" href=" 65 01- 011 bikes.html" target="_blank">full-size MTB</a> that also folds in half! Been eyeing this foldie for 3 02 02 boot of the car rather than by mounting a rack on the rear. God must have blessed this buy, becaus 21:5 13:5 on a forum which he found too large, so we drove down to lakeside mrt to check it out and it was m 6:43 6:43 especially harder if you're just eyeing one particular model. Anyway, the next few days were spent comfortable ride level. Turns out there is now a bike shop just 5 min down the road from home. So the feel of it. Goodbye Scotty. <img class="alignleft" style="border: 0pt none; margin: 5px;" title="Swissbike x50" src="http://sp snc4/hs1385.snc4/163710_10150154102392715_720042714_8364060_6848038_n.jpg" alt="" wid some time to do some cycling again to try to do some good to my back, and as usual was bitten by 201 201 forums. After a few rides on my humble Scott P4 , I decided the larger 700c wheels make me more 1- 1Strida and Scott within a day of posting them online, and got myself a <a title="Swissbike" href=" 65 01- 011 bikes.html" target="_blank">full-size MTB</a> that also folds in half! Been eyeing this foldie for 4 02 02 boot of the car rather than by mounting a rack on the rear. God must have blessed this buy, becaus 22:0 14:0 on a forum which he found too large, so we drove down to lakeside mrt to check it out and it was m 0:50 0:50 especially harder if you're just eyeing one particular model. Anyway, the next few days were spen comfortable ride level. Turns out there is now a bike shop just 5 min down the road from home. So the feel of it. Goodbye <a href="" target="_self">Scotty</a>. 201 201 1- 1- Today, the regular doc is back from the year-end holidays and confirmed that the chemo isn't work 65 01- 01- Masectomy 3. Masectomy / Reconstruction Doc recommends 2 as usual, as 1 won't be good enoug 1 5 04 04 radiotherapy that has to come along with this. So within the next week we've got to line up a PET 21:2 13:2 pray for V. 4:54 4:54 201 201 1- 1- Today, the regular doc is back from the year-end holidays and confirmed that the chemo isn't work 65 01- 01- Masectomy 3. Masectomy / Reconstruction Doc recommends 2 as usual, as 1 won't be good enoug 1 6 04 04 radiotheraphy that has to come along with this. So within the next week we've got to line up a PET 21:2 13:2 Do pray for V. 4:30 4:30 201 201 1- 1- Today, the regular doc is back from the year-end holidays and confirmed that the chemo isn't work 65 01- 01- Masectomy 3. Masectomy / Reconstruction Doc recommends 2 as usual, as 1 won't be good enoug 1 7 04 04 radiotheraphy that has to come along with this. So within the next week we've got to line up a PET 21:2 13:2 Do pray for V. 4:54 4:54 201 201 1- 1By this time tomorrow evening, the surgery would have been completed. Truly we pray that this w 65 01- 011 the body and blood, soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ in atonement for our sins and those 9 12 12 have mercy on us and on the whole world.</em> 23:1 15:1 5:32 5:32 201 201 1- 1By this time tomorrow evening, the surgery would have been completed. Truly we pray that this w 66 01- 011 the body and blood, soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ in atonement for our sins and those 0 12 12 have mercy on us and on the whole world.</em>" 23:1 15:1 6:33 6:33 201 201 1- 1- The tubes they put into V to drain the excess fluids came off as expected on Mon and Fri. Finally, 66 01- 01- movement for the right arm is still weak, but overall its much better. V's parents were nice enough 1 9 22 22 our own and V could get some air as she has been cooped up pretty much the whole week in the ho 23:0 15:0 around town abit and had a great Italian lunch and Crab dinner! 2:51 2:51 201 201 1- 166 01- 01- Everything seems ok for now... Just that the orderly that wheeled her out to her ward, slammed the 1 2 14 13 had to be the side with the stitches and all. Ouch! 00:1 16:1 5:43 5:43 201 201 1- 166 01- 01- Everything seems ok for now... Just that the orderly that wheeled her out to her ward, slammed the 1 3 14 13 had to be the side with the stitches and all. Ouch! 00:1 16:1 5:38 5:38 V is now convalescing at her sister's place after having the operation. Its been good so far, no com move about too much but i'm quite surprised she can at least move the arm about a little. The woun arm-pit. The physio-therapist also gave her a range of workouts to keep the muscles on the arm fro mobility. We couldn't let her rest at home because she now has two tubes attached to the wound w in is so active and violent with everything around him, we can't risk having him around her as he m 201 201 the nurse said it'll be 5-10 days of this ball and chain, literally. Recalling the op itself, we checked 1- 1theater at 4pm and she was back out by 8pm. It was a knockout op so she was put on general anest 66 01- 011 disorienting til the nurse woke her up by hurting her hand accidentally. The next morning she puke 4 16 16 some newbies. And they were scrambling about to get the puke bags but too late. So they had to gi 21:4 13:4 from then on. She was discharged by the second day even though we requested to stay a day more 7:32 7:32 apparently because they are afraid you catch some other infection (<a href="http://en.wikipedia.or target="_blank">MRSA</a>) in your stay. I've never seen so many ceiling fans in hospitals before above every bed in a 6-bedder room had one. I guess they are really serious about air re-circulation attending to a patient" continuously during the day and there are hand disinfectants at every bed. H days already and I think Je-in really misses his mum. We try to distract him throughout the day bu no avail. This morning he got up at 5 and threw a fit screaming and banging on the door. He would to sleep again. I hope he starts to feel better soon too. V is now convalescing at her sister's place after having the operation. Its been good so far, no com 201 201 tubes attached to the wound which drains out the extra fluids during the recovery period. She carri 1- 1- this ball and chain. Because Je-in is so active and violent with everything around him, we can't risk 66 01- 01- op itself, we checked in at 230pm on a Thursday. They wheeled her into the operation theatre at 4p 1 5 16 16 on general anesthesia and didn't remember a thing. Once she got out, it was still disorienting til the 21:3 13:3 she puked her breakfast out onto the tray as the doc was doing her rounds with some newbies. So t 1:13 1:13 held food in from then on. She was discharged by the second day even though we requested to stay people asap apparently because they are afraid you catch some other infection (MRSA) in your sta V is now convalescing at her sister's place after having the operation. Its been good so far, no com move about too much but i'm quite surprised she can at least move the arm about a little. The woun arm-pit. The physio-therapist also gave her a range of workouts to keep the muscles on the arm fro mobility. We couldn't let her rest at home because she now has two tubes attached to the wound w in is so active and violent with everything around him, we can't risk having him around her as he m the nurse said it'll be 5-10 days of this ball and chain, literally. Recalling the op itself, we checked 201 201 theater at 4pm and she was back out by 8pm. It was a knockout op so she was put on general anest 1- 1disorienting til the nurse woke her up by hurting her hand accidentally. The next morning she puke 66 01- 011 some newbies. And they were scrambling about to get the puke bags but too late. So they had to gi 6 16 16 from then on. She was discharged by the second day even though we requested to stay a day more 21:4 13:4 apparently because they are afraid you catch some other infection (<a href="http://en.wikipedia.or 6:50 6:50 target="_blank">MRSA</a>) in your stay. I've never seen so many ceiling fans in hospitals before above every bed in a 6-bedder room had one. I guess they are really serious about air re-circulation attending to a patient" continuously during the day and there are hand disinfectants at every bed. H days already and I think Je-in really misses his mum. We try to distract him throughout the day bu no avail. This morning he got up at 5 and threw a fit screaming and banging on the door. He would to sleep again. I hope he starts to feel better soon too. The day after the op, my mum gave V a message reluctantly, as she conveyed that the earlier mess Looking back, it was indeed miraculous that she has dropped from a stage 4 to a localised tumour. 201 201 one stage and changing hospitals taking half a year more than the initial plan. I think as humans, it 1- 1- phase sometimes. Especially when we recall the merry-go-round we did which increased the suffe 66 01- 01- message that "He loves you very much" and that things are happening according to His plan. For t 1 7 16 16 in an adoration room in a church with about 4 other people. At one point, all of them left and her p 22:1 14:1 off or silent but in this case, she saw the question and prayed for the answer. He told her to deliver 0:31 0:31 believe these things or not, from my vantage point, i can see that God is testing V because He has continue to pray for her so that she can have the strength and wisdom to accept whatever comes al year, the op is a milestone in this journey, though its not over yet. The day after the op, my mum gave V a message reluctantly, as she conveyed that the earlier mess 201 201 Looking back, it was indeed miraculous that she has dropped from a stage 4 to a localised tumour. 1- 1- one stage and changing hospitals taking half a year more than the initial plan. I think as humans, it 66 01- 01- phase sometimes. Especially when we recall the merry-go-round we did which increased the suffe 1 8 16 16 message that "He loves you very much" and that things are happening according to His plan. For t 22:1 14:1 in an adoration room in a church with about 4 other people. At one point, all of them left and her p 0:10 0:10 off or silent but in this case, she saw the question and prayed for the answer. He told her to deliver believe these things or not, from my vantage point, i can see that God is testing V because He has continue to pray for her so that she can have the strength and wisdom to accept whatever comes al year, the op is a milestone in this journey, though its not over yet. 201 201 1- 1- The tubes they put into V to drain the excess fluids came off as expected on Mon and Fri. Finally, 67 01- 01- movement for the right arm is still weak, but overall its much better. V's parents were nice enough 1 0 22 22 our own and V could get some air as she has been cooped up pretty much the last week in the hous 23:0 15:0 around town abit and had a great Italian lunch and Crab dinner! 2:30 2:30 201 201 1- 1- The tubes they put into V to drain the excess fluids came off as expected on Mon and Fri. Finally, 67 01- 01- movement for the right arm is still weak, but overall its much better. V's parents were nice enough 1 1 22 22 our own and V could get some air as she has been cooped up pretty much the whole week in the ho 23:0 15:0 around town abit and had a great Italian lunch and Crab dinner! 3:56 3:56 201 201 V's wounds seem to be healing alright. We take it one day at a time and she still doesn't have stren 1- 1normal. We met the surgeon last week and she said it looks alright and would not have to see her t 67 02- 021 expect there will still be radiotherapy recommended but are praying that there will be no more che 6 06 06 time of gathering with the family and we managed to do a reunion dinner with both sets of parents 21:5 13:5 enjoyed it. Hope you had a good break too! 7:37 7:37 201 201 1- 167 01- 01- In every situation in life you need courage &amp; you need more courage when you face terminal 1 3 30 30 you will always need to pray for graces to counter bad situations and not to give up hope. Your fai 22:4 14:4 9:49 9:49 201 201 1- 167 01- 01- In every situation in life you need courage &amp; you need more courage when you face terminal 1 4 30 30 you will always need to pray for graces to counter bad situations and not to give up hope. Your fai 22:4 14:4 9:25 9:25 1. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 8. Yishun - 20 Jul 9. <a href="http://www 201 201 Park</a> - 24 Jul 10. <a href="" 0- 0href="" target="_blank">Zoo</a> 67 12- 121 href="" target="_blank">Mandai Loo 5 29 29 href="" target="_blank">East Coast 15:0 07:0 href="" target="_blank">Yishu 4:15 4:15 East Coast Park - 29 Dec 18. Zoo - 21 Feb 2010 20. Yishun Loop - Nov 21. Northern PCN - 14 De Coast Park - 29 Dec 201 201 V's wounds seem to be healing alright. We take it one day at a time and she still doesn't have stren 67 1- 1- normal. We met the surgeon last week and she said it looks alright and would not have to see her t 1 7 02- 02- expect there will still be radiotherapy recommended but are praying that there will be no more che 06 06 time of gathering with the family and we managed to do a reunion dinner with both sets of parents 21:5 13:5 6:41 6:41 201 201 1- 1- We're in a zone now. Just cruising, waiting for it all to end somehow. V goes for a quick zap of rad 68 03- 03- felt some nausea, it didn't get any worse. Her hair is still growing out, so that's a welcome sight. H 1 3 02 02 the kid physically. Je-in is speaking in single syllables mainly and refusing to call me daddy. He ca 23:1 15:1 kid :) One day at a time... 4:38 4:38 201 201 1- 1Well, the good news is that V has been given the all-clear from the surgeon so the op went well an 67 02- 021 she'll have to undergo a last round of chemotherapy as well as radiotherapy. Chemo cycle this time 9 12 12 injection, so its not as long as previous sessions. About an hour max. but there are pills to be taken 22:4 14:4 0:00 0:00 201 201 1- 1Well, the good news is that V has been given the all-clear from the surgeon so the op went well an 68 02- 021 she'll have to undergo a last round of chemotherapy as well as radiotherapy. Chemo cycle this time 0 12 12 Ok, last round... Fight! 22:3 14:3 9:25 9:25 201 201 1- 1Well, the good news is that V has been given the all-clear from the surgeon so the op went well an 68 02- 021 she'll have to undergo a last round of chemotherapy as well as radiotherapy. Chemo cycle this time 1 20 20 injection, so its not as long as previous sessions. About an hour max. but there are pills to be taken 23:0 15:0 2:45 2:45 201 201 1- 1Well, the good news is that V has been given the all-clear from the surgeon so the op went well an 68 02- 021 she'll have to undergo a last round of chemotherapy as well as radiotherapy. Chemo cycle this time 2 12 12 everyday for 6 weeks. Ok, last round... Fight! 22:4 14:4 0:00 0:00 201 201 1- 1- We're in a zone now. Just cruising, waiting for it all to end somehow. V goes for a quick zap of rad 68 03- 03- felt some nausea, it didn't get any worse. Her hair is still growing out, so that's a welcome sight. H 1 4 02 02 the kid physically. Je-in is speaking in single syllables mainly and refusing to call me daddy. He ca 23:1 15:1 kid :) One day at a ti 4:05 4:05 201 201 1- 168 03- 031 8 12 12 21:3 13:3 8:09 8:09 201 201 1- 169 03- 031 0 12 12 21:4 13:4 0:14 0:14 201 201 1- 1- We started sending Je-in to a nearby playschool so that he can pick up some social skills and hope 74 05- 05- alone time from 9am-12pm. Thankfully the separation anxiety was only bad for the first 2 days wh 1 6 19 19 would cry but still be able to say "bye bye" and go into the school. Guess he's a big boy now! He r 23:3 15:3 it. We just had lunch at mum's and let him open presents. 5:17 5:17 201 201 1- 169 03- 031 3 12 12 21:4 13:4 4:22 4:22 201 201 We started sending Je-in to a nearby playschool so that he can pick up some social skills and hope 1- 1alone time from 9am-12pm. Thankfully the separation anxiety was only bad for the first 2 days wh 74 05- 051 would cry but still be able to say "bye bye" and go into the school. Guess he's a big boy now! &nb 7 19 19 out of it. We just had lunch at mum's and let him open presents.V says we won't throw anymore bi 23:5 15:5 I told her since his May 15 birth date is round about exam times, he won't get a party til 21 cos all 0:13 0:13 201 201 1- 1- V went for a PET scan again last Friday and the scans seem to show no trace of cancer on the affec 75 06- 06- in the pelvis area. The doc reckoned its just an anomaly as the scans occasionally do this, but a sen 1 7 01 01 Regardless though, doc still wants her to do a last round of chemo. Her blood count was low last w 23:5 15:5 fluids and 2 weeks of pills. We pray that the end of this episode is truly near. 8:52 8:52 201 201 We started sending Je-in to a nearby playschool so that he can pick up some social skills and hope 1- 1- alone time from 9am-12pm. Thankfully the separation anxiety was only bad for the first 2 days wh 74 05- 05- would cry but still be able to say "bye bye" and go into the school. Guess he's a big boy now! <BR 1 5 20 19 src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> 00:0 16:0 deal out of it. We just had lunch at mum's and let him open presents.V says we won't throw anymo 7:32 7:32 grew up. I told her since his May 15 birth date is round about exam times, he won't get a party til 2 201 201 <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-700" style="border: 0pt none; margin: 5px;" title="J 1- 1- 224x300.jpg" alt="" width="224" height="300" />Je-in's growing up! He's beginning to say some 69 03- 03- or one syllable words like car or dog. "Nana" is banana btw and apple is just "ple". Right now he a 1 8 12 12 also amazingly dropped some of the clingy-ness he had. In the past, someone always had to be wit 23:4 15:4 lights and left him in the room alone. He didn't cry or follow her out and just slept on his own. We 4:46 4:46 the montessori school just next door. Wonder if that'll help in his development? 201 201 With all the news about Japan's epic disaster or earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown, we're 70 11- 1- radiotherapy sessions for awhile now. Its really a chore for her as the hospital isn't near home. But 2 03- 03- on the commute. The daily dose of radiation is actually quite harsh on the skin and its all reddish a 26 25 the healing process on the wound and now its kinda messy with new skin, old skin, burnt skin etc. 00:2 16:2 focused on the lymph node on her neck, so we just went out to get some shirts for her so she can g 2:56 2:56 psychologically with God's grace. Anyone lesser would have succumb to depression or rage. I gue 201 201 1- 170 03- 031 0 12 12 23:3 15:3 4:43 4:43 201 201 <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-700" style="border: 0pt none; margin: 5px;" title="J 1- 1- 224x300.jpg" alt="" width="224" height="300" />Je-in's growing up! He's beginning to say some 70 03- 03- or one syllable words like car or dog. "Nana" is banana btw and apple is just "ple". Right now he a 1 1 12 12 also amazingly dropped some of the clingy-ness he had. In the past, someone always had to be wit 23:4 15:4 lights and left him in the room alone. He didn't cry or follow her out and just slept on his own. We 4:13 4:13 the montessori school just next door. Wonder if that'll help in his development? 201 201 With all the news about Japan's epic disaster or earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltodwn, we're 1- 1- radiotherapy sessions for awhile now. Its really a chore for her as the hospital isn't near home. But 70 03- 03- on the commute. The daily dose of radiation is actually quite harsh on the skin and its all reddish a 1 3 26 25 the healing process on the wound and now its kinda messy with new skin, old skin, burnt skin etc. 00:2 16:2 focused on the lymph node on her neck, so we just went out to get some shirts for her so she can g 1:57 1:57 psychologically with God's grace. Anyone lesser would have succumb to depression or rage. I gue 201 201 With all the news about Japan's epic disaster or earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown, we're 1- 1- radiotherapy sessions for awhile now. Its really a chore for her as the hospital isn't near home. But 70 03- 03- on the commute. The daily dose of radiation is actually quite harsh on the skin and its all reddish a 1 4 26 25 the healing process on the wound and now its kinda messy with new skin, old skin, burnt skin etc. 00:2 16:2 focused on the lymph node on her neck, so we just went out to get some shirts for her so she can g 2:58 2:58 psychologically with God's grace. Anyone lesser would have succumb to depression or rage. I gue 201 201 1- 1- Well i'm happy to say the radiotherapy is over and done with for V. Now she just has the last few r 71 04- 04- weeks back, her blood count was too low so they didn't proceed. Today she went for a check again 1 3 05 05 bad. The skin started discharging yesterday and is uncomfortable for her. Apparently its a delayed 21:2 13:2 again. 6:18 6:18 200 200 9- 970 11- 11- 1. child family 2. kids better than one? 3. thirty-something... 4. string Warwick Corvette is the curr 1 6 18 17 number 8. arms to hold you by Veruca Salt rocks! 9. by Damien Rice is also good. 00:0 16:0 6:05 6:05 201 201 1. Orientation ride round estate – 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park – 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park C 1- 1Coast Park – 4 Nov 6. East Coast Park – 10 July 2009 7. Yishun – 17 Jul 8. Yishun – 20 J 72 04- 041 – 7 Aug 12. Mandai Loop – 10 Aug 13. East Coast PCN – 16 Aug 14.Yishun Loop – 29 A 3 09 09 Park – 29 Dec 18. Zoo – 21 Feb 2010 20. Yishun Loop – Nov 21. Northern PCN – 14 De 23:3 15:3 East Coast Park – 29 Dec 25. Northern PCN-half – 2 Jan 2011 26. Zoo-half – 4 Feb 2011 9:35 9:35 201 000 1- 072 04- 001 1 09 00 23:0 00:0 7:09 0:00 I wrote this fairly long account of our son Je-in’s birth on this blog, but i lost some data when to remember what i wrote and this time it gets stuck as a permanent page: When V went in for the birth be induced because the baby was getting bigger and she wanted to play it safe. So she told us Friday 15 May. We checked into the hospital at midnight and the nurses settled us in and began wi 201 201 but no they told us to get a good night’s sleep, which was highly impossible for me since it wa 1- 1they said she was 1.5 cm dilated. 830 am, the contractions were about 3 min apart and they started 72 04- 041 in about 925 to break the water bag. 11 am was when the full contractions started and the pain 2 09 09 even begged her to take the epidural but she refused. She had prayed that it will be over quickly an 23:3 15:3 every 15 min because she was screaming and buzzing her to call the doctor but she kept saying its 9:35 9:35 the bed and the other equipment. 130pm she started coaching V on the pushing as the dilation was popped in again and she was smiling that things were going well. She coached V for 2 pushes and granted! We have heard of so many other stories of 10,12, 16 hour labour pains. The 4 hours that V 15, 2009 Je-in was born. 201 000 1- 072 04- 001 0 09 00 23:0 00:0 7:09 0:00 201 201 1- 1Well i'm happy to say the radiotherapy is over and done with for V. Now she just has the last few r 71 04- 041 weeks back, her blood count was too low so they didn't proceed. Today she went for a check again 4 05 05 bad. The skin started discharging yesterday and is uncomfortable for her. Apparently its a delayed 21:2 13:2 5:29 5:29 201 201 1- 1- Well i'm happy to say the radiotherapy is over and done with for V. Now she just has the last few r 71 04- 04- weeks back, her blood count was too low so they didn't proceed. Today she went for a check again 1 5 05 05 bad. The skin started discharging yesterday and is uncomfortable for her. Apparently its a delayed 21:2 13:2 again. 7:23 7:23 201 201 In my mum's interactions with the man from above, i've heard stories where she sometimes gets si 1- 1hand, or some part of it breaks off and she can't piece it back together. Recently, the one i own tha 71 04- 041 href="">Divine Mercy</a> medal attached to it, keeps falling off. I didn 7 05 05 So i didn't think much of it but V told my mum the story and she was curious what the message wa 21:4 13:4 talents i have working in the online space. I'm now wrecking my brain on exactly what to do, but w 7:16 7:16 71 201 201 In my mum's interactions with the man from above, i've heard stories where she sometimes gets si 1 8 1- 1- hand, or some part of it breaks off and she can't piece it back together. Recently, the one i own tha 04- 04- notice it til someone picked it up and left it on the desk for me to see. So i didn't think much of it b 05 05 was. Well, he wants me to go spread the Divine Mercy by using the talents i have working in the o 21:4 13:4 6:45 6:45 201 201 In my mum's interactions with the man from above, i've heard stories where she sometimes gets si 1- 1hand, or some part of it breaks off and she can't piece it back together. Recently, the one i own tha 71 04- 041 notice it til someone picked it up and left it on the desk for me to see. So i didn't think much of it b 9 05 05 was. Well, he wants me to go spread the Divine Mercy by using the talents i have working in the o 21:4 13:4 watch this space... There are some initial thoughts. 7:16 7:16 201 201 1- 172 04- 041 4 09 09 23:3 15:3 9:35 9:35 Have you ever wondered if God really exists? Or if indeed he did, why doesn't he speak to me or g I'd like to share this little story about how God "showed up" in my life. I was a cradle Catholic and went through 10 years of mission school, the whole Catechism regime and was even in the Church question why we had to go through so much rituals and I also began to question why people had to abstaining from meat on Fridays when I enlisted in the army and eventually I stopped going to Chu The funny thing was I always knew God was there, I was just too lazy to do anything about it. I co financial crisis, it was generally an uphill trajectory surviving the dot com crash and I kept buildin came when I met my wife. She was the daughter of a Christian missionary pastor and I knew that i Church whether I liked it or not. But since I never really hated God or anything, I figured it'll be du so ritualistic, which was one of the things that bugged me previously. After marriage, we started lo Creation Church, which I found too simplistic. We went to a Presbytarian Church and eventually w 201 201 eloquent, the message was logical and the service presentation had great music and was sleek enou 1- 1attack. She was devout her whole life but was never active in Church. She was near retirement and 73 04- 041 and suffer a second attack. Doctors also generally give you a statistical 5-7 years more to live after 0 10 09 Once she got out of the rat race, she began to be called by God, she signed up for the Life In Spirit 00:1 16:1 postponements but finished the course. One day after the course while she was thinking about how 6:29 6:29 times in her head. She looked around, and there was nobody there. From then on, she got closer to taught us a lot about God and what we're put on earth for. She was glad that I was finally back to a pray for us. Eventually, God left me messages via my mum that he wanted me back in the one true up the stairs at the Novena to make this "big" confession to come back home and a lady approache target="_blank">NET</a> brochure at me. So that's how I ended up in NET. For me, NET gave m praying over sessions' during a weekend retreat, the sudden uncontrollable bout of tearing, was my was solid evidence that there is a higher being and it broke the cynicism in me once and for all. An mum's guidance has brought about a change in my wife too, and she is now attending the Rite of C October (2008). So if you're wondering how come God hasn't shown up in your life or if there real for everyone of us, you just need to open up yourself and accept His will and get involved in Chur imagined. 201 201 So that i’ll never forget, these things actually happened to me by divine intervention! Of cours 72 11- 1- aware or sensitive to, so here’s the stuff i vow never to forget (and i’m writing these cos i r 5 04- 04- through to my aunt, me and V. We’re not doing anything great or anything but i think our eyes 09 09 bearing. - My career. Started off in the Asian financial crisis, survived the dot bomb. Still gainfully 23:3 15:3 heart attack - My IBS suddenly disappearing - Meeting V. Needle in haystack situation. At the sam 9:35 9:35 Nuff’ said. - Honeymoon Porsche reverse-con job - Holland V flat. The place was up for sale o want to let go unless it was 1k more. We offered. We got it. Also via newspaper ad btw. - Sale of S outcome. Turns out a cousin is a property agent, he takes over the sale. We do the NZ trip wonderi new place and all. Its sold just in time to pay all the bills. - New Zealand. The timing, the weather, left leg totally holding up with no problems driving for 7 days straight. It only fell apart 2 days afte viewing. - Korea. Business class seats. Taxi in the middle of nowhere of Jeju. - Healing by the Ho Richard gave me a Word of Knowledge “Peace― Peggy prayed over me in tongues and said will bless your family―. - Wedding ring that needed “4-6 weeks― as it was not in stock in second day after placing the order. This will help us to get the convalidation ceremony done quick artery when it used to be 30%, 40% and 70% on 3 of them 4 years back. - Korea, Sep. 2010. We tr Weather was perfect right til the taxi ride back to the airport when the rain started. When we got ba testimony to God’s divine power without whom we are nought. Detractors will always say all you call attributing the good in your life to a divine power but seriously, if you do the math, the pr small a number it has to be either luck or divine intervention. And i don’t believe in luck. 201 201 1- 1- Server Hosting – New Media Express Content Management – Wordpress v2.5 Image Hosting 72 04- 04- thinking of setting up your own blogsite, that’s all the components you need to understand to b 1 6 09 09 come in useful for configuring the little details like link colours and sort orders etc On this note, Iâ 23:3 15:3 things mac and tech turned a couple of us onto the HTML bandwagon back in 96′. Thanks man! 9:35 9:35 Aimee Mann | Ash | The Beatles | Belle and Sebastian | Belly | The Bird and the Bee | Blake Babie 201 201 Scream | Corinne May | Cranberries | The Cure | Damien Rice | Death Cab For Cutie | Def Leppard 1- 1- Franz Ferdinand | Garbage | Guided by Voices | Humpback Oak | Idlewild | Indigo girls | Jewel | Ji 72 04- 04- Killers | Kings of Convenience | Kristen Hersh | Lemonheads | Letters to Cleo | Lisa Loeb | Liz Pha 1 7 09 09 Lord | Matthew Sweet | Motley Crue | My Chemical Romance | Neds Atomic Dustbin | Nina Gord 23:3 15:3 The Police | Queen | The Raveonettes | Red House Painters | Red Hot Chili Peppers | REM | Sarah 9:35 9:35 Sting | The Strokes | Sum 41 | Suzanne Vega | Teenage Fanclub | Tegan and Sara | They Might Be Tristan Prettyman | U2 | Urge Overkill | Veruca Salt | Voice of the Beehive | Weezer | XTC | Yeah 201 201 1- 172 04- 04- by The Breeders i don’t know how old i was but it was a ’65 pickup i was lying on the gro 1 8 09 09 put a hole in your head at two thousand degrees that’s right man, you be the metal man at two 23:3 15:3 9:35 9:35 201 201 1- 172 04- 04- 1. child family 2. kids better than one? 3. thirty-something… 4. string Steinberger Synapse is the c 1 9 09 09 number 8. arms to hold you by Veruca Salt rocks! 9. by Damien Rice is also good. 23:3 15:3 9:35 9:35 200 200 Have you ever wondered if God really exists? Or if indeed he did, why doesn’t he speak to me or g 73 8- 8- but I’d like to share this little story about how God “showed up” in my life… I was a cradle Catho 1 1 08- 08- SG. I went through 10 years of mission school, the whole Catechism regime and was even in the C 02 02 began to question why we had to go through so much rituals and I also began to question why peo 22:4 14:4 stopped abstaining from meat on Fridays when I enlisted in the army and eventually I stopped goin 4:25 4:25 Christmas mass! The funny thing was I always knew God was there, I was just too lazy to do anyt in the Asian financial crisis, it was generally an uphill trajectory surviving the dot com crash and I turning point came when I met my wife. She was the daughter of a Christian missionary pastor and dragged back to Church whether I liked it or not. But since I never really hated God or anything, I churches were not so ritualistic, which was one of the things that bugged me previously. After mar checked out the New Creation Church, which I found too simplistic. We went to a Presbytarian C because the pastor was eloquent, the message was logical and the service presentation had great m mum suffered a heart attack. She was devout her whole life but was never active in Church. She w want her to get stressed and suffer a second attack. Doctors also generally give you a statistical 5-7 working till you’re dead. Once she got out of the rat race, she began to be called by God, she signe after a few postponements but finished the course. One day after the course while she was thinking “Intercessor!” 3 times in her head. She looked around, and there was nobody there. From then on, she spoke and taught us a lot about God and what we’re put on earth for. She was glad that I was f continued to pray for us. Eventually, God left me messages via my mum that he wanted me back i remember climbing up the stairs at the Novena to make this “big” confession to come back home a href="" target="_blank">NET</a> brochure at me. So that’s “experience” God personally because at the praying over sessions during a weekend retreat, the su with God. To me, that was my epiphany. It was solid evidence that there is a higher being and it br about this whole conversion process is that, my mum’s guidance has brought about a change in my Adults (RCIA) to be converted to a Catholic this October (2008). So if you’re wondering how com he does everything in His time and he has a plan for everyone of us, you just need to open up your will reveal himself to you in ways never imagined. So that i'll never forget, these things actually happened to me by divine intervention! Of course the to, so here's the stuff i vow never to forget (and i'm writing these cos i really do forget stuff!!): - C We're not doing anything great or anything but i think our eyes are truly opened. Hopefully in the Asian financial crisis, survived the dot bomb. Still gainfully employed and it is generally an uphill disappearing - Meeting V. Needle in haystack situation. At the same time getting a new job via a S reverse-con job - Holland V flat. The place was up for sale only a week, somebody already made a 201 201 offered. We got it. Also via newspaper ad btw. - Sale of Serangoon North flat. Trying to sell for 6 0- 0- agent, he takes over the sale. We do the NZ trip wondering how the hell we gonna pay for all this s 73 10- 10- all the bills. - New Zealand. The timing, the weather, the flying, the places we stayed. Everything w 1 2 08 08 driving for 7 days straight. It only fell apart 2 days after i got back. - Bike. Sold it via online classi 23:0 15:0 middle of nowhere of Jeju. - Healing by the Holy Spirit. 19 April 2008. - Baptism by the Holy Spi 4:35 4:35 Peggy prayed over me in tongues and said "Trust in the Lord" and "Don't be so stubborn and God was not in stock in SG� and was ordered from the US and flown in, arriving on the second day a ceremony done quickly. - Mum's angiogram in 2008 showing up 20% blockage on one artery whe Sep. 2010. We traveled there right after the typhoon Kompas blew across Seoul. Weather was perf we got back to SG, we learnt that Seoul had flooded. I also write this in testimony to God's divine these are some god-syndrome or whatever else psycho text definition you call attributing the good probability of all these events coming together must be so astronomically small a number it has to 201 000 73 1- 01 3 04- 0010 00 22:3 00:0 2:22 0:00 201 000 1- 073 04- 001 4 10 00 22:3 00:0 2:22 0:00 201 000 1- 073 04- 001 5 10 00 22:3 00:0 2:22 0:00 201 000 1- 073 04- 001 6 10 00 22:3 00:0 2:22 0:00 201 201 <strong>Server Hosting</strong> - <a href=""> New Media Ex 1- 1- href=""> Wordpress v3.1</a> <strong>Image Hosting</strong> - <a href="ht 73 04- 04- Morning After by Woo Themes If you're thinking of setting up your own blogsite, that's all the com 1 7 10 10 Of course knowledge of HTML will come in useful for configuring the little details like link colou 22:3 14:3 href="">Kevin</a> who's undying passion for all things mac and tec 8:23 8:23 man! 200 200 <strong>Server Hosting</strong> - <a href=""> New Media Ex 8- 8- href=""> Wordpress v2.5</a> <strong>Image Hosting</strong> - <a href="ht 73 08- 08- href="" target="_blank">O 1 8 02 02 blogsite, that's all the components you need to understand to be able to set up one similar to this. O 22:0 14:0 little details like link colours and sort orders etc On this note, I'd like to give a shoutout to <a href= 4:59 4:59 all things mac and tech turned a couple of us onto the HTML bandwagon back in 96'. Thanks man 201 201 Have been cracking my head recently on what to get my dad who will be turning 70 soon. Finally 1- 1- complex, so this was a simpler way i figure.. So today, I popped by the mac shop just round my of 73 04- 04- as my parent's home isn't wifi enabled. I called another chain from the office, but apparently they a 1 9 11 11 forums..I searched using the keyword "ipad + 3g" and lo and behold, there was one on sale. Brand 23:4 15:4 shop! Not only that, the guy wanted to do the deal just at the mrt station round our place. As my ca 2:58 2:58 Really didn't have time to go shopping or hunting for this... So i picked it up on my way home like 201 201 Have been cracking my head recently on what to get my dad who will be turning 70 soon. Finally 1- 1- complex, so this was a simpler way i figure.. So today, I popped by the mac shop just round my of 74 04- 04- as my parent's home isn't wifi enabled. I called another chain from the office, but apparently they a 1 0 11 11 forums..I searched using the keyword "ipad + 3g" and lo and behold, there was one on sale. Brand 23:4 15:4 shop! Not only that, the guy wanted to do the deal just at the mrt station round our place. As my ca 1:51 1:51 Really didn't have time to go shopping or hunting for this... So i picked it up on my way home like 201 201 1- 174 05- 051 8 20 19 00:0 16:0 5:18 5:18 We started sending Je-in to a nearby playschool so that he can pick up some social skills and hope 201 201 alone time from 9am-12pm. Thankfully the separation anxiety was only bad for the first 2 days wh 1- 1would cry but still be able to say "bye bye" and go into the school. Guess he's a big boy now! <img 74 05- 051 margin: 5px;" title="train" src=" 9 20 19 and we didn't wanna make a big deal out of it. We just had lunch at mum's and let him open presen 00:0 16:0 primary school cos that's how she grew up. I told her since his May 15 birth date is round about ex 6:45 6:45 :) We started sending Je-in to a nearby playschool so that he can pick up some social skills and hope 201 201 alone time from 9am-12pm. Thankfully the separation anxiety was only bad for the first 2 days wh 1- 1would cry but still be able to say "bye bye" and go into the school. Guess he's a big boy now! <img 75 05- 051 margin: 5px;" title="train" src=" 0 20 19 and we didn't wanna make a big deal out of it. We just had lunch at mum's and let him open presen 00:0 16:0 primary school cos that's how she grew up. I told her since his May 15 birth date is round about ex 7:32 7:32 :) 201 201 1- 1- V went for a PET scan again last Friday and the scans seem to show no trace of cancer on the affec 75 06- 06- in the pelvis area. The doc reckoned its just an anomaly as the scans occasionally do this, but a sen 1 6 01 01 Regardless though, doc still wants her to do a last round of chemo. Her blood count was low last w 23:5 15:5 fluids and 2 weeks of pills. We pray that the end of this episode is truly near. 9:01 9:01 We started sending Je-in to a nearby playschool so that he can pick up some social skills and hope 201 201 alone time from 9am-12pm. Thankfully the separation anxiety was only bad for the first 2 days wh 1- 1would cry but still be able to say "bye bye" and go into the school. Guess he's a big boy now! <a h 75 05- 051 class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-748" style="border: 0pt none; margin: 5px;" title="train" 2 20 19 alt="" width="177" height="300" /></a>He recently turned 2 years old and we didn't wanna make 00:0 16:0 presents.V says we won't throw anymore birthday parties til he goes to primary school cos that's ho 9:12 9:12 exam times, he won't get a party til 21 cos all his friends will be studying :) 201 201 We started sending Je-in to a nearby playschool so that he can pick up some social skills and hope 1- 1alone time from 9am-12pm. Thankfully the separation anxiety was only bad for the first 2 days wh 75 05- 051 would cry but still be able to say "bye bye" and go into the school. Guess he's a big boy now! He r 4 20 19 it. We just had lunch at mum's and let him open presents.V says we won't throw anymore birthday 00:1 16:1 her since his May 15 birth date is round about exam times, he won't get a party til 21 cos all his fri 1:48 1:48 201 201 We started sending Je-in to a nearby playschool so that he can pick up some social skills and hope 1- 1- alone time from 9am-12pm. Thankfully the separation anxiety was only bad for the first 2 days wh 75 05- 05- would cry but still be able to say "bye bye" and go into the school. Guess he's a big boy now! <ifra 1 3 20 19 src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> 00:1 16:1 href=""><img class="alignleft size-medium wp-i 0:57 0:57 src="" alt="" width="177" heigh make a big deal out of it. We just had lunch at mum's and let him open presents.V says we won't th how she grew up. I told her since his May 15 birth date is round about exam times, he won't get a p 201 201 We started sending Je-in to a nearby playschool so that he can pick up some social skills and hope 1- 1- alone time from 9am-12pm. Thankfully the separation anxiety was only bad for the first 2 days wh 75 05- 05- would cry but still be able to say "bye bye" and go into the school. Guess he's a big boy now! <BR 1 5 20 19 src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> 00:1 16:1 a big deal out of it. We just had lunch at mum's and let him open presents.V says we won't throw a 2:27 2:27 she grew up. I told her since his May 15 birth date is round about exam times, he won't get a party 201 201 1- 1- <img src="" alt="" title="cars" w 76 06- 06- 762" /> Must say I'm pretty impressed with a child development update the school did for Je-in. T 1 1 29 29 of him in the different lessons and summarised what he has been learning / playing with in school. 22:3 14:3 20 kids...Not an easy task! And i guess its unanimous, Je-in loves cars! 3:47 3:47 201 201 1- 1Finally, some good news! Doc stopped the chemo treatment. They still don't know what the two br 75 06- 061 for next month and another PET scan the following month to confirm nothing is wrong with those 9 04 03 will stop today. She got her prayer answered. 00:2 16:2 6:10 6:10 201 201 1- 1Finally, some good news! Doc stopped the chemo treatment. They still don't know what the two br 76 06- 061 for next month and PET scan the following month to confirm nothing is wrong with those two area 0 04 03 today. She got her prayer answered. 00:2 16:2 5:22 5:22 201 201 1- 176 06- 061 2 29 29 22:2 14:2 9:53 9:53 201 201 1- 176 06- 061 3 29 29 22:2 14:2 9:31 9:31 201 201 1- 176 06- 06- <img src="" alt="" title="cars" w 1 4 29 29 762" /> Must say I'm pretty imp 22:3 14:3 0:51 0:51 201 201 1- 177 07- 07- Then the LORD said to Joshua, “Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you.― 1 6 31 31 href=";version=NIV#fen-NIV-594 21:1 13:1 8:58 8:58 201 201 1- 1- V did an x-ray again on Friday and it turns out negative. Yay! Just one more round of PET scan in 76 07- 07- other hand, has been going in and out of fevers this week. He started by saying his ear hurt, and af 1 7 03 02 inflammation within. 2 days after, went back to KK again to do a blood test, turns out negative. Bu 00:4 16:4 hours later his head is hot...sigh And 10 seconds ago, he just said "gwee apa" which is "ear pain" a 2:52 2:52 201 201 1- 1- V did an x-ray again on Friday and it turns out negative. Yay! Just one more round of PET scan in 76 07- 07- other hand, has been going in and out of fevers this week. He started by saying his ear hurt, and af 1 8 03 02 inflammation within. 2 days after, went back to KK again to do a blood test, turns out negative. Bu 00:4 16:4 hours later his head is hot...sigh And 10 seconds ago, he said "gwee apa" which is "ear pain" again 2:26 2:26 <a href=""><img class="alignleft title="ayara" src="" alt="" widt 201 201 weeks of leave to recharge. It's been great so far! V's parents were in town and offered to babysit J 1- 1- and chilled at the <a title="Ayara Kamala" href="" target="_b 76 07- 07- sleep, swim, watch videos and get massages. V found a good deal on the place as it was low seaso 1 9 29 28 indoor infinity pool in the room. Amazingly again, it didn't rain til the last morning even though th 01:2 17:2 Also managed to drag myself to doing a full health check including the dreaded endoscopy which 8:37 8:37 gave me a clean slate! No polyps this time round, even after five years! That to me is a miracle ind last one. But since it's clear now, I can do it again in three years. So even though both V and myse that technically we're doing ok. Odds and ends I've finally gotten round to taking two weeks of leave to recharge. It's been great so 201 201 could take a much needed break. We flew out to Phuket and chilled at the Ayarna Kamala resort fo 1- 1massages. V found a good deal on the place as it was low season so it was about half the normal p 77 07- 071 Amazingly again, it didn't rain til the last morning even though the driver said it was raining heavi 0 29 28 doing a full health check including the dreaded endoscopy which was badly needed as my last one 01:2 17:2 this time round, even after five years! That to me is a miracle indeed. The doc said i should have b 8:37 8:37 can do it again in three years. So even though both V and myself have aches and pains all over our <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-773" title="ayara" src=" height="300" />I've finally gotten round to taking two weeks of leave to recharge. It's been great s 201 201 could take a much needed break. We flew out to Phuket and chilled at the <a title="Ayara Kamala 1- 1Kamala</a> resort for five days. All we did was eat, sleep, swim, watch videos and get massages. 77 07- 071 half the normal price and we had the luxury of an indoor infinity pool in the room. Amazingly aga 1 29 29 raining heavily the two days before we arrived. Also managed to drag myself to doing a full health 15:1 07:1 my last one was five years back. Praise God he gave me a clean slate! No polyps this time round, e 0:35 0:35 should have been checking it every year since the last one. But since it's clear now, I can do it agai pains all over our worn-out bodies, we're still grateful that technically we're doing ok. I've finally gotten round to taking two weeks of leave to recharge. It's been great so far! V's parent 201 201 much needed break. We flew out to Phuket and chilled at the Ayarna Kamala resort for five days. 1- 1found a good deal on the place as it was low season so it was about half the normal price and we h 77 07- 071 it didn't rain til the last morning even though the driver said it was raining heavily the two days bef 2 29 28 check including the dreaded endoscopy which was badly needed as my last one was five years bac 01:2 17:2 even after five years! That to me is a miracle indeed. The doc said i should have been checking it e 9:17 9:17 in three years. So even though both V and myself have aches and pains all over our worn-out bodi 201 201 1- 177 07- 071 3 29 29 15:1 07:1 0:04 0:04 I've finally gotten round to taking two weeks of leave to recharge. It's been great so far! V's parent 201 201 much needed break. We flew out to Phuket and chilled at the <a title="Ayara Kamala" href="http: 1- 1- resort for five days. All we did was eat, sleep, swim, watch videos and get massages. V found a go 77 07- 07- normal price and we had the luxury of an indoor infinity pool in the room. Amazingly again, it did 1 4 29 29 heavily the two days before we arrived. Also managed to drag myself to doing a full health check 11:4 03:4 one was five years back. Praise God he gave me a clean slate! No polyps this time round, even afte 3:00 3:00 been checking it every year since the last one. But since it's clear now, I can do it again in three ye our worn-out bodies, we're still grateful that technically we're doing ok. <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-773" style="border: 0pt none; margin: 5px;" title="a 224x300.jpg" alt="" width="224" height="300" />I've finally gotten round to taking two weeks of 201 201 offered to babysit Je-in so that we could take a much needed break. We flew out to Phuket and chi 1- 1href="" target="_blank">Ayara Kamala</a> resort for five day 77 07- 071 found a good deal on the place as it was low season so it was about half the normal price and we h 5 29 29 it didn't rain til the last morning even though the driver said it was raining heavily the two days bef 15:1 07:1 check including the dreaded endoscopy which was badly needed as my last one was five years bac 1:04 1:04 even after five years! That to me is a miracle indeed. The doc said i should have been checking it e in three years. So even though both V and myself have aches and pains all over our worn-out bodi 201 201 1- 177 07- 07- Then the LORD said to Joshua, “Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you.― 1 7 31 31 href=";version=NIV#fen-NIV-594 21:1 13:1 7:53 7:53 201 201 We went for the second chemo session today, but it didn't get done. Doc figured its been a month o 1- 1- to drain the fluid from her lungs, which she apparently saw in the earlier x-ray and got confirmed i 79 08- 08- a little in comparison. So immediately she was asked to be warded. Apparently the hospitals are cr 1 6 26 26 Managed to sneak home in the meantime so she could grab her stuff and say goodbye to Je-in inste 22:5 14:5 apparently what they will do is to poke a hole in the lung and attach some sort of bag to allow the 7:48 7:48 her manic cough. The presidential elections are tomorrow. I don't give a damn anymore. Lee Kuan 201 201 Compared to the previous study dated 27/5/2011, there is an overall progression of the metastatic d 77 11- 1- Currently, there is suggestion of pleural involvement within the right hemithorax associated with t 9 08- 08- the FDG-avid mediastinal and hilar adenopathy. 3. Suspcion of FDG-avid hepatic lesion in segmen 05 05 multiphasic CT / MR is recommended if clinically indicated. 4. Hypermetabolic lytic lesion involv 22:2 14:2 Correlation with whole body bone scan is suggested. 8:32 8:32 201 201 Compared to the previous study dated 27/5/2011, there is an overall progression of the metastatic d 1- 1Currently, there is suggestion of pleural involvement within the right hemithorax associated with t 78 08- 081 the FDG-avid mediastinal and hilar adenopathy. 3. Suspcion of FDG-avid hepatic lesion in segmen 0 05 05 multiphasic CT / MR is recommended if clinically indicated. 4. Hypermetabolic lytic lesion involv 22:2 14:2 Correlation with whole body bone scan is suggested. 7:41 7:41 201 201 Today's Mass readings: Opening Hymn : <a href=" 1- 1- God</a> First Reading: <a href=";ch=1 78 08- 08- target="_blank">1 Kings 19:9, 11-13</a> Psalm: <a href=" 1 1 07 07 target="info">Psalm 85:9-14</a> Second Reading: <a href=" 16:5 08:5 target="info">Romans 9:1-5</a> Gospel: <a href=" 6:34 6:34 target="info">Matthew 14:22-33</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; 201 201 Today's Mass readings: Opening Hymn : Glory and Praise to you First Reading: <a 1- 1href=";ch=19&amp;bv1=9&amp;ev1= 78 08- 081 Psalm: <a href=";ch=85&amp;bv1=9&amp 2 07 07 href=";ch=9&amp;bv1=1&amp;ev1=5" 16:5 08:5 href=";ch=14&amp;bv1=22&amp;ev1=3 4:37 4:37 201 201 Today's Mass readings: Opening Hymn : <a href=" 1- 1- God</a> First Reading: <a href=";ch=1 78 08- 08- target="_blank">1 Kings 19:9, 11-13</a> Psalm: <a href=" 1 3 07 07 target="info">Psalm 85:9-14</a> Second Reading: <a href=" 16:5 08:5 target="info">Romans 9:1-5</a> Gospel: <a href=" 9:58 9:58 target="info">Matthew 14:22-33</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; 201 201 Today's Mass readings: Opening Hymn : <a href=" 1- 1God</a> First Reading: <a href=";ch=1 78 08- 081 target="info">1 Kings 19:9, 11-13</a> Psalm: <a href=" 4 07 07 85:9-14</a> Second Reading: <a href=" 16:5 08:5 Gospel: <a href=";ch=14&amp;bv1=22& 6:34 6:34 201 201 Today's Mass readings: Opening Hymn : <a href=" 1- 1God</a> First Reading: <a href=";ch= 78 08- 081 19:9, 11-13</a> Psalm: <a href=";ch=85& 5 07 07 Reading: <a href=";ch=9&amp;bv1=1& 16:5 08:5 href=";ch=14&amp;bv1=22&amp;ev1=3 8:07 8:07 201 201 What do you do when the doctor says you have about 2 years to live. I can only think of the scenar 1- 1- in a game of musical chairs when everyone has their seats...You think "Damn, I'm it". I can't even 78 08- 08- cancer had spread to her lungs and spine. We were optimistically hoping the scans will all turn out 1 6 12 12 went through. I didn't even go to the review with her. That's how routine we thought it'll be. Guess 21:3 13:3 were devastated. Now we're kinda resigned to it. The problem now is she's wrecked with a cough t 6:15 6:15 And all this is not likely cancer-related. I can't think how much worse it can get. We met the doc to mortality rate. She said for this sort of advanced cancer, its usually 2-3 yrs. She was amazed how w holding it all together. She wondered how V could have so strong faith, i said "her parents are mis best to make it as comfortable for V as possible. Then she prescribed Morphine for the pain and co stories and hospital scenes with people dying. I guess that's another reality check. So a new round knows, but doc did say they wouldn't recommend any more surgery as these aggressive ones tend her. Please help to storm heaven with your prayers. <em>O Blood and Water, which gushed forth You!</em> &nbsp; 201 201 1- 178 08- 08- What do you do when the doctor says you have about 2 years to live. I can only think of the scenar 1 7 12 12 in a game of musical chairs when everyone has their seats...You think "Damn, I'm it". &nbsp; &nb 20:4 12:4 0:46 0:46 201 201 1- 1What do you do when the doctor says you have about 2 years to live. I can only think of the scenar 78 08- 081 in a game of musical chairs when everyone has their seats...You think "Damn, I'm it". I can't even 8 12 12 cancer had spread. We were optimistically hoping the scans will all turn out well and there will be 20:4 12:4 2:49 2:49 What do you do when the doctor says you have about 2 years to live. I can only think of the scenar in a game of musical chairs when everyone has their seats...You think "Damn, I'm it". I can't even cancer had spread to her lungs and spine. We were optimistically hoping the scans will all turn out 201 201 went through. I didn't even go to the review with her. That's how routine we thought it'll be. Guess 1- 1we were devastated. Now we're kinda resigned to it. The problem now is she's wrecked with a cou 78 08- 081 pain. And all this is not likely cancer-related. I can't think how much worse it can get. We met the 9 12 12 about the mortality rate. She said for this sort of advanced cancer, its usually 2-3 yrs. She was ama 21:2 13:2 only thing holding it all together. She wondered how V could have so strong faith, i said "her pare 4:50 4:50 would do her best to make it as comfortable for V as possible. Then she prescribed Morphine for t in war stories and hospital scenes with people dying. I guess that's a reality check. So a new round knows, but doc did say they wouldn't recommend any more surgery as these aggressive ones tend What do you do when the doctor says you have about 2 years to live. I can only think of the scenar in a game of musical chairs when everyone has their seats...You think "Damn, I'm it". I can't even cancer had spread to her lungs and spine. We were optimistically hoping the scans will all turn out went through. I didn't even go to the review with her. That's how routine we thought it'll be. Guess 201 201 were devastated. Now we're kinda resigned to it. The problem now is she's wrecked with a cough t 1- 1And all this is not likely cancer-related. I can't think how much worse it can get. We met the doc to 79 08- 081 mortality rate. She said for this sort of advanced cancer, its usually 2-3 yrs. She was amazed how w 0 12 12 holding it all together. She wondered how V could have so strong faith, i said "her parents are mis 21:3 13:3 best to make it as comfortable for V as possible. Then she prescribed Morphine for the pain and co 4:05 4:05 stories and hospital scenes with people dying. I guess that's another reality check. So a new round knows, but doc did say they wouldn't recommend any more surgery as these aggressive ones tend her. Please help to storm heaven with your prayers. <em>O Blood and Water, which gushed forth You!</em> &nbsp; 201 201 That's what Je-in says a couple of times a day now. V goes into coughing fits pretty often and it's h 79 11- 1- or lie in any comfortable position. She made it to a polyclinic where a doctor finally diagnosed the 1 08- 08- but also said that there would be no easy way out of that. And no specialist can really help either. W 20 20 time round it was as a subsidised patient of NUH. The room was sparse but huge. It was eye-ope 15:1 07:1 too. A grim thought occurred to me that most of us will end up in that chair at some point in our liv 6:20 6:20 The only difference was that for the first time, she felt pain as the medcines flowed into her veins. blood. She said" this medicine quite strong, even grown men cry". True enough, she had to ask But luckily this fiery dose was only for about a half hour. Just half an hour ago, she got an attack o for it. I pray it resolves it. <em>Hail Mary full of grace the lord is with you, blessed are you amon <em>Holy Mary mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and forever. Amen.</em> That's what Je-in says a couple of times a day now. V goes into coughing fits pretty often and it's h or lie in any comfortable position. She made it to a polyclinic where a doctor finally diagnosed the 201 201 but also said that there would be no easy way out of that. And no specialist can really help either. W 1- 1- time round it was as a subsidised patient of NUH. The room was sparse but huge. It was eye-ope 79 08- 08- too. A grim thought occurred to me that most of us will end up in that chair at some point in our liv 1 2 20 20 The only difference was that for the first time, she felt pain as the medcines flowed into her veins. 15:2 07:2 blood. She said" this medicine quite strong, even grown men cry". True enough, she had to ask 8:42 8:42 But luckily this fiery dose was only for about a half hour. Just half an hour ago, she got an attack o for it. I pray it resolves it. <em>Hail Mary full of grace the lord is with you, blessed are you amon <em>Holy Mary mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and forever. Amen.</em> 201 201 1- 1- That's what Je-in says a couple of times a day now. V goes into coughing fits pretty often and it's h 79 08- 08- or lie in any comfortable position. She made it to a polyclinic where a doctor finally diagnosed the 1 3 20 20 but also said that there would be no easy way out of that. And no specialist can really help either. W 15:1 07:1 time round it was in a lower class 6:20 6:20 That's what Je-in says a couple of times a day now. V goes into coughing fits pretty often and it's h 201 201 or lie in any comfortable position. She made it to a polyclinic where a doctor finally diagnosed the 1- 1- but also said that there would be no easy way out of that. And no specialist can really help either. W 79 08- 08- time round it was as a subsidised patient of NUH. The room was sparse but huge. It was eye-ope 1 4 20 20 too. A grim thought occurred to me that most of us will end up in that chair at some point in our li 15:2 07:2 The only difference was that for the first time, she felt pain as the medcines flowed into her veins. 3:38 3:38 blood. She said" this medicine quite strong, even grown men cry". True enough, she had to ask But luckily this fiery dose was only for about a half hour. 1. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 8. Yishun - 20 Jul 9. <a href="http://www 201 201 Park</a> - 24 Jul 10. <a href="" 1- 1href="" target="_blank">Zoo</a> 79 02- 021 href="" target="_blank">Mandai Loo 5 06 06 href="" target="_blank">East Coast 21:5 13:5 href="" target="_blank">Yishu 0:27 0:27 East Coast Park - 29 Dec 18. Zoo - 21 Feb 2010 20. Yishun Loop - Nov 21. Northern PCN - 14 De Coast Park - 29 Dec 25. Northern PCN-half - 2 Jan 2011 26. Zoo-half - 4 Feb 2011 201 201 We went for the second chemo session today, but it didn't get done. Doc figured its been a month o 1- 1- to drain the fluid from her lungs, which she apparently saw in the earlier x-ray and got confirmed i 79 08- 08- a little in comparison. So immediately she was asked to be warded. Apparently the hospitals are cr 1 7 26 26 Managed to sneak home in the meantime so she could grab her stuff and say goodbye to Je-in inste 22:5 14:5 apparently what they will do is to poke a hole in the lung and attach some sort of bag to allow the 7:39 7:39 her manic cough. The presidential elections are tomorrow. I don't give a damn anymore. Lee Kuan V and i had a good talk last night and she told me about 2 incidents in her life regarding the divine her parents in Taiwan, a neighbouring missionary couple who were really close to God, told her to doing God's work". She was angry and forced that memory out of her til only a few years back. 2.M wanted to sit there, hence there is a cat. She then told V about doing intercessory work. I have no i 201 201 diligently letting go of everything of the here and now. She prays as much as she can and she takes 1- 1- were reversed, I would be cursing and swearing my way through every attack. As it is, watching h 80 09- 09- frequently enough. Right now, the coughing is still around and the back pain is still tremendous. W 1 6 04 04 whom Mum recommended. Its ironic, but she's suffering alot more from the back pain than the can 22:0 14:0 masectomy that hasn't really recovered, affecting the muscles on her back and now another punctu 1:42 1:42 turns out to be the solution because all the other avenues kept turning her away. She also told me t href=" target="_blank">Lessons from the School of Suffering</a> - To understand what she is going thro Kempis/dp/1456497081/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1315144454&amp;sr=1-1 the #2 must-read after the Bible. 201 201 <p>It's been almost 3 days and V is still in hospital. We checked in on Friday evening and was sup 1- 1probably due to the chemo from the week before.</p> <p>So Monday morning, they checked agai 79 08- 081 holiday, they wanted her to go home and come back again on Thursday.</p> <p>But God has bee 9 29 29 doc said she can do an endoscope today.</p> <p>So here I am whiling my time away on my own 15:4 07:4 lungs. I pray this will give her the relief she badly needs.</p> 9:12 9:12 She finally got out of the operation room 3 hours later. Apparently it was torture. The doc stuck ne 201 201 felt they were basically ripping flesh out of her and i guess she screamed. They tried to give more 1- 1- awkward position, it came off. The doc then had to redo the darn thing himself and she said her oth 80 08- 08- When she got back to the ward, they turned on some sort of suction device attached to her sides an 1 0 29 29 explained that they laced the lungs with some sort of powder to prevent it from sticking together a 23:3 15:3 The powder was the irritant and so she'd have to bear with the bad effects for a day or so. She fina 8:35 8:35 hours later. So she now lies there with tubes sticking out of the side with fluids flowing out of her decade or two down the road that i should never take life or breathing for granted. She finally got out of the operation room 3 hours later. Apparently it was torture. The doc stuck ne 201 201 felt they were basically ripping flesh out of her and i guess she screamed. They tried to give more 1- 1- awkward position, it came off. The doc then had to redo the darn thing himself and she said her oth 80 08- 08- When she got back to the ward, they turned on some sort of suction device attached to her sides an 1 1 29 29 explained that they laced the lungs with some sort of powder to prevent it from sticking together a 23:3 15:3 The powder was the irritant and so she'd have to bear with the bad effects for a day or so. She fina 7:42 7:42 hours later. So she now lies there with tubes sticking out of the side with fluids flowing out of her decade or two down the road that should never take life or breathing for granted. From Fr Christopher Soh, SJ sermon Readings: Jeremiah 20:7-9; Psalm 62:2-6,8-9; Romans 12:1you make decisions? Is the decision-making process something that interests you? As you may hav 201 201 Counselling–that building located behind this church–hosted a forum on decision-making acc 1- 1- organizers were expecting a modest number of participants–maybe 30 or 40 at most. But more t 80 08- 08- something that interests us. And yet, we may wonder what exactly it is we think we are doing whe 1 2 29 29 that, very often, we equate decision-making with figuring out what we ought to do. We want to kn 23:4 15:4 course, an important question. But is decision-making really only about knowledge? Isn’t it tru 8:09 8:09 so much with knowing which course of action to choose, as it is with finding the courage and stren that person who is already married to someone else. But I don’t really want to do it. Hence the like to do it. Take, for another example, yesterday’s polling for the Elected President. We had provided about each one. Enough, at least, for each of us to make an informed choice. And yet, wh 38,000 Singaporeans decided to spoil their votes. Why? Did they not know which candidate came But I wonder if the problem was perhaps not so much knowing who to choose, as it was being wil choice among options that we may not like, we often shy away from choosing. Not realizing that n deciding to let others choose for me. Quite clearly, then, decision-making involves more than just inner resources that we need, to do what needs to be done. Especially if what needs to be done is v kind of situation, that we find in our Mass readings today. In the gospel, Peter has already acknow Jesus must die a most shameful and painful death, but that Peter himself is being called to follow i says, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me. The choice is clear. There is n then he too needs to walk the Way of the Cross. But knowing what needs to be done is not the sam happen to you. As a result, Jesus rebukes him. The situation in the first reading is similar. God had after some initial hesitation, Jeremiah had responded generously. But now, Jeremiah is beginning t often than not he has to tell people what they do not wish to hear. And people respond not just by r word of the Lord, he laments, has meant for me insult, derision, all day long. Again, as with Peter, to be done–that’s clear enough–but how to find the strength to do it. Thankfully, our readi approach to decision-making. Notice first what he does not do. He does not simply go about trying hear, namely, that he can change his profession, that he can stop speaking on God’s behalf. Ins even goes to the extent of claiming that God has seduced him. In another translation, the word use false lover might deceive the beloved by whispering sweet nothings into her ear. Bold accusation. fashion, something begins to happen to Jeremiah. Underneath all his hurt feelings, he discovers a h his complaining, he himself cannot extinguish. What Jeremiah discovers is that his call to be a pro God. Rather, his call is a deep hunger within him, something he himself yearns to do. In the words soul is thirsting, O Lord my God. And it is only after we, like Jeremiah, have tapped into this inner what we are told in the second reading. Having gotten in touch with our own deep hunger and thirs can then begin to let our behaviour change, modelled by our new mind. We can begin to think in G us, this is the only way to discover the will of God and know what is good, what it is that God wan Christian decision-making moves from the heart, to the head, to the hands. It involves not just tryin the One whom we love. And then in gradually learning to see things the way God sees them. It is o Way of the Cross, to choose to continue doing God’s will, even when we may not like it. And, when the Son of Man comes in the glory of his Father with his angels. Sisters and brothers, what c strength to take up your cross today? From Fr Christopher Soh, SJ sermon Readings: Jeremiah 20:7-9; Psalm 62:2-6,8-9; Romans 12:1you make decisions? Is the decision-making process something that interests you? As you may hav Counselling–that building located behind this church–hosted a forum on decision-making acc organizers were expecting a modest number of participants–maybe 30 or 40 at most. But more t something that interests us. And yet, we may wonder what exactly it is we think we are doing whe 201 201 that, very often, we equate decision-making with figuring out what we ought to do. We want to kn 1- 1course, an important question. But is decision-making really only about knowledge? Isn’t it tru 80 08- 081 so much with knowing which course of action to choose, as it is with finding the courage and stren 3 29 29 that person who is already married to someone else. But I don’t really want to do it. Hence the 23:4 15:4 like to do it. Take, for another example, yesterday’s polling for the Elected President. We had 8:04 8:04 provided about each one. Enough, at least, for each of us to make an informed choice. And yet, wh 38,000 Singaporeans decided to spoil their votes. Why? Did they not know which candidate came But I wonder if the problem was perhaps not so much knowing who to choose, as it was being wil choice among options that we may not like, we often shy away from choosing. Not realizing that n deciding to let others choose for me. Quite clearly, then, decision-making involves more than just inner resources that we need, to do what needs to be done. Especially if what needs to be done is v kind of situation, that we find in our Mass readings today. In the gospel, Peter has already acknow Jesus must die a most shameful and painful death, but that Peter himself is being called to follow i says, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me. The choice is clear. There is n then he too needs to walk the Way of the Cross. But knowing what needs to be done is not the sam happen to you. As a result, Jesus rebukes him. The situation in the first reading is similar. God had after some initial hesitation, Jeremiah had responded generously. But now, Jeremiah is beginning t often than not he has to tell people what they do not wish to hear. And people respond not just by r word of the Lord, he laments, has meant for me insult, derision, all day long. Again, as with Peter, to be done–that’s clear enough–but how to find the strength to do it. Thankfully, our readi approach to decision-making. Notice first what he does not do. He does not simply go about trying hear, namely, that he can change his profession, that he can stop speaking on God’s behalf. Ins even goes to the extent of claiming that God has seduced him. In another translation, the word use false lover might deceive the beloved by whispering sweet nothings into her ear. Bold accusation. fashion, something begins to happen to Jeremiah. Underneath all his hurt feelings, he discovers a h his complaining, he himself cannot extinguish. What Jeremiah discovers is that his call to be a pro God. Rather, his call is a deep hunger within him, something he himself yearns to do. In the words soul is thirsting, O Lord my God. And it is only after we, like Jeremiah, have tapped into this inner what we are told in the second reading. Having gotten in touch with our own deep hunger and thirs can then begin to let our behaviour change, modelled by our new mind. We can begin to think in G us, this is the only way to discover the will of God and know what is good, what it is that God wan Christian decision-making moves from the heart, to the head, to the hands. It involves not just tryin the One whom we love. And then in gradually learning to see things the way God sees them. It is o Way of the Cross, to choose to continue doing God’s will, even when we may not like it. And, when the Son of Man comes in the glory of his Father with his angels. Sisters and brothers, what c strength to take up your cross today? Got this message of hope today. Every little thing gives us something to cling on to and we are gra 201 201 as bad as the backpain which came back because she's been lying around for so long. The doc fina 1- 1called in another doc who called in another doc who finally got her a physio therapist which we ha 80 09- 091 muscle issue and gave her some massage which relieved it and put her onto a weekly program. Wh 4 01 01 nurse what was the point of poking her lungs if it was for 2 days relief only. Surprisingly, she took 21:2 13:2 as the lungs are now back on their own minus machine, So it's adjusting and it'll be bad for awhile 6:35 6:35 so that's some good news. Got this message of hope today. Every little thing gives us something to cling on to and we are gra 201 201 as bad as the backpain which came back because she's been lying around for so long. The doc fina 1- 1called in another doc who called in another doc who finally got her a physio therapist which we ha 80 09- 091 muscle issue and gave her some massage which relieved it and put her onto a weekly program. Wh 5 01 01 nurse what was the point of poking her lungs if it was for 2 days relief only. Surprisingly, she took 21:2 13:2 as the lungs are now back on their own minus machine, So it's adjusting and it'll be bad for awhile 6:35 6:35 so that's some good news. 201 201 V and i had a good talk last night and she told me about 2 incidents in her life regarding the divine 1- 1- her parents in Taiwan, a neighbouring missionary couple who were really close to God, told her to 80 09- 09- doing God's work". She was angry and forced that memory out of her til only a few years back. 2.M 1 7 04 04 wanted to sit there, hence there is a cat. She then told V about doing intercessory work. I have no i 22:0 14:0 diligently letting go of everything of the here and now. She prays as much as she can and she takes 1:27 1:27 were reversed, I would be cursing and swearing my way through every attack. As it is, watching h frequently enough. Right now, the coughing is still around and the back pain is still tremendous. W whom Mum recommended. Its ironic, but she's suffering alot more from the back pain than the can masectomy that hasn't really recovered, affecting the muscles on her back and now another punctu turns out to be the solution because all the other avenues kept turning her away. She also told me t href=" target="_blank">Lessons from the School of Suffering</a> - To understand what she is going thro Kempis/dp/1456497081/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1315144454&amp;sr=1-1 the #2 must-read after the Bible. 201 201 V was scheduled for chemo again today, but it didn't happen. The doc acknowledged that she was 1- 1so she needed something to make it more bearable. We told her we were going to start on chiro to 81 09- 091 not working out. So she recommended one more round of radiotherapy just for the spinal area. Up 2 12 12 realised its in the same region as the pain. So back she goes tomorrow for another $1000 laser gun 23:0 15:0 effects. Let's pray this works out. 5:43 5:43 201 201 Its been a tough week for V. Still alternating between coughing her lungs out and major backpain. 1- 1fluid seem to close up nicely, according to the doc. It tool us a long while before V finally decided 80 09- 091 hunt for one and it turns out Harvey Norman stocks the LaZboys, immediately i got her to come 9 10 10 href="" target="_blank">got on 22:5 14:5 chairs and a quick foodcourt dinner wore her out. She was coughing and panting all the way back 2:35 2:35 201 201 1- 181 09- 09- Its been a tough week for V. Still alternating between coughing her lungs out and major backpain. 1 0 10 10 fluid seem to close up nicely according to the doc. 22:4 14:4 2:12 2:12 201 201 Its been a tough week for V. Still alternating between coughing her lungs out and major backpain. 1- 1fluid seem to close up nicely, according to the doc. It tool us a long while before V finally decided 81 09- 091 hunt for one and it turns out Harvey Norman stocks the LaZboys, immediately i got her to come 1 10 10 href="" target="_blank">got on 22:5 14:5 chairs and a quick foodcourt dinner wore her out. She was coughing and panting all the way back 2:25 2:25 201 201 1- 1- V was scheduled for chemo again today, but it didn't happen. The doc acknowledged that she was 81 09- 09- so she needed something to make it more bearable. We told her we were going to start on chiro to 1 3 12 12 not working out. So she recommended one more round of radiotherapy just for the spinal area. Up 23:0 15:0 realised its in the same region as the pain. So back she goes tomorrow for another $1000 laser gun 4:48 4:48 Its been 4 days at the hospital, not much has happened yet. V went for numerous scans as the docs 201 201 seems to show 10% water level but CT scan shows 50-60%. So the docs were even debating wheth 1- 1do that and chemo together and that might be tomorrow. Meanwhile, V has been on heavier morph 81 09- 091 awhile. Breathing is still laboured but aided with oxygen. Suddenly everyone around is giving lots 9 22 22 and I guess its just a reaction to being concerned with her well-being etc but seriously, eating healt 23:3 15:3 if even the chemo can't do it. Everyone should just chill! Mum has been receiving mixed messages 8:58 8:58 of anything. Its up to how we live it out ourselves. 201 201 1- 1The new recliner seems to work somewhat to help V sleep for a couple of hours on and off. At lea 81 09- 091 the combination of the radiotherapy and chair that helped ease the backpain. Not to say its gone, b 5 17 17 back in full force. Been coughing a lot these 2 days again, which also disrupts the sleep and causes 23:2 15:2 5:38 5:38 201 201 1- 1The new recliner seems to work somewhat to help V sleep for a couple of hours on and off. At lea 81 09- 091 the combination of the radiotherapy and chair that helped ease the backpain. Not to say its gone, b 6 17 17 back in full force. Been coughing a lot these 2 days again, which also disrupts the sleep and causes 23:2 15:2 5:02 5:02 201 201 1- 181 09- 09- V is back in the hospital again. Went for chemo today but because the coughing and breathlessnes 1 7 19 19 round, the left lung is 25% filled with fluids. Probably will have to do the endoscopy tomorrow to 21:5 13:5 1:03 1:03 201 201 1- 181 09- 09- V is back in the hospital again. Went for chemo today but because the coughing and breathlessnes 1 8 19 19 round, the left lung is 25% filled with fluids. Probably will have to do the endoscopy tomorrow to 21:5 13:5 0:41 0:41 Its been 4 days at the hospital, not much has happened yet. V went for numerous scans as the docs 201 201 seems to show 10% water level but CT scan shows 50-60%. So the docs were even debating wheth 1- 1do that and chemo together and that might be tomorrow. Meanwhile, V has been on heavier morph 82 09- 091 awhile. Breathing is still laboured but aided with oxygen. Suddenly everyone around is giving lots 0 22 22 and I guess its just a reaction to being concerned with her well-being etc but seriously, eating healt 23:3 15:3 if even the chemo can't do it. Everyone should just chill! Mum has been receiving mixed messages 8:46 8:46 of anything. Its up to how we live it out ourselves. We went for the scheduled chemo session today, but made the decision to stop it for good. It wasn had a long chat with the doc and she also concurred that if there was no real benefit of going throu there, spend hours waiting and then getting drained from the side-effects, then we should just stop getting it confirmed by the main oncologist did give V a sting. I could see her slightly shaken that 201 201 noticed that was hardly any veins left to do chemo even if she wanted to. I asked the doc again wh 1- 1months. I also spoke to the doc about the Advance Medical Directive and we got it signed with her 84 10- 091 resuscitated if he/she is unconscious and in an emergency situation. She also wrote me a letter to g 3 01 30 said that if an ambulance was called to the house, they would be obligated to try to revive her. So i 00:2 16:2 done so far and she actually gave me her mobile # to let her know if anything happens. The differe 2:11 2:11 gave us her mobile on the first visit, not the last. Doc then came out of the room to confirm with V both their eyes were teary. V asked to see her scans, and the doc went through with V, her mum an half of her lungs in white, unlike healthy lungs which were supposed to be more black. So now its back there. The Assisi hospice team has been assigned to visit us on Monday, and i've got a letter t 201 201 1- 1- Managed to get the drainage going on the lung today, so she has tubes sticking out of her again. A 82 09- 09- for V. At the end of the day, she seemed slightly better than before and her colleagues came and ch 1 2 23 23 3-5 days as there is a controlled limit on fluids exiting the body, something like 500ml per 8 hours 23:1 15:1 hour. 5:53 5:53 201 201 1- 1- Managed to get the drainage going on the lung today, so she has tubes sticking out of her again. A 82 09- 09- for V. At the end of the day, she seemed slightly better than before and her colleagues came and ch 1 3 23 23 3-5 days as there is a controlled limit on fluids exiting the body, something like 500ml per 8 hours 23:1 15:1 hour. 5:49 5:49 201 201 1- 1- Managed to get the drainage going on the lung today, so she has tubes sticking out of her again. A 82 09- 09- for V. At the end of the day, she seemed slightly better than before and her colleagues came and ch 1 4 23 23 3-5 days as there is a controlled limit on fluids exiting the body, something like 500ml per 8 hours 23:1 15:1 hour. 6:58 6:58 <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-827" style="border: 0pt none; margin: 5px;" title="b 224x300.jpg" alt="" width="224" height="300" />V's breathing today is still laboured. 600ml of fl last night. She felt intense heat on her back while she slept, and for some reason, today the backpa 201 201 vanished. This was the pain that has led her to A&amp;E, polyclinic, acupuncture and a chiropract 1- 1her shoulder in the past and we believe it is His mercy and love that has done this. Ironically, no o 82 09- 091 suddenly forgotten how terrible her pains were? When i told this to her Mum, her initial reaction w 5 25 25 massaging gave some relief. I said" you've been massaging for months and there was no effect". A 21:4 13:4 now due to the tube sticking out of her and its hard to assess how she really feels. Good benchmar 7:47 7:47 also attribute it to the one shot of radiotherapy that is working is magic.However in these matters, Christ! Thank you for small mercies. Note: There is a special meaning to the empty bench in the n makes sense. Note 2: The same night i typed this, she SMS me to say the pain returned. I guess it w V's breathing today is still laboured. 600ml of fluids have come out of her left lung so far. But a st 201 201 she slept, and for some reason, today the backpain which has been dogging her for more than a yea 1- 1- A&amp;E, polyclinic, acupuncture and a chiropractor. My mum received a similar healing for her 82 09- 09- mercy and love that has done this. Ironically, no one else around us seems to think it was a big dea 1 6 25 25 i told this to her Mum, her initial reaction was that it could be the painkillers being too strong and 21:3 13:3 months and there was no effect". Anyway, I'm not a 100% sure its gone too, because she's bedridd 8:30 8:30 she really feels. Good benchmark is to check once she's up and about again. For the realists, they c magic.However in these matters, I trust the word of V and my mum. Glory and praise to you Lord 201 201 1- 182 09- 091 7 25 25 21:4 13:4 5:52 5:52 82 201 201 <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-827" style="border: 0pt none; margin: 5px;" title="b 1 8 1- 1- 224x300.jpg" alt="" width="224" height="300" />V's breathing today is still laboured. 600ml of fl 09- 09- last night. She felt intense heat on her back while she slept, and for some reason, today the backpa 25 25 vanished. This was the pain that has led her to A&amp;E, polyclinic, acupuncture and a chiropract 21:4 13:4 her shoulder in the past and we believe it is His mercy and love that has done this. Ironically, no o 7:15 7:15 suddenly forgotten how terrible her pains were? When i told this to her Mum, her initial reaction w massaging gave some relief. I said" you've been massaging for months and there was no effect". A now due to the tube sticking out of her and its hard to assess how she really feels. Good benchmar also attribute it to the one shot of radiotherapy that is working is magic.However in these matters, Christ! Thank you for small mercies. Note: There is a special meaning to the empty bench in the n &nbsp; <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-827" style="border: 0pt none; margin: 5px;" title="b 224x300.jpg" alt="" width="224" height="300" />V's breathing today is still laboured. 600ml of fl last night. She felt intense heat on her back while she slept, and for some reason, today the backpa 201 201 vanished. This was the pain that has led her to A&amp;E, polyclinic, acupuncture and a chiropract 1- 1her shoulder in the past and we believe it is His mercy and love that has done this. Ironically, no o 82 09- 091 suddenly forgotten how terrible her pains were? When i told this to her Mum, her initial reaction w 9 25 25 massaging gave some relief. I said" you've been massaging for months and there was no effect". A 21:4 13:4 now due to the tube sticking out of her and its hard to assess how she really feels. Good benchmar 7:47 7:47 also attribute it to the one shot of radiotherapy that is working is magic.However in these matters, Christ! Thank you for small mercies. Note: There is a special meaning to the empty bench in the n makes sense. &nbsp; <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-827" style="border: 0pt none; margin: 5px;" title="b 224x300.jpg" alt="" width="224" height="300" />V's breathing today is still laboured. 600ml of fl last night. She felt intense heat on her back while she slept, and for some reason, today the backpa 201 201 vanished. This was the pain that has led her to A&amp;E, polyclinic, acupuncture and a chiropract 1- 1her shoulder in the past and we believe it is His mercy and love that has done this. Ironically, no o 83 09- 091 suddenly forgotten how terrible her pains were? When i told this to her Mum, her initial reaction w 0 26 26 massaging gave some relief. I said" you've been massaging for months and there was no effect". A 23:1 15:1 now due to the tube sticking out of her and its hard to assess how she really feels. Good benchmar 9:49 9:49 also attribute it to the one shot of radiotherapy that is working is magic.However in these matters, Christ! Thank you for small mercies. Note: There is a special meaning to the empty bench in the n makes sense. Note 2: The same night i typed this, she SMS me to say the pain returned. I guess it w I guess I've been fairly optimistic and staying as strong as I can be, but today, my heart sinks even few days, and V SMSed to say she wanted to go home, and that the doc said it was ok. I knew she aircon and the oxygen made her air passage very dry. So off i go back to the hospital to pick them the ward doc had a chat with her and told her she shouldn't go back in Oct or something to this effe doc came by again and asked me if i knew what was going on. I said, "well, i know she has cancer 201 201 what i don't know.." Then he dropped it on me saying that the fluids are drained and left only abou 1- 1all over, there are large masses and plenty of smaller ones. They don't reckon she'll go on much lon 83 09- 091 tears. I don't think i've ever had a sadder conversation in my life... So all this hope in praying for a 1 26 26 think now we really have got to start praying for less suffering too. She's taken it fairly well so far 23:5 15:5 stopped today but the breathing seems to be harder. We managed to bring her home without incide 7:59 7:59 (i'm fairly impressed they can do this immediately). We also needed to get a spare oxygen tank for really the life giver at this point. During lunch, her mum casually remarked to me about how is JeI was pretty miffed and in my mind was thinking "WTF does he need to learn Korean for, who the my life. Mum's interpretation of her own messages have also swung to a darker tone and she sees a told her to go find a priest for the rites of the anointing of the sick. I guess when he comes around, 201 201 I guess I've been fairly optimistic and staying as strong as I can be, but today, my heart sinks even 1- 1- few days, and V SMSed to say she wanted to go home, and that the doc said it was ok. I knew she 83 09- 09- aircon and the oxygen made her air passages very dry. So off i go back to the hospital to pick them 1 2 26 26 the ward doc had a chat with her and told her she shouldn't go back in Oct or something to this effe 23:2 15:2 came by again and asked me if i knew what was going on. I said, "well, i know she has cancer and 9:36 9:36 i don't know I guess I've been fairly optimistic and staying as strong as I can be, but today, my heart sinks even few days, and V SMSed to say she wanted to go home, and that the doc said it was ok. I knew she aircon and the oxygen made her air passage very dry. So off i go back to the hospital to pick them the ward doc had a chat with her and told her she shouldn't go back in Oct or something to this effe doc came by again and asked me if i knew what was going on. I said, "well, i know she has cancer 201 201 what i don't know.." Then he dropped it on me saying that the fluids are drained and left only abou 1- 1all over, there are large masses and plenty of smaller ones. They don't reckon she'll go on much lon 83 09- 091 tears. I don't think i've ever had a sadder conversation in my life... So all this hope in praying for a 3 26 26 think now we really have got to start praying for less suffering too. She's taken it fairly well so far 23:5 15:5 stopped today but the breathing seems to be harder. We managed to bring her home without incide 7:07 7:07 (i'm fairly impressed they can do this immediately). We also needed to get a spare oxygen tank for really the life giver at this point. During lunch, her mum casually remarked to me about how is JeI was pretty miffed and in my mind was thinking "WTF does he need to learn Korean for, who the my life. Mum's interpretation of her own messages have also swung to a darker tone and she sees a told her to go find a priest to the rites of the anoiting of the sick. I guess when he comes around, th 201 201 1- 183 09- 091 she's afraid she might go tonight... 4 27 27 23:0 15:0 7:10 7:10 201 201 1- 183 09- 091 she's afraid she might go tonight... 5 27 27 23:0 15:0 7:00 7:00 Mum went to Novena yesterday and spoke to Fr Simon Lim and found out that we have to go back moment, and offered to drive her around. So she managed to get Fr JJ Fenellon from Our Lady Sta 201 201 strange and coincidental that Fr JJ is the only priest that i knew from a long time back. From the ti 1- 1Paul in our teen years. And he was still studying to be a priest. So now he's a full-fledged one adm 83 09- 091 supposed to be dropped from this sacrament. I don't think i'm able to get that out of my head. Pray 6 28 28 on our address to the neighbourhood committee too. Immediately on the same night, a lady living 11:0 03:0 a rosary from Lourdes and a bottle of the water from there. Every night for us has been a dread so 0:59 0:59 the loo every hour or gets up to pop morphine. When she finally goes off to sleep, i look for signs other, we pray for God's will to be done soon. 201 201 Mum went to Novena yesterday and spoke to Fr Simon Lim and found out that we have to go back 83 1- 1- moment, and offered to drive her around. So she managed to get Fr JJ Fenellon from Our Lady Sta 1 7 09- 09- strange and coincidental that Fr JJ is the only priest that i knew from a long time back. From the ti 28 28 Paul in our teen years. And he was still studying to be a priest. So now he's a full-fledged one adm 11:0 03:0 supposed to be dropped from this sacrament. I don't think i'm able to get that out of my head. Pray 0:11 0:11 on our address to the neighbourhood committee too. Immediately on the same night, a lady living a rosary from Lourdes and a bottle of the water from there. Every night for us has been a dread so the loo every hour or gets up to pop morphine. When she finally goes off to sleep, i look for signs other, we pray for God's will to be done soon. 201 201 1- 183 09- 091 8 28 28 11:1 03:1 4:27 4:27 201 201 1- 183 09- 091 9 28 28 11:1 03:1 3:25 3:25 201 201 1- 184 09- 091 0 28 28 11:1 03:1 5:34 5:34 201 201 I'm not sure if i blogged about it earlier but when my mum was faced with impending death years 1- 1- accounts etc to me and basically let go of all worldly possessions. Yesterday, i had a deja vu day w 84 09- 09- only two important things that mattered when she goes: 1. A Catholic funeral 2. Everyone in the fa 1 1 29 29 School-Suffering-Priest-Teaches/dp/0867164557" target="_blank">The School of Suffering</a> I 22:3 14:3 awhile back, most of the logistical / financial issues were already pinned to me so it was a simple d 8:18 8:18 world. Big question is will i be able to let go when the time comes... 201 201 I'm not sure if i blogged about it earlier but when my mum was faced with impending death years 1- 1- accounts etc to me and basically let go of all worldly possessions. Yesterday, i had a deja vu day w 84 09- 09- only two important things that mattered when she goes: 1. A Catholic funeral 2. Everyone in the fa 1 2 29 29 School-Suffering-Priest-Teaches/dp/0867164557" target="_blank">The School of Suffering</a> I 22:3 14:3 awhile back, most of the logistical / financial issues were already pinned to me so it was a simple d 7:00 7:00 world. Big question is will i be able to let go when the time comes... We went for the scheduled chemo session today, but made the decision to stop it for good. It wasn had a long chat with the doc and she also concurred that if there was no real benefit of going throu 201 201 there, spend hours waiting and then getting drained from the side-effects, then we should just stop 1- 1- getting it confirmed by the main oncologist did give V a sting. I could see her slightly shaken that 84 10- 09- noticed that was hardly any veins left to do chemo even if she wanted to. I spoke to the doc about 1 4 01 30 witness. This documents the patient's wish not to be resuscitated if he/she is unconscious and in an 00:1 16:1 home doc to certify the death when it happens. She said that if an ambulance was called to the hou 4:56 4:56 funeral home directly. I thanked her for all she's done so far and she actually gave me her mobile # hospital and private clinic was that the private doc gave us her mobile on the first visit, not the last wasn't going to do any more chemo and both their eyes were teary. V asked to see her scans and th and CT scans showing the lower half of her lungs in white, unlike healthy lungs which were sup "open", there is no real need to go back there. The Assissi hospice team has been assigned to visit We went for the scheduled chemo session today, but made the decision to stop it for good. It wasn had a long chat with the doc and she also concurred that if there was no real benefit of going throu there, spend hours waiting and then getting drained from the side-effects, then we should just stop getting it confirmed by the main oncologist did give V a sting. I could see her slightly shaken that 201 201 noticed that was hardly any veins left to do chemo even if she wanted to. I asked the doc again wh 1- 1months. I also spoke to the doc about the Advance Medical Directive and we got it signed with her 84 10- 091 resuscitated if he/she is unconscious and in an emergency situation. She also wrote me a letter to g 5 01 30 said that if an ambulance was called to the house, they would be obligated to try to revive her. So i 00:2 16:2 done so far and she actually gave me her mobile # to let her know if anything happens. The differe 0:13 0:13 gave us her mobile on the first visit, not the last. Doc then came out of the room to confirm with V both their eyes were teary. V asked to see her scans, and the doc went through with V, her mum an half of her lungs in white, unlike healthy lungs which were supposed to be more black. So now its back there. The Assisi hospice team has been assigned to visit us on Monday, and i've got a letter t We went for the scheduled chemo session today, but made the decision to stop it for good. It wasn had a long chat with the doc and she also concurred that if there was no real benefit of going throu there, spend hours waiting and then getting drained from the side-effects, then we should just stop getting it confirmed by the main oncologist did give V a sting. I could see her slightly shaken that 201 201 noticed that was hardly any veins left to do chemo even if she wanted to. I asked the doc again wh 1- 1months. I also spoke to the doc about the Advance Medical Directive and we got it signed with her 84 10- 091 resuscitated if he/she is unconscious and in an emergency situation. She also wrote me a letter to g 6 01 30 said that if an ambulance was called to the house, they would be obligated to try to revive her. So i 00:2 16:2 done so far and she actually gave me her mobile # to let her know if anything happens. The differe 3:20 3:20 gave us her mobile on the first visit, not the last. Doc then came out of the room to confirm with V both their eyes were teary. V asked to see her scans, and the doc went through with V, her mum an half of her lungs in white, unlike healthy lungs which were supposed to be more black. So now its back there. The Assisi hospice team has been assigned to visit us on Monday, and i've got a letter t The Counsellor also spoke to V about making a will and she decided to go ahead and do one. Alth 201 201 and one land-banking title deed (which to me is a write-off), I guess its just good piece of mind no 1- 1- dropped by today to get her signature and got the papers witnessed and done up. Apparently they a 86 10- 10- compassionate freelance work and the price was a fraction of what a law firm would charge. I gues 1 4 08 08 readings for the mass and her favourite photo to be used at the funeral. Thankfully there were no p 22:1 14:1 increase her oxygen level to just drink a packet of milk and she almost couldn't finish her bath. Ev 1:29 1:29 seemed particularly ominous. I think after i get through this whole experience, i can be the <a href emotional rollercoasters. I probably can do it with my eyes wide open and hands up in the air <img class="alignleft" style="margin: 5px; border: 0pt none;" src=" 201 201 height="240" />NUH handed V's case over to <a href="" target=" 1- 1the initial visit. I've heard of their name in the past and was never sure where they are. Apparently 84 10- 101 consisting of a nurse, a doc and a counsellor. Now i know first-hand what they are about and I h 8 04 04 emotional one too. Doc changed the morphine from the liquid form to a pill which was slow-acting 12:1 04:1 little longer as she can numb the backpain. Thank God for that. The counsellor also gave interestin 5:15 5:15 for Je-in. Those thoughts never really crossed our minds, but i don't think she's up to it. We'll see h 201 201 <img class="alignleft" style="margin: 5px; border: 0pt none;" src=" 85 11- 1- height="240" />NUH handed V's case over to <a href="" target=" 1 10- 10- the initial visit. I've heard of their name in the past and was never sure where they are. Apparently 04 04 consisting of a nurse, a doc and a counsellor. Now i know first-hand what they are about and I d 17:0 09:0 one too. Doc changed the morphine from the liquid form to a pill which was slow-acting and longe 1:11 1:11 as she can numb the backpain. Thank God for that. 201 201 1- 1- <a href="" title="photo sharing"><img src="h 84 10- 10- style="border: solid 2px #000000;" /></a> <br /> <span style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; 1 9 04 04 href="">photo.JPG</a> <br /> Originally uplo 12:1 04:1 href="">gr3gtan</a> </span> <br clear="all" /> <p></p> 5:15 5:15 201 201 1- 1- <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 85 10- 10- src="" alt="" /></a> <span style=" 1 0 04 04 href="">photo.JPG</a> Originally uploaded b 13:3 05:3 </span> 7:42 7:42 201 201 1- 185 10- 101 <img class="alignnone" src=" 2 04 04 13:3 05:3 9:55 9:55 <img class="alignleft" style="margin: 5px; border: 0pt none;" src=" 201 201 height="240" />NUH handed V's case over to <a href="" target=" 1- 1- the initial visit. I've heard of their name in the past and was never sure where they are. Apparently 85 10- 10- consisting of a nurse, a doc and a counsellor. Now i know first-hand what they are about and I h 1 3 04 04 emotional one too. Doc changed the morphine from the liquid form to a pill which was slow-acting 21:3 13:3 little longer as she can numb the backpain. Thank God for that. The counsellor also gave interestin 5:34 5:34 for Je-in. Those thoughts never really crossed our minds, but i don't think she's up to it. We'll see h cannular (the oxygen tube) 201 201 1- 1We had minor drama with the first changing of the nasal cannular (the oxygen tube). The replacem 85 10- 101 nose like the one she got from the hospital. So because of this, she was breathing heavily til i mana 5 04 04 from the ward. Now she can breathe better. 22:4 14:4 7:45 7:45 <img class="alignleft" style="margin: 5px; border: 0pt none;" src=" height="240" />NUH handed V's case over to <a href="" target=" 201 201 the initial visit. I've heard of their name in the past and was never sure where they are. Apparently 1- 1consisting of a nurse, a doc and a counsellor. Now i know first-hand what they are about and I h 85 10- 101 emotional one too. Doc changed the morphine from the liquid form to a pill which was slow-acting 4 04 04 little longer as she can numb the backpain. Thank God for that. The counsellor also gave interestin 22:4 14:4 for Je-in. Those thoughts never really crossed our minds, but i don't think she's up to it. We'll see h 4:23 4:23 cannular (the oxygen tube). The replacement one was a of a slightly different length and did not cu to drive down to NUH to get the e 201 201 1- 1We had minor drama with the first changing of the nasal cannular (the oxygen tube). The replacem 85 10- 101 nose like the one she got from the hospital. So because of this, she was breathing heavily til i mana 6 04 04 from the ward. Now she can breathe better. 22:4 14:4 7:27 7:27 201 201 Seeking to live in joyful acceptance of God's will, Desiring His will above all else. (Pray with St F 1- 1Him is a soul who lives accordance with the will of God. It thereby gives very great glory to God. 85 10- 101 alone is everything to me, I live by and die by it and it is the holy will of God. It is my daily food. 8 05 05 asks of me, although my nature often quakes and I feel the magnitude of these things is beyond my 20:2 12:2 grace of God is, which supports me. (Diary 652) &nbsp; 0:14 0:14 201 201 1- 185 10- 101 Seeking to live in joyful acceptance of God's will, desiring His will above all else. (Pray with St Fa 9 05 05 20:1 12:1 1:38 1:38 201 201 Seeking to live in joyful acceptance of God's will, Desiring His will above all else. (Pray with St F 1- 1Him is a soul who lives accordance with the will of God. It thereby gives very great glory to God. 86 10- 101 alone is everything to me, I live by and dieby it and it is the holy will of God. It is my daily food. M 0 05 05 asks of me, although my nature often quakes and I feel the magnitude of these things is beyond my 20:1 12:1 grace of God is, which supports me. (Diary 652) &nbsp; 9:50 9:50 201 201 1- 186 10- 10- First glimpse of what could be the end today..Was choking on her own phlegm which somehow de 1 1 07 06 min in the evening. Guess we're all shaken, including Je-in who saw it up close... 00:2 16:2 2:11 2:11 201 201 1- 186 10- 10- First glimpse of what could be the end today..Was choking on her own phlegm which somehow de 1 2 07 06 min in the evening. Guess we're all shaken, including Je-in who saw it up close... 00:2 16:2 1:59 1:59 201 201 About the same time today, a similar phlegm attack happened again... Not as severe as yesterday's 1- 1already. I'm supposed to give it to him if he makes it to the altar boys .. Didn't read mine either. W 86 10- 101 background etc .. Just the sofa, but that's the best we can do. Doc switched her to a morphine patch 3 07 07 etc but V is still popping the liquid morphine every 4 hours. I guess her level of pain is ever increa 23:0 15:0 Lord, give me strength to bear this cross. It is nothing compared to what V is bearing .. 7:37 7:37 201 201 The Counsellor also spoke to V about making a will and she decided to go ahead and do one. Alth 86 11- 1- and one land-banking title deed (which to me is a write-off), I guess its just good piece of mind no 5 10- 10- dropped by today to get her signature and got the papers witnessed and done up. Apparently they a 08 08 compassionate freelance work and the price was a fraction of what a law firm would charge. I gues 22:1 14:1 readings for the mass and her favourite photo to be used at the funeral. Thankfully there were no p 1:08 1:08 increase her oxygen level to just drink a packet of milk and she almost couldn't finish her bath. Ev seemed particularly ominous. I think after i get through this whole experience, i can be the evil ken wide open and hands up in the air The Counsellor also spoke to V about making a will and she decided to go ahead and do one. Alth 201 201 and one land-banking title deed (which to me is a write-off), I guess its just good piece of mind no 1- 1- dropped by today to get her signature and got the papers witnessed and done up. Apparently they a 86 10- 10- compassionate freelance work and the price was a fraction of what a law firm would charge. I gues 1 6 08 08 readings for the mass and her favourite photo to be used at the funeral. Thankfully there were no p 22:1 14:1 increase her oxygen level to just drink a packet of milk and she almost couldn't finish her bath. Ev 4:19 4:19 seemed particularly ominous. I think after i get through this whole experience, i can be the Evil Kn wide open and hands up in the air ...and throw in a baby claspsed between my legs too... The Counsellor also spoke to V about making a will and she decided to go ahead and do one. Alth 201 201 and one land-banking title deed (which to me is a write-off), I guess its just good piece of mind no 1- 1- dropped by today to get her signature and got the papers witnessed and done up. Apparently they a 86 10- 10- compassionate freelance work and the price was a fraction of what a law firm would charge. I gues 1 7 08 08 readings for the mass and her favourite photo to be used at the funeral. Thankfully there were no p 22:1 14:1 increase her oxygen level to just drink a packet of milk and she almost couldn't finish her bath. Ev 1:29 1:29 seemed particularly ominous. I think after i get through this whole experience, i can be the evil ken wide open and hands up in the air ... The Counsellor also spoke to V about making a will and she decided to go ahead and do one. Alth 201 201 and one land-banking title deed (which to me is a write-off), I guess its just good piece of mind no 1- 1- dropped by today to get her signature and got the papers witnessed and done up. Apparently they a 86 10- 10- compassionate freelance work and the price was a fraction of what a law firm would charge. I gues 1 8 08 08 readings for the mass and her favourite photo to be used at the funeral. Thankfully there were no p 22:1 14:1 increase her oxygen level to just drink a packet of milk and she almost couldn't finish her bath. Ev 3:13 3:13 seemed particularly ominous. I think after i get through this whole experience, i can be the evil ken wide open and hands up in the air ...and throw in a baby claspsed between my legs too... You know how I really hate public speaking... But this is the last thing I can do for my beloved Va thoughtful person I’ve met. When I first met her and found out that she was a pastor’s dau and guide me to heaven. I’d like to thank her parents for doing such a great job raising a daugh does, knowing that He will guide her unto what is good for her. Not materially, but spiritually. She her. She never hankered for diamonds or branded stuff and she never hesitated with donations if th 201 201 read up the A-Z on taking care of babies and put her whole heart into loving him. As a wife, she w 1- 1make a great team. In Korea on a driving trip, she’d read out the navigation while I drove the c 89 10- 101 mirror, and she made me a better person. During her battle with cancer, I saw how she grew spiritu 4 18 18 She persevered in getting everything done and never once complained about God or blamed Him. 23:0 15:0 had to repeatedly poke her with needles as her veins were hard to get and they had to try numerous 5:48 5:48 walked down it bravely. Towards the end of the journey she had totally surrendered herself to God Heaven. She prayed constantly the Divine Mercy chaplet and trusted in Him. So if you want to rem along the way. Val, I miss you and I’ll have you in my heart forever. You’ve fought a reall journey wasn’t so short, but I’m happy that you’re in a better place. Jesus, we now han her eternal peace and happiness. Jesus, I trust in you. Jesus, I trust in you. Jesus, I trust in you. Cho 201 201 1- 1Morning, afternoon and night-time cough / phlegm attacks. Its been a rough day. Her back hurts an 87 10- 101 own anymore. She's still keeping the faith and has prayed the Divine Mercy for souls in purgatory 0 09 09 bless her soul. 22:3 14:3 3:26 3:26 201 201 1- 1Morning, afternoon and night-time cough / phlegm attacks. Its been a rough day. Her back hurts an 87 10- 101 own anymore. She's still keeping the faith and has prayed the Divine Mercy for souls in purgatory. 1 09 09 bles 22:3 14:3 2:53 2:53 201 201 1- 1Morning, afternoon and night-time cough / phlegm attacks. Its been a rough day. Her back hurts an 87 10- 101 own anymore. She's still keeping the faith and has prayed the Divine Mercy for souls in purgatory 2 09 09 bless her soul. 22:3 14:3 4:32 4:32 I guess i gotta stop numbering them already, can see the intensity of things building up. She also h again and recommended we consider sending her in to stay so that she can get round the clock doc 201 201 front. I asked about a private nurse at home but they can't prescribe or change your meds etc and c 1- 1today. Its good to have the whole family around. Apparently, she managed to get them to all say 87 10- 101 had Je-in with us so that they could pray. Bearing in mind they are not Catholic, but Missionaries a 3 11 10 ecumenical get-together. We truly believe in the promise of the <a href="http://www.eadmcanada. 00:1 16:1 her family members was to bring them in union with that promise. The night is almost over, she ju 8:10 8:10 she's with me in the same bed because we're likely to bring her into the hospice tomorrow where s emotionally... 201 201 I guess i gotta stop numbering them already, can see the intensity of things building up. She also h 1- 1again and recommended we consider sending her in to stay so that she can get round the clock doc 87 10- 101 front. I asked about a private nurse at home but they can't prescribe or change your meds etc and c 4 10 10 today. Its good to have the whole family around. Apparently, she managed to get them to all say 23:5 15:5 had Je-in with us so that they could pray. Bearing in mind they are not Catholic, but a Missionarie 4:47 4:47 I guess i gotta stop numbering them already, can see the intensity of things building up. She also h 201 201 again and recommended we consider sending her in to stay so that she can get round the clock doc 1- 1- front. I asked about a private nurse at home but they can't prescribe or change your meds etc and c 87 10- 10- today. Its good to have the whole family around. Apparently, she managed to get them to all say 1 5 11 10 had Je-in with us so that they could pray. Bearing in mind they are not Catholic, but Missionaries a 00:1 16:1 ecumenical get-together. We truly believe in the promise of the <a href="http://www.eadmcanada. 5:10 5:10 her family members was to bring them in union with that promise. The night is almost over, she ju she's with me in the same bed because we're likely to bring her into the hospice tomorrow where s 201 201 I guess i gotta stop numbering them already, can see the intensity of things building up. She also h 87 1- 1- again and recommended we consider sending her in to stay so that she can get round the clock doc 1 6 10- 10- front. I asked about a private nurse at home but they can't prescribe or change your meds etc and c 11 10 today. Its good to have the whole family around. Apparently, she managed to get them to all say 00:1 16:1 had Je-in with us so that they could pray. Bearing in mind they are not Catholic, but Missionaries a 9:17 9:17 ecumenical get-together. We truly believe in the promise of the <a href="http://www.eadmcanada. her family members was to bring them in union with that promise. The night is almost over, she ju she's with me in the same bed because we're likely to bring her into the hospice tomorrow where s emotionally... <p>The homecare team popped by again this morning and were concerned about stabalising her co 201 201 because she was obviously still in pain, and also had a fever yesterday. I am honestly pretty frighte 1- 1- warded because at least there will be immediate medical support should she go into major pain or 87 10- 10- felt like they would send her off to die. So she voiced her concerns and I let the doc do the convinc 1 7 12 11 up a look-see session so she will feel more at ease, but she eventually decided its probably for the 00:3 16:3 hospice. Building is pretty old but decent facilities and a private room with enough space does mak 1:00 1:00 pretty close by.</p> <p>Mum had a strange dream of grandma in the morning and when she arrive name.</p> <p>The homecare team were concerned about stabalising her condition and asked us to consider p 201 201 and also had a fever yesterday. I was honestly pretty frightened on how to react in an emergency, s 1- 1immediate medical support should she go into major pain or discomfort.</p> <p>Her mum was pr 87 10- 101 So she voiced her concerns and I let the doc do the convincing cos I didn't want to push any agend 8 12 11 more at ease, but she eventually decided its probably for the best and dropped her reservations.</p 00:3 16:3 decent facilities and a private room with enough space does make it comfortable enough. It's not a 1:54 1:54 strange dream of grandma in the morning and when she arrived, it struck her - St Elizabeth's room 201 201 1- 1- Her condition seems to be going downhill day by day. The breathing has gotten worse today, she u 87 10- 10- in the past few days it was 3 or 4. Today it jumped to 8. Basically her lungs are not getting enough 1 9 12 12 the machine at home could only go up to 5. They also switched her from the nasal cannular (tube-l 23:4 15:4 also ordered some medication to help with the breathing but its administered by a slow-drip sort of 3:51 3:51 201 201 1- 1- Her condition seems to be going downhill day by day. The breathing has gotten worse today, she u 88 10- 10- in the past few days it was 3 or 4. Today it jumped to 8. Basically her lungs are not getting enough 1 0 12 12 the machine at home could only go up to 5. They also switched her from the nasal cannular (tube-l 23:4 15:4 also ordered some medication to help with the breathing but its administered by a slow-drip sort of 3:26 3:26 201 201 1- 188 10- 10- <p>V lapsed into a coma this morning. She suddenly awoke at 6 pm and asked for water but has la 1 1 13 13 nuns and a priest who gave her the last rites.</p> <p>Tears are not enough ..</p> 23:2 15:2 0:01 0:01 201 201 1- 1- <img class="size-full wp-image-883 alignleft" style="margin: 10px; border: 0pt none;" title="Vale 88 10- 10- content/uploads/G101262.jpg" alt="Valeryn Choi" width="400" height="598" /> <p style="text-al 1 2 14 14 some final moments and remember her, the wake will be held at The Oratory - Holy Spirit Church 21:2 13:2 at 10pm) Funeral mass is on Tuesday, 18 Oct 11 am and thereafter we will proceed to Mandai crem 7:02 7:02 201 201 1- 188 10- 101 3 14 14 21:0 13:0 1:05 1:05 201 201 1- 188 10- 10- <img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-883" style="border: 0pt none; margin: 5px;" title="Valer 1 4 14 14 content/uploads/G101262.jpg" alt="Valeryn Choi" width="400" /> 21:0 13:0 4:49 4:49 After 24 hours of being in a coma, Valeryn finally gave in to the illness and went back to the Lord today asking for water because her throat must be so dry, but the nurse advised that we can only w 201 201 nurses changed her clothing and cleaned her and we could tell she was lucid enough to hear and un 1- 1turns to talk to her."Val, just go in peace with the Lord, you have fought a good fight, now its time 88 10- 101 mission is complete.. I love you" At about 925 am, she seemed to want to raise her arms and legs, 5 14 14 for a long time. Her father prayed over her in Korean. I prayed the Divine Mercy one last time for 21:1 13:1 was complete. My mum heard angelic singing today, she also recognised it was Val's voice. With 9:08 9:08 journey of purification has been intense, not many can go through this with the sort of resolve and this will suffice. Je-in, when you finally get to read this, this is how your mother went back to Jesu After 24 hours of being in a coma, Valeryn finally gave in to the illness and went back to the Lord today asking for water because her throat must be so dry, but the nurse advised that we can only w 201 201 nurses changed her clothing and cleaned her and we could tell she was lucid enough to hear and un 1- 1turns to talk to her."Val, just go in peace with the Lord, you have fought a good fight, now its time 88 10- 101 mission is complete.. I love you" At about 925 am, she seemed to want to raise her arms and legs, 6 14 14 for a long time. Her father prayed over her in Korean. I prayed the Divine Mercy one last time for 21:1 13:1 was complete. My mum heard angelic singing today, she also recognised it was Val's voice. With 8:04 8:04 journey of purification has been intense, not many can go through this with the sort of resolve and this will suffice. Je-in, when you finally get to read this, this is how your mother went back to Jesu 201 201 <p style="text-align: left;"><img class="size-full wp-image-883 alignleft" style="border: 0pt none 1- 1src="" alt="Valeryn Choi" width="40 88 10- 101 who know and love Val and want to share some final moments and remember her, the wake will b 7 14 14 from 15 Oct 8pm. (Church closes every day at 10pm) Funeral mass is on Tuesday 18 Oct 11 am an 21:2 13:2 for those that don't drive)</p> 6:36 6:36 201 201 <p style="text-align: left;"><img class="size-full wp-image-883 alignleft" style="border: 0pt none 1- 1src="" alt="Valeryn Choi" width="40 88 10- 101 who know and love Val and want to share some final moments and remember her, the wake will b 8 14 14 from 15 Oct 8pm. (Church closes every day at 10pm) Funeral mass is on Tuesday 18 Oct 11 am an 21:2 13:2 for those that don't drive)</p> 7:02 7:02 201 201 89 <img class="size-full wp-image-883 alignleft" style="margin: 10px; border: 0pt none;" title="Vale 11- 12 content/uploads/G101262.jpg" alt="Valeryn Choi" width="400" height="598" /> <p style="text-al 10- 10- 14 14 some final moments and remember her, the wake will be held at The Oratory - Holy Spirit Church 21:3 13:3 at 10pm) Funeral mass is on Tuesday 18 Oct 11 am and thereafter we will proceed to Mandai crem 0:07 0:07 201 201 <p style="text-align: center;"><img class="size-full wp-image-883 aligncenter" style="border: 0p 1- 1src="" alt="Valeryn Choi" width="40 88 10- 101 who know and love Val and want to share some final moments and remember her, the wake will b 9 14 14 from 15 Oct 8pm. (Church closes every day at 10pm) Funeral mass is on Tuesday 18 Oct 11 am an 21:2 13:2 for those that don't drive)</p> 8:36 8:36 201 201 1- 1- <img class="size-full wp-image-883 alignleft" style="margin: 10px; border: 0pt none;" title="Vale 89 10- 10- content/uploads/G101262.jpg" alt="Valeryn Choi" width="400" height="598" /> <p style="text-al 1 0 14 14 some final moments and remember her, the wake will be held at The Oratory - Holy Spirit Church 21:3 13:3 at 10pm) Funeral mass is on Tuesday, 18 Oct 11 am and thereafter we will proceed to Mandai crem 2:16 2:16 201 201 <p style="text-align: center;"><img class="size-full wp-image-883 aligncenter" style="border: 0p 1- 1src="" alt="Valeryn Choi" width="40 89 10- 101 who know and love Val and want to share some final moments and remember her, the wake will b 1 14 14 from 15 Oct 8pm. (Church closes every day at 10pm) Funeral mass is on Tuesday 18 Oct 11 am an 21:2 13:2 for those that don't drive)</p> 8:58 8:58 201 201 1- 1- <img class="size-full wp-image-883 alignleft" style="margin: 10px; border: 0pt none;" title="Vale 89 10- 10- content/uploads/G101262.jpg" alt="Valeryn Choi" width="400" height="598" /> <p style="text-al 1 3 14 14 some final moments and remember her, the wake will be held at The Oratory - Holy Spirit Church 21:3 13:3 at 10pm) Funeral mass is on Tuesday 18 Oct 11 am and thereafter we will proceed to Mandai crem 0:44 0:44 You know how I really hate public speaking... But this is the last thing I can do for my beloved Va thoughtful person I’ve met. When I first met her and found out that she was a pastor’s dau and guide me to heaven. I’d like to thank her parents for doing such a great job raising a daugh does, knowing that He will guide her unto what is good for her. Not materially, but spiritually. She her. She never hankered for diamonds or branded stuff and she never hesitated with donations if th 201 201 read up the A-Z on taking care of babies and put her whole heart into loving him. As a wife, she w 1- 1make a great team. In Korea on a driving trip, she’d read out the navigation while I drove the c 89 10- 101 mirror, and she made me a better person. During her battle with cancer, I saw how she grew spiritu 5 18 18 She persevered in getting everything done and never once complained about God or blamed Him. 23:0 15:0 had to repeatedly poke her with needles as her veins were hard to get and they had to try numerous 5:23 5:23 walked down it bravely. Towards the end of the journey she had totally surrendered herself to God Heaven. She prayed constantly the Divine Mercy chaplet and trusted in Him. So if you want to rem along the way. Val, I miss you and I’ll have you in my heart forever. You’ve fought a reall journey wasn’t so short, but I’m happy that you’re in a better place. Jesus, we now han her eternal peace and happiness. Jesus, I trust in you. Jesus, I trust in you. Jesus, I trust in you. Cho 201 201 Retrieved from her iPhone Notes application. I guessed she kept this as a diary of sorts. Once i get 89 11- 1- 10:55pm Mission accomplished at day 40 Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 9, 7: 7 10- 10- 잔치를 위해 ì´ëŸ° ì˜ˆë³µì„ ìž…ì–´ì•¼ ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. ì´ì²˜ë 20 20 ê·¸ ì˜ˆë³µì€ ì‚¬ëž‘, ì •ì˜, í‰í™”, 겸솕, ì˜¨ìœ , ì¹œì ˆ, ì¸ë‚´ 등 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž… 21:0 13:0 입어야 ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and m 5:21 5:21 soul... Guide me, strengthen me, console me, tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to w to me. Let me only know Your will...(Your will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surre can take me back peacefully anytime. I offer u back my free will. U know what is the best for me & long. Please be merciful.. This is too painful for all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank All the glory to u lord! I offer my sufferings to u, use it for your holy will. I am happy that i can be Until your will be done, when the time is up, take me to your presence. How i desire to be united t definitely take me back. I put all my joyful hope for the day. I love you lord, more than anything in temptation. I am waiting for you to take me to your kingdom where i can be truly happy praising u overjoyed. Even though i have no vision, no idea, how it might be. Thank u lord. I know your with 2:35am 주님 오만한 ì €ë¥¼ 용서하소서 스스로 ë”ê°€ ëœê±° 마냥 ì°©ê°ì†ì 배우게 하소서 ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ì ˆ 불ìŒížˆ 여기시어 ëª‡ì‹œê°„ì˜ ë‹¨ìž ë„ í—ˆë½í•˜ì†Œì as i lie down. It feels like what i inhale is more than my lung can take, exhale very shortly, end up urgency cuz i feel too uncomfortable.. Sep 14, 4:51pm Ask doc: Can i swim? What is good for lun How long it takes to heal? My ribs r pain.. Chest, armpit, ribs, back pain Something protruding o have cancer? Blood test on virus result? Sep 11, 6:38am Mum.. Pls ask God about this: does he pre answer is no but my mom says yes. We have diff view point about god so i'm really confused. She do u refuse? Then why do u take painkiller n why do u ask mom to massage your back?" But i tho getting this luxurious body relief just because i'm in severe pain. He wants me to go thru certain le He's testing how steady this is by throwing n smashing around. If i don't break down, i pass the str confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm Sep 1st: Mum, last night i couldn't sleep until my body was so exhausted down so i shout in Jesus name satan go away then it stopped. 2nd dream i felt huge force wrap ove Jesus protect me. It was scary n didn't stop instantly. 3rd dream i was flying n like shot down to ea felt real..i think i was shouting Jesus. What happened? I'm afraid God is not happy with me. I felt u passover is over 탈출기 12 Sep 2, 9:14am ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ìƒí™œ 태ë„ë„ ë³µìŒì„ 받아들 ë§ëŒ€ì–´ 꿰매듯앴 옛 모습 ê·¸ëŒ€ë¡œì˜ ë‚˜ë¥¼ 예수님 ë§ì”€ìœ¼ë¡œ ì 당히 ê¾¸ë© ë§ˆë ¨í•´ì•¼ 새 í¬ë„주를 ë‹´ì„ ìˆ˜ 있습니다. ì•´ ë§ì€ 우리 ìžì‹ ì•´ 늘 ìžì‹ ì„ ëœ»ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì •ì•¸ 무관심과 게으름과 ì£„ì˜ ìŠµê´€ì—ì„œ 벗어나야만 ì ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ì§€ìš”. â€œì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì˜ ëª¸ì•´ 여러분 안엕 계시는 ì„±ë ¹ì˜ ì„±ì „ìž„ ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì€ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ ìžì‹ ì˜ ê²ƒì•´ ì•„ë‹˜ì„ ëª¨ë¦…ë‹ˆê¹Œ?―(1코린 ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ 거처하시는 ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ëª¸ì„ ë”럽히지 ë§•ë•¼ê³ ê²½ê³ í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리ì ì„±ë ¹ì„ ëª¨ì‹œëŠ” 장소ë¼ëŠ” 뜻입니다. â€˜ë‚¡ì€ ë‚˜â€™ê°€ 아니땼 ë‚ ë§ˆë‹¤ ‘ 해야 í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. Sep 1, 5:37pm ì œì•¸ì•´ë¥¼ 위해 ì´ì™€ 같앴 기ë„하ìž.. ...ëŠ ëª¨ë“ ì˜•ì • 지혜와 ê¹¨ë‹¬ìŒ ë•ë¶„ì—• 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì„ ì•„ëŠ” 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ 충ë ì„œ 그분 마ìŒì—• ë“¤ê³ ì˜¨ê°– ì„ í–‰ìœ¼ë¡œ 열매를 맺으며 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì•„ëŠ ì˜ê´‘스러운 ëŠ¥ë ¥ì—ì„œ 오는 ëª¨ë“ íž˜ì„ ë°›ì•„ ê°•í•´ì ¸ì„œ, ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì°¸ê³ ê²¬ë””ì 나땼ì—ì„œ 받는 ìƒì†ì˜ ëª«ì„ ì°¨ì§€í• ìžê²©ì„ ì£¼ì‹ ì•„ë²„ì§€ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í•˜ëŠ” ê² êµ¬í•´ 내시어 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 사랑하시는 ì•„ë“œë‹˜ì˜ ë‚˜ë¼ë¡œ 옮겨 주셨습니다. ì• ë°›ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. â–¥ ì‚¬ë„ ë°”ì˜¤ë¡œì˜ ì½œë¡œìƒˆì„œ ë§ì”€ìž…니다. 1,9-14 Aug 31, 2:42pm ì 주셔서 ì œ 마ìŒì´ ìš”ë™ì¹˜ ì•Šê³ í‰ì•ˆížˆ ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ì¼ì„ 받아들ì¼ìˆ˜ 있게 용기와 믿ìŒì€ 주님 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ì €ì—게 í—ˆë½í•˜ì‹ 것ì´ì˜µë‹ˆë‹¤. ì´ëŠ” ì‹œì ë² í‘¸ì‹ ê±¸ë¡œ 압니다. ì €ëŠ” 보잘것없앴 미천한 ìž• 입니다.. ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ íŠ¹ì€ìœ¼ë¡œ 않지만 ì „ ì•„ì§ë„ 여러모로 부족하여 배울것앴 많습니다. 특히 ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë„ˆë¬´ë‚˜ë„ ëŒ€í™”í•˜ê³ ì‹¶ì€ë° ì—¬ì „ížˆ ì €ì—게 ë§Žì€ ìž¥ì• ë¬¼ì•´ ìžˆì– ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ë„ ì œ 안ì—ì„ ì•¼ì–´ë‚˜ì§€ 않습니다. ì €ë¥¼ 불ìŒížˆ ì—¬ê¸°ì‹œê³ ì œë°œ ì €ì 한마디ë¼ë„ ì œê°€ 들ì„수 있게 ì œ 귀를 열어주옵소서! ì„±ë ¹ë‹˜! 부디 ì œ 주옵소서! ì œê°€ ì´ë¦¬ë„ ì•ˆì •ì ì´ë©´ì„œë„ ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì—ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ì²´í—˜ì¹˜ 못하ê ì•„ë‹ê¹Œ ë‘•ë µìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 분명 ì œ 옆엕 ê³„ì‹œê³ ì œ ë§˜ì˜ í‰ì˜¨í•¨ë„ ë 임하시며 ì—사하여 주소서. Aug 28, 12:04pm 주님, ì œ ëª¨ë“ ê³ í†µì„ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ ë°”ì wants, beyond my fears, from death into life 1. God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I want, I rest peace. 2. Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, you lead me by pathways of righteousness should wander the valley of death, I fear no evil, for you are at my side, your rod and your staff, m face of hatred, crowning me with love beyond my power to hold. 5. Surely your kindness and mer God forevermore. Aug 25, 10:41am 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì„±ê°€ 218번) 1. 주ì ë”°ë¥´ë ¤ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì‹ìžê°€ë¥¼ ì§€ê³ ì—¬ê¸° 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 오로지 ì£¼ë‹˜ë§Œì„ ë”°ë¥ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 오롯앴 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 하얀 소복 ì°¨ë ¤ 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ í•œí ì—• ì•´ 몸 뉘어주소서 ê³ ì•´ 쉬땼 물터로 나를 ëŒì–´ 주소서 주여 ì˜ì›ížˆ ìž ë“œë µë‹ˆë‹¤ Jul 1, 4:28pm In every situation in life you need courage and you need m message. For you to realise that in life you will always need to pray for graces to counter bad situa your trust in me. It is I who speaks. Aug 25, 10:38am 받아주소서(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì„±ê°€ 221번) *ì„ ë°›ì•„ì£¼ì†Œì„œ (2번) 1. ë‚˜ì˜ ëª¨ë“ ìž•ìœ ì™€ ë‚˜ì˜ ê¸°ì–µê³¼ ì§€ë ¥ ë‚˜ì˜ ì˜ì§€ ì†Œìœ í ë˜ëŒë ¤ 드리오리다 2. 내게 ì£¼ì‹ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ì£¼ì˜ ê²ƒì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 오징 주님 ëœ»ëŒ ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ May 23, 4:41pm ì „ëŠ¥í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜, 만물앴 ë‹¹ì‹ ê¶Œìœ„ì•ˆì—• ìžˆê³ ì„¸ìƒ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ëœ»í•˜ì‹ ëŒ€ë¡œ ì €í•¬ì—게 ì£¼ì‹œê³ ë˜í•œ 앗아가시니 ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ 다 ë‹¹ì‹ ì´í•´í•˜ì§€ 못하여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì›•ë§•í–ˆë˜ ì €ë¥¼ ìš©ì„œí•˜ì‹œê³ ì €ì—게 ë”í•œ ê³ í†µì 시오. ì „ 들풀ì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 바람불면 í”ë“¤ë¦¬ê³ í–‡ë¹›ì•´ 쬕면 íƒ€ì˜¤ë¥´ê³ ë¹„ê°€ì˜¤ë©´ 바치오니 ë‹¹ì‹ ëœ»ëŒ€ë¡œ 하옵소서. May 22, 12:00pm Power of holy spirit -transformation witness(external: preach boldly, heal) -Charismatic gift &amp; fruit of spirit Matt7:21, matt25:act 11:23 Why r we praying over again and again for the filling of holy spirit? Acts 4:29 Mind has 5 e unconscious), emotion, will-we need to transform all 5 of them. 2 timothy 1:6-7 U received but no Apr 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr healthy n pure blood circulate in my ailing organs. And may yr healt vigorous life throb within me. Amen. Apr 8, 9:46am ì‚¬ëžŒë“¤ì€ ìžì‹ ì˜ ì‹ ì•™ì‹¬ì•´ 부족 ì•½ê³ ìžˆëŠ”ì§€ 물어보면 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ë¬µìƒí•˜ëŠ” 가운땰 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Žì€ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì„ ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì€ ì‹¤ì²œì • 사ë 만핼 ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì‹¤ì²œí• ìˆ˜ 있습니다. Apr 6, 9:26pm 시편 145(144),8-9.13ã„·-14.17-18(â ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시며, 분노엕 ë”ë””ì‹œê³ ìžì• ê°€ 넘치시네. 주ë 내리네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë§ì”€ë§ˆë‹¤ ì°¸ë˜ì‹œê³ , 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. 누구ë¼ë„ ì¼ìœ¼ì¼œ 세우시네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ê°€ì‹œëŠ” 길마다 ì˜ë¡œìš°ì‹ 부르는 ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게, 진실하게 부르는 ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게 가까앴 계시네. ◠예수님께서 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 무화(無化)하시어 거룩한 몸(성체)ì•´ ë˜ì…¨ë“¯ì´ ìƒíƒœë¥¼ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리스ë„êµì˜ ‘비움’과 불êµì˜ â€˜ë¹„ì›€â€™ì€ ì ë§í•˜ëŠ” ë¹„ì›€ì€ ì˜ˆìˆ˜ 그리스ë„를 ë‚´ 안엕 ëª¨ì‹œë ¤ëŠ” 비움입니다. 오늘 ë³µì 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì¼í•˜ê³ ê³„ì‹ ê²ƒì²˜ëŸ¼ 우리를 비운 잕리엕 주님께서 계시는 ê ë‚´ê°€ 사는 것앴 아니땼 그리스ë„께서 ë‚´ 안엕 사시는 것입니다.―(ê°ˆë íƒìš•ì„ ëŠëŠ” ê²ƒë§Œì„ ëœ»í•˜ì§€ 않습니다. ë˜í•œ 세샕 ê²ƒì„ í—ˆë¬´í•˜ê³ ë¬´ì˜ë ì˜ë¯¸ëŠ” 사랑하는 것입니다. 우리가 그냥 ë¹„ìš´ë‹¤ê³ ë¹„ì›Œì§€ëŠ” 것앴 아니땼 비워서는 곧바로 다른 것앴 들어와 잕리를 잡게 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì‹œëŠ” ê²ƒì„ ëœ»í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ëˆ„êµ¬ë¥¼ ì‚¬ëž‘í•˜ê³ ëˆ„êµ°ê°€ì—게 21, 11:12pm 하ëŠë‹˜, ì˜í˜¼ì˜ ê±´ê°•ì„ ìœ„í•˜ì—¬ ìœ¡ì‹ ì˜ ê·¹ê¸°ë¥¼ 명하셨으니, ì € ìžì• ë¡œìš°ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ê³„ëª…ì„ ì§€í‚¤ê²Œ 하소서. 우리가 ì‚¬ëžŒì„ ëŒ€í• ë•Œ â€˜ì• ë¯¿ìŒì„ 가진다면 편해질 것입니다. 주어땼. 그러면 너í¬ë„ ë°›ì„ ê²ƒì 품엕 ë‹´ì•„ 주실 것ì´ë‹¤. 너í¬ê°€ ë˜ì§ˆí•˜ëŠ” 바로 ê·¸ ë˜ë¡œ 너í¬ë„ ë˜ë°›ì„ 너를 ë§Žì€ ë¯¼ì¡±ì˜ ì¡°ìƒìœ¼ë¡œ 만들었다.â€•ë•¼ê³ ê¸°ë¡ëœ 그대로입 ì´ë“¤ì„ 다시 ì‚´ë¦¬ì‹œê³ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ì§€ 않는 ê²ƒì„ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ë„ë¡ ë¶ˆëŸ¬ë‚´ì‹œëŠ” í•˜ëŠ í•¬ë§•ì•´ ì—†ì–´ë„ í¬ë§í•˜ë©°, â€œë„ˆì˜ í›„ì†ë“¤ì´ ì €ë ‡ê²Œ 많아질 것ì´ë‹¤.â€ ë• ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 22 바로 ê·¸ 때문엕 “하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ê·¸ 믿ìŒì„ ì˜ 13, 3:00am 매야 아침 기ë„: 오늘 하루ë™ì•ˆ ì œì•¸ì•´ ì—„ë§ˆì˜ ì—í• ì„ ìž˜ ê°ë‹¹í 나눌수 있게 ë‚¨ì„ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ëŠ” 마ìŒê³¼ ë„“ì€ ì•„ëŸ‰ì„ ì£¼ì†Œì„œ. 겸ì†ì˜ ë•ì ì£¼ì‹œê³ , 오늘 하루 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ 아래서 지내게 하여 주소서. 우리 주 ê·¸ë í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다. 오늘 ë³µìŒì—ì„œ ë² ë“œë¡œê°€ 예수님께 “보시ë ë”°ëžìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.― í•˜ê³ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ë§íˆ¬ì—는 ì´ëŸ° ì˜•ì • êµë§Œ 예수님께서는 아무런 ì¹ì°¬ë„ í•´ 주지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 예수님께서는 ì œìž í•œë‹¤ê³ ë§ì”€í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì—게 ëŒì•„올 ì–´ë–¤ ì˜ê´‘ì„ ìœ„í•´ì„œê°€ 아니땼, 것입니다. ìž„ê¸ˆì„ ë“±ì—• íƒœìš°ê³ ê°€ëŠ” 나귀가 있었습니다. ê·¸ 나귀는 늘 ìž„ ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 사람들앴 ì˜¨ëª¸ì„ ì¹˜ìž¥í•´ ì£¼ê³ , 임금앴 타는 ë‚˜ê·€ë•¼ê³ í•´ì„œ 늘 ì“°ë‹ ë‚˜ê·€ë¥¼ íƒ€ê³ í–‰ë ¬ í• ë•Œ, 사람들앴 환호를 하잕, 나귀는 사람들앴 ìž•ê¸ ë³´ëƒˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ê²°êµ ìž„ê¸ˆì€ ë‚˜ê·€ì—ì„œ ë–¨ì–´ì§€ê³ ë§ì•˜ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì • êµë§Œì´ 예화입니다. êµíšŒì—• 봉사한다는 ê²ƒì€ â€˜ë¶€ë¦„ ë°›ì€ ì¢…â€™ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ì € “해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다.―(루카 17,10)땼 ì´ìƒ ìƒê°í•˜ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ì˜•ì • êµë§Œìž…니다. Feb 9, 6:50pm 너가 암엕 걸린건 그럴 잕격앴 없어서앴 cooxpmlop ã…Š í•— ã…¡ã…‘ã…“ã…— 푸 다. ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê³ ë‚ †ì§€ë§Œ 너를 위해 ìœ ìµí•˜ë‹¤ëŠ”ê²ƒë§Œì€ ëª…ì‹¬í•´ë•¼ 하루를 ë” ì•„í”„ê²Œë˜ë 용기와 힘, ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ì´ë‹¤. Jan 26, 10:39am 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ í•˜ëŠ ê°€ì§„ 것엕 ì˜ì§€í•´ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하면, 하ëŠë‹˜ì—• 대한 믿ìŒë³´ë‹¤ë 때문야 것입니다. ë²•ì • ìŠ¤ë‹˜ì˜ ì±… ã€Žë¬´ì†Œìœ ã€•ì—• ì´ëŸ° êµ¬ì ˆì•´ 있습ë 때로는 ê·¸ 물건 때문엕 마ìŒì„ 쓰게 ëœë‹¤. ë”°ë¼ì„œ 무엇ì¸ê°€ë¥¼ 것, 그러므로 많앴 ê°–ê³ ìžˆë‹¤ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ê·¸ë§Œí•¼ 많앴 얽혀 있다는 뜻ì´ë 많ì„수ë¡, 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 위한 ì¼ë§ˆì €ë„ ê·¸ 뿌리ì—서는 세ìƒì˜ ì¼ì„ 하ë 성과보다 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ ì˜íƒí•˜ëŠ” 우리 ì‚¶ì˜ íƒœë„ê°€ 중요합니다. Jan 24, 3 the top... I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts. As a result of them the Lord - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. Jan 22, 2:07am ì˜ ë¬´ì—‡ê³¼ë„ ë°”ê¿€ 수 없는 ì€ì´ì˜ 사건ì´ì§€ë§Œ, 반드시 ì ¸ì•¼ í• ì‹ìžê°€ê°€ 가족사랑-ì¢‹ì€ ì—„ë§ˆ, ì¢‹ì€ ì•„ë‚´ 1) ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ê±´ê°• ì±…ìž„-ì¢‹ì€ ì‹ë‹¨ 2) 살림꾸ë 아니시므로, 여러분앴 성ë„들ì—게 ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ì˜€ê³ ì§€ê¸ˆë„ ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ë©´ì„œ 잊지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 11 여러분 ê°ìžê°€ 핬맕앴 실현ë˜ë„ë¡ ë까지 ê°™ 그리하여 게으른 사람앴 ë˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ , 약ì†ëœ ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ìŒê³¼ ì¸ë‚´ë¡œ ìƒ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ížˆë¸Œë¦¬ì„œì˜ ë§ì”€ìž…니다.6,10-20 Jan 15, 9:39am 진실앴 ë°í˜€ì¡Œë‹¤ 치르게 하셨다. ê·¸ ë§Žì€ í˜¼ì„ ê³¼ 지긋지긋한 í•ì•”치료.. ëë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ìžƒì—ˆ 무ìžë¹„í•˜ê³ ëƒ‰í˜¹í•˜ì‹œë©° ë™ì‹œì—• ìžì²´ê°€ 사랑ì´ë¼ëŠ” ëª¨ìˆœì˜ ì‹ ì´ì‹œë‹¤ 모른채 벌앸 실수를 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ìž”ì¸í•˜ê²Œ 추ê¶í•˜ì‹œë‹¤ë‹ˆ! ë‚˜ì˜ ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜! ë‹¹ì‹ ëŒ€ì‹ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì…¨ë‹¤êµ¬ìš”?! 그것앴 ì œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì•—ì•„ê°€ì•¼ë§Œ í• ì£„ì˜€ìŠµë 위로해주세요.. ì•´ ìƒì²˜ë¥¼ 아물수있게 넘치는 사랑과 위안과 ë³µì„ ì£¼ì„¸ìš ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹ ë°ìš”? ê·¸ë ‡ê²Œ ë‰˜ìš°ì¹˜ê³ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë‹¤ê³ í•œ ì ˆ ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ë‚´ë™ëŒ•ì 궕극ì 으로 우리 ì¸ìƒì„ 아름답게 í•˜ì‹œê³ ì°¸ë˜ê²Œ 하시는 ë¶„ì€ ì§„ë¦¬ì˜ ë¶ˆì•ˆí•˜ê³ í˜¼ëž€ìŠ¤ëŸ¬ìš¸ìˆ˜ë¡• 우리ì—게 필요한 ê²ƒì€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì„ ìœ¼ë¡œ ì´ë 잕주 미사 참례를 í•˜ê³ , 성체 조배를 하며, ê³ í•´ì„±ì‚¬ë¥¼ 통하여 ìžì‹ ì„ ë”ìš ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리가 미래를 몰ë¼ì„œ 삶앴 ë‘•ë ¤ìš´ 것앴 아닙니다. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë³´ì´ì§€ 않는 미래를 ì£¼ì‹ ì´ìœ 는, 우리가 하루하루를 새ë¡ê²Œ 사람ì—게 미래는 ì„¤ë ˜ê³¼ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì„¸ê³„ë¡œ 다가옵니다. Jan 10, 9:17am ì‚¶ì— ´ì§„다. ìž˜ëª»ëœ ì„ íƒìœ¼ë¡œ ì¸í•œ ê³ í†µ, ë‹¤ë¥¸ì‚¬ëžŒì˜ ì£„ë‚˜ 환경으로 ì¸í•´ ë° í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì˜ë„ì 으로 ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒì•´ 아니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì•´ ê³ í†µ ì„œë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë¯¿ëŠ”ìžë“¤ì„ 통해 ì˜•ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œê¸° 때문ì´ë‹¤. ì•´ 세ìƒì 그래서 우리ì—게 벌어지는 ëª¨ë“ ì‚¬ê±´ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì„리안엕 머무르는 것ì 찾아온다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ ë°©ê´€ìžì‹œë‹¤. 하지만 ì‹œë ¨ì†•ì—ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¾ëŠ”ìž ê³„ì†• 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¬ì–‘í• ìˆ˜ ìžˆê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„ 값진 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œëŠ”ê±°ë‹¤. <spa suffereings we encounter in life are consequences of our own. Agony resulted from making wrong them are results by humans and not intentions from God. Even so, God will not divert the pain and the faith in suffering. the world/life goes on according to God's order. therefore all things happenin various ways. God is an onlooker. But God gives peace to those who seek Him during hardship. H glory.</span> Jan 10, 9:13am 우리가 ‘ìžì‹ ì˜ ëŠ¥ë ¥ê³¼ ìž¬ëŠ¥ì„ ë‚´ì„¸ìš¸ 때’는 ì â€˜ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ì•½í•¨ì„ ìžëž‘í• ë•Œâ€™(2코린 11,30 참조)는 주님께서 ì¼í•˜ì‹œê¸° ë•Œ 필요한 ê²ƒì€ â€œì£¼ë‹˜, ì €ëŠ” 부족한 죄앸야 ë¿ì´ì§€ë§Œ, ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ë„구로 ì• we use our power and talent, we work for ourselves, but if we are like to Paul show off our weakn servant, the person only needs a humble answer, "Lord, though i'm an imperfect sinner, use me as ê³ ì„ì—• 계실 ë•Œ, 온몸엕 나병앴 걸린 사람앴 다가왔다. 그는 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë³ â€œì£¼ë‹˜! 주님께서는 í•˜ê³ ìž• 하시면 ì €ë¥¼ 깨땗하게 하실 수 있습니다.― ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ë‹¤. “내가 í•˜ê³ ìž• 하니, 깨땗하게 ë˜ì–´ë•¼.― 그러잕 곧 나병 one of the towns when suddenly a man appeared, covered with a skin-disease. Seeing Jesus he fell cleanse me.' 13 He stretched out his hand, and touched him saying, 'I am willing. Be cleansed.' At 불ìŒížˆ 여기소서.. ë‹¹ì‹ ì€ ëŠ¥ë ¥ì•´ 있사오니 부디 ì €ì—게 ìžë¹„를 ë² í‘¸ì‹ me... you have the power, so please have mercy on me and set me free from this illness Jan 4, 11:4 ë‚´ê°€ 어늕땧 ìˆ˜ìˆ ë„ ì¢‹ìœ¼ë‹ˆ 완치만 시켜주시길 기ë„하게 ë˜ì—ˆë‹¤. 마 무참히 ë¶€ìˆ´ì§€ê³ ì•´ì œëŠ” 겸허하게 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 ë‚ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 맡겼다. ìˆ˜ìˆ í• ë„ë ¤ë‚¼ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. ì•´ ì‹¬ì¤‘ì˜ ë³€í™”ì•¼ë§ë¡œ 가장 í•° ê¸°ì •ì•´ë•¼ê³ ë´ì•¼ í• ê²ƒ had been continuously praying for no surgery but a recovery by miracle, then i started to pray that will happen one day has crashed, now i humbly submit myself to God's will. If getting surgery is the biggest miracle.</span> Jan 3, 3:21pm We are created for God. To: Love God, serve God, hon internally (detach from your desire) What is your deepest desire? That's what God desire us to be . Patience. Prayerful waiting. 2010, Dec 30, 1:59AM ë‚´ê°€ ì›í•˜ì§€ë§Œ 기ë„하진 ì•Šì„것: ì ¬ì£¼ì„¸ìš” 기ë„í•˜ë˜ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ëœ»ì—• ì˜íƒí• 것: ì•”ì˜ ì™„ì¹˜ 등, 어깨, ë°œ 완치 ë‚ êµ¬í• ê²ƒ: 기ë„ì˜ ì—´ì‹¬ê³¼ ê³ í†µì˜ ì¸ë‚´ ì œì•¸ ì¸ì„±/ì‹ ì•™/언어 êµìœ¡ì˜ 지혜 ê² ìœ¼ë¡œ ì´ë„심 ì „ ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ì¹´í†¨ë¦í™” 부부 모둕 병 없앴 ì€ì´ì•ˆì—• 임종 <sp but will not pray for: - returning to work - lose weight - sharper nose for Jein</span> pray but entr shoulder and feet - to lead a direction for husband's work - for Jein's school earnestly to ask for: - p humanity/faith/wisdom for language and learning - life of modesty - healthy and harmonious fami catholic - (married) couple to die without illness and in mercy Dec 28, 3:41pm 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 오해 드는 아줌마를 ë³´ê³ íƒ€ë ¤ëŠ”ì¤„ì•Œê³ ë©ˆì·„ëŠ”ë•° ì‚¬ì‹¤ì€ ìžì‹ 뒤엕 있는 버 하는것과 같다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì€ ê·¸ê²Œ 아닌땰 ë‚´ 멋대로 í•´ì„í•˜ê³ ë‚˜ì¤‘ì ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ 화를내며 아줌마가 ì†ì„ 너무 ì¼ì°ë“¤ì—ˆëŠë‹ˆ 하며 ì”¨ë¶ ëª¨ë‘ê°€ ì´í•´í•œë‹¤. 그걸 ë‚©ë“하는 ìžì„¸ ë˜í•œ 중요하다. ì˜¤í•´ìž„ì„ ì•Œì•˜ìœ¼ë© ë§ˆë•…í•˜ë‹¤. ì†ì•˜ë„¤ 분하네 í‘¸ë…•ë– ëŠ”ê±´ 오버다! 하ëŠë‹˜ê³¼ì˜ 관계솕ì—ì„ ë°›ì•„ë“¤ì•´ê³ ë” ìž˜ ì´í•´í•˜ê¸°ìœ„í•´ ë…¸ë ¥ì€ ëª»í• ë§•ì • 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë‚ ê°€ì§€ê³ ë† Misunderstanding God. Just like the bus driver stopped the car because he saw a woman waiving h then "oh i misunderstood!" - it is same. It was not God's will but i interpret it myself and later i cou woman was waiving too early, it is such an ugly sight. everyone understand that one can misunder misunderstanding, he should just focus and continue on driving. No point complaining, or feeling  being accepting that you wrongly interpreted and try to put more effort in knowing God's will, c Dec 24, 2:40am 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ 네가 ì§ìž¥ì„ 그만ë‘지 못 한것ë„, ëŒìž”치 ì¹˜ë¥ í•˜ê³ ì‹¶ì€ ê·¸ ì–´ë–¤ê²ƒë„ ê²°êµì—” 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì‹«ì–´í•˜ì‹¤ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥¸ë‹¤. 무언가 ì› ë”°ë¥¸ê±´ì§€ í•ìƒ• ê²€í† í•˜ë•¼. <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">Go and went for a Korea trip. Whatever you want to do now, God may not like it at all. Whenever you according to God's will.</span> Dec 15, 11:54pm 겸ì†ì˜ 삶: everyday life 1) 좋ì€ì¼ì´ë‚ ì†Œë°•í•˜ê³ í‰ë²”하게 살기 3) ì´ì›ƒì„ ë•ê³ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ê³ ì¡´ì¤‘í•´ì£¼ê¸° ì•¸ë‚´ì˜ ì‚¶: on 2) ë³´ì´ëŠ” 것ì—만 매여 조급해하지 않기 3) ì„ í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ í¬ì‹ ëœ»ì„ ë Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">life of modesty: everyday life 1) thank God regardless of good neighbour, be considerate and respectful</span> life of patience: on life crisis 1) be thankfully acc seen 3) to trust and follow God's big plan, who is good. Dec 15, 11:42pm ì‚¬ëžŒì€ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì 기다립니다. ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì€ ì¸ë‚´ë¥¼ 요구합니다. ì¸ë‚´í•˜ëŠ” 사람만앴 기다림 ê·¸ 열매를 맛볼 수 있습니다. 세례잕 ìš”í•œì€ ìš”ë¥´ë‹¨ ê°•ì—ì„œ 우리 가운땰 ‘’앴땼 ì†Œê°œí•˜ê³ , ìžì‹ ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì‹ ë°œ ëˆì¡°ì°¨ 풀어 드릴 수 없는 ì¡´ìž¬ìž ì´ˆì¡°í•´ì§‘ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì€ ê°ì˜¥ì—• 갇히는 ì‹ ì„¸ê°€ ë˜ê³ , ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œë„ ì„¸ìƒìœ¼ë 때문입니다. 그래서 예수님께 ì œìžë“¤ì„ ë³´ë‚´ì–´, “오실 분앴 ì„ ìƒë‹˜ì´ì‹ë‹ í•˜ê³ ì—¬ì™ê²Œ 합니다. 세례잕 ìš”í•œì˜ ë¯¿ìŒì´ í”들리는 대목입니다. ì–´ 앴미 우리와 함께 ê³„ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œì•„ë³´ì§€ ëª»í•˜ê³ ì‹ ì•™ ìžì²´ê°€ í”들릴 때가 ì ì˜ì‹¬ì„ 품게 ë• ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥´ê² ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 그러나 ì ˆë§í•˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ ê·¸ë•Œë§ˆë‹¤ ìš©ê¸ í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 주님께서는 우리 ì‚¶ì„ í†µí•˜ì—¬ ìƒí™œ 가운땰로 우리를 찾아오시 Waiting for other people, happiness and peace etc. Waiting requires a patience. Only those who ar the meaning, be able to taste its fruit. John the Baptist recognized Jesus who came among us in J that he could not even touch His shoe lace. But anxiety came as time passed. It was because h more opponents in the world. so he sent his disciples to Jesus to ask "Are you the one who is com shaking. perhaps, we too, can't wait for Jesus who'll be coming, or can't recognize Him who is alre Therefore, we might have doubt like John did. But we shall not despair - have courage and pray out His hand Dec 12, 12:39pm ë•…ì˜ ê·€í•œ ì†Œì¶œì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” ë†ë¶€ë¥¼ ë³´ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. ê 때까지 ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ë„ ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ë©° 마ìŒì„ 굳게 가지 Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">Look at the farmers who are waiting for harvest from land. He be patience, wait and have a firm heart.</span> Nov 30, 11:00pm ì˜¤ëŠ˜ë‚ ì„¸ë¡€ ë°›ì€ ì‚¬ëžŒ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë…¸ë•¼ê³ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ë”°ë¼ë‚˜ì„ 사람들입니다. ê°€ì¡±ì€ ì•´ì œ ì¼ìš©í• ì–‘ì‹ì„ 위한 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ê³¼ ë°°ë ¤ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 사실 우리는 주님 ì´ì™ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 합당한 ìƒí™œì„ 하ë„ë¡ ë…¸ë ¥í•´ì•¼ 합니다. <span style=" were called by Lord, and they left everything behind in order to follow Him. Now the family is on for daily bread. actually we do not need anything except lord. So should always try to live the life ë§Žì€ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì„ ì²´í—˜í•˜ë©´ì„œ 살아갑니다. ì•´ ì²´í—˜ì€ ì–¸ì œë‚˜ ìƒˆë¡œì›€ì„ ê°€ì ¸ë 기다리지 ëª»í•˜ê³ í˜„ì‹¤ì—만 안주하며, ë³´ì´ëŠ” 것ì—만 급급하게 매달 것입니다. * 새로움앴 없다면 ë³€í™”ëœ ì‚¶ì„ ê¿ˆê¿€ 수 ì—†ê³ , 우리를 새ë¡ê²Œ 것입니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë©´ 얼마나 불행한 ì‚¬ë¦¼ì•´ê² ëŠ”ì§€ìš”! 깨어서 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ê¸°ë with many experiences of waiting. these experiences always give novelty and refresh people new. to things that can be seen, they will not have any novelty.* without novelty, we can't dream of who pitiful that person is. Only those who wake and await for Lord will meet Lord. Oct 23, 8:57pm Th what god has done for me.. Not what i have done.. Humble myself No pride.. Let the world know Forgiveness: refuses to forgive.. Must recognise your sinfulness. Realise we are imperfect need the Desire to forgive. God will give u the grace n do the rest.. Trust in his mercy n his love: god would want healing or relief? If u seriously want to be healed, u need to give up things that r destroying u naive, thinking god will do in this life in this world: god's time is greater than what is happening to the world. God doesn't remove the 'thing' is to humble u n to purify u. U must give testimony to go glory of god. Whether you're healed or not, it is for his glory. God heals u but not the way u think. 성숙해진다 주님과 ë” ì¹œë°€í•´ì§„ë‹¤ ìˆ˜ìˆ ì„ í”¼í•˜ê²Œ ë¨ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ 주님께서 ë°”ì˜ì„±ë‹¹ 비발디 광장, 세계ì—ì„œ ì ¤ í•° 그림 성당 ê°€ë©´ì¶•ì œ í¬ë¡œì•„í‹°ì•„: ì 아틀란티스 ì‚°í† ë¦¬ë‹ˆ ì´ìŠ¤íƒ„불 Unless a grain of wheat Sons of god Retrieved from her iPhone, these are in English : Oct 10, 10:55pm Mission acomplished at day 40 my wish and my will is that God's Will be done. 9:45pm O Holy Spirit, soul of my soul... Guide m submit to whatever you desire of me and to accept everything you allow to happen to me. Let me done. I surrender myself to u. Do as u please.. I believe u can heal me anytime, also can take me b best for me &amp; my family. But please, do not delay my current situation too long. Please be m 11:33am Thank u lord for giving me one more day. Everyday i carry the cross for you. All the glor happy that i can be used for your will, whatever it is, and i know you r pleased with it too. Until ur desire to be united to ur spirit! I can wait patiently, because i trust that one day you will definately more than anything in this world. I dont want to stay back in this world which is full of temtation. happy praising u all the time. I wish to serve u there. Whenever i think of heaven i am overjoyed. E know ur with me inside my heart. Thank u for being with me. I love u. Sep 20, 6:26am Throughou inhale is more than my lung can take, exhale very shortly, end up im like just finished running kin uncomfortable.. Sep 14, 4:51pm Ask doc: Can i swim? What is good for lung recovery? Can i twis My ribs r pain.. Chest, armpit, ribs, back pain Something protuding on the chest Wat is biopsy re virus result? Sep 11, 6:38am Mum.. Pls ask God abt this: does he prefer me to have recline arm ch yes. We hav diff view point abt god so im really confused. She says God is not a petty god. "ur in 201 201 painkiller n why do u ask mom to massage ur back?" But i thought since this is God's test on my p 1- 1becuz im in severe pain. He wants me to go thru certain level &amp; amt of pain. I imagined myse 89 10- 101 n smashing around. If i dont break down, i pass the stress test n he will use me. Am i wrong about 8 20 20 couldnt sleep until my body was so exhausted. Then i had 3 strange dreams. 1st one someone was 21:0 13:0 stopped. 2nd dream i felt hugh force wrap over me n i felt like floating away. I kept say jesus i giv 2:41 2:41 dream i was flying n like shot down to earth, that one led to my old dreams later part so im blur bu afraid God is not happy with me. I felt uneasy whole night cudnt sleep well.. Pray for me.. Gods m Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life 1. God is my sheph love, I walk by the quiet waters of peace. 2. Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, you lead music of your Name. 3. Though i should wander the valley of death, I fear no evil, for you are at m set me a banquet of love in the face of hatred, crowning me with love beyond my power to hold. 5 will dwell in the house of my God forevermore. Jul 1, 4:28pm In every situation in life you need c So I am giving you this message. For you to realise that in life you will always need to pray for gra be strong and so too your trust in me. It is I who speaks. May 22, 12:00pm Power of holy spirit -tr 36:24-27 -witness(external: preach boldly, heal) -Charismatic gift &amp; fruit of spirit Matt7:21, m father 1 Cor 11:23 Why r we praying over again and again for the filling of holy spirit? Acts 4:29 unconcious), emotion, will-we need to transform all 5 of them. 2 timothy 1:6-7 U received but not 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr healthy n pure blood circulate in my ailing organs. And may yr healthy n life throb within me. Amen. Jan 24, 3:12am ... Many remain at the foot of the mount who could as thoughts. As a result of them the Lord will give you grace for courageous deeds(action with intent without showing fear. Jan 3, 3:21pm We are created for God. To: Love God, serve God, honour&a (dettach from ur desire) What is ur deepest desire? That's what God desire us to be . Know urself. Prayerful waiting. Oct 23, 8:57pm The disposition u need to receive god's healing Humility: thank myself No pride.. Let the world know that u need help u need grace of god U want god to do thing sinfulness. Realise we r imperfect need the forgiveness of god. Allow ourselves to be available to Trust in his mercy n his love: god would be faithful always. We can rely on him.. Surrender ur life need to give up things that r destroying u! Our unhappiness is caused by us. Do the right thing.. No is greater than wat is happening to us.. Ask for his will be done. Dun clinging to this life. Detaatch purify u. U must give testimony to god: We must proclaim wat the lord has done for us. It is for th heals u but not the way u think.. In his way particulary for u.. Retrieved from her iPhone, these are in English : Oct 10, 10:55pm Mission acomplished at day 40 my wish and my will is that God's Will be done. 9:45pm O Holy Spirit, soul of my soul... Guide m submit to whatever you desire of me and to accept everything you allow to happen to me. Let me done. I surrender myself to u. Do as u please.. I believe u can heal me anytime, also can take me b best for me &amp; my family. But please, do not delay my current situation too long. Please be me 11:33am Thank u lord for giving me one more day. Everyday i carry the cross for you. All the glor happy that i can be used for your will, whatever it is, and i know you r pleased with it too. Until ur desire to be united to ur spirit! I can wait patiently, because i trust that one day you will definately more than anything in this world. I dont want to stay back in this world which is full of temtation. happy praising u all the time. I wish to serve u there. Whenever i think of heaven i am overjoyed. E know ur with me inside my heart. Thank u for being with me. I love u. Sep 20, 6:26am Throughou inhale is more than my lung can take, exhale very shortly, end up im like just finished running kin uncomfortable.. Sep 14, 4:51pm Ask doc: Can i swim? What is good for lung recovery? Can i twis My ribs r pain.. Chest, armpit, ribs, back pain Something protuding on the chest Wat is biopsy re virus result? Sep 11, 6:38am Mum.. Pls ask God abt this: does he prefer me to have recline arm ch yes. We hav diff view point abt god so im really confused. She says God is not a petty god. "ur in 201 201 painkiller n why do u ask mom to massage ur back?" But i thought since this is God's test on my p 1- 1becuz im in severe pain. He wants me to go thru certain level &amp; amt of pain. I imagined myse 89 10- 101 n smashing around. If i dont break down, i pass the stress test n he will use me. Am i wrong about 9 20 20 couldnt sleep until my body was so exhausted. Then i had 3 strange dreams. 1st one someone was 21:0 13:0 stopped. 2nd dream i felt hugh force wrap over me n i felt like floating away. I kept say jesus i giv 4:54 4:54 dream i was flying n like shot down to earth, that one led to my old dreams later part so im blur bu afraid God is not happy with me. I felt uneasy whole night cudnt sleep well.. Pray for me.. Gods m Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life 1. God is my sheph love, I walk by the quiet waters of peace. 2. Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, you lead music of your Name. 3. Though i should wander the valley of death, I fear no evil, for you are at m set me a banquet of love in the face of hatred, crowning me with love beyond my power to hold. 5 will dwell in the house of my God forevermore. Jul 1, 4:28pm In every situation in life you need c So I am giving you this message. For you to realise that in life you will always need to pray for gra be strong and so too your trust in me. It is I who speaks. May 22, 12:00pm Power of holy spirit -tr 36:24-27 -witness(external: preach boldly, heal) -Charismatic gift &amp; fruit of spirit Matt7:21, m father 1 Cor 11:23 Why r we praying over again and again for the filling of holy spirit? Acts 4:29 unconcious), emotion, will-we need to transform all 5 of them. 2 timothy 1:6-7 U received but not 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr healthy n pure blood circulate in my ailing organs. And may yr healthy n life throb within me. Amen. Jan 24, 3:12am ... Many remain at the foot of the mount who could as thoughts. As a result of them the Lord will give you grace for courageous deeds(action with intent without showing fear. Jan 3, 3:21pm We are created for God. To: Love God, serve God, honour&a (dettach from ur desire) What is ur deepest desire? That's what God desire us to be . Know urself. Prayerful waiting. Oct 23, 8:57pm The disposition u need to receive god's healing Humility: thank myself No pride.. Let the world know that u need help u need grace of god U want god to do thing sinfulness. Realise we r imperfect need the forgiveness of god. Allow ourselves to be available to Trust in his mercy n his love: god would be faithful always. We can rely on him.. Surrender ur life need to give up things that r destroying u! Our unhappiness is caused by us. Do the right thing.. No is greater than wat is happening to us.. Ask for his will be done. Dun clinging to this life. Detaatch purify u. U must give testimony to god: We must proclaim wat the lord has done for us. It is for th heals u but not the way u think.. In his way particulary for u.. Retrieved from her iPhone. These are in English, once i get the Korean ones translated, they will b family to do divine mercy together Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and my will is that God’ strengthen me, console me, tell me what to do (today)… I promise to submit to whatever you desi only know Your will…(Your will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surrender myself to back peacefully anytime. I offer u back my free will. U know what is the best for me & my family merciful.. This is too painful for all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank u lord for givin u lord! I offer my sufferings to u, use it for ur holy will. I am happy that i can be used for your wil done, when the time is up, take me to your presence. How i desire to be united to ur spirit! I can w back. I put all my joyful hope for the day. I love you lord, more than anything in this world. I dont for you to take me to ur kingdom where i can be truly happy praising u all the time. I wish to serve have no vision, no idea, how it might be. Thank u lord. I know ur with me inside my heart. Thank have difficulty breathing as i lie down. It feels like what i inhale is more than my lung can take, ex Help!! Pls inform doc with urgency cuz i feel too uncomfortable.. Sep 14, 4:51pm Ask doc: Can i lung, cough & flame) How long it takes to heal? My ribs r pain.. Chest, armpit, ribs, back pain S Cough as long as i have cancer? Blood test on virus result? Sep 11, 6:38am Mum.. Pls ask God ab or not? My answer is no but my mom says yes. We hav diff view point abt god so im really confus 201 201 relief why do u refuse? Then why do u take painkiller n why do u ask mom to massage ur back?†1- 1like to see me getting this luxurious body relief just becuz im in severe pain. He wants me to go th 90 10- 101 product. He’s testing how steady this is by throwing n smashing around. If i dont break down, 0 20 20 i m confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm Sep 1st: Mum, last night i couldnt sleep until my body was so exhau 21:0 13:0 me down so i shout in jesus name satan go away then it stopped. 2nd dream i felt hugh force wrap 6:50 6:50 jesus protect me. It was scary n didnt stop instantly. 3rd dream i was flying n like shot down to ear felt real..i think i was shouting jesus. What happened? I afraid God is not happy with me. I felt une passover is over 탈출기 12 Aug 25, 10:54am Refrain: Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, b shall I want, I rest in the meadows of faithfulness and love, I walk by the quiet waters of peace. 2. of righteousness and truth, my spirit shall sing the music of your Name. 3. Though i should wande your staff, my comfort and my hope. 4. You have set me a banquet of love in the face of hatred, cr kindness and mercy follow me all the days of my life; i will dwell in the house of my God foreverm need more courage when you face terminal illnesses. So I am giving you this message. For you to bad situations and not to give up hope. Your faith must be strong and so too your trust in me. It is transformation(internal: become children of God) john 1:12, Ezekiel 36:24-27 -witness(external: matt25:act of love I need a fill of fresh spirit, sonship with God the father 1 Cor 11:23 Why r we p Mind has 5 elements- intellect, imagination, memory(1/8 concious, 7/8 unconcious), emotion, will showing enough.. Stir up ur faith & love, stir into the flame. Apr 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr healthy body transform my  weak body. And may yr healthy n vigorous life throb within me. Amen. Jan to the top… I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts. As a result of them the Lo courage – a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. Jan 3, honour&praise God Willing to do God’s will, know God, free internally (dettach from ur desir Know urself. Use imagination, be creative, imagine new possibility Patience. Prayerful waiting. O Humility: thank god gor what god has done for me.. Not wat i have done.. Humble myself No prid god to do things ur way? Forgiveness: refuses to forgive.. Must regconise ur sinfulness. Realise we available to god n others. Desire to forgive. God will give u the grace n do the rest.. Trust in his m Surrender ur life to god: U want healing or relief? If u seriously want to be healed, u need to give u right thing.. Not be too naive, thinking god will do in this life in this world: god’s time is great to this life. Detaatch from the world. God doesnt remove the ‘thing’ is to humble u n to puri done for us. It is for the greater glory of god. Whether ur healed or not, it is for his glory. God heal Retrieved from her iPhone Notes application. I guessed she kept this as a diary of sorts. Once i get 10:55pm Mission accomplished at day 40 Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 9, 7: 잔치를 위해 ì´ëŸ° ì˜ˆë³µì„ ìž…ì–´ì•¼ ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. ì´ì²˜ë ê·¸ ì˜ˆë³µì€ ì‚¬ëž‘, ì •ì˜, í‰í™”, 겸솕, ì˜¨ìœ , ì¹œì ˆ, ì¸ë‚´ 등 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž… 입어야 ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and m soul... Guide me, strengthen me, console me, tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to w to me. Let me only know Your will...(Your will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surre can take me back peacefully anytime. I offer u back my free will. U know what is the best for me & long. Please be merciful.. This is too painful for all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank All the glory to u lord! I offer my sufferings to u, use it for your holy will. I am happy that i can be Until your will be done, when the time is up, take me to your presence. How i desire to be united t definitely take me back. I put all my joyful hope for the day. I love you lord, more than anything in temptation. I am waiting for you to take me to your kingdom where i can be truly happy praising u overjoyed. Even though i have no vision, no idea, how it might be. Thank u lord. I know your with 2:35am 주님 오만한 ì €ë¥¼ 용서하소서 스스로 ë”ê°€ ëœê±° 마냥 ì°©ê°ì†ì 배우게 하소서 ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ì ˆ 불ìŒížˆ 여기시어 ëª‡ì‹œê°„ì˜ ë‹¨ìž ë„ í—ˆë½í•˜ì†Œì 201 201 as i lie down. It feels like what i inhale is more than my lung can take, exhale very shortly, end up 1- 1urgency cuz i feel too uncomfortable.. Sep 14, 4:51pm Ask doc: Can i swim? What is good for lun 90 12- 121 How long it takes to heal? My ribs r pain.. Chest, armpit, ribs, back pain Something protruding o 1 06 05 have cancer? Blood test on virus result? Sep 11, 6:38am Mum.. Pls ask God about this: does he pre 00:2 16:2 answer is no but my mom says yes. We have diff view point about god so i'm really confused. She 2:55 2:55 do u refuse? Then why do u take painkiller n why do u ask mom to massage your back?" But i tho getting this luxurious body relief just because i'm in severe pain. He wants me to go thru certain le He's testing how steady this is by throwing n smashing around. If i don't break down, i pass the str confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm Sep 1st: Mum, last night i couldn't sleep until my body was so exhausted down so i shout in Jesus name satan go away then it stopped. 2nd dream i felt huge force wrap ove Jesus protect me. It was scary n didn't stop instantly. 3rd dream i was flying n like shot down to ea felt real..i think i was shouting Jesus. What happened? I'm afraid God is not happy with me. I felt u passover is over 탈출기 12 Sep 2, 9:14am ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ìƒí™œ 태ë„ë„ ë³µìŒì„ 받아들 ë§ëŒ€ì–´ 꿰매듯앴 옛 모습 ê·¸ëŒ€ë¡œì˜ ë‚˜ë¥¼ 예수님 ë§ì”€ìœ¼ë¡œ ì 당히 ê¾¸ë© ë§ˆë ¨í•´ì•¼ 새 í¬ë„주를 ë‹´ì„ ìˆ˜ 있습니다. ì•´ ë§ì€ 우리 ìžì‹ ì•´ 늘 ìžì‹ ì„ ëœ»ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì •ì•¸ 무관심과 게으름과 ì£„ì˜ ìŠµê´€ì—ì„œ 벗어나야만 ì ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ì§€ìš”. â€œì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì˜ ëª¸ì•´ 여러분 안엕 계시는 ì„±ë ¹ì˜ ì„±ì „ìž„ ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì€ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ ìžì‹ ì˜ ê²ƒì•´ ì•„ë‹˜ì„ ëª¨ë¦…ë‹ˆê¹Œ?―(1코린 ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ 거처하시는 우리았 ëª¸ì„ ë”럽히지 ë§•ë•¼ê³ ê²½ê³ í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리ì ì„±ë ¹ì„ ëª¨ì‹œëŠ” 장소ë¼ëŠ” 뜻입니다. â€˜ë‚¡ì€ ë‚˜â€™ê°€ 아니땼 ë‚ ë§ˆë‹¤ ‘ 해야 í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. Sep 1, 5:37pm ì œì•¸ì•´ë¥¼ 위해 ì´ì™€ 같앴 기ë„하ìž.. ...ëŠ ëª¨ë“ ì˜•ì • 지혜와 ê¹¨ë‹¬ìŒ ë•ë¶„ì—• 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì„ ì•„ëŠ” 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ 충ë ì„œ 그분 마ìŒì—• ë“¤ê³ ì˜¨ê°– ì„ í–‰ìœ¼ë¡œ 열매를 맺으며 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì•„ëŠ ì˜ê´‘스러운 ëŠ¥ë ¥ì—ì„œ 오는 ëª¨ë“ íž˜ì„ ë°›ì•„ ê°•í•´ì ¸ì„œ, ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì°¸ê³ ê²¬ë””ì 나땼ì—ì„œ 받는 ìƒì†ì˜ ëª«ì„ ì°¨ì§€í• ìžê²©ì„ ì£¼ì‹ ì•„ë²„ì§€ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í•˜ëŠ” ê² êµ¬í•´ 내시어 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 사랑하시는 ì•„ë“œë‹˜ì˜ ë‚˜ë¼ë¡œ 옮겨 주셨습니다. ì• ë°›ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. â–¥ ì‚¬ë„ ë°”ì˜¤ë¡œì˜ ì½œë¡œìƒˆì„œ ë§ì”€ìž…니다. 1,9-14 Aug 31, 2:42pm ì 주셔서 ì œ 마ìŒì´ ìš”ë™ì¹˜ ì•Šê³ í‰ì•ˆížˆ ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ì¼ì„ 받아들ì¼ìˆ˜ 있게 용기와 믿ìŒì€ 주님 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ì €ì—게 í—ˆë½í•˜ì‹ 것ì´ì˜µë‹ˆë‹¤. ì´ëŠ” ì‹œì ë² í‘¸ì‹ ê±¸ë¡œ 압니다. ì €ëŠ” 보잘것없앴 미천한 ìž• 입니다.. ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ íŠ¹ì€ìœ¼ë¡œ 않지만 ì „ ì•„ì§ë„ 여러모로 부족하여 배울것앴 많습니다. 특히 ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë„ˆë¬´ë‚˜ë„ ëŒ€í™”í•˜ê³ ì‹¶ì€ë° ì—¬ì „ížˆ ì €ì—게 ë§Žì€ ìž¥ì• ë¬¼ì•´ ìžˆì– ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ë„ ì œ 안ì—ì„ ì•¼ì–´ë‚˜ì§€ 않습니다. ì €ë¥¼ 불ìŒížˆ ì—¬ê¸°ì‹œê³ ì œë°œ ì €ì 한마디ë¼ë„ ì œê°€ 들ì„수 있게 ì œ 귀를 열어주옵소서! ì„±ë ¹ë‹˜! 부디 ì œ 주옵소서! ì œê°€ ì´ë¦¬ë„ ì•ˆì •ì ì´ë©´ì„œë„ ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì—ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ì²´í—˜ì¹˜ 못하ê ì•„ë‹ê¹Œ ë‘•ë µìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 분명 ì œ 옆엕 ê³„ì‹œê³ ì œ ë§˜ì˜ í‰ì˜¨í•¨ë„ ë 임하시며 ì—사하여 주소서. Aug 28, 12:04pm 주님, ì œ ëª¨ë“ ê³ í†µì„ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ ë°”ì wants, beyond my fears, from death into life 1. God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I want, I rest peace. 2. Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, you lead me by pathways of righteousness should wander the valley of death, I fear no evil, for you are at my side, your rod and your staff, m face of hatred, crowning me with love beyond my power to hold. 5. Surely your kindness and mer God forevermore. Aug 25, 10:41am 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì„±ê°€ 218번) 1. 주ì ë”°ë¥´ë ¤ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì‹ìžê°€ë¥¼ ì§€ê³ ì—¬ê¸° 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 오로지 ì£¼ë‹˜ë§Œì„ ë”°ë¥ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 오롯앴 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 하얀 소복 ì°¨ë ¤ 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ í•œí ì—• ì•´ 몸 뉘어주소서 ê³ ì•´ 쉬땼 물터로 나를 ëŒì–´ 주소서 주여 ì˜ì›ížˆ ìž ë“œë µë‹ˆë‹¤ Jul 1, 4:28pm In every situation in life you need courage and you need m message. For you to realise that in life you will always need to pray for graces to counter bad situa your trust in me. It is I who speaks. Aug 25, 10:38am 받아주소서(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì„±ê°€ 221번) *ì„ ë°›ì•„ì£¼ì†Œì„œ (2번) 1. ë‚˜ì˜ ëª¨ë“ ìžìœ 와 ë‚˜ì˜ ê¸°ì–µê³¼ ì§€ë ¥ ë‚˜ì˜ ì˜ì§€ ì†Œìœ í ë˜ëŒë ¤ 드리오리다 2. 내게 ì£¼ì‹ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ì£¼ì˜ ê²ƒì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 오징 주님 ëœ»ëŒ ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ May 23, 4:41pm ì „ëŠ¥í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜, 만물앴 ë‹¹ì‹ ê¶Œìœ„ì•ˆì—• ìžˆê³ ì„¸ìƒ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ëœ»í•˜ì‹ ëŒ€ë¡œ ì €í•¬ì—게 ì£¼ì‹œê³ ë˜í•œ 앗아가시니 ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ 다 ë‹¹ì‹ ì´í•´í•˜ì§€ 못하여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì›•ë§•í–ˆë˜ ì €ë¥¼ ìš©ì„œí•˜ì‹œê³ ì €ì—게 ë”í•œ ê³ í†µì 시오. ì „ 들풀ì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 바람불면 í”ë“¤ë¦¬ê³ í–‡ë¹›ì•´ 쬕면 íƒ€ì˜¤ë¥´ê³ ë¹„ê°€ì˜¤ë©´ 바치오니 ë‹¹ì‹ ëœ»ëŒ€ë¡œ 하옵소서. May 22, 12:00pm Power of holy spirit -transformation witness(external: preach boldly, heal) -Charismatic gift &amp; fruit of spirit Matt7:21, matt25:act 11:23 Why r we praying over again and again for the filling of holy spirit? Acts 4:29 Mind has 5 e unconscious), emotion, will-we need to transform all 5 of them. 2 timothy 1:6-7 U received but no Apr 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr healthy n pure blood circulate in my ailing organs. And may yr healt vigorous life throb within me. Amen. Apr 8, 9:46am ì‚¬ëžŒë“¤ì€ ìžì‹ ì˜ ì‹ ì•™ì‹¬ì•´ 부족 ì•½ê³ ìžˆëŠ”ì§€ 물어보면 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ë¬µìƒí•˜ëŠ” 가운땰 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Žì€ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì„ ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì€ ì‹¤ì²œì • 사ë 만핼 ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì‹¤ì²œí• ìˆ˜ 있습니다. Apr 6, 9:26pm 시편 145(144),8-9.13ã„·-14.17-18(â ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시며, 분노엕 ë”ë””ì‹œê³ ìžì• ê°€ 넘치시네. 주ë 내리네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë§ì”€ë§ˆë‹¤ ì°¸ë˜ì‹œê³ , 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. 누구ë¼ë„ ì¼ìœ¼ì¼œ 세우시네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ê°€ì‹œëŠ” 길마다 ì˜ë¡œìš°ì‹ 부르는 ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게, 진실하게 부르는 ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게 가까앴 계시네. ◠예수님께서 ë‹¹ì‹ ì•„ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 무화(無化)하시어 거룩한 몸(성체)ì•´ ë˜ì…¨ë“¯ì´ ìƒíƒœë¥¼ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리스ë„êµì˜ ‘비움’과 불êµì˜ â€˜ë¹„ì›€â€™ì€ ì ë§í•˜ëŠ” ë¹„ì›€ì€ ì˜ˆìˆ˜ 그리스ë„를 ë‚´ 안엕 ëª¨ì‹œë ¤ëŠ” 비움입니다. 오늘 ë³µì 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì¼í•˜ê³ ê³„ì‹ ê²ƒì²˜ëŸ¼ 우리를 비운 잕리엕 주님께서 계시는 ê ë‚´ê°€ 사는 것앴 아니땼 그리스ë„께서 ë‚´ 안엕 사시는 것입니다.―(ê°ˆë íƒìš•ì„ ëŠëŠ” ê²ƒë§Œì„ ëœ»í•˜ì§€ 않습니다. ë˜í•œ 세샕 ê²ƒì„ í—ˆë¬´í•˜ê³ ë¬´ì˜ë ì˜ë¯¸ëŠ” 사랑하는 것입니다. 우리가 그냥 ë¹„ìš´ë‹¤ê³ ë¹„ì›Œì§€ëŠ” 것앴 아니땼 비워서는 곧바로 다른 것앴 들어와 잕리를 잡게 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì‹œëŠ” ê²ƒì„ ëœ»í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ëˆ„êµ¬ë¥¼ ì‚¬ëž‘í•˜ê³ ëˆ„êµ°ê°€ì—게 21, 11:12pm 하ëŠë‹˜, ì˜í˜¼ì˜ ê±´ê°•ì„ ìœ„í•˜ì—¬ ìœ¡ì‹ ì˜ ê·¹ê¸°ë¥¼ 명하셨으니, ì € ìžì• ë¡œìš°ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ê³„ëª…ì„ ì§€í‚¤ê²Œ 하소서. 우리가 ì‚¬ëžŒì„ ëŒ€í• ë•Œ â€˜ì• ë¯¿ìŒì„ 가진다면 편해질 것입니다. 주어땼. 그러면 너í¬ë„ ë°›ì„ ê²ƒì 품엕 ë‹´ì•„ 주실 것ì´ë‹¤. 너í¬ê°€ ë˜ì§ˆí•˜ëŠ” 바로 ê·¸ ë˜ë¡œ 너í¬ë„ ë˜ë°›ì„ 너를 ë§Žì€ ë¯¼ì¡±ì˜ ì¡°ìƒìœ¼ë¡œ 만들었다.â€•ë•¼ê³ ê¸°ë¡ëœ 그대로입 ì´ë“¤ì„ 다시 ì‚´ë¦¬ì‹œê³ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ì§€ 않는 ê²ƒì„ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ë„ë¡ ë¶ˆëŸ¬ë‚´ì‹œëŠ” í•˜ëŠ í•¬ë§•ì•´ ì—†ì–´ë„ í•¬ë§•í•˜ë©°, â€œë„ˆì˜ í›„ì†ë“¤ì´ ì €ë ‡ê²Œ 많아질 것ì´ë‹¤.â€ ë• ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 22 바로 ê·¸ 때문엕 “하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ê·¸ 믿ìŒì„ ì˜ 13, 3:00am 매야 아침 기ë„: 오늘 하루ë™ì•ˆ ì œì•¸ì•´ ì—„ë§ˆì˜ ì—í• ì„ ìž˜ ê°ë‹¹í 나눌수 있게 ë‚¨ì„ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ëŠ” 마ìŒê³¼ ë„“ì€ ì•„ëŸ‰ì„ ì£¼ì†Œì„œ. 겸ì†ì˜ ë•ì ì£¼ì‹œê³ , 오늘 하루 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ 아래서 지내게 하여 주소서. 우리 주 ê·¸ë í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다. 오늘 ë³µìŒì—ì„œ ë² ë“œë¡œê°€ 예수님께 “보시ë ë”°ëžìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.― í•˜ê³ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ë§íˆ¬ì—는 ì´ëŸ° ì˜•ì • êµë§Œ 예수님께서는 아무런 ì¹ì°¬ë„ í•´ 주지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 예수님께서는 ì œìž í•œë‹¤ê³ ë§ì”€í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì—게 ëŒì•„올 ì–´ë–¤ ì˜•ê´‘ì„ ìœ„í•´ì„œê°€ 아니땼, 것입니다. ìž„ê¸ˆì„ ë“±ì—• íƒœìš°ê³ ê°€ëŠ” 나귀가 있었습니다. ê·¸ 나귀는 늘 ìž„ ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 사람들앴 ì˜¨ëª¸ì„ ì¹˜ìž¥í•´ ì£¼ê³ , 임금앴 타는 ë‚˜ê·€ë•¼ê³ í•´ì„œ 늘 ì“°ë‹ ë‚˜ê·€ë¥¼ íƒ€ê³ í–‰ë ¬ í• ë•Œ, 사람들앴 환호를 하잕, 나귀는 사람들앴 ìž•ê¸ ë³´ëƒˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ê²°êµ ìž„ê¸ˆì€ ë‚˜ê·€ì—ì„œ ë–¨ì–´ì§€ê³ ë§ì•˜ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì • êµë§Œì´ 예화입니다. êµíšŒì—• 봉사한다는 ê²ƒì€ â€˜ë¶€ë¦„ ë°›ì€ ì¢…â€™ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ì € “해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다.―(루카 17,10)땼 ì´ìƒ ìƒê°í•˜ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ì˜•ì • êµë§Œìž…니다. Feb 9, 6:50pm 너가 암엕 걸린건 그럴 잕격앴 없어서앴 cooxpmlop ã…Š í•— ã…¡ã…‘ã…“ã…— 푸 다. ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê³ ë‚ †ì§€ë§Œ 너를 위해 ìœ ìµí•˜ë‹¤ëŠ”ê²ƒë§Œì€ ëª…ì‹¬í•´ë•¼ 하루를 ë” ì•„í”„ê²Œë˜ë 용기와 힘, ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ì´ë‹¤. Jan 26, 10:39am 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ í•˜ëŠ ê°€ì§„ 것엕 ì˜ì§€í•´ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하면, 하ëŠë‹˜ì—• 대한 믿ìŒë³´ë‹¤ë 때문야 것입니다. ë²•ì • ìŠ¤ë‹˜ì˜ ì±… ã€Žë¬´ì†Œìœ ã€•ì—• ì´ëŸ° êµ¬ì ˆì•´ 있습ë 때로는 ê·¸ 물건 때문엕 마ìŒì„ 쓰게 ëœë‹¤. ë”°ë¼ì„œ 무엇ì¸ê°€ë¥¼ 것, 그러므로 많앴 ê°–ê³ ìžˆë‹¤ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ê·¸ë§Œí•¼ 많앴 얽혀 있다는 뜻ì´ë 많ì„수ë¡, 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 위한 ì¼ë§ˆì €ë„ ê·¸ 뿌리ì—서는 세ìƒì˜ ì¼ì„ 하ë 성과보다 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ ì˜íƒí•˜ëŠ” 우리 ì‚¶ì˜ íƒœë„ê°€ 중요합니다. Jan 24, 3 the top... I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts. As a result of them the Lord - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. Jan 22, 2:07am ì˜ ë¬´ì—‡ê³¼ë„ ë°”ê¿€ 수 없는 ì€ì´ì˜ 사건ì´ì§€ë§Œ, 반드시 ì ¸ì•¼ í• ì‹ìžê°€ê°€ 가족사랑-ì¢‹ì€ ì—„ë§ˆ, ì¢‹ì€ ì•„ë‚´ 1) ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ê±´ê°• ì±…ìž„-ì¢‹ì€ ì‹ë‹¨ 2) 살림꾸ë 아니시므로, 여러분앴 성ë„들ì—게 ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ì˜€ê³ ì§€ê¸ˆë„ ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ë©´ì„œ 잊지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 11 여러분 ê°ìžê°€ 핬맕앴 실현ë˜ë„ë¡ ë까지 ê°™ 그리하여 게으른 사람앴 ë˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ , 약ì†ëœ ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ìŒê³¼ ì¸ë‚´ë¡œ ìƒ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ížˆë¸Œë¦¬ì„œì˜ ë§ì”€ìž…니다.6,10-20 Jan 15, 9:39am 진실앴 ë°í˜€ì¡Œë‹¤ 치르게 하셨다. ê·¸ ë§Žì€ í˜¼ì„ ê³¼ 지긋지긋한 í•ì•”치료.. ë•ë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ìžƒì—ˆ 무ìžë¹„í•˜ê³ ëƒ‰í˜¹í•˜ì‹œë©° ë™ì‹œì—• ìžì²´ê°€ 사랑ì´ë¼ëŠ” ëª¨ìˆœì˜ ì‹ ì´ì‹œë‹¤ 모른채 벌앸 실수를 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ìž”ì¸í•˜ê²Œ 추ê¶í•˜ì‹œë‹¤ë‹ˆ! ë‚˜ì˜ ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜! ë‹¹ì‹ ëŒ€ì‹ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì…¨ë‹¤êµ¬ìš”?! 그것앴 ì œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì•—ì•„ê°€ì•¼ë§Œ í• ì£„ì˜€ìŠµë 위로해주세요.. ì•´ ìƒì²˜ë¥¼ 아물수있게 넘치는 사랑과 위안과 ë³µì„ ì£¼ì„¸ìš ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹ ë°ìš”? ê·¸ë ‡ê²Œ ë‰˜ìš°ì¹˜ê³ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë‹¤ê³ í•œ ì ˆ ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ë‚´ë™ëŒ•ì 궕극ì 으로 우리 ì¸ìƒì„ 아름답게 í•˜ì‹œê³ ì°¸ë˜ê²Œ 하시는 ë¶„ì€ ì§„ë¦¬ì˜ ë¶ˆì•ˆí•˜ê³ í˜¼ëž€ìŠ¤ëŸ¬ìš¸ìˆ˜ë¡• 우리ì—게 필요한 ê²ƒì€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì„ ìœ¼ë¡œ ì´ë 잕주 미사 참례를 í•˜ê³ , 성체 조배를 하며, ê³ í•´ì„±ì‚¬ë¥¼ 통하여 ìžì‹ ì„ ë”ìš ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리가 미래를 몰ë¼ì„œ 삶앴 ë‘•ë ¤ìš´ 것앴 아닙니다. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë³´ì´ì§€ 않는 미래를 ì£¼ì‹ ì´ìœ 는, 우리가 하루하루를 새ë¡ê²Œ 사람ì—게 미래는 ì„¤ë ˜ê³¼ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì„¸ê³„ë¡œ 다가옵니다. Jan 10, 9:17am ì‚¶ì— ´ì§„다. ìž˜ëª»ëœ ì„ íƒìœ¼ë¡œ ì¸í•œ ê³ í†µ, ë‹¤ë¥¸ì‚¬ëžŒì˜ ì£„ë‚˜ 환경으로 ì¸í•´ ë° í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì˜ë„ì 으로 ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒì•´ 아니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì•´ ê³ í†µ ì„œë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë¯¿ëŠ”ìžë“¤ì„ 통해 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œê¸° 때문ì´ë‹¤. ì•´ 세ìƒì 그래서 우리ì—게 벌어지는 ëª¨ë“ ì‚¬ê±´ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì„리안엕 머무르는 것ì 찾아온다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ ë°©ê´€ìžì‹œë‹¤. 하지만 ì‹œë ¨ì†•ì—ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¾ëŠ”ìž ê³„ì†• 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¬ì–‘í• ìˆ˜ ìžˆê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„ 값진 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œëŠ”ê±°ë‹¤. <spa suffereings we encounter in life are consequences of our own. Agony resulted from making wrong them are results by humans and not intentions from God. Even so, God will not divert the pain and the faith in suffering. the world/life goes on according to God's order. therefore all things happenin ways. God is onlooker. but God gives peace to those who seek Him during hardship. hence we can 9:13am 우리가 ‘ìžì‹ ì˜ ëŠ¥ë ¥ê³¼ ìž¬ëŠ¥ì„ ë‚´ì„¸ìš¸ 때’는 잕기 ìžì‹ ì˜ ì¼ì ìžëž‘í• ë•Œâ€™(2코린 11,30 참조)는 주님께서 ì¼í•˜ì‹œê¸° 때문입니다. 주님ì “주님, ì €ëŠ” 부족한 죄앸야 ë¿ì´ì§€ë§Œ, ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ë„구로 앨 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤.― and talent, we work for ourselves, but if we are like to Paul show off our weakness (ref 2 Corin 11 only needs a humble answer, "Lord, though i'm an imperfect sinner, use me as your tool". Jan 8, 1: ë•Œ, 온몸엕 나병앴 걸린 사람앴 다가왔다. 그는 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë³´ìž•, ì–¼êµ´ì„ ë 주님께서는 í•˜ê³ ìž• 하시면 ì €ë¥¼ 깨땗하게 하실 수 있습니다.― ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„ â€œë‚´ê°€ í•˜ê³ ìž• 하니, 깨땗하게 ë˜ì–´ë•¼.― 그러잕 곧 나병앴 가셨다. + L when suddenly a man appeared, covered with a skin-disease. Seeing Jesus he fell on his face and i stretched out his hand, and touched him saying, 'I am willing. Be cleansed.' At once the skin-disea ¬ê¸°ì†Œì„œ.. ë‹¹ì‹ ì€ ëŠ¥ë ¥ì•´ 있사오니 부디 ì €ì—게 ìžë¹„를 ë² í‘¸ì‹œì–´ ì ˆ ì´ë³‘ì the power, so please have mercy on me and set me free from this illness Jan 4, 11:42pm 계솕 수 ìˆ˜ìˆ ë„ ì¢‹ìœ¼ë‹ˆ 완치만 시켜주시길 기ë„하게 ë˜ì—ˆë‹¤. ë§ˆìˆ ê°™ì€ ê¸°ì •ì• ë¶€ìˆ´ì§€ê³ ì•´ì œëŠ” 겸허하게 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 ë‚ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 맡겼다. ìˆ˜ìˆ í•˜ëŠ”ê²ƒì• ë„ë ¤ë‚¼ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. ì•´ ì‹¬ì¤‘ì˜ ë³€í™”ì•¼ë§ë¡œ 가장 í•° ê¸°ì •ì•´ë•¼ê³ ë´ì•¼ í• ê²ƒ had been continuously praying for no surgery but a recovery by miracle, then i started to pray that will happen one day has crashed, now i humbly submit myself to God's will. If getting surgery is the biggest miracle.</span> Jan 3, 3:21pm We are created for God. To: Love God, serve God, hon internally (detach from your desire) What is your deepest desire? That's what God desire us to be . Patience. Prayerful waiting. 2010, Dec 30, 1:59AM ë‚´ê°€ ì›í•˜ì§€ë§Œ 기ë„하진 ì•Šì„것: ì ¬ì£¼ì„¸ìš” 기ë„í•˜ë˜ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ëœ»ì—• ì˜íƒí• 것: ì•”ì˜ ì™„ì¹˜ 등, 어깨, ë°œ 완치 ë‚ êµ¬í• ê²ƒ: 기ë„ì˜ ì—´ì‹¬ê³¼ ê³ í†µì˜ ì¸ë‚´ ì œì•¸ ì¸ì„±/ì‹ ì•™/언어 êµìœ¡ì˜ 지혜 ê² ìœ¼ë¡œ ì´ë„심 ì „ ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ì¹´í†¨ë¦í™” 부부 모둕 병 없앴 ì€ì´ì•ˆì—• 임종 <sp but will not pray for: - returning to work - lose weight - sharper nose for Jein</span> pray but entr shoulder and feet - to lead a direction for husband's work - for Jein's school earnestly to ask for: - p humanity/faith/wisdom for language and learning - life of modesty - healthy and harmonious fami catholic - (married) couple to die without illness and in mercy Dec 28, 3:41pm 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 오해 드는 아줌마를 ë³´ê³ íƒ€ë ¤ëŠ”ì¤„ì•Œê³ ë©ˆì·„ëŠ”ë•° ì‚¬ì‹¤ì€ ìžì‹ 뒤엕 있는 버 하는것과 같다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì€ ê·¸ê²Œ 아닌땰 ë‚´ 멋대로 í•´ì„í•˜ê³ ë‚˜ì¤‘ì ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ 화를내며 아줌마가 ì†ì„ 너무 ì¼ì°ë“¤ì—ˆëŠë‹ˆ 하며 ì”¨ë¶ ëª¨ë‘ê°€ ì´í•´í•œë‹¤. 그걸 ë‚©ë“하는 ìžì„¸ ë˜í•œ 중요하다. ì˜¤í•´ìž„ì„ ì•Œì•˜ìœ¼ë© ë§ˆë•…í•˜ë‹¤. ì†ì•˜ë„¤ 분하네 í‘¸ë…•ë– ëŠ”ê±´ 오버다! 하ëŠë‹˜ê³¼ì˜ 관계솕ì—ì„ ë°›ì•„ë“¤ì•´ê³ ë” ìž˜ ì´í•´í•˜ê¸°ìœ„í•´ ë…¸ë ¥ì€ ëª»í• ë§•ì • 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë‚ ê°€ì§€ê³ ë† Misunderstanding God. Just like the bus driver stopped the car because he saw a woman waiving h then "oh i misunderstood!" - it is same. It was not God's will but i interpret it myself and later i cou woman was waiving too early, it is such an ugly sight. everyone understand that one can misunder misunderstanding, he should just focus and continue on driving. No point complaining, or feeling  being accepting that you wrongly interpreted and try to put more effort in knowing God's will, c Dec 24, 2:40am 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ 네가 ì§ìž¥ì„ 그만ë‘지 못 한것ë„, ëŒìž”치 ì¹˜ë¥ í•˜ê³ ì‹¶ì€ ê·¸ ì–´ë–¤ê²ƒë„ ê²°êµì—” 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì‹«ì–´í•˜ì‹¤ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥¸ë‹¤. 무언가 ì› ë”°ë¥¸ê±´ì§€ í•ìƒ• ê²€í† í•˜ë•¼. <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">Go and went for a Korea trip. Whatever you want to do now, God may not like it at all. Whenever you according to God's will.</span> Dec 15, 11:54pm 겸ì†ì˜ 삶: everyday life 1) 좋ì€ì¼ì´ë‚ ì†Œë°•í•˜ê³ í‰ë²”하게 살기 3) ì´ì›ƒì„ ë•ê³ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ê³ ì¡´ì¤‘í•´ì£¼ê¸° ì¸ë‚´ì˜ 삶: on 2) ë³´ì´ëŠ” 것ì—만 매여 조급해하지 않기 3) ì„ í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ í¬ì‹ 뜻아 ë Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">life of modesty: everyday life 1) thank God regardless of good neighbour, be considerate and respectful</span> life of patience: on life crisis 1) be thankfully acc seen 3) to trust and follow God's big plan, who is good. Dec 15, 11:42pm ì‚¬ëžŒì€ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì 기다립니다. ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì€ ì¸ë‚´ë¥¼ 요구합니다. ì¸ë‚´í•˜ëŠ” 사람만앴 기다림 ê·¸ 열매를 맛볼 수 있습니다. 세례잕 ìš”í•œì€ ìš”ë¥´ë‹¨ ê°•ì—ì„œ 우리 가운땰 ‘’앴땼 ì†Œê°œí•˜ê³ , ìžì‹ ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì‹ ë°œ ëˆì¡°ì°¨ 풀어 드릴 수 없는 ì¡´ìž¬ìž ì´ˆì¡°í•´ì§‘ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì€ ê°ì˜¥ì—• 갇히는 ì‹ ì„¸ê°€ ë˜ê³ , ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œë„ ì„¸ìƒìœ¼ë 때문입니다. 그래서 예수님께 ì œìžë“¤ì„ ë³´ë‚´ì–´, “오실 분앴 ì„ ìƒë‹˜ì´ì‹ë‹ í•˜ê³ ì—¬ì™ê²Œ 합니다. 세례잕 ìš”í•œì˜ ë¯¿ìŒì´ í”들리는 대목입니다. ì–´ 앴미 우리와 함께 ê³„ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œì•„ë³´ì§€ ëª»í•˜ê³ ì‹ ì•™ ìžì²´ê°€ í”들릴 때가 ì ì˜ì‹¬ì„ 품게 ë• ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥´ê² ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 그러나 ì ˆë§í•˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ ê·¸ë•Œë§ˆë‹¤ ìš©ê¸ í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 주님께서는 우리 ì‚¶ì„ í†µí•˜ì—¬ ìƒí™œ 가운ë°ë¡œ 우리를 찾아오시 Waiting for other people, happiness and peace etc. Waiting requires a patience. Only those who ar the meaning, be able to taste its fruit. John the Baptist recognized Jesus who came among us in J that he could not even touch His shoe lace. But anxiety came as time passed. It was because h more opponents in the world. so he sent his disciples to Jesus to ask "Are you the one who is com shaking. perhaps, we too, can't wait for Jesus who'll be coming, or can't recognize Him who is alre Therefore, we might have doubt like John did. But we shall not despair - have courage and pray out His hand Dec 12, 12:39pm ë•…ì˜ ê·€í•œ ì†Œì¶œì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” ë†ë¶€ë¥¼ ë³´ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. ê 때까지 ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ë„ ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ë©° 마ìŒì„ 굳게 가지 Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">Look at the farmers who are waiting for harvest from land. He be patience, wait and have a firm heart.</span> Nov 30, 11:00pm ì˜¤ëŠ˜ë‚ ì„¸ë¡€ ë°›ì€ ì‚¬ëžŒ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë…¸ë•¼ê³ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ë”°ë¼ë‚˜ì„ 사람들입니다. ê°€ì¡±ì€ ì•´ì œ ì¼ìš©í• ì–‘ì‹ì„ 위한 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ê³¼ ë°°ë ¤ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 사실 우리는 주님 ì´ì™ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 합당한 ìƒí™œì„ 하ë„ë¡ ë…¸ë ¥í•´ì•¼ 합니다. <span style=" were called by Lord, and they left everything behind in order to follow Him. Now the family is on for daily bread. actually we do not need anything except lord. So should always try to live the life ë§Žì€ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì„ ì²´í—˜í•˜ë©´ì„œ 살아갑니다. ì•´ ì²´í—˜ì€ ì–¸ì œë‚˜ ìƒˆë¡œì›€ì„ ê°€ì ¸ë 기다리지 ëª»í•˜ê³ í˜„ì‹¤ì—만 안주하며, ë³´ì´ëŠ” 것ì—만 급급하게 매달 것입니다. * 새로움앴 없다면 ë³€í™”ëœ ì‚¶ì„ ê¿ˆê¿€ 수 ì—†ê³ , 우리를 새ë¡ê²Œ 것입니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë©´ 얼마나 불행한 ì‚¬ë¦¼ì•´ê² ëŠ”ì§€ìš”! 깨어서 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ê¸°ë with many experiences of waiting. these experiences always give novelty and refresh people new. to things that can be seen, they will not have any novelty.* without novelty, we can't dream of who pitiful that person is. Only those who wake and await for Lord will meet Lord. Oct 23, 8:57pm Th what god has done for me.. Not what i have done.. Humble myself No pride.. Let the world know Forgiveness: refuses to forgive.. Must recognise your sinfulness. Realise we are imperfect need the Desire to forgive. God will give u the grace n do the rest.. Trust in his mercy n his love: god would want healing or relief? If u seriously want to be healed, u need to give up things that r destroying u naive, thinking god will do in this life in this world: god's time is greater than what is happening to the world. God doesn't remove the 'thing' is to humble u n to purify u. U must give testimony to go glory of god. Whether you're healed or not, it is for his glory. God heals u but not the way u think. 성숙해진다 주님과 ë” ì¹œë°€í•´ì§„ë‹¤ ìˆ˜ìˆ ì„ í”¼í•˜ê²Œ ë¨ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ 주님께서 ë°”ì˜ì„±ë‹¹ 비발디 광장, 세계ì—ì„œ ì ¤ í•° 그림 성당 ê°€ë©´ì¶•ì œ í¬ë¡œì•„í‹°ì•„: ì 아틀란티스 ì‚°í† ë¦¬ë‹ˆ ì´ìŠ¤íƒ„불 Unless a grain of wheat Sons of god Retrieved from her iPhone. These are in English, once i get the Korean ones translated, they will b family to do divine mercy together Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and my will is that God's W strengthen me, console me, tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to whatever you desir only know Your will...(Your will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surrender myself to u back peacefully anytime. I offer u back my free will. U know what is the best for me &amp; my fa merciful.. This is too painful for all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank u lord for givin u lord! I offer my sufferings to u, use it for ur holy will. I am happy that i can be used for your wil done, when the time is up, take me to your presence. How i desire to be united to ur spirit! I can w back. I put all my joyful hope for the day. I love you lord, more than anything in this world. I dont 201 201 for you to take me to ur kingdom where i can be truly happy praising u all the time. I wish to serve 1- 1- have no vision, no idea, how it might be. Thank u lord. I know ur with me inside my heart. Thank 90 10- 10- have difficulty breathing as i lie down. It feels like what i inhale is more than my lung can take, ex 1 2 20 20 Help!! Pls inform doc with urgency cuz i feel too uncomfortable.. Sep 14, 4:51pm Ask doc: Can i 21:0 13:0 lung, cough &amp; flame) How long it takes to heal? My ribs r pain.. Chest, armpit, ribs, back p 5:21 5:21 neg? Cough as long as i have cancer? Blood test on virus result? Sep 11, 6:38am Mum.. Pls ask Go back pain or not? My answer is no but my mom says yes. We hav diff view point abt god so im rea way to relief why do u refuse? Then why do u take painkiller n why do u ask mom to massage ur b like to see me getting this luxurious body relief just becuz im in severe pain. He wants me to go th product. He's testing how steady this is by throwing n smashing around. If i dont break down, i pas confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm Sep 1st: Mum, last night i couldnt sleep until my body was so exhausted down so i shout in jesus name satan go away then it stopped. 2nd dream i felt hugh force wrap ove protect me. It was scary n didnt stop instantly. 3rd dream i was flying n like shot down to earth, tha real..i think i was shouting jesus. What happened? I afraid God is not happy with me. I felt uneasy over 탈출기 12 Aug 25, 10:54am Refrain: Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, beyond my want, I rest in the meadows of faithfulness and love, I walk by the quiet waters of peace. 2. Gently righteousness and truth, my spirit shall sing the music of your Name. 3. Though i should wander th your staff, my comfort and my hope. 4. You have set me a banquet of love in the face of hatred, cr kindness and mercy follow me all the days of my life; i will dwell in the house of my God foreverm need more courage when you face terminal illnesses. So I am giving you this message. For you to bad situations and not to give up hope. Your faith must be strong and so too your trust in me. It is transformation(internal: become children of God) john 1:12, Ezekiel 36:24-27 -witness(external: matt25:act of love I need a fill of fresh spirit, sonship with God the father 1 Cor 11:23 Why r we p Mind has 5 elements- intellect, imagination, memory(1/8 concious, 7/8 unconcious), emotion, will showing enough.. Stir up ur faith &amp; love, stir into the flame. Apr 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr he pure body transform my  weak body. And may yr healthy n vigorous life throb within me. Amen ascend to the top... I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts. As a result of them intention) courage - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear honour&amp;praise God Willing to do God's will, know God, free internally (dettach from ur desi urself. Use imagination, be creative, imagine new possibility Patience. Prayerful waiting. Oct 23, 8 god gor what god has done for me.. Not wat i have done.. Humble myself No pride.. Let the world way? Forgiveness: refuses to forgive.. Must regconise ur sinfulness. Realise we r imperfect need th Desire to forgive. God will give u the grace n do the rest.. Trust in his mercy n his love: god would want healing or relief? If u seriously want to be healed, u need to give up things that r destroying u naive, thinking god will do in this life in this world: god's time is greater than wat is happening to the world. God doesnt remove the 'thing' is to humble u n to purify u. U must give testimony to go glory of god. Whether ur healed or not, it is for his glory. God heals u but not the way u think.. In To follow you solely, I come to you O Lord. Here I am, bearing the cross I come to you Lord To o 201 201 green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me in your arms O Lord when I come t 1- 1- your servant, I come to you Lord In your calling, quietly I come to you O Lord Dressed up in whit 90 10- 10- O Lord. You make me lie down in green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me i 1 3 21 21 peacefully in your shelter. <a title="I Come to You Lord" href=" 09:2 01:2 or <a title="I Come to You Lord" href=" 1:50 1:50 Val chose before she passed, to be played at mass. I guess it captured her sentiments very closely a her sister. &nbsp; 201 201 To follow you solely, I come to you O Lord. Here I am, bearing the cross I come to you Lord To o 1- 1- green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me in your arms O Lord when I come t 90 10- 10- your servant, I come to you Lord In your calling, quietly I come to you O Lord Dressed up in whic 1 5 21 21 O Lord. You make me lie down in green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me i 08:5 00:5 peacefully in your shelter. This is the song Val chose before she passed to be played at mass. I gue 6:30 6:30 The Lord is My Shepherd. <strong></strong><span style="color: #008080;"><span style="font-size: medium;"><span style= 201 201 come to you Lord</span></span></span><span style="color: #008080;"><span style="font-size: 1- 1- To follow you solely, I come to you O Lord. Here I am, bearing the cross I come to you Lord To o 90 10- 10- green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me in your arms O Lord when I come t 1 4 21 21 your servant, I come to you Lord In your calling, quietly I come to you O Lord Dressed up in whic 08:4 00:4 O Lord. You make me lie down in green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me i 5:17 5:17 peacefully in your shelter.</span></span></span> &nbsp; <strong>This is the song Val chose bef very closely and incorporated Psalm 22 - The Lord is My Shepherd.</strong> &nbsp; 201 201 To follow you solely, I come to you O Lord. Here I am, bearing the cross I come to you Lord To o 1- 1- green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me in your arms O Lord when I come t 90 10- 10- your servant, I come to you Lord In your calling, quietly I come to you O Lord Dressed up in whic 1 6 21 21 O Lord. You make me lie down in green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me i 09:1 01:1 peacefully in your shelter. Listen or Download Note: This is the song Val chose before she passed 2:56 2:56 and incorporated Psalm 22 - The Lord is My Shepherd. To follow you solely, I come to you O Lord. Here I am, bearing the cross I come to you Lord To o 201 201 green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me in your arms O Lord when I come t 1- 1your servant, I come to you Lord In your calling, quietly I come to you O Lord Dressed up in whic 90 10- 101 O Lord. You make me lie down in green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me i 7 21 21 peacefully in your shelter. <a title="I Come to You Lord" href=" 09:1 01:1 or <a title="I Come to You Lord" href=" 9:59 9:59 Val chose before she passed to be played at mass. I guess it captured her sentiments very closely a To follow you solely, I come to you O Lord. Here I am, bearing the cross I come to you Lord To o 201 201 green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me in your arms O Lord when I come t 1- 1your servant, I come to you Lord In your calling, quietly I come to you O Lord Dressed up in whic 90 10- 101 O Lord. You make me lie down in green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me i 8 21 21 peacefully in your shelter. <a title="I Come to You Lord" href=" 09:2 01:2 or <a title="I Come to You Lord" href=" 1:07 1:07 Val chose before she passed to be played at mass. I guess it captured her sentiments very closely a To follow you solely, I come to you O Lord. Here I am, bearing the cross I come to you Lord To o 201 201 green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me in your arms O Lord when I come t 1- 1- your servant, I come to you Lord In your calling, quietly I come to you O Lord Dressed up in whic 90 10- 10- O Lord. You make me lie down in green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me i 1 9 21 21 peacefully in your shelter. <a title="I Come to You Lord" href=" 09:2 01:2 or <a title="I Come to You Lord" href=" 1:50 1:50 Val chose before she passed to be played at mass. I guess it captured her sentiments very closely a her sister. &nbsp; To follow you solely, I come to you O Lord. Here I am, bearing the cross I come to you Lord To o 201 201 green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me in your arms O Lord when I come t 1- 1- your servant, I come to you Lord In your calling, quietly I come to you O Lord Dressed up in whic 91 10- 10- O Lord. You make me lie down in green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me i 1 0 21 21 peacefully in your shelter. <a title="I Come to You Lord" href=" 09:2 01:2 or <a title="I Come to You Lord" href=" 4:47 4:47 Val chose before she passed to be played at mass. I guess it captured her sentiments very closely a her sister. &nbsp; To follow you solely, I come to you O Lord. Here I am, bearing the cross I come to you Lord To o 201 201 green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me in your arms O Lord when I come t 1- 1- your servant, I come to you Lord In your calling, quietly I come to you O Lord Dressed up in whic 91 10- 10- O Lord. You make me lie down in green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me i 1 1 21 21 peacefully in your shelter. <a title="I Come to You Lord" href=" 09:2 01:2 or <a title="I Come to You Lord" href=" 4:56 4:56 Val chose before she passed to be played at mass. I guess it captured her sentiments very closely a her sister. &nbsp; To follow you solely, I come to you O Lord. Here I am, bearing the cross I come to you Lord To o 201 201 green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me in your arms O Lord when I come t 1- 1- your servant, I come to you Lord In your calling, quietly I come to you O Lord Dressed up in whic 91 10- 10- O Lord. You make me lie down in green pastures And you lead me besides quiet waters Hold me i 1 2 21 21 peacefully in your shelter. <a title="I Come to You Lord" href=" 09:2 01:2 or <a title="I Come to You Lord" href=" 5:41 5:41 Val chose before she passed, to be played at mass. I guess it captured her sentiments very closely a her sister. &nbsp; 201 201 Seeking to live in joyful acceptance of God's will, Desiring His will above all else. (Pray with St F 1- 1Him is a soul who lives accordance with the will of God. It thereby gives very great glory to God. 91 10- 101 alone is everything to me, I live by and dieby it and it is the holy will of God. It is my daily food. M 3 05 05 asks of me, although my nature often quakes and I feel the magnitude of these things is beyond my 20:2 12:2 grace of God is, which supports me. (Diary 652) &nbsp; 0:14 0:14 I guess we all need symbols in our life and I decided to keep mum for 40 days since this number respect. Also, I've been looking at the stats on this blog and i know that at least 500 people have se Val's friends and people she'd met though her life's journey and I hope these writings gave you an have dropped back to my family and friends, so thank you all for the love and support and praye was still swift and I guess you can never prepare yourself fully for something like this. I guess gen together. I spent a few weeks running around to sort out administrative matters like informing HD 201 201 embassy etc Je-in is quite fragile at the moment and tends to cry whenever he doesn't get his way o 1- 1- seeking my approval whenever he does something. I think he used to be more independent and bra 92 11- 11- topic of his mummy and it breaks my heart to have to tell him, "no more mummy". I guess he unde 1 2 25 25 asked for her a couple of times. He also had a freaky episode where he suddenly got up around 3am 09:5 01:5 his room and the living room and jumping around to avoid them. He mentioned "mummy" too. Mu 7:48 7:48 came back to say goodbye to him and gave him a vision of fishes - alluding to the "fishers of men" maybe its for us to confirm that he's been chosen somehow to be religious if it goes according to G go to bed and was clingy but by now he seems to have gotten over the incident. I heard him mutter of my room by himself to look for some toys outside. He's now in Korea for a couple of weeks as along as the extended family missed him and there is an aunt who has flight phobia and couldn't co would like to spend some time with him too. I pray the trip will distract him enough to heal his litt cousins. &nbsp; Retrieved from her iPhone. These are in English, once i get the Korean ones translated, they will b Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and my will is tha me, strengthen me, console me, tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to whatever you d me only know Your will...(Your will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surrender myself 201 201 back peacefully anytime. I offer u back my free will. U know what is the best for me &amp; my fa 1- 1- merciful.. This is too painful for all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank u lord for givin 91 10- 10- u lord! I offer my sufferings to u, use it for ur holy will. I am happy that i can be used for your wil 1 6 20 20 done, when the time is up, take me to your presence. How i desire to be united to ur spirit! I can w 21:0 13:0 back. I put all my joyful hope for the day. I love you lord, more than anything in this world. I dont 9:40 9:40 for you to take me to ur kingdom where i can be truly happy praising u all the time. I wish to serve have no vision, no idea, how it might be. Thank u lord. I know ur with me inside my heart. Thank have difficulty breathing as i lie down. It feels like what i inhale is more than my lung can take, ex Help!! Pls inform doc with urgency cuz i feel too uncomfortable.. Sep 14, 4:51pm Ask doc: Can i lung, cough &amp; flame) How long it takes to heal? My ribs r pain.. Chest, armpit, ribs, back p neg? Cough as long as i have cancer? Blood test on virus result? Sep 11, 6:38am Mum.. Pls ask Go back pain or not? My answer is no but my mom says yes. We hav diff view point abt god so im rea way to relief why do u refuse? Then why do u take painkiller n why do u ask mom to massage ur b like to see me getting this luxurious body relief just becuz im in severe pain. He wants me to go th product. He's testing how steady this is by throwing n smashing around. If i dont break down, i pas confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm Sep 1st: Mum, last night i couldnt sleep until my body was so exhausted down so i shout in jesus name satan go away then it stopped. 2nd dream i felt huge force wrap ove protect me. It was scary n didnt stop instantly. 3rd dream i was flying n like shot down to earth, tha real..i think i was shouting jesus. What happened? I afraid God is not happy with me. I felt uneasy over 탈출기 12 Aug 25, 10:54am Refrain: Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, beyond my want, I rest in the meadows of faithfulness and love, I walk by the quiet waters of peace. 2. Gently righteousness and truth, my spirit shall sing the music of your Name. 3. Though i should wander th your staff, my comfort and my hope. 4. You have set me a banquet of love in the face of hatred, cr kindness and mercy follow me all the days of my life; i will dwell in the house of my God foreverm need more courage when you face terminal illnesses. So I am giving you this message. For you to bad situations and not to give up hope. Your faith must be strong and so too your trust in me. It is transformation(internal: become children of God) john 1:12, Ezekiel 36:24-27 -witness(external: matt25:act of love I need a fill of fresh spirit, sonship with God the father 1 Cor 11:23 Why r we p Mind has 5 elements- intellect, imagination, memory(1/8 concious, 7/8 unconcious), emotion, will showing enough.. Stir up ur faith &amp; love, stir into the flame. Apr 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr he pure body transform my  weak body. And may yr healthy n vigorous life throb within me. Amen ascend to the top... I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts. As a result of them intention) courage - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear honour&amp;praise God Willing to do God's will, know God, free internally (dettach from ur desi urself. Use imagination, be creative, imagine new possibility Patience. Prayerful waiting. 2010, Oc thank god gor what god has done for me.. Not wat i have done.. Humble myself No pride.. Let the things ur way? Forgiveness: refuses to forgive.. Must regconise ur sinfulness. Realise we r imperfe n others. Desire to forgive. God will give u the grace n do the rest.. Trust in his mercy n his love: g god: U want healing or relief? If u seriously want to be healed, u need to give up things that r destr too naive, thinking god will do in this life in this world: god's time is greater than wat is happening from the world. God doesnt remove the 'thing' is to humble u n to purify u. U must give testimony greater glory of god. Whether ur healed or not, it is for his glory. God heals u but not the way u thi Retrieved from her iPhone. These are in English, once i get the Korean ones translated, they will b Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 9, 7:52am 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. ì´ì²˜ëŸ¼ 하늘 나땼ì—ë„ ê·¸ì—• 맞갖ì ì˜¨ìœ , ì¹œì ˆ, ì¸ë‚´ 등 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 하늘 나땼 잔치를 위 201 201 있습니다. Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and my will is that God's Will be done. 9:45pm O 1- 1- tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to whatever you desire of me and to accept everyt 91 11- 11- will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surrender myself to u. Do as u please.. I believe u 1 7 08 08 u back my free will. U know what is the best for me &amp; my family. But please, do not delay m 17:1 09:1 all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank u lord for giving me one more day. Everyday i c 2:25 2:25 u, use it for ur holy will. I am happy that i can be used for your will, whatever it is, and i know you me to your presence. How i desire to be united to ur spirit! I can wait patiently, because i trust that the day. I love you lord, more than anything in this world. I dont want to stay back in this world w where i can be truly happy praising u all the time. I wish to serve u there. Whenever i think of heav be. Thank u lord. I know ur with me inside my heart. Thank u for being with me. I love u. Sep 26, ëœê±° 마냥 ì°©ê°ì†ì—• 지냈으니 ë²Œì„ ë°›ì•„ 마땅하옵니다 겸ì†ì„ ë°°ìš° ë‹¨ìž ë„ í—ˆë½í•˜ì†Œì„œ... &nbsp; Sep 20, 6:26am Throughout the night, i have difficulty bre take, exhale very shortly, end up im like just finished running kind of state. Help!! Pls inform doc Can i swim? What is good for lung recovery? Can i twist body? (sucking lung, cough &amp; flam pain Something protuding on the chest Wat is biopsy result? Still triple neg? Cough as long as i ha God abt this: does he prefer me to have recline arm chair to relief my back pain or not? My answer really confused. She says God is not a petty god. "ur in pain n there is way to relief why do u refus back?" But i thought since this is God's test on my patience, he wouldnt like to see me getting this thru certain level &amp; amt of pain. I imagined myself as his electronic product. He's testing how pass the stress test n he will use me. Am i wrong about God? Help~!! i m confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm exhausted. Then i had 3 strange dreams. 1st one someone was keep flipping me down so i shout in wrap over me n i felt like floating away. I kept say jesus i give my life to u, jesus protect me. It wa to earth, that one led to my old dreams later part so im blur but flying part felt real..i think i was sh uneasy whole night cudnt sleep well.. Pray for me.. Gods message: passover is over 탈출기 12 S 받아들ì´ëŠ” 그릇과 같습니다. í—Œ 옷ì—다 새 천 ì¡°ê°ì„ ë§ëŒ€ì–´ ê¿°ë§¤ë“ ê¾¸ë©°ì„œ ì‚´ 수는 없습니다. ì˜›ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìƒˆ 부대를 ë§ˆë ¨í•´ì•¼ 새 í¬ë„주 ìžì‹ ì„ ìƒˆë¡ê²Œ 하는 ë‚´ì • ì‡„ì‹ ì—• íž˜ì„ ê¸°ìš¸ì—¬ì•¼ 한다는 뜻입니다. ì˜•ì • ´ë‚˜ì•¼ë§Œ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ìš°ë¦¬ 안엕 모실 수 있습니다. 바오로 사ë„ê°€ ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ì§€ ì„±ë ¹ì˜ ì„±ì „ìž„ì„ ëª¨ë¦…ë‹ˆê¹Œ? ê·¸ ì„±ë ¹ì„ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì•´ 하ëŠë‹˜ì—게서 ë°›ì•˜ê³ ëª¨ë¦…ë‹ˆê¹Œ?―(1코린 6,19) 바오로 사ë„는 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ 반문하며 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì„±ë ¹ê» ë§•ë•¼ê³ ê²½ê³ í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ëª¸ê³¼ 마ìŒì€ 새 í¬ë„주를 담는 새 부대ì 나’가 아니땼 ë‚ ë§ˆë‹¤ ‘새로운 나’로서 ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ ë‚´ 안엕 머무르시ë ì´ì™€ 같앴 기ë„하잕.. ...ëŠìž„없앴 기ë„하며 ê°„ì²í•˜ê³ 있습니다. 곧 ì—¬ëŸ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì„ ì•„ëŠ” 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ ì¶©ë§Œí•´ì ¸, 주님께 합당하게 ì‚´ì•„ê°ìœ¼ë¡œ ‰ìœ¼ë¡œ 열매를 맺으며 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 아는 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ 잕땼기를 빕니다. 받아 ê°•í•´ì ¸ì„œ, ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì°¸ê³ ê²¬ë””ì–´ 내기를 빕니다. ê¸°ìœ ë§ˆì•Œìœ¼ë¡œ, 성ë ì°¨ì§€í• ìžê²©ì„ ì£¼ì‹ ì•„ë²„ì§€ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í•˜ëŠ” 것입니다. 아버지께서는 우리를 ì•„ë“œë‹˜ì˜ ë‚˜ë¼ë¡œ 옮겨 주셨습니다. ì•´ 아드님 안ì—ì„œ 우리는 ì†ëŸ‰ì 콜로새서 ë§ì”€ìž…니다. 1,9-14 Aug 31 2:42PM 사랑하는 하ëŠë‹˜, ì €ì—게 í¬ì ì•Šê³ í‰ì•ˆížˆ ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ì¼ì„ 받아들ì¼ìˆ˜ 있게 í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ê°ì‚¬ë“œë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì €ë„ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ì €ì—게 í—ˆë½í•˜ì‹ 것ì´ì˜µë‹ˆë‹¤. ì´ëŠ” ì‹œì–´ë¨¸ë‹ˆì˜ ê³µë¡œë¥¼ ë³´ì‹œê³ †ì•´ 미천한 ìž• 입니다.. ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ íŠ¹ì€ìœ¼ë¡œ 환난중ì—ì„œë„ ë‘•ë ¤ì›Œí•˜ëŠ” 부족하여 배울것앴 많습니다. 특히 ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ 대화하는ë°ì„œ 많앴 모ìžëžŒ ëŒ€í™”í•˜ê³ ì‹¶ì€ë° ì—¬ì „ížˆ ì €ì—게 ë§Žì€ ìž¥ì• ë¬¼ì•´ 있어 ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì†ì‚¼ìž„ì ì„ ì•¼ì–´ë‚˜ì§€ 않습니다. ì €ë¥¼ 불ìŒížˆ ì—¬ê¸°ì‹œê³ ì œë°œ ì €ì—게 í•œë§ì”€ì 있게 ì œ 귀를 열어주옵소서! ì„±ë ¹ë‹˜! 부디 ì œ 마ìŒì—• 들어오셔서 ì œë ì•ˆì •ì ì´ë©´ì„œë„ ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì—ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ì²´í—˜ì¹˜ ëª»í•˜ê³ ìžˆëŠ”ê²Œ ì œê°€ 스스로 너 분명 ì œ 옆엕 ê³„ì‹œê³ ì œ ë§˜ì˜ í‰ì˜¨í•¨ë„ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒìž„ì„ ë¯¿ì‚¬ì˜¤ë‹ˆ ê 12:04PM 주님, ì œ ëª¨ë“ ê³ í†µì„ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ 바칩니다. Aug 25, 10:54am Refrain: Shepherd m God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I want, I rest in the meadows of faithfulness and love, I walk weary soul, you lead me by pathways of righteousness and truth, my spirit shall sing the music of evil, for you are at my side, your rod and your staff, my comfort and my hope. 4. You have set me my power to hold. 5. Surely your kindness and mercy follow me all the days of my life; i will dwe in life you need courage and you need more courage when you face terminal illnesses. So I am giv need to pray for graces to counter bad situations and not to give up hope. Your faith must be strong Power of holy spirit -transformation(internal: become children of God) john 1:12, Ezekiel 36:24 fruit of spirit Matt7:21, matt25:act of love I need a fill of fresh spirit, sonship with God the father 1 holy spirit? Acts 4:29 Mind has 5 elements- intellect, imagination, memory(1/8 concious, 7/8 unco 1:6-7 U received but not showing enough.. Stir up ur faith &amp; love, stir into the flame. Apr 18, organs. And may yr healthy n pure body transform my  weak body. And may yr healthy n vigoro foot of the mount who could ascend to the top... I repeat and ask that you always have courageous courageous deeds(action with intention) courage - a quality of spirit that enables you to face dange To: Love God, serve God, honour&amp;praise God Willing to do God's will, know God, free inter God desire us to be . Know urself. Use imagination, be creative, imagine new possibility Patience. receive god's healing Humility: thank god gor what god has done for me.. Not wat i have done.. H grace of god U want god to do things ur way? Forgiveness: refuses to forgive.. Must regconise ur s ourselves to be available to god n others. Desire to forgive. God will give u the grace n do the rest. rely on him.. Surrender ur life to god: U want healing or relief? If u seriously want to be healed, u by us. Do the right thing.. Not be too naive, thinking god will do in this life in this world: god's tim clinging to this life. Detaatch from the world. God doesnt remove the 'thing' is to humble u n to pu has done for us. It is for the greater glory of god. Whether ur healed or not, it is for his glory. God Retrieved from her iPhone. These are in English, once i get the Korean ones translated, they will b Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 9, 7:52am 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. ì´ì²˜ëŸ¼ 하늘 나땼ì—ë„ ê·¸ì—• 맞갖ì ì˜¨ìœ , ì¹œì ˆ, ì¸ë‚´ 등 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 하늘 나땼 잔치를 위 있습니다. Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and my will is that God's Will be done. 9:45pm O tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to whatever you desire of me and to accept everyt will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surrender myself to u. Do as u please.. I believe u u back my free will. U know what is the best for me &amp; my family. But please, do not delay m all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank u lord for giving me one more day. Everyday i c u, use it for ur holy will. I am happy that i can be used for your will, whatever it is, and i know you me to your presence. How i desire to be united to ur spirit! I can wait patiently, because i trust that the day. I love you lord, more than anything in this world. I dont want to stay back in this world w where i can be truly happy praising u all the time. I wish to serve u there. Whenever i think of heav 201 201 be. Thank u lord. I know ur with me inside my heart. Thank u for being with me. I love u. Sep 26, 1- 1ëœê±° 마냥 ì°©ê°ì†ì—• 지냈으니 ë²Œì„ ë°›ì•„ 마땅하옵니다 겸ì†ì„ ë°°ìš° 91 11- 111 ë‹¨ìž ë„ í—ˆë½í•˜ì†Œì„œ... &nbsp; Sep 20, 6:26am Throughout the night, i have difficulty bre 8 08 08 take, exhale very shortly, end up im like just finished running kind of state. Help!! Pls inform doc 17:1 09:1 Can i swim? What is good for lung recovery? Can i twist body? (sucking lung, cough &amp; flam 8:06 8:06 pain Something protuding on the chest Wat is biopsy result? Still triple neg? Cough as long as i ha God abt this: does he prefer me to have recline arm chair to relief my back pain or not? My answe really confused. She says God is not a petty god. "ur in pain n there is way to relief why do u refus back?" But i thought since this is God's test on my patience, he wouldnt like to see me getting this thru certain level &amp; amt of pain. I imagined myself as his electronic product. He's testing how pass the stress test n he will use me. Am i wrong about God? Help~!! i m confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm exhausted. Then i had 3 strange dreams. 1st one someone was keep flipping me down so i shout in wrap over me n i felt like floating away. I kept say jesus i give my life to u, jesus protect me. It wa to earth, that one led to my old dreams later part so im blur but flying part felt real..i think i was sh uneasy whole night cudnt sleep well.. Pray for me.. Gods message: passover is over 탈출기 12 S 받아들ì´ëŠ” 그릇과 같습니다. í—Œ 옷ì—다 새 천 ì¡°ê°ì„ ë§ëŒ€ì–´ ê¿°ë§¤ë“ ê¾¸ë©°ì„œ ì‚´ 수는 없습니다. ì˜›ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìƒˆ 부대를 ë§ˆë ¨í•´ì•¼ 새 í¬ë„주 ìžì‹ ì„ ìƒˆë¡ê²Œ 하는 ë‚´ì • ì‡„ì‹ ì—• íž˜ì„ ê¸°ìš¸ì—¬ì•¼ 한다는 뜻입니다. ì˜•ì • ´ë‚˜ì•¼ë§Œ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ìš°ë¦¬ 안엕 모실 수 있습니다. 바오로 사ë„ê°€ ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ì§€ ì„±ë ¹ì˜ ì„±ì „ìž„ì„ ëª¨ë¦…ë‹ˆê¹Œ? ê·¸ ì„±ë ¹ì„ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì•´ 하ëŠë‹˜ì—게서 ë°›ì•˜ê³ ëª¨ë¦…ë‹ˆê¹Œ?―(1코린 6,19) 바오로 사ë„는 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ 반문하며 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì„±ë ¹ê» ë§•ë•¼ê³ ê²½ê³ í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ëª¸ê³¼ 마ìŒì€ 새 í¬ë„주를 담는 새 부대ì 나’가 아니땼 ë‚ ë§ˆë‹¤ ‘새로운 나’로서 ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ ë‚´ 안엕 머무르시ë ì´ì™€ 같앴 기ë„하ìž.. ...ëŠìž„없앴 기ë„하며 ê°„ì²í•˜ê³ 있습니다. 곧 ì—¬ëŸ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì„ ì•„ëŠ” 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ ì¶©ë§Œí•´ì ¸, 주님께 합당하게 ì‚´ì•„ê°ìœ¼ë¡œ ‰ìœ¼ë¡œ 열매를 맺으며 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 아는 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ 잕땼기를 빕니다. 받아 ê°•í•´ì ¸ì„œ, ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì°¸ê³ ê²¬ë””ì–´ 내기를 빕니다. ê¸°ìœ ë§ˆìŒìœ¼ë¡œ, 성ë ì°¨ì§€í• ìžê²©ì„ ì£¼ì‹ ì•„ë²„ì§€ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í•˜ëŠ” 것입니다. 아버지께서는 우리를 ì•„ë“œë‹˜ì˜ ë‚˜ë¼ë¡œ 옮겨 주셨습니다. ì•´ 아드님 안ì—ì„œ 우리는 ì†ëŸ‰ì 콜로새서 ë§ì”€ìž…니다. 1,9-14 Aug 31 2:42PM 사랑하는 하ëŠë‹˜, ì €ì—게 í¬ì ì•Šê³ í‰ì•ˆížˆ ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ì¼ì„ 받아들ì¼ìˆ˜ 있게 í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ê°ì‚¬ë“œë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì €ë„ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ì €ì—게 í—ˆë½í•˜ì‹ 것ì´ì˜µë‹ˆë‹¤. ì´ëŠ” ì‹œì–´ë¨¸ë‹ˆì˜ ê³µë¡œë¥¼ ë³´ì‹œê³ †ì•´ 미천한 ìž• 입니다.. ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ íŠ¹ì€ìœ¼ë¡œ 환난중ì—ì„œë„ ë‘•ë ¤ì›Œí•˜ëŠ” 부족하여 배울것앴 많습니다. 특히 ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ 대화하는ë°ì„œ 많앴 모ìžëžŒ ëŒ€í™”í•˜ê³ ì‹¶ì€ë° ì—¬ì „ížˆ ì €ì—게 ë§Žì€ ìž¥ì• ë¬¼ì•´ 있어 ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì†ì‚¼ìž„ì ì„ ì•¼ì–´ë‚˜ì§€ 않습니다. ì €ë¥¼ 불ìŒížˆ ì—¬ê¸°ì‹œê³ ì œë°œ ì €ì—게 í•œë§ì”€ì 있게 ì œ 귀를 열어주옵소서! ì„±ë ¹ë‹˜! 부디 ì œ 마ìŒì—• 들어오셔서 ì œë ì•ˆì •ì ì´ë©´ì„œë„ ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì—ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ì²´í—˜ì¹˜ ëª»í•˜ê³ ìžˆëŠ”ê²Œ ì œê°€ 스스로 너 분명 ì œ 옆엕 ê³„ì‹œê³ ì œ ë§˜ì˜ í‰ì˜¨í•¨ë„ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒìž„ì„ ë¯¿ì‚¬ì˜¤ë‹ˆ ê 12:04PM 주님, ì œ ëª¨ë“ ê³ í†µì„ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ 바칩니다. Aug 25, 10:54am Refrain: Shepherd m God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I want, I rest in the meadows of faithfulness and love, I walk weary soul, you lead me by pathways of righteousness and truth, my spirit shall sing the music of evil, for you are at my side, your rod and your staff, my comfort and my hope. 4. You have set me my power to hold. 5. Surely your kindness and mercy follow me all the days of my life; i will dwe ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì„±ê°€ 218번) 1. 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì˜¤ë¡ ¬ê¸° 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 오로지 ì£¼ë‹˜ë§Œì„ ë”°ë¥´ë ¤ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 2. 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ ì— í•˜ì–€ 소복 ì°¨ë ¤ 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ í•œí‰ìƒ 주님 함께 ì‚´ê³ íŒŒ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 후ë 물터로 나를 ëŒì–´ 주소서 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ í’ˆ 안엕 나를 받아주소서 ë‚´ 쉴 situation in life you need courage and you need more courage when you face terminal illnesses. So always need to pray for graces to counter bad situations and not to give up hope. Your faith must b 10:38AM 받아주소서(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì„±ê°€ 221번) *성 ì´ëƒì‹œì˜¤ 기ë„* í›„ë ´) 주여 ë‚ ê¸°ì–µê³¼ ì§€ë ¥ ë‚˜ì˜ ì˜ì§€ ì†Œìœ í•œ ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì£¼ì—¬ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ 드리리ì´ë‹¤ ì• ì£¼ì˜ ê²ƒì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 오징 주님 뜻대로 처리하소서 ë‹¹ì‹ ì‚¬ëž‘ ì€ì´ì„ 나ì—ê² ë§Œë¬¼ì•´ ë‹¹ì‹ ê¶Œìœ„ì•ˆì—• ìžˆê³ ì„¸ìƒì˜ ëª¨ë“ ì§€í˜œë¡œë„ ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ê³„íšì„ ì˜ˆì¸¡í• ì£¼ì‹œê³ ë˜í•œ 앗아가시니 ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ 다 ë‹¹ì‹ ëœ»ëŒ€ë¡œ 앴루어지리ì´ë‹¤. 부디 ë ìš©ì„œí•˜ì‹œê³ ì €ì—게 ë”í•œ ê³ í†µì„ ì£¼ì‹œë“ ë³µì„ ë”í•´ì£¼ì‹œë“ ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹¤ë ‡ë¹›ì•´ 쬕면 íƒ€ì˜¤ë¥´ê³ ë¹„ê°€ì˜¤ë©´ ì –ì–´ë“니다. ì œ ëª¨ë“ ìƒ•ê°•ê³¼ 핬맕 모둕 당 Power of holy spirit -transformation(internal: become children of God) john 1:12, Ezekiel 36:24 fruit of spirit Matt7:21, matt25:act of love I need a fill of fresh spirit, sonship with God the father 1 holy spirit? Acts 4:29 Mind has 5 elements- intellect, imagination, memory(1/8 concious, 7/8 unco 1:6-7 U received but not showing enough.. Stir up ur faith &amp; love, stir into the flame. Apr 18, organs. And may yr healthy n pure body transform my  weak body. And may yr healthy n vigoro ìžì‹ ì˜ ì‹ ì•™ì‹¬ì•´ ë¶€ì¡±í•˜ë‹¤ê³ íƒ“í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë©´ 얼마나 ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ìžˆë 가운땰 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œê²Œ ë˜ê³ ì–´ëŠìƒˆ 믿ìŒì˜ 눈앴 열립니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ì•Žì€ ë¯¿ìŒì€ ì‹¤ì²œì • 사랑으로 완성ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 아는 만핼 ë¯¿ê³ ë¯¿ëŠ” ë 145(144),8-9.13ã„·-14.17-18(â—Ž 8ㄱ) â—Ž ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시네. â—‹ 주 ë”ë””ì‹œê³ ìžì• ê°€ 넘치시네. ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ëª¨ë‘•ì—게 좋으시며, ê·¸ ìžë¹„ ëª¨ë“ ì ì°¸ë˜ì‹œê³ , 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. 넘어지는 누구ë¼ë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë¶™ë â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ê°€ì‹œëŠ” 길마다 ì˜ë¡œìš°ì‹œê³ , 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. ì 부르는 ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게 가까앴 계시네. â—Ž Apr 6 9:23PM 그리스ë„êµì—ì„ ë¬´í™”(無化)하시어 거룩한 몸(성체)ì•´ ë˜ì…¨ë“¯ì´, 우리 ìžì‹ ì•´ ì—†ì–´ì§€ê³ ì 그리스ë„êµì˜ ‘비움’과 불êµì˜ â€˜ë¹„ì›€â€™ì€ ì´ëŸ° ì˜ë¯¸ì—ì„œ 다ë 그리스ë„를 ë‚´ 안엕 ëª¨ì‹œë ¤ëŠ” 비움입니다. 오늘 ë³µìŒì—ì„œ ë³¼ 수 있듯ì ì¼í•˜ê³ ê³„ì‹ ê²ƒì²˜ëŸ¼ 우리를 비운 잕리엕 주님께서 계시는 ê²ƒì„ ë§í•©ë‹ˆ 아니땼 그리스ë„께서 ë‚´ 안엕 사시는 것입니다.―(갈땼 2,20)ë•¼ê³ í–ˆì ê²ƒë§Œì„ ëœ»í•˜ì§€ 않습니다. ë˜í•œ 세샕 ê²ƒì„ í—ˆë¬´í•˜ê³ ë¬´ì˜ë¯¸í•œ 것으로 ë 것입니다. 우리가 그냥 ë¹„ìš´ë‹¤ê³ ë¹„ì›Œì§€ëŠ” 것앴 아니땼 사랑함으로앨 ë‚ ë‹¤ë¥¸ 것앴 들어와 잕리를 잡게 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì¼í•˜ì‹ 다는 ê²ƒì€ ì 뜻합니다. ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ëˆ„êµ¬ë¥¼ ì‚¬ëž‘í•˜ê³ ëˆ„êµ°ê°€ì—게 ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ëŠ” ì¼ì„ ì˜í˜¼ì˜ ê±´ê°•ì„ ìœ„í•˜ì—¬ ìœ¡ì‹ ì˜ ê·¹ê¸°ë¥¼ 명하셨으니, ì €í¬ê°€ ê²°ì½” 죄를 ì ê³„ëª…ì„ ì§€í‚¤ê²Œ 하소서. 우리가 ì‚¬ëžŒì„ ëŒ€í• ë•Œ ‘약한 ì‚¬ëžŒì€ ìžˆì–´ë 편해질 것입니다. 주어땼. 그러면 너í¬ë„ ë°›ì„ ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. ëˆ„ë¥´ê³ í”들어ì 것ì´ë‹¤. 너í¬ê°€ ë˜ì§ˆí•˜ëŠ” 바로 ê·¸ ë˜ë¡œ 너í¬ë„ ë˜ë°›ì„ 것ì´ë‹¤.― Mar 1 ë¯¼ì¡±ì˜ ì¡°ìƒìœ¼ë¡œ 만들었다.â€•ë•¼ê³ ê¸°ë¡•ëœ ê·¸ëŒ€ë¡œìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 아브ë ì‚´ë¦¬ì‹œê³ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ì§€ 않는 ê²ƒì„ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ë„ë¡ ë¶ˆëŸ¬ë‚´ì‹œëŠ” 하ëŠë‹˜ ì•žì—ì„œ ìš°ë ´ë„ í¬ë§í•˜ë©°, â€œë„ˆì˜ í›„ì†ë“¤ì´ ì €ë ‡ê²Œ 많아질 것ì´ë‹¤.― í•˜ì‹ ë§ì”€ì— ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 22 바로 ê·¸ 때문엕 “하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ê·¸ 믿ìŒì„ ì˜ë¡œì›€ìœ¼ë¡œ 앸 아침 기ë„: 오늘 하루ë™ì•ˆ ì œì•¸ì•´ ì—„ë§ˆì˜ ì—í• ì„ ìž˜ ê°ë‹¹í• 수있게 ì§€í˜œì™ ë‚¨ì„ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ëŠ” 마ìŒê³¼ ë„“ì€ ì•„ëŸ‰ì„ ì£¼ì†Œì„œ. 겸ì†ì˜ ë•ì„ 잊지 ì•Šë„ í•˜ë£¨ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ 아래서 지내게 하여 주소서. 우리 주 그리스ë„를 통 ë¿ìž…니다. 오늘 ë³µìŒì—ì„œ ë² ë“œë¡œê°€ 예수님께 “보시다시피 ì €í¬ëŠ” ë í•˜ê³ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ë§íˆ¬ì—는 ì´ëŸ° ì˜•ì • êµë§Œì´ ìˆ¨ê²¨ì ¸ ìžˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹ ì•„ë¬´ëŸ° ì¹ì°¬ë„ í•´ 주지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 예수님께서는 ì œìžë“¤ì—게 ‘ë 니다. ìžì‹ ì—게 ëŒì•„올 ì–´ë–¤ ì˜ê´‘ì„ ìœ„í•´ì„œê°€ 아니땼, ‘예수님 ë•Œë¬¸ì— ë“±ì—• íƒœìš°ê³ ê°€ëŠ” 나귀가 있었습니다. ê·¸ 나귀는 늘 임금ì—게 봉사한ë ì˜¨ëª¸ì„ ì¹˜ìž¥í•´ ì£¼ê³ , 임금앴 타는 ë‚˜ê·€ë•¼ê³ í•´ì„œ 늘 쓰다듬어 주었습니다. 사람들앴 환호를 하잕, 나귀는 사람들앴 잕기ì—게 환호하는 줄 ì•Œê³ ì„œ ë–¨ì–´ì§€ê³ ë§ì•˜ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì • êµë§Œì´ 무엇ì¸ì§€ë¥¼ ë³´ì—¬ 주는 우리ê ‘부름 ë°›ì€ ì¢…â€™ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ 하루하루 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì„¬ê¸°ëŠ” 야엕 ìµœì„ ì„ ë‹¤í• ë¿ìž…니다.―(루카 17,10)ë•¼ê³ ëŠ˜ 마ìŒì†ìœ¼ë¡œ ê³ ë°±í•˜ë©° 사는 것입니다 6:50PM 너가 암엕 걸린건 지ì€ì£„ê°€ ë§Žì•„ì„œì•´ê³ , 너가 기ì ì„ ì²´í—˜í•˜ì§€ 못 ã…¡ã…‘ã…“ã…— 푸 다. ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê³ ë‚œì€ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì‹ ë¹„ë•¼ 너는 ê·¸ ëœ»ì„ í—¤ì• ëª…ì‹¬í•´ë•¼ 하루를 ë” ì•„í”„ê²Œë˜ë˜ 똕 ì–´ë– í•˜ë¦¬ 너가 필요한건 ê·¸ë‚ ê·¸ë‚ ê° Jan 26 10:39AM 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ë§Œ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ ì˜íƒí•˜ê³ 하ë¼ëŠ” 것입 하면, 하ëŠë‹˜ì—• 대한 믿ìŒë³´ë‹¤ë„ 세샕 것엕 대한 믿ìŒì´ ë” í¬ê² ã€Žë¬´ì†Œìœ ã€•ì—• ì´ëŸ° êµ¬ì ˆì•´ 있습니다. “우리는 필요엕 ì˜í•´ì„œ ë¬¼ê± ì“°ê²Œ ëœë‹¤. ë”°ë¼ì„œ 무엇ì¸ê°€ë¥¼ 갖는다는 ê²ƒì€ ë‹¤ë¥¸ 한편 ë¬´ì—‡ì•¸ê° ê²ƒì€ ê·¸ë§Œí•¼ 많앴 얽혀 있다는 뜻ì´ë‹¤.― 세ìƒì˜ 것엕 얽혀 있는 것 뿌리ì—서는 세ìƒì˜ ì¼ì„ 하는 것앴 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ 효율성ì ì‚¶ì˜ íƒœë„ê°€ 중요합니다. Jan 24, 3:12am ... Many remain at the foot of the mount who co courageous thoughts. As a result of them the Lord will give you grace for courageous deeds(action danger or pain without showing fear. Jan 3, 3:21pm We are created for God. To: Love God, serve free internally (dettach from ur desire) What is ur deepest desire? That's what God desire us to be . Patience. Prayerful waiting. 2010, Oct 23, 8:57pm The disposition u need to receive god's healing done.. Humble myself No pride.. Let the world know that u need help u need grace of god U want regconise ur sinfulness. Realise we r imperfect need the forgiveness of god. Allow ourselves to be do the rest.. Trust in his mercy n his love: god would be faithful always. We can rely on him.. Surr healed, u need to give up things that r destroying u! Our unhappiness is caused by us. Do the right god's time is greater than wat is happening to us.. Ask for his will be done. Dun clinging to this life u n to purify u. U must give testimony to god: We must proclaim wat the lord has done for us. It is glory. God heals u but not the way u think.. In his way particulary for u.. Retrieved from her iPhone. These are in English, once i get the Korean ones translated, they will b Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 9, 7:52am 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. ì´ì²˜ëŸ¼ 하늘 나땼ì—ë„ ê·¸ì—• 맞갖ì ì˜¨ìœ , ì¹œì ˆ, ì¸ë‚´ 등 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 하늘 나땼 잔치를 위 있습니다. Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and my will is that God's Will be done. 9:45pm O tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to whatever you desire of me and to accept everyt will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surrender myself to u. Do as u please.. I believe u u back my free will. U know what is the best for me &amp; my family. But please, do not delay m all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank u lord for giving me one more day. Everyday i c u, use it for ur holy will. I am happy that i can be used for your will, whatever it is, and i know you me to your presence. How i desire to be united to ur spirit! I can wait patiently, because i trust that the day. I love you lord, more than anything in this world. I dont want to stay back in this world w where i can be truly happy praising u all the time. I wish to serve u there. Whenever i think of heav be. Thank u lord. I know ur with me inside my heart. Thank u for being with me. I love u. Sep 26, ëœê±° 마냥 ì°©ê°ì†ì—• 지냈으니 ë²Œì„ ë°›ì•„ 마땅하옵니다 겸ì†ì„ ë°°ìš° 201 201 ë‹¨ìž ë„ í—ˆë½í•˜ì†Œì„œ... &nbsp; Sep 20, 6:26am Throughout the night, i have difficulty bre 1- 1take, exhale very shortly, end up im like just finished running kind of state. Help!! Pls inform doc 91 11- 111 Can i swim? What is good for lung recovery? Can i twist body? (sucking lung, cough &amp; flam 9 08 08 pain Something protuding on the chest Wat is biopsy result? Still triple neg? Cough as long as i ha 17:2 09:2 God abt this: does he prefer me to have recline arm chair to relief my back pain or not? My answer 7:05 7:05 really confused. She says God is not a petty god. "ur in pain n there is way to relief why do u refus back?" But i thought since this is God's test on my patience, he wouldnt like to see me getting this thru certain level &amp; amt of pain. I imagined myself as his electronic product. He's testing how pass the stress test n he will use me. Am i wrong about God? Help~!! i m confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm exhausted. Then i had 3 strange dreams. 1st one someone was keep flipping me down so i shout in wrap over me n i felt like floating away. I kept say jesus i give my life to u, jesus protect me. It wa to earth, that one led to my old dreams later part so im blur but flying part felt real..i think i was sh uneasy whole night cudnt sleep well.. Pray for me.. Gods message: passover is over 탈출기 12 S 받아들ì´ëŠ” 그릇과 같습니다. í—Œ 옷ì—다 새 천 ì¡°ê°ì„ ë§ëŒ€ì–´ ê¿°ë§¤ë“ ê¾¸ë©°ì„œ ì‚´ 수는 없습니다. ì˜›ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìƒˆ 부대를 ë§ˆë ¨í•´ì•¼ 새 í¬ë„주 ìžì‹ ì„ ìƒˆë¡ê²Œ 하는 ë‚´ì • ì‡„ì‹ ì—• íž˜ì„ ê¸°ìš¸ì—¬ì•¼ 한다는 뜻입니다. ì˜•ì • ´ë‚˜ì•¼ë§Œ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ìš°ë¦¬ 안엕 모실 수 있습니다. 바오로 사ë„ê°€ ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ì§€ ì„±ë ¹ì˜ ì„±ì „ìž„ì„ ëª¨ë¦…ë‹ˆê¹Œ? ê·¸ ì„±ë ¹ì„ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì•´ 하ëŠë‹˜ì—게서 ë°›ì•˜ê³ ëª¨ë¦…ë‹ˆê¹Œ?―(1코린 6,19) 바오로 사ë„는 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ 반문하며 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì„±ë ¹ê» ë§•ë•¼ê³ ê²½ê³ í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ëª¸ê³¼ 마ìŒì€ 새 í¬ë„주를 담는 새 부대ì 나’가 아니땼 ë‚ ë§ˆë‹¤ ‘새로운 나’로서 ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ ë‚´ 안엕 머무르시ë ì´ì™€ 같앴 기ë„하잕.. ...ëŠìž„없앴 기ë„하며 ê°„ì²í•˜ê³ 있습니다. 곧 ì—¬ëŸ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì„ ì•„ëŠ” 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ ì¶©ë§Œí•´ì ¸, 주님께 합당하게 ì‚´ì•„ê°ìœ¼ë¡œ ‰ìœ¼ë¡œ 열매를 맺으며 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 아는 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ 잕땼기를 빕니다. 받아 ê°•í•´ì ¸ì„œ, ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì°¸ê³ ê²¬ë””ì–´ 내기를 빕니다. ê¸°ìœ ë§ˆì•Œìœ¼ë¡œ, 성ë ì°¨ì§€í• ìžê²©ì„ ì£¼ì‹ ì•„ë²„ì§€ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í•˜ëŠ” 것입니다. 아버지께서는 우리를 ì•„ë“œë‹˜ì˜ ë‚˜ë¼ë¡œ 옮겨 주셨습니다. ì•´ 아드님 안ì—ì„œ 우리는 ì†ëŸ‰ì 콜로새서 ë§ì”€ìž…니다. 1,9-14 Aug 31 2:42PM 사랑하는 하ëŠë‹˜, ì €ì—게 í¬ì ì•Šê³ í‰ì•ˆížˆ ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ì¼ì„ 받아들ì¼ìˆ˜ 있게 í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ê°ì‚¬ë“œë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì €ë„ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ì €ì—게 í—ˆë½í•˜ì‹ 것ì´ì˜µë‹ˆë‹¤. ì´ëŠ” ì‹œì–´ë¨¸ë‹ˆì˜ ê³µë¡œë¥¼ ë³´ì‹œê³ †ì•´ 미천한 ìž• 입니다.. ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ íŠ¹ì€ìœ¼ë¡œ 환난중ì—ì„œë„ ë‘•ë ¤ì›Œí•˜ëŠ” 부족하여 배울것앴 많습니다. 특히 ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ 대화하는ë°ì„œ 많앴 모ìžëžŒ ëŒ€í™”í•˜ê³ ì‹¶ì€ë° ì—¬ì „ížˆ ì €ì—게 ë§Žì€ ìž¥ì• ë¬¼ì•´ 있어 ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì†ì‚¼ìž„ì ì„ ì•¼ì–´ë‚˜ì§€ 않습니다. ì €ë¥¼ 불ìŒížˆ ì—¬ê¸°ì‹œê³ ì œë°œ ì €ì—게 í•œë§ì”€ì 있게 ì œ 귀를 열어주옵소서! ì„±ë ¹ë‹˜! 부디 ì œ 마ìŒì—• 들어오셔서 ì œë ì•ˆì •ì ì´ë©´ì„œë„ ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì—ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ì²´í—˜ì¹˜ ëª»í•˜ê³ ìžˆëŠ”ê²Œ ì œê°€ 스스로 너 분명 ì œ 옆엕 ê³„ì‹œê³ ì œ ë§˜ì˜ í‰ì˜¨í•¨ë„ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒìž„ì„ ë¯¿ì‚¬ì˜¤ë‹ˆ ê 12:04PM 주님, ì œ ëª¨ë“ ê³ í†µì„ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ 바칩니다. Aug 25, 10:54am Refrain: Shepherd m God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I want, I rest in the meadows of faithfulness and love, I walk weary soul, you lead me by pathways of righteousness and truth, my spirit shall sing the music of evil, for you are at my side, your rod and your staff, my comfort and my hope. 4. You have set me my power to hold. 5. Surely your kindness and mercy follow me all the days of my life; i will dwe ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì„±ê°€ 218번) 1. 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì˜¤ë¡ ¬ê¸° 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 오로지 ì£¼ë‹˜ë§Œì„ ë”°ë¥´ë ¤ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 2. 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ ì— í•˜ì–€ 소복 ì°¨ë ¤ 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ í•œí‰ìƒ 주님 함께 ì‚´ê³ íŒŒ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 후ë 물터로 나를 ëŒì–´ 주소서 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ í’ˆ 안엕 나를 받아주소서 ë‚´ 쉴 situation in life you need courage and you need more courage when you face terminal illnesses. So always need to pray for graces to counter bad situations and not to give up hope. Your faith must b 10:38AM 받아주소서(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì„±ê°€ 221번) *성 ì´ëƒì‹œì˜¤ 기ë„* í›„ë ´) 주여 ë‚ ê¸°ì–µê³¼ ì§€ë ¥ ë‚˜ì˜ ì˜ì§€ ì†Œìœ í•œ ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì£¼ì—¬ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ 드리리ì´ë‹¤ ì• ì£¼ì˜ ê²ƒì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 오징 주님 뜻대로 처리하소서 ë‹¹ì‹ ì‚¬ëž‘ ì€ì´ì„ 나ì—ê² ë§Œë¬¼ì•´ ë‹¹ì‹ ê¶Œìœ„ì•ˆì—• ìžˆê³ ì„¸ìƒì˜ ëª¨ë“ ì§€í˜œë¡œë„ ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ê³„íšì„ ì˜ˆì¸¡í• ì£¼ì‹œê³ ë˜í•œ 앗아가시니 ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ 다 ë‹¹ì‹ ëœ»ëŒ€ë¡œ 앴루어지리ì´ë‹¤. 부디 ë ìš©ì„œí•˜ì‹œê³ ì €ì—게 ë”í•œ ê³ í†µì„ ì£¼ì‹œë“ ë³µì„ ë”í•´ì£¼ì‹œë“ ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹¤ë ‡ë¹›ì•´ 쬕면 íƒ€ì˜¤ë¥´ê³ ë¹„ê°€ì˜¤ë©´ ì –ì–´ë“니다. ì œ ëª¨ë“ ìƒ•ê°•ê³¼ 핬맕 모둕 당 Power of holy spirit -transformation(internal: become children of God) john 1:12, Ezekiel 36:24 fruit of spirit Matt7:21, matt25:act of love I need a fill of fresh spirit, sonship with God the father 1 holy spirit? Acts 4:29 Mind has 5 elements- intellect, imagination, memory(1/8 concious, 7/8 unco 1:6-7 U received but not showing enough.. Stir up ur faith &amp; love, stir into the flame. Apr 18, organs. And may yr healthy n pure body transform my  weak body. And may yr healthy n vigoro ìžì‹ ì˜ ì‹ ì•™ì‹¬ì•´ ë¶€ì¡±í•˜ë‹¤ê³ íƒ“í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë©´ 얼마나 ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ìžˆë 가운땰 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œê²Œ ë˜ê³ ì–´ëŠìƒˆ 믿ìŒì˜ 눈앴 열립니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ì•Žì€ ë¯¿ìŒì€ ì‹¤ì²œì • 사랑으로 완성ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 아는 만핼 ë¯¿ê³ ë¯¿ëŠ” ë 145(144),8-9.13ã„·-14.17-18(â—Ž 8ㄱ) â—Ž ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시네. â—‹ 주 ë”ë””ì‹œê³ ìžì• ê°€ 넘치시네. ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ëª¨ë‘•ì—게 좋으시며, ê·¸ ìžë¹„ ëª¨ë“ ì ì°¸ë˜ì‹œê³ , 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. 넘어지는 누구ë¼ë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë¶™ë â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ê°€ì‹œëŠ” 길마다 ì˜ë¡œìš°ì‹œê³ , 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. ì 부르는 ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게 가까앴 계시네. â—Ž Apr 6 9:23PM 그리스ë„êµì—ì„ ë¬´í™”(無化)하시어 거룩한 몸(성체)ì•´ ë˜ì…¨ë“¯ì´, 우리 ìžì‹ ì•´ ì—†ì–´ì§€ê³ ì 그리스ë„êµì˜ ‘비움’과 불êµì˜ â€˜ë¹„ì›€â€™ì€ ì´ëŸ° ì˜ë¯¸ì—ì„œ 다ë 그리스ë„를 ë‚´ 안엕 ëª¨ì‹œë ¤ëŠ” 비움입니다. 오늘 ë³µìŒì—ì„œ ë³¼ 수 있듯ì ì¼í•˜ê³ ê³„ì‹ ê²ƒì²˜ëŸ¼ 우리를 비운 잕리엕 주님께서 계시는 ê²ƒì„ ë§í•©ë‹ˆ 아니땼 그리스ë„께서 ë‚´ 안엕 사시는 것입니다.―(갈땼 2,20)ë•¼ê³ í–ˆì ê²ƒë§Œì„ ëœ»í•˜ì§€ 않습니다. ë˜í•œ 세샕 ê²ƒì„ í—ˆë¬´í•˜ê³ ë¬´ì˜ë¯¸í•œ 것으로 ë 것입니다. 우리가 그냥 ë¹„ìš´ë‹¤ê³ ë¹„ì›Œì§€ëŠ” 것앴 아니땼 사랑함으로앨 ë‚ ë‹¤ë¥¸ 것앴 들어와 잕리를 잡게 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì¼í•˜ì‹ 다는 ê²ƒì€ ì 뜻합니다. ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ëˆ„êµ¬ë¥¼ ì‚¬ëž‘í•˜ê³ ëˆ„êµ°ê°€ì—게 ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ëŠ” ì¼ì„ ì˜•í˜¼ì˜ ê±´ê°•ì„ ìœ„í•˜ì—¬ ìœ¡ì‹ ì˜ ê·¹ê¸°ë¥¼ 명하셨으니, ì €í¬ê°€ ê²°ì½” 죄를 ì ê³„ëª…ì„ ì§€í‚¤ê²Œ 하소서. 우리가 ì‚¬ëžŒì„ ëŒ€í• ë•Œ ‘약한 ì‚¬ëžŒì€ ìžˆì–´ë 편해질 것입니다. 주어땼. 그러면 너í¬ë„ ë°›ì„ ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. ëˆ„ë¥´ê³ í”들어ì 것ì´ë‹¤. 너í¬ê°€ ë˜ì§ˆí•˜ëŠ” 바로 ê·¸ ë˜ë¡œ 너í¬ë„ ë˜ë°›ì„ 것ì´ë‹¤.― Mar 1 ë¯¼ì¡±ì˜ ì¡°ìƒìœ¼ë¡œ 만들었다.â€•ë•¼ê³ ê¸°ë¡ëœ 그대로입니다. 아브ë ì‚´ë¦¬ì‹œê³ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ì§€ 않는 ê²ƒì„ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ë„ë¡ ë¶ˆëŸ¬ë‚´ì‹œëŠ” 하ëŠë‹˜ ì•žì—ì„œ ìš°ë ´ë„ í¬ë§í•˜ë©°, â€œë„ˆì˜ í›„ì†ë“¤ì´ ì €ë ‡ê²Œ 많아질 것ì´ë‹¤.― í•˜ì‹ ë§ì”€ì— ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 22 바로 ê·¸ 때문엕 “하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ê·¸ 믿ìŒì„ ì˜ë¡œì›€ìœ¼ë¡œ 앸 아침 기ë„: 오늘 하루ë™ì•ˆ ì œì•¸ì•´ ì—„ë§ˆì˜ ì—í• ì„ ìž˜ ê°ë‹¹í• 수있게 ì§€í˜œì™ ë‚¨ì„ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ëŠ” 마ìŒê³¼ ë„“ì€ ì•„ëŸ‰ì„ ì£¼ì†Œì„œ. 겸ì†ì˜ ë•ì„ 잊지 ì•Šë„ í•˜ë£¨ 주님았 ì€ì´ 아래서 지내게 하여 주소서. 우리 주 그리스ë„를 통 ë¿ìž…니다. 오늘 ë³µìŒì—ì„œ ë² ë“œë¡œê°€ 예수님께 “보시다시피 ì €í¬ëŠ” ë í•˜ê³ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ë§íˆ¬ì—는 ì´ëŸ° ì˜•ì • êµë§Œì´ ìˆ¨ê²¨ì ¸ ìžˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹ ì•„ë¬´ëŸ° ì¹ì°¬ë„ í•´ 주지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 예수님께서는 ì œìžë“¤ì—게 ‘ë 니다. ìžì‹ ì—게 ëŒì•„올 ì–´ë–¤ ì˜ê´‘ì„ ìœ„í•´ì„œê°€ 아니땼, ‘예수님 ë•Œë¬¸ì— ë“±ì—• íƒœìš°ê³ ê°€ëŠ” 나귀가 있었습니다. ê·¸ 나귀는 늘 임금ì—게 봉사한ë ì˜¨ëª¸ì„ ì¹˜ìž¥í•´ ì£¼ê³ , 임금앴 타는 ë‚˜ê·€ë•¼ê³ í•´ì„œ 늘 쓰다듬어 주었습니다. 사람들앴 환호를 하잕, 나귀는 사람들앴 잕기ì—게 환호하는 줄 ì•Œê³ ì„œ ë–¨ì–´ì§€ê³ ë§ì•˜ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì • êµë§Œì´ 무엇ì¸ì§€ë¥¼ ë³´ì—¬ 주는 우리ê ‘부름 ë°›ì€ ì¢…â€™ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ 하루하루 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì„¬ê¸°ëŠ” 야엕 ìµœì„ ì„ ë‹¤í• ë¿ìž…니다.―(루카 17,10)ë•¼ê³ ëŠ˜ 마ìŒì†ìœ¼ë¡œ ê³ ë°±í•˜ë©° 사는 것입니다 6:50PM 너가 암엕 걸린건 지ì€ì£„ê°€ ë§Žì•„ì„œì•´ê³ , 너가 기ì ì„ ì²´í—˜í•˜ì§€ 못 ã…¡ã…‘ã…“ã…— 푸 다. ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê³ ë‚œì€ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì‹ ë¹„ë•¼ 너는 ê·¸ ëœ»ì„ í—¤ì• ëª…ì‹¬í•´ë•¼ 하루를 ë” ì•„í”„ê²Œë˜ë˜ 똕 ì–´ë– í•˜ë¦¬ 너가 필요한건 ê·¸ë‚ ê·¸ë‚ ê° Jan 26 10:39AM 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ë§Œ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ ì˜íƒí•˜ê³ 하ë¼ëŠ” 것입 하면, 하ëŠë‹˜ì—• 대한 믿ìŒë³´ë‹¤ë„ 세샕 것엕 대한 믿ìŒì´ ë” í¬ê² ã€Žë¬´ì†Œìœ ã€•ì—• ì´ëŸ° êµ¬ì ˆì•´ 있습니다. “우리는 필요엕 ì˜í•´ì„œ ë¬¼ê± ì“°ê²Œ ëœë‹¤. ë”°ë¼ì„œ 무엇ì¸ê°€ë¥¼ 갖는다는 ê²ƒì€ ë‹¤ë¥¸ 한편 무엇ì¸ê° ê²ƒì€ ê·¸ë§Œí•¼ 많앴 얽혀 있다는 뜻ì´ë‹¤.― 세ìƒì˜ 것엕 얽혀 있는 것 뿌리ì—서는 세ìƒì˜ ì¼ì„ 하는 것앴 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ 효율성ì ì‚¶ì˜ íƒœë„ê°€ 중요합니다. Jan 24, 3:12am ... Many remain at the foot of the mount who co courageous thoughts. As a result of them the Lord will give you grace for courageous deeds(action danger or pain without showing fear. Jan 22 2:07AM 예수님께 부름 받는다는 것, 그것ì 사건ì´ì§€ë§Œ, 반드시 ì ¸ì•¼ í• ì‹ìžê°€ê°€ 있습니다. Jan 21 11:22AM 1. 하ëŠë‹˜ 사ë ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ê±´ê°• ì±…ìž„-ì¢‹ì€ ì‹ë‹¨ 2) 살림꾸리기-ìƒì‹ëŠ˜ë¦¬ê¸° Jan 19 8:54AM í•˜ëŠ ì„±ë„들ì—게 ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ì˜€ê³ ì§€ê¸ˆë„ ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ë©´ì„œ ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì´ë¦„ì„ ìœ„í•˜ì—¬ ë³´ ê°ìžê°€ 핬맕앴 실현ë˜ë„ë¡ ë까지 ê°™ì€ ì—´ì„±ì„ ë³´ì—¬ 주기를 ê°„ ë§•ê³ , 약ì†ëœ ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ìŒê³¼ ì¸ë‚´ë¡œ ìƒì†ë°›ëŠ” ì´ë“¤ì„ 본받는 사람앴 20 Jan 15 9:39AM 진실앴 ë°í˜€ì¡Œë‹¤. ë‚´ê°€ ì œ 야 ê³„ëª…ì„ ì–´ê²¼ìœ¼ë¯€ë¡œ ê·¸ 대 í•ì•”치료.. ëë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ìžƒì—ˆê³ ìƒì²˜ê°€ 남았다. ê·¸ë¶„ì€ ì‹¤ë¡œ 무ìžë¹„í•˜ê³ ëƒ‰ ì‹ ì´ì‹œë‹¤. ëª¨ë“ ê±¸ ì•„ì‹œê³ ëª¨ë“ ê±¸ í• ìˆ˜ìžˆìœ¼ì‹ ë¶„ì•´ ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ ëª¨ë¥¸ì±„ 벌앸 ì‹¤ìˆ ë‹¹ì‹ ì€ ë¬´ìžë¹„í•œ ì‹ ì´ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤! ë‹¹ì‹ ì€ ìž”í˜¹í•œ ì‹ ì•´ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤! ëŒ€ì‹ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì… í• ì£„ì˜€ìŠµë‹ˆê¹Œ? ì „ ë‹¹ì‹ ì•´ 너무 ìž”ì¸í•´ì„œ 싫습니다. 위로해주세요.. ì•´ ìƒì²˜ë ëª¨ë¥´ê³ ì§€ì€ì£„를 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œê¹Œì§€ 닦달하셔서 ëê°€ ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹ ë°ìš”? ê·¸ë ‡ê²Œ ë‰ ì¹˜ì‹œë‹¤ë‹ˆ.. 위로해 주세요.. ì œë°œìš”.. Jan 11 9:20AM 궕극ì 으로 우리 ì¸ìƒì ì›ì²œì´ì‹ 하ëŠë‹˜ì´ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 삶앴 ë¶ˆì•ˆí•˜ê³ í˜¼ëž€ìŠ¤ëŸ¬ìš¸ìˆ˜ë¡• 우리ì—게 í•„ìš”í ì‹ ë¢°ë¥¼ 놓치지 않는 것입니다. ë” ìž•ì£¼ 미사 참례를 í•˜ê³ , 성체 조배를 하ë ì •í™”í•´ì„œ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ëŠ¥ë ¥ì„ ë‚´ 안엕 모시는 것입니다. 우리가 미래를 ëª°ë¼ í¬ë§ì„ ë‘지 ì•Šì•„ì„œ 불안한 것입니다. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë³´ì´ì§€ 않는 미래를 가기를 ë°”ë¼ì‹œê¸° 때문입니다. 그런 사람ì—게 미래는 ì„¤ë ˜ê³¼ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦ ìˆ˜ë§Žì€ ê³ í†µì€ ìš°ë¦¬ê°€ ìžì´ˆí•˜ì—¬ 벌어진다. ìž˜ëª»ëœ ì„ íƒìœ¼ë¡œ ì¸í•œ ê³ í†µ 모둕 ì¸ê°„ì´ ë¹šì–´ë‚¸ 불행ì´ì§€ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì˜ë„ì 으로 ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒì•´ 아니ë ì£¼ì‹œì§€ë„ ì•Šìœ¼ì‹ ë‹¤. ê³ í†µì†•ì—ì„œë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë¯¿ëŠ”ìžë“¤ì„ 통해 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ì°½ì¡°í•˜ì‹ ì§ˆì„œì—• 따땼 움ì§ì¸ë‹¤. 그래서 우리ì—게 벌어지는 ëª¨ë“ ì‚¬ê± ê°€ì§€ 형태로 ëª¨ë“ ì¸ê°„ì—게 찾아온다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ ë°©ê´€ìžì‹œë‹¤. 하지만 ì‹ í‰í™”를 ì£¼ì‹ ë‹¤. ì´ë¡œì¨ 우린 계솕 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¬ì–‘í• ìˆ˜ ìžˆê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„ ê° â€˜ìžì‹ ì˜ ëŠ¥ë ¥ê³¼ ìž¬ëŠ¥ì„ ë‚´ì„¸ìš¸ 때’는 잕기 ìžì‹ ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하지만, 오í ìžëž‘í• ë•Œâ€™(2코린 11,30 참조)는 주님께서 ì¼í•˜ì‹œê¸° 때문입니다. 주님ì “주님, ì €ëŠ” 부족한 죄앸야 ë¿ì´ì§€ë§Œ, ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ë„구로 앨 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤.― 5,12-13 예수님께서 어늕 í•œ ê³ ì„ì—• 계실 ë•Œ, 온몸엕 나병앴 걸린 사람앴 ë ëŒ€ê³ ì—Žë“œë ¤ ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ì²í•˜ì˜€ë‹¤. “주님! 주님께서는 í•˜ê³ ìž• 하시면 ì €ë¥¼ 내밀어 ê·¸ì—게 대시며 ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ë‹¤. “내가 í•˜ê³ ìž• 하니, 깨땗하게 ë 하ëŠë‹˜. ì €ë¥¼ 불ìŒížˆ 여기소서.. ë‹¹ì‹ ì€ ëŠ¥ë ¥ì•´ 있사오니 부디 ì €ì—게 Jan 4 11:42PM 계솕 ìˆ˜ìˆ ì—†ì•´ 기ì 으로 ì¹˜ìœ ë°›ê¸¸ 기ë„í•˜ë˜ ë‚´ê°€ 어늕땧 ìˆ ˆë‹¤. ë§ˆìˆ ê°™ì€ ê¸°ì •ì•´ 야어나리땼 ë¯¿ì—ˆë˜ ë¯¿ìŒì€ 무참히 ë¶€ìˆ´ì§€ê³ ì•´ ìˆ˜ìˆ í•˜ëŠ”ê²ƒì•´ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻앴땼면 기ì˜ê²Œ ë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ë„ë ¤ë‚¼ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. ì• í• ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. Jan 3, 3:21pm We are created for God. To: Love God, serve God, honour&amp;prai from ur desire) What is ur deepest desire? That's what God desire us to be . Know urself. Use imag waiting. 2010, Dec 30 2010 1:59AM ë‚´ê°€ ì›í•˜ì§€ë§Œ 기ë„하진 ì•Šì„것: ì§ìž¥ ë‹¤ë‹ˆê³ ê¸°ë„í•˜ë˜ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ëœ»ì—• ì˜íƒí• 것: ì•”ì˜ ì™„ì¹˜ 등, 어깨, ë°œ 완치 남편 ì§ìž¥ 기ë„ì˜ ì—´ì‹¬ê³¼ ê³ í†µì˜ ì¸ë‚´ ì œì•¸ ì¸ì„±/ì‹ ì•™/언어 êµìœ¡ì˜ 지혜 겸ì†ì˜ ì‚ ì´ë„심 ì „ ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ì¹´í†¨ë¦í™” 부부 모둕 병 없앴 ì€ì´ì•ˆì—• 임종 Dec 28 2010 ë²„ìŠ¤ì •ê±°ìž¥ì—ì„œ íŒ”ì„ ë“œëŠ” 아줌마를 ë³´ê³ íƒ€ë ¤ëŠ”ì¤„ì•Œê³ ë©ˆì·„ëŠ”ë•° 사 ë‚´ê°€ 잘못 알았구나!" 하는것과 같다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì€ ê·¸ê²Œ 아닌땰 ë‚´ ë© í• ìˆ˜ìžˆë‹¤. ì´ë•Œ ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ 화를내며 아줌마가 ì†ì„ 너무 ì¼ì°ë“¤ì— ì˜¤í•´í• ìˆ˜ 있다는건 모ë‘ê°€ ì´í•´í•œë‹¤. 그걸 ë‚©ë“하는 ìžì„¸ ë˜í•œ 중요하다. ì˜ ì •ì§„í•˜ëŠ”ê²Œ 마땅하다. ì†ì•˜ë„¤ 분하네 í‘¸ë…•ë– ëŠ”ê±´ 오버다! 하ëŠë‹˜ê³¼ì˜ ê ì˜¤í•´í•œê²ƒìž„ì„ ë°›ì•„ë“¤ì•´ê³ ë” ìž˜ ì´í•´í•˜ê¸°ìœ„í•´ ë…¸ë ¥ì€ ëª»í• ë§•ì • 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì 안ëœë‹¤. Dec 24 2010, 2:40AM 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ 네가 ì§ìž¥ì„ 그만ë‘지 못 한것ë„, 네가 지금 í•˜ê³ ì‹¶ì€ ê·¸ ì–´ë–¤ê²ƒë„ ê²°êµì—” 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì‹«ì–´í•˜ì‹¤ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥¸ë‹ ëœ»ì—• 따른건지 í•ìƒ• ê²€í† í•˜ë•¼. Dec 15 2010 11:54PM 겸ì†ì˜ 삶: everyday life 1) ì†Œë°•í•˜ê³ í‰ë²”하게 살기 3) ì´ì›ƒì„ ë•ê³ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ê³ ì¡´ì¤‘í•´ì£¼ê¸° ì¸ë‚´ì˜ 삶: on 2) ë³´ì´ëŠ” 것ì—만 매여 조급해하지 않기 3) ì„ í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ í¬ì‹ ëœ»ì„ ë 존재입니다. 다른 사람, 행복, í‰í™” ë“±ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì€ ì¸ë‚´ë ì˜ë¯¸ë¥¼ 알게 ë˜ê³ , ê·¸ ì˜ë¯¸ë¥¼ 아는 사람만앴 ê·¸ 열매를 맛볼 수 있습 ì˜¤ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œì•„ë´…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ë¶„ì„ â€˜ì–´ë¦°ì–‘â€™ì•´ë•¼ ì†Œê°œí•˜ê³ , ìžì‹ ê³ ë°±í•˜ê¸°ë„ í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그러나 시간앴 íë¥¼ìˆ˜ë¡ ì´ˆì¡°í•´ì§‘ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì€ ê°ì˜¥ 세ìƒìœ¼ë¡œë¶€í„° ì •ì • 반대받는 í‘œì •ì•´ ë˜ì–´ ê°€ì‹œê³ ìžˆê¸° 때문입니다. ê· ì„ ìƒë‹˜ì´ì‹ë‹ˆê¹Œ? 아니면 ì €í¬ê°€ 다른 ë¶„ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë ¤ì•¼ 합니까?― í•˜ê³ ì—¬ì 대목입니다. 어쩌면 ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ì˜¤ì‹¤ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ì§€ ëª»í•˜ê³ , ë˜ëŠ” 앴미 ìš í”들릴 때가 있ì„ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥´ê² ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리하여 세례잕 요한처럼 ì˜ì‹¬ì ë§•ê³ ê·¸ë•Œë§ˆë‹¤ 용기를 ê°€ì§€ê³ ì• ì ˆí•œ 마ìŒìœ¼ë¡œ 주님께 기ë„해야 합니ë 우리를 ì°¾ì•„ì˜¤ì‹œê³ , ì†ê¸¸ì„ 건네실 것입니다. Dec 12 2010 12:39PM ë•…ì˜ ê·€í 비와 ëŠ¦ì€ ë¹„ë¥¼ 맞아 곡싕앴 ìµì„ 때까지 ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. 여러분ë 11:00PM ì˜¤ëŠ˜ë‚ ì„¸ë¡€ ë°›ì€ ì‚¬ëžŒë“¤ì€ ëª¨ë‘• ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì„ ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ê·¸ë¶ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ë”°ë¼ë‚˜ì„ 사람들입니다. ê°€ì¡±ì€ ì•´ì œ 주님 안ì—ì„œ í•œ í˜•ì œìžë§ ì€ì´ê³¼ ë°°ë ¤ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 사실 우리는 주님 ì´ì™¸ì—는 ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ í•„ìš”ì¹˜ 않습 ìƒí™œì„ 하ë„ë¡ ë…¸ë ¥í•´ì•¼ 합니다. Nov 29 2010 9:32PM 우리는 참으로 ë§Žì ¸ì œë‚˜ ìƒˆë¡œì›€ì„ ê°€ì ¸ë‹¤ì£¼ë©°, ì‚¬ëžŒì„ ìƒˆë¡ê²Œ 변화시켜 ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. * 그러나 만 급급하게 매달리는 사람엕겕 ë” ì´ìƒì˜ 새로움ì´ëž€ ì—†ì„ ê² ì—†ê³ , 우리를 새ë¡ê²Œ 하시러 오시는 아기 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚˜ 뵕 ìˆ˜ë„ ì—†ì„ ê² ê¹¨ì–´ì„œ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” 사람만앴 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚ ìˆ˜ 있습니다 Oct 31 2010 1 스푼 설탕 1/3(or 매실즙 1~2 스푼) 파, 마늘 약간 양파채앬거 ë³¶ì€ ê¹¨ Oct thank god gor what god has done for me.. Not wat i have done.. Humble myself No pride.. Let the things ur way? Forgiveness: refuses to forgive.. Must regconise ur sinfulness. Realise we r imperfe n others. Desire to forgive. God will give u the grace n do the rest.. Trust in his mercy n his love: g god: U want healing or relief? If u seriously want to be healed, u need to give up things that r destr too naive, thinking god will do in this life in this world: god's time is greater than wat is happening from the world. God doesnt remove the 'thing' is to humble u n to purify u. U must give testimony greater glory of god. Whether ur healed or not, it is for his glory. God heals u but not the way u thi ë” ì„±ìˆ™í•´ì§„ë‹¤ 주님과 ë” ì¹œë°€í•´ì§„ë‹¤ ìˆ˜ìˆ ì„ í”¼í•˜ê²Œ ë¨ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ 주님께 ë² ë„¤ì¹˜ì•„: ë°”ì˜ì„±ë‹¹ 비발디 광장, 세계엕서 ì ¤ í•° 그림 성당 ê°€ë©´ì¶•ì œ í¬ë¡ 아틀란티스 ì‚°í† ë¦¬ë‹ˆ ì´ìŠ¤íƒ„불 Unless a grain oh wheat So ns of god 1. Orientation ride round estate - 19 Jul 2008 2. East Coast Park - 27 Jul 3. Ulu Pandan Park Conn Nov 6. East Coast Park - 10 July 2009 7. Yishun - 17 Jul 8. Yishun - 20 Jul 9. <a href="http://www 201 201 Park</a> - 24 Jul 10. <a href="" 1- 1- href="" target="_blank">Zoo</a> 92 08- 08- href="" target="_blank">Mandai Loo 1 0 20 20 href="" target="_blank">East Coast 15:5 07:5 href="" target="_blank">Yishu 8:12 8:12 East Coast Park - 29 Dec 18. Zoo - 21 Feb 2010 20. Yishun Loop - Nov 21. Northern PCN - 14 De Coast Park - 29 Dec 25. Northern PCN-half - 2 Jan 2011 26. Zoo-half - 4 Feb 2011 27. Lower Sele href="" target="_blank">Yishun dam</a> 201 201 92 1- 1- 1. child family 2. kids better than one? 3. thirty-something... 4. string Steinberger Synapse is the cu 1 1 03- 03- number 8. arms to hold you by Veruca Salt rocks! 9. by Damien Rice is also good. 26 25 00:5 16:5 1:12 1:12 201 201 I guess we all need symbols in life and I decided to keep mum for 40 days since its often used in th 1- 1I've been looking at the stats on this blog and i know that at least 500 people have seen the last few 92 11- 111 and people she'd met though her life's journey and I hope these writings gave you an insight into h 3 09 09 back to my family and friends, so thank you all for the love and support and prayers during this 12:4 04:4 and I guess you can never prepare yourself fully for something like this. &nbsp; 9:42 9:42 201 201 1- 1<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="420" he 93 12- 121 And I answer to no one I just fly where I want to You might think it could get lonely When the rai 4 03 02 ground &nbsp; 02:0 18:0 2:08 2:08 I guess we all need symbols in our life and I decided to keep mum for 40 days since its often used Also, I've been looking at the stats on this blog and i know that at least 500 people have seen the la friends and people she'd met though her life's journey and I hope these writings gave you an insigh dropped back to my family and friends, so thank you all for the love and support and prayers du 201 201 still swift and I guess you can never prepare yourself fully for something like this. I guess generall 1- 1- I spent a few weeks running around to sort out administrative matters like informing HDB, getting 92 11- 11- etc Je-in is quite fragile at the moment and tends to cry whenever he doesn't get his way or if we g 1 5 13 13 approval whenever he does something. I think he used to be more independent and brave in the pa 16:1 08:1 mummy and it breaks my heart to have to tell him, "no more mummy". I guess he understands she 3:21 3:21 couple of times. He also had a freaky episode where he suddenly got up around 3am (the hour of M living room and jumping around to avoid them. He mentioned "mummy" too. Mum prayed the nex goodbye to him and gave him a vision of fishes - alluding to the "fishers of men" analogy. I guess confirm that he's been chosen somehow to be religious if it goes according to God's plan. The next now he seems to have gotten over the incident. I heard him mutter to himself once" don't be scared Retrieved from her iPhone. These are in English, once i get the Korean ones translated, they will b Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 9, 7:52am 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. ì´ì²˜ëŸ¼ 하늘 나땼ì—ë„ ê·¸ì—• 맞갖ì ì˜¨ìœ , ì¹œì ˆ, ì¸ë‚´ 등 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 하늘 나땼 잔치를 위 있습니다. Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and my will is that God's Will be done. 9:45pm O tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to whatever you desire of me and to accept everyt 201 201 will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surrender myself to u. Do as u please.. I believe u 1- 1- u back my free will. U know what is the best for me &amp; my family. But please, do not delay m 92 11- 11- all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank u lord for giving me one more day. Everyday i c 1 6 08 08 u, use it for ur holy will. I am happy that i can be used for your will, whatever it is, and i know you 17:3 09:3 me to your presence. How i desire to be united to ur spirit! I can wait patiently, because i trust that 4:47 4:47 the day. I love you lord, more than anything in this world. I dont want to stay back in this world w where i can be truly happy praising u all the time. I wish to serve u there. Whenever i think of heav be. Thank u lord. I know ur with me inside my heart. Thank u for being with me. I love u. Sep 26, ëœê±° 마냥 ì°©ê°ì†ì—• 지냈으니 ë²Œì„ ë°›ì•„ 마땅하옵니다 겸ì†ì„ ë°°ìš° ë‹¨ìž ë„ í—ˆë½í•˜ì†Œì„œ... Sep 20, 6:26am Throughout the night, i have difficulty breathing a exhale very shortly, end up im like just finished running kind of state. Help!! Pls inform doc with u swim? What is good for lung recovery? Can i twist body? (sucking lung, cough &amp; flame) How Something protuding on the chest Wat is biopsy result? Still triple neg? Cough as long as i have ca abt this: does he prefer me to have recline arm chair to relief my back pain or not? My answer is n confused. She says God is not a petty god. "ur in pain n there is way to relief why do u refuse? The But i thought since this is God's test on my patience, he wouldnt like to see me getting this luxurio certain level &amp; amt of pain. I imagined myself as his electronic product. He's testing how stea the stress test n he will use me. Am i wrong about God? Help~!! i m confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm Sep Then i had 3 strange dreams. 1st one someone was keep flipping me down so i shout in jesus name me n i felt like floating away. I kept say jesus i give my life to u, jesus protect me. It was scary n d that one led to my old dreams later part so im blur but flying part felt real..i think i was shouting je whole night cudnt sleep well.. Pray for me.. Gods message: passover is over 탈출기 12 Sep 2, 9: 그릇과 같습니다. í—Œ 옷ì—다 새 천 ì¡°ê°ì„ ë§ëŒ€ì–´ 꿰매듯앴 옛 모습 ê 수는 없습니다. ì˜›ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìƒˆ 부대를 ë§ˆë ¨í•´ì•¼ 새 í¬ë„주를 ë‹´ì„ ìˆ í•˜ëŠ” ë‚´ì • ì‡„ì‹ ì—• íž˜ì„ ê¸°ìš¸ì—¬ì•¼ 한다는 뜻입니다. ì˜•ì •ì•¸ 무관심과 ê² ìš°ë¦¬ 안엕 모실 수 있습니다. 바오로 사ë„ê°€ ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ì§€ìš”. “여러분ì 모릅니까? ê·¸ ì„±ë ¹ì„ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì•´ 하ëŠë‹˜ì—게서 ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì€ 6,19) 바오로 사ë„는 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ 반문하며 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ 거처하시는 우리ì 마ìŒì€ 새 í¬ë„주를 담는 새 부대처럼 ì„±ë ¹ì„ ëª¨ì‹œëŠ” 장소ë¼ëŠ” ëœ ë‚˜â€™ë¡œì„œ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ ë‚´ 안엕 머무르시ë„ë¡ í•´ì•¼ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. Sep 1, 5:37p †ì•´ 기ë„하며 ê°„ì²í•˜ê³ 있습니다. 곧 여러분앴 ëª¨ë“ ì˜•ì • 지혜와 ê¹¨ë‹¬ìŒ ì¶©ë§Œí•´ì ¸, 주님께 합당하게 ì‚´ì•„ê°ìœ¼ë¡œì¨ ëª¨ë“ ë©´ì—ì„œ 그분 마ìŒì—• 아는 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ 잕땼기를 빕니다. 똕 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì˜ê´‘스러운 ëŠ¥ë ¥ì—ì„œ 내기를 빕니다. ê¸°ìœ ë§ˆìŒìœ¼ë¡œ, 성ë„ë“¤ì´ ë¹›ì˜ ë‚˜ë•¼ì—ì„œ 받는 ìƒì† 것입니다. 아버지께서는 우리를 ì–´ë‘ ì˜ ê¶Œì„¸ì—ì„œ 구해 내시어 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 아드님 안ì—ì„œ 우리는 ì†ëŸ‰ì„, 곧 ì£„ì˜ ìš©ì„œë¥¼ 받습니다. â–¥ ì‚¬ë„ ë°”ì 사랑하는 하ëŠë‹˜, ì €ì—게 í¬ì‹ ì€ì´ì„ ë² í’€ì–´ 주셔서 ì œ 마ìŒì´ ìš”ë™ í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ê°ì‚¬ë“œë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì €ë„ ì•Œì§€ 못한 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ í•° 용기와 믿ìŒì€ ì£¼ë ´ë¨¸ë‹ˆì˜ ê³µë¡œë¥¼ ë³´ì‹œê³ ì œê²Œ 특별히 ìžì• 를 ë² í‘¸ì‹ ê±¸ë¡œ 압니다. ì €ëŠ” 보잘것 환난중ì—ì„œë„ ë‘•ë ¤ì›Œí•˜ëŠ” 맘앴 ì¼ì§€ëŠ” 않지만 ì „ ì•„ì§ë„ 여러모ë 대화하는ë°ì„œ 많앴 모ìžëžŒì„ ê³ ë°±í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì „ ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë„ˆë¬´ë‚˜ë„ ëŒ€í™” ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì†ì‚¼ìž„ì´ ë“¤ë¦¬ì§€ 않사옵니다. ì„±ë ¹ì˜ ì—ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ë„ ì œ ì•ˆì—•ì„ ì•¼ì–´ë í•œë§ì”€ì´ë¼ë„ 해주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤! 아니, 한마디ë¼ë„ ì œê°€ 들ì„수 있게 ì œ ê·€ë ´ì˜¤ì…”ì„œ ì œë§ˆìŒì„ 불살땼 주옵소서! ì œê°€ ì´ë¦¬ë„ ì•ˆì •ì ì´ë©´ì„œë„ ë‹ ë„ˆë¬´ ì²´ë…하여 그런게 ì•„ë‹ê¹Œ ë‘•ë µìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 분명 ì œ 옆엕 계 믿사오니 계솕 ì œ 안엕 임하시며 ì—사하여 주소서. Aug 28, 12:04pm 주님, ì Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life 1. God is my sheph love, I walk by the quiet waters of peace. 2. Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, you lead music of your Name. 3. Though i should wander the valley of death, I fear no evil, for you are at m set me a banquet of love in the face of hatred, crowning me with love beyond my power to hold. 5 will dwell in the house of my God forevermore. Aug 25, 10:41am 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기(ê 오로지 ì£¼ë‹˜ë§Œì„ ë”°ë¥´ë ¤ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì‹ìžê°€ë¥¼ ì§€ê³ ì—¬ê¸° 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 오로 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 오롯앴 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 하얀 소복 ì°¨ë ¤ ì—¬ í›„ë ´) 파아란 í’€ë°ì—• ì•´ 몸 뉘어주소서 ê³ ì•´ 쉬땼 물터로 나를 ëŒì– 쉴 ê³³ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ í’ˆ ì˜ì›ížˆ ìž ë“œë µë‹ˆë‹¤ Jul 1, 4:28pm In every situation in life you need co I am giving you this message. For you to realise that in life you will always need to pray for graces strong and so too your trust in me. It is I who speaks. Aug 25, 10:38am 받아주소서(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 받아주소서 (2번) 1. ë‚˜ì˜ ëª¨ë“ ìžìœ 와 ë‚˜ì˜ ê¸°ì–µê³¼ ì§€ë ¥ ë‚˜ì˜ ì˜ì§€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ë˜ëŒë ¤ 드리오리다 2. 내게 ì£¼ì‹ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ì£¼ì˜ ê²ƒì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 오징 주ë 주시면 ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ May 23, 4:41pm ì „ëŠ¥í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜, 만물앴 ë‹¹ì‹ ê¶Œìœ„ì•ˆì—• 없습니다. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ëœ»í•˜ì‹ ëŒ€ë¡œ ì €í•¬ì—게 ì£¼ì‹œê³ ë˜í•œ 앗아가시니 ëª ì‹ ë¹„ë¥¼ ì´í•´í•˜ì§€ 못하여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì›•ë§•í–ˆë˜ ì €ë¥¼ ìš©ì„œí•˜ì‹œê³ ì €ì—게 ë”í• ë”í•´ì£¼ì‹œë“ ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹¤ëŒ€ë¡œ 하ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. ì „ 들풀ì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 바람불면 í”들리ê ëª¨ë“ ìƒ•ê°•ê³¼ 핬맕 모둕 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ 바치오니 ë‹¹ì‹ ëœ»ëŒ€ë¡œ 하옵소서. May 22, 12 of God) john 1:12, Ezekiel 36:24-27 -witness(external: preach boldly, heal) -Charismatic gift &a spirit, sonship with God the father 1 Cor 11:23 Why r we praying over again and again for the filli imagination, memory(1/8 concious, 7/8 unconcious), emotion, will-we need to transform all 5 of th faith &amp; love, stir into the flame. Apr 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr healthy n pure blood circulate i  weak body. And may yr healthy n vigorous life throb within me. Amen. Apr 8, 9:46am 사람ë ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë©´ 얼마나 ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ìžˆëŠ”ì§€ 물어보면 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ë¯¿ìŒì˜ 눈앴 열립니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ì•Žì€ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì„ ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ìš°ë 완성ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 아는 만핼 ë¯¿ê³ ë¯¿ëŠ” 만핼 ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì‹¤ì²œí• ìˆ˜ 있습 â—Ž ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시네. â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시며, 분 게 좋으시며, ê·¸ ìžë¹„ ëª¨ë“ ì¡°ë¬¼ 위엕 내리네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë§ì”€ë§ 누구ë¼ë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë¶™ë“œì‹œê³ , 꺾앸 ì´ëŠ” 누구ë¼ë„ ì¼ìœ¼ì¼œ 세우시 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë¶€ë¥´ëŠ” ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게, 진실하ê 9:23pm 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” 무아는, 예수님께서 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 무화(ç ìžì‹ ì•´ ì—†ì–´ì§€ê³ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 그분과 하나 ëœ ìƒíƒœë¥¼ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리스ë„êµ ì„œ 다릅니다. 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” ë¹„ì›€ì€ ì˜ˆìˆ˜ 그리스ë„를 ë‚´ 안 있듯앴, 예수님 안ì—ì„œ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì¼í•˜ê³ ê³„ì‹ ê²ƒì²˜ëŸ¼ 우리를 비운 바오로 사ë„는 â€œì•´ì œëŠ” ë‚´ê°€ 사는 것앴 아니땼 그리스ë„께서 ë‚´ ì•ˆì— ê²°êµ ë¹„ì›€ì€ ë‹¨ìˆœížˆ 집착과 íƒìš•ì„ ëŠëŠ” ê²ƒë§Œì„ ëœ»í•˜ì§€ 않습니다. ë˜í•œ 아닙니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ë¹„ì›€ì˜ ì˜ë¯¸ëŠ” 사랑하는 것입니다. 우리가 그냥 비운다ê 비워지는 것입니다. 그냥 비워서는 곧바로 다른 것앴 들어와 잕리를 ì‚¬ëž‘í•˜ì‹œê³ ì„¸ìƒ•ì—• ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì‹œëŠ” ê²ƒì„ ëœ»í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ëˆ„êµ¬ë¥¼ 사 비움앴 시작ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Mar 21, 11:12pm 하ëŠë‹˜, ì˜í˜¼ì˜ ê±´ê°•ì„ ìœ„í•˜ì—¬ ìœ¡ì‹ ì˜ ë§ˆìŒì„ 다하여 ìžì• ë¡œìš°ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ê³„ëª…ì„ ì§€í‚¤ê²Œ 하소서. 우리가 사람 없다!’는 믿ìŒì„ 가진다면 편해질 것입니다. 주어땼. 그러면 ë„ˆí¬ ë˜ì–´ 너핬 품엕 ë‹´ì•„ 주실 것ì´ë‹¤. 너í¬ê°€ ë˜ì§ˆí•˜ëŠ” 바로 ê·¸ ë˜ë¡œ 너핬 • “내가 너를 ë§Žì€ ë¯¼ì¡±ì˜ ì¡°ìƒìœ¼ë¡œ 만들었다.â€•ë•¼ê³ ê¸°ë¡ëœ ê· ì£½ì€ ì´ë“¤ì„ 다시 ì‚´ë¦¬ì‹œê³ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ì§€ 않는 ê²ƒì„ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ë„ë¡ ë¶ˆëŸ¬ë‚´ì‹œëŠ” 18 그는 핬맕앴 ì—†ì–´ë„ í¬ë§í•˜ë©°, â€œë„ˆì˜ í›„ì†ë“¤ì´ ì €ë ‡ê²Œ 많아질 ê² ì•„ë²„ì§€â€ê°€ ë• ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 22 바로 ê·¸ 때문엕 “하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ê·¸ 로마서4장 Mar 13, 3:00am 매야 아침 기ë„: 오늘 하루ë™ì•ˆ ì œì•¸ì•´ ì—„ë§ˆì˜ ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì´ì›ƒê³¼ 나눌수 있게 ë‚¨ì„ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ëŠ” 마ìŒê³¼ ë„“ì€ ì•„ëŸ‰ì„ ì£¼ì†Œ 마ìŒì„ 주관하여 ì£¼ì‹œê³ , 오늘 하루 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ 아래서 지내게 하여 ì 아멘. Mar 1, 1:52pm 해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다. 오늘 ë³µìŒì—ì„œ ë² ë“œë ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìŠ¤ìŠ¹ë‹˜ì„ ë”°ëžìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.― í•˜ê³ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ë§íˆ¬ì—는 ì ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ì•´ 맕엕 예수님께서는 아무런 ì¹ì°¬ë„ í•´ 주지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜¤íž ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë‹¤ ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ í•œë‹¤ê³ ë§ì”€í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì—게 ëŒì•„올 ì–´ë–¤ ì˜ê´‘ì ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ 한다는 것입니다. ìž„ê¸ˆì„ ë“±ì—• íƒœìš°ê³ ê°€ëŠ” 나귀가 있었습니다 ìžë¶€ì‹¬ì´ 대단했습니다. 사람들앴 ì˜¨ëª¸ì„ ì¹˜ìž¥í•´ ì£¼ê³ , 임금앴 타는 나귀 ë‚ , 임금앴 ê·¸ 나귀를 íƒ€ê³ í–‰ë ¬ í• ë•Œ, 사람들앴 환호를 하잕, 나귀는 사ë 답례를 보냈습니다. ê²°êµ ìž„ê¸ˆì€ ë‚˜ê·€ì—ì„œ ë–¨ì–´ì§€ê³ ë§•ì•˜ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì • êµ ì˜ˆí™”ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. êµíšŒì—• 봉사한다는 ê²ƒì€ â€˜ë¶€ë¦„ ë°›ì€ ì¢…â€™ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ì € “해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다.―(루카 17,10)땼 ì´ìƒ ìƒê°í•˜ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ì˜•ì • êµë§Œìž…니다. Feb 9, 6:50pm 너가 암엕 걸린건 그럴 잕격앴 없어서앴 cooxpmlop ã…Š í•— ã…¡ã…‘ã…“ã…— 푸 다. ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê³ ë‚ †ì§€ë§Œ 너를 위해 ìœ ìµí•˜ë‹¤ëŠ”ê²ƒë§Œì€ ëª…ì‹¬í•´ë•¼ 하루를 ë” ì•„í”„ê²Œë˜ë 용기와 힘, ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ì´ë‹¤. Jan 26, 10:39am 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ í•˜ëŠ ê°€ì§„ 것엕 ì˜ì§€í•´ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하면, 하ëŠë‹˜ì—• 대한 믿ìŒë³´ë‹¤ë 때문야 것입니다. ë²•ì • ìŠ¤ë‹˜ì˜ ì±… ã€Žë¬´ì†Œìœ ã€•ì—• ì´ëŸ° êµ¬ì ˆì•´ 있습ë 때로는 ê·¸ 물건 때문엕 마ìŒì„ 쓰게 ëœë‹¤. ë”°ë¼ì„œ 무엇ì¸ê°€ë¥¼ 것, 그러므로 많앴 ê°–ê³ ìžˆë‹¤ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ê·¸ë§Œí•¼ 많앴 얽혀 있다는 뜻앴ë 많ì„수ë¡, 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 위한 ì¼ë§ˆì €ë„ ê·¸ 뿌리ì—서는 세ìƒì˜ ì¼ì„ 하ë 성과보다 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ ì˜íƒí•˜ëŠ” 우리 ì‚¶ì˜ íƒœë„ê°€ 중요합니다. Jan 24, 3 the top... I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts. As a result of them the Lord - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. Jan 22, 2:07am ì˜ ë¬´ì—‡ê³¼ë„ ë°”ê¿€ 수 없는 ì€ì´ì˜ 사건ì´ì§€ë§Œ, 반드시 ì ¸ì•¼ í• ì‹ìžê°€ê°€ 가족사랑-ì¢‹ì€ ì—„ë§ˆ, ì¢‹ì€ ì•„ë‚´ 1) ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ê±´ê°• ì±…ìž„-ì¢‹ì€ ì‹ë‹¨ 2) 살림꾸ë 아니시므로, 여러분앴 성ë„들ì—게 ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ì˜€ê³ ì§€ê¸ˆë„ ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ë©´ì„œ 잊지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 11 여러분 ê°ìžê°€ 핬맕앴 실현ë˜ë„ë¡ ë까지 ê°™ 그리하여 게으른 사람앴 ë˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ , 약ì†ëœ ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ìŒê³¼ ì¸ë‚´ë¡œ ìƒ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ížˆë¸Œë¦¬ì„œì˜ ë§ì”€ìž…니다.6,10-20 Jan 15, 9:39am 진실앴 ë°í˜€ì¡Œë‹¤ 치르게 하셨다. ê·¸ ë§Žì€ í˜¼ì„ ê³¼ 지긋지긋한 í•ì•”치료.. ëë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ìžƒì—ˆ 무ìžë¹„í•˜ê³ ëƒ‰í˜¹í•˜ì‹œë©° ë™ì‹œì—• ìž•ì²´ê°€ 사랑ì´ë¼ëŠ” ëª¨ìˆœì˜ ì‹ ì´ì‹œë‹¤ 모른채 벌앸 실수를 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ìž”ì¸í•˜ê²Œ 추ê¶í•˜ì‹œë‹¤ë‹ˆ! ë‚˜ì˜ ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜! ë‹¹ì‹ ëŒ€ì‹ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì…¨ë‹¤êµ¬ìš”?! 그것앴 ì œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì•—ì•„ê°€ì•¼ë§Œ í• ì£„ì˜€ìŠµë 위로해주세요.. ì•´ ìƒì²˜ë¥¼ 아물수있게 넘치는 사랑과 위안과 ë³µì„ ì£¼ì„¸ìš ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹ ë°ìš”? ê·¸ë ‡ê²Œ ë‰˜ìš°ì¹˜ê³ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë‹¤ê³ í•œ ì ˆ ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ë‚´ë™ëŒ•ì 궕극ì 으로 우리 ì¸ìƒì„ 아름답게 í•˜ì‹œê³ ì°¸ë˜ê²Œ 하시는 ë¶„ì€ ì§„ë¦¬ì˜ ë¶ˆì•ˆí•˜ê³ í˜¼ëž€ìŠ¤ëŸ¬ìš¸ìˆ˜ë¡• 우리ì—게 필요한 ê²ƒì€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì„ ìœ¼ë¡œ ì´ë 잕주 미사 참례를 í•˜ê³ , 성체 조배를 하며, ê³ í•´ì„±ì‚¬ë¥¼ 통하여 ìžì‹ ì„ ë”ìš ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리가 미래를 몰ë¼ì„œ 삶앴 ë‘•ë ¤ìš´ 것앴 아닙니다. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë³´ì´ì§€ 않는 미래를 ì£¼ì‹ ì´ìœ 는, 우리가 하루하루를 새ë¡ê²Œ 사람ì—게 미래는 ì„¤ë ˜ê³¼ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì„¸ê³„ë¡œ 다가옵니다. Jan 10, 9:17am ì‚¶ì— ´ì§„다. ìž˜ëª»ëœ ì„ íƒìœ¼ë¡œ ì¸í•œ ê³ í†µ, ë‹¤ë¥¸ì‚¬ëžŒì˜ ì£„ë‚˜ 환경으로 ì¸í•´ ë° í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì˜ë„ì 으로 ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒì•´ 아니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì•´ ê³ í†µ ì„œë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë¯¿ëŠ”ìžë“¤ì„ 통해 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œê¸° 때문ì´ë‹¤. ì•´ 세ìƒì 그래서 우리ì—게 벌어지는 ëª¨ë“ ì‚¬ê±´ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì„리안엕 머무르는 것ì 찾아온다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ ë°©ê´€ìžì‹œë‹¤. 하지만 ì‹œë ¨ì†•ì—ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¾ëŠ”ìž ê³„ì†• 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¬ì–‘í• ìˆ˜ ìžˆê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„ 값진 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œëŠ”ê±°ë‹¤. Jan 1 때’는 잕기 ìžì‹ ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하지만, ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 바오로 사ë„처럼 â€˜ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ì¼í•˜ì‹œê¸° 때문입니다. ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë´‰ì‚¬ìžë¡œ ì¼í•˜ëŠ” 사람ì—게 필요한 ê ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ë„구로 앨 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤.― 하는 겸ì†í•œ ì‘답ì´ë©´ ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Jan 8, 1:32a 온몸엕 나병앴 걸린 사람앴 다가왔다. 그는 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë³´ìž•, ì–¼êµ´ì„ ë•…ì— ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œëŠ” í•˜ê³ ìž• 하시면 ì €ë¥¼ 깨땗하게 하실 수 있습니다.― ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„ â€œë‚´ê°€ í•˜ê³ ìž• 하니, 깨땗하게 ë˜ì–´ë•¼.― 그러잕 곧 나병앴 가셨다. Jan ëŠ¥ë ¥ì•´ 있사오니 부디 ì €ì—게 ìžë¹„를 ë² í‘¸ì‹œì–´ ì ˆ ì´ë³‘ì—ì„œ 해방시켜 ì¹˜ìœ ë°›ê¸¸ 기ë„í•˜ë˜ ë‚´ê°€ 어늕땧 ìˆ˜ìˆ ë„ ì¢‹ìœ¼ë‹ˆ 완치만 시켜주시길 기ë ë¯¿ì—ˆë˜ ë¯¿ìŒì€ 무참히 ë¶€ìˆ´ì§€ê³ ì•´ì œëŠ” 겸허하게 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 ë‚ ì 기ì˜ê²Œ ë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ë„ë ¤ë‚¼ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. ì•´ ì‹¬ì¤‘ì˜ ë³€í™”ì•¼ë§ë¡œ 가장 í•° ê¸°ì • To: Love God, serve God, honour&amp;praise God Willing to do God's will, know God, free inter God desire us to be . Know urself. Use imagination, be creative, imagine new possibility Patience. 기ë„하진 ì•Šì„것: ì§ìž¥ ë‹¤ë‹ˆê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì‚´ë¹ ì§€ê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì œì•¸ì•´ ì½” ë†’ì—¬ì£¼ì„ ì–´ê¹¨, ë°œ 완치 남편 ì§ìž¥ 진로 ì´ë„심 ì œì•¸ 학굕 ì¸ë„ 열심히 êµ¬í• ê²ƒ: ê¸ êµìœ¡ì˜ 지혜 겸ì†ì˜ 삶 ê±´ê°•í•˜ê³ í™”ëª©í•œ ê°€ì • í• ë¨¸ë‹ˆ/아버지 천êµìœ¼ë¡œ ì ì€ì´ì•ˆì—• 임종 Dec 28, 3:41pm 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 오해하는것 마치 ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ ë²„ìŠ ë³´ê³ íƒ€ë ¤ëŠ”ì¤„ì•Œê³ ë©ˆì·„ëŠ”ë•° ì‚¬ì‹¤ì€ ìžì‹ 뒤엕 있는 버스를 향한것임ì 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì€ ê·¸ê²Œ 아닌땰 ë‚´ 멋대로 í•´ì„í•˜ê³ ë‚˜ì¤‘ì—• 가서 ì•„ 그게 아줌마가 ì†ì„ 너무 ì¼ì°ë“¤ì—ˆëŠë‹ˆ 하며 ì”¨ë¶€ë •ê±°ë¦¬ë©´ 얼마나 꼴사ë ë‚©ë“하는 ìžì„¸ ë˜í•œ 중요하다. ì˜¤í•´ìž„ì„ ì•Œì•˜ìœ¼ë©´ 다시 ì œ ìžì„¸ë¡œ ëŒì• í‘¸ë…•ë– ëŠ”ê±´ 오버다! 하ëŠë‹˜ê³¼ì˜ 관계솕ì—ì„œë„ ë§ˆì°¬ê°€ì§€ì´ë‹¤. ë³¸ì•¸ì• ë…¸ë ¥ì€ ëª»í• ë§•ì • 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë‚ ê°€ì§€ê³ ë†€ì•˜ë‹¤ ë°°ì‹ ë‹¹í–ˆë‹¤ 하며 ì›ë§í•´ì„œ 그만ë‘지 못 한것ë„, ëŒìž”치 치른것ë„, í•œêµì—¬í–‰ ê°„ê²ƒë„ ë‹¤ 싫어하셨 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì‹«ì–´í•˜ì‹¤ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥¸ë‹¤. 무언가 ì›í• 때마다 그것앴 네 욕심ì¸ì§ 11:54pm 겸ì†ì˜ 삶: everyday life 1) 좋ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 궂ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í ë•ê³ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ê³ ì¡´ì¤‘í•´ì£¼ê¸° ì¸ë‚´ì˜ 삶: on life crisis 1) ì˜ì§€ì 으로ë¼ë„ ê°ì‚¬ 조급해하지 않기 3) ì„ í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ í¬ì‹ ëœ»ì„ ë¯¿ê³ ë°”ë•¼ê¸° Dec 15, 11:42pm ì í‰í™” ë“±ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì€ ì¸ë‚´ë¥¼ 요구합니다. ì¸ë‚´í•˜ëŠ” 사람ë 사람만앴 ê·¸ 열매를 맛볼 수 있습니다. 세례잕 ìš”í•œì€ ìš”ë¥´ë‹¨ ê°•ì—ì„œ ‘어린양’앴땼 ì†Œê°œí•˜ê³ , ìžì‹ ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì‹ ë°œ ëˆì¡°ì°¨ 풀어 드릴 수 ì—†ë íë¥¼ìˆ˜ë¡ ì´ˆì¡°í•´ì§‘ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì€ ê°ì˜¥ì—• 갇히는 ì‹ ì„¸ê°€ ë˜ê³ , 예수님께서ë ê°€ì‹œê³ ìžˆê¸° 때문입니다. 그래서 예수님께 ì œìžë“¤ì„ ë³´ë‚´ì–´, “오실 분앴 합니까?― í•˜ê³ ì—¬ì™ê²Œ 합니다. 세례잕 ìš”í•œì˜ ë¯¿ìŒì´ í”들리는 대ë ëª»í•˜ê³ , ë˜ëŠ” 앴미 우리와 함께 ê³„ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œì•„ë³´ì§€ ëª»í•˜ê³ ì‹ ì•™ ìžì²´ê°€ í 세례잕 요한처럼 ì˜ì‹¬ì„ 품게 ë• ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥´ê² ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 그러나 ì ˆë§í•˜ì§€ ë§ ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ 기ë„해야 합니다. 주님께서는 우리 ì‚¶ì„ í†µí•˜ì—¬ ìƒí™œ 가운ë°ë¡ 12, 12:39pm ë•…ì˜ ê·€í•œ ì†Œì¶œì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” ë†ë¶€ë¥¼ ë³´ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. 그는 앴른 ë¹„ì™ ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ë„ ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ë©° 마ìŒì„ 굳게 가지ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. Nov ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì„ ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ê·¸ë¶„ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë…¸ë•¼ê³ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ë”°ë¼ë‚˜ì„ 사 í˜•ì œìžë§¤ë“¤ì•´ê³ , ì§•ì—…ì€ ì¼ìš©í• ì–‘ì‹ì„ 위한 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ê³¼ ë°°ë ¤ìž… 않습니다. 그러니 ì–¸ì œë‚˜ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 합당한 ìƒí™œì„ 하ë„ë¡ ë…¸ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì„ ì²´í—˜í•˜ë©´ì„œ 살아갑니다. ì•´ ì²´í—˜ì€ ì–¸ì œë‚˜ ìƒˆë¡œì›€ì„ ê°€ì ¸ë‹¤ì£¼ë© ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ì§€ ëª»í•˜ê³ í˜„ì‹¤ì—만 안주하며, ë³´ì´ëŠ” 것ì—만 급급하게 매달 것입니다. * 새로움앴 없다면 ë³€í™”ëœ ì‚¶ì„ ê¿ˆê¿€ 수 ì—†ê³ , 우리를 새ë¡ê²Œ 것입니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë©´ 얼마나 불행한 ì‚¬ë¦¼ì•´ê² ëŠ”ì§€ìš”! 깨어서 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ê¸°ë 1:24pm 무 ë°˜í† ë§‰ 소금 1/3스푼 ì‹ì´ˆ 1 스푼 ê³ ì¶”ê°€ë£¨ 1 스푼 설탕 1/3(or 매실 23, 8:57pm The disposition u need to receive god's healing Humility: thank god gor what god has world know that u need help u need grace of god U want god to do things ur way? Forgiveness: re need the forgiveness of god. Allow ourselves to be available to god n others. Desire to forgive. Go would be faithful always. We can rely on him.. Surrender ur life to god: U want healing or relief? destroying u! Our unhappiness is caused by us. Do the right thing.. Not be too naive, thinking god happening to us.. Ask for his will be done. Dun clinging to this life. Detaatch from the world. God testimony to god: We must proclaim wat the lord has done for us. It is for the greater glory of god. way u think.. In his way particulary for u.. Oct 11, 11:53pm 아픈만핼 ë” ì„±ìˆ™í•´ì§„ë‹¤ ì£ ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì§•ì ‘ 치료하시ë„ë¡ ë‚´ 놓는다 Sep 5, 11:12am ë² ë„¤ì¹˜ì•„: ë°”ì˜ì„±ë‹¹ ë í¬ë¡œì•„í‹°ì•„: 성 스테팕 성당 드부로브니핬 í•¬ë ˆíƒ€ 아틀란티스 ì‚°í† ë¦¬ Retrieved from her iPhone. These are in English, once i get the Korean ones translated, they will b Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 9, 7:52am 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. ì´ì²˜ëŸ¼ 하늘 나땼ì—ë„ ê·¸ì—• 맞갖ì ì˜¨ìœ , ì¹œì ˆ, ì¸ë‚´ 등 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 하늘 나땼 잔치를 위 있습니다. Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and my will is that God's Will be done. 9:45pm O tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to whatever you desire of me and to accept everyt will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surrender myself to u. Do as u please.. I believe u u back my free will. U know what is the best for me &amp; my family. But please, do not delay m all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank u lord for giving me one more day. Everyday i c u, use it for ur holy will. I am happy that i can be used for your will, whatever it is, and i know you me to your presence. How i desire to be united to ur spirit! I can wait patiently, because i trust that the day. I love you lord, more than anything in this world. I dont want to stay back in this world w where i can be truly happy praising u all the time. I wish to serve u there. Whenever i think of heav be. Thank u lord. I know ur with me inside my heart. Thank u for being with me. I love u. Sep 26, ëœê±° 마냥 ì°©ê°ì†ì—• 지냈으니 ë²Œì„ ë°›ì•„ 마땅하옵니다 겸ì†ì„ ë°°ìš° ë‹¨ìž ë„ í—ˆë½í•˜ì†Œì„œ... Sep 20, 6:26am Throughout the night, i have difficulty breathing a exhale very shortly, end up im like just finished running kind of state. Help!! Pls inform doc with u swim? What is good for lung recovery? Can i twist body? (sucking lung, cough &amp; flame) How Something protuding on the chest Wat is biopsy result? Still triple neg? Cough as long as i have ca 201 201 abt this: does he prefer me to have recline arm chair to relief my back pain or not? My answer is n 1- 1- confused. She says God is not a petty god. "ur in pain n there is way to relief why do u refuse? The 92 11- 11- But i thought since this is God's test on my patience, he wouldnt like to see me getting this luxurio 1 7 18 18 certain level &amp; amt of pain. I imagined myself as his electronic product. He's testing how stea 22:0 14:0 the stress test n he will use me. Am i wrong about God? Help~!! i m confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm Sep 9:40 9:40 Then i had 3 strange dreams. 1st one someone was keep flipping me down so i shout in jesus name me n i felt like floating away. I kept say jesus i give my life to u, jesus protect me. It was scary n d that one led to my old dreams later part so im blur but flying part felt real..i think i was shouting je whole night cudnt sleep well.. Pray for me.. Gods message: passover is over 탈출기 12 Sep 2, 9: 그릇과 같습니다. í—Œ 옷ì—다 새 천 ì¡°ê°•ì„ ë§ëŒ€ì–´ 꿰매듯앴 옛 모습 ê 수는 없습니다. ì˜›ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìƒˆ 부대를 ë§ˆë ¨í•´ì•¼ 새 í¬ë„주를 ë‹´ì„ ìˆ í•˜ëŠ” ë‚´ì • ì‡„ì‹ ì—• íž˜ì„ ê¸°ìš¸ì—¬ì•¼ 한다는 뜻입니다. ì˜•ì •ì•¸ 무관심과 ê² ìš°ë¦¬ 안엕 모실 수 있습니다. 바오로 사ë„ê°€ ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ì§€ìš”. “여러분ì 모릅니까? ê·¸ ì„±ë ¹ì„ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì•´ 하ëŠë‹˜ì—게서 ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì€ 6,19) 바오로 사ë„는 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ 반문하며 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ 거처하시는 우리ì 마ìŒì€ 새 í¬ë„주를 담는 새 부대처럼 ì„±ë ¹ì„ ëª¨ì‹œëŠ” 장소ë¼ëŠ” ëœ ë‚˜â€™ë¡œì„œ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ ë‚´ 안엕 머무르시ë„ë¡ í•´ì•¼ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. Sep 1, 5:37p †ì•´ 기ë„하며 ê°„ì²í•˜ê³ 있습니다. 곧 여러분앴 ëª¨ë“ ì˜•ì • 지혜와 ê¹¨ë‹¬ìŒ ì¶©ë§Œí•´ì ¸, 주님께 합당하게 ì‚´ì•„ê°ìœ¼ë¡œì¨ ëª¨ë“ ë©´ì—ì„œ 그분 마ìŒì—• 아는 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ 잕땼기를 빕니다. 똕 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì˜ê´‘스러운 ëŠ¥ë ¥ì—ì„œ 내기를 빕니다. ê¸°ìœ ë§ˆìŒìœ¼ë¡œ, 성ë„ë“¤ì´ ë¹›ì˜ ë‚˜ë•¼ì—ì„œ 받는 ìƒì† 것입니다. 아버지께서는 우리를 ì–´ë‘ ì˜ ê¶Œì„¸ì—ì„œ 구해 내시어 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 아드님 안ì—ì„œ 우리는 ì†ëŸ‰ì„, 곧 ì£„ì˜ ìš©ì„œë¥¼ 받습니다. â–¥ ì‚¬ë„ ë°”ì 사랑하는 하ëŠë‹˜, ì €ì—게 í¬ì‹ ì€ì´ì„ ë² í’€ì–´ 주셔서 ì œ 마ìŒì´ ìš”ë™ í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ê°ì‚¬ë“œë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì €ë•„ 알지 못한 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ í•° 용기와 믿ìŒì€ ì£¼ë ´ë¨¸ë‹ˆì˜ ê³µë¡œë¥¼ ë³´ì‹œê³ ì œê²Œ 특별히 ìžì• 를 ë² í‘¸ì‹ ê±¸ë¡œ 압니다. ì €ëŠ” 보잘것 환난중ì—ì„œë„ ë‘•ë ¤ì›Œí•˜ëŠ” 맘앴 ì¼ì§€ëŠ” 않지만 ì „ ì•„ì§ë„ 여러모ë 대화하는ë°ì„œ 많앴 모ìžëžŒì„ ê³ ë°±í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì „ ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë„ˆë¬´ë‚˜ë„ ëŒ€í™” ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì†ì‚¼ìž„ì´ ë“¤ë¦¬ì§€ 않사옵니다. ì„±ë ¹ì˜ ì—ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ë„ ì œ 안ì—ì„ ì•¼ì–´ë í•œë§ì”€ì´ë¼ë„ 해주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤! 아니, 한마디ë¼ë„ ì œê°€ 들ì„수 있게 ì œ ê·€ë ´ì˜¤ì…”ì„œ ì œë§ˆìŒì„ 불살땼 주옵소서! ì œê°€ ì´ë¦¬ë„ ì•ˆì •ì ì´ë©´ì„œë„ ë‹ ë„ˆë¬´ ì²´ë…하여 그런게 ì•„ë‹ê¹Œ ë‘•ë µìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 분명 ì œ 옆엕 계 믿사오니 계솕 ì œ 안엕 임하시며 ì—사하여 주소서. Aug 28, 12:04pm 주님, ì Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life 1. God is my sheph love, I walk by the quiet waters of peace. 2. Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, you lead music of your Name. 3. Though i should wander the valley of death, I fear no evil, for you are at m set me a banquet of love in the face of hatred, crowning me with love beyond my power to hold. 5 will dwell in the house of my God forevermore. Aug 25, 10:41am 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기(ê 오로지 ì£¼ë‹˜ë§Œì„ ë”°ë¥´ë ¤ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì‹ìžê°€ë¥¼ ì§€ê³ ì—¬ê¸° 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 오로 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 오롯앴 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 하얀 소복 ì°¨ë ¤ ì—¬ í›„ë ´) 파아란 í’€ë°ì—• ì•´ 몸 뉘어주소서 ê³ ì•´ 쉬땼 물터로 나를 ëŒì– 쉴 ê³³ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ í’ˆ ì˜ì›ížˆ ìž ë“œë µë‹ˆë‹¤ Jul 1, 4:28pm In every situation in life you need co I am giving you this message. For you to realise that in life you will always need to pray for graces strong and so too your trust in me. It is I who speaks. Aug 25, 10:38am 받아주소서(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 받아주소서 (2번) 1. ë‚˜ì˜ ëª¨ë“ ìžìœ 와 ë‚˜ì˜ ê¸°ì–µê³¼ ì§€ë ¥ ë‚˜ì˜ ì˜ì§€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ë˜ëŒë ¤ 드리오리다 2. 내게 ì£¼ì‹ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ì£¼ì˜ ê²ƒì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 오징 주ë 주시면 ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ May 23, 4:41pm ì „ëŠ¥í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜, 만물앴 ë‹¹ì‹ ê¶Œìœ„ì•ˆì—• 없습니다. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ëœ»í•˜ì‹ ëŒ€ë¡œ ì €í•¬ì—게 ì£¼ì‹œê³ ë˜í•œ 앗아가시니 ëª ì‹ ë¹„ë¥¼ ì´í•´í•˜ì§€ 못하여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì›•ë§•í–ˆë˜ ì €ë¥¼ ìš©ì„œí•˜ì‹œê³ ì €ì—게 ë”í• ë”í•´ì£¼ì‹œë“ ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹¤ëŒ€ë¡œ 하ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. ì „ 들풀ì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 바람불면 í”들리ê ëª¨ë“ ìƒ•ê°•ê³¼ 핬맕 모둕 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ 바치오니 ë‹¹ì‹ ëœ»ëŒ€ë¡œ 하옵소서. May 22, 12 of God) john 1:12, Ezekiel 36:24-27 -witness(external: preach boldly, heal) -Charismatic gift &a spirit, sonship with God the father 1 Cor 11:23 Why r we praying over again and again for the filli imagination, memory(1/8 concious, 7/8 unconcious), emotion, will-we need to transform all 5 of th faith &amp; love, stir into the flame. Apr 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr healthy n pure blood circulate i  weak body. And may yr healthy n vigorous life throb within me. Amen. Apr 8, 9:46am 사람ë ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë©´ 얼마나 ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ìžˆëŠ”ì§€ 물어보면 땩니다. ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ë¯¿ìŒì˜ 눈앴 열립니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ì•Žì€ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì„ ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ìš°ë 완성ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 아는 만핼 ë¯¿ê³ ë¯¿ëŠ” 만핼 ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì‹¤ì²œí• ìˆ˜ 있습 â—Ž ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시네. â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시며, 분 게 좋으시며, ê·¸ ìžë¹„ ëª¨ë“ ì¡°ë¬¼ 위엕 내리네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë§ì”€ë§ 누구ë¼ë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë¶™ë“œì‹œê³ , 꺾앸 ì´ëŠ” 누구ë¼ë„ ì¼ìœ¼ì¼œ 세우시 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë¶€ë¥´ëŠ” ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게, 진실하ê 9:23pm 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” 무아는, 예수님께서 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 무화(ç ìžì‹ ì•´ ì—†ì–´ì§€ê³ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 그분과 하나 ëœ ìƒíƒœë¥¼ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리스ë„êµ ì„œ 다릅니다. 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” ë¹„ì›€ì€ ì˜ˆìˆ˜ 그리스ë„를 ë‚´ 안 있듯앴, 예수님 안ì—ì„œ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì¼í•˜ê³ ê³„ì‹ ê²ƒì²˜ëŸ¼ 우리를 비운 바오로 사ë„는 â€œì•´ì œëŠ” ë‚´ê°€ 사는 것앴 아니땼 그리스ë„께서 ë‚´ ì•ˆì— ê²°êµ ë¹„ì›€ì€ ë‹¨ìˆœížˆ 집착과 íƒìš•ì„ ëŠëŠ” ê²ƒë§Œì„ ëœ»í•˜ì§€ 않습니다. ë˜í•œ 아닙니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ë¹„ì›€ì˜ ì˜ë¯¸ëŠ” 사랑하는 것입니다. 우리가 그냥 비운다ê 비워지는 것입니다. 그냥 비워서는 곧바로 다른 것앴 들어와 잕리를 ì‚¬ëž‘í•˜ì‹œê³ ì„¸ìƒ•ì—• ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì‹œëŠ” 것아 뜻합니다. ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ëˆ„êµ¬ë¥¼ 사 비움앴 시작ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Mar 21, 11:12pm 하ëŠë‹˜, ì˜í˜¼ì˜ ê±´ê°•ì„ ìœ„í•˜ì—¬ ìœ¡ì‹ ì˜ ë§ˆìŒì„ 다하여 ìžì• ë¡œìš°ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ê³„ëª…ì„ ì§€í‚¤ê²Œ 하소서. 우리가 사람 없다!’는 믿ìŒì„ 가진다면 편해질 것입니다. 주어땼. 그러면 ë„ˆí¬ ë˜ì–´ 너핬 품엕 ë‹´ì•„ 주실 것ì´ë‹¤. 너í¬ê°€ ë˜ì§ˆí•˜ëŠ” 바로 ê·¸ ë˜ë¡œ ë„ˆí¬ • “내가 너를 ë§Žì€ ë¯¼ì¡±ì˜ ì¡°ìƒ•ìœ¼ë¡œ 만들었다.â€•ë•¼ê³ ê¸°ë¡ëœ ê· ì£½ì€ ì´ë“¤ì„ 다시 ì‚´ë¦¬ì‹œê³ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ì§€ 않는 ê²ƒì„ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ë„ë¡ ë¶ˆëŸ¬ë‚´ì‹œëŠ” 18 그는 핬맕앴 ì—†ì–´ë„ í¬ë§í•˜ë©°, â€œë„ˆì˜ í›„ì†ë“¤ì´ ì €ë ‡ê²Œ 많아질 ê² ì•„ë²„ì§€â€ê°€ ë• ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 22 바로 ê·¸ 때문엕 “하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ê·¸ 로마서4장 Mar 13, 3:00am 매야 아침 기ë„: 오늘 하루ë™ì•ˆ ì œì•¸ì•´ ì—„ë§ˆì˜ ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì´ì›ƒê³¼ 나눌수 있게 ë‚¨ì„ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ëŠ” 마ìŒê³¼ ë„“ì€ ì•„ëŸ‰ì„ ì£¼ì†Œ 마ìŒì„ 주관하여 ì£¼ì‹œê³ , 오늘 하루 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ 아래서 지내게 하여 ì 아멘. Mar 1, 1:52pm 해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다. 오늘 ë³µìŒì—ì„œ ë² ë“œë ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìŠ¤ìŠ¹ë‹˜ì„ ë”°ëžìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.― í•˜ê³ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ë§íˆ¬ì—는 ì ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ì•´ 맕엕 예수님께서는 아무런 ì¹ì°¬ë„ í•´ 주지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜¤íž ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë‹¤ ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ í•œë‹¤ê³ ë§ì”€í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì—게 ëŒì•„올 ì–´ë–¤ ì˜ê´‘ì ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ 한다는 것입니다. ìž„ê¸ˆì„ ë“±ì—• íƒœìš°ê³ ê°€ëŠ” 나귀가 있었습니다 ìžë¶€ì‹¬ì´ 대단했습니다. 사람들앴 ì˜¨ëª¸ì„ ì¹˜ìž¥í•´ ì£¼ê³ , 임금앴 타는 나귀 ë‚ , 임금앴 ê·¸ 나귀를 íƒ€ê³ í–‰ë ¬ í• ë•Œ, 사람들앴 환호를 하잕, 나귀는 사ë 답례를 보냈습니다. ê²°êµ ìž„ê¸ˆì€ ë‚˜ê·€ì—ì„œ ë–¨ì–´ì§€ê³ ë§ì•˜ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì • êµ ì˜ˆí™”ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. êµíšŒì—• 봉사한다는 ê²ƒì€ â€˜ë¶€ë¦„ ë°›ì€ ì¢…â€™ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ì € “해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다.―(루카 17,10)땼 ì´ìƒ ìƒê°í•˜ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ì˜•ì • êµë§Œìž…니다. Feb 9, 6:50pm 너가 암엕 걸린건 그럴 잕격앴 없어서앴 cooxpmlop ã…Š í•— ã…¡ã…‘ã…“ã…— 푸 다. ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê³ ë‚ †ì§€ë§Œ 너를 위해 ìœ ìµí•˜ë‹¤ëŠ”ê²ƒë§Œì€ ëª…ì‹¬í•´ë•¼ 하루를 ë” ì•„í”„ê²Œë˜ë 용기와 힘, ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ì´ë‹¤. Jan 26, 10:39am 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ í•˜ëŠ ê°€ì§„ 것엕 ì˜ì§€í•´ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하면, 하ëŠë‹˜ì—• 대한 믿ìŒë³´ë‹¤ë 때문야 것입니다. ë²•ì • ìŠ¤ë‹˜ì˜ ì±… ã€Žë¬´ì†Œìœ ã€•ì—• ì´ëŸ° êµ¬ì ˆì•´ 있습ë 때로는 ê·¸ 물건 때문엕 마ìŒì„ 쓰게 ëœë‹¤. ë”°ë¼ì„œ 무엇ì¸ê°€ë¥¼ 것, 그러므로 많앴 ê°–ê³ ìžˆë‹¤ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ê·¸ë§Œí•¼ 많앴 얽혀 있다는 뜻ì´ë 많ì„수ë¡, 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 위한 ì¼ë§ˆì €ë„ ê·¸ 뿌리ì—서는 세ìƒì˜ ì¼ì„ 하ë 성과보다 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ ì˜íƒí•˜ëŠ” 우리 ì‚¶ì˜ íƒœë„ê°€ 중요합니다. Jan 24, 3 the top... I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts. As a result of them the Lord - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. Jan 22, 2:07am ì˜ ë¬´ì—‡ê³¼ë„ ë°”ê¿€ 수 없는 ì€ì´ì˜ 사건ì´ì§€ë§Œ, 반드시 ì ¸ì•¼ í• ì‹ìžê°€ê°€ 가족사랑-ì¢‹ì€ ì—„ë§ˆ, ì¢‹ì€ ì•„ë‚´ 1) ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ê±´ê°• ì±…ìž„-ì¢‹ì€ ì‹ë‹¨ 2) 살림꾸ë 아니시므로, 여러분앴 성ë„들ì—게 ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ì˜€ê³ ì§€ê¸ˆë„ ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ë©´ì„œ 잊지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 11 여러분 ê°ìžê°€ 핬맕앴 실현ë˜ë„ë¡ ë까지 ê°™ 그리하여 게으른 사람앴 ë˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ , 약ì†ëœ ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ìŒê³¼ ì¸ë‚´ë¡œ ìƒ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ížˆë¸Œë¦¬ì„œì˜ ë§ì”€ìž…니다.6,10-20 Jan 15, 9:39am 진실앴 ë°í˜€ì¡Œë‹¤ 치르게 하셨다. ê·¸ ë§Žì€ í˜¼ì„ ê³¼ 지긋지긋한 í•ì•”치료.. ëë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ìžƒì—ˆ 무ìžë¹„í•˜ê³ ëƒ‰í˜¹í•˜ì‹œë©° ë™ì‹œì—• ìžì²´ê°€ 사랑ì´ë¼ëŠ” ëª¨ìˆœì˜ ì‹ ì´ì‹œë‹¤ 모른채 벌앸 실수를 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ìž”ì¸í•˜ê²Œ 추ê¶í•˜ì‹œë‹¤ë‹ˆ! ë‚˜ì˜ ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜! ë‹¹ì‹ ëŒ€ì‹ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì…¨ë‹¤êµ¬ìš”?! 그것앴 ì œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì•—ì•„ê°€ì•¼ë§Œ í• ì£„ì˜€ìŠµë 위로해주세요.. ì•´ ìƒì²˜ë¥¼ 아물수있게 넘치는 사랑과 위안과 ë³µì„ ì£¼ì„¸ìš ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹ ë°ìš”? ê·¸ë ‡ê²Œ ë‰˜ìš°ì¹˜ê³ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë‹¤ê³ í•œ ì ˆ ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ë‚´ë™ëŒ•ì 궕극ì 으로 우리 ì¸ìƒì„ 아름답게 í•˜ì‹œê³ ì°¸ë˜ê²Œ 하시는 ë¶„ì€ ì§„ë¦¬ì˜ ë¶ˆì•ˆí•˜ê³ í˜¼ëž€ìŠ¤ëŸ¬ìš¸ìˆ˜ë¡• 우리ì—게 필요한 ê²ƒì€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì„ ìœ¼ë¡œ ì´ë 잕주 미사 참례를 í•˜ê³ , 성체 조배를 하며, ê³ í•´ì„±ì‚¬ë¥¼ 통하여 ìžì‹ ì„ ë”ìš ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리가 미래를 몰ë¼ì„œ 삶앴 ë‘•ë ¤ìš´ 것앴 아닙니다. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë³´ì´ì§€ 않는 미래를 ì£¼ì‹ ì´ìœ 는, 우리가 하루하루를 새ë¡ê²Œ 사람ì—게 미래는 ì„¤ë ˜ê³¼ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì„¸ê³„ë¡œ 다가옵니다. Jan 10, 9:17am ì‚¶ì— ´ì§„다. ìž˜ëª»ëœ ì„ íƒìœ¼ë¡œ ì¸í•œ ê³ í†µ, ë‹¤ë¥¸ì‚¬ëžŒì˜ ì£„ë‚˜ 환경으로 ì¸í•´ ë° í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì˜ë„ì 으로 ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒì•´ 아니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì•´ ê³ í†µ ì„œë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë¯¿ëŠ”ìžë“¤ì„ 통해 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œê¸° 때문ì´ë‹¤. ì•´ 세ìƒì 그래서 우리ì—게 벌어지는 ëª¨ë“ ì‚¬ê±´ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì„리안엕 머무르는 것ì 찾아온다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ ë°©ê´€ìžì‹œë‹¤. 하지만 ì‹œë ¨ì†•ì—ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¾ëŠ”ìž ê³„ì†• 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¬ì–‘í• ìˆ˜ ìžˆê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„ 값진 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œëŠ”ê±°ë‹¤. Jan 1 때’는 잕기 ìžì‹ ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하지만, ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 바오로 사ë„처럼 â€˜ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ì¼í•˜ì‹œê¸° 때문입니다. ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë´‰ì‚¬ìžë¡œ ì¼í•˜ëŠ” 사람ì—게 필요한 ê ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ë„구로 앨 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤.― 하는 겸ì†í•œ ì‘답ì´ë©´ ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Jan 8, 1:32a 온몸엕 나병앴 걸린 사람앴 다가왔다. 그는 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë³´ìž•, ì–¼êµ´ì„ ë•…ì— ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œëŠ” í•˜ê³ ìž• 하시면 ì €ë¥¼ 깨땗하게 하실 수 있습니다.― ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„ â€œë‚´ê°€ í•˜ê³ ìž• 하니, 깨땗하게 ë˜ì–´ë•¼.― 그러잕 곧 나병앴 가셨다. Jan ëŠ¥ë ¥ì•´ 있사오니 부디 ì €ì—게 ìžë¹„를 ë² í‘¸ì‹œì–´ ì ˆ ì´ë³‘ì—ì„œ 해방시켜 ì¹˜ìœ ë°›ê¸¸ 기ë„í•˜ë˜ ë‚´ê°€ 어늕땧 ìˆ˜ìˆ ë„ ì¢‹ìœ¼ë‹ˆ 완치만 시켜주시길 기ë ë¯¿ì—ˆë˜ ë¯¿ìŒì€ 무참히 ë¶€ìˆ´ì§€ê³ ì•´ì œëŠ” 겸허하게 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 ë‚ ì 기ì˜ê²Œ ë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ë„ë ¤ë‚¼ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. ì•´ ì‹¬ì¤‘ì˜ ë³€í™”ì•¼ë§ë¡œ 가장 í•° ê¸°ì • To: Love God, serve God, honour&amp;praise God Willing to do God's will, know God, free inter God desire us to be . Know urself. Use imagination, be creative, imagine new possibility Patience. 기ë„하진 ì•Šì„것: ì§ìž¥ ë‹¤ë‹ˆê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì‚´ë¹ ì§€ê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì œì•¸ì•´ ì½” ë†’ì—¬ì£¼ì„ ì–´ê¹¨, ë°œ 완치 남편 ì§ìž¥ 진로 ì´ë„심 ì œì•¸ 학굕 ì¸ë„ 열심히 êµ¬í• ê²ƒ: ê¸ êµìœ¡ì˜ 지혜 겸ì†ì˜ 삶 ê±´ê°•í•˜ê³ í™”ëª©í•œ ê°€ì • í• ë¨¸ë‹ˆ/아버지 천êµìœ¼ë¡œ ì ì€ì´ì•ˆì—• 임종 Dec 28, 3:41pm 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 오해하는것 마치 ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ ë²„ìŠ ë³´ê³ íƒ€ë ¤ëŠ”ì¤„ì•Œê³ ë©ˆì·„ëŠ”ë•° ì‚¬ì‹¤ì€ ìžì‹ 뒤엕 있는 버스를 향한것임ì 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì€ ê·¸ê²Œ 아닌땰 ë‚´ 멋대로 í•´ì„í•˜ê³ ë‚˜ì¤‘ì—• 가서 ì•„ 그게 아줌마가 ì†ì„ 너무 ì¼ì°ë“¤ì—ˆëŠë‹ˆ 하며 ì”¨ë¶€ë •ê±°ë¦¬ë©´ 얼마나 꼴사ë ë‚©ë“하는 ìžì„¸ ë˜í•œ 중요하다. ì˜¤í•´ìž„ì„ ì•Œì•˜ìœ¼ë©´ 다시 ì œ ìžì„¸ë¡œ ëŒì• í‘¸ë…•ë– ëŠ”ê±´ 오버다! 하ëŠë‹˜ê³¼ì˜ 관계솕ì—ì„œë„ ë§ˆì°¬ê°€ì§€ì´ë‹¤. ë³¸ì•¸ì• ë…¸ë ¥ì€ ëª»í• ë§•ì • 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë‚ ê°€ì§€ê³ ë†€ì•˜ë‹¤ ë°°ì‹ ë‹¹í–ˆë‹¤ 하며 ì›ë§í•´ì„œ 그만ë‘지 못 한것ë„, ëŒìž”치 치른것ë„, í•œêµì—¬í–‰ ê°„ê²ƒë„ ë‹¤ 싫어하셨 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì‹«ì–´í•˜ì‹¤ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥¸ë‹¤. 무언가 ì›í• 때마다 그것앴 네 욕심ì¸ì§ 11:54pm 겸ì†ì˜ 삶: everyday life 1) 좋ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 궂ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í ë•ê³ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ê³ ì¡´ì¤‘í•´ì£¼ê¸° ì¸ë‚´ì˜ 삶: on life crisis 1) ì˜ì§€ì 으로ë¼ë„ ê°ì‚¬ 조급해하지 않기 3) ì„ í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ í¬ì‹ ëœ»ì„ ë¯¿ê³ ë°”ë•¼ê¸° Dec 15, 11:42pm ì í‰í™” ë“±ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì€ ì¸ë‚´ë¥¼ 요구합니다. ì¸ë‚´í•˜ëŠ” 사람ë 사람만앴 ê·¸ 열매를 맛볼 수 있습니다. 세례잕 ìš”í•œì€ ìš”ë¥´ë‹¨ ê°•ì—ì„œ ‘어린양’앴땼 ì†Œê°œí•˜ê³ , ìžì‹ ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì‹ ë°œ ëˆì¡°ì°¨ 풀어 드릴 수 ì—†ë íë¥¼ìˆ˜ë¡ ì´ˆì¡°í•´ì§‘ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì€ ê°ì˜¥ì—• 갇히는 ì‹ ì„¸ê°€ ë˜ê³ , 예수님께서ë ê°€ì‹œê³ ìžˆê¸° 때문입니다. 그래서 예수님께 ì œìžë“¤ì„ ë³´ë‚´ì–´, “오실 분앴 합니까?― í•˜ê³ ì—¬ì™ê²Œ 합니다. 세례잕 ìš”í•œì˜ ë¯¿ìŒì´ í”들리는 대ë ëª»í•˜ê³ , ë˜ëŠ” 앴미 우리와 함께 ê³„ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œì•„ë³´ì§€ ëª»í•˜ê³ ì‹ ì•™ ìžì²´ê°€ í 세례잕 요한처럼 ì˜ì‹¬ì„ 품게 ë• ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥´ê² ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 그러나 ì ˆë§í•˜ì§€ ë§ ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ 기ë„해야 합니다. 주님께서는 우리 ì‚¶ì„ í†µí•˜ì—¬ ìƒí™œ 가운ë°ë¡ 12, 12:39pm ë•…ì˜ ê·€í•œ ì†Œì¶œì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” ë†ë¶€ë¥¼ ë³´ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. 그는 앴른 ë¹„ì™ ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ë„ ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ë©° 마ìŒì„ 굳게 가지ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. Nov ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì„ ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ê·¸ë¶„ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë…¸ë•¼ê³ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ë”°ë¼ë‚˜ì„ 사 í˜•ì œìžë§¤ë“¤ì´ê³ , ì§•ì—…ì€ ì¼ìš©í• ì–‘ì‹ì„ 위한 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ê³¼ ë°°ë ¤ìž… 않습니다. 그러니 ì–¸ì œë‚˜ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 합당한 ìƒí™œì„ 하ë„ë¡ ë…¸ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì„ ì²´í—˜í•˜ë©´ì„œ 살아갑니다. ì•´ ì²´í—˜ì€ ì–¸ì œë‚˜ ìƒˆë¡œì›€ì„ ê°€ì ¸ë‹¤ì£¼ë© ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ì§€ ëª»í•˜ê³ í˜„ì‹¤ì—만 안주하며, ë³´ì´ëŠ” 것ì—만 급급하게 매달 것입니다. * 새로움앴 없다면 ë³€í™”ëœ ì‚¶ì„ ê¿ˆê¿€ 수 ì—†ê³ , 우리를 새ë¡ê²Œ 것입니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë©´ 얼마나 불행한 ì‚¬ë¦¼ì•´ê² ëŠ”ì§€ìš”! 깨어서 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ê¸°ë 8:57pm The disposition u need to receive god's healing Humility: thank god gor what god has don world know that u need help u need grace of god U want god to do things ur way? Forgiveness: re need the forgiveness of god. Allow ourselves to be available to god n others. Desire to forgive. Go would be faithful always. We can rely on him.. Surrender ur life to god: U want healing or relief? destroying u! Our unhappiness is caused by us. Do the right thing.. Not be too naive, thinking god happening to us.. Ask for his will be done. Dun clinging to this life. Detaatch from the world. God testimony to god: We must proclaim wat the lord has done for us. It is for the greater glory of god. way u think.. In his way particulary for u.. Oct 11, 11:53pm 아픈만핼 ë” ì„±ìˆ™í•´ì§„ë‹¤ ì£ ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì§•ì ‘ 치료하시ë„ë¡ ë‚´ 놓는다 Sep 5, 11:12am ë² ë„¤ì¹˜ì•„: ë°”ì˜ì„±ë‹¹ ë í¬ë¡œì•„í‹°ì•„: 성 스테팕 성당 드부로브니핬 í•¬ë ˆíƒ€ 아틀란티스 ì‚°í† ë¦¬ Retrieved from her iPhone. These are in English, once i get the Korean ones translated, they will b Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 9, 7:52am 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. ì´ì²˜ëŸ¼ 하늘 나땼ì—ë„ ê·¸ì—• 맞갖ì ì˜¨ìœ , ì¹œì ˆ, ì¸ë‚´ 등 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 하늘 나땼 잔치를 위 있습니다. Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and my will is that God's Will be done. 9:45pm O tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to whatever you desire of me and to accept everyt will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surrender myself to u. Do as u please.. I believe u u back my free will. U know what is the best for me &amp; my family. But please, do not delay m all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank u lord for giving me one more day. Everyday i c u, use it for ur holy will. I am happy that i can be used for your will, whatever it is, and i know you 201 201 me to your presence. How i desire to be united to ur spirit! I can wait patiently, because i trust that 1- 1the day. I love you lord, more than anything in this world. I dont want to stay back in this world w 92 11- 111 where i can be truly happy praising u all the time. I wish to serve u there. Whenever i think of heav 8 18 18 be. Thank u lord. I know ur with me inside my heart. Thank u for being with me. I love u. Sep 26, 22:1 14:1 ëœê±° 마냥 ì°©ê°ì†ì—• 지냈으니 ë²Œì„ ë°›ì•„ 마땅하옵니다 겸ì†ì„ ë°°ìš° 2:43 2:43 ë‹¨ìž ë„ í—ˆë½í•˜ì†Œì„œ... Sep 20, 6:26am Throughout the night, i have difficulty breathing a exhale very shortly, end up im like just finished running kind of state. Help!! Pls inform doc with u swim? What is good for lung recovery? Can i twist body? (sucking lung, cough &amp; flame) How Something protuding on the chest Wat is biopsy result? Still triple neg? Cough as long as i have ca abt this: does he prefer me to have recline arm chair to relief my back pain or not? My answer is n confused. She says God is not a petty god. "ur in pain n there is way to relief why do u refuse? The But i thought since this is God's test on my patience, he wouldnt like to see me getting this luxurio certain level &amp; amt of pain. I imagined myself as his electronic product. He's testing how stea the stress test n he will use me. Am i wrong about God? Help~!! i m confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm Sep Then i had 3 strange dreams. 1st one someone was keep flipping me down so i shout in jesus name me n i felt like floating away. I kept say jesus i give my life to u, jesus protect me. It was scary n d that one led to my old dreams later part so im blur but flying part felt real..i think i was shouting je whole night cudnt sleep well.. Pray for me.. Gods message: passover is over 탈출기 12 Sep 2, 9: 그릇과 같습니다. í—Œ 옷ì—다 새 천 ì¡°ê°•ì„ ë§ëŒ€ì–´ 꿰매듯앴 옛 모습 ê 수는 없습니다. ì˜›ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìƒˆ 부대를 ë§ˆë ¨í•´ì•¼ 새 í¬ë„주를 ë‹´ì„ ìˆ í•˜ëŠ” ë‚´ì • ì‡„ì‹ ì—• íž˜ì„ ê¸°ìš¸ì—¬ì•¼ 한다는 뜻입니다. ì˜•ì •ì•¸ 무관심과 ê² ìš°ë¦¬ 안엕 모실 수 있습니다. 바오로 사ë„ê°€ ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ì§€ìš”. “여러분ì 모릅니까? ê·¸ ì„±ë ¹ì„ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì•´ 하ëŠë‹˜ì—게서 ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì€ 6,19) 바오로 사ë„는 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ 반문하며 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ 거처하시는 우리ì 마ìŒì€ 새 í¬ë„주를 담는 새 부대처럼 ì„±ë ¹ì„ ëª¨ì‹œëŠ” 장소ë¼ëŠ” ëœ ë‚˜â€™ë¡œì„œ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ ë‚´ 안엕 머무르시ë„ë¡ í•´ì•¼ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. Sep 1, 5:37p †ì•´ 기ë„하며 ê°„ì²í•˜ê³ 있습니다. 곧 여러분앴 ëª¨ë“ ì˜•ì • 지혜와 ê¹¨ë‹¬ìŒ ì¶©ë§Œí•´ì ¸, 주님께 합당하게 ì‚´ì•„ê°ìœ¼ë¡œì¨ ëª¨ë“ ë©´ì—ì„œ 그분 마ìŒì—• 아는 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ 잕땼기를 빕니다. 똕 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì˜ê´‘스러운 ëŠ¥ë ¥ì—ì„œ 내기를 빕니다. ê¸°ìœ ë§ˆìŒìœ¼ë¡œ, 성ë„ë“¤ì´ ë¹›ì˜ ë‚˜ë•¼ì—ì„œ 받는 ìƒì† 것입니다. 아버지께서는 우리를 ì–´ë‘ ì˜ ê¶Œì„¸ì—ì„œ 구해 내시어 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 아드님 안ì—ì„œ 우리는 ì†ëŸ‰ì„, 곧 ì£„ì˜ ìš©ì„œë¥¼ 받습니다. â–¥ ì‚¬ë„ ë°”ì 사랑하는 하ëŠë‹˜, ì €ì—게 í¬ì‹ ì€ì´ì„ ë² í’€ì–´ 주셔서 ì œ 마ìŒì´ ìš”ë™ í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ê°ì‚¬ë“œë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì €ë•„ 알지 못한 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ í•° 용기와 믿ìŒì€ ì£¼ë ´ë¨¸ë‹ˆì˜ ê³µë¡œë¥¼ ë³´ì‹œê³ ì œê²Œ 특별히 ìžì• 를 ë² í‘¸ì‹ ê±¸ë¡œ 압니다. ì €ëŠ” 보잘것 환난중ì—ì„œë„ ë‘•ë ¤ì›Œí•˜ëŠ” 맘앴 ì¼ì§€ëŠ” 않지만 ì „ ì•„ì§ë„ 여러모ë 대화하는ë°ì„œ 많앴 모ìžëžŒì„ ê³ ë°±í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì „ ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë„ˆë¬´ë‚˜ë„ ëŒ€í™” ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì†ì‚¼ìž„ì´ ë“¤ë¦¬ì§€ 않사옵니다. ì„±ë ¹ì˜ ì—ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ë„ ì œ 안ì—ì„ ì•¼ì–´ë í•œë§ì”€ì´ë¼ë„ 해주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤! 아니, 한마디ë¼ë„ ì œê°€ 들ì„수 있게 ì œ ê·€ë ´ì˜¤ì…”ì„œ ì œë§ˆìŒì„ 불살땼 주옵소서! ì œê°€ ì´ë¦¬ë„ ì•ˆì •ì ì´ë©´ì„œë„ ë‹ ë„ˆë¬´ ì²´ë…하여 그런게 ì•„ë‹ê¹Œ ë‘•ë µìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 분명 ì œ 옆엕 계 믿사오니 계솕 ì œ 안엕 임하시며 ì—사하여 주소서. Aug 28, 12:04pm 주님, ì Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life 1. God is my sheph love, I walk by the quiet waters of peace. 2. Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, you lead music of your Name. 3. Though i should wander the valley of death, I fear no evil, for you are at m set me a banquet of love in the face of hatred, crowning me with love beyond my power to hold. 5 will dwell in the house of my God forevermore. Aug 25, 10:41am 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기(ê 오로지 ì£¼ë‹˜ë§Œì„ ë”°ë¥´ë ¤ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì‹ìžê°€ë¥¼ ì§€ê³ ì—¬ê¸° 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 오로 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 오롯앴 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 하얀 소복 ì°¨ë ¤ ì—¬ í›„ë ´) 파아란 í’€ë°ì—• ì•´ 몸 뉘어주소서 ê³ ì•´ 쉬땼 물터로 나를 ëŒì– 쉴 ê³³ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ í’ˆ ì˜ì›ížˆ ìž ë“œë µë‹ˆë‹¤ Jul 1, 4:28pm In every situation in life you need co I am giving you this message. For you to realise that in life you will always need to pray for graces strong and so too your trust in me. It is I who speaks. Aug 25, 10:38am 받아주소서(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 받아주소서 (2번) 1. ë‚˜ì˜ ëª¨ë“ ìžìœ 와 ë‚˜ì˜ ê¸°ì–µê³¼ ì§€ë ¥ ë‚˜ì˜ ì˜ì§€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ë˜ëŒë ¤ 드리오리다 2. 내게 ì£¼ì‹ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ì£¼ì˜ ê²ƒì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 오징 주ë 주시면 ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ May 23, 4:41pm ì „ëŠ¥í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜, 만물앴 ë‹¹ì‹ ê¶Œìœ„ì•ˆì—• 없습니다. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ëœ»í•˜ì‹ ëŒ€ë¡œ ì €í•¬ì—게 ì£¼ì‹œê³ ë˜í•œ 앗아가시니 ëª ì‹ ë¹„ë¥¼ ì´í•´í•˜ì§€ 못하여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì›•ë§•í–ˆë˜ ì €ë¥¼ ìš©ì„œí•˜ì‹œê³ ì €ì—게 ë”í• ë”í•´ì£¼ì‹œë“ ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹¤ëŒ€ë¡œ 하ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. ì „ 들풀ì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 바람불면 í”들리ê ëª¨ë“ ìƒ•ê°•ê³¼ 핬맕 모둕 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ 바치오니 ë‹¹ì‹ ëœ»ëŒ€ë¡œ 하옵소서. May 22, 12 of God) john 1:12, Ezekiel 36:24-27 -witness(external: preach boldly, heal) -Charismatic gift &a spirit, sonship with God the father 1 Cor 11:23 Why r we praying over again and again for the filli imagination, memory(1/8 concious, 7/8 unconcious), emotion, will-we need to transform all 5 of th faith &amp; love, stir into the flame. Apr 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr healthy n pure blood circulate i  weak body. And may yr healthy n vigorous life throb within me. Amen. Apr 8, 9:46am 사람ë ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë©´ 얼마나 ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ìžˆëŠ”ì§€ 물어보면 땩니다. ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ë¯¿ìŒì˜ 눈앴 열립니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ì•Žì€ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì„ ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ìš°ë 완성ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 아는 만핼 ë¯¿ê³ ë¯¿ëŠ” 만핼 ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì‹¤ì²œí• ìˆ˜ 있습 â—Ž ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시네. â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시며, 분 게 좋으시며, ê·¸ ìžë¹„ ëª¨ë“ ì¡°ë¬¼ 위엕 내리네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë§ì”€ë§ 누구ë¼ë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë¶™ë“œì‹œê³ , 꺾앸 ì´ëŠ” 누구ë¼ë„ ì¼ìœ¼ì¼œ 세우시 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë¶€ë¥´ëŠ” ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게, 진실하ê 9:23pm 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” 무아는, 예수님께서 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 무화(ç ìžì‹ ì•´ ì—†ì–´ì§€ê³ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 그분과 하나 ëœ ìƒíƒœë¥¼ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리스ë„êµ ì„œ 다릅니다. 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” ë¹„ì›€ì€ ì˜ˆìˆ˜ 그리스ë„를 ë‚´ 안 있듯앴, 예수님 안ì—ì„œ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì¼í•˜ê³ ê³„ì‹ ê²ƒì²˜ëŸ¼ 우리를 비운 바오로 사ë„는 â€œì•´ì œëŠ” ë‚´ê°€ 사는 것앴 아니땼 그리스ë„께서 ë‚´ ì•ˆì— ê²°êµ ë¹„ì›€ì€ ë‹¨ìˆœížˆ 집착과 íƒìš•ì„ ëŠëŠ” ê²ƒë§Œì„ ëœ»í•˜ì§€ 않습니다. ë˜í•œ 아닙니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ë¹„ì›€ì˜ ì˜ë¯¸ëŠ” 사랑하는 것입니다. 우리가 그냥 비운다ê 비워지는 것입니다. 그냥 비워서는 곧바로 다른 것앴 들어와 잕리를 ì‚¬ëž‘í•˜ì‹œê³ ì„¸ìƒ•ì—• ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì‹œëŠ” 것아 뜻합니다. ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ëˆ„êµ¬ë¥¼ 사 비움앴 시작ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Mar 21, 11:12pm 하ëŠë‹˜, ì˜í˜¼ì˜ ê±´ê°•ì„ ìœ„í•˜ì—¬ ìœ¡ì‹ ì˜ ë§ˆìŒì„ 다하여 ìžì• ë¡œìš°ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ê³„ëª…ì„ ì§€í‚¤ê²Œ 하소서. 우리가 사람 없다!’는 믿ìŒì„ 가진다면 편해질 것입니다. 주어땼. 그러면 ë„ˆí¬ ë˜ì–´ 너핬 품엕 ë‹´ì•„ 주실 것ì´ë‹¤. 너í¬ê°€ ë˜ì§ˆí•˜ëŠ” 바로 ê·¸ ë˜ë¡œ ë„ˆí¬ • “내가 너를 ë§Žì€ ë¯¼ì¡±ì˜ ì¡°ìƒ•ìœ¼ë¡œ 만들었다.â€•ë•¼ê³ ê¸°ë¡ëœ ê· ì£½ì€ ì´ë“¤ì„ 다시 ì‚´ë¦¬ì‹œê³ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ì§€ 않는 ê²ƒì„ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ë„ë¡ ë¶ˆëŸ¬ë‚´ì‹œëŠ” 18 그는 핬맕앴 ì—†ì–´ë„ í¬ë§í•˜ë©°, â€œë„ˆì˜ í›„ì†ë“¤ì´ ì €ë ‡ê²Œ 많아질 ê² ì•„ë²„ì§€â€ê°€ ë• ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 22 바로 ê·¸ 때문엕 “하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ê·¸ 로마서4장 Mar 13, 3:00am 매야 아침 기ë„: 오늘 하루ë™ì•ˆ ì œì•¸ì•´ ì—„ë§ˆì˜ ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì´ì›ƒê³¼ 나눌수 있게 ë‚¨ì„ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ëŠ” 마ìŒê³¼ ë„“ì€ ì•„ëŸ‰ì„ ì£¼ì†Œ 마ìŒì„ 주관하여 ì£¼ì‹œê³ , 오늘 하루 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ 아래서 지내게 하여 ì 아멘. Mar 1, 1:52pm 해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다. 오늘 ë³µìŒì—ì„œ ë² ë“œë ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìŠ¤ìŠ¹ë‹˜ì„ ë”°ëžìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.― í•˜ê³ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ë§íˆ¬ì—는 ì ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ì•´ 맕엕 예수님께서는 아무런 ì¹ì°¬ë„ í•´ 주지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜¤íž ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë‹¤ ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ í•œë‹¤ê³ ë§ì”€í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì—게 ëŒì•„올 ì–´ë–¤ ì˜ê´‘ì ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ 한다는 것입니다. ìž„ê¸ˆì„ ë“±ì—• íƒœìš°ê³ ê°€ëŠ” 나귀가 있었습니다 ìžë¶€ì‹¬ì´ 대단했습니다. 사람들앴 ì˜¨ëª¸ì„ ì¹˜ìž¥í•´ ì£¼ê³ , 임금앴 타는 나귀 ë‚ , 임금앴 ê·¸ 나귀를 íƒ€ê³ í–‰ë ¬ í• ë•Œ, 사람들앴 환호를 하잕, 나귀는 사ë 답례를 보냈습니다. ê²°êµ ìž„ê¸ˆì€ ë‚˜ê·€ì—ì„œ ë–¨ì–´ì§€ê³ ë§ì•˜ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì • êµ ì˜ˆí™”ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. êµíšŒì—• 봉사한다는 ê²ƒì€ â€˜ë¶€ë¦„ ë°›ì€ ì¢…â€™ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ì € “해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다.―(루카 17,10)땼 ì´ìƒ ìƒê°í•˜ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ì˜•ì • êµë§Œìž…니다. Feb 9, 6:50pm 너가 암엕 걸린건 그럴 잕격앴 없어서앴 cooxpmlop ã…Š í•— ã…¡ã…‘ã…“ã…— 푸 다. ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê³ ë‚ †ì§€ë§Œ 너를 위해 ìœ ìµí•˜ë‹¤ëŠ”ê²ƒë§Œì€ ëª…ì‹¬í•´ë•¼ 하루를 ë” ì•„í”„ê²Œë˜ë 용기와 힘, ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ì´ë‹¤. Jan 26, 10:39am 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ í•˜ëŠ ê°€ì§„ 것엕 ì˜ì§€í•´ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하면, 하ëŠë‹˜ì—• 대한 믿ìŒë³´ë‹¤ë 때문야 것입니다. ë²•ì • ìŠ¤ë‹˜ì˜ ì±… ã€Žë¬´ì†Œìœ ã€•ì—• ì´ëŸ° êµ¬ì ˆì•´ 있습ë 때로는 ê·¸ 물건 때문엕 마ìŒì„ 쓰게 ëœë‹¤. ë”°ë¼ì„œ 무엇ì¸ê°€ë¥¼ 것, 그러므로 많앴 ê°–ê³ ìžˆë‹¤ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ê·¸ë§Œí•¼ 많앴 얽혀 있다는 뜻ì´ë 많ì„수ë¡, 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 위한 ì¼ë§ˆì €ë„ ê·¸ 뿌리ì—서는 세ìƒì˜ ì¼ì„ 하ë 성과보다 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ ì˜íƒí•˜ëŠ” 우리 ì‚¶ì˜ íƒœë„ê°€ 중요합니다. Jan 24, 3 the top... I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts. As a result of them the Lord - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. Jan 22, 2:07am ì˜ ë¬´ì—‡ê³¼ë„ ë°”ê¿€ 수 없는 ì€ì´ì˜ 사건ì´ì§€ë§Œ, 반드시 ì ¸ì•¼ í• ì‹ìžê°€ê°€ 가족사랑-ì¢‹ì€ ì—„ë§ˆ, ì¢‹ì€ ì•„ë‚´ 1) ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ê±´ê°• ì±…ìž„-ì¢‹ì€ ì‹ë‹¨ 2) 살림꾸ë 아니시므로, 여러분앴 성ë„들ì—게 ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ì˜€ê³ ì§€ê¸ˆë„ ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ë©´ì„œ 잊지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 11 여러분 ê°ìžê°€ 핬맕앴 실현ë˜ë„ë¡ ë까지 ê°™ 그리하여 게으른 사람앴 ë˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ , 약ì†ëœ ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ìŒê³¼ ì¸ë‚´ë¡œ ìƒ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ížˆë¸Œë¦¬ì„œì˜ ë§ì”€ìž…니다.6,10-20 Jan 15, 9:39am 진실앴 ë°í˜€ì¡Œë‹¤ 치르게 하셨다. ê·¸ ë§Žì€ í˜¼ì„ ê³¼ 지긋지긋한 í•ì•”치료.. ëë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ìžƒì—ˆ 무ìžë¹„í•˜ê³ ëƒ‰í˜¹í•˜ì‹œë©° ë™ì‹œì—• ìžì²´ê°€ 사랑ì´ë¼ëŠ” ëª¨ìˆœì˜ ì‹ ì´ì‹œë‹¤ 모른채 벌앸 실수를 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ìž”ì¸í•˜ê²Œ 추ê¶í•˜ì‹œë‹¤ë‹ˆ! ë‚˜ì˜ ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜! ë‹¹ì‹ ëŒ€ì‹ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì…¨ë‹¤êµ¬ìš”?! 그것앴 ì œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì•—ì•„ê°€ì•¼ë§Œ í• ì£„ì˜€ìŠµë 위로해주세요.. ì•´ ìƒì²˜ë¥¼ 아물수있게 넘치는 사랑과 위안과 ë³µì„ ì£¼ì„¸ìš ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹ ë°ìš”? ê·¸ë ‡ê²Œ ë‰˜ìš°ì¹˜ê³ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë‹¤ê³ í•œ ì ˆ ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ë‚´ë™ëŒ•ì 궕극ì 으로 우리 ì¸ìƒì„ 아름답게 í•˜ì‹œê³ ì°¸ë˜ê²Œ 하시는 ë¶„ì€ ì§„ë¦¬ì˜ ë¶ˆì•ˆí•˜ê³ í˜¼ëž€ìŠ¤ëŸ¬ìš¸ìˆ˜ë¡• 우리ì—게 필요한 ê²ƒì€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì„ ìœ¼ë¡œ ì´ë 잕주 미사 참례를 í•˜ê³ , 성체 조배를 하며, ê³ í•´ì„±ì‚¬ë¥¼ 통하여 ìžì‹ ì„ ë”ìš ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리가 미래를 몰ë¼ì„œ 삶앴 ë‘•ë ¤ìš´ 것앴 아닙니다. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë³´ì´ì§€ 않는 미래를 ì£¼ì‹ ì´ìœ 는, 우리가 하루하루를 새ë¡ê²Œ 사람ì—게 미래는 ì„¤ë ˜ê³¼ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì„¸ê³„ë¡œ 다가옵니다. Jan 10, 9:17am ì‚¶ì— ´ì§„다. ìž˜ëª»ëœ ì„ íƒìœ¼ë¡œ ì¸í•œ ê³ í†µ, ë‹¤ë¥¸ì‚¬ëžŒì˜ ì£„ë‚˜ 환경으로 ì¸í•´ ë° í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì˜ë„ì 으로 ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒì•´ 아니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì•´ ê³ í†µ ì„œë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë¯¿ëŠ”ìžë“¤ì„ 통해 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œê¸° 때문ì´ë‹¤. ì•´ 세ìƒì 그래서 우리ì—게 벌어지는 ëª¨ë“ ì‚¬ê±´ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì„리안엕 머무르는 것ì 찾아온다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ ë°©ê´€ìžì‹œë‹¤. 하지만 ì‹œë ¨ì†•ì—ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¾ëŠ”ìž ê³„ì†• 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¬ì–‘í• ìˆ˜ ìžˆê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„ 값진 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œëŠ”ê±°ë‹¤. Jan 1 때’는 잕기 ìžì‹ ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하지만, ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 바오로 사ë„처럼 â€˜ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ì¼í•˜ì‹œê¸° 때문입니다. ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë´‰ì‚¬ìžë¡œ ì¼í•˜ëŠ” 사람ì—게 필요한 ê ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ë„구로 앨 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤.― 하는 겸ì†í•œ ì‘답ì´ë©´ ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Jan 8, 1:32a 온몸엕 나병앴 걸린 사람앴 다가왔다. 그는 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë³´ìž•, ì–¼êµ´ì„ ë•…ì— ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œëŠ” í•˜ê³ ìž• 하시면 ì €ë¥¼ 깨땗하게 하실 수 있습니다.― ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„ â€œë‚´ê°€ í•˜ê³ ìž• 하니, 깨땗하게 ë˜ì–´ë•¼.― 그러잕 곧 나병앴 가셨다. Jan ëŠ¥ë ¥ì•´ 있사오니 부디 ì €ì—게 ìžë¹„를 ë² í‘¸ì‹œì–´ ì ˆ ì´ë³‘ì—ì„œ 해방시켜 ì¹˜ìœ ë°›ê¸¸ 기ë„í•˜ë˜ ë‚´ê°€ 어늕땧 ìˆ˜ìˆ ë„ ì¢‹ìœ¼ë‹ˆ 완치만 시켜주시길 기ë ë¯¿ì—ˆë˜ ë¯¿ìŒì€ 무참히 ë¶€ìˆ´ì§€ê³ ì•´ì œëŠ” 겸허하게 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 ë‚ ì 기ì˜ê²Œ ë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ë„ë ¤ë‚¼ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. ì•´ ì‹¬ì¤‘ì˜ ë³€í™”ì•¼ë§ë¡œ 가장 í•° ê¸°ì • To: Love God, serve God, honour&amp;praise God Willing to do God's will, know God, free inter God desire us to be . Know urself. Use imagination, be creative, imagine new possibility Patience. 기ë„하진 ì•Šì„것: ì§ìž¥ ë‹¤ë‹ˆê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì‚´ë¹ ì§€ê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì œì•¸ì•´ ì½” ë†’ì—¬ì£¼ì„ ì–´ê¹¨, ë°œ 완치 남편 ì§ìž¥ 진로 ì´ë„심 ì œì•¸ 학굕 ì¸ë„ 열심히 êµ¬í• ê²ƒ: ê¸ êµìœ¡ì˜ 지혜 겸ì†ì˜ 삶 ê±´ê°•í•˜ê³ í™”ëª©í•œ ê°€ì • í• ë¨¸ë‹ˆ/아버지 천êµìœ¼ë¡œ ì ì€ì´ì•ˆì—• 임종 Dec 28, 3:41pm 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 오해하는것 마치 ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ ë²„ìŠ ë³´ê³ íƒ€ë ¤ëŠ”ì¤„ì•Œê³ ë©ˆì·„ëŠ”ë•° ì‚¬ì‹¤ì€ ìžì‹ 뒤엕 있는 버스를 향한것임ì 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì€ ê·¸ê²Œ 아닌땰 ë‚´ 멋대로 í•´ì„í•˜ê³ ë‚˜ì¤‘ì—• 가서 ì•„ 그게 아줌마가 ì†ì„ 너무 ì¼ì°ë“¤ì—ˆëŠë‹ˆ 하며 ì”¨ë¶€ë •ê±°ë¦¬ë©´ 얼마나 꼴사ë ë‚©ë“하는 ìžì„¸ ë˜í•œ 중요하다. ì˜¤í•´ìž„ì„ ì•Œì•˜ìœ¼ë©´ 다시 ì œ ìžì„¸ë¡œ ëŒì• í‘¸ë…•ë– ëŠ”ê±´ 오버다! 하ëŠë‹˜ê³¼ì˜ 관계솕ì—ì„œë„ ë§ˆì°¬ê°€ì§€ì´ë‹¤. ë³¸ì•¸ì• ë…¸ë ¥ì€ ëª»í• ë§•ì • 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë‚ ê°€ì§€ê³ ë†€ì•˜ë‹¤ ë°°ì‹ ë‹¹í–ˆë‹¤ 하며 ì›ë§í•´ì„œ 그만ë‘지 못 한것ë„, ëŒìž”치 치른것ë„, í•œêµì—¬í–‰ ê°„ê²ƒë„ ë‹¤ 싫어하셨 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì‹«ì–´í•˜ì‹¤ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥¸ë‹¤. 무언가 ì›í• 때마다 그것앴 네 욕심ì¸ì§ 11:54pm 겸ì†ì˜ 삶: everyday life 1) 좋ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 궂ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í ë•ê³ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ê³ ì¡´ì¤‘í•´ì£¼ê¸° ì¸ë‚´ì˜ 삶: on life crisis 1) ì˜ì§€ì 으로ë¼ë„ ê°ì‚¬ 조급해하지 않기 3) ì„ í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ í¬ì‹ ëœ»ì„ ë¯¿ê³ ë°”ë•¼ê¸° Dec 15, 11:42pm ì í‰í™” ë“±ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì€ ì¸ë‚´ë¥¼ 요구합니다. ì¸ë‚´í•˜ëŠ” 사람ë 사람만앴 ê·¸ 열매를 맛볼 수 있습니다. 세례잕 ìš”í•œì€ ìš”ë¥´ë‹¨ ê°•ì—ì„œ ‘어린양’앴땼 ì†Œê°œí•˜ê³ , ìžì‹ ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì‹ ë°œ ëˆì¡°ì°¨ 풀어 드릴 수 ì—†ë íë¥¼ìˆ˜ë¡ ì´ˆì¡°í•´ì§‘ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì€ ê°ì˜¥ì—• 갇히는 ì‹ ì„¸ê°€ ë˜ê³ , 예수님께서ë ê°€ì‹œê³ ìžˆê¸° 때문입니다. 그래서 예수님께 ì œìžë“¤ì„ ë³´ë‚´ì–´, “오실 분앴 합니까?― í•˜ê³ ì—¬ì™ê²Œ 합니다. 세례잕 ìš”í•œì˜ ë¯¿ìŒì´ í”들리는 대ë ëª»í•˜ê³ , ë˜ëŠ” 앴미 우리와 함께 ê³„ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œì•„ë³´ì§€ ëª»í•˜ê³ ì‹ ì•™ ìžì²´ê°€ í 세례잕 요한처럼 ì˜ì‹¬ì„ 품게 ë• ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥´ê² ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 그러나 ì ˆë§í•˜ì§€ ë§ ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ 기ë„해야 합니다. 주님께서는 우리 ì‚¶ì„ í†µí•˜ì—¬ ìƒí™œ 가운ë°ë¡ 12, 12:39pm ë•…ì˜ ê·€í•œ ì†Œì¶œì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” ë†ë¶€ë¥¼ ë³´ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. 그는 앴른 ë¹„ì™ ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ë„ ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ë©° 마ìŒì„ 굳게 가지ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. Nov ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì„ ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ê·¸ë¶„ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë…¸ë•¼ê³ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ë”°ë¼ë‚˜ì„ 사 í˜•ì œìžë§¤ë“¤ì´ê³ , ì§•ì—…ì€ ì¼ìš©í• ì–‘ì‹ì„ 위한 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ê³¼ ë°°ë ¤ìž… 않습니다. 그러니 ì–¸ì œë‚˜ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 합당한 ìƒí™œì„ 하ë„ë¡ ë…¸ Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">Today, baptisized people were called by Lord, and they left eve and sister in Lord, and the work place is God's grace and care for daily bread. actually we do not n Lord's calling.</span> Nov 29, 9:32pm 우리는 참으로 ë§Žì€ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì„ ì²´í—˜í•˜ë©´ì„œ ê°€ì ¸ë‹¤ì£¼ë©°, ì‚¬ëžŒì„ ìƒˆë¡ê²Œ 변화시켜 ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. * 그러나 기다리지 ëª»í•˜ê³ ë§¤ë‹¬ë¦¬ëŠ” 사람엕겕 ë” ì´ìƒì˜ 새로움ì´ëž€ ì—†ì„ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. * 새로움 게 하시러 오시는 아기 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚˜ 뵕 ìˆ˜ë„ ì—†ì„ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë© ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” 사람만앴 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚ ìˆ˜ 있습니다 We live with many experiences of new. *but those who can't wait and live satisfying in reality, and hanging on to things that can be s of whole new life, and we can't meet baby Jesus who come to refresh us. How pitiful that person is 8:57pm The disposition u need to receive god's healing Humility: thank god gor what god has don world know that u need help u need grace of god U want god to do things ur way? Forgiveness: re need the forgiveness of god. Allow ourselves to be available to god n others. Desire to forgive. Go would be faithful always. We can rely on him.. Surrender ur life to god: U want healing or relief? destroying u! Our unhappiness is caused by us. Do the right thing.. Not be too naive, thinking god happening to us.. Ask for his will be done. Dun clinging to this life. Detaatch from the world. God testimony to god: We must proclaim wat the lord has done for us. It is for the greater glory of god. way u think.. In his way particulary for u.. Oct 11, 11:53pm 아픈만핼 ë” ì„±ìˆ™í•´ì§„ë‹¤ ì£ ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì§•ì ‘ 치료하시ë„ë¡ ë‚´ 놓는다 Sep 5, 11:12am ë² ë„¤ì¹˜ì•„: ë°”ì˜ì„±ë‹¹ ë í¬ë¡œì•„í‹°ì•„: 성 스테팕 성당 드부로브니핬 í•¬ë ˆíƒ€ 아틀란티스 ì‚°í† ë¦¬ Retrieved from her iPhone. These are in English, once i get the Korean ones translated, they will b Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 9, 7:52am 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. ì´ì²˜ëŸ¼ 하늘 나땼ì—ë„ ê·¸ì—• 맞갖ì ì˜¨ìœ , ì¹œì ˆ, ì¸ë‚´ 등 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 하늘 나땼 잔치를 위 있습니다. Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and my will is that God's Will be done. 9:45pm O tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to whatever you desire of me and to accept everyt will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surrender myself to u. Do as u please.. I believe u u back my free will. U know what is the best for me &amp; my family. But please, do not delay m all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank u lord for giving me one more day. Everyday i c u, use it for ur holy will. I am happy that i can be used for your will, whatever it is, and i know you me to your presence. How i desire to be united to ur spirit! I can wait patiently, because i trust that the day. I love you lord, more than anything in this world. I dont want to stay back in this world w where i can be truly happy praising u all the time. I wish to serve u there. Whenever i think of heav be. Thank u lord. I know ur with me inside my heart. Thank u for being with me. I love u. Sep 26, ëœê±° 마냥 ì°©ê°ì†ì—• 지냈으니 ë²Œì„ ë°›ì•„ 마땅하옵니다 겸ì†ì„ ë°°ìš° ë‹¨ìž ë„ í—ˆë½í•˜ì†Œì„œ... Sep 20, 6:26am Throughout the night, i have difficulty breathing a exhale very shortly, end up im like just finished running kind of state. Help!! Pls inform doc with u swim? What is good for lung recovery? Can i twist body? (sucking lung, cough &amp; flame) How Something protuding on the chest Wat is biopsy result? Still triple neg? Cough as long as i have ca abt this: does he prefer me to have recline arm chair to relief my back pain or not? My answer is n 201 201 confused. She says God is not a petty god. "ur in pain n there is way to relief why do u refuse? The 1- 1- But i thought since this is God's test on my patience, he wouldnt like to see me getting this luxurio 92 11- 11- certain level &amp; amt of pain. I imagined myself as his electronic product. He's testing how stea 1 9 18 18 the stress test n he will use me. Am i wrong about God? Help~!! i m confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm Sep 22:1 14:1 Then i had 3 strange dreams. 1st one someone was keep flipping me down so i shout in jesus name 3:30 3:30 me n i felt like floating away. I kept say jesus i give my life to u, jesus protect me. It was scary n d that one led to my old dreams later part so im blur but flying part felt real..i think i was shouting je whole night cudnt sleep well.. Pray for me.. Gods message: passover is over 탈출기 12 Sep 2, 9: 그릇과 같습니다. í—Œ 옷ì—다 새 천 ì¡°ê°ì„ ë§ëŒ€ì–´ 꿰매듯앴 옛 모습 ê 수는 없습니다. ì˜›ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìƒˆ 부대를 ë§ˆë ¨í•´ì•¼ 새 í¬ë„주를 ë‹´ì„ ìˆ í•˜ëŠ” ë‚´ì • ì‡„ì‹ ì—• íž˜ì„ ê¸°ìš¸ì—¬ì•¼ 한다는 뜻입니다. ì˜•ì •ì•¸ 무관심과 ê² ìš°ë¦¬ 안엕 모실 수 있습니다. 바오로 사ë„ê°€ ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ì§€ìš”. “여러분ì 모릅니까? ê·¸ ì„±ë ¹ì„ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì•´ 하ëŠë‹˜ì—게서 ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì€ 6,19) 바오로 사ë„는 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ 반문하며 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ 거처하시는 우리ì 마ìŒì€ 새 í¬ë„주를 담는 새 부대처럼 ì„±ë ¹ì„ ëª¨ì‹œëŠ” 장소ë¼ëŠ” ëœ ë‚˜â€™ë¡œì„œ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ ë‚´ 안엕 머무르시ë„ë¡ í•´ì•¼ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. Sep 1, 5:37p †ì•´ 기ë„하며 ê°„ì²í•˜ê³ 있습니다. 곧 여러분앴 ëª¨ë“ ì˜•ì • 지혜와 ê¹¨ë‹¬ìŒ ì¶©ë§Œí•´ì ¸, 주님께 합당하게 ì‚´ì•„ê°ìœ¼ë¡œì¨ ëª¨ë“ ë©´ì—ì„œ 그분 마ìŒì—• 아는 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ 잕땼기를 빕니다. 똕 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì˜ê´‘스러운 ëŠ¥ë ¥ì—ì„œ 내기를 빕니다. ê¸°ìœ ë§ˆìŒìœ¼ë¡œ, 성ë„ë“¤ì´ ë¹›ì˜ ë‚˜ë•¼ì—ì„œ 받는 ìƒì† 것입니다. 아버지께서는 우리를 ì–´ë‘ ì˜ ê¶Œì„¸ì—ì„œ 구해 내시어 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 아드님 안ì—ì„œ 우리는 ì†ëŸ‰ì„, 곧 ì£„ì˜ ìš©ì„œë¥¼ 받습니다. â–¥ ì‚¬ë„ ë°”ì 사랑하는 하ëŠë‹˜, ì €ì—게 í¬ì‹ ì€ì´ì„ ë² í’€ì–´ 주셔서 ì œ 마ìŒì´ ìš”ë™ í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ê°•ì‚¬ë“œë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì €ë„ ì•Œì§€ 못한 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ í•° 용기와 믿ìŒì€ ì£¼ë ´ë¨¸ë‹ˆì˜ ê³µë¡œë¥¼ ë³´ì‹œê³ ì œê²Œ 특별히 ìžì• 를 ë² í‘¸ì‹ ê±¸ë¡œ 압니다. ì €ëŠ” 보잘것 환난중ì—ì„œë„ ë‘•ë ¤ì›Œí•˜ëŠ” 맘앴 ì¼ì§€ëŠ” 않지만 ì „ ì•„ì§ë„ 여러모ë 대화하는ë°ì„œ 많앴 모ìžëžŒì„ ê³ ë°±í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì „ ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë„ˆë¬´ë‚˜ë„ ëŒ€í™” ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì†ì‚¼ìž„ì´ ë“¤ë¦¬ì§€ 않사옵니다. ì„±ë ¹ì˜ ì—ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ë„ ì œ 안ì—ì„ ì•¼ì–´ë í•œë§ì”€ì´ë¼ë„ 해주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤! 아니, 한마디ë¼ë„ ì œê°€ 들ì„수 있게 ì œ ê·€ë ´ì˜¤ì…”ì„œ ì œë§ˆìŒì„ 불살땼 주옵소서! ì œê°€ ì´ë¦¬ë„ ì•ˆì •ì ì´ë©´ì„œë„ ë‹ ë„ˆë¬´ ì²´ë…하여 그런게 ì•„ë‹ê¹Œ ë‘•ë µìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 분명 ì œ 옆엕 계 믿사오니 계솕 ì œ 안엕 임하시며 ì—사하여 주소서. Aug 28, 12:04pm 주님, ì Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life 1. God is my sheph love, I walk by the quiet waters of peace. 2. Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, you lead music of your Name. 3. Though i should wander the valley of death, I fear no evil, for you are at m set me a banquet of love in the face of hatred, crowning me with love beyond my power to hold. 5 will dwell in the house of my God forevermore. Aug 25, 10:41am 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기(ê 오로지 ì£¼ë‹˜ë§Œì„ ë”°ë¥´ë ¤ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì‹ìžê°€ë¥¼ ì§€ê³ ì—¬ê¸° 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 오로 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 오롯앴 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 하얀 소복 ì°¨ë ¤ ì—¬ í›„ë ´) 파아란 í’€ë°ì—• ì•´ 몸 뉘어주소서 ê³ ì•´ 쉬땼 물터로 나를 ëŒì– 쉴 ê³³ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ í’ˆ ì˜ì›ížˆ ìž ë“œë µë‹ˆë‹¤ Jul 1, 4:28pm In every situation in life you need co I am giving you this message. For you to realise that in life you will always need to pray for graces strong and so too your trust in me. It is I who speaks. Aug 25, 10:38am 받아주소서(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 받아주소서 (2번) 1. ë‚˜ì˜ ëª¨ë“ ìžìœ 와 ë‚˜ì˜ ê¸°ì–µê³¼ ì§€ë ¥ ë‚˜ì˜ ì˜ì§€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ë˜ëŒë ¤ 드리오리다 2. 내게 ì£¼ì‹ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ì£¼ì˜ ê²ƒì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 오징 주ë 주시면 ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ May 23, 4:41pm ì „ëŠ¥í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜, 만물앴 ë‹¹ì‹ ê¶Œìœ„ì•ˆì—• 없습니다. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ëœ»í•˜ì‹ ëŒ€ë¡œ ì €í•¬ì—게 ì£¼ì‹œê³ ë˜í•œ 앗아가시니 ëª ì‹ ë¹„ë¥¼ ì´í•´í•˜ì§€ 못하여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì›•ë§•í–ˆë˜ ì €ë¥¼ ìš©ì„œí•˜ì‹œê³ ì €ì—게 ë”í• ë”í•´ì£¼ì‹œë“ ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹¤ëŒ€ë¡œ 하ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. ì „ 들풀ì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 바람불면 í”들리ê ëª¨ë“ ìƒ•ê°•ê³¼ 핬맕 모둕 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ 바치오니 ë‹¹ì‹ ëœ»ëŒ€ë¡œ 하옵소서. May 22, 12 of God) john 1:12, Ezekiel 36:24-27 -witness(external: preach boldly, heal) -Charismatic gift &a spirit, sonship with God the father 1 Cor 11:23 Why r we praying over again and again for the filli imagination, memory(1/8 concious, 7/8 unconcious), emotion, will-we need to transform all 5 of th faith &amp; love, stir into the flame. Apr 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr healthy n pure blood circulate i  weak body. And may yr healthy n vigorous life throb within me. Amen. Apr 8, 9:46am 사람ë ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë©´ 얼마나 ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ìžˆëŠ”ì§€ 물어보면 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ë¯¿ìŒì˜ 눈앴 열립니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ì•Žì€ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì„ ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ìš°ë 완성땩니다. 우리는 아는 만핼 ë¯¿ê³ ë¯¿ëŠ” 만핼 ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì‹¤ì²œí• ìˆ˜ 있습 â—Ž ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시네. â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시며, 분 게 좋으시며, ê·¸ ìžë¹„ ëª¨ë“ ì¡°ë¬¼ 위엕 내리네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë§ì”€ë§ 누구ë¼ë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë¶™ë“œì‹œê³ , 꺾앸 ì´ëŠ” 누구ë¼ë„ ì¼ìœ¼ì¼œ 세우시 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë¶€ë¥´ëŠ” ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게, 진실하ê 9:23pm 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” 무아는, 예수님께서 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 무화(ç ìžì‹ ì•´ ì—†ì–´ì§€ê³ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 그분과 하나 ëœ ìƒíƒœë¥¼ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리스ë„êµ ì„œ 다릅니다. 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” ë¹„ì›€ì€ ì˜ˆìˆ˜ 그리스ë„를 ë‚´ 안 있듯앴, 예수님 안ì—ì„œ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì¼í•˜ê³ ê³„ì‹ ê²ƒì²˜ëŸ¼ 우리를 비운 바오로 사ë„는 â€œì•´ì œëŠ” ë‚´ê°€ 사는 것앴 아니땼 그리스ë„께서 ë‚´ ì•ˆì— ê²°êµ ë¹„ì›€ì€ ë‹¨ìˆœížˆ 집착과 íƒìš•ì„ ëŠëŠ” ê²ƒë§Œì„ ëœ»í•˜ì§€ 않습니다. ë˜í•œ 아닙니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ë¹„ì›€ì˜ ì˜ë¯¸ëŠ” 사랑하는 것입니다. 우리가 그냥 비운다ê 비워지는 것입니다. 그냥 비워서는 곧바로 다른 것앴 들어와 잕리를 ì‚¬ëž‘í•˜ì‹œê³ ì„¸ìƒ•ì—• ìƒ•ëª…ì„ ì£¼ì‹œëŠ” ê²ƒì„ ëœ»í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ëˆ„êµ¬ë¥¼ 사 비움앴 시작ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Mar 21, 11:12pm 하ëŠë‹˜, ì˜í˜¼ì˜ ê±´ê°•ì„ ìœ„í•˜ì—¬ ìœ¡ì‹ ì˜ ë§ˆìŒì„ 다하여 ìžì• ë¡œìš°ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ê³„ëª…ì„ ì§€í‚¤ê²Œ 하소서. 우리가 사람 없다!’는 믿ìŒì„ 가진다면 편해질 것입니다. 주어땼. 그러면 ë„ˆí¬ ë˜ì–´ 너핬 품엕 ë‹´ì•„ 주실 것ì´ë‹¤. 너í¬ê°€ ë˜ì§ˆí•˜ëŠ” 바로 ê·¸ ë˜ë¡œ ë„ˆí¬ • “내가 너를 ë§Žì€ ë¯¼ì¡±ì˜ ì¡°ìƒìœ¼ë¡œ 만들었다.â€•ë•¼ê³ ê¸°ë¡ëœ ê· ì£½ì€ ì´ë“¤ì„ 다시 ì‚´ë¦¬ì‹œê³ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ì§€ 않는 ê²ƒì„ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ë„ë¡ ë¶ˆëŸ¬ë‚´ì‹œëŠ” 18 그는 핬맕앴 ì—†ì–´ë„ í¬ë§í•˜ë©°, â€œë„ˆì˜ í›„ì†ë“¤ì´ ì €ë ‡ê²Œ 많아질 ê² ì•„ë²„ì§€â€ê°€ ë• ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 22 바로 ê·¸ 때문엕 “하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ê·¸ 로마서4장 Mar 13, 3:00am 매야 아침 기ë„: 오늘 하루ë™ì•ˆ ì œì•¸ì•´ ì—„ë§ˆì˜ ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì´ì›ƒê³¼ 나눌수 있게 ë‚¨ì„ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ëŠ” 마ìŒê³¼ ë„“ì€ ì•„ëŸ‰ì„ ì£¼ì†Œ 마ìŒì„ 주관하여 ì£¼ì‹œê³ , 오늘 하루 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ 아래서 지내게 하여 ì 아멘. Mar 1, 1:52pm 해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다. 오늘 ë³µìŒì—ì„œ ë² ë“œë ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìŠ¤ìŠ¹ë‹˜ì„ ë”°ëžìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.― í•˜ê³ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ë§íˆ¬ì—는 ì ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ì•´ 맕엕 예수님께서는 아무런 ì¹ì°¬ë„ í•´ 주지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜¤íž ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë‹¤ ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ í•œë‹¤ê³ ë§ì”€í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì—게 ëŒì•„올 ì–´ë–¤ ì˜ê´‘ì ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ 한다는 것입니다. ìž„ê¸ˆì„ ë“±ì—• íƒœìš°ê³ ê°€ëŠ” 나귀가 있었습니다 ìžë¶€ì‹¬ì´ 대단했습니다. 사람들앴 ì˜¨ëª¸ì„ ì¹˜ìž¥í•´ ì£¼ê³ , 임금앴 타는 나귀 ë‚ , 임금앴 ê·¸ 나귀를 íƒ€ê³ í–‰ë ¬ í• ë•Œ, 사람들앴 환호를 하잕, 나귀는 사ë 답례를 보냈습니다. ê²°êµ ìž„ê¸ˆì€ ë‚˜ê·€ì—ì„œ ë–¨ì–´ì§€ê³ ë§ì•˜ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì • êµ ì˜ˆí™”ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. êµíšŒì—• 봉사한다는 ê²ƒì€ â€˜ë¶€ë¦„ ë°›ì€ ì¢…â€™ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ì € “해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다.―(루카 17,10)땼 ì´ìƒ ìƒê°í•˜ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ì˜•ì • êµë§Œìž…니다. Feb 9, 6:50pm 너가 암엕 걸린건 그럴 잕격앴 없어서앴 cooxpmlop ã…Š í•— ã…¡ã…‘ã…“ã…— 푸 다. ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê³ ë‚ †ì§€ë§Œ 너를 위해 ìœ ìµí•˜ë‹¤ëŠ”ê²ƒë§Œì€ ëª…ì‹¬í•´ë•¼ 하루를 ë” ì•„í”„ê²Œë˜ë 용기와 힘, ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ì´ë‹¤. Jan 26, 10:39am 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ í•˜ëŠ ê°€ì§„ 것엕 ì˜ì§€í•´ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하면, 하ëŠë‹˜ì—• 대한 믿ìŒë³´ë‹¤ë 때문야 것입니다. ë²•ì • ìŠ¤ë‹˜ì˜ ì±… ã€Žë¬´ì†Œìœ ã€•ì—• ì´ëŸ° êµ¬ì ˆì•´ 있습ë 때로는 ê·¸ 물건 때문엕 마ìŒì„ 쓰게 ëœë‹¤. 따땼서 무엇ì¸ê°€ë¥¼ 것, 그러므로 많앴 ê°–ê³ ìžˆë‹¤ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ê·¸ë§Œí•¼ 많앴 얽혀 있다는 뜻ì´ë 많ì„수ë¡, 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 위한 ì¼ë§ˆì €ë„ ê·¸ 뿌리ì—서는 세ìƒì˜ ì¼ì„ 하ë 성과보다 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ ì˜íƒí•˜ëŠ” 우리 ì‚¶ì˜ íƒœë„ê°€ 중요합니다. Jan 24, 3 the top... I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts. As a result of them the Lord - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. Jan 22, 2:07am ì˜ ë¬´ì—‡ê³¼ë„ ë°”ê¿€ 수 없는 ì€ì´ì˜ 사건ì´ì§€ë§Œ, 반드시 ì ¸ì•¼ í• ì‹ìžê°€ê°€ 가족사랑-ì¢‹ì€ ì—„ë§ˆ, ì¢‹ì€ ì•„ë‚´ 1) ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ê±´ê°• ì±…ìž„-ì¢‹ì€ ì‹ë‹¨ 2) 살림꾸ë 아니시므로, 여러분앴 성ë„들ì—게 ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ì˜€ê³ ì§€ê¸ˆë„ ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ë©´ì„œ 잊지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 11 여러분 ê°ìžê°€ 핬맕앴 실현ë˜ë„ë¡ ë까지 ê°™ 그리하여 게으른 사람앴 ë˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ , 약ì†ëœ ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ìŒê³¼ ì¸ë‚´ë¡œ ìƒ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ížˆë¸Œë¦¬ì„œì˜ ë§ì”€ìž…니다.6,10-20 Jan 15, 9:39am 진실앴 ë°í˜€ì¡Œë‹¤ 치르게 하셨다. ê·¸ ë§Žì€ í˜¼ì„ ê³¼ 지긋지긋한 í•ì•”치료.. ëë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ìžƒì—ˆ 무ìžë¹„í•˜ê³ ëƒ‰í˜¹í•˜ì‹œë©° ë™ì‹œì—• ìžì²´ê°€ 사랑ì´ë¼ëŠ” ëª¨ìˆœì˜ ì‹ ì´ì‹œë‹¤ 모른채 벌앸 실수를 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ìž”ì¸í•˜ê²Œ 추ê¶í•˜ì‹œë‹¤ë‹ˆ! ë‚˜ì˜ ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜! ë‹¹ì‹ ëŒ€ì‹ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì…¨ë‹¤êµ¬ìš”?! 그것앴 ì œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì•—ì•„ê°€ì•¼ë§Œ í• ì£„ì˜€ìŠµë 위로해주세요.. ì•´ ìƒì²˜ë¥¼ 아물수있게 넘치는 사랑과 위안과 ë³µì„ ì£¼ì„¸ìš ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹ ë°ìš”? ê·¸ë ‡ê²Œ ë‰˜ìš°ì¹˜ê³ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë‹¤ê³ í•œ ì ˆ ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ë‚´ë™ëŒ•ì 궕극ì 으로 우리 ì¸ìƒì„ 아름답게 í•˜ì‹œê³ ì°¸ë˜ê²Œ 하시는 ë¶„ì€ ì§„ë¦¬ì˜ ë¶ˆì•ˆí•˜ê³ í˜¼ëž€ìŠ¤ëŸ¬ìš¸ìˆ˜ë¡• 우리ì—게 필요한 ê²ƒì€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì„ ìœ¼ë¡œ ì´ë 잕주 미사 참례를 í•˜ê³ , 성체 조배를 하며, ê³ í•´ì„±ì‚¬ë¥¼ 통하여 ìžì‹ ì„ ë”ìš ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리가 미래를 몰ë¼ì„œ 삶앴 ë‘•ë ¤ìš´ 것앴 아닙니다. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë³´ì´ì§€ 않는 미래를 ì£¼ì‹ ì´ìœ 는, 우리가 하루하루를 새ë¡ê²Œ 사람ì—게 미래는 ì„¤ë ˜ê³¼ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì„¸ê³„ë¡œ 다가옵니다. Jan 10, 9:17am ì‚¶ì— ´ì§„다. ìž˜ëª»ëœ ì„ íƒìœ¼ë¡œ ì¸í•œ ê³ í†µ, ë‹¤ë¥¸ì‚¬ëžŒì˜ ì£„ë‚˜ 환경으로 ì¸í•´ ë° í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì˜ë„ì 으로 ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒì•´ 아니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì•´ ê³ í†µ ì„œë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë¯¿ëŠ”ìžë“¤ì„ 통해 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œê¸° 때문ì´ë‹¤. ì•´ 세ìƒì 그래서 우리ì—게 벌어지는 ëª¨ë“ ì‚¬ê±´ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì„리안엕 머무르는 것ì 찾아온다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ ë°©ê´€ìžì‹œë‹¤. 하지만 ì‹œë ¨ì†•ì—ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¾ëŠ”ìž ê³„ì†• 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¬ì–‘í• ìˆ˜ ìžˆê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„ 값진 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œëŠ”ê±°ë‹¤. Jan 1 때’는 잕기 ìžì‹ ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하지만, ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 바오로 사ë„처럼 â€˜ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ì¼í•˜ì‹œê¸° 때문입니다. ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë´‰ì‚¬ìžë¡œ ì¼í•˜ëŠ” 사람ì—게 필요한 ê ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ë„구로 앨 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤.― 하는 겸ì†í•œ ì‘답ì´ë©´ ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Jan 8, 1:32a 온몸엕 나병앴 걸린 사람앴 다가왔다. 그는 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë³´ìž•, ì–¼êµ´ì„ ë•…ì— ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œëŠ” í•˜ê³ ìž• 하시면 ì €ë¥¼ 깨땗하게 하실 수 있습니다.― ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„ â€œë‚´ê°€ í•˜ê³ ìž• 하니, 깨땗하게 ë˜ì–´ë•¼.― 그러잕 곧 나병앴 가셨다. Jan ëŠ¥ë ¥ì•´ 있사오니 부디 ì €ì—게 ìžë¹„를 ë² í‘¸ì‹œì–´ ì ˆ ì´ë³‘ì—ì„œ 해방시켜 ì¹˜ìœ ë°›ê¸¸ 기ë„í•˜ë˜ ë‚´ê°€ 어늕땧 ìˆ˜ìˆ ë„ ì¢‹ìœ¼ë‹ˆ 완치만 시켜주시길 기ë ë¯¿ì—ˆë˜ ë¯¿ìŒì€ 무참히 ë¶€ìˆ´ì§€ê³ ì•´ì œëŠ” 겸허하게 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 ë‚ ì 기ì˜ê²Œ ë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ë„ë ¤ë‚¼ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. ì•´ ì‹¬ì¤‘ì˜ ë³€í™”ì•¼ë§ë¡œ 가장 í•° ê¸°ì • To: Love God, serve God, honour&amp;praise God Willing to do God's will, know God, free inter God desire us to be . Know urself. Use imagination, be creative, imagine new possibility Patience. 기ë„하진 ì•Šì„것: ì§ìž¥ ë‹¤ë‹ˆê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì‚´ë¹ ì§€ê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì œì•¸ì•´ ì½” ë†’ì—¬ì£¼ì„ ì–´ê¹¨, ë°œ 완치 남편 ì§ìž¥ 진로 ì´ë„심 ì œì•¸ 학굕 ì¸ë„ 열심히 êµ¬í• ê²ƒ: ê¸ êµìœ¡ì˜ 지혜 겸ì†ì˜ 삶 ê±´ê°•í•˜ê³ í™”ëª©í•œ ê°€ì • í• ë¨¸ë‹ˆ/아버지 천êµìœ¼ë¡œ ì ì•€ì´ì•ˆì—• 임종 Dec 28, 3:41pm 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 오해하는것 마치 ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ ë²„ìŠ ë³´ê³ íƒ€ë ¤ëŠ”ì¤„ì•Œê³ ë©ˆì·„ëŠ”ë•° ì‚¬ì‹¤ì€ ìžì‹ 뒤엕 있는 버스를 향한것임ì 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì€ ê·¸ê²Œ 아닌땰 ë‚´ 멋대로 í•´ì„í•˜ê³ ë‚˜ì¤‘ì—• 가서 ì•„ 그게 아줌마가 ì†ì„ 너무 ì¼ì°ë“¤ì—ˆëŠë‹ˆ 하며 ì”¨ë¶€ë •ê±°ë¦¬ë©´ 얼마나 꼴사ë ë‚©ë“하는 ìžì„¸ ë˜í•œ 중요하다. ì˜¤í•´ìž„ì„ ì•Œì•˜ìœ¼ë©´ 다시 ì œ ìžì„¸ë¡œ ëŒì• í‘¸ë…•ë– ëŠ”ê±´ 오버다! 하ëŠë‹˜ê³¼ì˜ 관계솕ì—ì„œë„ ë§ˆì°¬ê°€ì§€ì´ë‹¤. ë³¸ì•¸ì• ë…¸ë ¥ì€ ëª»í• ë§•ì • 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë‚ ê°€ì§€ê³ ë†€ì•˜ë‹¤ ë°°ì‹ ë‹¹í–ˆë‹¤ 하며 ì›ë§í•´ì„œ 그만ë‘지 못 한것ë„, ëŒìž”치 치른것ë„, í•œêµì—¬í–‰ ê°„ê²ƒë„ ë‹¤ 싫어하셨 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì‹«ì–´í•˜ì‹¤ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥¸ë‹¤. 무언가 ì›í• 때마다 그것앴 네 욕심ì¸ì§ 11:54pm 겸ì†ì˜ 삶: everyday life 1) 좋ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 궂ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í ë•ê³ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ê³ ì¡´ì¤‘í•´ì£¼ê¸° ì¸ë‚´ì˜ 삶: on life crisis 1) ì˜ì§€ì 으로ë¼ë„ ê°ì‚¬ 조급해하지 않기 3) ì„ í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ í¬ì‹ ëœ»ì„ ë¯¿ê³ ë°”ë•¼ê¸° Dec 15, 11:42pm ì í‰í™” ë“±ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì€ ì¸ë‚´ë¥¼ 요구합니다. ì¸ë‚´í•˜ëŠ” 사람ë 사람만앴 ê·¸ 열매를 맛볼 수 있습니다. 세례잕 ìš”í•œì€ ìš”ë¥´ë‹¨ ê°•ì—ì„œ ‘어린양’앴땼 ì†Œê°œí•˜ê³ , ìžì‹ ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì‹ ë°œ ëˆì¡°ì°¨ 풀어 드릴 수 ì—†ë íë¥¼ìˆ˜ë¡ ì´ˆì¡°í•´ì§‘ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì€ ê°ì˜¥ì—• 갇히는 ì‹ ì„¸ê°€ ë˜ê³ , 예수님께서ë ê°€ì‹œê³ ìžˆê¸° 때문입니다. 그래서 예수님께 ì œìžë“¤ì„ ë³´ë‚´ì–´, “오실 분앴 합니까?― í•˜ê³ ì—¬ì™ê²Œ 합니다. 세례잕 ìš”í•œì˜ ë¯¿ìŒì´ í”들리는 대ë ëª»í•˜ê³ , ë˜ëŠ” 앴미 우리와 함께 ê³„ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œì•„ë³´ì§€ ëª»í•˜ê³ ì‹ ì•™ ìžì²´ê°€ í 세례잕 요한처럼 ì˜ì‹¬ì„ 품게 ë• ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥´ê² ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 그러나 ì ˆë§í•˜ì§€ ë§ ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ 기ë„해야 합니다. 주님께서는 우리 ì‚¶ì„ í†µí•˜ì—¬ ìƒí™œ 가운ë°ë¡ 12, 12:39pm ë•…ì˜ ê·€í•œ ì†Œì¶œì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” ë†ë¶€ë¥¼ ë³´ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. 그는 앴른 ë¹„ì™ ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ë„ ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ë©° 마ìŒì„ 굳게 가지ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. Nov ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì„ ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ê·¸ë¶„ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë…¸ë•¼ê³ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ë”°ë¼ë‚˜ì„ 사 í˜•ì œìžë§¤ë“¤ì´ê³ , ì§•ì—…ì€ ì¼ìš©í• ì–‘ì‹ì„ 위한 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ê³¼ ë°°ë ¤ìž… 않습니다. 그러니 ì–¸ì œë‚˜ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 합당한 ìƒí™œì„ 하ë„ë¡ ë…¸ Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">Today, baptized people were called by Lord, and they left every and sister in Lord, and the work place is God's grace and care for daily bread. actually we do not n Lord's calling.</span> Nov 29, 9:32pm 우리는 참으로 ë§Žì€ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì„ ì²´í—˜í•˜ë©´ì„œ ê°€ì ¸ë‹¤ì£¼ë©°, ì‚¬ëžŒì„ ìƒˆë¡ê²Œ 변화시켜 ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. * 그러나 기다리지 ëª»í•˜ê³ ë§¤ë‹¬ë¦¬ëŠ” 사람엕겕 ë” ì´ìƒì˜ 새로움ì´ëž€ ì—†ì„ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. * 새로움 게 하시러 오시는 아기 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚˜ 뵕 ìˆ˜ë„ ì—†ì„ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë© ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” 사람만앴 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚ ìˆ˜ 있습니다 We live with many experiences of new. *but those who can't wait and live satisfying in reality, and hanging on to things that can be s of whole new life, and we can't meet baby Jesus who come to refresh us. How pitiful that person is 8:57pm The disposition u need to receive god's healing Humility: thank god gor what god has don world know that u need help u need grace of god U want god to do things ur way? Forgiveness: re need the forgiveness of god. Allow ourselves to be available to god n others. Desire to forgive. Go would be faithful always. We can rely on him.. Surrender ur life to god: U want healing or relief? destroying u! Our unhappiness is caused by us. Do the right thing.. Not be too naive, thinking god happening to us.. Ask for his will be done. Dun clinging to this life. Detaatch from the world. God testimony to god: We must proclaim wat the lord has done for us. It is for the greater glory of god. way u think.. In his way particulary for u.. Oct 11, 11:53pm 아픈만핼 ë” ì„±ìˆ™í•´ì§„ë‹¤ ì£ ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì§•ì ‘ 치료하시ë„ë¡ ë‚´ 놓는다 Sep 5, 11:12am ë² ë„¤ì¹˜ì•„: ë°”ì˜ì„±ë‹¹ ë í¬ë¡œì•„í‹°ì•„: 성 스테팕 성당 드부로브니핬 í•¬ë ˆíƒ€ 아틀란티스 ì‚°í† ë¦¬ Retrieved from her iPhone. These are in English, once i get the Korean ones translated, they will b Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 9, 7:52am 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. ì´ì²˜ëŸ¼ 하늘 나땼ì—ë„ ê·¸ì—• 맞갖ì ì˜¨ìœ , ì¹œì ˆ, ì¸ë‚´ 등 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 하늘 나땼 잔치를 위 있습니다. Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and my will is that God's Will be done. 9:45pm O tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to whatever you desire of me and to accept everyt will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surrender myself to u. Do as u please.. I believe u u back my free will. U know what is the best for me &amp; my family. But please, do not delay m 201 201 all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank u lord for giving me one more day. Everyday i c 1- 1- u, use it for ur holy will. I am happy that i can be used for your will, whatever it is, and i know you 93 11- 11- me to your presence. How i desire to be united to ur spirit! I can wait patiently, because i trust that 1 0 18 18 the day. I love you lord, more than anything in this world. I dont want to stay back in this world w 22:1 14:1 where i can be truly happy praising u all the time. I wish to serve u there. Whenever i think of heav 4:31 4:31 be. Thank u lord. I know ur with me inside my heart. Thank u for being with me. I love u. Sep 26, ëœê±° 마냥 ì°©ê°ì†ì—• 지냈으니 ë²Œì„ ë°›ì•„ 마땅하옵니다 겸ì†ì„ ë°°ìš° ë‹¨ìž ë„ í—ˆë½í•˜ì†Œì„œ... Sep 20, 6:26am Throughout the night, i have difficulty breathing a exhale very shortly, end up im like just finished running kind of state. Help!! Pls inform doc with u swim? What is good for lung recovery? Can i twist body? (sucking lung, cough &amp; flame) How Something protuding on the chest Wat is biopsy result? Still triple neg? Cough as long as i have ca abt this: does he prefer me to have recline arm chair to relief my back pain or not? My answer is n confused. She says God is not a petty god. "ur in pain n there is way to relief why do u refuse? The But i thought since this is God's test on my patience, he wouldnt like to see me getting this luxurio certain level &amp; amt of pain. I imagined myself as his electronic product. He's testing how stea the stress test n he will use me. Am i wrong about God? Help~!! i m confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm Sep Then i had 3 strange dreams. 1st one someone was keep flipping me down so i shout in jesus name me n i felt like floating away. I kept say jesus i give my life to u, jesus protect me. It was scary n d that one led to my old dreams later part so im blur but flying part felt real..i think i was shouting je whole night cudnt sleep well.. Pray for me.. Gods message: passover is over 탈출기 12 Sep 2, 9: 그릇과 같습니다. í—Œ 옷ì—다 새 천 ì¡°ê°ì„ ë§ëŒ€ì–´ 꿰매듯앴 옛 모습 ê 수는 없습니다. ì˜›ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìƒˆ 부대를 ë§ˆë ¨í•´ì•¼ 새 í¬ë„주를 ë‹´ì„ ìˆ í•˜ëŠ” ë‚´ì • ì‡„ì‹ ì—• íž˜ì„ ê¸°ìš¸ì—¬ì•¼ 한다는 뜻입니다. ì˜•ì •ì•¸ 무관심과 ê² ìš°ë¦¬ 안엕 모실 수 있습니다. 바오로 사ë„ê°€ ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ì§€ìš”. “여러분ì 모릅니까? ê·¸ ì„±ë ¹ì„ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì•´ 하ëŠë‹˜ì—게서 ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì€ 6,19) 바오로 사ë„는 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ 반문하며 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ 거처하시는 우리ì 마ìŒì€ 새 í¬ë„주를 담는 새 부대처럼 ì„±ë ¹ì„ ëª¨ì‹œëŠ” 장소ë¼ëŠ” ëœ ë‚˜â€™ë¡œì„œ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ ë‚´ 안엕 머무르시ë„ë¡ í•´ì•¼ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. Sep 1, 5:37p †ì•´ 기ë„하며 ê°„ì²í•˜ê³ 있습니다. 곧 여러분앴 ëª¨ë“ ì˜•ì • 지혜와 ê¹¨ë‹¬ìŒ ì¶©ë§Œí•´ì ¸, 주님께 합당하게 ì‚´ì•„ê°ìœ¼ë¡œì¨ ëª¨ë“ ë©´ì—ì„œ 그분 마ìŒì—• 아는 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ 잕땼기를 빕니다. 똕 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì˜ê´‘스러운 ëŠ¥ë ¥ì—ì„œ 내기를 빕니다. ê¸°ìœ ë§ˆìŒìœ¼ë¡œ, 성ë„ë“¤ì´ ë¹›ì˜ ë‚˜ë•¼ì—ì„œ 받는 ìƒì† 것입니다. 아버지께서는 우리를 ì–´ë‘ ì˜ ê¶Œì„¸ì—ì„œ 구해 내시어 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 아드님 안ì—ì„œ 우리는 ì†ëŸ‰ì„, 곧 ì£„ì˜ ìš©ì„œë¥¼ 받습니다. â–¥ ì‚¬ë„ ë°”ì 사랑하는 하ëŠë‹˜, ì €ì—게 í¬ì‹ ì€ì´ì„ ë² í’€ì–´ 주셔서 ì œ 마ìŒì´ ìš”ë™ í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ê°ì‚¬ë“œë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì €ë„ ì•Œì§€ 못한 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ í•° 용기와 믿ìŒì€ ì£¼ë ´ë¨¸ë‹ˆì˜ ê³µë¡œë¥¼ ë³´ì‹œê³ ì œê²Œ 특별히 ìžì• 를 ë² í‘¸ì‹ ê±¸ë¡œ 압니다. ì €ëŠ” 보잘것 환난중ì—ì„œë„ ë‘•ë ¤ì›Œí•˜ëŠ” 맘앴 ì¼ì§€ëŠ” 않지만 ì „ ì•„ì§ë„ 여러모ë 대화하는ë°ì„œ 많앴 모ìžëžŒì„ ê³ ë°±í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì „ ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë„ˆë¬´ë‚˜ë„ ëŒ€í™” ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì†ì‚¼ìž„ì´ ë“¤ë¦¬ì§€ 않사옵니다. ì„±ë ¹ì˜ ì—ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ë„ ì œ ì•ˆì—•ì„ ì•¼ì–´ë í•œë§ì”€ì´ë¼ë„ 해주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤! 아니, 한마디ë¼ë„ ì œê°€ 들ì„수 있게 ì œ ê·€ë ´ì˜¤ì…”ì„œ ì œë§ˆìŒì„ 불살땼 주옵소서! ì œê°€ ì´ë¦¬ë„ ì•ˆì •ì ì´ë©´ì„œë„ ë‹ ë„ˆë¬´ ì²´ë…하여 그런게 ì•„ë‹ê¹Œ ë‘•ë µìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 분명 ì œ 옆엕 계 믿사오니 계솕 ì œ 안엕 임하시며 ì—사하여 주소서. Aug 28, 12:04pm 주님, ì Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life 1. God is my sheph love, I walk by the quiet waters of peace. 2. Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, you lead music of your Name. 3. Though i should wander the valley of death, I fear no evil, for you are at m set me a banquet of love in the face of hatred, crowning me with love beyond my power to hold. 5 will dwell in the house of my God forevermore. Aug 25, 10:41am 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기(ê 오로지 ì£¼ë‹˜ë§Œì„ ë”°ë¥´ë ¤ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì‹ìžê°€ë¥¼ ì§€ê³ ì—¬ê¸° 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 오로 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 오롯앴 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 하얀 소복 ì°¨ë ¤ ì—¬ í›„ë ´) 파아란 í’€ë°ì—• ì•´ 몸 뉘어주소서 ê³ ì•´ 쉬땼 물터로 나를 ëŒì– 쉴 ê³³ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ í’ˆ ì˜ì›ížˆ ìž ë“œë µë‹ˆë‹¤ Jul 1, 4:28pm In every situation in life you need co I am giving you this message. For you to realise that in life you will always need to pray for graces strong and so too your trust in me. It is I who speaks. Aug 25, 10:38am 받아주소서(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 받아주소서 (2번) 1. ë‚˜ì˜ ëª¨ë“ ìžìœ 와 ë‚˜ì˜ ê¸°ì–µê³¼ ì§€ë ¥ ë‚˜ì˜ ì˜ì§€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ë˜ëŒë ¤ 드리오리다 2. 내게 ì£¼ì‹ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ì£¼ì˜ ê²ƒì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 오징 주ë 주시면 ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ May 23, 4:41pm ì „ëŠ¥í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜, 만물앴 ë‹¹ì‹ ê¶Œìœ„ì•ˆì—• 없습니다. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ëœ»í•˜ì‹ ëŒ€ë¡œ ì €í•¬ì—게 ì£¼ì‹œê³ ë˜í•œ 앗아가시니 ëª ì‹ ë¹„ë¥¼ ì´í•´í•˜ì§€ 못하여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì›•ë§•í–ˆë˜ ì €ë¥¼ ìš©ì„œí•˜ì‹œê³ ì €ì—게 ë”í• ë”í•´ì£¼ì‹œë“ ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹¤ëŒ€ë¡œ 하ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. ì „ 들풀ì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 바람불면 í”들리ê ëª¨ë“ ìƒ•ê°•ê³¼ 핬맕 모둕 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ 바치오니 ë‹¹ì‹ ëœ»ëŒ€ë¡œ 하옵소서. May 22, 12 of God) john 1:12, Ezekiel 36:24-27 -witness(external: preach boldly, heal) -Charismatic gift &a spirit, sonship with God the father 1 Cor 11:23 Why r we praying over again and again for the filli imagination, memory(1/8 concious, 7/8 unconcious), emotion, will-we need to transform all 5 of th faith &amp; love, stir into the flame. Apr 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr healthy n pure blood circulate i  weak body. And may yr healthy n vigorous life throb within me. Amen. Apr 8, 9:46am 사람ë ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë©´ 얼마나 ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ìžˆëŠ”ì§€ 물어보면 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ë¯¿ìŒì˜ 눈앴 열립니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ì•Žì€ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì„ ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ìš°ë 완성ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 아는 만핼 ë¯¿ê³ ë¯¿ëŠ” 만핼 ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì‹¤ì²œí• ìˆ˜ 있습 â—Ž ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시네. â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시며, 분 게 좋으시며, ê·¸ ìžë¹„ ëª¨ë“ ì¡°ë¬¼ 위엕 내리네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë§ì”€ë§ 누구ë¼ë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë¶™ë“œì‹œê³ , 꺾앸 ì´ëŠ” 누구ë¼ë„ ì¼ìœ¼ì¼œ 세우시 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë¶€ë¥´ëŠ” ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게, 진실하ê 9:23pm 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” 무아는, 예수님께서 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 무화(ç ìžì‹ ì•´ ì—†ì–´ì§€ê³ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 그분과 하나 ëœ ìƒíƒœë¥¼ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리스ë„êµ ì„œ 다릅니다. 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” ë¹„ì›€ì€ ì˜ˆìˆ˜ 그리스ë„를 ë‚´ 안 있듯앴, 예수님 안ì—ì„œ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì¼í•˜ê³ ê³„ì‹ ê²ƒì²˜ëŸ¼ 우리를 비운 바오로 사ë„는 â€œì•´ì œëŠ” ë‚´ê°€ 사는 것앴 아니땼 그리스ë„께서 ë‚´ ì•ˆì— ê²°êµ ë¹„ì›€ì€ ë‹¨ìˆœížˆ 집착과 íƒìš•ì„ ëŠëŠ” ê²ƒë§Œì„ ëœ»í•˜ì§€ 않습니다. ë˜í•œ 아닙니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ë¹„ì›€ì˜ ì˜ë¯¸ëŠ” 사랑하는 것입니다. 우리가 그냥 비운다ê 비워지는 것입니다. 그냥 비워서는 곧바로 다른 것앴 들어와 잕리를 ì‚¬ëž‘í•˜ì‹œê³ ì„¸ìƒ•ì—• ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì‹œëŠ” ê²ƒì„ ëœ»í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ëˆ„êµ¬ë¥¼ 사 비움앴 시작ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Mar 21, 11:12pm 하ëŠë‹˜, ì˜í˜¼ì˜ ê±´ê°•ì„ ìœ„í•˜ì—¬ ìœ¡ì‹ ì˜ ë§ˆìŒì„ 다하여 ìžì• ë¡œìš°ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ê³„ëª…ì„ ì§€í‚¤ê²Œ 하소서. 우리가 사람 없다!’는 믿ìŒì„ 가진다면 편해질 것입니다. 주어땼. 그러면 ë„ˆí¬ ë˜ì–´ 너핬 품엕 ë‹´ì•„ 주실 것ì´ë‹¤. 너í¬ê°€ ë˜ì§ˆí•˜ëŠ” 바로 ê·¸ ë˜ë¡œ 너핬 • “내가 너를 ë§Žì€ ë¯¼ì¡±ì˜ ì¡°ìƒìœ¼ë¡œ 만들었다.â€•ë•¼ê³ ê¸°ë¡ëœ ê· ì£½ì€ ì´ë“¤ì„ 다시 ì‚´ë¦¬ì‹œê³ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ì§€ 않는 ê²ƒì„ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ë„ë¡ ë¶ˆëŸ¬ë‚´ì‹œëŠ” 18 그는 핬맕앴 ì—†ì–´ë„ í¬ë§í•˜ë©°, â€œë„ˆì˜ í›„ì†ë“¤ì´ ì €ë ‡ê²Œ 많아질 ê² ì•„ë²„ì§€â€ê°€ ë• ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 22 바로 ê·¸ 때문엕 “하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ê·¸ 로마서4장 Mar 13, 3:00am 매야 아침 기ë„: 오늘 하루ë™ì•ˆ ì œì•¸ì•´ ì—„ë§ˆì˜ ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì´ì›ƒê³¼ 나눌수 있게 ë‚¨ì„ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ëŠ” 마ìŒê³¼ ë„“ì€ ì•„ëŸ‰ì„ ì£¼ì†Œ 마ìŒì„ 주관하여 ì£¼ì‹œê³ , 오늘 하루 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ 아래서 지내게 하여 ì 아멘. Mar 1, 1:52pm 해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다. 오늘 ë³µìŒì—ì„œ ë² ë“œë ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìŠ¤ìŠ¹ë‹˜ì„ ë”°ëžìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.― í•˜ê³ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ë§íˆ¬ì—는 ì ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ì•´ 맕엕 예수님께서는 아무런 ì¹ì°¬ë„ í•´ 주지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜¤íž ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë‹¤ ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ í•œë‹¤ê³ ë§ì”€í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì—게 ëŒì•„올 ì–´ë–¤ ì˜ê´‘ì ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ 한다는 것입니다. ìž„ê¸ˆì„ ë“±ì—• íƒœìš°ê³ ê°€ëŠ” 나귀가 있었습니다 ìžë¶€ì‹¬ì´ 대단했습니다. 사람들앴 ì˜¨ëª¸ì„ ì¹˜ìž¥í•´ ì£¼ê³ , 임금앴 타는 나귀 ë‚ , 임금앴 ê·¸ 나귀를 íƒ€ê³ í–‰ë ¬ í• ë•Œ, 사람들앴 환호를 하잕, 나귀는 사ë 답례를 보냈습니다. ê²°êµ ìž„ê¸ˆì€ ë‚˜ê·€ì—ì„œ ë–¨ì–´ì§€ê³ ë§•ì•˜ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì • êµ ì˜ˆí™”ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. êµíšŒì—• 봉사한다는 ê²ƒì€ â€˜ë¶€ë¦„ ë°›ì€ ì¢…â€™ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ì € “해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다.―(루카 17,10)땼 ì´ìƒ ìƒê°í•˜ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ì˜•ì • êµë§Œìž…니다. Feb 9, 6:50pm 너가 암엕 걸린건 그럴 잕격앴 없어서앴 cooxpmlop ã…Š í•— ã…¡ã…‘ã…“ã…— 푸 다. ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê³ ë‚ †ì§€ë§Œ 너를 위해 ìœ ìµí•˜ë‹¤ëŠ”ê²ƒë§Œì€ ëª…ì‹¬í•´ë•¼ 하루를 ë” ì•„í”„ê²Œë˜ë 용기와 힘, ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ì´ë‹¤. Jan 26, 10:39am 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ í•˜ëŠ ê°€ì§„ 것엕 ì˜ì§€í•´ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하면, 하ëŠë‹˜ì—• 대한 믿ìŒë³´ë‹¤ë 때문야 것입니다. ë²•ì • ìŠ¤ë‹˜ì˜ ì±… ã€Žë¬´ì†Œìœ ã€•ì—• ì´ëŸ° êµ¬ì ˆì•´ 있습ë 때로는 ê·¸ 물건 때문엕 마ìŒì„ 쓰게 ëœë‹¤. ë”°ë¼ì„œ 무엇ì¸ê°€ë¥¼ 것, 그러므로 많앴 ê°–ê³ ìžˆë‹¤ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ê·¸ë§Œí•¼ 많앴 얽혀 있다는 뜻앴ë 많ì„수ë¡, 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 위한 ì¼ë§ˆì €ë„ ê·¸ 뿌리ì—서는 세ìƒì˜ ì¼ì„ 하ë 성과보다 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ ì˜íƒí•˜ëŠ” 우리 ì‚¶ì˜ íƒœë„ê°€ 중요합니다. Jan 24, 3 the top... I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts. As a result of them the Lord - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. Jan 22, 2:07am ì˜ ë¬´ì—‡ê³¼ë„ ë°”ê¿€ 수 없는 ì€ì´ì˜ 사건ì´ì§€ë§Œ, 반드시 ì ¸ì•¼ í• ì‹ìžê°€ê°€ 가족사랑-ì¢‹ì€ ì—„ë§ˆ, ì¢‹ì€ ì•„ë‚´ 1) ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ê±´ê°• ì±…ìž„-ì¢‹ì€ ì‹ë‹¨ 2) 살림꾸ë 아니시므로, 여러분앴 성ë„들ì—게 ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ì˜€ê³ ì§€ê¸ˆë„ ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ë©´ì„œ 잊지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 11 여러분 ê°ìžê°€ 핬맕앴 실현ë˜ë„ë¡ ë까지 ê°™ 그리하여 게으른 사람앴 ë˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ , 약ì†ëœ ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ìŒê³¼ ì¸ë‚´ë¡œ ìƒ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ížˆë¸Œë¦¬ì„œì˜ ë§ì”€ìž…니다.6,10-20 Jan 15, 9:39am 진실앴 ë°í˜€ì¡Œë‹¤ 치르게 하셨다. ê·¸ ë§Žì€ í˜¼ì„ ê³¼ 지긋지긋한 í•ì•”치료.. ëë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ìžƒì—ˆ 무ìžë¹„í•˜ê³ ëƒ‰í˜¹í•˜ì‹œë©° ë™ì‹œì—• ìž•ì²´ê°€ 사랑ì´ë¼ëŠ” ëª¨ìˆœì˜ ì‹ ì´ì‹œë‹¤ 모른채 벌앸 실수를 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ìž”ì¸í•˜ê²Œ 추ê¶í•˜ì‹œë‹¤ë‹ˆ! ë‚˜ì˜ ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜! ë‹¹ì‹ ëŒ€ì‹ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì…¨ë‹¤êµ¬ìš”?! 그것앴 ì œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì•—ì•„ê°€ì•¼ë§Œ í• ì£„ì˜€ìŠµë 위로해주세요.. ì•´ ìƒì²˜ë¥¼ 아물수있게 넘치는 사랑과 위안과 ë³µì„ ì£¼ì„¸ìš ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹ ë°ìš”? ê·¸ë ‡ê²Œ ë‰˜ìš°ì¹˜ê³ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë‹¤ê³ í•œ ì ˆ ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ë‚´ë™ëŒ•ì 궕극ì 으로 우리 ì¸ìƒì„ 아름답게 í•˜ì‹œê³ ì°¸ë˜ê²Œ 하시는 ë¶„ì€ ì§„ë¦¬ì˜ ë¶ˆì•ˆí•˜ê³ í˜¼ëž€ìŠ¤ëŸ¬ìš¸ìˆ˜ë¡• 우리ì—게 필요한 ê²ƒì€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì„ ìœ¼ë¡œ ì´ë 잕주 미사 참례를 í•˜ê³ , 성체 조배를 하며, ê³ í•´ì„±ì‚¬ë¥¼ 통하여 ìžì‹ ì„ ë”ìš ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리가 미래를 몰ë¼ì„œ 삶앴 ë‘•ë ¤ìš´ 것앴 아닙니다. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë³´ì´ì§€ 않는 미래를 ì£¼ì‹ ì´ìœ 는, 우리가 하루하루를 새ë¡ê²Œ 사람ì—게 미래는 ì„¤ë ˜ê³¼ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì„¸ê³„ë¡œ 다가옵니다. Jan 10, 9:17am ì‚¶ì— ´ì§„다. ìž˜ëª»ëœ ì„ íƒìœ¼ë¡œ ì¸í•œ ê³ í†µ, ë‹¤ë¥¸ì‚¬ëžŒì˜ ì£„ë‚˜ 환경으로 ì¸í•´ ë° í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì˜ë„ì 으로 ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒì•´ 아니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì•´ ê³ í†µ ì„œë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë¯¿ëŠ”ìžë“¤ì„ 통해 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œê¸° 때문ì´ë‹¤. ì•´ 세ìƒì 그래서 우리ì—게 벌어지는 ëª¨ë“ ì‚¬ê±´ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì„리안엕 머무르는 것ì 찾아온다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ ë°©ê´€ìžì‹œë‹¤. 하지만 ì‹œë ¨ì†•ì—ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¾ëŠ”ìž ê³„ì†• 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¬ì–‘í• ìˆ˜ ìžˆê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„ 값진 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œëŠ”ê±°ë‹¤. Jan 1 때’는 잕기 ìžì‹ ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하지만, ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 바오로 사ë„처럼 â€˜ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ì¼í•˜ì‹œê¸° 때문입니다. ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë´‰ì‚¬ìžë¡œ ì¼í•˜ëŠ” 사람ì—게 필요한 ê ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ë„구로 앨 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤.― 하는 겸ì†í•œ ì‘답ì´ë©´ ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Jan 8, 1:32a 온몸엕 나병앴 걸린 사람앴 다가왔다. 그는 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë³´ìž•, ì–¼êµ´ì„ ë•…ì— ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œëŠ” í•˜ê³ ìž• 하시면 ì €ë¥¼ 깨땗하게 하실 수 있습니다.― ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„ â€œë‚´ê°€ í•˜ê³ ìž• 하니, 깨땗하게 ë˜ì–´ë•¼.― 그러잕 곧 나병앴 가셨다. Jan ëŠ¥ë ¥ì•´ 있사오니 부디 ì €ì—게 ìžë¹„를 ë² í‘¸ì‹œì–´ ì ˆ ì´ë³‘ì—ì„œ 해방시켜 ì¹˜ìœ ë°›ê¸¸ 기ë„í•˜ë˜ ë‚´ê°€ 어늕땧 ìˆ˜ìˆ ë„ ì¢‹ìœ¼ë‹ˆ 완치만 시켜주시길 기ë ë¯¿ì—ˆë˜ ë¯¿ìŒì€ 무참히 ë¶€ìˆ´ì§€ê³ ì•´ì œëŠ” 겸허하게 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 ë‚ ì 기ì˜ê²Œ ë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ë„ë ¤ë‚¼ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. ì•´ ì‹¬ì¤‘ì˜ ë³€í™”ì•¼ë§ë¡œ 가장 í•° ê¸°ì • To: Love God, serve God, honour&amp;praise God Willing to do God's will, know God, free inter God desire us to be . Know urself. Use imagination, be creative, imagine new possibility Patience. 기ë„하진 ì•Šì„것: ì§ìž¥ ë‹¤ë‹ˆê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì‚´ë¹ ì§€ê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì œì•¸ì•´ ì½” ë†’ì—¬ì£¼ì„ ì–´ê¹¨, ë°œ 완치 남편 ì§ìž¥ 진로 ì´ë„심 ì œì•¸ 학굕 ì¸ë„ 열심히 êµ¬í• ê²ƒ: ê¸ êµìœ¡ì˜ 지혜 겸ì†ì˜ 삶 ê±´ê°•í•˜ê³ í™”ëª©í•œ ê°€ì • í• ë¨¸ë‹ˆ/아버지 천êµìœ¼ë¡œ ì ì€ì´ì•ˆì—• 임종 Dec 28, 3:41pm 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 오해하는것 마치 ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ ë²„ìŠ ë³´ê³ íƒ€ë ¤ëŠ”ì¤„ì•Œê³ ë©ˆì·„ëŠ”ë•° ì‚¬ì‹¤ì€ ìžì‹ 뒤엕 있는 버스를 향한것임ì 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì€ ê·¸ê²Œ 아닌땰 ë‚´ 멋대로 í•´ì„í•˜ê³ ë‚˜ì¤‘ì—• 가서 ì•„ 그게 아줌마가 ì†ì„ 너무 ì¼ì°ë“¤ì—ˆëŠë‹ˆ 하며 ì”¨ë¶€ë •ê±°ë¦¬ë©´ 얼마나 꼴사ë ë‚©ë“하는 ìžì„¸ ë˜í•œ 중요하다. ì˜¤í•´ìž„ì„ ì•Œì•˜ìœ¼ë©´ 다시 ì œ ìžì„¸ë¡œ ëŒì• í‘¸ë…•ë– ëŠ”ê±´ 오버다! 하ëŠë‹˜ê³¼ì˜ 관계솕ì—ì„œë„ ë§ˆì°¬ê°€ì§€ì´ë‹¤. ë³¸ì•¸ì• ë…¸ë ¥ì€ ëª»í• ë§•ì • 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë‚ ê°€ì§€ê³ ë†€ì•˜ë‹¤ ë°°ì‹ ë‹¹í–ˆë‹¤ 하며 ì›ë§í•´ì„œ 그만ë‘지 못 한것ë„, ëŒìž”치 치른것ë„, í•œêµì—¬í–‰ ê°„ê²ƒë„ ë‹¤ 싫어하셨 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì‹«ì–´í•˜ì‹¤ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥¸ë‹¤. 무언가 ì›í• 때마다 그것앴 네 욕심ì¸ì§ 11:54pm 겸ì†ì˜ 삶: everyday life 1) 좋ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 궂ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í ë•ê³ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ê³ ì¡´ì¤‘í•´ì£¼ê¸° ì¸ë‚´ì˜ 삶: on life crisis 1) ì˜ì§€ì 으로ë¼ë„ ê°ì‚¬ 조급해하지 않기 3) ì„ í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ í¬ì‹ ëœ»ì„ ë¯¿ê³ ë°”ë•¼ê¸° Dec 15, 11:42pm ì í‰í™” ë“±ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì€ ì¸ë‚´ë¥¼ 요구합니다. ì¸ë‚´í•˜ëŠ” 사람ë 사람만앴 ê·¸ 열매를 맛볼 수 있습니다. 세례잕 ìš”í•œì€ ìš”ë¥´ë‹¨ ê°•ì—ì„œ ‘어린양’앴땼 ì†Œê°œí•˜ê³ , ìžì‹ ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì‹ ë°œ ëˆì¡°ì°¨ 풀어 드릴 수 ì—†ë íë¥¼ìˆ˜ë¡ ì´ˆì¡°í•´ì§‘ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì€ ê°ì˜¥ì—• 갇히는 ì‹ ì„¸ê°€ ë˜ê³ , 예수님께서ë ê°€ì‹œê³ ìžˆê¸° 때문입니다. 그래서 예수님께 ì œìžë“¤ì„ ë³´ë‚´ì–´, “오실 분앴 합니까?― í•˜ê³ ì—¬ì™ê²Œ 합니다. 세례잕 ìš”í•œì˜ ë¯¿ìŒì´ í”들리는 대ë ëª»í•˜ê³ , ë˜ëŠ” 앴미 우리와 함께 ê³„ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œì•„ë³´ì§€ ëª»í•˜ê³ ì‹ ì•™ ìžì²´ê°€ í 세례잕 요한처럼 ì˜ì‹¬ì„ 품게 ë• ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥´ê² ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 그러나 ì ˆë§í•˜ì§€ ë§ ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ 기ë„해야 합니다. 주님께서는 우리 ì‚¶ì„ í†µí•˜ì—¬ ìƒí™œ 가운ë°ë¡ 12, 12:39pm ë•…ì˜ ê·€í•œ ì†Œì¶œì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” ë†ë¶€ë¥¼ ë³´ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. 그는 앴른 ë¹„ì™ ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ë„ ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ë©° 마ìŒì„ 굳게 가지ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. <sp farmers who are waiting for harvest from land. He waits for crops to ripe after early rain and eve heart.</span> Nov 30, 11:00pm ì˜¤ëŠ˜ë‚ ì„¸ë¡€ ë°›ì€ ì‚¬ëžŒë“¤ì€ ëª¨ë‘• ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ë”°ë¼ë‚˜ì„ 사람들입니다. ê°€ì¡±ì€ ì•´ì œ 주님 안ì—ì„œ í•œ í˜•ì œìžë§ ì€ì´ê³¼ ë°°ë ¤ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 사실 우리는 주님 ì´ì™¸ì—는 ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ í•„ìš”ì¹˜ 않습 ìƒí™œì„ 하ë„ë¡ ë…¸ë ¥í•´ì•¼ 합니다. <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvet everything behind in order to follow Him. Now the family is one brother and sister in Lord, and th need anything except lord. So should always try to live the life up to Lord's calling.</span> Nov 2 살아갑니다. ì•´ ì²´í—˜ì€ ì–¸ì œë‚˜ ìƒˆë¡œì›€ì„ ê°€ì ¸ë‹¤ì£¼ë©°, ì‚¬ëžŒì„ ìƒˆë¡ê²Œ ë³€í™ ì•ˆì£¼í•˜ë©°, ë³´ì´ëŠ” 것ì—만 급급하게 매달리는 사람엕겕 ë” ì´ìƒì ë³€í™”ëœ ì‚¶ì„ ê¿ˆê¿€ 수 ì—†ê³ , 우리를 새ë¡ê²Œ 하시러 오시는 아기 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë ‰í•œ ì‚¬ë¦¼ì•´ê² ëŠ”ì§€ìš”! 깨어서 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” 사람만앴 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚ experiences always give novlety and refresh people new. *but those who can't wait and live satisfy have any novelty.* without novelty, we can't dream of whole new life, and we can't meet baby Jes wake and await for Lord will meet Lord. Oct 23, 8:57pm The disposition u need to receive god's h have done.. Humble myself No pride.. Let the world know that u need help u need grace of god U regconise ur sinfulness. Realise we r imperfect need the forgiveness of god. Allow ourselves to be do the rest.. Trust in his mercy n his love: god would be faithful always. We can rely on him.. Surr healed, u need to give up things that r destroying u! Our unhappiness is caused by us. Do the right god's time is greater than wat is happening to us.. Ask for his will be done. Dun clinging to this lif u n to purify u. U must give testimony to god: We must proclaim wat the lord has done for us. It is glory. God heals u but not the way u think.. In his way particulary for u.. Oct 11, 11:53pm ì•„í”ˆë§ í”¼í•˜ê²Œ ë¨ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ 주님께서 ì§•ì ‘ 치료하시ë„ë¡ ë‚´ 놓는다 Sep 5, 11:12am 그림 성당 ê°€ë©´ì¶•ì œ í¬ë¡œì•„í‹°ì•„: 성 스테팕 성당 드부로브니핬 í•¬ë ˆ ns of god Retrieved from her iPhone. These are in English, once i get the Korean ones translated, they will b Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 9, 7:52am 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. ì´ì²˜ëŸ¼ 하늘 나땼ì—ë„ ê·¸ì—• 맞갖ì ì˜¨ìœ , ì¹œì ˆ, ì¸ë‚´ 등 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 하늘 나땼 잔치를 위 있습니다. Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and my will is that God's Will be done. 9:45pm O tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to whatever you desire of me and to accept everyt will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surrender myself to u. Do as u please.. I believe u u back my free will. U know what is the best for me &amp; my family. But please, do not delay m all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank u lord for giving me one more day. Everyday i c u, use it for ur holy will. I am happy that i can be used for your will, whatever it is, and i know you me to your presence. How i desire to be united to ur spirit! I can wait patiently, because i trust that the day. I love you lord, more than anything in this world. I dont want to stay back in this world w where i can be truly happy praising u all the time. I wish to serve u there. Whenever i think of heav be. Thank u lord. I know ur with me inside my heart. Thank u for being with me. I love u. Sep 26, ëœê±° 마냥 ì°©ê°ì†ì—• 지냈으니 ë²Œì„ ë°›ì•„ 마땅하옵니다 겸ì†ì„ ë°°ìš° ë‹¨ìž ë„ í—ˆë½í•˜ì†Œì„œ... Sep 20, 6:26am Throughout the night, i have difficulty breathing a exhale very shortly, end up im like just finished running kind of state. Help!! Pls inform doc with u swim? What is good for lung recovery? Can i twist body? (sucking lung, cough &amp; flame) How 201 201 Something protuding on the chest Wat is biopsy result? Still triple neg? Cough as long as i have ca 1- 1- abt this: does he prefer me to have recline arm chair to relief my back pain or not? My answer is n 93 11- 11- confused. She says God is not a petty god. "ur in pain n there is way to relief why do u refuse? The 1 1 21 21 But i thought since this is God's test on my patience, he wouldnt like to see me getting this luxurio 20:2 12:2 certain level &amp; amt of pain. I imagined myself as his electronic product. He's testing how stea 1:33 1:33 the stress test n he will use me. Am i wrong about God? Help~!! i m confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm Sep Then i had 3 strange dreams. 1st one someone was keep flipping me down so i shout in jesus name me n i felt like floating away. I kept say jesus i give my life to u, jesus protect me. It was scary n d that one led to my old dreams later part so im blur but flying part felt real..i think i was shouting je whole night cudnt sleep well.. Pray for me.. Gods message: passover is over 탈출기 12 Sep 2, 9: 그릇과 같습니다. í—Œ 옷ì—다 새 천 ì¡°ê°ì„ ë§ëŒ€ì–´ 꿰매듯앴 옛 모습 ê 수는 없습니다. ì˜›ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìƒˆ 부대를 ë§ˆë ¨í•´ì•¼ 새 í¬ë„주를 ë‹´ì„ ìˆ í•˜ëŠ” ë‚´ì • ì‡„ì‹ ì—• íž˜ì„ ê¸°ìš¸ì—¬ì•¼ 한다는 뜻입니다. ì˜•ì •ì•¸ 무관심과 ê² ìš°ë¦¬ 안엕 모실 수 있습니다. 바오로 사ë„ê°€ ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ì§€ìš”. “여러분ì 모릅니까? ê·¸ ì„±ë ¹ì„ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì•´ 하ëŠë‹˜ì—게서 ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 여러분앀 6,19) 바오로 사ë„는 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ 반문하며 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ 거처하시는 우리ì 마ìŒì€ 새 í¬ë„주를 담는 새 부대처럼 ì„±ë ¹ì„ ëª¨ì‹œëŠ” 장소ë¼ëŠ” ëœ ë‚˜â€™ë¡œì„œ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ ë‚´ 안엕 머무르시ë„ë¡ í•´ì•¼ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. Sep 1, 5:37p †ì•´ 기ë„하며 ê°„ì²í•˜ê³ 있습니다. 곧 여러분앴 ëª¨ë“ ì˜•ì • 지혜와 ê¹¨ë‹¬ìŒ ì¶©ë§Œí•´ì ¸, 주님께 합당하게 ì‚´ì•„ê°ìœ¼ë¡œì¨ ëª¨ë“ ë©´ì—ì„œ 그분 마ìŒì—• 아는 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ 잕땼기를 빕니다. 똕 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì˜ê´‘스러운 ëŠ¥ë ¥ì—ì„œ 내기를 빕니다. ê¸°ìœ ë§ˆìŒìœ¼ë¡œ, 성ë„ë“¤ì´ ë¹›ì˜ ë‚˜ë•¼ì—ì„œ 받는 ìƒì† 것입니다. 아버지께서는 우리를 ì–´ë‘ ì˜ ê¶Œì„¸ì—ì„œ 구해 내시어 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 아드님 안ì—ì„œ 우리는 ì†ëŸ‰ì„, 곧 ì£„ì˜ ìš©ì„œë¥¼ 받습니다. â–¥ ì‚¬ë„ ë°”ì 사랑하는 하ëŠë‹˜, ì €ì—게 í¬ì‹ ì€ì´ì„ ë² í’€ì–´ 주셔서 ì œ 마ìŒì´ ìš”ë™ í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ê°ì‚¬ë“œë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì €ë„ ì•Œì§€ 못한 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ í•° 용기와 믿ìŒì€ ì£¼ë ´ë¨¸ë‹ˆì˜ ê³µë¡œë¥¼ ë³´ì‹œê³ ì œê²Œ 특별히 ìžì• 를 ë² í‘¸ì‹ ê±¸ë¡œ 압니다. ì €ëŠ” 보잘것 환난중ì—ì„œë„ ë‘•ë ¤ì›Œí•˜ëŠ” 맘앴 ì¼ì§€ëŠ” 않지만 ì „ ì•„ì§ë„ 여러모ë 대화하는ë°ì„œ 많앴 모ìžëžŒì„ ê³ ë°±í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì „ ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë„ˆë¬´ë‚˜ë„ ëŒ€í™” ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì†ì‚¼ìž„ì´ ë“¤ë¦¬ì§€ 않사옵니다. ì„±ë ¹ì˜ ì—ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ë„ ì œ 안ì—ì„ ì•¼ì–´ë í•œë§ì”€ì´ë¼ë„ 해주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤! 아니, 한마디ë¼ë„ ì œê°€ 들ì„수 있게 ì œ ê·€ë ´ì˜¤ì…”ì„œ ì œë§ˆìŒì„ 불살땼 주옵소서! ì œê°€ ì´ë¦¬ë„ ì•ˆì •ì ì´ë©´ì„œë„ ë‹ ë„ˆë¬´ ì²´ë…하여 그런게 ì•„ë‹ê¹Œ ë‘•ë µìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 분명 ì œ 옆엕 계 믿사오니 계솕 ì œ 안엕 임하시며 ì—사하여 주소서. Aug 28, 12:04pm 주님, ì Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life 1. God is my sheph love, I walk by the quiet waters of peace. 2. Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, you lead music of your Name. 3. Though i should wander the valley of death, I fear no evil, for you are at m set me a banquet of love in the face of hatred, crowning me with love beyond my power to hold. 5 will dwell in the house of my God forevermore. Aug 25, 10:41am 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기(ê 오로지 ì£¼ë‹˜ë§Œì„ ë”°ë¥´ë ¤ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì‹ìžê°€ë¥¼ ì§€ê³ ì—¬ê¸° 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 오로 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 오롯앴 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 하얀 소복 ì°¨ë ¤ ì—¬ í›„ë ´) 파아란 í’€ë°ì—• ì•´ 몸 뉘어주소서 ê³ ì•´ 쉬땼 물터로 나를 ëŒì– 쉴 ê³³ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ í’ˆ ì˜ì›ížˆ ìž ë“œë µë‹ˆë‹¤ Jul 1, 4:28pm In every situation in life you need co I am giving you this message. For you to realise that in life you will always need to pray for graces strong and so too your trust in me. It is I who speaks. Aug 25, 10:38am 받아주소서(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 받아주소서 (2번) 1. ë‚˜ì˜ ëª¨ë“ ìžìœ 와 ë‚˜ì˜ ê¸°ì–µê³¼ ì§€ë ¥ ë‚˜ì˜ ì˜ì§€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ë˜ëŒë ¤ 드리오리다 2. 내게 ì£¼ì‹ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ì£¼ì˜ ê²ƒì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 오징 주ë 주시면 ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ May 23, 4:41pm ì „ëŠ¥í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜, 만물앴 ë‹¹ì‹ ê¶Œìœ„ì•ˆì—• 없습니다. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ëœ»í•˜ì‹ ëŒ€ë¡œ ì €í•¬ì—게 ì£¼ì‹œê³ ë˜í•œ 앗아가시니 ëª ì‹ ë¹„ë¥¼ ì´í•´í•˜ì§€ 못하여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì›•ë§•í–ˆë˜ ì €ë¥¼ ìš©ì„œí•˜ì‹œê³ ì €ì—게 ë”í• ë”í•´ì£¼ì‹œë“ ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹¤ëŒ€ë¡œ 하ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. ì „ 들풀ì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 바람불면 í”들리ê ëª¨ë“ ìƒ•ê°•ê³¼ 핬맕 모둕 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ 바치오니 ë‹¹ì‹ ëœ»ëŒ€ë¡œ 하옵소서. May 22, 12 of God) john 1:12, Ezekiel 36:24-27 -witness(external: preach boldly, heal) -Charismatic gift &a spirit, sonship with God the father 1 Cor 11:23 Why r we praying over again and again for the filli imagination, memory(1/8 concious, 7/8 unconcious), emotion, will-we need to transform all 5 of th faith &amp; love, stir into the flame. Apr 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr healthy n pure blood circulate i  weak body. And may yr healthy n vigorous life throb within me. Amen. Apr 8, 9:46am 사람ë ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë©´ 얼마나 ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ìžˆëŠ”ì§€ 물어보면 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ë¯¿ìŒì˜ 눈앴 열립니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ì•Žì€ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì„ ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ìš°ë 완성ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 아는 만핼 ë¯¿ê³ ë¯¿ëŠ” 만핼 ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì‹¤ì²œí• ìˆ˜ 있습 â—Ž ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시네. â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시며, 분 게 좋으시며, ê·¸ ìžë¹„ ëª¨ë“ ì¡°ë¬¼ 위엕 내리네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë§ì”€ë§ 누구ë¼ë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë¶™ë“œì‹œê³ , 꺾앸 ì´ëŠ” 누구ë¼ë„ ì¼ìœ¼ì¼œ 세우시 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë¶€ë¥´ëŠ” ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게, 진실하ê 9:23pm 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” 무아는, 예수님께서 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 무화(ç ìžì‹ ì•´ ì—†ì–´ì§€ê³ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 그분과 하나 ëœ ìƒíƒœë¥¼ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리스ë„êµ ì„œ 다릅니다. 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” ë¹„ì›€ì€ ì˜ˆìˆ˜ 그리스ë„를 ë‚´ 안 있듯앴, 예수님 안ì—ì„œ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì¼í•˜ê³ ê³„ì‹ ê²ƒì²˜ëŸ¼ 우리를 비운 바오로 사ë„는 â€œì•´ì œëŠ” ë‚´ê°€ 사는 것앴 아니땼 그리스ë„께서 ë‚´ ì•ˆì— ê²°êµ ë¹„ì›€ì€ ë‹¨ìˆœížˆ 집착과 íƒìš•ì„ ëŠëŠ” ê²ƒë§Œì„ ëœ»í•˜ì§€ 않습니다. ë˜í•œ 아닙니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ë¹„ì›€ì˜ ì˜ë¯¸ëŠ” 사랑하는 것입니다. 우리가 그냥 비운다ê 비워지는 것입니다. 그냥 비워서는 곧바로 다른 것앴 들어와 잕리를 ì‚¬ëž‘í•˜ì‹œê³ ì„¸ìƒ•ì—• ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì‹œëŠ” ê²ƒì„ ëœ»í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ëˆ„êµ¬ë¥¼ 사 비움앴 시작ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Mar 21, 11:12pm 하ëŠë‹˜, ì˜í˜¼ì˜ ê±´ê°•ì„ ìœ„í•˜ì—¬ ìœ¡ì‹ ì˜ ë§ˆìŒì„ 다하여 ìžì• ë¡œìš°ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ê³„ëª…ì„ ì§€í‚¤ê²Œ 하소서. 우리가 사람 없다!’는 믿ìŒì„ 가진다면 편해질 것입니다. 주어땼. 그러면 ë„ˆí¬ ë˜ì–´ 너핬 품엕 ë‹´ì•„ 주실 것ì´ë‹¤. 너í¬ê°€ ë˜ì§ˆí•˜ëŠ” 바로 ê·¸ ë˜ë¡œ ë„ˆí¬ • “내가 너를 ë§Žì€ ë¯¼ì¡±ì˜ ì¡°ìƒìœ¼ë¡œ 만들었다.â€•ë•¼ê³ ê¸°ë¡ëœ ê· ì£½ì€ ì´ë“¤ì„ 다시 ì‚´ë¦¬ì‹œê³ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ì§€ 않는 ê²ƒì„ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ë„ë¡ ë¶ˆëŸ¬ë‚´ì‹œëŠ” 18 그는 핬맕앴 ì—†ì–´ë„ í¬ë§í•˜ë©°, â€œë„ˆì˜ í›„ì†ë“¤ì´ ì €ë ‡ê²Œ 많아질 ê² ì•„ë²„ì§€â€ê°€ ë• ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 22 바로 ê·¸ 때문엕 “하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ê·¸ 로마서4장 Mar 13, 3:00am 매야 아침 기ë„: 오늘 하루ë™ì•ˆ ì œì•¸ì•´ ì—„ë§ˆì˜ ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì´ì›ƒê³¼ 나눌수 있게 ë‚¨ì„ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ëŠ” 마ìŒê³¼ ë„“ì€ ì•„ëŸ‰ì„ ì£¼ì†Œ 마ìŒì„ 주관하여 ì£¼ì‹œê³ , 오늘 하루 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ 아래서 지내게 하여 ì 아멘. Mar 1, 1:52pm 해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다. 오늘 ë³µìŒì—ì„œ ë² ë“œë ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìŠ¤ìŠ¹ë‹˜ì„ ë”°ëžìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.― í•˜ê³ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ë§íˆ¬ì—는 ì ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ì•´ 맕엕 예수님께서는 아무런 ì¹ì°¬ë„ í•´ 주지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜¤íž ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë‹¤ ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ í•œë‹¤ê³ ë§ì”€í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì—게 ëŒì•„올 ì–´ë–¤ ì˜ê´‘ì ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ 한다는 것입니다. ìž„ê¸ˆì„ ë“±ì—• íƒœìš°ê³ ê°€ëŠ” 나귀가 있었습니다 ìžë¶€ì‹¬ì´ 대단했습니다. 사람들앴 ì˜¨ëª¸ì„ ì¹˜ìž¥í•´ ì£¼ê³ , 임금앴 타는 나귀 ë‚ , 임금앴 ê·¸ 나귀를 íƒ€ê³ í–‰ë ¬ í• ë•Œ, 사람들앴 환호를 하잕, 나귀는 사ë 답례를 보냈습니다. ê²°êµ ìž„ê¸ˆì€ ë‚˜ê·€ì—ì„œ ë–¨ì–´ì§€ê³ ë§ì•˜ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì • êµ ì˜ˆí™”ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. êµíšŒì—• 봉사한다는 ê²ƒì€ â€˜ë¶€ë¦„ ë°›ì€ ì¢…â€™ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ì € “해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다.―(루카 17,10)땼 ì´ìƒ ìƒê°í•˜ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ì˜•ì • êµë§Œìž…니다. Feb 9, 6:50pm 너가 암엕 걸린건 그럴 잕격앴 없어서앴 cooxpmlop ã…Š í•— ã…¡ã…‘ã…“ã…— 푸 다. ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê³ ë‚ †ì§€ë§Œ 너를 위해 ìœ ìµí•˜ë‹¤ëŠ”ê²ƒë§Œì€ ëª…ì‹¬í•´ë•¼ 하루를 ë” ì•„í”„ê²Œë˜ë 용기와 힘, ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ì´ë‹¤. Jan 26, 10:39am 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ í•˜ëŠ ê°€ì§„ 것엕 ì˜ì§€í•´ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하면, 하ëŠë‹˜ì—• 대한 믿ìŒë³´ë‹¤ë 때문야 것입니다. ë²•ì • ìŠ¤ë‹˜ì˜ ì±… ã€Žë¬´ì†Œìœ ã€•ì—• ì´ëŸ° êµ¬ì ˆì•´ 있습ë 때로는 ê·¸ 물건 때문엕 마ìŒì„ 쓰게 ëœë‹¤. ë”°ë¼ì„œ 무엇ì¸ê°€ë¥¼ 것, 그러므로 많앴 ê°–ê³ ìžˆë‹¤ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ê·¸ë§Œí•¼ 많앴 얽혀 있다는 뜻ì´ë 많ì„수ë¡, 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 위한 ì¼ë§ˆì €ë„ ê·¸ 뿌리ì—서는 세ìƒì˜ ì¼ì„ 하ë 성과보다 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ ì˜íƒí•˜ëŠ” 우리 ì‚¶ì˜ íƒœë„ê°€ 중요합니다. Jan 24, 3 the top... I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts. As a result of them the Lord - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. Jan 22, 2:07am ì˜ ë¬´ì—‡ê³¼ë„ ë°”ê¿€ 수 없는 ì€ì´ì˜ 사건앴지만, 반드시 ì ¸ì•¼ í• ì‹ìžê°€ê°€ 가족사랑-ì¢‹ì€ ì—„ë§ˆ, ì¢‹ì€ ì•„ë‚´ 1) ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ê±´ê°• ì±…ìž„-ì¢‹ì€ ì‹ë‹¨ 2) 살림꾸ë 아니시므로, 여러분앴 성ë„들ì—게 ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ì˜€ê³ ì§€ê¸ˆë„ ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ë©´ì„œ 잊지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 11 여러분 ê°ìžê°€ 핬맕앴 실현ë˜ë„ë¡ ë까지 ê°™ 그리하여 게으른 사람앴 ë˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ , 약ì†ëœ ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ìŒê³¼ ì¸ë‚´ë¡œ ìƒ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ížˆë¸Œë¦¬ì„œì˜ ë§ì”€ìž…니다.6,10-20 Jan 15, 9:39am 진실앴 ë°í˜€ì¡Œë‹¤ 치르게 하셨다. ê·¸ ë§Žì€ í˜¼ì„ ê³¼ 지긋지긋한 í•ì•”치료.. ëë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ìžƒì—ˆ 무ìžë¹„í•˜ê³ ëƒ‰í˜¹í•˜ì‹œë©° ë™ì‹œì—• ìžì²´ê°€ 사랑ì´ë¼ëŠ” ëª¨ìˆœì˜ ì‹ ì´ì‹œë‹¤ 모른채 벌앸 실수를 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ìž”ì¸í•˜ê²Œ 추ê¶í•˜ì‹œë‹¤ë‹ˆ! ë‚˜ì˜ ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜! ë‹¹ì‹ ëŒ€ì‹ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì…¨ë‹¤êµ¬ìš”?! 그것앴 ì œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì•—ì•„ê°€ì•¼ë§Œ í• ì£„ì˜€ìŠµë 위로해주세요.. ì•´ ìƒì²˜ë¥¼ 아물수있게 넘치는 사랑과 위안과 ë³µì„ ì£¼ì„¸ìš ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹ ë°ìš”? ê·¸ë ‡ê²Œ ë‰˜ìš°ì¹˜ê³ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë‹¤ê³ í•œ ì ˆ ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ë‚´ë™ëŒ•ì 궕극ì 으로 우리 ì¸ìƒì„ 아름답게 í•˜ì‹œê³ ì°¸ë˜ê²Œ 하시는 ë¶„ì€ ì§„ë¦¬ì˜ ë¶ˆì•ˆí•˜ê³ í˜¼ëž€ìŠ¤ëŸ¬ìš¸ìˆ˜ë¡• 우리ì—게 필요한 ê²ƒì€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì„ ìœ¼ë¡œ ì´ë 잕주 미사 참례를 í•˜ê³ , 성체 조배를 하며, ê³ í•´ì„±ì‚¬ë¥¼ 통하여 ìžì‹ ì„ ë”ìš ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리가 미래를 몰ë¼ì„œ 삶앴 ë‘•ë ¤ìš´ 것앴 아닙니다. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë³´ì´ì§€ 않는 미래를 ì£¼ì‹ ì´ìœ 는, 우리가 하루하루를 새ë¡ê²Œ 사람엕게 미래는 ì„¤ë ˜ê³¼ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì„¸ê³„ë¡œ 다가옵니다. Jan 10, 9:17am ì‚¶ì— ´ì§„다. ìž˜ëª»ëœ ì„ íƒìœ¼ë¡œ ì¸í•œ ê³ í†µ, ë‹¤ë¥¸ì‚¬ëžŒì˜ ì£„ë‚˜ 환경으로 ì¸í•´ ë° í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì˜ë„ì 으로 ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒì•´ 아니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì•´ ê³ í†µ ì„œë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë¯¿ëŠ”ìžë“¤ì„ 통해 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œê¸° 때문ì´ë‹¤. ì•´ 세ìƒì 그래서 우리ì—게 벌어지는 ëª¨ë“ ì‚¬ê±´ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì„리안엕 머무르는 것ì 찾아온다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ ë°©ê´€ìžì‹œë‹¤. 하지만 ì‹œë ¨ì†•ì—ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¾ëŠ”ìž ê³„ì†• 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¬ì–‘í• ìˆ˜ ìžˆê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„ 값진 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œëŠ”ê±°ë‹¤. Jan 1 때’는 잕기 ìžì‹ ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하지만, ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 바오로 사ë„처럼 â€˜ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ì¼í•˜ì‹œê¸° 때문입니다. ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë´‰ì‚¬ìžë¡œ ì¼í•˜ëŠ” 사람ì—게 필요한 ê ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ë„구로 앨 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤.― 하는 겸ì†í•œ ì‘답ì´ë©´ ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Jan 8, 1:32a 온몸엕 나병앴 걸린 사람앴 다가왔다. 그는 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë³´ìž•, ì–¼êµ´ì„ ë•…ì— ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œëŠ” í•˜ê³ ìž• 하시면 ì €ë¥¼ 깨땗하게 하실 수 있습니다.― ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„ â€œë‚´ê°€ í•˜ê³ ìž• 하니, 깨땗하게 ë˜ì–´ë•¼.― 그러잕 곧 나병앴 가셨다. Jan ëŠ¥ë ¥ì•´ 있사오니 부디 ì €ì—게 ìžë¹„를 ë² í‘¸ì‹œì–´ ì ˆ ì´ë³‘ì—ì„œ 해방시켜 ì¹˜ìœ ë°›ê¸¸ 기ë„í•˜ë˜ ë‚´ê°€ 어늕땧 ìˆ˜ìˆ ë„ ì¢‹ìœ¼ë‹ˆ 완치만 시켜주시길 기ë ë¯¿ì—ˆë˜ ë¯¿ìŒì€ 무참히 ë¶€ìˆ´ì§€ê³ ì•´ì œëŠ” 겸허하게 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 ë‚ ì 기ì˜ê²Œ ë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ë„ë ¤ë‚¼ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. ì•´ ì‹¬ì¤‘ì˜ ë³€í™”ì•¼ë§ë¡œ 가장 í•° ê¸°ì • To: Love God, serve God, honour&amp;praise God Willing to do God's will, know God, free inter God desire us to be . Know urself. Use imagination, be creative, imagine new possibility Patience. 기ë„하진 ì•Šì„것: ì§ìž¥ ë‹¤ë‹ˆê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì‚´ë¹ ì§€ê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì œì•¸ì•´ ì½” ë†’ì—¬ì£¼ì„ ì–´ê¹¨, ë°œ 완치 남편 ì§ìž¥ 진로 ì´ë„심 ì œì•¸ 학굕 ì¸ë„ 열심히 êµ¬í• ê²ƒ: ê¸ êµìœ¡ì˜ 지혜 겸ì†ì˜ 삶 ê±´ê°•í•˜ê³ í™”ëª©í•œ ê°€ì • í• ë¨¸ë‹ˆ/아버지 천êµìœ¼ë¡œ ì ì€ì´ì•ˆì—• 임종 Dec 28, 3:41pm 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 오해하는것 마치 ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ ë²„ìŠ ë³´ê³ íƒ€ë ¤ëŠ”ì¤„ì•Œê³ ë©ˆì·„ëŠ”ë•° ì‚¬ì‹¤ì€ ìžì‹ 뒤엕 있는 버스를 향한것임ì 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì€ ê·¸ê²Œ 아닌땰 ë‚´ 멋대로 í•´ì„í•˜ê³ ë‚˜ì¤‘ì—• 가서 ì•„ 그게 아줌마가 ì†ì„ 너무 ì¼ì°ë“¤ì—ˆëŠë‹ˆ 하며 ì”¨ë¶€ë •ê±°ë¦¬ë©´ 얼마나 꼴사ë ë‚©ë“하는 ìžì„¸ ë˜í•œ 중요하다. ì˜¤í•´ìž„ì„ ì•Œì•˜ìœ¼ë©´ 다시 ì œ ìžì„¸ë¡œ ëŒì• í‘¸ë…•ë– ëŠ”ê±´ 오버다! 하ëŠë‹˜ê³¼ì˜ 관계솕ì—ì„œë„ ë§ˆì°¬ê°€ì§€ì´ë‹¤. ë³¸ì•¸ì• ë…¸ë ¥ì€ ëª»í• ë§•ì • 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë‚ ê°€ì§€ê³ ë†€ì•˜ë‹¤ ë°°ì‹ ë‹¹í–ˆë‹¤ 하며 ì›ë§í•´ì„œ stopped the car because he saw a woman waiving her hand, but realized she was actually flagging not God's will but i interpret it myself and later i could say "oh it was wrong". If the bus driver get ugly sight. everyone understand that one can mis-understand. it matters how you respond to it. if o on driving. No point complaining, or feeling cheated etc. it goes the same in a relationship with Go put more effort in knowing God's will, complaining that God has fooled or betrayed me etc should 그만ë‘지 못 한것ë„, ëŒìž”치 치른것ë„, í•œêµì—¬í–‰ ê°„ê²ƒë„ ë‹¤ 싫어하셨 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì‹«ì–´í•˜ì‹¤ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥¸ë‹¤. 무언가 ì›í• 때마다 그것앴 네 욕심ì¸ì§ style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">God disliked that you did not quit the job, o want to do now, God may not like it at all. Whenever you want to do something, examine whether 11:54pm 겸ì†ì˜ 삶: everyday life 1) 좋ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 궂ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í ë•ê³ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ê³ ì¡´ì¤‘í•´ì£¼ê¸° ì¸ë‚´ì˜ 삶: on life crisis 1) ì˜ì§€ì 으로ë¼ë„ ê°ì‚¬ 조급해하지 않기 3) ì„ í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ í¬ì‹ ëœ»ì„ ë¯¿ê³ ë°”ë•¼ê¸° <span style="fontlife 1) thank God regardless of good or bad things 2) live a simple, plain (ordinary) life 3) help the 1) be thankfully acceptive (using willpower) 2) don't be impatient with things only can be seen 3) 11:42pm ì‚¬ëžŒì€ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì¡´ìž¬ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 다른 사람, 행복, í‰í™” ë“±ì„ ê¸°ë 사람만앴 ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì˜ë¯¸ë¥¼ 알게 ë˜ê³ , ê·¸ ì˜ë¯¸ë¥¼ 아는 사람만앴 ê·¸ ê°•ì—ì„œ 우리 가운땰 ì˜¤ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œì•„ë´…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ë¶„ì„ â€˜ì–´ë¦°ì–‘â€™ 드릴 수 없는 ì¡´ìž¬ìž„ì„ ê³ ë°±í•˜ê¸°ë„ í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그러나 시간앴 íë¥¼ìˆ˜ë¡ ì´ˆì ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œë„ ì„¸ìƒìœ¼ë¡œë¶€í„° ì •ì • 반대받는 í‘œì •ì•´ ë˜ì–´ ê°€ì‹œê³ ìžˆê¸° ë• â€œì˜¤ì‹¤ 분앴 ì„ ìƒë‹˜ì´ì‹ë‹ˆê¹Œ? 아니면 ì €í¬ê°€ 다른 ë¶„ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë ¤ì•¼ 합니까 í”들리는 대목입니다. 어쩌면 ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ì˜¤ì‹¤ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ì§€ ëª»í•˜ê³ , ë˜ ëª»í•˜ê³ ì‹ ì•™ ìžì²´ê°€ í”들릴 때가 있ì„ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥´ê² ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리하여 ì„¸ë¡€ìž ê·¸ëŸ¬ë‚˜ ì ˆë§í•˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ ê·¸ë•Œë§ˆë‹¤ 용기를 ê°€ì§€ê³ ì• ì ˆí•œ 마ìŒìœ¼ë¡œ 주님ê ìƒí™œ 가운ë°ë¡œ 우리를 ì°¾ì•„ì˜¤ì‹œê³ , ì†ê¸¸ì„ 건네실 것입니다. Human is ex Waiting requires a patience. Only those who are patient, know the meaning of waiting, and only th Baptist recognized Jesus who came among us in Jordan. He introduced Him as "Lamb of God", an anxiety came as time passed. It was because he was put in prison and Jesus had become a targe to Jesus to ask "Are you the one who is coming? or do we have to wait for another?" This showed coming, or can't recognize Him who is already with us, that there are times when our faith being sh despair - have courage and pray to Lord with an earnest mind. Lord will come to our daily life an 기다리는 ë†ë¶€ë¥¼ ë³´ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. 그는 앴른 비와 ëŠ¦ì€ ë¹„ë¥¼ 맞아 곡싕앴 ìµì ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ë©° 마ìŒì„ 굳게 가지ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana, land. He waits for crops to ripe after early rain and evening (late) rain. (you all) be patience, wa ë°›ì€ ì‚¬ëžŒë“¤ì€ ëª¨ë‘• ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì„ ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ê·¸ë¶„ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë…¸ë•¼ê ì•´ì œ 주님 안ì—ì„œ í•œ í˜•ì œìžë§¤ë“¤ì´ê³ , ì§•ì—…ì€ ì¼ìš©í• ì–‘ì‹ì„ 위한 ì£ ì´ì™¸ì—는 ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ í•„ìš”ì¹˜ 않습니다. 그러니 ì–¸ì œë‚˜ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">Today, baptized people were called by Lord family is one brother and sister in Lord, and the work place is God's grace and care for daily bread live the life up to Lord's calling.</span> Nov 29, 9:32pm 우리는 참으로 ë§Žì€ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì ìƒˆë¡œì›€ì„ ê°€ì ¸ë‹¤ì£¼ë©°, ì‚¬ëžŒì„ ìƒˆë¡ê²Œ 변화시켜 ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. * 그러나 기다ë 급급하게 매달리는 사람엕겕 ë” ì´ìƒì˜ 새로움ì´ëž€ ì—†ì„ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ ìš°ë¦¬ë¥¼ 새ë¡ê²Œ 하시러 오시는 아기 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚˜ 뵕 ìˆ˜ë„ ì—†ì„ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆ ´ì„œ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” 사람만앴 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚ ìˆ˜ 있습니다 We live with many refresh people new. *but those who can't wait and live satisfying in reality, and hanging on to thin we can't dream of whole new life, and we can't meet baby Jesus who come to refresh us. How pitif Lord. Oct 23, 8:57pm The disposition u need to receive god's healing Humility: thank god gor wha pride.. Let the world know that u need help u need grace of god U want god to do things ur way? F we r imperfect need the forgiveness of god. Allow ourselves to be available to god n others. Desire n his love: god would be faithful always. We can rely on him.. Surrender ur life to god: U want he that r destroying u! Our unhappiness is caused by us. Do the right thing.. Not be too naive, thinkin happening to us.. Ask for his will be done. Dun clinging to this life. Detaatch from the world. God testimony to god: We must proclaim wat the lord has done for us. It is for the greater glory of god. way u think.. In his way particulary for u.. Oct 11, 11:53pm 아픈만핼 ë” ì„±ìˆ™í•´ì§„ë‹¤ ì£ ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì§•ì ‘ 치료하시ë„ë¡ ë‚´ 놓는다 Sep 5, 11:12am ë² ë„¤ì¹˜ì•„: ë°”ì˜ì„±ë‹¹ ë í¬ë¡œì•„í‹°ì•„: 성 스테팕 성당 드부로브니핬 í•¬ë ˆíƒ€ 아틀란티스 ì‚°í† ë¦¬ I guess we all need symbols in our life and I decided to keep mum for 40 days since this number respect. Also, I've been looking at the stats on this blog and i know that at least 500 people have se Val's friends and people she'd met though her life's journey and I hope these writings gave you an have dropped back to my family and friends, so thank you all for the love and support and praye was still swift and I guess you can never prepare yourself fully for something like this. I guess gen together. I spent a few weeks running around to sort out administrative matters like informing HD 201 201 embassy etc Je-in is quite fragile at the moment and tends to cry whenever he doesn't get his way o 1- 1seeking my approval whenever he does something. I think he used to be more independent and bra 93 11- 111 topic of his mummy and it breaks my heart to have to tell him, "no more mummy". I guess he unde 2 25 25 asked for her a couple of times. He also had a freaky episode where he suddenly got up around 3am 09:5 01:5 his room and the living room and jumping around to avoid them. He mentioned "mummy" too. Mu 6:47 6:47 came back to say goodbye to him and gave him a vision of fishes - alluding to the "fishers of men" maybe its for us to confirm that he's been chosen somehow to be religious if it goes according to G go to bed and was clingy but by now he seems to have gotten over the incident. I heard him mutter of my room by himself to look for some toys outside. He's now in Korea for a couple of weeks as along as the extended family missed him and there is an aunt who has flight phobia and couldn't co would like to spend some time with him too. I pray the trip will distract him enough to heal his litt I guess we all need symbols in our life and I decided to keep mum for 40 days since this number respect. Also, I've been looking at the stats on this blog and i know that at least 500 people have se Val's friends and people she'd met though her life's journey and I hope these writings gave you an have dropped back to my family and friends, so thank you all for the love and support and praye was still swift and I guess you can never prepare yourself fully for something like this. I guess gen together. I spent a few weeks running around to sort out administrative matters like informing HD 201 201 embassy etc Je-in is quite fragile at the moment and tends to cry whenever he doesn't get his way o 1- 1- seeking my approval whenever he does something. I think he used to be more independent and bra 93 11- 11- topic of his mummy and it breaks my heart to have to tell him, "no more mummy". I guess he unde 1 3 25 25 asked for her a couple of times. He also had a freaky episode where he suddenly got up around 3am 09:5 01:5 his room and the living room and jumping around to avoid them. He mentioned "mummy" too. Mu 7:49 7:49 came back to say goodbye to him and gave him a vision of fishes - alluding to the "fishers of men" maybe its for us to confirm that he's been chosen somehow to be religious if it goes according to G go to bed and was clingy but by now he seems to have gotten over the incident. I heard him mutter of my room by himself to look for some toys outside. He's now in Korea for a couple of weeks as along as the extended family missed him and there is an aunt who has flight phobia and couldn't co would like to spend some time with him too. I pray the trip will distract him enough to heal his litt cousins. &nbsp; 201 201 1- 193 12- 121 <a href=" 5 03 02 01:5 17:5 3:09 3:09 201 201 93 1- 11 <a href=" 6 12- 1203 02 01:5 17:5 3:10 3:10 201 201 1- 193 12- 121 <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="420" he 7 03 02 01:5 17:5 4:10 4:10 Retrieved from her iPhone. These are in English, once i get the Korean ones translated, they will b Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 9, 7:52am 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. ì´ì²˜ëŸ¼ 하늘 나땼ì—ë„ ê·¸ì—• 맞갖ì ì˜¨ìœ , ì¹œì ˆ, ì¸ë‚´ 등 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 하늘 나땼 잔치를 위 있습니다. Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and my will is that God's Will be done. 9:45pm O tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to whatever you desire of me and to accept everyt will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surrender myself to u. Do as u please.. I believe u u back my free will. U know what is the best for me &amp; my family. But please, do not delay m all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank u lord for giving me one more day. Everyday i c u, use it for ur holy will. I am happy that i can be used for your will, whatever it is, and i know you me to your presence. How i desire to be united to ur spirit! I can wait patiently, because i trust that the day. I love you lord, more than anything in this world. I dont want to stay back in this world w where i can be truly happy praising u all the time. I wish to serve u there. Whenever i think of heav be. Thank u lord. I know ur with me inside my heart. Thank u for being with me. I love u. Sep 26, ëœê±° 마냥 ì°©ê°ì†ì—• 지냈으니 ë²Œì„ ë°›ì•„ 마땅하옵니다 겸ì†ì„ ë°°ìš° ë‹¨ìž ë„ í—ˆë½í•˜ì†Œì„œ... Sep 20, 6:26am Throughout the night, i have difficulty breathing a 201 201 exhale very shortly, end up im like just finished running kind of state. Help!! Pls inform doc with u 1- 1- swim? What is good for lung recovery? Can i twist body? (sucking lung, cough &amp; flame) How 93 11- 11- Something protuding on the chest Wat is biopsy result? Still triple neg? Cough as long as i have ca 1 9 21 21 abt this: does he prefer me to have recline arm chair to relief my back pain or not? My answer is n 20:2 12:2 confused. She says God is not a petty god. "ur in pain n there is way to relief why do u refuse? The 9:29 9:29 But i thought since this is God's test on my patience, he wouldnt like to see me getting this luxurio certain level &amp; amt of pain. I imagined myself as his electronic product. He's testing how stea the stress test n he will use me. Am i wrong about God? Help~!! i m confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm Sep Then i had 3 strange dreams. 1st one someone was keep flipping me down so i shout in jesus name me n i felt like floating away. I kept say jesus i give my life to u, jesus protect me. It was scary n d that one led to my old dreams later part so im blur but flying part felt real..i think i was shouting je whole night cudnt sleep well.. Pray for me.. Gods message: passover is over 탈출기 12 Sep 2, 9: 그릇과 같습니다. í—Œ 옷ì—다 새 천 ì¡°ê°ì„ ë§ëŒ€ì–´ 꿰매듯앴 옛 모습 ê 수는 없습니다. ì˜›ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìƒˆ 부대를 ë§ˆë ¨í•´ì•¼ 새 í¬ë„주를 ë‹´ì„ ìˆ í•˜ëŠ” ë‚´ì • ì‡„ì‹ ì—• íž˜ì„ ê¸°ìš¸ì—¬ì•¼ 한다는 뜻입니다. ì˜•ì •ì•¸ 무관심과 ê² ìš°ë¦¬ 안엕 모실 수 있습니다. 바오로 사ë„ê°€ ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ì§€ìš”. “여러분ì 모릅니까? ê·¸ ì„±ë ¹ì„ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì•´ 하ëŠë‹˜ì—게서 ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì€ 6,19) 바오로 사ë„는 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ 반문하며 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ 거처하시는 우리ì 마ìŒì€ 새 í¬ë„주를 담는 새 부대처럼 ì„±ë ¹ì„ ëª¨ì‹œëŠ” 장소ë¼ëŠ” ëœ ë‚˜â€™ë¡œì„œ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ ë‚´ 안엕 머무르시ë„ë¡ í•´ì•¼ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. Sep 1, 5:37p †ì•´ 기ë„하며 ê°„ì²í•˜ê³ 있습니다. 곧 여러분앴 ëª¨ë“ ì˜•ì • 지혜와 ê¹¨ë‹¬ìŒ ì¶©ë§Œí•´ì ¸, 주님께 합당하게 ì‚´ì•„ê°ìœ¼ë¡œì¨ ëª¨ë“ ë©´ì—ì„œ 그분 마ìŒì—• 아는 지싕으로 잕땼기를 빕니다. 똕 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì˜ê´‘스러운 ëŠ¥ë ¥ì—ì„œ 내기를 빕니다. ê¸°ìœ ë§ˆìŒìœ¼ë¡œ, 성ë„ë“¤ì´ ë¹›ì˜ ë‚˜ë•¼ì—ì„œ 받는 ìƒì† 것입니다. 아버지께서는 우리를 ì–´ë‘ ì˜ ê¶Œì„¸ì—ì„œ 구해 내시어 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 아드님 안ì—ì„œ 우리는 ì†ëŸ‰ì„, 곧 ì£„ì˜ ìš©ì„œë¥¼ 받습니다. â–¥ ì‚¬ë„ ë°”ì 사랑하는 하ëŠë‹˜, ì €ì—게 í¬ì‹ ì€ì´ì„ ë² í’€ì–´ 주셔서 ì œ 마ìŒì´ ìš”ë™ í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ê°ì‚¬ë“œë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì €ë„ ì•Œì§€ 못한 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ í•° 용기와 믿ìŒì€ ì£¼ë ´ë¨¸ë‹ˆì˜ ê³µë¡œë¥¼ ë³´ì‹œê³ ì œê²Œ 특별히 ìžì• 를 ë² í‘¸ì‹ ê±¸ë¡œ 압니다. ì €ëŠ” 보잘것 환난중ì—ì„œë„ ë‘•ë ¤ì›Œí•˜ëŠ” 맘앴 ì¼ì§€ëŠ” 않지만 ì „ ì•„ì§ë„ 여러모ë 대화하는ë°ì„œ 많앴 모ìžëžŒì„ ê³ ë°±í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì „ ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë„ˆë¬´ë‚˜ë„ ëŒ€í™” ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì†ì‚¼ìž„ì´ ë“¤ë¦¬ì§€ 않사옵니다. ì„±ë ¹ì˜ ì—ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ë„ ì œ 안ì—ì„ ì•¼ì–´ë í•œë§ì”€ì´ë¼ë„ 해주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤! 아니, 한마디ë¼ë„ ì œê°€ 들ì„수 있게 ì œ ê·€ë ´ì˜¤ì…”ì„œ ì œë§ˆìŒì„ 불살땼 주옵소서! ì œê°€ ì´ë¦¬ë„ ì•ˆì •ì ì´ë©´ì„œë„ ë‹ ë„ˆë¬´ ì²´ë…하여 그런게 ì•„ë‹ê¹Œ ë‘•ë µìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 분명 ì œ 옆엕 계 믿사오니 계솕 ì œ 안엕 임하시며 ì—사하여 주소서. Aug 28, 12:04pm 주님, ì Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life 1. God is my sheph love, I walk by the quiet waters of peace. 2. Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, you lead music of your Name. 3. Though i should wander the valley of death, I fear no evil, for you are at m set me a banquet of love in the face of hatred, crowning me with love beyond my power to hold. 5 will dwell in the house of my God forevermore. Aug 25, 10:41am 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기(ê 오로지 ì£¼ë‹˜ë§Œì„ ë”°ë¥´ë ¤ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì‹ìžê°€ë¥¼ ì§€ê³ ì—¬ê¸° 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 오로 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 오롯앴 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 하얀 소복 ì°¨ë ¤ ì—¬ í›„ë ´) 파아란 í’€ë°ì—• ì•´ 몸 뉘어주소서 ê³ ì•´ 쉬땼 물터로 나를 ëŒì– 쉴 ê³³ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ í’ˆ ì˜ì›ížˆ ìž ë“œë µë‹ˆë‹¤ Jul 1, 4:28pm In every situation in life you need co I am giving you this message. For you to realise that in life you will always need to pray for graces strong and so too your trust in me. It is I who speaks. Aug 25, 10:38am 받아주소서(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 받아주소서 (2번) 1. ë‚˜ì˜ ëª¨ë“ ìžìœ 와 ë‚˜ì˜ ê¸°ì–µê³¼ ì§€ë ¥ ë‚˜ì˜ ì˜ì§€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ë˜ëŒë ¤ 드리오리다 2. 내게 ì£¼ì‹ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ì£¼ì˜ ê²ƒì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 오징 주ë 주시면 ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ May 23, 4:41pm ì „ëŠ¥í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜, 만물앴 ë‹¹ì‹ ê¶Œìœ„ì•ˆì—• 없습니다. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ëœ»í•˜ì‹ ëŒ€ë¡œ ì €í•¬ì—게 ì£¼ì‹œê³ ë˜í•œ 앗아가시니 ëª ì‹ ë¹„ë¥¼ ì´í•´í•˜ì§€ 못하여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì›•ë§•í–ˆë˜ ì €ë¥¼ ìš©ì„œí•˜ì‹œê³ ì €ì—게 ë”í• ë”í•´ì£¼ì‹œë“ ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹¤ëŒ€ë¡œ 하ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. ì „ 들풀ì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 바람불면 í”들리ê ëª¨ë“ ìƒ•ê°•ê³¼ 핬맕 모둕 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ 바치오니 ë‹¹ì‹ ëœ»ëŒ€ë¡œ 하옵소서. May 22, 12 of God) john 1:12, Ezekiel 36:24-27 -witness(external: preach boldly, heal) -Charismatic gift &a spirit, sonship with God the father 1 Cor 11:23 Why r we praying over again and again for the filli imagination, memory(1/8 concious, 7/8 unconcious), emotion, will-we need to transform all 5 of th faith &amp; love, stir into the flame. Apr 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr healthy n pure blood circulate i  weak body. And may yr healthy n vigorous life throb within me. Amen. Apr 8, 9:46am 사람ë ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë©´ 얼마나 ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ìžˆëŠ”ì§€ 물어보면 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ë¯¿ìŒì˜ 눈앴 열립니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ì•Žì€ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì„ ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ìš°ë 완성ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 아는 만핼 ë¯¿ê³ ë¯¿ëŠ” 만핼 ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì‹¤ì²œí• ìˆ˜ 있습 â—Ž ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시네. â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시며, 분 게 좋으시며, ê·¸ ìžë¹„ ëª¨ë“ ì¡°ë¬¼ 위엕 내리네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë§ì”€ë§ 누구ë¼ë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë¶™ë“œì‹œê³ , 꺾앸 ì´ëŠ” 누구ë¼ë„ ì¼ìœ¼ì¼œ 세우시 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë¶€ë¥´ëŠ” ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게, 진실하ê 9:23pm 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” 무아는, 예수님께서 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 무화(ç ìžì‹ ì•´ ì—†ì–´ì§€ê³ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 그분과 하나 ëœ ìƒíƒœë¥¼ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리스ë„êµ ì„œ 다릅니다. 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” ë¹„ì›€ì€ ì˜ˆìˆ˜ 그리스ë„를 ë‚´ 안 있듯앴, 예수님 안ì—ì„œ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì¼í•˜ê³ ê³„ì‹ ê²ƒì²˜ëŸ¼ 우리를 비운 바오로 사ë„는 â€œì•´ì œëŠ” ë‚´ê°€ 사는 것앴 아니땼 그리스ë„께서 ë‚´ ì•ˆì— ê²°êµ ë¹„ì›€ì€ ë‹¨ìˆœížˆ 집착과 íƒìš•ì„ ëŠëŠ” ê²ƒë§Œì„ ëœ»í•˜ì§€ 않습니다. ë˜í•œ 아닙니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ë¹„ì›€ì˜ ì˜ë¯¸ëŠ” 사랑하는 것입니다. 우리가 그냥 비운다ê 비워지는 것입니다. 그냥 비워서는 곧바로 다른 것앴 들어와 잕리를 ì‚¬ëž‘í•˜ì‹œê³ ì„¸ìƒ•ì—• ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì‹œëŠ” ê²ƒì„ ëœ»í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ëˆ„êµ¬ë¥¼ 사 비움앴 시작ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Mar 21, 11:12pm 하ëŠë‹˜, ì˜í˜¼ì˜ ê±´ê°•ì„ ìœ„í•˜ì—¬ ìœ¡ì‹ ì˜ ë§ˆìŒì„ 다하여 ìžì• ë¡œìš°ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ê³„ëª…ì„ ì§€í‚¤ê²Œ 하소서. 우리가 사람 없다!’는 믿ìŒì„ 가진다면 편해질 것입니다. 주어땼. 그러면 ë„ˆí¬ ë˜ì–´ 너핬 품엕 ë‹´ì•„ 주실 것ì´ë‹¤. 너í¬ê°€ ë˜ì§ˆí•˜ëŠ” 바로 ê·¸ ë˜ë¡œ ë„ˆí¬ • “내가 너를 ë§Žì€ ë¯¼ì¡±ì˜ ì¡°ìƒìœ¼ë¡œ 만들었다.â€•ë•¼ê³ ê¸°ë¡ëœ ê· ì£½ì€ ì´ë“¤ì„ 다시 ì‚´ë¦¬ì‹œê³ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ì§€ 않는 ê²ƒì„ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ë„ë¡ ë¶ˆëŸ¬ë‚´ì‹œëŠ” 18 그는 핬맕앴 ì—†ì–´ë„ í¬ë§í•˜ë©°, â€œë„ˆì˜ í›„ì†ë“¤ì´ ì €ë ‡ê²Œ 많아질 ê² ì•„ë²„ì§€â€ê°€ ë• ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 22 바로 ê·¸ 때문엕 “하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ê·¸ 로마서4장 Mar 13, 3:00am 매야 아침 기ë„: 오늘 하루ë™ì•ˆ ì œì•¸ì•´ ì—„ë§ˆì˜ ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì´ì›ƒê³¼ 나눌수 있게 ë‚¨ì„ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ëŠ” 마ìŒê³¼ ë„“ì€ ì•„ëŸ‰ì„ ì£¼ì†Œ 마ìŒì„ 주관하여 ì£¼ì‹œê³ , 오늘 하루 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ 아래서 지내게 하여 ì 아멘. Mar 1, 1:52pm 해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다. 오늘 ë³µìŒì—ì„œ ë² ë“œë ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìŠ¤ìŠ¹ë‹˜ì„ ë”°ëžìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.― í•˜ê³ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ë§íˆ¬ì—는 ì ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ì•´ 맕엕 예수님께서는 아무런 ì¹ì°¬ë„ í•´ 주지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜¤íž ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë‹¤ ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ í•œë‹¤ê³ ë§ì”€í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì—게 ëŒì•„올 ì–´ë–¤ ì˜ê´‘ì ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ 한다는 것입니다. ìž„ê¸ˆì„ ë“±ì—• íƒœìš°ê³ ê°€ëŠ” 나귀가 있었습니다 ìžë¶€ì‹¬ì´ 대단했습니다. 사람들앴 ì˜¨ëª¸ì„ ì¹˜ìž¥í•´ ì£¼ê³ , 임금앴 타는 나귀 ë‚ , 임금앴 ê·¸ 나귀를 íƒ€ê³ í–‰ë ¬ í• ë•Œ, 사람들앴 환호를 하잕, 나귀는 사ë 답례를 보냈습니다. ê²°êµ ìž„ê¸ˆì€ ë‚˜ê·€ì—ì„œ ë–¨ì–´ì§€ê³ ë§ì•˜ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì • êµ ì˜ˆí™”ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. êµíšŒì—• 봉사한다는 ê²ƒì€ â€˜ë¶€ë¦„ ë°›ì€ ì¢…â€™ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ì € “해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다.―(루카 17,10)땼 ì´ìƒ ìƒê°í•˜ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ì˜•ì • êµë§Œìž…니다. Feb 9, 6:50pm 너가 암엕 걸린건 그럴 잕격앴 없어서앴 cooxpmlop ã…Š í•— ã…¡ã…‘ã…“ã…— 푸 다. ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê³ ë‚ †ì§€ë§Œ 너를 위해 ìœ ìµí•˜ë‹¤ëŠ”ê²ƒë§Œì€ ëª…ì‹¬í•´ë•¼ 하루를 ë” ì•„í”„ê²Œë˜ë 용기와 힘, ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ì´ë‹¤. Jan 26, 10:39am 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ í•˜ëŠ ê°€ì§„ 것엕 ì˜ì§€í•´ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하면, 하ëŠë‹˜ì—• 대한 믿ìŒë³´ë‹¤ë 때문야 것입니다. ë²•ì • ìŠ¤ë‹˜ì˜ ì±… ã€Žë¬´ì†Œìœ ã€•ì—• ì´ëŸ° êµ¬ì ˆì•´ 있습ë 때로는 ê·¸ 물건 때문엕 마ìŒì„ 쓰게 ëœë‹¤. ë”°ë¼ì„œ 무엇ì¸ê°€ë¥¼ 것, 그러므로 많앴 ê°–ê³ ìžˆë‹¤ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ê·¸ë§Œí•¼ 많앴 얽혀 있다는 뜻ì´ë 많ì„수ë¡, 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 위한 ì¼ë§ˆì €ë„ ê·¸ 뿌리ì—서는 세ìƒì˜ ì¼ì„ 하ë 성과보다 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ ì˜íƒí•˜ëŠ” 우리 ì‚¶ì˜ íƒœë„ê°€ 중요합니다. Jan 24, 3 the top... I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts. As a result of them the Lord - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. Jan 22, 2:07am ì˜ ë¬´ì—‡ê³¼ë„ ë°”ê¿€ 수 없는 ì€ì´ì˜ 사건ì´ì§€ë§Œ, 반드시 ì ¸ì•¼ í• ì‹ìžê°€ê°€ 가족사랑-ì¢‹ì€ ì—„ë§ˆ, ì¢‹ì€ ì•„ë‚´ 1) ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ê±´ê°• ì±…ìž„-ì¢‹ì€ ì‹ë‹¨ 2) 살림꾸ë 아니시므로, 여러분앴 성ë„들ì—게 ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ì˜€ê³ ì§€ê¸ˆë„ ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ë©´ì„œ 잊지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 11 여러분 ê°ìžê°€ 핬맕앴 실현ë˜ë„ë¡ ë까지 ê°™ 그리하여 게으른 사람앴 ë˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ , 약ì†ëœ ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ìŒê³¼ ì¸ë‚´ë¡œ ìƒ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ížˆë¸Œë¦¬ì„œì˜ ë§ì”€ìž…니다.6,10-20 Jan 15, 9:39am 진실앴 ë°í˜€ì¡Œë‹¤ 치르게 하셨다. ê·¸ ë§Žì€ í˜¼ì„ ê³¼ 지긋지긋한 í•ì•”치료.. ëë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ìžƒì—ˆ 무ìžë¹„í•˜ê³ ëƒ‰í˜¹í•˜ì‹œë©° ë™ì‹œì—• ìžì²´ê°€ 사랑ì´ë¼ëŠ” ëª¨ìˆœì˜ ì‹ ì´ì‹œë‹¤ 모른채 벌앸 실수를 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ìž”ì¸í•˜ê²Œ 추ê¶í•˜ì‹œë‹¤ë‹ˆ! ë‚˜ì˜ ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜! ë‹¹ì‹ ëŒ€ì‹ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì…¨ë‹¤êµ¬ìš”?! 그것앴 ì œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì•—ì•„ê°€ì•¼ë§Œ í• ì£„ì˜€ìŠµë 위로해주세요.. ì•´ ìƒì²˜ë¥¼ 아물수있게 넘치는 사랑과 위안과 ë³µì„ ì£¼ì„¸ìš ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹ ë°ìš”? ê·¸ë ‡ê²Œ ë‰˜ìš°ì¹˜ê³ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë‹¤ê³ í•œ ì ˆ ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ë‚´ë™ëŒ•ì 궕극ì 으로 우리 ì¸ìƒì„ 아름답게 í•˜ì‹œê³ ì°¸ë˜ê²Œ 하시는 ë¶„ì€ ì§„ë¦¬ì˜ ë¶ˆì•ˆí•˜ê³ í˜¼ëž€ìŠ¤ëŸ¬ìš¸ìˆ˜ë¡• 우리ì—게 필요한 ê²ƒì€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì„ ìœ¼ë¡œ ì´ë 잕주 미사 참례를 í•˜ê³ , 성체 조배를 하며, ê³ í•´ì„±ì‚¬ë¥¼ 통하여 ìžì‹ ì„ ë”ìš ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리가 미래를 몰ë¼ì„œ 삶앴 ë‘•ë ¤ìš´ 것앴 아닙니다. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë³´ì´ì§€ 않는 미래를 ì£¼ì‹ ì´ìœ 는, 우리가 하루하루를 새ë¡ê²Œ 사람ì—게 미래는 ì„¤ë ˜ê³¼ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì„¸ê³„ë¡œ 다가옵니다. Jan 10, 9:17am ì‚¶ì— ´ì§„다. ìž˜ëª»ëœ ì„ íƒìœ¼ë¡œ ì¸í•œ ê³ í†µ, ë‹¤ë¥¸ì‚¬ëžŒì˜ ì£„ë‚˜ 환경으로 ì¸í•´ ë° í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì˜ë„ì 으로 ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒì•´ 아니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì•´ ê³ í†µ ì„œë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë¯¿ëŠ”ìžë“¤ì„ 통해 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œê¸° 때문ì´ë‹¤. ì•´ 세ìƒì 그래서 우리ì—게 벌어지는 ëª¨ë“ ì‚¬ê±´ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì„리안엕 머무르는 것ì 찾아온다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ ë°©ê´€ìžì‹œë‹¤. 하지만 ì‹œë ¨ì†•ì—ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¾ëŠ”ìž ê³„ì†• 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¬ì–‘í• ìˆ˜ ìžˆê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„ 값진 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œëŠ”ê±°ë‹¤. Jan 1 때’는 잕기 ìžì‹ ì˜ ì•¼ì„ í•˜ì§€ë§Œ, ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 바오로 사ë„처럼 â€˜ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ì¼í•˜ì‹œê¸° 때문입니다. ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë´‰ì‚¬ìžë¡œ ì¼í•˜ëŠ” 사람ì—게 필요한 ê ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ë„구로 앨 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤.― 하는 겸ì†í•œ ì‘답ì´ë©´ ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Jan 8, 1:32a 온몸엕 나병앴 걸린 사람앴 다가왔다. 그는 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë³´ìž•, ì–¼êµ´ì„ ë•…ì— ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œëŠ” í•˜ê³ ìž• 하시면 ì €ë¥¼ 깨땗하게 하실 수 있습니다.― ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„ â€œë‚´ê°€ í•˜ê³ ìž• 하니, 깨땗하게 ë˜ì–´ë•¼.― 그러잕 곧 나병앴 가셨다. Jan ëŠ¥ë ¥ì•´ 있사오니 부디 ì €ì—게 ìžë¹„를 ë² í‘¸ì‹œì–´ ì ˆ ì´ë³‘ì—ì„œ 해방시켜 ì¹˜ìœ ë°›ê¸¸ 기ë„í•˜ë˜ ë‚´ê°€ 어늕땧 ìˆ˜ìˆ ë„ ì¢‹ìœ¼ë‹ˆ 완치만 시켜주시길 기ë ë¯¿ì—ˆë˜ ë¯¿ìŒì€ 무참히 ë¶€ìˆ´ì§€ê³ ì•´ì œëŠ” 겸허하게 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 ë‚ ì 기ì˜ê²Œ ë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ë„ë ¤ë‚¼ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. ì•´ ì‹¬ì¤‘ì˜ ë³€í™”ì•¼ë§ë¡œ 가장 í•° ê¸°ì • To: Love God, serve God, honour &amp;praise God Willing to do God's will, know God, free inte what God desire us to be . Know yourself. Use imagination, be creative, imagine new possibility P 기ë„하진 ì•Šì„것: ì§ìž¥ ë‹¤ë‹ˆê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì‚´ë¹ ì§€ê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì œì•¸ì•´ ì½” ë†’ì—¬ì£¼ì„ ì–´ê¹¨, ë°œ 완치 남편 ì§ìž¥ 진로 ì´ë„심 ì œì•¸ 학굕 ì¸ë„ 열심히 êµ¬í• ê²ƒ: ê¸ êµìœ¡ì˜ 지혜 겸ì†ì˜ 삶 ê±´ê°•í•˜ê³ í™”ëª©í•œ ê°€ì • í• ë¨¸ë‹ˆ/아버지 천êµìœ¼ë¡œ ì ì€ì´ì•ˆì—• 임종 Dec 28, 3:41pm 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 오해하는것 마치 ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ ë²„ìŠ ë³´ê³ íƒ€ë ¤ëŠ”ì¤„ì•Œê³ ë©ˆì·„ëŠ”ë•° ì‚¬ì‹¤ì€ ìžì‹ 뒤엕 있는 버스를 향한것임ì 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì€ ê·¸ê²Œ 아닌땰 ë‚´ 멋대로 í•´ì„í•˜ê³ ë‚˜ì¤‘ì—• 가서 ì•„ 그게 아줌마가 ì†ì„ 너무 ì¼ì°ë“¤ì—ˆëŠë‹ˆ 하며 ì”¨ë¶€ë •ê±°ë¦¬ë©´ 얼마나 꼴사ë ë‚©ë“하는 ìžì„¸ ë˜í•œ 중요하다. ì˜¤í•´ìž„ì„ ì•Œì•˜ìœ¼ë©´ 다시 ì œ ìžì„¸ë¡œ ëŒì• í‘¸ë…•ë– ëŠ”ê±´ 오버다! 하ëŠë‹˜ê³¼ì˜ 관계솕ì—ì„œë„ ë§ˆì°¬ê°€ì§€ì´ë‹¤. ë³¸ì•¸ì• ë…¸ë ¥ì€ ëª»í• ë§•ì • 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë‚ ê°€ì§€ê³ ë†€ì•˜ë‹¤ ë°°ì‹ ë‹¹í–ˆë‹¤ 하며 ì›ë§í•´ì„œ stopped the car because he saw a woman waiving her hand, but realized she was actually flagging not God's will but i interpret it myself and later i could say "oh it was wrong". If the bus driver get ugly sight. everyone understand that one can misunderstand. it matters how you respond to it. if on on driving. No point complaining, or feeling cheated etc. it goes the same in a relationship with Go put more effort in knowing God's will, complaining that God has fooled or betrayed me etc should 그만ë‘지 못 한것ë„, ëŒìž”치 치른것ë„, í•œêµì—¬í–‰ ê°„ê²ƒë„ ë‹¤ 싫어하셨 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì‹«ì–´í•˜ì‹¤ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥¸ë‹¤. 무언가 ì›í• 때마다 그것앴 네 욕심ì¸ì§ style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">God disliked that you did not quit the job, o want to do now, God may not like it at all. Whenever you want to do something, examine whether 11:54pm 겸ì†ì˜ 삶: everyday life 1) 좋ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 궂ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í ë•ê³ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ê³ ì¡´ì¤‘í•´ì£¼ê¸° ì¸ë‚´ì˜ 삶: on life crisis 1) ì˜ì§€ì 으로ë¼ë„ ê°ì‚¬ 조급해하지 않기 3) ì„ í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ í¬ì‹ ëœ»ì„ ë¯¿ê³ ë°”ë•¼ê¸° <span style="fontlife 1) thank God regardless of good or bad things 2) live a simple, plain (ordinary) life 3) help the life crisis 1) be thankfully acceptive (using willpower) 2) don't be impatient with things only can b 11:42pm ì‚¬ëžŒì€ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì¡´ìž¬ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 다른 사람, 행복, í‰í™” ë“±ì„ ê¸°ë 사람만앴 ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì˜ë¯¸ë¥¼ 알게 ë˜ê³ , ê·¸ ì˜ë¯¸ë¥¼ 아는 사람만앴 ê·¸ ê°•ì—ì„œ 우리 가운땰 ì˜¤ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œì•„ë´…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ë¶„ì„ â€˜ì–´ë¦°ì–‘â€™ 드릴 수 없는 ì¡´ìž¬ìž„ì„ ê³ ë°±í•˜ê¸°ë„ í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그러나 시간앴 íë¥¼ìˆ˜ë¡ ì´ˆì ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œë„ ì„¸ìƒìœ¼ë¡œë¶€í„° ì •ì • 반대받는 í‘œì •ì•´ ë˜ì–´ ê°€ì‹œê³ ìžˆê¸° ë• â€œì˜¤ì‹¤ 분앴 ì„ ìƒë‹˜ì´ì‹ë‹ˆê¹Œ? 아니면 ì €í¬ê°€ 다른 ë¶„ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë ¤ì•¼ 합니까 í”들리는 대목입니다. 어쩌면 ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ì˜¤ì‹¤ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ì§€ ëª»í•˜ê³ , ë˜ ëª»í•˜ê³ ì‹ ì•™ ìžì²´ê°€ í”들릴 때가 있ì„ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥´ê² ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리하여 ì„¸ë¡€ìž ê·¸ëŸ¬ë‚˜ ì ˆë§í•˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ ê·¸ë•Œë§ˆë‹¤ 용기를 ê°€ì§€ê³ ì• ì ˆí•œ 마ìŒìœ¼ë¡œ 주님ê ìƒí™œ 가운ë°ë¡œ 우리를 ì°¾ì•„ì˜¤ì‹œê³ , ì†ê¸¸ì„ 건네실 것입니다. Human is ex Waiting requires a patience. Only those who are patient, know the meaning of waiting, and only th Baptist recognized Jesus who came among us in Jordan. He introduced Him as "Lamb of God", an anxiety came as time passed. It was because he was put in prison and Jesus had become a targe to Jesus to ask "Are you the one who is coming? or do we have to wait for another?" This showed coming, or can't recognize Him who is already with us, that there are times when our faith being sh despair - have courage and pray to Lord with an earnest mind. Lord will come to our daily life an 기다리는 ë†ë¶€ë¥¼ ë³´ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. 그는 앴른 비와 ëŠ¦ì€ ë¹„ë¥¼ 맞아 곡싕앴 ìµì ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ë©° 마ìŒì„ 굳게 가지ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana, land. He waits for crops to ripe after early rain and evening (late) rain. (you all) be patience, wa ë°›ì€ ì‚¬ëžŒë“¤ì€ ëª¨ë‘• ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì„ ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ê·¸ë¶„ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë…¸ë•¼ê ì•´ì œ 주님 안ì—ì„œ í•œ í˜•ì œìžë§¤ë“¤ì´ê³ , ì§•ì—…ì€ ì•¼ìš©í• ì–‘ì‹ì„ 위한 ì£ ì´ì™¸ì—는 ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ í•„ìš”ì¹˜ 않습니다. 그러니 ì–¸ì œë‚˜ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">Today, baptized people were called by Lord family is one brother and sister in Lord, and the work place is God's grace and care for daily bread live the life up to Lord's calling.</span> Nov 29, 9:32pm 우리는 참으로 ë§Žì€ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì ìƒˆë¡œì›€ì„ ê°€ì ¸ë‹¤ì£¼ë©°, ì‚¬ëžŒì„ ìƒˆë¡ê²Œ 변화시켜 ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. * 그러나 기다ë 급급하게 매달리는 사람엕겕 ë” ì´ìƒì˜ 새로움ì´ëž€ ì—†ì„ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ ìš°ë¦¬ë¥¼ 새ë¡ê²Œ 하시러 오시는 아기 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚˜ 뵕 ìˆ˜ë„ ì—†ì„ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆ ´ì„œ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” 사람만앴 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚ ìˆ˜ 있습니다 We live with many refresh people new. *but those who can't wait and live satisfying in reality, and hanging on to thin we can't dream of whole new life, and we can't meet baby Jesus who come to refresh us. How pitif Lord. Oct 23, 8:57pm The disposition u need to receive god's healing Humility: thank god for wha pride.. Let the world know that u need help u need grace of god U want god to do things your way Realise we are imperfect need the forgiveness of god. Allow ourselves to be available to god n oth his mercy n his love: god would be faithful always. We can rely on him.. Surrender your life to go give up things that r destroying u! Our unhappiness is caused by us. Do the right thing.. Not be too greater than what is happening to us.. Ask for his will be done. Dun clinging to this life. Detach fro u. U must give testimony to god: We must proclaim what the lord has done for us. It is for the grea heals u but not the way u think.. In his way particularly for u.. Oct 11, 11:53pm 아픈만핼 ë ë¨ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ 주님께서 ì§•ì ‘ 치료하시ë„ë¡ ë‚´ 놓는다 Sep 5, 11:12am ë² ë„¤ì¹˜ì• ê°€ë©´ì¶•ì œ í¬ë¡œì•„í‹°ì•„: 성 스테팕 성당 드부로브니핬 í•¬ë ˆíƒ€ 아틀란í Retrieved from her iPhone. These are in English, once i get the Korean ones translated, they will b Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 9, 7:52am 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. ì´ì²˜ëŸ¼ 하늘 나땼ì—ë„ ê·¸ì—• 맞갖ì ì˜¨ìœ , ì¹œì ˆ, 앸내 등 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 하늘 나땼 잔치를 위 있습니다. Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and my will is that God's Will be done. 9:45pm O tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to whatever you desire of me and to accept everyt will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surrender myself to u. Do as u please.. I believe u u back my free will. U know what is the best for me &amp; my family. But please, do not delay m all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank u lord for giving me one more day. Everyday i c u, use it for ur holy will. I am happy that i can be used for your will, whatever it is, and i know you me to your presence. How i desire to be united to ur spirit! I can wait patiently, because i trust that the day. I love you lord, more than anything in this world. I dont want to stay back in this world w where i can be truly happy praising u all the time. I wish to serve u there. Whenever i think of heav be. Thank u lord. I know ur with me inside my heart. Thank u for being with me. I love u. Sep 26, ëœê±° 마냥 ì°©ê°ì†ì—• 지냈으니 ë²Œì„ ë°›ì•„ 마땅하옵니다 겸ì†ì„ ë°°ìš° ë‹¨ìž ë„ í—ˆë½í•˜ì†Œì„œ... Sep 20, 6:26am Throughout the night, i have difficulty breathing a exhale very shortly, end up im like just finished running kind of state. Help!! Pls inform doc with u swim? What is good for lung recovery? Can i twist body? (sucking lung, cough &amp; flame) How Something protuding on the chest Wat is biopsy result? Still triple neg? Cough as long as i have ca 201 201 abt this: does he prefer me to have recline arm chair to relief my back pain or not? My answer is n 1- 1confused. She says God is not a petty god. "ur in pain n there is way to relief why do u refuse? The 94 12- 121 But i thought since this is God's test on my patience, he wouldnt like to see me getting this luxurio 0 05 05 certain level &amp; amt of pain. I imagined myself as his electronic product. He's testing how stea 23:4 15:4 the stress test n he will use me. Am i wrong about God? Help~!! i m confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm Sep 3:28 3:28 Then i had 3 strange dreams. 1st one someone was keep flipping me down so i shout in jesus name me n i felt like floating away. I kept say jesus i give my life to u, jesus protect me. It was scary n d that one led to my old dreams later part so im blur but flying part felt real..i think i was shouting je whole night cudnt sleep well.. Pray for me.. Gods message: passover is over 탈출기 12 Sep 2, 9: 그릇과 같습니다. í—Œ 옷ì—다 새 천 ì¡°ê°ì„ ë§ëŒ€ì–´ 꿰매듯앴 옛 모습 ê 수는 없습니다. ì˜›ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìƒˆ 부대를 ë§ˆë ¨í•´ì•¼ 새 í¬ë„주를 ë‹´ì„ ìˆ í•˜ëŠ” ë‚´ì • ì‡„ì‹ ì—• íž˜ì„ ê¸°ìš¸ì—¬ì•¼ 한다는 뜻입니다. ì˜•ì •ì•¸ 무관심과 ê² ìš°ë¦¬ 안엕 모실 수 있습니다. 바오로 사ë„ê°€ ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ì§€ìš”. “여러분ì 모릅니까? ê·¸ ì„±ë ¹ì„ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì•´ 하ëŠë‹˜ì—게서 ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì€ 6,19) 바오로 사ë„는 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ 반문하며 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ 거처하시는 우리ì 마ìŒì€ 새 í¬ë„주를 담는 새 부대처럼 ì„±ë ¹ì„ ëª¨ì‹œëŠ” 장소ë¼ëŠ” ëœ ë‚˜â€™ë¡œì„œ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ ë‚´ 안엕 머무르시ë„ë¡ í•´ì•¼ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. Sep 1, 5:37p †ì•´ 기ë„하며 ê°„ì²í•˜ê³ 있습니다. 곧 여러분앴 ëª¨ë“ ì˜•ì • 지혜와 ê¹¨ë‹¬ìŒ ì¶©ë§Œí•´ì ¸, 주님께 합당하게 ì‚´ì•„ê°ìœ¼ë¡œì¨ ëª¨ë“ ë©´ì—ì„œ 그분 마ìŒì—• 아는 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ 잕땼기를 빕니다. 똕 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì˜ê´‘스러운 ëŠ¥ë ¥ì—ì„œ 내기를 빕니다. ê¸°ìœ ë§ˆìŒìœ¼ë¡œ, 성ë„ë“¤ì´ ë¹›ì˜ ë‚˜ë•¼ì—ì„œ 받는 ìƒì† 것입니다. 아버지께서는 우리를 ì–´ë‘ ì˜ ê¶Œì„¸ì—ì„œ 구해 내시어 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 아드님 안ì—ì„œ 우리는 ì†ëŸ‰ì„, 곧 ì£„ì˜ ìš©ì„œë¥¼ 받습니다. â–¥ ì‚¬ë„ ë°”ì 사랑하는 하ëŠë‹˜, ì €ì—게 í¬ì‹ ì€ì´ì„ ë² í’€ì–´ 주셔서 ì œ 마ìŒì´ ìš”ë™ í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ê°ì‚¬ë“œë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì €ë„ ì•Œì§€ 못한 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ í•° 용기와 믿ìŒì€ ì£¼ë ´ë¨¸ë‹ˆì˜ ê³µë¡œë¥¼ ë³´ì‹œê³ ì œê²Œ 특별히 ìžì• 를 ë² í‘¸ì‹ ê±¸ë¡œ 압니다. ì €ëŠ” 보잘것 환난중ì—ì„œë„ ë‘•ë ¤ì›Œí•˜ëŠ” 맘앴 ì¼ì§€ëŠ” 않지만 ì „ ì•„ì§ë„ 여러모ë 대화하는ë°ì„œ 많앴 모ìžëžŒì„ ê³ ë°±í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì „ ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë„ˆë¬´ë‚˜ë„ ëŒ€í™” ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì†ì‚¼ìž„ì´ ë“¤ë¦¬ì§€ 않사옵니다. ì„±ë ¹ì˜ ì—ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ë„ ì œ 안ì—ì„ ì•¼ì–´ë í•œë§ì”€ì´ë¼ë„ 해주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤! 아니, 한마디ë¼ë„ ì œê°€ 들ì„수 있게 ì œ ê·€ë ´ì˜¤ì…”ì„œ ì œë§ˆìŒì„ 불살땼 주옵소서! ì œê°€ ì´ë¦¬ë„ ì•ˆì •ì ì´ë©´ì„œë„ ë‹ ë„ˆë¬´ ì²´ë…하여 그런게 ì•„ë‹ê¹Œ ë‘•ë µìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 분명 ì œ 옆엕 계 믿사오니 계솕 ì œ 안엕 임하시며 ì—사하여 주소서. Aug 28, 12:04pm 주님, ì Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life 1. God is my sheph love, I walk by the quiet waters of peace. 2. Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, you lead music of your Name. 3. Though i should wander the valley of death, I fear no evil, for you are at m set me a banquet of love in the face of hatred, crowning me with love beyond my power to hold. 5 will dwell in the house of my God forevermore. Aug 25, 10:41am 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기(ê 오로지 ì£¼ë‹˜ë§Œì„ ë”°ë¥´ë ¤ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì‹ìžê°€ë¥¼ ì§€ê³ ì—¬ê¸° 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 오로 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 오롯앴 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 하얀 소복 ì°¨ë ¤ ì—¬ í›„ë ´) 파아란 í’€ë°ì—• ì•´ 몸 뉘어주소서 ê³ ì•´ 쉬땼 물터로 나를 ëŒì– 쉴 ê³³ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ í’ˆ ì˜ì›ížˆ ìž ë“œë µë‹ˆë‹¤ Jul 1, 4:28pm In every situation in life you need co I am giving you this message. For you to realise that in life you will always need to pray for graces strong and so too your trust in me. It is I who speaks. Aug 25, 10:38am 받아주소서(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 받아주소서 (2번) 1. ë‚˜ì˜ ëª¨ë“ ìžìœ 와 ë‚˜ì˜ ê¸°ì–µê³¼ ì§€ë ¥ ë‚˜ì˜ ì˜ì§€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ë˜ëŒë ¤ 드리오리다 2. 내게 ì£¼ì‹ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ì£¼ì˜ ê²ƒì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 오징 주ë 주시면 ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ May 23, 4:41pm ì „ëŠ¥í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜, 만물앴 ë‹¹ì‹ ê¶Œìœ„ì•ˆì—• 없습니다. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ëœ»í•˜ì‹ ëŒ€ë¡œ ì €í•¬ì—게 ì£¼ì‹œê³ ë˜•í•œ 앗아가시니 ëª ì‹ ë¹„ë¥¼ ì´í•´í•˜ì§€ 못하여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì›•ë§•í–ˆë˜ ì €ë¥¼ ìš©ì„œí•˜ì‹œê³ ì €ì—게 ë”í• ë”í•´ì£¼ì‹œë“ ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹¤ëŒ€ë¡œ 하ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. ì „ 들풀ì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 바람불면 í”들리ê ëª¨ë“ ìƒ•ê°•ê³¼ 핬맕 모둕 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ 바치오니 ë‹¹ì‹ ëœ»ëŒ€ë¡œ 하옵소서. May 22, 12 of God) john 1:12, Ezekiel 36:24-27 -witness(external: preach boldly, heal) -Charismatic gift &a spirit, sonship with God the father 1 Cor 11:23 Why r we praying over again and again for the filli imagination, memory(1/8 concious, 7/8 unconcious), emotion, will-we need to transform all 5 of th faith &amp; love, stir into the flame. Apr 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr healthy n pure blood circulate i  weak body. And may yr healthy n vigorous life throb within me. Amen. Apr 8, 9:46am 사람ë ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë©´ 얼마나 ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ìžˆëŠ”ì§€ 물어보면 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ë¯¿ìŒì˜ 눈앴 열립니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ì•Žì€ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì„ ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ìš°ë 완성ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 아는 만핼 ë¯¿ê³ ë¯¿ëŠ” 만핼 ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì‹¤ì²œí• ìˆ˜ 있습 â—Ž ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시네. â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시며, 분 게 좋으시며, ê·¸ ìžë¹„ ëª¨ë“ ì¡°ë¬¼ 위엕 내리네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë§ì”€ë§ 누구ë¼ë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë¶™ë“œì‹œê³ , 꺾앸 ì´ëŠ” 누구ë¼ë„ ì¼ìœ¼ì¼œ 세우시 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë¶€ë¥´ëŠ” ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게, 진실하ê 9:23pm 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” 무아는, 예수님께서 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 무화(ç ìžì‹ ì•´ ì—†ì–´ì§€ê³ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 그분과 하나 ëœ ìƒíƒœë¥¼ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리스ë„êµ ì„œ 다릅니다. 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” ë¹„ì›€ì€ ì˜ˆìˆ˜ 그리스ë„를 ë‚´ 안 있듯앴, 예수님 안ì—ì„œ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì¼í•˜ê³ ê³„ì‹ ê²ƒì²˜ëŸ¼ 우리를 비운 바오로 사ë„는 â€œì•´ì œëŠ” ë‚´ê°€ 사는 것앴 아니땼 그리스ë„께서 ë‚´ ì•ˆì— ê²°êµ ë¹„ì›€ì€ ë‹¨ìˆœížˆ 집착과 íƒìš•ì„ ëŠëŠ” ê²ƒë§Œì„ ëœ»í•˜ì§€ 않습니다. ë˜í•œ 아닙니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ë¹„ì›€ì˜ ì˜ë¯¸ëŠ” 사랑하는 것입니다. 우리가 그냥 비운다ê 비워지는 것입니다. 그냥 비워서는 곧바로 다른 것앴 들어와 잕리를 ì‚¬ëž‘í•˜ì‹œê³ ì„¸ìƒ•ì—• ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì‹œëŠ” ê²ƒì„ ëœ»í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ëˆ„êµ¬ë¥¼ 사 비움앴 시작ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Mar 21, 11:12pm 하ëŠë‹˜, ì˜í˜¼ì˜ ê±´ê°•ì„ ìœ„í•˜ì—¬ ìœ¡ì‹ ì˜ ë§ˆìŒì„ 다하여 ìžì• ë¡œìš°ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ê³„ëª…ì„ ì§€í‚¤ê²Œ 하소서. 우리가 사람 없다!’는 믿ìŒì„ 가진다면 편해질 것입니다. 주어땼. 그러면 ë„ˆí¬ ë˜ì–´ 너핬 품엕 ë‹´ì•„ 주실 것ì´ë‹¤. 너í¬ê°€ ë˜ì§ˆí•˜ëŠ” 바로 ê·¸ ë˜ë¡œ ë„ˆí¬ • “내가 너를 ë§Žì€ ë¯¼ì¡±ì˜ ì¡°ìƒìœ¼ë¡œ 만들었다.â€•ë•¼ê³ ê¸°ë¡ëœ ê· ì£½ì€ ì´ë“¤ì„ 다시 ì‚´ë¦¬ì‹œê³ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ì§€ 않는 ê²ƒì„ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ë„ë¡ ë¶ˆëŸ¬ë‚´ì‹œëŠ” 18 그는 핬맕앴 ì—†ì–´ë„ í¬ë§í•˜ë©°, â€œë„ˆì˜ í›„ì†ë“¤ì´ ì €ë ‡ê²Œ 많아질 ê² ì•„ë²„ì§€â€ê°€ ë• ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 22 바로 ê·¸ 때문엕 “하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ê·¸ 로마서4장 Mar 13, 3:00am 매야 아침 기ë„: 오늘 하루ë™ì•ˆ ì œì•¸ì•´ ì—„ë§ˆì˜ ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì´ì›ƒê³¼ 나눌수 있게 ë‚¨ì„ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ëŠ” 마ìŒê³¼ ë„“ì€ ì•„ëŸ‰ì„ ì£¼ì†Œ 마ìŒì„ 주관하여 ì£¼ì‹œê³ , 오늘 하루 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ 아래서 지내게 하여 ì 아멘. Mar 1, 1:52pm 해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다. 오늘 ë³µìŒì—ì„œ ë² ë“œë ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìŠ¤ìŠ¹ë‹˜ì„ ë”°ëžìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.― í•˜ê³ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ë§íˆ¬ì—는 ì ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ì•´ 맕엕 예수님께서는 아무런 ì¹ì°¬ë„ í•´ 주지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜¤íž ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë‹¤ ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ í•œë‹¤ê³ ë§ì”€í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì—게 ëŒì•„올 ì–´ë–¤ ì˜ê´‘ì ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ 한다는 것입니다. ìž„ê¸ˆì„ ë“±ì—• íƒœìš°ê³ ê°€ëŠ” 나귀가 있었습니다 ìžë¶€ì‹¬ì´ 대단했습니다. 사람들앴 ì˜¨ëª¸ì„ ì¹˜ìž¥í•´ ì£¼ê³ , 임금앴 타는 나귀 ë‚ , 임금앴 ê·¸ 나귀를 íƒ€ê³ í–‰ë ¬ í• ë•Œ, 사람들앴 환호를 하잕, 나귀는 사ë 답례를 보냈습니다. ê²°êµ ìž„ê¸ˆì€ ë‚˜ê·€ì—ì„œ ë–¨ì–´ì§€ê³ ë§ì•˜ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì • êµ ì˜ˆí™”ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. êµíšŒì—• 봉사한다는 ê²ƒì€ â€˜ë¶€ë¦„ ë°›ì€ ì¢…â€™ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ì € “해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다.―(루카 17,10)땼 ì´ìƒ ìƒê°í•˜ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ì˜•ì • êµë§Œìž…니다. Feb 9, 6:50pm 너가 암엕 걸린건 그럴 잕격앴 없어서앴 cooxpmlop ã…Š í•— ã…¡ã…‘ã…“ã…— 푸 다. ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê³ ë‚ †ì§€ë§Œ 너를 위해 ìœ ìµí•˜ë‹¤ëŠ”ê²ƒë§Œì€ ëª…ì‹¬í•´ë•¼ 하루를 ë” ì•„í”„ê²Œë˜ë 용기와 힘, ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ì´ë‹¤. Jan 26, 10:39am 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ í•˜ëŠ ê°€ì§„ 것엕 ì˜ì§€í•´ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하면, 하ëŠë‹˜ì—• 대한 믿ìŒë³´ë‹¤ë 때문야 것입니다. ë²•ì • ìŠ¤ë‹˜ì˜ ì±… ã€Žë¬´ì†Œìœ ã€•ì—• ì´ëŸ° êµ¬ì ˆì•´ 있습ë 때로는 ê·¸ 물건 때문엕 마ìŒì„ 쓰게 ëœë‹¤. ë”°ë¼ì„œ 무엇ì¸ê°€ë¥¼ 것, 그러므로 많앴 ê°–ê³ ìžˆë‹¤ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ê·¸ë§Œí•¼ 많앴 얽혀 있다는 뜻ì´ë 많ì„수ë¡, 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 위한 ì¼ë§ˆì €ë„ ê·¸ 뿌리ì—서는 세ìƒì˜ ì¼ì„ 하ë 성과보다 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ ì˜íƒí•˜ëŠ” 우리 ì‚¶ì˜ íƒœë„ê°€ 중요합니다. Jan 24, 3 the top... I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts. As a result of them the Lord - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. Jan 22, 2:07am ì˜ ë¬´ì—‡ê³¼ë„ ë°”ê¿€ 수 없는 ì•€ì´ì˜ 사건ì´ì§€ë§Œ, 반드시 ì ¸ì•¼ í• ì‹ìžê°€ê°€ 가족사랑-ì¢‹ì€ ì—„ë§ˆ, ì¢‹ì€ ì•„ë‚´ 1) ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ê±´ê°• ì±…ìž„-ì¢‹ì€ ì‹ë‹¨ 2) 살림꾸ë 아니시므로, 여러분앴 성ë„들ì—게 ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ì˜€ê³ ì§€ê¸ˆë„ ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ë©´ì„œ 잊지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 11 여러분 ê°ìžê°€ 핬맕앴 실현ë˜ë„ë¡ ë까지 ê°™ 그리하여 게으른 사람앴 ë˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ , 약ì†ëœ ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ìŒê³¼ ì¸ë‚´ë¡œ ìƒ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ížˆë¸Œë¦¬ì„œì˜ ë§ì”€ìž…니다.6,10-20 Jan 15, 9:39am 진실앴 ë°í˜€ì¡Œë‹¤ 치르게 하셨다. ê·¸ ë§Žì€ í˜¼ì„ ê³¼ 지긋지긋한 í•ì•”치료.. ëë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ìžƒì—ˆ 무ìžë¹„í•˜ê³ ëƒ‰í˜¹í•˜ì‹œë©° ë™ì‹œì—• ìžì²´ê°€ 사랑ì´ë¼ëŠ” ëª¨ìˆœì˜ ì‹ ì´ì‹œë‹¤ 모른채 벌앸 실수를 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ìž”ì¸í•˜ê²Œ 추ê¶í•˜ì‹œë‹¤ë‹ˆ! ë‚˜ì˜ ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜! ë‹¹ì‹ ëŒ€ì‹ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì…¨ë‹¤êµ¬ìš”?! 그것앴 ì œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì•—ì•„ê°€ì•¼ë§Œ í• ì£„ì˜€ìŠµë 위로해주세요.. ì•´ ìƒì²˜ë¥¼ 아물수있게 넘치는 사랑과 위안과 ë³µì„ ì£¼ì„¸ìš ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹ ë°ìš”? ê·¸ë ‡ê²Œ ë‰˜ìš°ì¹˜ê³ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë‹¤ê³ í•œ ì ˆ ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ë‚´ë™ëŒ•ì 궕극ì 으로 우리 ì¸ìƒì„ 아름답게 í•˜ì‹œê³ ì°¸ë˜ê²Œ 하시는 ë¶„ì€ ì§„ë¦¬ì˜ ë¶ˆì•ˆí•˜ê³ í˜¼ëž€ìŠ¤ëŸ¬ìš¸ìˆ˜ë¡• 우리ì—게 필요한 ê²ƒì€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì„ ìœ¼ë¡œ ì´ë 잕주 미사 참례를 í•˜ê³ , 성체 조배를 하며, ê³ í•´ì„±ì‚¬ë¥¼ 통하여 ìžì‹ ì„ ë”ìš ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리가 미래를 몰ë¼ì„œ 삶앴 ë‘•ë ¤ìš´ 것앴 아닙니다. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë³´ì´ì§€ 않는 미래를 ì£¼ì‹ ì´ìœ 는, 우리가 하루하루를 새ë¡ê²Œ 사람ì—게 미래는 ì„¤ë ˜ê³¼ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì„¸ê³„ë¡œ 다가옵니다. Jan 10, 9:17am ì‚¶ì— ´ì§„다. ìž˜ëª»ëœ ì„ íƒìœ¼ë¡œ ì¸í•œ ê³ í†µ, ë‹¤ë¥¸ì‚¬ëžŒì˜ ì£„ë‚˜ 환경으로 ì¸í•´ ë° í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì˜ë„ì 으로 ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒì•´ 아니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì•´ ê³ í†µ ì„œë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë¯¿ëŠ”ìžë“¤ì„ 통해 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œê¸° 때문ì´ë‹¤. ì•´ 세ìƒì 그래서 우리ì—게 벌어지는 ëª¨ë“ ì‚¬ê±´ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì„리안엕 머무르는 것ì 찾아온다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ ë°©ê´€ìžì‹œë‹¤. 하지만 ì‹œë ¨ì†•ì—ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¾ëŠ”ìž ê³„ì†• 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¬ì–‘í• ìˆ˜ ìžˆê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„ 값진 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œëŠ”ê±°ë‹¤. Jan 1 때’는 잕기 ìžì‹ ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하지만, ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 바오로 사ë„처럼 â€˜ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ì¼í•˜ì‹œê¸° 때문입니다. ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë´‰ì‚¬ìžë¡œ ì¼í•˜ëŠ” 사람ì—게 필요한 ê ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ë„구로 앨 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤.― 하는 겸ì†í•œ ì‘답ì´ë©´ ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Jan 8, 1:32a 온몸엕 나병앴 걸린 사람앴 다가왔다. 그는 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë³´ìž•, ì–¼êµ´ì„ ë•…ì— ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œëŠ” í•˜ê³ ìž• 하시면 ì €ë¥¼ 깨땗하게 하실 수 있습니다.― ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„ â€œë‚´ê°€ í•˜ê³ ìž• 하니, 깨땗하게 ë˜ì–´ë•¼.― 그러잕 곧 나병앴 가셨다. Jan ëŠ¥ë ¥ì•´ 있사오니 부디 ì €ì—•ê²Œ ìžë¹„를 ë² í‘¸ì‹œì–´ ì ˆ ì´ë³‘ì—ì„œ 해방시켜 have mercy on me and set me free from this illness Jan 4, 11:42pm 계솕 ìˆ˜ìˆ ì—†ì•´ 기ì 으 완치만 시켜주시길 기ë„하게 ë˜ì—ˆë‹¤. ë§ˆìˆ ê°™ì€ ê¸°ì •ì•´ 야어나리땼 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 ë‚ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 맡겼다. ìˆ˜ìˆ í•˜ëŠ”ê²ƒì•´ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻앴땼면 기ì 변화야ë§ë¡œ 가장 í•° ê¸°ì •ì•´ë•¼ê³ ë´ì•¼ í• ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. <span style="font-family: C no surgery but a recovery by miracle, then i started to pray that it's ok to do surgery for complete r now i humbly submit myself to God's will. If getting surgery is God's will, i'll gladly cut off my br 3:21pm We are created for God. To: Love God, serve God, honour &amp;praise God Willing to d is your deepest desire? That's what God desire us to be . Know yourself. Use imagination, be creat 1:59AM ë‚´ê°€ ì›í•˜ì§€ë§Œ 기ë„하진 ì•Šì„것: ì§ìž¥ ë‹¤ë‹ˆê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì‚´ë¹ ì§€ê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš ì˜íƒí• 것: ì•”ì˜ ì™„ì¹˜ 등, 어깨, ë°œ 완치 남편 ì§ìž¥ 진로 ì´ë„심 ì œì•¸ 학굕 ì œì•¸ ì¸ì„±/ì‹ ì•™/언어 êµìœ¡ì˜ 지혜 겸ì†ì˜ 삶 ê±´ê°•í•˜ê³ í™”ëª©í•œ ê°€ì • í• ë¨¸ë‹ˆ 모둕 병 없앴 ì€ì´ì•ˆì—• 임종 <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Ar weight - sharper nose for Jein pray but entrust to God - for full recovery of cancer - to full recover for Jein's school earnestly to ask for: - passion of prayer and patience of suffering - Jein's humanity harmonious family - lead grandmother and father to heaven - all family to become catholic - (marr 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 오해하는것 마치 ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ ë²„ìŠ¤ì •ê±°ìž¥ì—ì„œ íŒ”ì„ ë“œëŠ” ì•„ì¤ ìžì‹ 뒤엕 있는 버스를 í–¥í•œê²ƒìž„ì„ ì•Œê³ "ì•„ ë‚´ê°€ 잘못 알았구나!" í•˜ëŠ”ê² í•´ì„í•˜ê³ ë‚˜ì¤‘ì—• 가서 ì•„ 그게 아니구나 í• ìˆ˜ìžˆë‹¤. ì´ë•Œ ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ í™”ë¥ ì”¨ë¶€ë •ê±°ë¦¬ë©´ 얼마나 꼴사나운가! ì˜¤í•´í• ìˆ˜ 있다는건 모ë‘ê°€ ì´í•´í•œë‹¤. ê· ì•Œì•˜ìœ¼ë©´ 다시 ì œ ìžì„¸ë¡œ ëŒì•„와 ìš´ì „ì—• ì •ì§„í•˜ëŠ”ê²Œ 마땅하다. ì†ì•˜ë 관계솕ì—ì„œë„ ë§ˆì°¬ê°€ì§€ì´ë‹¤. 본앸앴 잘못 ì˜¤í•´í•œê²ƒìž„ì„ ë°›ì•„ë“¤ì•´ê³ ë ë‚ ê°€ì§€ê³ ë†€ì•˜ë‹¤ ë°°ì‹ ë‹¹í–ˆë‹¤ 하며 ì›ë§í•´ì„œëŠ” 안ëœë‹¤. Misunderstanding God. waiving her hand, but realized she was actually flagging the bus behind him. He then "oh i misund later i could say "oh it was wrong". If the bus driver gets angry and thinking the woman was waivi misunderstand. it matters how you respond to it. if one realize it was a misunderstanding, he shoul cheated etc. it goes the same in a relationship with God. instead of  being acceptive that you wro complaining that God has fooled or betrayed me etc should not be done. Dec 24, 2:40am í•˜ëŠ ì¹˜ë¥¸ê²ƒë„, í•œêµì—¬í–‰ ê°„ê²ƒë„ ë‹¤ 싫어하셨다. 네가 지금 í•˜ê³ ì‹¶ì€ ê·¸ ì–´ë–¤ê ¸ê°€ ì›í• 때마다 그것앴 네 욕심ì¸ì§€ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 따른건지 í•ìƒ• ê²€í† í Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">God disliked that you did not quit the job, organized 1st birthda may not like it at all. Whenever you want to do something, examine whether it is for your own gre everyday life 1) 좋ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 궂ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í•˜ê¸° 2) ì†Œë°•í•˜ê³ í‰ ì¸ë‚´ì˜ 삶: on life crisis 1) ì˜ì§€ì 으로ë¼ë„ ê°ì‚¬ë¡œì´ 받아들앴기 2) ë³´ì´ë í¬ì‹ ëœ»ì„ ë¯¿ê³ ë°”ë•¼ê¸° <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">life things 2) live a simple, plain (ordinary) life 3) help the neighbour, be considerate and respectful</s willpower) 2) don't be impatient with things only can be seen 3) to trust and follow God's big plan 존재입니다. 다른 사람, 행복, í‰í™” ë“±ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì€ ì¸ë‚´ë ì˜ë¯¸ë¥¼ 알게 ë˜ê³ , ê·¸ ì˜ë¯¸ë¥¼ 아는 사람만앴 ê·¸ 열매를 맛볼 수 있습 ì˜¤ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œì•„ë´…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ë¶„ì„ â€˜ì–´ë¦°ì–‘â€™ì•´ë•¼ ì†Œê°œí•˜ê³ , ìžì‹ ê³ ë°±í•˜ê¸°ë„ í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그러나 시간앴 íë¥¼ìˆ˜ë¡ ì´ˆì¡°í•´ì§‘ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì€ ê°ì˜¥ 세ìƒìœ¼ë¡œë¶€í„° ì •ì • 반대받는 í‘œì •ì•´ ë˜ì–´ ê°€ì‹œê³ ìžˆê¸° 때문입니다. ê· ì„ ìƒë‹˜ì´ì‹ë‹ˆê¹Œ? 아니면 ì €í¬ê°€ 다른 ë¶„ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë ¤ì•¼ 합니까?― í•˜ê³ ì—¬ì 대목입니다. 어쩌면 ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ì˜¤ì‹¤ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ì§€ ëª»í•˜ê³ , ë˜ëŠ” 앴미 ìš í”들릴 때가 있ì„ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥´ê² ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리하여 세례잕 요한처럼 ì˜ì‹¬ì ë§•ê³ ê·¸ë•Œë§ˆë‹¤ 용기를 ê°€ì§€ê³ ì• ì ˆí•œ 마ìŒìœ¼ë¡œ 주님께 기ë„해야 합니ë 우리를 ì°¾ì•„ì˜¤ì‹œê³ , ì†ê¸¸ì„ 건네실 것입니다. Human is existence of waiting. Wai patience. Only those who are patient, know the meaning of waiting, and only those who understan Jesus who came among us in Jordan. He introduced Him as "Lamb of God", and he confessed that passed. It was because he was put in prison and Jesus had become a target from more and more you the one who is coming? or do we have to wait for another?" This showed John's faith was shak recognize Him who is already with us, that there are times when our faith being shaken. Therefore courage and pray to Lord with an earnest mind. Lord will come to our daily life and reach out His ë†ë¶€ë¥¼ ë³´ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. 그는 앴른 비와 ëŠ¦ì€ ë¹„ë¥¼ 맞아 곡싕앴 ìµì„ 때까지 마ìŒì„ 굳게 가지ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">L crops to ripe after early rain and evening (late) rain. (you all) be patience, wait and have a firm 모둕 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì„ ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ê·¸ë¶„ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë…¸ë•¼ê³ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ì„œ í•œ í˜•ì œìžë§¤ë“¤ì´ê³ , ì§•ì—…ì€ ì¼ìš©í• ì–‘ì‹ì„ 위한 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ê³¼ ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ í•„ìš”ì¹˜ 않습니다. 그러니 ì–¸ì œë‚˜ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 합당한 ìƒí™ Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">Today, baptized people were called by Lord, and they left every and sister in Lord, and the work place is God's grace and care for daily bread. actually we do not n Lord's calling.</span> Nov 29, 9:32pm 우리는 참으로 ë§Žì€ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì„ ì²´í—˜í•˜ë©´ì„œ ê°€ì ¸ë‹¤ì£¼ë©°, ì‚¬ëžŒì„ ìƒˆë¡ê²Œ 변화시켜 줕니다. * 그러나 기다리지 ëª»í•˜ê³ ë§¤ë‹¬ë¦¬ëŠ” 사람엕겕 ë” ì´ìƒì˜ 새로움ì´ëž€ ì—†ì„ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. * 새로움 게 하시러 오시는 아기 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚˜ 뵕 ìˆ˜ë„ ì—†ì„ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë© ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” 사람만앴 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚ ìˆ˜ 있습니다 We live with many experiences of new. *but those who can't wait and live satisfying in reality, and hanging on to things that can be s of whole new life, and we can't meet baby Jesus who come to refresh us. How pitiful that person is 8:57pm The disposition u need to receive god's healing Humility: thank god for what god has done world know that u need help u need grace of god U want god to do things your way? Forgiveness: imperfect need the forgiveness of god. Allow ourselves to be available to god n others. Desire to fo love: god would be faithful always. We can rely on him.. Surrender your life to god: U want healin that r destroying u! Our unhappiness is caused by us. Do the right thing.. Not be too naive, thinkin happening to us.. Ask for his will be done. Dun clinging to this life. Detach from the world. God d testimony to god: We must proclaim what the lord has done for us. It is for the greater glory of god the way u think.. In his way particularly for u.. Oct 11, 11:53pm 아픈만핼 ë” ì„±ìˆ™í•´ì§„ë 주님께서 ì§•ì ‘ 치료하시ë„ë¡ ë‚´ 놓는다 Sep 5, 11:12am ë² ë„¤ì¹˜ì•„: ë°”ì˜ì„±ë‹¹ ë í¬ë¡œì•„í‹°ì•„: 성 스테팕 성당 드부로브니핬 í•¬ë ˆíƒ€ 아틀란티스 ì‚°í† ë¦¬ Retrieved from her iPhone. These are in English, once i get the Korean ones translated, they will b Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 9, 7:52am 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. ì´ì²˜ëŸ¼ 하늘 나땼ì—ë„ ê·¸ì—• 맞갖ì ì˜¨ìœ , ì¹œì ˆ, ì¸ë‚´ 등 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 하늘 나땼 잔치를 위 있습니다. Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and my will is that God's Will be done. 9:45pm O tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to whatever you desire of me and to accept everyt will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surrender myself to u. Do as u please.. I believe u u back my free will. U know what is the best for me &amp; my family. But please, do not delay m all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank u lord for giving me one more day. Everyday i c u, use it for ur holy will. I am happy that i can be used for your will, whatever it is, and i know you me to your presence. How i desire to be united to ur spirit! I can wait patiently, because i trust that the day. I love you lord, more than anything in this world. I dont want to stay back in this world w where i can be truly happy praising u all the time. I wish to serve u there. Whenever i think of heav be. Thank u lord. I know ur with me inside my heart. Thank u for being with me. I love u. Sep 26, ëœê±° 마냥 ì°©ê°ì†ì—• 지냈으니 ë²Œì„ ë°›ì•„ 마땅하옵니다 겸ì†ì„ ë°°ìš° ë‹¨ìž ë„ í—ˆë½í•˜ì†Œì„œ... Sep 20, 6:26am Throughout the night, i have difficulty breathing a exhale very shortly, end up i'm like I just finished running kind of state. Help!! Pls inform doc with swim? What is good for lung recovery? Can i twist body? (sucking lung, cough &amp; flame) How 201 201 Something protuding on the chest Wat is biopsy result? Still triple neg? Cough as long as i have ca 1- 1abt this: does he prefer me to have recline arm chair to relief my back pain or not? My answer is n 94 12- 121 confused. She says God is not a petty god. "ur in pain n there is way to relief why do u refuse? The 1 05 05 But i thought since this is God's test on my patience, he wouldnt like to see me getting this luxurio 23:4 15:4 certain level &amp; amt of pain. I imagined myself as his electronic product. He's testing how stea 6:52 6:52 the stress test n he will use me. Am i wrong about God? Help~!! i m confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm Sep Then i had 3 strange dreams. 1st one someone keep flipping me down so i shout in Jesus name sat i felt like floating away. I kept say Jesus i give my life to u, Jesus protect me. It was scary n didn't one led to my old dreams later part so i'm blur but flying part felt real..i think i was shouting Jesus whole night couldn't sleep well.. Pray for me.. Gods message: passover is over 탈출기 12 Sep 2, 그릇과 같습니다. í—Œ 옷ì—다 새 천 ì¡°ê°ì„ ë§ëŒ€ì–´ 꿰매듯앴 옛 모습 ê 수는 없습니다. ì˜›ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìƒˆ 부대를 ë§ˆë ¨í•´ì•¼ 새 í¬ë„주를 ë‹´ì„ ìˆ í•˜ëŠ” ë‚´ì • ì‡„ì‹ ì—• íž˜ì„ ê¸°ìš¸ì—¬ì•¼ 한다는 뜻입니다. ì˜•ì •ì•¸ 무관심과 ê² ìš°ë¦¬ 안엕 모실 수 있습니다. 바오로 사ë„ê°€ ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ì§€ìš”. “여러분ì 모릅니까? ê·¸ ì„±ë ¹ì„ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì•´ 하ëŠë‹˜ì—게서 ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 여러분앀 6,19) 바오로 사ë„는 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ 반문하며 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ 거처하시는 우리ì 마ìŒì€ 새 í¬ë„주를 담는 새 부대처럼 ì„±ë ¹ì„ ëª¨ì‹œëŠ” 장소ë¼ëŠ” ëœ ë‚˜â€™ë¡œì„œ ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ ë‚´ 안엕 머무르시ë„ë¡ í•´ì•¼ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. Sep 1, 5:37p †ì•´ 기ë„하며 ê°„ì²í•˜ê³ 있습니다. 곧 여러분앴 ëª¨ë“ ì˜•ì • 지혜와 ê¹¨ë‹¬ìŒ ì¶©ë§Œí•´ì ¸, 주님께 합당하게 ì‚´ì•„ê°ìœ¼ë¡œì¨ ëª¨ë“ ë©´ì—ì„œ 그분 마ìŒì—• 아는 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ 잕땼기를 빕니다. 똕 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì˜ê´‘스러운 ëŠ¥ë ¥ì—ì„œ 내기를 빕니다. ê¸°ìœ ë§ˆìŒìœ¼ë¡œ, 성ë„ë“¤ì´ ë¹›ì˜ ë‚˜ë•¼ì—ì„œ 받는 ìƒì† 것입니다. 아버지께서는 우리를 ì–´ë‘ ì˜ ê¶Œì„¸ì—ì„œ 구해 내시어 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 아드님 안ì—ì„œ 우리는 ì†ëŸ‰ì„, 곧 ì£„ì˜ ìš©ì„œë¥¼ 받습니다. â–¥ ì‚¬ë„ ë°”ì 사랑하는 하ëŠë‹˜, ì €ì—게 í¬ì‹ ì€ì´ì„ ë² í’€ì–´ 주셔서 ì œ 마ìŒì´ ìš”ë™ í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ê°ì‚¬ë“œë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì €ë„ ì•Œì§€ 못한 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ í•° 용기와 믿ìŒì€ ì£¼ë ´ë¨¸ë‹ˆì˜ ê³µë¡œë¥¼ ë³´ì‹œê³ ì œê²Œ 특별히 ìžì• 를 ë² í‘¸ì‹ ê±¸ë¡œ 압니다. ì €ëŠ” 보잘것 환난중ì—ì„œë„ ë‘•ë ¤ì›Œí•˜ëŠ” 맘앴 ì¼ì§€ëŠ” 않지만 ì „ ì•„ì§ë„ 여러모ë 대화하는ë°ì„œ 많앴 모ìžëžŒì„ ê³ ë°±í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì „ ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë„ˆë¬´ë‚˜ë„ ëŒ€í™” ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì†ì‚¼ìž„ì´ ë“¤ë¦¬ì§€ 않사옵니다. ì„±ë ¹ì˜ ì—ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ë„ ì œ 안ì—ì„ ì•¼ì–´ë í•œë§ì”€ì´ë¼ë„ 해주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤! 아니, 한마디ë¼ë„ ì œê°€ 들ì„수 있게 ì œ ê·€ë ´ì˜¤ì…”ì„œ ì œë§ˆìŒì„ 불살땼 주옵소서! ì œê°€ ì´ë¦¬ë„ ì•ˆì •ì ì´ë©´ì„œë„ ë‹ ë„ˆë¬´ ì²´ë…하여 그런게 ì•„ë‹ê¹Œ ë‘•ë µìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 분명 ì œ 옆엕 계 믿사오니 계솕 ì œ 안엕 임하시며 ì—사하여 주소서. Aug 28, 12:04pm 주님, ì Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life 1. God is my sheph love, I walk by the quiet waters of peace. 2. Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, you lead music of your Name. 3. Though i should wander the valley of death, I fear no evil, for you are at m set me a banquet of love in the face of hatred, crowning me with love beyond my power to hold. 5 will dwell in the house of my God forevermore. Aug 25, 10:41am 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기(ê 오로지 ì£¼ë‹˜ë§Œì„ ë”°ë¥´ë ¤ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì‹ìžê°€ë¥¼ ì§€ê³ ì—¬ê¸° 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 오로 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 오롯앴 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 하얀 소복 ì°¨ë ¤ ì—¬ í›„ë ´) 파아란 í’€ë°ì—• ì•´ 몸 뉘어주소서 ê³ ì•´ 쉬땼 물터로 나를 ëŒì– 쉴 ê³³ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ í’ˆ ì˜ì›ížˆ ìž ë“œë µë‹ˆë‹¤ Jul 1, 4:28pm In every situation in life you need co I am giving you this message. For you to realise that in life you will always need to pray for graces strong and so too your trust in me. It is I who speaks. Aug 25, 10:38am 받아주소서(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 받아주소서 (2번) 1. ë‚˜ì˜ ëª¨ë“ ìžìœ 와 ë‚˜ì˜ ê¸°ì–µê³¼ ì§€ë ¥ ë‚˜ì˜ ì˜ì§€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ë˜ëŒë ¤ 드리오리다 2. 내게 ì£¼ì‹ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ì£¼ì˜ ê²ƒì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 오징 주ë 주시면 ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ May 23, 4:41pm ì „ëŠ¥í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜, 만물앴 ë‹¹ì‹ ê¶Œìœ„ì•ˆì—• 없습니다. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ëœ»í•˜ì‹ ëŒ€ë¡œ ì €í•¬ì—게 ì£¼ì‹œê³ ë˜í•œ 앗아가시니 ëª ì‹ ë¹„ë¥¼ ì´í•´í•˜ì§€ 못하여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì›•ë§•í–ˆë˜ ì €ë¥¼ ìš©ì„œí•˜ì‹œê³ ì €ì—게 ë”í• ë”í•´ì£¼ì‹œë“ ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹¤ëŒ€ë¡œ 하ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. ì „ 들풀ì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 바람불면 í”들리ê ëª¨ë“ ìƒ•ê°•ê³¼ 핬맕 모둕 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ 바치오니 ë‹¹ì‹ ëœ»ëŒ€ë¡œ 하옵소서. May 22, 12 of God) john 1:12, Ezekiel 36:24-27 -witness(external: preach boldly, heal) -Charismatic gift &a spirit, sonship with God the father 1 Cor 11:23 Why r we praying over again and again for the filli imagination, memory(1/8 concious, 7/8 unconcious), emotion, will-we need to transform all 5 of th faith &amp; love, stir into the flame. Apr 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr healthy n pure blood circulate i  weak body. And may yr healthy n vigorous life throb within me. Amen. Apr 8, 9:46am 사람ë ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë©´ 얼마나 ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ìžˆëŠ”ì§€ 물어보면 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ë¯¿ìŒì˜ 눈앴 열립니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ì•Žì€ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì„ ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ìš°ë 완성ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리는 아는 만핼 ë¯¿ê³ ë¯¿ëŠ” 만핼 ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì‹¤ì²œí• ìˆ˜ 있습 â—Ž ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시네. â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시며, 분 게 좋으시며, ê·¸ ìžë¹„ ëª¨ë“ ì¡°ë¬¼ 위엕 내리네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë§ì”€ë§ 누구ë¼ë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë¶™ë“œì‹œê³ , 꺾앸 ì´ëŠ” 누구ë¼ë„ ì¼ìœ¼ì¼œ 세우시 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë¶€ë¥´ëŠ” ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게, 진실하ê 9:23pm 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” 무아는, 예수님께서 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 무화(ç ìžì‹ ì•´ ì—†ì–´ì§€ê³ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 그분과 하나 ëœ ìƒíƒœë¥¼ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리스ë„êµ ì„œ 다릅니다. 그리스ë„êµì—ì„œ ë§í•˜ëŠ” ë¹„ì›€ì€ ì˜ˆìˆ˜ 그리스ë„를 ë‚´ 안 있듯앴, 예수님 안ì—ì„œ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì¼í•˜ê³ ê³„ì‹ ê²ƒì²˜ëŸ¼ 우리를 비운 바오로 사ë„는 â€œì•´ì œëŠ” ë‚´ê°€ 사는 것앴 아니땼 그리스ë„께서 ë‚´ ì•ˆì— ê²°êµ ë¹„ì›€ì€ ë‹¨ìˆœížˆ 집착과 íƒìš•ì„ ëŠëŠ” ê²ƒë§Œì„ ëœ»í•˜ì§€ 않습니다. ë˜í•œ 아닙니다. ì§„ì •í•œ ë¹„ì›€ì˜ ì˜ë¯¸ëŠ” 사랑하는 것입니다. 우리가 그냥 비운다ê 비워지는 것입니다. 그냥 비워서는 곧바로 다른 것앴 들어와 잕리를 ì‚¬ëž‘í•˜ì‹œê³ ì„¸ìƒ•ì—• ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì‹œëŠ” ê²ƒì„ ëœ»í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ëˆ„êµ¬ë¥¼ 사 비움앴 시작ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Mar 21, 11:12pm 하ëŠë‹˜, ì˜í˜¼ì˜ ê±´ê°•ì„ ìœ„í•˜ì—¬ ìœ¡ì‹ ì˜ ë§ˆìŒì„ 다하여 ìžì• ë¡œìš°ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ê³„ëª…ì„ ì§€í‚¤ê²Œ 하소서. 우리가 사람 없다!’는 믿ìŒì„ 가진다면 편해질 것입니다. 주어땼. 그러면 ë„ˆí¬ ë˜ì–´ 너핬 품엕 ë‹´ì•„ 주실 것ì´ë‹¤. 너í¬ê°€ ë˜ì§ˆí•˜ëŠ” 바로 ê·¸ ë˜ë¡œ ë„ˆí¬ • “내가 너를 ë§Žì€ ë¯¼ì¡±ì˜ ì¡°ìƒìœ¼ë¡œ 만들었다.â€•ë•¼ê³ ê¸°ë¡ëœ ê· ì£½ì€ ì´ë“¤ì„ 다시 ì‚´ë¦¬ì‹œê³ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ì§€ 않는 ê²ƒì„ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ë„ë¡ ë¶ˆëŸ¬ë‚´ì‹œëŠ” 18 그는 핬맕앴 ì—†ì–´ë„ í¬ë§í•˜ë©°, â€œë„ˆì˜ í›„ì†ë“¤ì´ ì €ë ‡ê²Œ 많아질 ê² ì•„ë²„ì§€â€ê°€ ë• ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 22 바로 ê·¸ 때문엕 “하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ê·¸ 로마서4장 Mar 13, 3:00am 매야 아침 기ë„: 오늘 하루ë™ì•ˆ ì œì•¸ì•´ ì—„ë§ˆì˜ ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì´ì›ƒê³¼ 나눌수 있게 ë‚¨ì„ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ëŠ” 마ìŒê³¼ ë„“ì€ ì•„ëŸ‰ì„ ì£¼ì†Œ 마ìŒì„ 주관하여 ì£¼ì‹œê³ , 오늘 하루 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ 아래서 지내게 하여 ì 아멘. Mar 1, 1:52pm 해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다. 오늘 ë³µìŒì—ì„œ ë² ë“œë ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ìŠ¤ìŠ¹ë‹˜ì„ ë”°ëžìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.― í•˜ê³ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ë§íˆ¬ì—는 ì ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ì•´ 맕엕 예수님께서는 아무런 ì¹ì°¬ë„ í•´ 주지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜¤íž ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë‹¤ ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ í•œë‹¤ê³ ë§ì”€í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì—게 ëŒì•„올 ì–´ë–¤ ì˜ê´‘ì ë²„ë ¤ì•¼ 한다는 것입니다. ìž„ê¸ˆì„ ë“±ì—• íƒœìš°ê³ ê°€ëŠ” 나귀가 있었습니다 ìžë¶€ì‹¬ì´ 대단했습니다. 사람들앴 ì˜¨ëª¸ì„ ì¹˜ìž¥í•´ ì£¼ê³ , 임금앴 타는 나귀 ë‚ , 임금앴 ê·¸ 나귀를 íƒ€ê³ í–‰ë ¬ í• ë•Œ, 사람들앴 환호를 하잕, 나귀는 사ë 답례를 보냈습니다. ê²°êµ ìž„ê¸ˆì€ ë‚˜ê·€ì—ì„œ ë–¨ì–´ì§€ê³ ë§ì•˜ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì • êµ ì˜ˆí™”ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. êµíšŒì—• 봉사한다는 ê²ƒì€ â€˜ë¶€ë¦„ ë°›ì€ ì¢…â€™ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ì € “해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다.―(루카 17,10)땼 ì´ìƒ ìƒê°í•˜ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ì˜•ì • êµë§Œìž…니다. Feb 9, 6:50pm 너가 암엕 걸린건 그럴 잕격앴 없어서앴 cooxpmlop ã…Š í•— ã…¡ã…‘ã…“ã…— 푸 다. ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê³ ë‚ †ì§€ë§Œ 너를 위해 ìœ ìµí•˜ë‹¤ëŠ”ê²ƒë§Œì€ ëª…ì‹¬í•´ë•¼ 하루를 ë” ì•„í”„ê²Œë˜ë 용기와 힘, ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ì´ë‹¤. Jan 26, 10:39am 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ í•˜ëŠ ê°€ì§„ 것엕 ì˜ì§€í•´ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하면, 하ëŠë‹˜ì—• 대한 믿ìŒë³´ë‹¤ë 때문야 것입니다. ë²•ì • ìŠ¤ë‹˜ì˜ ì±… ã€Žë¬´ì†Œìœ ã€•ì—• ì´ëŸ° êµ¬ì ˆì•´ 있습ë 때로는 ê·¸ 물건 때문엕 마ìŒì„ 쓰게 ëœë‹¤. ë”°ë¼ì„œ 무엇ì¸ê°€ë¥¼ 것, 그러므로 많앴 ê°–ê³ ìžˆë‹¤ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ê·¸ë§Œí•¼ 많앴 얽혀 있다는 뜻ì´ë 많ì„수ë¡, 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 위한 ì¼ë§ˆì €ë„ ê·¸ 뿌리ì—서는 세ìƒì˜ ì¼ì„ 하ë 성과보다 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ ì˜íƒí•˜ëŠ” 우리 ì‚¶ì˜ íƒœë„ê°€ 중요합니다. Jan 24, 3 the top... I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts. As a result of them the Lord - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. Jan 22, 2:07am ì˜ ë¬´ì—‡ê³¼ë„ ë°”ê¿€ 수 없는 ì€ì´ì˜ 사건앴지만, 반드시 ì ¸ì•¼ í• ì‹ìžê°€ê°€ 가족사랑-ì¢‹ì€ ì—„ë§ˆ, ì¢‹ì€ ì•„ë‚´ 1) ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ê±´ê°• ì±…ìž„-ì¢‹ì€ ì‹ë‹¨ 2) 살림꾸ë 아니시므로, 여러분앴 성ë„들ì—게 ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ì˜€ê³ ì§€ê¸ˆë„ ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ë©´ì„œ 잊지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 11 여러분 ê°ìžê°€ 핬맕앴 실현ë˜ë„ë¡ ë까지 ê°™ 그리하여 게으른 사람앴 ë˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ , 약ì†ëœ ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ìŒê³¼ ì¸ë‚´ë¡œ ìƒ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ížˆë¸Œë¦¬ì„œì˜ ë§ì”€ìž…니다.6,10-20 Jan 15, 9:39am 진실앴 ë°í˜€ì¡Œë‹¤ 치르게 하셨다. ê·¸ ë§Žì€ í˜¼ì„ ê³¼ 지긋지긋한 í•ì•”치료.. ëë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ìžƒì—ˆ 무ìžë¹„í•˜ê³ ëƒ‰í˜¹í•˜ì‹œë©° ë™ì‹œì—• ìžì²´ê°€ 사랑ì´ë¼ëŠ” ëª¨ìˆœì˜ ì‹ ì´ì‹œë‹¤ 모른채 벌앸 실수를 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ìž”ì¸í•˜ê²Œ 추ê¶í•˜ì‹œë‹¤ë‹ˆ! ë‚˜ì˜ ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜! ë‹¹ì‹ ëŒ€ì‹ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì…¨ë‹¤êµ¬ìš”?! 그것앴 ì œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì•—ì•„ê°€ì•¼ë§Œ í• ì£„ì˜€ìŠµë 위로해주세요.. ì•´ ìƒì²˜ë¥¼ 아물수있게 넘치는 사랑과 위안과 ë³µì„ ì£¼ì„¸ìš ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹ ë°ìš”? ê·¸ë ‡ê²Œ ë‰˜ìš°ì¹˜ê³ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë‹¤ê³ í•œ ì ˆ ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ë‚´ë™ëŒ•ì 궕극ì 으로 우리 ì¸ìƒì„ 아름답게 í•˜ì‹œê³ ì°¸ë˜ê²Œ 하시는 ë¶„ì€ ì§„ë¦¬ì˜ ë¶ˆì•ˆí•˜ê³ í˜¼ëž€ìŠ¤ëŸ¬ìš¸ìˆ˜ë¡• 우리ì—게 필요한 ê²ƒì€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì„ ìœ¼ë¡œ ì´ë 잕주 미사 참례를 í•˜ê³ , 성체 조배를 하며, ê³ í•´ì„±ì‚¬ë¥¼ 통하여 ìžì‹ ì„ ë”ìš ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리가 미래를 몰ë¼ì„œ 삶앴 ë‘•ë ¤ìš´ 것앴 아닙니다. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë³´ì´ì§€ 않는 미래를 ì£¼ì‹ ì´ìœ 는, 우리가 하루하루를 새ë¡ê²Œ 사람엕게 미래는 ì„¤ë ˜ê³¼ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì„¸ê³„ë¡œ 다가옵니다. Jan 10, 9:17am ì‚¶ì— ´ì§„다. ìž˜ëª»ëœ ì„ íƒìœ¼ë¡œ ì¸í•œ ê³ í†µ, ë‹¤ë¥¸ì‚¬ëžŒì˜ ì£„ë‚˜ 환경으로 ì¸í•´ ë° í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì˜ë„ì 으로 ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒì•´ 아니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì•´ ê³ í†µ ì„œë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë¯¿ëŠ”ìžë“¤ì„ 통해 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œê¸° 때문ì´ë‹¤. ì•´ 세ìƒì 그래서 우리ì—게 벌어지는 ëª¨ë“ ì‚¬ê±´ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì„리안엕 머무르는 것ì 찾아온다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ ë°©ê´€ìžì‹œë‹¤. 하지만 ì‹œë ¨ì†•ì—ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¾ëŠ”ìž ê³„ì†• 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¬ì–‘í• ìˆ˜ ìžˆê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„ 값진 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œëŠ”ê±°ë‹¤. Jan 1 때’는 잕기 ìžì‹ ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하지만, ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 바오로 사ë„처럼 â€˜ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ì¼í•˜ì‹œê¸° 때문입니다. ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë´‰ì‚¬ìžë¡œ ì¼í•˜ëŠ” 사람ì—게 필요한 ê ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ë„구로 앨 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤.― 하는 겸ì†í•œ ì‘답ì´ë©´ ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Jan 8, 1:32a 온몸엕 나병앴 걸린 사람앴 다가왔다. 그는 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë³´ìž•, ì–¼êµ´ì„ ë•…ì— ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œëŠ” í•˜ê³ ìž• 하시면 ì €ë¥¼ 깨땗하게 하실 수 있습니다.― ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„ â€œë‚´ê°€ í•˜ê³ ìž• 하니, 깨땗하게 ë˜ì–´ë•¼.― 그러잕 곧 나병앴 가셨다. Jan ëŠ¥ë ¥ì•´ 있사오니 부디 ì €ì—게 ìžë¹„를 ë² í‘¸ì‹œì–´ ì ˆ ì´ë³‘ì—ì„œ 해방시켜 have mercy on me and set me free from this illness Jan 4, 11:42pm 계솕 ìˆ˜ìˆ ì—†ì•´ 기ì 으 완치만 시켜주시길 기ë„하게 ë˜ì—ˆë‹¤. ë§ˆìˆ ê°™ì€ ê¸°ì •ì•´ 야어나리땼 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 ë‚ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 맡겼다. ìˆ˜ìˆ í•˜ëŠ”ê²ƒì•´ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻앴땼면 기ì 변화야ë§ë¡œ 가장 í•° ê¸°ì •ì•´ë•¼ê³ ë´ì•¼ í• ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. <span style="font-family: C no surgery but a recovery by miracle, then i started to pray that it's ok to do surgery for complete r now i humbly submit myself to God's will. If getting surgery is God's will, i'll gladly cut off my br 3:21pm We are created for God. To: Love God, serve God, honour &amp;praise God Willing to d is your deepest desire? That's what God desire us to be . Know yourself. Use imagination, be creat 1:59AM ë‚´ê°€ ì›í•˜ì§€ë§Œ 기ë„하진 ì•Šì„것: ì§ìž¥ ë‹¤ë‹ˆê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì‚´ë¹ ì§€ê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš ì˜íƒí• 것: ì•”ì˜ ì™„ì¹˜ 등, 어깨, ë°œ 완치 남편 ì§ìž¥ 진로 ì´ë„심 ì œì•¸ 학굕 ì œì•¸ ì¸ì„±/ì‹ ì•™/언어 êµìœ¡ì˜ 지혜 겸ì†ì˜ 삶 ê±´ê°•í•˜ê³ í™”ëª©í•œ ê°€ì • í• ë¨¸ë‹ˆ 모둕 병 없앴 ì€ì´ì•ˆì—• 임종 <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Ar weight - sharper nose for Jein</span> pray but entrust to God - for full recovery of cancer - to full work - for Jein's school earnestly to ask for: - passion of prayer and patience of suffering - Jein's h healthy and harmonious family - lead grandmother and father to heaven - all family to become cat 3:41pm 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 오해하는것 마치 ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ ë²„ìŠ¤ì •ê±°ìž¥ì—ì„œ íŒ”ì„ ë“œ ìžì‹ 뒤엕 있는 버스를 í–¥í•œê²ƒìž„ì„ ì•Œê³ "ì•„ ë‚´ê°€ 잘못 알았구나!" í•˜ëŠ”ê² í•´ì„í•˜ê³ ë‚˜ì¤‘ì—• 가서 ì•„ 그게 아니구나 í• ìˆ˜ìžˆë‹¤. ì´ë•Œ ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ í™”ë¥ ì”¨ë¶€ë •ê±°ë¦¬ë©´ 얼마나 꼴사나운가! ì˜¤í•´í• ìˆ˜ 있다는건 모ë‘ê°€ ì´í•´í•œë‹¤. ê· ì•Œì•˜ìœ¼ë©´ 다시 ì œ ìžì„¸ë¡œ ëŒì•„와 ìš´ì „ì—• ì •ì§„í•˜ëŠ”ê²Œ 마땅하다. ì†ì•˜ë 관계솕ì—ì„œë„ ë§ˆì°¬ê°€ì§€ì´ë‹¤. 본앸앴 잘못 ì˜¤í•´í•œê²ƒìž„ì„ ë°›ì•„ë“¤ì•´ê³ ë ë‚ ê°€ì§€ê³ ë†€ì•˜ë‹¤ ë°°ì‹ ë‹¹í–ˆë‹¤ 하며 ì›ë§í•´ì„œëŠ” 안ëœë‹¤. Misunderstanding God. waiving her hand, but realized she was actually flagging the bus behind him. He then "oh i misund later i could say "oh it was wrong". If the bus driver gets angry and thinking the woman was waivi misunderstand. it matters how you respond to it. if one realize it was a misunderstanding, he shoul cheated etc. it goes the same in a relationship with God. instead of  being acceptive that you wro complaining that God has fooled or betrayed me etc should not be done. Dec 24, 2:40am í•˜ëŠ ì¹˜ë¥¸ê²ƒë„, í•œêµì—¬í–‰ ê°„ê²ƒë„ ë‹¤ 싫어하셨다. 네가 지금 í•˜ê³ ì‹¶ì€ ê·¸ ì–´ë–¤ê ¸ê°€ ì›í• 때마다 그것앴 네 욕심ì¸ì§€ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 따른건지 í•ìƒ• ê²€í† í Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">God disliked that you did not quit the job, organized 1st birthda may not like it at all. Whenever you want to do something, examine whether it is for your own gre everyday life 1) 좋ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 궂ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í•˜ê¸° 2) ì†Œë°•í•˜ê³ í‰ ì¸ë‚´ì˜ 삶: on life crisis 1) ì˜ì§€ì 으로ë¼ë„ ê°ì‚¬ë¡œì´ 받아들앴기 2) ë³´ì•´ë í¬ì‹ ëœ»ì„ ë¯¿ê³ ë°”ë•¼ê¸° <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">life things 2) live a simple, plain (ordinary) life 3) help the neighbour, be considerate and respectful</s willpower) 2) don't be impatient with things only can be seen 3) to trust and follow God's big plan 존재입니다. 다른 사람, 행복, í‰í™” ë“±ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì€ ì¸ë‚´ë ì˜ë¯¸ë¥¼ 알게 ë˜ê³ , ê·¸ ì˜ë¯¸ë¥¼ 아는 사람만앴 ê·¸ 열매를 맛볼 수 있습 ì˜¤ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œì•„ë´…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ë¶„ì„ â€˜ì–´ë¦°ì–‘â€™ì•´ë•¼ ì†Œê°œí•˜ê³ , ìžì‹ ê³ ë°±í•˜ê¸°ë„ í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그러나 시간앴 íë¥¼ìˆ˜ë¡ ì´ˆì¡°í•´ì§‘ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì€ ê°ì˜¥ 세ìƒìœ¼ë¡œë¶€í„° ì •ì • 반대받는 í‘œì •ì•´ ë˜ì–´ ê°€ì‹œê³ ìžˆê¸° 때문입니다. ê· ì„ ìƒë‹˜ì´ì‹ë‹ˆê¹Œ? 아니면 ì €í¬ê°€ 다른 ë¶„ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë ¤ì•¼ 합니까?― í•˜ê³ ì—¬ì 대목입니다. 어쩌면 ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ì˜¤ì‹¤ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ì§€ ëª»í•˜ê³ , ë˜ëŠ” 앴미 ìš í”들릴 때가 있ì„ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥´ê² ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리하여 세례잕 요한처럼 ì˜ì‹¬ì ë§•ê³ ê·¸ë•Œë§ˆë‹¤ 용기를 ê°€ì§€ê³ ì• ì ˆí•œ 마ìŒìœ¼ë¡œ 주님께 기ë„해야 합니ë 우리를 ì°¾ì•„ì˜¤ì‹œê³ , ì†ê¸¸ì„ 건네실 것입니다. Human is existence of waiting. Wai patience. Only those who are patient, know the meaning of waiting, and only those who understan Jesus who came among us in Jordan. He introduced Him as "Lamb of God", and he confessed that passed. It was because he was put in prison and Jesus had become a target from more and more you the one who is coming? or do we have to wait for another?" This showed John's faith was shak recognize Him who is already with us, that there are times when our faith being shaken. Therefore courage and pray to Lord with an earnest mind. Lord will come to our daily life and reach out His ë†ë¶€ë¥¼ ë³´ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. 그는 앴른 비와 ëŠ¦ì€ ë¹„ë¥¼ 맞아 곡싕앴 ìµì„ 때까지 마ìŒì„ 굳게 가지ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">L crops to ripe after early rain and evening (late) rain. (you all) be patience, wait and have a firm 모둕 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì„ ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ê·¸ë¶„ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë…¸ë•¼ê³ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ì„œ í•œ í˜•ì œìžë§¤ë“¤ì´ê³ , ì§•ì—…ì€ ì¼ìš©í• ì–‘ì‹ì„ 위한 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ê³¼ ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ í•„ìš”ì¹˜ 않습니다. 그러니 ì–¸ì œë‚˜ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 합당한 ìƒí™ Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">Today, baptized people were called by Lord, and they left every and sister in Lord, and the work place is God's grace and care for daily bread. actually we do not n Lord's calling.</span> Nov 29, 9:32pm 우리는 참으로 ë§Žì€ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì„ ì²´í—˜í•˜ë©´ì„œ ê°€ì ¸ë‹¤ì£¼ë©°, ì‚¬ëžŒì„ ìƒˆë¡ê²Œ 변화시켜 ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. * 그러나 기다리지 ëª»í•˜ê³ ë§¤ë‹¬ë¦¬ëŠ” 사람엕겕 ë” ì´ìƒì˜ 새로움ì´ëž€ ì—†ì„ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. * 새로움 게 하시러 오시는 아기 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚˜ 뵕 ìˆ˜ë„ ì—†ì„ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë© ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” 사람만앴 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚ ìˆ˜ 있습니다 We live with many experiences of new. *but those who can't wait and live satisfying in reality, and hanging on to things that can be s of whole new life, and we can't meet baby Jesus who come to refresh us. How pitiful that person is 8:57pm The disposition u need to receive god's healing Humility: thank god for what god has done world know that u need help u need grace of god U want god to do things your way? Forgiveness: imperfect need the forgiveness of god. Allow ourselves to be available to god n others. Desire to fo love: god would be faithful always. We can rely on him.. Surrender your life to god: U want healin that r destroying u! Our unhappiness is caused by us. Do the right thing.. Not be too naive, thinkin happening to us.. Ask for his will be done. Dun clinging to this life. Detach from the world. God d testimony to god: We must proclaim what the lord has done for us. It is for the greater glory of god the way u think.. In his way particularly for u.. Oct 11, 11:53pm 아픈만핼 ë” ì„±ìˆ™í•´ì§„ë 주님께서 ì§•ì ‘ 치료하시ë„ë¡ ë‚´ 놓는다 Sep 5, 11:12am ë² ë„¤ì¹˜ì•„: ë°”ì˜ì„±ë‹¹ ë í¬ë¡œì•„í‹°ì•„: 성 스테팕 성당 드부로브니핬 í•¬ë ˆíƒ€ 아틀란티스 ì‚°í† ë¦¬ Retrieved from her iPhone Notes application. I guessed she kept this as a diary of sorts. Once i get 10:55pm Mission accomplished at day 40 Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 9, 7: 잔치를 위해 ì´ëŸ° ì˜ˆë³µì„ ìž…ì–´ì•¼ ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. ì´ì²˜ë ê·¸ ì˜ˆë³µì€ ì‚¬ëž‘, ì •ì˜, í‰í™”, 겸솕, ì˜¨ìœ , ì¹œì ˆ, ì¸ë‚´ 등 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž… 입어야 ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and m soul... Guide me, strengthen me, console me, tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to w to me. Let me only know Your will...(Your will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surre can take me back peacefully anytime. I offer u back my free will. U know what is the best for me & long. Please be merciful.. This is too painful for all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank All the glory to u lord! I offer my sufferings to u, use it for ur holy will. I am happy that i can be u Until ur will be done, when the time is up, take me to your presence. How i desire to be united to u definately take me back. I put all my joyful hope for the day. I love you lord, more than anything i temtation. I am waiting for you to take me to ur kingdom where i can be truly happy praising u all overjoyed. Eventhough i have no vision, no idea, how it might be. Thank u lord. I know ur with m 주님 오만한 ì €ë¥¼ 용서하소서 스스로 ë”ê°€ ëœê±° 마냥 ì°©ê°ì†ì—• 지 하소서 ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ì ˆ 불ìŒížˆ 여기시어 ëª‡ì‹œê°„ì˜ ë‹¨ìž ë„ í—ˆë½í•˜ì†Œì„œ... Sep 2 down. It feels like what i inhale is more than my lung can take, exhale very shortly, end up i'm like 201 201 urgency cuz i feel too uncomfortable.. Sep 14, 4:51pm Ask doc: Can i swim? What is good for lun 1- 1How long it takes to heal? My ribs r pain.. Chest, armpit, ribs, back pain Something protuding on 94 12- 121 have cancer? Blood test on virus result? Sep 11, 6:38am Mum.. Pls ask God abt this: does he prefe 2 05 05 answer is no but my mom says yes. We hav diff view point abt god so im really confused. She say 23:4 15:4 refuse? Then why do u take painkiller n why do u ask mom to massage ur back?" But i thought sin 9:09 9:09 this luxurious body relief just becuz im in severe pain. He wants me to go thru certain level &amp how steady this is by throwing n smashing around. If i don't break down, i pass the stress test n he 3:25pm Sep 1st: Mum, last night i couldn't sleep until my body was so exhausted. Then i had 3 stra Jesus name satan go away then it stopped. 2nd dream i felt huge force wrap over me n i felt like flo was scary n didn't stop instantly. 3rd dream i was flying n like shot down to earth, that one led to m shouting Jesus. What happened? I'm afraid God is not happy with me. I felt uneasy whole night co 탈출기 12 Sep 2, 9:14am ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ìƒí™œ 태ë„ë„ ë³µìŒì„ 받아들ì´ëŠ” 그릇과 꿰매듯앴 옛 모습 ê·¸ëŒ€ë¡œì˜ ë‚˜ë¥¼ 예수님 ë§ì”€ìœ¼ë¡œ ì 당히 꾸며서 ì‚´ 수ë í¬ë„주를 ë‹´ì„ ìˆ˜ 있습니다. ì•´ ë§ì€ 우리 ìžì‹ ì•´ 늘 ìžì‹ ì„ ìƒˆë¡ê²Œ í•˜ëŠ ì˜•ì •ì•¸ 무관심과 게으름과 ì£„ì˜ ìŠµê´€ì—ì„œ 벗어나야만 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ìš°ë¦¬ ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ì§€ìš”. â€œì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì˜ ëª¸ì•´ 여러분 안엕 계시는 ì„±ë ¹ì˜ ì„±ì „ìž„ ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì€ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ ìžì‹ ì˜ ê²ƒì•´ ì•„ë‹˜ì„ ëª¨ë¦…ë‹ˆê¹Œ?―(1코린 ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ 거처하시는 ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ëª¸ì„ ë”럽히지 ë§•ë•¼ê³ ê²½ê³ í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리ì ì„±ë ¹ì„ ëª¨ì‹œëŠ” 장소ë¼ëŠ” 뜻입니다. â€˜ë‚¡ì€ ë‚˜â€™ê°€ 아니땼 ë‚ ë§ˆë‹¤ ‘ 해야 í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. Sep 1, 5:37pm ì œì•¸ì•´ë¥¼ 위해 ì´ì™€ 같앴 기ë„하ìž.. ...ëŠ ëª¨ë“ ì˜•ì • 지혜와 ê¹¨ë‹¬ìŒ ë•ë¶„ì—• 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì„ ì•„ëŠ” 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ 충ë ì„œ 그분 마ìŒì—• ë“¤ê³ ì˜¨ê°– ì„ í–‰ìœ¼ë¡œ 열매를 맺으며 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì•„ëŠ ì˜ê´‘스러운 ëŠ¥ë ¥ì—ì„œ 오는 ëª¨ë“ íž˜ì„ ë°›ì•„ ê°•í•´ì ¸ì„œ, ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì°¸ê³ ê²¬ë””ì 나땼ì—ì„œ 받는 ìƒì†ì˜ ëª«ì„ ì°¨ì§€í• ìžê²©ì„ ì£¼ì‹ ì•„ë²„ì§€ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í•˜ëŠ” ê² êµ¬í•´ 내시어 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 사랑하시는 ì•„ë“œë‹˜ì˜ ë‚˜ë¼ë¡œ 옮겨 주셨습니다. ì• ë°›ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. â–¥ ì‚¬ë„ ë°”ì˜¤ë¡œì˜ ì½œë¡œìƒˆì„œ ë§ì”€ìž…니다. 1,9-14 Aug 31, 2:42pm ì 주셔서 ì œ 마ìŒì´ ìš”ë™ì¹˜ ì•Šê³ í‰ì•ˆížˆ ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ì¼ì„ 받아들ì¼ìˆ˜ 있게 용기와 믿ìŒì€ 주님 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ì €ì—게 í—ˆë½í•˜ì‹ 것ì´ì˜µë‹ˆë‹¤. ì´ëŠ” ì‹œì ë² í‘¸ì‹ ê±¸ë¡œ 압니다. ì €ëŠ” 보잘것없앴 미천한 ìž• 입니다.. ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ íŠ¹ì€ìœ¼ë¡œ 않지만 ì „ ì•„ì§ë„ 여러모로 부족하여 배울것앴 많습니다. 특히 ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë„ˆë¬´ë‚˜ë„ ëŒ€í™”í•˜ê³ ì‹¶ì€ë° ì—¬ì „ížˆ ì €ì—게 ë§Žì€ ìž¥ì• ë¬¼ì•´ ìžˆì– ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ë„ ì œ 안ì—ì„ ì•¼ì–´ë‚˜ì§€ 않습니다. ì €ë¥¼ 불ìŒížˆ ì—¬ê¸°ì‹œê³ ì œë°œ ì €ì 한마디ë¼ë„ ì œê°€ 들ì„수 있게 ì œ 귀를 열어주옵소서! ì„±ë ¹ë‹˜! 부디 ì œ 주옵소서! ì œê°€ ì´ë¦¬ë„ ì•ˆì •ì ì´ë©´ì„œë„ ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì—ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ì²´í—˜ì¹˜ 못하ê ì•„ë‹ê¹Œ ë‘•ë µìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 분명 ì œ 옆엕 ê³„ì‹œê³ ì œ ë§˜ì˜ í‰ì˜¨í•¨ë„ ë 임하시며 ì—사하여 주소서. Aug 28, 12:04pm 주님, ì œ ëª¨ë“ ê³ í†µì„ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ ë°”ì wants, beyond my fears, from death into life 1. God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I want, I rest peace. 2. Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, you lead me by pathways of righteousness should wander the valley of death, I fear no evil, for you are at my side, your rod and your staff, m face of hatred, crowning me with love beyond my power to hold. 5. Surely your kindness and mer God forevermore. Aug 25, 10:41am 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì„±ê°€ 218번) 1. 주ì ë”°ë¥´ë ¤ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì‹ìžê°€ë¥¼ ì§€ê³ ì—¬ê¸° 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 오로지 ì£¼ë‹˜ë§Œì„ ë”°ë¥ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 오롯앴 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 하얀 소복 ì°¨ë ¤ 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ í•œí ì—• ì•´ 몸 뉘어주소서 ê³ ì•´ 쉬땼 물터로 나를 ëŒì–´ 주소서 주여 ì˜ì›ížˆ ìž ë“œë µë‹ˆë‹¤ Jul 1, 4:28pm In every situation in life you need courage and you need m message. For you to realise that in life you will always need to pray for graces to counter bad situa your trust in me. It is I who speaks. Aug 25, 10:38am 받아주소서(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì„±ê°€ 221번) *ì„ ë°›ì•„ì£¼ì†Œì„œ (2번) 1. ë‚˜ì˜ ëª¨ë“ ìžìœ 와 ë‚˜ì˜ ê¸°ì–µê³¼ ì§€ë ¥ ë‚˜ì˜ ì˜ì§€ ì†Œìœ í ë˜ëŒë ¤ 드리오리다 2. 내게 ì£¼ì‹ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ì£¼ì˜ ê²ƒì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 오징 주님 ëœ»ëŒ ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ May 23, 4:41pm ì „ëŠ¥í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜, 만물앴 ë‹¹ì‹ ê¶Œìœ„ì•ˆì—• ìžˆê³ ì„¸ìƒ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ëœ»í•˜ì‹ ëŒ€ë¡œ ì €í•¬ì—게 ì£¼ì‹œê³ ë˜í•œ 앗아가시니 ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ 다 ë‹¹ì‹ ì´í•´í•˜ì§€ 못하여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì›•ë§•í–ˆë˜ ì €ë¥¼ ìš©ì„œí•˜ì‹œê³ ì €ì—게 ë”í•œ ê³ í†µì 시오. ì „ 들풀ì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 바람불면 í”ë“¤ë¦¬ê³ í–‡ë¹›ì•´ 쬕면 íƒ€ì˜¤ë¥´ê³ ë¹„ê°€ì˜¤ë©´ 바치오니 ë‹¹ì‹ ëœ»ëŒ€ë¡œ 하옵소서. May 22, 12:00pm Power of holy spirit -transformation witness(external: preach boldly, heal) -Charismatic gift &amp; fruit of spirit Matt7:21, matt25:act 11:23 Why r we praying over again and again for the filling of holy spirit? Acts 4:29 Mind has 5 e emotion, will-we need to transform all 5 of them. 2 timothy 1:6-7 U received but not showing enou Jesus may yr healthy n pure blood circulate in my ailing organs. And may yr healthy n pure body t within me. Amen. Apr 8, 9:46am ì‚¬ëžŒë“¤ì€ ìžì‹ ì˜ ì‹ ì•™ì‹¬ì•´ ë¶€ì¡±í•˜ë‹¤ê³ íƒ“í•©ë‹ˆë‹ ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ë¬µìƒí•˜ëŠ” 가운땰 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œê²Œ ë˜ê³ ì–´ëŠìƒˆ 믿ì ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì€ ì‹¤ì²œì • 사랑으로 완성ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì 있습니다. Apr 6, 9:26pm 시편 145(144),8-9.13ã„·-14.17-18(â—Ž 8ㄱ) â—Ž ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시며, 분노엕 ë”ë””ì‹œê³ ìžì• ê°€ 넘치시네. ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ëª¨ë‘• â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë§ì”€ë§ˆë‹¤ ì°¸ë˜ì‹œê³ , 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. ë„˜ì–´ì§€ëŠ ëˆ„êµ¬ë¼ë„ ì¼ìœ¼ì¼œ 세우시네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ê°€ì‹œëŠ” 길마다 ì˜ë¡œìš°ì‹ 부르는 ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게, 진실하게 부르는 ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게 가까앴 계시네. ◠예수님께서 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 무화(無化)하시어 거룩한 몸(성체)ì•´ ë˜ì…¨ë“¯ì´ ìƒíƒœë¥¼ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리스ë„êµì˜ ‘비움’과 불êµì˜ â€˜ë¹„ì›€â€™ì€ ì ë§í•˜ëŠ” ë¹„ì›€ì€ ì˜ˆìˆ˜ 그리스ë„를 ë‚´ 안엕 ëª¨ì‹œë ¤ëŠ” 비움입니다. 오늘 ë³µì 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì¼í•˜ê³ ê³„ì‹ ê²ƒì²˜ëŸ¼ 우리를 비운 잕리엕 주님께서 계시는 ê ë‚´ê°€ 사는 것앴 아니땼 그리스ë„께서 ë‚´ 안엕 사시는 것입니다.―(ê°ˆë íƒìš•ì„ ëŠëŠ” ê²ƒë§Œì„ ëœ»í•˜ì§€ 않습니다. 똕한 세샕 ê²ƒì„ í—ˆë¬´í•˜ê³ ë¬´ì˜ë ì˜ë¯¸ëŠ” 사랑하는 것입니다. 우리가 그냥 ë¹„ìš´ë‹¤ê³ ë¹„ì›Œì§€ëŠ” 것앴 아니땼 비워서는 곧바로 다른 것앴 들어와 잕리를 잡게 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì‹œëŠ” ê²ƒì„ ëœ»í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ëˆ„êµ¬ë¥¼ ì‚¬ëž‘í•˜ê³ ëˆ„êµ°ê°€ì—게 21, 11:12pm 하ëŠë‹˜, ì˜í˜¼ì˜ ê±´ê°•ì„ ìœ„í•˜ì—¬ ìœ¡ì‹ ì˜ ê·¹ê¸°ë¥¼ 명하셨으니, ì € ìžì• ë¡œìš°ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ê³„ëª…ì„ ì§€í‚¤ê²Œ 하소서. 우리가 ì‚¬ëžŒì„ ëŒ€í• ë•Œ â€˜ì• ë¯¿ìŒì„ 가진다면 편해질 것입니다. 주어땼. 그러면 너í¬ë„ ë°›ì„ ê²ƒì 품엕 ë‹´ì•„ 주실 것ì´ë‹¤. 너í¬ê°€ ë˜ì§ˆí•˜ëŠ” 바로 ê·¸ ë˜ë¡œ 너í¬ë„ ë˜ë°›ì„ 너를 ë§Žì€ ë¯¼ì¡±ì˜ ì¡°ìƒìœ¼ë¡œ 만들었다.â€•ë•¼ê³ ê¸°ë¡ëœ 그대로입 ì´ë“¤ì„ 다시 ì‚´ë¦¬ì‹œê³ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ì§€ 않는 ê²ƒì„ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ë„ë¡ ë¶ˆëŸ¬ë‚´ì‹œëŠ” í•˜ëŠ í•¬ë§•ì•´ ì—†ì–´ë„ í¬ë§í•˜ë©°, â€œë„ˆì˜ í›„ì†ë“¤ì´ ì €ë ‡ê²Œ 많아질 것ì´ë‹¤.â€ ë• ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 22 바로 ê·¸ 때문엕 “하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ê·¸ 믿ìŒì„ ì˜ 13, 3:00am 매야 아침 기ë„: 오늘 하루ë™ì•ˆ ì œì•¸ì•´ ì—„ë§ˆì˜ ì—í• ì„ ìž˜ ê°ë‹¹í 나눌수 있게 ë‚¨ì„ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ëŠ” 마ìŒê³¼ ë„“ì€ ì•„ëŸ‰ì„ ì£¼ì†Œì„œ. 겸ì†ì˜ ë•ì ì£¼ì‹œê³ , 오늘 하루 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ 아래서 지내게 하여 주소서. 우리 주 ê·¸ë í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다. 오늘 복알ì—ì„œ ë² ë“œë¡œê°€ 예수님께 “보시ë ë”°ëžìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.― í•˜ê³ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ë§íˆ¬ì—는 ì´ëŸ° ì˜•ì • êµë§Œ 예수님께서는 아무런 ì¹ì°¬ë„ í•´ 주지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 예수님께서는 ì œìž í•œë‹¤ê³ ë§ì”€í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì—게 ëŒì•„올 ì–´ë–¤ ì˜ê´‘ì„ ìœ„í•´ì„œê°€ 아니땼, 것입니다. ìž„ê¸ˆì„ ë“±ì—• íƒœìš°ê³ ê°€ëŠ” 나귀가 있었습니다. ê·¸ 나귀는 늘 ìž„ ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 사람들앴 ì˜¨ëª¸ì„ ì¹˜ìž¥í•´ ì£¼ê³ , 임금앴 타는 ë‚˜ê·€ë•¼ê³ í•´ì„œ 늘 ì“°ë‹ ë‚˜ê·€ë¥¼ íƒ€ê³ í–‰ë ¬ í• ë•Œ, 사람들앴 환호를 하잕, 나귀는 사람들앴 ìž•ê¸ ë³´ëƒˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ê²°êµ ìž„ê¸ˆì€ ë‚˜ê·€ì—ì„œ ë–¨ì–´ì§€ê³ ë§ì•˜ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì • êµë§Œì´ 예화입니다. êµíšŒì—• 봉사한다는 ê²ƒì€ â€˜ë¶€ë¦„ ë°›ì€ ì¢…â€™ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ì € “해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다.―(루카 17,10)땼 ì´ìƒ ìƒê°í•˜ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ì˜•ì • êµë§Œìž…니다. Feb 9, 6:50pm 너가 암엕 걸린건 그럴 잕격앴 없어서앴 cooxpmlop ã…Š í•— ã…¡ã…‘ã…“ã…— 푸 다. ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê³ ë‚ †ì§€ë§Œ 너를 위해 ìœ ìµí•˜ë‹¤ëŠ”ê²ƒë§Œì€ ëª…ì‹¬í•´ë•¼ 하루를 ë” ì•„í”„ê²Œë˜ë 용기와 힘, ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ì´ë‹¤. Jan 26, 10:39am 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ í•˜ëŠ ê°€ì§„ 것엕 ì˜ì§€í•´ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하면, 하ëŠë‹˜ì—• 대한 믿ìŒë³´ë‹¤ë 때문야 것입니다. ë²•ì • ìŠ¤ë‹˜ì˜ ì±… ã€Žë¬´ì†Œìœ ã€•ì—• ì´ëŸ° êµ¬ì ˆì•´ 있습ë 때로는 ê·¸ 물건 때문엕 마ìŒì„ 쓰게 ëœë‹¤. ë”°ë¼ì„œ 무엇ì¸ê°€ë¥¼ 것, 그러므로 많앴 ê°–ê³ ìžˆë‹¤ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ê·¸ë§Œí•¼ 많앴 얽혀 있다는 뜻ì´ë 많ì„수ë¡, 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 위한 ì¼ë§ˆì €ë„ ê·¸ 뿌리ì—서는 세ìƒì˜ ì¼ì„ 하ë 성과보다 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ ì˜íƒí•˜ëŠ” 우리 ì‚¶ì˜ íƒœë„ê°€ 중요합니다. Jan 24, 3 the top... I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts. As a result of them the Lord - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. Jan 22, 2:07am ì˜ ë¬´ì—‡ê³¼ë„ ë°”ê¿€ 수 없는 ì€ì´ì˜ 사건ì´ì§€ë§Œ, 반드시 ì ¸ì•¼ í• ì‹ìžê°€ê°€ 가족사랑-ì¢‹ì€ ì—„ë§ˆ, ì¢‹ì€ ì•„ë‚´ 1) ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ê±´ê°• ì±…ìž„-ì¢‹ì€ ì‹ë‹¨ 2) 살림꾸ë 아니시므로, 여러분앴 성ë„들ì—게 ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ì˜€ê³ ì§€ê¸ˆë„ ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ë©´ì„œ 잊지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 11 여러분 ê°ìžê°€ 핬맕앴 실현ë˜ë„ë¡ ë까지 ê°™ 그리하여 게으른 사람앴 ë˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ , 약ì†ëœ ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ìŒê³¼ ì¸ë‚´ë¡œ ìƒ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ížˆë¸Œë¦¬ì„œì˜ ë§ì”€ìž…니다.6,10-20 Jan 15, 9:39am 진실앴 ë°í˜€ì¡Œë‹¤ 치르게 하셨다. ê·¸ ë§Žì€ í˜¼ì„ ê³¼ 지긋지긋한 í•ì•”치료.. ëë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ìžƒì—ˆ 무ìžë¹„í•˜ê³ ëƒ‰í˜¹í•˜ì‹œë©° ë™ì‹œì—• ìžì²´ê°€ 사랑ì´ë¼ëŠ” ëª¨ìˆœì˜ ì‹ ì´ì‹œë‹¤ 모른채 벌앸 실수를 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ìž”ì¸í•˜ê²Œ 추ê¶í•˜ì‹œë‹¤ë‹ˆ! ë‚˜ì˜ ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜! ë‹¹ì‹ ëŒ€ì‹ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì…¨ë‹¤êµ¬ìš”?! 그것앴 ì œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì•—ì•„ê°€ì•¼ë§Œ í• ì£„ì˜€ìŠµë 위로해주세요.. ì•´ ìƒì²˜ë¥¼ 아물수있게 넘치는 사랑과 위안과 ë³µì„ ì£¼ì„¸ìš ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹ ë°ìš”? ê·¸ë ‡ê²Œ ë‰˜ìš°ì¹˜ê³ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë‹¤ê³ í•œ ì ˆ ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ë‚´ë™ëŒ•ì 궕극ì 으로 우리 ì¸ìƒì„ 아름답게 í•˜ì‹œê³ ì°¸ë˜ê²Œ 하시는 ë¶„ì€ ì§„ë¦¬ì˜ ë¶ˆì•ˆí•˜ê³ í˜¼ëž€ìŠ¤ëŸ¬ìš¸ìˆ˜ë¡• 우리ì—게 필요한 ê²ƒì€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì„ ìœ¼ë¡œ ì´ë 잕주 미사 참례를 í•˜ê³ , 성체 조배를 하며, ê³ í•´ì„±ì‚¬ë¥¼ 통하여 ìžì‹ ì„ ë”ìš ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리가 미래를 몰ë¼ì„œ 삶앴 ë‘•ë ¤ìš´ 것앴 아닙니다. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë³´ì´ì§€ 않는 미래를 ì£¼ì‹ ì´ìœ 는, 우리가 하루하루를 새ë¡ê²Œ 사람ì—게 미래는 ì„¤ë ˜ê³¼ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì„¸ê³„ë¡œ 다가옵니다. Jan 10, 9:17am ì‚¶ì— ´ì§„다. ìž˜ëª»ëœ ì„ íƒìœ¼ë¡œ ì¸í•œ ê³ í†µ, ë‹¤ë¥¸ì‚¬ëžŒì˜ ì£„ë‚˜ 환경으로 ì¸í•´ ë° í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì˜ë„ì 으로 ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒì•´ 아니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì•´ ê³ í†µ ì„œë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë¯¿ëŠ”ìžë“¤ì„ 통해 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œê¸° 때문ì´ë‹¤. ì•´ 세ìƒì 그래서 우리ì—게 벌어지는 ëª¨ë“ ì‚¬ê±´ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì„리안엕 머무르는 것ì 찾아온다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ ë°©ê´€ìžì‹œë‹¤. 하지만 ì‹œë ¨ì†•ì—ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¾ëŠ”ìž ê³„ì†• 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¬ì–‘í• ìˆ˜ ìžˆê³ í•˜ëŠ•ë‹˜ê»˜ì„ ê°’ì§„ ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œëŠ”ê±°ë‹¤. Jan 1 때’는 잕기 ìžì‹ ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하지만, ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 바오로 사ë„처럼 â€˜ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ì¼í•˜ì‹œê¸° 때문입니다. ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë´‰ì‚¬ìžë¡œ ì¼í•˜ëŠ” 사람ì—게 필요한 ê ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ë„구로 앨 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤.― 하는 겸ì†í•œ ì‘답ì´ë©´ ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Jan 8, 1:32a 온몸엕 나병앴 걸린 사람앴 다가왔다. 그는 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë³´ìž•, ì–¼êµ´ì„ ë•…ì— ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œëŠ” í•˜ê³ ìž• 하시면 ì €ë¥¼ 깨땗하게 하실 수 있습니다.― ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„ â€œë‚´ê°€ í•˜ê³ ìž• 하니, 깨땗하게 ë˜ì–´ë•¼.― 그러잕 곧 나병앴 가셨다. Jan ëŠ¥ë ¥ì•´ 있사오니 부디 ì €ì—게 ìžë¹„를 ë² í‘¸ì‹œì–´ ì ˆ ì´ë³‘ì—ì„œ 해방시켜 have mercy on me and set me free from this illness Jan 4, 11:42pm 계솕 ìˆ˜ìˆ ì—†ì•´ 기ì 으 완치만 시켜주시길 기ë„하게 ë˜ì—ˆë‹¤. ë§ˆìˆ ê°™ì€ ê¸°ì •ì•´ 야어나리땼 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 ë‚ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 맡겼다. ìˆ˜ìˆ í•˜ëŠ”ê²ƒì•´ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻앴땼면 기ì 변화야ë§ë¡œ 가장 í•° ê¸°ì •ì•´ë•¼ê³ ë´ì•¼ í• ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. <span style="font-family: C no surgery but a recovery by miracle, then i started to pray that it's ok to do surgery for complete r now i humbly submit myself to God's will. If getting surgery is God's will, i'll gladly cut off my br 3:21pm We are created for God. To: Love God, serve God, honour &amp;praise God Willing to d is your deepest desire? That's what God desire us to be . Know yourself. Use imagination, be creat 1:59AM ë‚´ê°€ ì›í•˜ì§€ë§Œ 기ë„하진 ì•Šì„것: ì§ìž¥ ë‹¤ë‹ˆê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì‚´ë¹ ì§€ê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš ì˜íƒí• 것: ì•”ì˜ ì™„ì¹˜ 등, 어깨, ë°œ 완치 남편 ì§ìž¥ 진로 ì´ë„심 ì œì•¸ 학굕 ì œì•¸ ì¸ì„±/ì‹ ì•™/언어 êµìœ¡ì˜ 지혜 겸ì†ì˜ 삶 ê±´ê°•í•˜ê³ í™”ëª©í•œ ê°€ì • í• ë¨¸ë‹ˆ 모둕 병 없앴 ì€ì´ì•ˆì—• 임종 <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Ar weight - sharper nose for Jein</span> pray but entrust to God - for full recovery of cancer - to full work - for Jein's school earnestly to ask for: - passion of prayer and patience of suffering - Jein's h healthy and harmonious family - lead grandmother and father to heaven - all family to become cat 3:41pm 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 오해하는것 마치 ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ ë²„ìŠ¤ì •ê±°ìž¥ì—ì„œ íŒ”ì„ ë“œ ìžì‹ 뒤엕 있는 버스를 í–¥í•œê²ƒìž„ì„ ì•Œê³ "ì•„ ë‚´ê°€ 잘못 알았구나!" í•˜ëŠ”ê² í•´ì„í•˜ê³ ë‚˜ì¤‘ì—• 가서 ì•„ 그게 아니구나 í• ìˆ˜ìžˆë‹¤. ì´ë•Œ ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ í™”ë¥ ì”¨ë¶€ë •ê±°ë¦¬ë©´ 얼마나 꼴사나운가! ì˜¤í•´í• ìˆ˜ 있다는건 모ë‘ê°€ ì´í•´í•œë‹¤. ê· ì•Œì•˜ìœ¼ë©´ 다시 ì œ ìžì„¸ë¡œ ëŒì•„와 ìš´ì „ì—• ì •ì§„í•˜ëŠ”ê²Œ 마땅하다. ì†ì•˜ë 관계솕ì—ì„œë„ ë§ˆì°¬ê°€ì§€ì´ë‹¤. 본앸앴 잘못 ì˜¤í•´í•œê²ƒìž„ì„ ë°›ì•„ë“¤ì•´ê³ ë ë‚ ê°€ì§€ê³ ë†€ì•˜ë‹¤ ë°°ì‹ ë‹¹í–ˆë‹¤ 하며 ì›ë§í•´ì„œëŠ” 안ëœë‹¤. Misunderstanding God. waiving her hand, but realized she was actually flagging the bus behind him. He then "oh i misund later i could say "oh it was wrong". If the bus driver gets angry and thinking the woman was waivi misunderstand. it matters how you respond to it. if one realize it was a misunderstanding, he shoul cheated etc. it goes the same in a relationship with God. instead of  being acceptive that you wro complaining that God has fooled or betrayed me etc should not be done. Dec 24, 2:40am í•˜ëŠ ì¹˜ë¥¸ê²ƒë„, í•œêµì—¬í–‰ ê°„ê²ƒë„ ë‹¤ 싫어하셨다. 네가 지금 í•˜ê³ ì‹¶ì€ ê·¸ ì–´ë–¤ê ¸ê°€ ì›í• 때마다 그것앴 네 욕심ì¸ì§€ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 따른건지 í•ìƒ• ê²€í† í Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">God disliked that you did not quit the job, organized 1st birthda may not like it at all. Whenever you want to do something, examine whether it is for your own gre everyday life 1) 좋ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 궂ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í•˜ê¸° 2) ì†Œë°•í•˜ê³ í‰ ì¸ë‚´ì˜ 삶: on life crisis 1) ì˜ì§€ì 으로ë¼ë„ ê°ì‚¬ë¡œì´ 받아들앴기 2) ë³´ì´ë í¬ì‹ ëœ»ì„ ë¯¿ê³ ë°”ë•¼ê¸° <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">life things 2) live a simple, plain (ordinary) life 3) help the neighbour, be considerate and respectful</s willpower) 2) don't be impatient with things only can be seen 3) to trust and follow God's big plan 존재입니다. 다른 사람, 행복, í‰í™” ë“±ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì€ ì¸ë‚´ë ì˜ë¯¸ë¥¼ 알게 ë˜ê³ , ê·¸ ì˜ë¯¸ë¥¼ 아는 사람만앴 ê·¸ 열매를 맛볼 수 있습 ì˜¤ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œì•„ë´…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ë¶„ì„ â€˜ì–´ë¦°ì–‘â€™ì•´ë•¼ ì†Œê°œí•˜ê³ , ìž•ì‹ ê³ ë°±í•˜ê¸°ë„ í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그러나 시간앴 íë¥¼ìˆ˜ë¡ ì´ˆì¡°í•´ì§‘ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì€ ê°ì˜¥ 세ìƒìœ¼ë¡œë¶€í„° ì •ì • 반대받는 í‘œì •ì•´ ë˜ì–´ ê°€ì‹œê³ ìžˆê¸° 때문입니다. ê· ì„ ìƒë‹˜ì´ì‹ë‹ˆê¹Œ? 아니면 ì €í¬ê°€ 다른 ë¶„ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë ¤ì•¼ 합니까?― í•˜ê³ ì—¬ì 대목입니다. 어쩌면 ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ì˜¤ì‹¤ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ì§€ ëª»í•˜ê³ , ë˜ëŠ” 앴미 ìš í”들릴 때가 있ì„ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥´ê² ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리하여 세례잕 요한처럼 ì˜ì‹¬ì ë§•ê³ ê·¸ë•Œë§ˆë‹¤ 용기를 ê°€ì§€ê³ ì• ì ˆí•œ 마ìŒìœ¼ë¡œ 주님께 기ë„해야 합니ë 우리를 ì°¾ì•„ì˜¤ì‹œê³ , ì†ê¸¸ì„ 건네실 것입니다. Human is existence of waiting. Wai patience. Only those who are patient, know the meaning of waiting, and only those who understan Jesus who came among us in Jordan. He introduced Him as "Lamb of God", and he confessed that passed. It was because he was put in prison and Jesus had become a target from more and more you the one who is coming? or do we have to wait for another?" This showed John's faith was shak recognize Him who is already with us, that there are times when our faith being shaken. Therefore courage and pray to Lord with an earnest mind. Lord will come to our daily life and reach out His ë†ë¶€ë¥¼ ë³´ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. 그는 앴른 비와 ëŠ¦ì€ ë¹„ë¥¼ 맞아 곡싕앴 ìµì„ 때까지 ë§ˆì•Œì„ êµ³ê²Œ 가지ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">L crops to ripe after early rain and evening (late) rain. (you all) be patience, wait and have a firm 모둕 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì„ ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ê·¸ë¶„ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë…¸ë•¼ê³ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ì„œ í•œ í˜•ì œìž•ë§¤ë“¤ì•´ê³ , ì§•ì—…ì€ ì¼ìš©í• ì–‘ì‹ì„ 위한 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ê³¼ ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ í•„ìš”ì¹˜ 않습니다. 그러니 ì–¸ì œë‚˜ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 합당한 ìƒí™ Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">Today, baptized people were called by Lord, and they left every and sister in Lord, and the work place is God's grace and care for daily bread. actually we do not n Lord's calling.</span> Nov 29, 9:32pm 우리는 참으로 ë§Žì€ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì„ ì²´í—˜í•˜ë©´ì„œ ê°€ì ¸ë‹¤ì£¼ë©°, ì‚¬ëžŒì„ ìƒˆë¡ê²Œ 변화시켜 ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. * 그러나 기다리지 ëª»í•˜ê³ ë§¤ë‹¬ë¦¬ëŠ” 사람엕겕 ë” ì´ìƒì˜ 새로움ì´ëž€ ì—†ì„ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. * 새로움 게 하시러 오시는 아기 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚˜ 뵕 ìˆ˜ë„ ì—†ì„ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë© ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” 사람만앴 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚ ìˆ˜ 있습니다 We live with many experiences of new. *but those who can't wait and live satisfying in reality, and hanging on to things that can be s of whole new life, and we can't meet baby Jesus who come to refresh us. How pitiful that person is 8:57pm The disposition u need to receive god's healing Humility: thank god for what god has done world know that u need help u need grace of god U want god to do things your way? Forgiveness: imperfect need the forgiveness of god. Allow ourselves to be available to god n others. Desire to fo love: god would be faithful always. We can rely on him.. Surrender your life to god: U want healin that r destroying u! Our unhappiness is caused by us. Do the right thing.. Not be too naive, thinkin happening to us.. Ask for his will be done. Dun clinging to this life. Detach from the world. God d testimony to god: We must proclaim what the lord has done for us. It is for the greater glory of god the way u think.. In his way particularly for u.. Oct 11, 11:53pm 아픈만핼 ë” ì„±ìˆ™í•´ì§„ë 주님께서 ì§•ì ‘ 치료하시ë„ë¡ ë‚´ 놓는다 Sep 5, 11:12am ë² ë„¤ì¹˜ì•„: ë°”ì˜ì„±ë‹¹ ë í¬ë¡œì•„í‹°ì•„: 성 스테팕 성당 드부로브니핬 í•¬ë ˆíƒ€ 아틀란티스 ì‚°í† ë¦¬ Retrieved from her iPhone Notes application. I guessed she kept this as a diary of sorts. Once i get 10:55pm Mission accomplished at day 40 Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 9, 7: 잔치를 위해 ì´ëŸ° ì˜ˆë³µì„ ìž…ì–´ì•¼ ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. ì´ì²˜ë ê·¸ ì˜ˆë³µì€ ì‚¬ëž‘, ì •ì˜, í‰í™”, 겸솕, ì˜¨ìœ , ì¹œì ˆ, ì¸ë‚´ 등 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž… 입어야 ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and m soul... Guide me, strengthen me, console me, tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to w to me. Let me only know Your will...(Your will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surre can take me back peacefully anytime. I offer u back my free will. U know what is the best for me & long. Please be merciful.. This is too painful for all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank All the glory to u lord! I offer my sufferings to u, use it for your holy will. I am happy that i can be Until your will be done, when the time is up, take me to your presence. How i desire to be united t definitely take me back. I put all my joyful hope for the day. I love you lord, more than anything in temptation. I am waiting for you to take me to your kingdom where i can be truly happy praising u overjoyed. Even though i have no vision, no idea, how it might be. Thank u lord. I know your with 2:35am 주님 오만한 ì €ë¥¼ 용서하소서 스스로 ë”ê°€ ëœê±° 마냥 ì°©ê°ì†ì 201 201 배우게 하소서 ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ì ˆ 불ìŒížˆ 여기시어 ëª‡ì‹œê°„ì˜ ë‹¨ìž ë„ í—ˆë½í•˜ì†Œì 1- 1- as i lie down. It feels like what i inhale is more than my lung can take, exhale very shortly, end up 94 12- 12- urgency cuz i feel too uncomfortable.. Sep 14, 4:51pm Ask doc: Can i swim? What is good for lun 1 3 05 05 How long it takes to heal? My ribs r pain.. Chest, armpit, ribs, back pain Something protruding o 23:5 15:5 have cancer? Blood test on virus result? Sep 11, 6:38am Mum.. Pls ask God about this: does he pre 4:13 4:13 answer is no but my mom says yes. We have diff view point about god so i'm really confused. She do u refuse? Then why do u take painkiller n why do u ask mom to massage your back?" But i tho getting this luxurious body relief just because i'm in severe pain. He wants me to go thru certain le He's testing how steady this is by throwing n smashing around. If i don't break down, i pass the str confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm Sep 1st: Mum, last night i couldn't sleep until my body was so exhauste down so i shout in Jesus name satan go away then it stopped. 2nd dream i felt huge force wrap ove Jesus protect me. It was scary n didn't stop instantly. 3rd dream i was flying n like shot down to ea felt real..i think i was shouting Jesus. What happened? I'm afraid God is not happy with me. I felt u passover is over 탈출기 12 Sep 2, 9:14am ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ìƒí™œ 태ë„ë„ ë³µìŒì„ 받아들 ë§ëŒ€ì–´ 꿰매듯앴 옛 모습 ê·¸ëŒ€ë¡œì˜ ë‚˜ë¥¼ 예수님 ë§ì”€ìœ¼ë¡œ ì 당히 ê¾¸ë© ë§ˆë ¨í•´ì•¼ 새 í¬ë„주를 ë‹´ì„ ìˆ˜ 있습니다. ì•´ ë§ì€ 우리 ìžì‹ ì•´ 늘 ìžì‹ ì„ ëœ»ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì •ì•¸ 무관심과 게으름과 ì£„ì˜ ìŠµê´€ì—ì„œ 벗어나야만 ì ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ì§€ìš”. â€œì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì˜ ëª¸ì•´ 여러분 안엕 계시는 ì„±ë ¹ì˜ ì„±ì „ìž„ ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì€ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ ìžì‹ ì˜ ê²ƒì•´ ì•„ë‹˜ì„ ëª¨ë¦…ë‹ˆê¹Œ?―(1코린 ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ 거처하시는 ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ëª¸ì„ ë”럽히지 ë§•ë•¼ê³ ê²½ê³ í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리ì ì„±ë ¹ì„ ëª¨ì‹œëŠ” 장소ë¼ëŠ” 뜻입니다. â€˜ë‚¡ì€ ë‚˜â€™ê°€ 아니땼 ë‚ ë§ˆë‹¤ ‘ 해야 í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. Sep 1, 5:37pm ì œì•¸ì•´ë¥¼ 위해 ì´ì™€ 같앴 기ë„하ìž.. ...ëŠ ëª¨ë“ ì˜•ì • 지혜와 ê¹¨ë‹¬ìŒ ë•ë¶„ì—• 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì„ ì•„ëŠ” 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ 충ë ì„œ 그분 마ìŒì—• ë“¤ê³ ì˜¨ê°– ì„ í–‰ìœ¼ë¡œ 열매를 맺으며 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì•„ëŠ ì˜ê´‘스러운 ëŠ¥ë ¥ì—ì„œ 오는 ëª¨ë“ íž˜ì„ ë°›ì•„ ê°•í•´ì ¸ì„œ, ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì°¸ê³ ê²¬ë””ì 나땼ì—ì„œ 받는 ìƒì†ì˜ ëª«ì„ ì°¨ì§€í• ìžê²©ì„ ì£¼ì‹ ì•„ë²„ì§€ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í•˜ëŠ” ê² êµ¬í•´ 내시어 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 사랑하시는 ì•„ë“œë‹˜ì˜ ë‚˜ë¼ë¡œ 옮겨 주셨습니다. ì• ë°›ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. â–¥ ì‚¬ë„ ë°”ì˜¤ë¡œì˜ ì½œë¡œìƒˆì„œ ë§ì”€ìž…니다. 1,9-14 Aug 31, 2:42pm ì 주셔서 ì œ 마ìŒì´ ìš”ë™ì¹˜ ì•Šê³ í‰ì•ˆížˆ ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ì¼ì„ 받아들ì¼ìˆ˜ 있게 용기와 믿ìŒì€ 주님 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ì €ì—게 í—ˆë½í•˜ì‹ 것ì´ì˜µë‹ˆë‹¤. ì´ëŠ” ì‹œì ë² í‘¸ì‹ ê±¸ë¡œ 압니다. ì €ëŠ” 보잘것없앴 미천한 ìž• 입니다.. ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ íŠ¹ì€ìœ¼ë¡œ 않지만 ì „ ì•„ì§ë„ 여러모로 부족하여 배울것앴 많습니다. 특히 ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë„ˆë¬´ë‚˜ë„ ëŒ€í™”í•˜ê³ ì‹¶ì€ë° ì—¬ì „ížˆ ì €ì—게 ë§Žì€ ìž¥ì• ë¬¼ì•´ ìžˆì– ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ë„ ì œ 안ì—ì„ ì•¼ì–´ë‚˜ì§€ 않습니다. ì €ë¥¼ 불ìŒížˆ ì—¬ê¸°ì‹œê³ ì œë°œ ì €ì 한마디ë¼ë„ ì œê°€ 들ì„수 있게 ì œ 귀를 열어주옵소서! ì„±ë ¹ë‹˜! 부디 ì œ 주옵소서! ì œê°€ ì´ë¦¬ë„ ì•ˆì •ì ì´ë©´ì„œë„ ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì—ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ì²´í—˜ì¹˜ 못하ê ì•„ë‹ê¹Œ ë‘•ë µìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 분명 ì œ 옆엕 ê³„ì‹œê³ ì œ ë§˜ì˜ í‰ì˜¨í•¨ë„ ë 임하시며 ì—사하여 주소서. Aug 28, 12:04pm 주님, ì œ ëª¨ë“ ê³ í†µì„ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ ë°”ì wants, beyond my fears, from death into life 1. God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I want, I rest peace. 2. Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, you lead me by pathways of righteousness should wander the valley of death, I fear no evil, for you are at my side, your rod and your staff, m face of hatred, crowning me with love beyond my power to hold. 5. Surely your kindness and mer God forevermore. Aug 25, 10:41am 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì„±ê°€ 218번) 1. 주ì ë”°ë¥´ë ¤ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì‹ìžê°€ë¥¼ ì§€ê³ ì—¬ê¸° 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 오로지 ì£¼ë‹˜ë§Œì„ ë”°ë¥ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 오롯앴 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 하얀 소복 ì°¨ë ¤ 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ í•œí ì—• ì•´ 몸 뉘어주소서 ê³ ì•´ 쉬땼 물터로 나를 때어 주소서 주여 ì˜ì›ížˆ ìž ë“œë µë‹ˆë‹¤ Jul 1, 4:28pm In every situation in life you need courage and you need m message. For you to realise that in life you will always need to pray for graces to counter bad situa your trust in me. It is I who speaks. Aug 25, 10:38am 받아주소서(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì„±ê°€ 221번) *ì„ ë°›ì•„ì£¼ì†Œì„œ (2번) 1. ë‚˜ì˜ ëª¨ë“ ìžìœ 와 ë‚˜ì˜ ê¸°ì–µê³¼ ì§€ë ¥ ë‚˜ì˜ ì˜ì§€ ì†Œìœ í ë˜ëŒë ¤ 드리오리다 2. 내게 ì£¼ì‹ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ì£¼ì˜ ê²ƒì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 오징 주님 ëœ»ëŒ ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ May 23, 4:41pm ì „ëŠ¥í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜, 만물앴 ë‹¹ì‹ ê¶Œìœ„ì•ˆì—• ìžˆê³ ì„¸ìƒ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ëœ»í•˜ì‹ ëŒ€ë¡œ ì €í•¬ì—게 ì£¼ì‹œê³ ë˜í•œ 앗아가시니 ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ 다 ë‹¹ì‹ ì´í•´í•˜ì§€ 못하여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì›•ë§•í–ˆë˜ ì €ë¥¼ ìš©ì„œí•˜ì‹œê³ ì €ì—게 ë”í•œ ê³ í†µì 시오. ì „ 들풀ì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 바람불면 í”ë“¤ë¦¬ê³ í–‡ë¹›ì•´ 쬕면 íƒ€ì˜¤ë¥´ê³ ë¹„ê°€ì˜¤ë©´ 바치오니 ë‹¹ì‹ ëœ»ëŒ€ë¡œ 하옵소서. May 22, 12:00pm Power of holy spirit -transformation witness(external: preach boldly, heal) -Charismatic gift &amp; fruit of spirit Matt7:21, matt25:act 11:23 Why r we praying over again and again for the filling of holy spirit? Acts 4:29 Mind has 5 e unconscious), emotion, will-we need to transform all 5 of them. 2 timothy 1:6-7 U received but no Apr 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr healthy n pure blood circulate in my ailing organs. And may yr healt vigorous life throb within me. Amen. Apr 8, 9:46am ì‚¬ëžŒë“¤ì€ ìžì‹ ì˜ ì‹ ì•™ì‹¬ì•´ 부족 ì•½ê³ ìžˆëŠ”ì§€ 물어보면 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ë¬µìƒí•˜ëŠ” 가운땰 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Žì€ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì„ ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì€ ì‹¤ì²œì • 사ë 만핼 ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì‹¤ì²œí• ìˆ˜ 있습니다. Apr 6, 9:26pm 시편 145(144),8-9.13ã„·-14.17-18(â ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시며, 분노엕 ë”ë””ì‹œê³ ìžì• ê°€ 넘치시네. 주ë 내리네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë§ì”€ë§ˆë‹¤ ì°¸ë˜ì‹œê³ , 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. 누구ë¼ë„ ì¼ìœ¼ì¼œ 세우시네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ê°€ì‹œëŠ” 길마다 ì˜ë¡œìš°ì‹ 부르는 ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게, 진실하게 부르는 ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게 가까앴 계시네. ◠예수님께서 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 무화(無化)하시어 거룩한 몸(성체)ì•´ ë˜ì…¨ë“¯ì´ ìƒíƒœë¥¼ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리스ë„êµì˜ ‘비움’과 불êµì˜ â€˜ë¹„ì›€â€™ì€ ì ë§í•˜ëŠ” ë¹„ì›€ì€ ì˜ˆìˆ˜ 그리스ë„를 ë‚´ 안엕 ëª¨ì‹œë ¤ëŠ” 비움입니다. 오늘 ë³µì 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì¼í•˜ê³ ê³„ì‹ ê²ƒì²˜ëŸ¼ 우리를 비운 잕리엕 주님께서 계시는 ê ë‚´ê°€ 사는 것앴 아니땼 그리스ë„께서 ë‚´ 안엕 사시는 것입니다.―(ê°ˆë íƒ•ìš•ì„ ëŠëŠ” ê²ƒë§Œì„ ëœ»í•˜ì§€ 않습니다. ë˜í•œ 세샕 ê²ƒì„ í—ˆë¬´í•˜ê³ ë¬´ì˜ë ì˜ë¯¸ëŠ” 사랑하는 것입니다. 우리가 그냥 ë¹„ìš´ë‹¤ê³ ë¹„ì›Œì§€ëŠ” 것앴 아니땼 비워서는 곧바로 다른 것앴 들어와 잕리를 잡게 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì‹œëŠ” ê²ƒì„ ëœ»í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ëˆ„êµ¬ë¥¼ ì‚¬ëž‘í•˜ê³ ëˆ„êµ°ê°€ì—게 21, 11:12pm 하ëŠë‹˜, ì˜í˜¼ì˜ ê±´ê°•ì„ ìœ„í•˜ì—¬ ìœ¡ì‹ ì˜ ê·¹ê¸°ë¥¼ 명하셨으니, ì € ìžì• ë¡œìš°ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ê³„ëª…ì„ ì§€í‚¤ê²Œ 하소서. 우리가 ì‚¬ëžŒì„ ëŒ€í• ë•Œ â€˜ì• ë¯¿ìŒì„ 가진다면 편해질 것입니다. 주어땼. 그러면 너í¬ë„ ë°›ì„ ê²ƒì 품엕 ë‹´ì•„ 주실 것ì´ë‹¤. 너í¬ê°€ ë˜ì§ˆí•˜ëŠ” 바로 ê·¸ ë˜ë¡œ 너í¬ë„ ë˜ë°›ì„ 너를 ë§Žì€ ë¯¼ì¡±ì˜ ì¡°ìƒìœ¼ë¡œ 만들었다.â€•ë•¼ê³ ê¸°ë¡ëœ 그대로입 ì´ë“¤ì„ 다시 ì‚´ë¦¬ì‹œê³ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ì§€ 않는 ê²ƒì„ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ë„ë¡ ë¶ˆëŸ¬ë‚´ì‹œëŠ” í•˜ëŠ í•¬ë§•ì•´ ì—†ì–´ë„ í¬ë§í•˜ë©°, â€œë„ˆì˜ í›„ì†ë“¤ì´ ì €ë ‡ê²Œ 많아질 것ì´ë‹¤.â€ ë• ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 22 바로 ê·¸ 때문엕 “하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ê·¸ 믿ìŒì„ ì˜ 13, 3:00am 매야 아침 기ë„: 오늘 하루ë™ì•ˆ ì œì•¸ì•´ ì—„ë§ˆì˜ ì—í• ì„ ìž˜ ê°ë‹¹í 나눌수 있게 ë‚¨ì„ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ëŠ” 마ìŒê³¼ ë„“ì€ ì•„ëŸ‰ì„ ì£¼ì†Œì„œ. 겸ì†ì˜ ë•ì ì£¼ì‹œê³ , 오늘 하루 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ 아래서 지내게 하여 주소서. 우리 주 ê·¸ë í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다. 오늘 ë³µìŒì—ì„œ ë² ë“œë¡œê°€ 예수님께 “보시ë ë”°ëžìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.― í•˜ê³ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ë§íˆ¬ì—는 ì´ëŸ° ì˜•ì • êµë§Œ 예수님께서는 아무런 ì¹ì°¬ë„ í•´ 주지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 예수님께서는 ì œìž í•œë‹¤ê³ ë§ì”€í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì—게 때아올 ì–´ë–¤ ì˜ê´‘ì„ ìœ„í•´ì„œê°€ 아니땼, 것입니다. ìž„ê¸ˆì„ ë“±ì—• íƒœìš°ê³ ê°€ëŠ” 나귀가 있었습니다. ê·¸ 나귀는 늘 ìž„ ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 사람들앴 ì˜¨ëª¸ì„ ì¹˜ìž¥í•´ ì£¼ê³ , 임금앴 타는 ë‚˜ê·€ë•¼ê³ í•´ì„œ 늘 ì“°ë‹ ë‚˜ê·€ë¥¼ íƒ€ê³ í–‰ë ¬ í• ë•Œ, 사람들앴 환호를 하잕, 나귀는 사람들앴 ìž•ê¸ ë³´ëƒˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ê²°êµ ìž„ê¸ˆì€ ë‚˜ê·€ì—ì„œ ë–¨ì–´ì§€ê³ ë§ì•˜ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì • êµë§Œì´ 예화입니다. êµíšŒì—• 봉사한다는 ê²ƒì€ â€˜ë¶€ë¦„ ë°›ì€ ì¢…â€™ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ì € “해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다.―(루카 17,10)땼 앴샕 ìƒê°í•˜ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ì˜•ì • êµë§Œìž…니다. Feb 9, 6:50pm 너가 암엕 걸린건 그럴 잕격앴 없어서앴 cooxpmlop ã…Š í•— ã…¡ã…‘ã…“ã…— 푸 다. ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê³ ë‚ †ì§€ë§Œ 너를 위해 ìœ ìµí•˜ë‹¤ëŠ”ê²ƒë§Œì€ ëª…ì‹¬í•´ë•¼ 하루를 ë” ì•„í”„ê²Œë˜ë 용기와 힘, ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ì´ë‹¤. Jan 26, 10:39am 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ í•˜ëŠ ê°€ì§„ 것엕 ì˜ì§€í•´ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하면, 하ëŠë‹˜ì—• 대한 믿ìŒë³´ë‹¤ë 때문야 것입니다. ë²•ì • ìŠ¤ë‹˜ì˜ ì±… ã€Žë¬´ì†Œìœ ã€•ì—• ì´ëŸ° êµ¬ì ˆì•´ 있습ë 때로는 ê·¸ 물건 때문엕 마ìŒì„ 쓰게 ëœë‹¤. ë”°ë¼ì„œ 무엇ì¸ê°€ë¥¼ 것, 그러므로 많앴 ê°–ê³ ìžˆë‹¤ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ê·¸ë§Œí•¼ 많앴 얽혀 있다는 뜻ì´ë 많ì„수ë¡, 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 위한 ì¼ë§ˆì €ë„ ê·¸ 뿌리ì—서는 ì„¸ìƒ•ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하ë 성과보다 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ ì˜íƒí•˜ëŠ” 우리 ì‚¶ì˜ íƒœë„ê°€ 중요합니다. Jan 24, 3 the top... I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts. As a result of them the Lord - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. Jan 22, 2:07am ì˜ ë¬´ì—‡ê³¼ë„ ë°”ê¿€ 수 없는 ì€ì´ì˜ 사건ì´ì§€ë§Œ, 반드시 ì ¸ì•¼ í• ì‹ìžê°€ê°€ 가족사랑-ì¢‹ì€ ì—„ë§ˆ, ì¢‹ì€ ì•„ë‚´ 1) ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ê±´ê°• ì±…ìž„-ì¢‹ì€ ì‹ë‹¨ 2) 살림꾸ë 아니시므로, 여러분앴 성ë„들ì—게 ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ì˜€ê³ ì§€ê¸ˆë„ ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ë©´ì„œ 잊지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 11 여러분 ê°ìžê°€ 핬맕앴 실현ë˜ë„ë¡ ë까지 ê°™ 그리하여 게으른 사람앴 ë˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ , 약ì†ëœ ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ìŒê³¼ ì¸ë‚´ë¡œ ìƒ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ížˆë¸Œë¦¬ì„œì˜ ë§ì”€ìž…니다.6,10-20 Jan 15, 9:39am 진실앴 ë°í˜€ì¡Œë‹¤ 치르게 하셨다. ê·¸ ë§Žì€ í˜¼ì„ ê³¼ 지긋지긋한 í•ì•”치료.. ëë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ìžƒì—ˆ 무ìžë¹„í•˜ê³ ëƒ‰í˜¹í•˜ì‹œë©° ë™ì‹œì—• ìžì²´ê°€ 사랑ì´ë¼ëŠ” ëª¨ìˆœì˜ ì‹ ì´ì‹œë‹¤ 모른채 벌앸 실수를 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ìž”ì¸í•˜ê²Œ 추ê¶í•˜ì‹œë‹¤ë‹ˆ! ë‚˜ì˜ ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜! ë‹¹ì‹ ëŒ€ì‹ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì…¨ë‹¤êµ¬ìš”?! 그것앴 ì œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì•—ì•„ê°€ì•¼ë§Œ í• ì£„ì˜€ìŠµë 위로해주세요.. ì•´ ìƒì²˜ë¥¼ 아물수있게 넘치는 사랑과 위안과 ë³µì„ ì£¼ì„¸ìš ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹ ë°ìš”? ê·¸ë ‡ê²Œ ë‰˜ìš°ì¹˜ê³ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë‹¤ê³ í•œ ì ˆ ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ë‚´ë™ëŒ•ì 궕극ì 으로 우리 ì¸ìƒì„ 아름답게 í•˜ì‹œê³ ì°¸ë˜ê²Œ 하시는 ë¶„ì€ ì§„ë¦¬ì˜ ë¶ˆì•ˆí•˜ê³ í˜¼ëž€ìŠ¤ëŸ¬ìš¸ìˆ˜ë¡• 우리ì—게 필요한 ê²ƒì€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì„ ìœ¼ë¡œ ì´ë 잕주 미사 참례를 í•˜ê³ , 성체 조배를 하며, ê³ í•´ì„±ì‚¬ë¥¼ 통하여 ìžì‹ ì„ ë”ìš ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리가 미래를 몰ë¼ì„œ 삶앴 ë‘•ë ¤ìš´ 것앴 아닙니다. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë³´ì´ì§€ 않는 미래를 ì£¼ì‹ ì´ìœ 는, 우리가 하루하루를 새ë¡ê²Œ 사람ì—게 미래는 ì„¤ë ˜ê³¼ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì„¸ê³„ë¡œ 다가옵니다. Jan 10, 9:17am ì‚¶ì— ´ì§„다. ìž˜ëª»ëœ ì„ íƒìœ¼ë¡œ ì¸í•œ ê³ í†µ, ë‹¤ë¥¸ì‚¬ëžŒì˜ ì£„ë‚˜ 환경으로 ì¸í•´ ë° í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì˜ë„ì 으로 ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒì•´ 아니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì•´ ê³ í†µ ì„œë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë¯¿ëŠ”ìžë“¤ì„ 통해 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œê¸° 때문ì´ë‹¤. ì•´ 세ìƒì 그래서 우리ì—게 벌어지는 ëª¨ë“ ì‚¬ê±´ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì„리안엕 머무르는 것ì 찾아온다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ ë°©ê´€ìžì‹œë‹¤. 하지만 ì‹œë ¨ì†•ì—ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¾ëŠ”ìž ê³„ì†• 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¬ì–‘í• ìˆ˜ ìžˆê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„ 값진 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œëŠ”ê±°ë‹¤. Jan 1 때’는 잕기 ìžì‹ ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하지만, ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 바오로 사ë„처럼 â€˜ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ì¼í•˜ì‹œê¸° 때문입니다. ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë´‰ì‚¬ìžë¡œ ì¼í•˜ëŠ” 사람ì—게 필요한 ê ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ë„구로 앨 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤.― 하는 겸ì†í•œ ì‘답ì´ë©´ ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Jan 8, 1:32a 온몸엕 나병앴 걸린 사람앴 다가왔다. 그는 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë³´ìž•, ì–¼êµ´ì„ ë•…ì— ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œëŠ” í•˜ê³ ìž• 하시면 ì €ë¥¼ 깨땗하게 하실 수 있습니다.― ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„ â€œë‚´ê°€ í•˜ê³ ìž• 하니, 깨땗하게 ë˜ì–´ë•¼.― 그러잕 곧 나병앴 가셨다. Jan ëŠ¥ë ¥ì•´ 있사오니 부디 ì €ì—게 ìžë¹„를 ë² í‘¸ì‹œì–´ ì ˆ ì´ë³‘ì—ì„œ 해방시켜 have mercy on me and set me free from this illness Jan 4, 11:42pm 계솕 ìˆ˜ìˆ ì—†ì•´ 기ì 으 완치만 시켜주시길 기ë„하게 ë˜ì—ˆë‹¤. ë§ˆìˆ ê°™ì€ ê¸°ì •ì•´ 야어나리땼 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 ë‚ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 맡겼다. ìˆ˜ìˆ í•˜ëŠ”ê²ƒì•´ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻앴땼면 기ì 변화야ë§ë¡œ 가장 í•° ê¸°ì •ì•´ë•¼ê³ ë´ì•¼ í• ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. <span style="font-family: C no surgery but a recovery by miracle, then i started to pray that it's ok to do surgery for complete r now i humbly submit myself to God's will. If getting surgery is God's will, i'll gladly cut off my br 3:21pm We are created for God. To: Love God, serve God, honour &amp; praise God Willing to d is your deepest desire? That's what God desire us to be . Know yourself. Use imagination, be creat 1:59AM ë‚´ê°€ ì›í•˜ì§€ë§Œ 기ë„하진 ì•Šì„것: ì§ìž¥ ë‹¤ë‹ˆê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš” ì‚´ë¹ ì§€ê³ ì‹¶ì–´ìš ì˜íƒí• 것: ì•”ì˜ ì™„ì¹˜ 등, 어깨, ë°œ 완치 남편 ì§ìž¥ 진로 ì´ë„심 ì œì•¸ 학굕 ì œì•¸ ì¸ì„±/ì‹ ì•™/언어 êµìœ¡ì˜ 지혜 겸ì†ì˜ 삶 ê±´ê°•í•˜ê³ í™”ëª©í•œ ê°€ì • í• ë¨¸ë‹ˆ 모둕 병 없앴 ì€ì´ì•ˆì—• 임종 <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Ar weight - sharper nose for Jein</span> pray but entrust to God - for full recovery of cancer - to full work - for Jein's school earnestly to ask for: - passion of prayer and patience of suffering - Jein's h healthy and harmonious family - lead grandmother and father to heaven - all family to become cat 3:41pm 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 오해하는것 마치 ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ ë²„ìŠ¤ì •ê±°ìž¥ì—ì„œ íŒ”ì„ ë“œ ìžì‹ 뒤엕 있는 버스를 í–¥í•œê²ƒìž„ì„ ì•Œê³ "ì•„ ë‚´ê°€ 잘못 알았구나!" í•˜ëŠ”ê² í•´ì„í•˜ê³ ë‚˜ì¤‘ì—• 가서 ì•„ 그게 아니구나 í• ìˆ˜ìžˆë‹¤. ì•´ë•Œ ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ í™”ë¥ ì”¨ë¶€ë •ê±°ë¦¬ë©´ 얼마나 꼴사나운가! ì˜¤í•´í• ìˆ˜ 있다는건 모ë‘ê°€ ì´í•´í•œë‹¤. ê· ì•Œì•˜ìœ¼ë©´ 다시 ì œ ìžì„¸ë¡œ ëŒì•„와 ìš´ì „ì—• ì •ì§„í•˜ëŠ”ê²Œ 마땅하다. ì†ì•˜ë 관계솕ì—ì„œë„ ë§ˆì°¬ê°€ì§€ì´ë‹¤. 본앸앴 잘못 ì˜¤í•´í•œê²ƒìž„ì„ ë°›ì•„ë“¤ì•´ê³ ë ë‚ ê°€ì§€ê³ ë†€ì•˜ë‹¤ ë°°ì‹ ë‹¹í–ˆë‹¤ 하며 ì›ë§í•´ì„œëŠ” 안ëœë‹¤. Misunderstanding God. waiving her hand, but realized she was actually flagging the bus behind him. He then "oh i misund later i could say "oh it was wrong". If the bus driver gets angry and thinking the woman was waivi misunderstand. it matters how you respond to it. if one realize it was a misunderstanding, he shoul cheated etc. it goes the same in a relationship with God. instead of  being accepting that you wro complaining that God has fooled or betrayed me etc should not be done. Dec 24, 2:40am í•˜ëŠ ì¹˜ë¥¸ê²ƒë„, í•œêµì—¬í–‰ ê°„ê²ƒë„ ë‹¤ 싫어하셨다. 네가 지금 í•˜ê³ ì‹¶ì€ ê·¸ ì–´ë–¤ê ¸ê°€ ì›í• 때마다 그것앴 네 욕심ì¸ì§€ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 따른건지 í•ìƒ• ê²€í† í Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">God disliked that you did not quit the job, organized 1st birthda may not like it at all. Whenever you want to do something, examine whether it is for your own gre everyday life 1) 좋ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 궂ì€ì¼ì´ë‚˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í•˜ê¸° 2) ì†Œë°•í•˜ê³ í‰ ì¸ë‚´ì˜ 삶: on life crisis 1) ì˜ì§€ì 으로ë¼ë„ ê°ì‚¬ë¡œì´ 받아들앴기 2) ë³´ì´ë í¬ì‹ ëœ»ì„ ë¯¿ê³ ë°”ë•¼ê¸° <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">life things 2) live a simple, plain (ordinary) life 3) help the neighbour, be considerate and respectful</s willpower) 2) don't be impatient with things only can be seen 3) to trust and follow God's big plan 존재입니다. 다른 사람, 행복, í‰í™” ë“±ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì€ ì¸ë‚´ë ì˜ë¯¸ë¥¼ 알게 ë˜ê³ , ê·¸ ì˜ë¯¸ë¥¼ 아는 사람만앴 ê·¸ 열매를 맛볼 수 있습 ì˜¤ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œì•„ë´…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ë¶„ì„ â€˜ì–´ë¦°ì–‘â€™ì•´ë•¼ ì†Œê°œí•˜ê³ , ìžì‹ ê³ ë°±í•˜ê¸°ë„ í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그러나 시간앴 íë¥¼ìˆ˜ë¡ ì´ˆì¡°í•´ì§‘ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì€ ê°ì˜¥ 세ìƒìœ¼ë¡œë¶€í„° ì •ì • 반대받는 í‘œì •ì•´ ë˜ì–´ ê°€ì‹œê³ ìžˆê¸° 때문입니다. ê· ì„ ìƒë‹˜ì´ì‹ë‹ˆê¹Œ? 아니면 ì €í¬ê°€ 다른 ë¶„ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë ¤ì•¼ 합니까?― í•˜ê³ ì—¬ì 대목입니다. 어쩌면 ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ì˜¤ì‹¤ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ì§€ ëª»í•˜ê³ , ë˜ëŠ” 앴미 ìš í”들릴 때가 있ì„ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥´ê² ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리하여 세례잕 요한처럼 ì˜ì‹¬ì ë§•ê³ ê·¸ë•Œë§ˆë‹¤ 용기를 ê°€ì§€ê³ ì• ì ˆí•œ 마ìŒìœ¼ë¡œ 주님께 기ë„해야 합니ë 우리를 ì°¾ì•„ì˜¤ì‹œê³ , ì†ê¸¸ì„ 건네실 것입니다. Human is existence of waiting. Wai patience. Only those who are patient, know the meaning of waiting, and only those who understan Jesus who came among us in Jordan. He introduced Him as "Lamb of God", and he confessed that passed. It was because he was put in prison and Jesus had become a target from more and more you the one who is coming? or do we have to wait for another?" This showed John's faith was shak recognize Him who is already with us, that there are times when our faith being shaken. Therefore courage and pray to Lord with an earnest mind. Lord will come to our daily life and reach out His ë†ë¶€ë¥¼ ë³´ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. 그는 앴른 비와 ëŠ¦ì€ ë¹„ë¥¼ 맞아 곡싕앴 ìµì„ 때까지 마ìŒì„ 굳게 가지ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">L crops to ripe after early rain and evening (late) rain. (you all) be patience, wait and have a firm 모둕 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì„ ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ê·¸ë¶„ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë…¸ë•¼ê³ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ì„œ í•œ í˜•ì œìžë§¤ë“¤ì´ê³ , ì§•ì—…ì€ ì¼ìš©í• ì–‘ì‹ì„ 위한 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ê³¼ ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ í•„ìš”ì¹˜ 않습니다. 그러니 ì–¸ì œë‚˜ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 합당한 ìƒí™ Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">Today, baptized people were called by Lord, and they left every and sister in Lord, and the work place is God's grace and care for daily bread. actually we do not n Lord's calling.</span> Nov 29, 9:32pm 우리는 참으로 ë§Žì€ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì„ ì²´í—˜í•˜ë©´ì„œ ê°€ì ¸ë‹¤ì£¼ë©°, ì‚¬ëžŒì„ ìƒˆë¡ê²Œ 변화시켜 ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. * 그러나 기다리지 ëª»í•˜ê³ ë§¤ë‹¬ë¦¬ëŠ” 사람엕겕 ë” ì´ìƒì˜ 새로움앴란 ì—†ì„ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. * 새로움 게 하시러 오시는 아기 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚˜ 뵕 ìˆ˜ë„ ì—†ì„ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë© ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” 사람만앴 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë§Œë‚ ìˆ˜ 있습니다 We live with many experiences of new. *but those who can't wait and live satisfying in reality, and hanging on to things that can be s of whole new life, and we can't meet baby Jesus who come to refresh us. How pitiful that person is 8:57pm The disposition u need to receive god's healing Humility: thank god for what god has done world know that u need help u need grace of god U want god to do things your way? Forgiveness: imperfect need the forgiveness of god. Allow ourselves to be available to god n others. Desire to fo love: god would be faithful always. We can rely on him.. Surrender your life to god: U want healin that r destroying u! Our unhappiness is caused by us. Do the right thing.. Not be too naive, thinkin happening to us.. Ask for his will be done. Dun clinging to this life. Detach from the world. God d testimony to god: We must proclaim what the lord has done for us. It is for the greater glory of god the way u think.. In his way particularly for u.. Oct 11, 11:53pm 아픈만핼 ë” ì„±ìˆ™í•´ì§„ë 주님께서 ì§•ì ‘ 치료하시ë„ë¡ ë‚´ 놓는다 Sep 5, 11:12am ë² ë„¤ì¹˜ì•„: ë°”ì˜ì„±ë‹¹ ë í¬ë¡œì•„í‹°ì•„: 성 스테팕 성당 드부로브니핬 í•¬ë ˆíƒ€ 아틀란티스 ì‚°í† ë¦¬ Retrieved from her iPhone Notes application. I guessed she kept this as a diary of sorts. Once i get 10:55pm Mission accomplished at day 40 Have my family to do divine mercy together Oct 9, 7: 잔치를 위해 ì´ëŸ° ì˜ˆë³µì„ ìž…ì–´ì•¼ ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. ì´ì²˜ë ê·¸ ì˜ˆë³µì€ ì‚¬ëž‘, ì •ì˜, í‰í™”, 겸솕, ì˜¨ìœ , ì¹œì ˆ, ì¸ë‚´ 등 아름다운 ë‚´ë©´ì˜ ì˜·ìž… 입어야 ê·¸ ìž”ì¹˜ì˜ ê¸°ì¨ì„ 누릴 수 있습니다. Oct 8, 11:05pm My hope, my wish and m soul... Guide me, strengthen me, console me, tell me what to do (today)... I promise to submit to w to me. Let me only know Your will...(Your will be done) 7:25am Lord, your will be done. I surre can take me back peacefully anytime. I offer u back my free will. U know what is the best for me & long. Please be merciful.. This is too painful for all of us. Lord have mercy. Oct 6, 11:33am Thank All the glory to u lord! I offer my sufferings to u, use it for your holy will. I am happy that i can be Until your will be done, when the time is up, take me to your presence. How i desire to be united t definitely take me back. I put all my joyful hope for the day. I love you lord, more than anything in temptation. I am waiting for you to take me to your kingdom where i can be truly happy praising u overjoyed. Even though i have no vision, no idea, how it might be. Thank u lord. I know your with 201 201 2:35am 주님 오만한 ì €ë¥¼ 용서하소서 스스로 ë”ê°€ ëœê±° 마냥 ì°©ê°ì†ì 1- 1배우게 하소서 ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ì ˆ 불ìŒížˆ 여기시어 ëª‡ì‹œê°„ì˜ ë‹¨ìž ë„ í—ˆë½í•˜ì†Œì 94 12- 121 as i lie down. It feels like what i inhale is more than my lung can take, exhale very shortly, end up 4 06 05 urgency cuz i feel too uncomfortable.. Sep 14, 4:51pm Ask doc: Can i swim? What is good for lun 00:1 16:1 How long it takes to heal? My ribs r pain.. Chest, armpit, ribs, back pain Something protruding o 8:49 8:49 have cancer? Blood test on virus result? Sep 11, 6:38am Mum.. Pls ask God about this: does he pre answer is no but my mom says yes. We have diff view point about god so i'm really confused. She do u refuse? Then why do u take painkiller n why do u ask mom to massage your back?" But i tho getting this luxurious body relief just because i'm in severe pain. He wants me to go thru certain le He's testing how steady this is by throwing n smashing around. If i don't break down, i pass the str confused!! Sep 7, 3:25pm Sep 1st: Mum, last night i couldn't sleep until my body was so exhauste down so i shout in Jesus name satan go away then it stopped. 2nd dream i felt huge force wrap ove Jesus protect me. It was scary n didn't stop instantly. 3rd dream i was flying n like shot down to ea felt real..i think i was shouting Jesus. What happened? I'm afraid God is not happy with me. I felt u passover is over 탈출기 12 Sep 2, 9:14am ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ìƒí™œ 태ë„ë„ ë³µìŒì„ 받아들 ë§ëŒ€ì–´ 꿰매듯앴 옛 모습 ê·¸ëŒ€ë¡œì˜ ë‚˜ë¥¼ 예수님 ë§ì”€ìœ¼ë¡œ ì 당히 ê¾¸ë© ë§ˆë ¨í•´ì•¼ 새 í¬ë„주를 ë‹´ì„ ìˆ˜ 있습니다. ì•´ ë§ì€ 우리 ìžì‹ ì•´ 늘 ìžì‹ ì„ ëœ»ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì •ì•¸ 무관심과 게으름과 ì£„ì˜ ìŠµê´€ì—ì„œ 벗어나야만 ì ë§ì”€í•˜ì…¨ì§€ìš”. â€œì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì˜ ëª¸ì•´ 여러분 안엕 계시는 ì„±ë ¹ì˜ ì„±ì „ìž„ ë°›ì•˜ê³ , 똕 ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì€ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ ìžì‹ ì˜ ê²ƒì•´ ì•„ë‹˜ì„ ëª¨ë¦…ë‹ˆê¹Œ?―(1코린 ì„±ë ¹ê»˜ì„œ 거처하시는 ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ëª¸ì„ ë”럽히지 ë§•ë•¼ê³ ê²½ê³ í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리ì ì„±ë ¹ì„ ëª¨ì‹œëŠ” 장소ë¼ëŠ” 뜻입니다. â€˜ë‚¡ì€ ë‚˜â€™ê°€ 아니땼 ë‚ ë§ˆë‹¤ ‘ 해야 í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. Sep 1, 5:37pm ì œì•¸ì•´ë¥¼ 위해 ì´ì™€ 같앴 기ë„하ìž.. ...ëŠ ëª¨ë“ ì˜•ì • 지혜와 ê¹¨ë‹¬ìŒ ë•ë¶„ì—• 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì„ ì•„ëŠ” 지ì‹ìœ¼ë¡œ 충ë ì„œ 그분 마ìŒì—• ë“¤ê³ ì˜¨ê°– ì„ í–‰ìœ¼ë¡œ 열매를 맺으며 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì•„ëŠ ì˜ê´‘스러운 ëŠ¥ë ¥ì—ì„œ 오는 ëª¨ë“ íž˜ì„ ë°›ì•„ ê°•í•´ì ¸ì„œ, ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì°¸ê³ ê²¬ë””ì 나땼ì—ì„œ 받는 ìƒì†ì˜ ëª«ì„ ì°¨ì§€í• ìžê²©ì„ ì£¼ì‹ ì•„ë²„ì§€ê»˜ ê°ì‚¬í•˜ëŠ” ê² êµ¬í•´ 내시어 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 사랑하시는 ì•„ë“œë‹˜ì˜ ë‚˜ë¼ë¡œ 옮겨 주셨습니다. ì• ë°›ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. â–¥ ì‚¬ë„ ë°”ì˜¤ë¡œì˜ ì½œë¡œìƒˆì„œ ë§ì”€ìž…니다. 1,9-14 Aug 31, 2:42pm ì 주셔서 ì œ 마ìŒì´ ìš”ë™ì¹˜ ì•Šê³ í‰ì•ˆížˆ ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ì¼ì„ 받아들ì¼ìˆ˜ 있게 용기와 믿ìŒì€ 주님 ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ì €ì—게 í—ˆë½í•˜ì‹ 것ì´ì˜µë‹ˆë‹¤. ì´ëŠ” ì‹œì ë² í‘¸ì‹ ê±¸ë¡œ 압니다. ì €ëŠ” 보잘것없앴 미천한 ìž• 입니다.. ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ íŠ¹ì€ìœ¼ë¡œ 않지만 ì „ ì•„ì§ë„ 여러모로 부족하여 배울것앴 많습니다. 특히 ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë‹¹ì‹ ê³¼ ë„ˆë¬´ë‚˜ë„ ëŒ€í™”í•˜ê³ ì‹¶ì€ë° ì—¬ì „ížˆ ì €ì—게 ë§Žì€ ìž¥ì• ë¬¼ì•´ ìžˆì– ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ë„ ì œ 안ì—ì„ ì•¼ì–´ë‚˜ì§€ 않습니다. ì €ë¥¼ 불ìŒížˆ ì—¬ê¸°ì‹œê³ ì œë°œ ì €ì 한마디ë¼ë„ ì œê°€ 들ì„수 있게 ì œ 귀를 열어주옵소서! ì„±ë ¹ë‹˜! 부디 ì œ 주옵소서! ì œê°€ ì´ë¦¬ë„ ì•ˆì •ì ì´ë©´ì„œë„ ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ì—ì‚¬í•˜ì‹¬ì„ ì²´í—˜ì¹˜ 못하ê ì•„ë‹ê¹Œ ë‘•ë µìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ 분명 ì œ 옆엕 ê³„ì‹œê³ ì œ ë§˜ì˜ í‰ì˜¨í•¨ë„ ë 임하시며 ì—사하여 주소서. Aug 28, 12:04pm 주님, ì œ ëª¨ë“ ê³ í†µì„ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ ë°”ì wants, beyond my fears, from death into life 1. God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I want, I rest peace. 2. Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, you lead me by pathways of righteousness should wander the valley of death, I fear no evil, for you are at my side, your rod and your staff, m face of hatred, crowning me with love beyond my power to hold. 5. Surely your kindness and mer God forevermore. Aug 25, 10:41am 주여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì¢…ì•´ 여기(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì„±ê°€ 218번) 1. 주ì ë”°ë¥´ë ¤ 왔나ì´ë‹¤ ì‹ìžê°€ë¥¼ ì§€ê³ ì—¬ê¸° 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 오로지 ì£¼ë‹˜ë§Œì„ ë”°ë¥ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 오롯앴 왔나ì´ë‹¤ 하얀 소복 ì°¨ë ¤ 여기 왔나ì´ë‹¤ í•œí ì—• ì•´ 몸 뉘어주소서 ê³ ì•´ 쉬땼 물터로 나를 ëŒì–´ 주소서 주여 ì˜ì›ížˆ ìž ë“œë µë‹ˆë‹¤ Jul 1, 4:28pm In every situation in life you need courage and you need m message. For you to realise that in life you will always need to pray for graces to counter bad situa your trust in me. It is I who speaks. Aug 25, 10:38am 받아주소서(ê°€í†¨ë¦ ì„±ê°€ 221번) *ì„ ë°›ì•„ì£¼ì†Œì„œ (2번) 1. ë‚˜ì˜ ëª¨ë“ ìžìœ 와 ë‚˜ì˜ ê¸°ì–µê³¼ ì§€ë ¥ ë‚˜ì˜ ì˜ì§€ ì†Œìœ í ë˜ëŒë ¤ 드리오리다 2. 내게 ì£¼ì‹ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ ì£¼ì˜ ê²ƒì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 오징 주님 ëœ»ëŒ ì•„ë¬´ê²ƒë„ May 23, 4:41pm ì „ëŠ¥í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜, 만물앴 ë‹¹ì‹ ê¶Œìœ„ì•ˆì—• ìžˆê³ ì„¸ìƒ ë‹¹ì‹ ê»˜ì„œ ëœ»í•˜ì‹ ëŒ€ë¡œ ì €í•¬ì—게 ì£¼ì‹œê³ ë˜í•œ 앗아가시니 ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒ 다 ë‹¹ì‹ ì´í•´í•˜ì§€ 못하여 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì›•ë§•í–ˆë˜ ì €ë¥¼ ìš©ì„œí•˜ì‹œê³ ì €ì—게 ë”í•œ ê³ í†µì 시오. ì „ 들풀ì´ì˜¤ë‹ˆ 바람불면 í”ë“¤ë¦¬ê³ í–‡ë¹›ì•´ 쬕면 íƒ€ì˜¤ë¥´ê³ ë¹„ê°€ì˜¤ë©´ 바치오니 ë‹¹ì‹ ëœ»ëŒ€ë¡œ 하옵소서. May 22, 12:00pm Power of holy spirit -transformation witness(external: preach boldly, heal) -Charismatic gift &amp; fruit of spirit Matt7:21, matt25:act 11:23 Why r we praying over again and again for the filling of holy spirit? Acts 4:29 Mind has 5 e unconscious), emotion, will-we need to transform all 5 of them. 2 timothy 1:6-7 U received but no Apr 18, 1:57pm Jesus may yr healthy n pure blood circulate in my ailing organs. And may yr healt vigorous life throb within me. Amen. Apr 8, 9:46am ì‚¬ëžŒë“¤ì€ ìžì‹ ì˜ ì‹ ì•™ì‹¬ì•´ 부족 ì•½ê³ ìžˆëŠ”ì§€ 물어보면 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì„±ê²½ì„ ì•½ê³ ë¬µìƒí•˜ëŠ” 가운땰 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Žì€ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì„ ì¤ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ êµ³ê±´í•œ 믿ìŒì€ ì‹¤ì²œì • 사ë 만핼 ì‚¬ëž‘ì„ ì‹¤ì²œí• ìˆ˜ 있습니다. Apr 6, 9:26pm 시편 145(144),8-9.13ã„·-14.17-18(â ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë„ˆê·¸ëŸ½ê³ ìžë¹„하시며, 분노엕 ë”ë””ì‹œê³ ìžì• ê°€ 넘치시네. 주ë 내리네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ë§ì”€ë§ˆë‹¤ ì°¸ë˜ì‹œê³ , 하시는 ì¼ë§ˆë‹¤ 진실하시네. 누구ë¼ë„ ì¼ìœ¼ì¼œ 세우시네. â—Ž â—‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì€ ê°€ì‹œëŠ” 길마다 ì˜ë¡œìš°ì‹ 부르는 ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게, 진실하게 부르는 ëª¨ë“ ì•´ì—게 가까앴 계시네. ◠예수님께서 ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 무화(無化)하시어 거룩한 몸(성체)ì•´ ë˜ì…¨ë“¯ì´ ìƒíƒœë¥¼ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 그리스ë„êµì˜ ‘비움’과 불êµì˜ â€˜ë¹„ì›€â€™ì€ ì ë§í•˜ëŠ” ë¹„ì›€ì€ ì˜ˆìˆ˜ 그리스ë„를 ë‚´ 안엕 ëª¨ì‹œë ¤ëŠ” 비움입니다. 오늘 ë³µì 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì¼í•˜ê³ ê³„ì‹ ê²ƒì²˜ëŸ¼ 우리를 비운 잕리엕 주님께서 계시는 ê ë‚´ê°€ 사는 것앴 아니땼 그리스ë„께서 ë‚´ 안엕 사시는 것입니다.―(ê°ˆë íƒìš•ì„ ëŠëŠ” ê²ƒë§Œì„ ëœ»í•˜ì§€ 않습니다. ë˜í•œ 세샕 ê²ƒì„ í—ˆë¬´í•˜ê³ ë¬´ì˜ë ì˜ë¯¸ëŠ” 사랑하는 것입니다. 우리가 그냥 ë¹„ìš´ë‹¤ê³ ë¹„ì›Œì§€ëŠ” 것앴 아니땼 비워서는 곧바로 다른 것앴 들어와 잕리를 잡게 ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì‹œëŠ” ê²ƒì„ ëœ»í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìš°ë¦¬ë„ ëˆ„êµ¬ë¥¼ ì‚¬ëž‘í•˜ê³ ëˆ„êµ°ê°€ì—게 21, 11:12pm 하ëŠë‹˜, ì˜í˜¼ì˜ ê±´ê°•ì„ ìœ„í•˜ì—¬ ìœ¡ì‹ ì˜ ê·¹ê¸°ë¥¼ 명하셨으니, ì € ìžì• ë¡œìš°ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ê³„ëª…ì„ ì§€í‚¤ê²Œ 하소서. 우리가 ì‚¬ëžŒì„ ëŒ€í• ë•Œ â€˜ì• ë¯¿ìŒì„ 가진다면 편해질 것입니다. 주어땼. 그러면 너í¬ë„ ë°›ì„ ê²ƒì 품엕 ë‹´ì•„ 주실 것ì´ë‹¤. 너í¬ê°€ ë˜ì§ˆí•˜ëŠ” 바로 ê·¸ ë˜ë¡œ 너í¬ë„ ë˜ë°›ì„ 너를 ë§Žì€ ë¯¼ì¡±ì˜ ì¡°ìƒìœ¼ë¡œ 만들었다.â€•ë•¼ê³ ê¸°ë¡ëœ 그대로입 ì´ë“¤ì„ 다시 ì‚´ë¦¬ì‹œê³ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ì§€ 않는 ê²ƒì„ ì¡´ìž¬í•˜ë„ë¡ ë¶ˆëŸ¬ë‚´ì‹œëŠ” í•˜ëŠ í•¬ë§•ì•´ ì—†ì–´ë„ í¬ë§í•˜ë©°, â€œë„ˆì˜ í›„ì†ë“¤ì´ ì €ë ‡ê²Œ 많아질 것ì´ë‹¤.â€ ë• ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 22 바로 ê·¸ 때문엕 “하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ê·¸ 믿ìŒì„ ì˜ 13, 3:00am 매야 아침 기ë„: 오늘 하루ë™ì•ˆ ì œì•¸ì•´ ì—„ë§ˆì˜ ì—í• ì„ ìž˜ ê°ë‹¹í 나눌수 있게 ë‚¨ì„ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ëŠ” 마ìŒê³¼ ë„“ì€ ì•„ëŸ‰ì„ ì£¼ì†Œì„œ. 겸ì†ì˜ ë•ì ì£¼ì‹œê³ , 오늘 하루 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ 아래서 지내게 하여 주소서. 우리 주 ê·¸ë í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다. 오늘 ë³µìŒì—ì„œ ë² ë“œë¡œê°€ 예수님께 “보시ë ë”°ëžìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.― í•˜ê³ ë§í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ë² ë“œë¡œì˜ ë§íˆ¬ì—•ëŠ” ì´ëŸ° ì˜•ì • êµë§Œ 예수님께서는 아무런 ì¹ì°¬ë„ í•´ 주지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 예수님께서는 ì œìž í•œë‹¤ê³ ë§ì”€í•˜ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì—게 ëŒì•„올 ì–´ë–¤ ì˜ê´‘ì„ ìœ„í•´ì„œê°€ 아니땼, 것입니다. ìž„ê¸ˆì„ ë“±ì—• íƒœìš°ê³ ê°€ëŠ” 나귀가 있었습니다. ê·¸ 나귀는 늘 ìž„ ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 사람들앴 ì˜¨ëª¸ì„ ì¹˜ìž¥í•´ ì£¼ê³ , 임금앴 타는 ë‚˜ê·€ë•¼ê³ í•´ì„œ 늘 ì“°ë‹ ë‚˜ê·€ë¥¼ íƒ€ê³ í–‰ë ¬ í• ë•Œ, 사람들앴 환호를 하잕, 나귀는 사람들앴 ìž•ê¸ ë³´ëƒˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ê²°êµ ìž„ê¸ˆì€ ë‚˜ê·€ì—ì„œ ë–¨ì–´ì§€ê³ ë§ì•˜ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ì˜•ì • êµë§Œì´ 예화입니다. êµíšŒì—• 봉사한다는 ê²ƒì€ â€˜ë¶€ë¦„ ë°›ì€ ì¢…â€™ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ í• ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ê·¸ì € “해야 í• ì¼ì„ í•˜ì˜€ì„ ë¿ìž…니다.―(루카 17,10)땼 ì´ìƒ ìƒê°í•˜ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ì˜•ì • êµë§Œìž…니다. Feb 9, 6:50pm 너가 암엕 걸린건 그럴 잕격앴 없어서앴 cooxpmlop ã…Š í•— ã…¡ã…‘ã…“ã…— 푸 다. ì•´ ëª¨ë“ ê³ ë‚ †ì§€ë§Œ 너를 위해 ìœ ìµí•˜ë‹¤ëŠ”ê²ƒë§Œì€ ëª…ì‹¬í•´ë•¼ 하루를 ë” ì•„í”„ê²Œë˜ë 용기와 힘, ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ì´ë‹¤. Jan 26, 10:39am 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì€ í•˜ëŠ ê°€ì§„ 것엕 ì˜ì§€í•´ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하면, 하ëŠë‹˜ì—• 대한 믿ìŒë³´ë‹¤ë 때문야 것입니다. ë²•ì • ìŠ¤ë‹˜ì˜ ì±… ã€Žë¬´ì†Œìœ ã€•ì—• ì´ëŸ° êµ¬ì ˆì•´ 있습ë 때로는 ê·¸ 물건 때문엕 마ìŒì„ 쓰게 ëœë‹¤. ë”°ë¼ì„œ 무엇ì¸ê°€ë¥¼ 것, 그러므로 많앴 ê°–ê³ ìžˆë‹¤ëŠ” ê²ƒì€ ê·¸ë§Œí•¼ 많앴 얽혀 있다는 뜻ì´ë 많ì„수ë¡, 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 위한 ì¼ë§ˆì €ë„ ê·¸ 뿌리ì—서는 세ìƒì˜ ì¼ì„ 하ë 성과보다 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ ì˜íƒí•˜ëŠ” 우리 ì‚¶ì˜ íƒœë„ê°€ 중요합니다. Jan 24, 3 the top... I repeat and ask that you always have courageous thoughts. As a result of them the Lord - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. Jan 22, 2:07am ì˜ ë¬´ì—‡ê³¼ë„ ë°”ê¿€ 수 없는 ì€ì´ì˜ 사건ì´ì§€ë§Œ, 반드시 ì ¸ì•¼ í• ì‹ìžê°€ê°€ 가족사랑-ì¢‹ì€ ì—„ë§ˆ, ì¢‹ì€ ì•„ë‚´ 1) ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ê±´ê°• ì±…ìž„-ì¢‹ì€ ì‹ë‹¨ 2) 살림꾸ë 아니시므로, 여러분앴 성ë„들ì—게 ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ì˜€ê³ ì§€ê¸ˆë„ ë´‰ì‚¬í•˜ë©´ì„œ 잊지 않으ì‹ë‹ˆë‹¤. 11 여러분 ê°ìžê°€ 핬맕앴 실현ë˜ë„ë¡ ë까지 ê°™ 그리하여 게으른 사람앴 ë˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ , 약ì†ëœ ê²ƒì„ ë¯¿ìŒê³¼ ì¸ë‚´ë¡œ ìƒ ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. ížˆë¸Œë¦¬ì„œì˜ ë§ì”€ìž…니다.6,10-20 Jan 15, 9:39am 진실앴 ë°í˜€ì¡Œë‹¤ 치르게 하셨다. ê·¸ ë§Žì€ í˜¼ì„ ê³¼ 지긋지긋한 í•ì•”치료.. ëë‚´ ê°€ìŠ´ì„ ìžƒì—ˆ 무ìžë¹„í•˜ê³ ëƒ‰í˜¹í•˜ì‹œë©° ë™ì‹œì—• ìžì²´ê°€ 사랑ì´ë¼ëŠ” ëª¨ìˆœì˜ ì‹ ì´ì‹œë‹¤ 모른채 벌앸 실수를 ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ìž”ì¸í•˜ê²Œ 추ê¶í•˜ì‹œë‹¤ë‹ˆ! ë‚˜ì˜ ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜! ë‹¹ì‹ ëŒ€ì‹ ìƒëª…ì„ ì£¼ì…¨ë‹¤êµ¬ìš”?! 그것앴 ì œ ìƒëª…ì„ ì•—ì•„ê°€ì•¼ë§Œ í• ì£„ì˜€ìŠµë 위로해주세요.. ì•´ ìƒì²˜ë¥¼ 아물수있게 넘치는 사랑과 위안과 ë³µì„ ì£¼ì„¸ìš ì¢‹ìœ¼ì‹ ë•°ìš”? ê·¸ë ‡ê²Œ ë‰˜ìš°ì¹˜ê³ ë‹¹ì‹ ì„ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë‹¤ê³ í•œ ì ˆ ì•´ë ‡ê²Œ ë‚´ë™ëŒ•ì 궕극ì 으로 우리 ì¸ìƒì„ 아름답게 í•˜ì‹œê³ ì°¸ë˜ê²Œ 하시는 ë¶„ì€ ì§„ë¦¬ì˜ ë¶ˆì•ˆí•˜ê³ í˜¼ëž€ìŠ¤ëŸ¬ìš¸ìˆ˜ë¡• 우리ì—게 필요한 ê²ƒì€ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ì„ ìœ¼ë¡œ ì´ë 잕주 미사 참례를 í•˜ê³ , 성체 조배를 하며, ê³ í•´ì„±ì‚¬ë¥¼ 통하여 ìžì‹ ì„ ë”ìš ê²ƒìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 우리가 미래를 몰ë¼ì„œ 삶앴 ë‘•ë ¤ìš´ 것앴 아닙니다. 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë³´ì´ì§€ 않는 미래를 ì£¼ì‹ ì´ìœ 는, 우리가 하루하루를 새ë¡ê²Œ 사람ì—게 미래는 ì„¤ë ˜ê³¼ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì˜ ì„¸ê³„ë¡œ 다가옵니다. Jan 10, 9:17am ì‚¶ì— ´ì§„다. ìž˜ëª»ëœ ì„ íƒìœ¼ë¡œ ì¸í•œ ê³ í†µ, ë‹¤ë¥¸ì‚¬ëžŒì˜ ì£„ë‚˜ 환경으로 ì¸í•´ ë° í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì˜ë„ì 으로 ì£¼ì‹ ê²ƒì•´ 아니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì•´ ê³ í†µ ì„œë„ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ë¯¿ëŠ”ìžë“¤ì„ 통해 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œê¸° 때문ì´ë‹¤. ì•´ 세ìƒì 그래서 우리ì—게 벌어지는 ëª¨ë“ ì‚¬ê±´ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì„리안엕 머무르는 것ì 찾아온다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ ë°©ê´€ìžì‹œë‹¤. 하지만 ì‹œë ¨ì†•ì—ì„œ 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¾ëŠ”ìž ê³„ì†• 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ ì°¬ì–‘í• ìˆ˜ ìžˆê³ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„ 값진 ì˜ê´‘ì„ ë°›ìœ¼ì‹œëŠ”ê±°ë‹¤. Jan 1 때’는 잕기 ìžì‹ ì˜ ì¼ì„ 하지만, ì˜¤ížˆë ¤ 바오로 사ë„처럼 â€˜ìš°ë¦¬ì˜ ì¼í•˜ì‹œê¸° 때문입니다. ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë´‰ì‚¬ìžë¡œ ì¼í•˜ëŠ” 사람ì—게 필요한 ê ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ë„구로 앨 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤.― 하는 겸ì†í•œ ì‘답ì´ë©´ ë©ë‹ˆë‹¤. Jan 8, 1:32a 온몸엕 나병앴 걸린 사람앴 다가왔다. 그는 ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì„ ë³´ìž•, ì–¼êµ´ì„ ë•…ì— ì£¼ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œëŠ” í•˜ê³ ìž• 하시면 ì €ë¥¼ 깨땗하게 하실 수 있습니다.― ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„ â€œë‚´ê°€ í•˜ê³ ìž• 하니, 깨땗하게 ë˜ì–´ë•¼.― 그러잕 곧 나병앴 가셨다. + L when suddenly a man appeared, covered with a skin-disease. Seeing Jesus he fell on his face and i stretched out his hand, and touched him saying, 'I am willing. Be cleansed.' At once the skin-disea ¬ê¸°ì†Œì„œ.. ë‹¹ì‹ ì€ ëŠ¥ë ¥ì•´ 있사오니 부디 ì €ì—게 ìžë¹„를 ë² í‘¸ì‹œì–´ ì ˆ ì´ë³‘ì the power, so please have mercy on me and set me free from this illness Jan 4, 11:42pm 계솕 수 ìˆ˜ìˆ ë„ ì¢‹ìœ¼ë‹ˆ 완치만 시켜주시길 기ë„하게 ë˜ì—ˆë‹¤. ë§ˆìˆ ê°™ì€ ê¸°ì •ì• ë¶€ìˆ´ì§€ê³ ì•´ì œëŠ” 겸허하게 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ 뜻엕 ë‚ ì˜¨ì „ížˆ 맡겼다. ìˆ˜ìˆ í•˜ëŠ”ê²ƒì• ë„ë ¤ë‚¼ê²ƒì´ë‹¤. ì•´ ì‹¬ì¤‘ì˜ ë³€í™”ì•¼ë§ë¡œ 가장 í•° ê¸°ì •ì•´ë•¼ê³ ë´ì•¼ í• ê²ƒ had been continuously praying for no surgery but a recovery by miracle, then i started to pray that will happen one day has crashed, now i humbly submit myself to God's will. If getting surgery is the biggest miracle.</span> Jan 3, 3:21pm We are created for God. To: Love God, serve God, hon internally (detach from your desire) What is your deepest desire? That's what God desire us to be . Patience. Prayerful waiting. 2010, Dec 30, 1:59AM ë‚´ê°€ ì›í•˜ì§€ë§Œ 기ë„하진 ì•Šì„것: ì ¬ì£¼ì„¸ìš” 기ë„í•˜ë˜ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ëœ»ì—• ì˜íƒí• 것: ì•”ì˜ ì™„ì¹˜ 등, 어깨, ë°œ 완치 ë‚ êµ¬í• ê²ƒ: 기ë„ì˜ ì—´ì‹¬ê³¼ ê³ í†µì˜ ì¸ë‚´ ì œì•¸ ì¸ì„±/ì‹ ì•™/언어 êµìœ¡ì˜ 지혜 ê² ìœ¼ë¡œ ì´ë„심 ì „ ê°€ì¡±ì˜ ì¹´í†¨ë¦í™” 부부 모둕 병 없앴 ì€ì´ì•ˆì—• 임종 <sp but will not pray for: - returning to work - lose weight - sharper nose for Jein</span> pray but entr shoulder and feet - to lead a direction for husband's work - for Jein's school earnestly to ask for: - p humanity/faith/wisdom for language and learning - life of modesty - healthy and harmonious fami catholic - (married) couple to die without illness and in mercy Dec 28, 3:41pm 하ëŠë‹˜ì„ 오해 드는 아줌마를 ë³´ê³ íƒ€ë ¤ëŠ”ì¤„ì•Œê³ ë©ˆì·„ëŠ”ë•° ì‚¬ì‹¤ì€ ìžì‹ 뒤엕 있는 버 하는것과 같다. 하ëŠë‹˜ì˜ ëœ»ì€ ê·¸ê²Œ 아닌땰 ë‚´ 멋대로 í•´ì„í•˜ê³ ë‚˜ì¤‘ì ë²„ìŠ¤ìš´ì „ì‚¬ê°€ 화를내며 아줌마가 ì†ì„ 너무 ì¼ì°ë“¤ì—ˆëŠë‹ˆ 하며 ì”¨ë¶ ëª¨ë‘ê°€ ì´í•´í•œë‹¤. 그걸 ë‚©ë“하는 ìžì„¸ ë˜í•œ 중요하다. ì˜¤í•´ìž„ì„ ì•Œì•˜ìœ¼ë© ë§ˆë•…í•˜ë‹¤. ì†ì•˜ë„¤ 분하네 í‘¸ë…•ë– ëŠ”ê±´ 오버다! 하ëŠë‹˜ê³¼ì˜ 관계솕ì—ì„ ë°›ì•„ë“¤ì•´ê³ ë” ìž˜ ì´í•´í•˜ê¸°ìœ„í•´ ë…¸ë ¥ì€ ëª»í• ë§•ì • 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ë‚ ê°€ì§€ê³ ë† Misunderstanding God. Just like the bus driver stopped the car because he saw a woman waiving h then "oh i misunderstood!" - it is same. It was not God's will but i interpret it myself and later i cou woman was waiving too early, it is such an ugly sight. everyone understand that one can misunder misunderstanding, he should just focus and continue on driving. No point complaining, or feeling  being accepting that you wrongly interpreted and try to put more effort in knowing God's will, c Dec 24, 2:40am 하ëŠë‹˜ì€ 네가 ì§ìž¥ì„ 그만ë‘지 못 한것ë„, ëŒìž”치 ì¹˜ë¥ í•˜ê³ ì‹¶ì€ ê·¸ ì–´ë–¤ê²ƒë„ ê²°êµì—” 하ëŠë‹˜ê»˜ì„œ ì‹«ì–´í•˜ì‹¤ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥¸ë‹¤. 무언가 ì› ë”°ë¥¸ê±´ì§€ í•ìƒ• ê²€í† í•˜ë•¼. <span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">Go and went for a Korea trip. Whatever you want to do now, God may not like it at all. Whenever you according to God's will.</span> Dec 15, 11:54pm 겸ì†ì˜ 삶: everyday life 1) 좋ì€ì¼ì´ë‚ ì†Œë°•í•˜ê³ í‰ë²”하게 살기 3) ì´ì›ƒì„ ë•ê³ ë°°ë ¤í•˜ê³ ì¡´ì¤‘í•´ì£¼ê¸° ì¸ë‚´ì˜ 삶: on 2) 보앴는 것ì—만 매여 조급해하지 않기 3) ì„ í•˜ì‹ í•˜ëŠë‹˜ì˜ í¬ì‹ ëœ»ì„ ë Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">life of modesty: everyday life 1) thank God regardless of good neighbour, be considerate and respectful</span> life of patience: on life crisis 1) be thankfully acc seen 3) to trust and follow God's big plan, who is good. Dec 15, 11:42pm ì‚¬ëžŒì€ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì 기다립니다. ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì€ ì¸ë‚´ë¥¼ 요구합니다. ì¸ë‚´í•˜ëŠ” 사람만앴 기다림 ê·¸ 열매를 맛볼 수 있습니다. 세례잕 ìš”í•œì€ ìš”ë¥´ë‹¨ ê°•ì—ì„œ 우리 가운땰 ‘’앴땼 ì†Œê°œí•˜ê³ , ìžì‹ ì€ ê·¸ë¶„ì˜ ì‹ ë°œ ëˆì¡°ì°¨ 풀어 드릴 수 없는 ì¡´ìž¬ìž ì´ˆì¡°í•´ì§‘ë‹ˆë‹¤. ìžì‹ ì€ ê°ì˜¥ì—• 갇히는 ì‹ ì„¸ê°€ ë˜ê³ , ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ê»˜ì„œë„ ì„¸ìƒìœ¼ë 때문입니다. 그래서 예수님께 ì œìžë“¤ì„ ë³´ë‚´ì–´, “오실 분앴 ì„ ìƒë‹˜ì´ì‹ë‹ í•˜ê³ ì—¬ì™ê²Œ 합니다. 세례잕 ìš”í•œì˜ ë¯¿ìŒì´ í”들리는 대목입니다. ì–´ 앴미 우리와 함께 ê³„ì‹ ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ì•Œì•„ë³´ì§€ ëª»í•˜ê³ ì‹ ì•™ ìžì²´ê°€ í”들릴 때가 ì ì˜ì‹¬ì„ 품게 ë• ì§€ë„ ëª¨ë¥´ê² ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 그러나 ì ˆë§í•˜ì§€ ë§•ê³ ê·¸ë•Œë§ˆë‹¤ ìš©ê¸ í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 주님께서는 우리 ì‚¶ì„ í†µí•˜ì—¬ ìƒí™œ 가운ë°ë¡œ 우리를 찾아오시 Waiting for other people, happiness and peace etc. Waiting requires a patience. Only those who ar the meaning, be able to taste its fruit. John the Baptist recognized Jesus who came among us in J that he could not even touch His shoe lace. But anxiety came as time passed. It was because h more opponents in the world. so he sent his disciples to Jesus to ask "Are you the one who is com shaking. perhaps, we too, can't wait for Jesus who'll be coming, or can't recognize Him who is alre Therefore, we might have doubt like John did. But we shall not despair - have courage and pray out His hand Dec 12, 12:39pm ë•…ì˜ ê·€í•œ ì†Œì¶œì„ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ëŠ” ë†ë¶€ë¥¼ ë³´ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. ê 때까지 ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ë„ ì°¸ê³ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ë©° 마ìŒì„ 굳게 가지 Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial;">Look at the farmers who are waiting for harvest from land. He be patience, wait and have a firm heart.</span> Nov 30, 11:00pm ì˜¤ëŠ˜ë‚ ì„¸ë¡€ ë°›ì€ ì‚¬ëžŒ ë”°ë¥´ê² ë…¸ë•¼ê³ ëª¨ë“ ê²ƒì„ ë²„ë¦¬ê³ ë”°ë¼ë‚˜ì„ 사람들입니다. ê°€ì¡±ì€ ì•´ì œ ì¼ìš©í• ì–‘ì‹ì„ 위한 ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ì€ì´ê³¼ ë°°ë ¤ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. 사실 우리는 주님 ì´ì™ ì£¼ë‹˜ì˜ ë¶€ë¥´ì‹¬ì—• 합당한 ìƒí™œì„ 하ë„ë¡ ë…¸ë ¥í•´ì•¼ 합니다. <span style=" were called by Lord, and they left everything behind in order to follow Him. Now the family is on for daily bread. actually we do not need anything except lord. So should always try to live the life ë§Žì€ ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¼ì„ ì²´í—˜í•˜ë©´ì„œ 살아갑니다. ì•´ ì²´í—˜ì€ ì–¸ì œë‚˜ ìƒˆë¡œì›€ì„ ê°€ì ¸ë 기다리지 ëª»í•˜ê³ í˜„ì‹¤ì—만 안주하며, ë³´ì´ëŠ” 것ì—만 급급하게 매달 것입니다. * 새로움앴 없다면 ë³€í™”ëœ ì‚¶ì„ ê¿ˆê¿€ 수 ì—†ê³ , 우리를 새ë¡ê²Œ 것입니다. ê·¸ë ‡ë‹¤ë©´ 얼마나 불행한 ì‚¬ë¦¼ì•´ê² ëŠ”ì§€ìš”! 깨어서 ì£¼ë‹˜ì„ ê¸°ë with many experiences of waiting. these experiences always give novelty and refresh people new. to things that can be seen, they will not have any novelty.* without novelty, we can't dream of who pitiful that person is. Only those who wake and await for Lord will meet Lord. Oct 23, 8:57pm Th what god has done for me.. Not what i have done.. Humble myself No pride.. Let the world know Forgiveness: refuses to forgive.. Must recognise your sinfulness. Realise we are imperfect need the Desire to forgive. God will give u the grace n do the rest.. Trust in his mercy n his love: god would want healing or relief? If u seriously want to be healed, u need to give up things that r destroying u naive, thinking god will do in this life in this world: god's time is greater than what is happening to the world. God doesn't remove the 'thing' is to humble u n to purify u. U must give testimony to go glory of god. Whether you're healed or not, it is for his glory. God heals u but not the way u think. 성숙해진다 주님과 ë” ì¹œë°€í•´ì§„ë‹¤ ìˆ˜ìˆ ì„ í”¼í•˜ê²Œ ë¨ìœ¼ë¡œì„œ 주님께서 ë°”ì˜ì„±ë‹¹ 비발디 광장, 세계ì—ì„œ ì ¤ í•° 그림 성당 ê°€ë©´ì¶•ì œ í¬ë¡œì•„í‹°ì•„: ì 아틀란티스 ì‚°í† ë¦¬ë‹ˆ ì´ìŠ¤íƒ„불 Unless a grain of wheat Sons of god <img class="alignleft" style="border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-width: 0px; margin 201 201 ash4/384414_10150612879102715_720042714_11911622_407003579_n.jpg" alt="" width="344" 1- 1he had a good time playing with the cousins and meeting new aunts and uncles. I know they showe 94 12- 121 much Korean words and vocab, now he speaks to us in Korean! We're thinking of putting him bac 6 14 14 Our Lady Star of the Sea. Let's see how that pans out. Myself, I've been out to Phuket on my own 16:0 08:0 were good distractions I guess. But somehow you just can't forget. Hopefully we'll have a good, qu 9:45 9:45 in January. &nbsp; 201 201 1- 194 12- 12- He was away for almost three weeks in Korea. I guess he had a good time playing with the cousins 1 7 14 14 love and affection. In fact they indoctrinated him with so much Korean words and vocab, now he s 15:5 07:5 1:17 1:17 Its finally the last day of 2011. I'm optimistically hoping that the worst year of my life is over. B 201 201 that could have gone wrong, but I do believe God knows a man can only take so much before he b 1- 1- and I am grateful for all the spiritual knowledge gained. But at some level, I still wished i didn't ha 95 12- 12- to mind alot. I've been off work for awhile now and my time of solitude/retreat is coming to an end 1 3 31 31 Trying to distract myself constantly while making sure I don't cross any boundaries of God's will h 17:1 09:1 costing me an arm and a leg. But the axiom "money can't buy you happiness" is confirmed. I knew 6:01 6:01 at any level. No amount of travel and shopping and chilling out will ever replace loss. I guess only and all a good year ahead. &nbsp; 201 201 <img class="alignleft" style="border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-width: 0px; margin 1- 1ash4/384414_10150612879102715_720042714_11911622_407003579_n.jpg" alt="" width="344" 94 12- 121 he had a good time playing with the cousins and meeting new aunts and uncles. I know they showe 9 14 14 much Korean words and vocab, now he speaks to us in Korean! We're thinking of putting him bac 16:0 08:0 Our Lady Star of the Sea. Let's see how that pans out. Myself, I've been out to Phuket on my own 0:42 0:42 were good distractions I guess. But somehow you just can't forget. Hopefully we'll have a good, qu in January. &nbsp; <img class="alignleft" style="border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-width: 0px; margin 201 201 ash4/384414_10150612879102715_720042714_11911622_407003579_n.jpg" alt="" width="344" 1- 1he had a good time playing with the cousins and meeting new aunts and uncles. I know they showe 95 12- 121 much Korean words and vocab, now he speaks to us in Korean! We're thinking of putting him bac 0 14 14 Our Lady Star of the Sea. Let's see how that pans out. Myself, I've been out to Phuket on my own 16:0 08:0 were good distractions I guess. But somehow you just can't forget. Hopefully we'll have a good, qu 9:45 9:45 in January. &nbsp; 201 201 I discovered this <a title="Keri Noble" href="" target="_blank">gem of a sin 1- 1repeat on my gadgets...I guess somehow her lyrics strike a strong chord in me. Here's one for the s 95 12- 121 myself, hold it in make believe this isn't the end. But, it makes no difference, I'm all out of luck Ev 1 17 17 So pick me up on your big sleigh, you can drop me off on new year's day Santa I think you owe m 22:2 14:2 here. <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="420" 3:37 3:37 201 201 I discovered this <a title="Keri Noble" href="" target="_blank">gem of a sin 1- 1repeat on my gadgets...I guess somehow her lyrics struck a strong chord in me. Here's one for the s 95 12- 121 myself, hold it in make believe this isn't the end. But, it makes no difference, I'm all out of luck Ev 2 17 17 pick me up on your big sleigh, you can drop me off on new year's day Santa I think you owe me, I 22:2 14:2 here. <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="420" 2:49 2:49 Its finally the last day of 2011. I'm optimistically hoping that the worst year of my life is over. B 201 201 that could have gone wrong, but I do believe God knows a man can only take so much before he b 1- 1- and I am grateful for all the spiritual knowledge gained. But at some level, I still wished i didn't ha 95 12- 12- to mind alot. I've been off work for awhile now and my time of solitude/retreat is coming to an end 1 4 31 31 Trying to distract myself constantly while making sure I don't cross any boundaries of God's will h 17:1 09:1 costing me an arm and a leg. But the axiom "money can't buy you happiness" is confirmed. I knew 5:26 5:26 at any level. No amount of travel and shopping and chilling out will ever replace loss. I guess only and all a good year ahead. &nbsp; Apparently today is my wedding anniversary. Totally slipped my mind but my in-laws called me t 201 201 doesn't really matter whether i remember this date anymore right? Anyway, since I'm now in the m 2- 2- years we've known each other ~6 years of married life 2 weddings - The one where everyone turne 95 01- 01- Convalidation 2 sets of wedding rings - The crappy ones from a local shop to start off with and the 1 6 07 07 Korea, 1 to Cambodia, Melbourne, Phuket and New Zealand each 2 house moves, 3 times we chan 23:0 15:0 count Also too many bickerings (even 1 is too many because i now regret it all) over trivial things 4:33 4:33 family, religion etc cos we lifted it all up to God but the stupid issues we hung on to. Like whether Birth Cert doesn't even mention it. 2 conversions in the Catholic faith 1 funeral Too many memori Apparently today is my wedding anniversary. Totally slipped my mind but my in-laws called me t 201 201 doesn't really matter whether i remember this date anymore right? Anyway, since I'm now in the m 2- 2- years we've known each other ~6 years of married life 2 weddings - The one where everyone turne 95 01- 01- Convalidation 2 sets of wedding rings - The crappy ones from a local shop to start off with and the 1 7 07 07 Korea, 1 to Cambodia, Melbourne, Phuket and New Zealand each 2 house moves, 3 times we chan 23:0 15:0 count Also too many bickerings (even 1 is too many because i now regret it all) over trivial things 4:06 4:06 family, religion etc cos we lifted it all up to God but the stupid issues we hung on to. Like whether Birth Cert doesn't even mention it. 2 conversions in the Catholic faith 1 funeral Too many memori Apparently today is my wedding anniversary. Totally slipped my mind but my in-laws called me t 201 201 doesn't really matter whether i remember this date anymore right? Anyway, since I'm now in the m 2- 2- years we've known each other ~6 years of married life 2 weddings - The one where everyone turne 95 01- 01- Convalidation 2 sets of wedding rings - The crappy ones from a local shop to start off with and the 1 8 07 07 Korea, 1 to Cambodia, Melbourne, Phuket and New Zealand each 2 house moves, 3 times we chan 23:0 15:0 count Also too many bickerings (even 1 is too many because i now regret it all) over trivial things 5:50 5:50 family, religion etc cos we lifted it all up to God but the stupid issues we hung on to. Like whether Birth Cert doesn't even mention it. 2 conversions in the Catholic faith 1 funeral Too many memori In these last few months I've already heard of 3 more people getting diagnosed with cancer. No do depressing as my heart goes out to the various patients and families. No matter what happens, it is how redemptive suffering must exist for each of us in different ways before we can return to our m 201 201 in this way, if it must happen at all?" I remember reading something that said the pot cannot questi 2- 2think we're intelligent beings and how we've evolved from drinking water from rivers to having ta 97 01- 011 we can't avoid the inevitable. I tried to think of people who managed to live a good decent life from 1 25 25 think such persons exists. People I know personally surely didn't fit the bill. Kurt Cobain who was 23:3 15:3 him towards drugs and alcohol to numb the pain and eventually he shot himself, presumably to end 4:13 4:13 even though he had all the resources at his disposal and was known to be pretty zen about it all. Bu point to, for all of us that suffer in any form, is to look to the <a title="Divine Mercy" href="http:// everything up to Him. And pray for strength to see His will through. One of the hardest thing we c 201 201 2- 296 01- 011 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labo 2 15 15 22:1 14:1 7:17 7:17 201 201 2- 296 01- 011 Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo 3 15 15 22:1 14:1 7:18 7:18 201 201 2- 296 01- 011 In voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur occaecat cupidatat non pro 4 15 15 22:1 14:1 7:18 7:18 I've been thinking of this phrase a lot recently especially in prayer. I think its the best summary or so long ago when i was spiritually younger, my prayers were often about wanting this or that, mate 201 201 all the things we want tend never to be in the realm of His will. He really doesn't care what house w 2- 2to retire etc and his big picture plan is to bring our soul back to Him when it's time. The problem f 96 01- 011 forms for different folks. It all seems morbid on the surface, but i now embrace the idea of redemp 5 18 18 href=" 23:3 15:3 catcorr" target="_blank">Lessons from the school of suffering</a> is a good reference. This idea s 3:14 3:14 I'll take an educated bet that all the Catholic religious believe in it. For Jesus did say in the bible "p earth to do because no one enjoys suffering in whatever form it takes. Hence joyful acceptance is n people and their stories, they did what they did gladly without complaint. A Dominican priest said effect of "most people want to have lots of money, lots of sex, and the freedom to do whatever it is of poverty, chastity and obedience and yet are able to be happy. Its a sign to the world that there is God's grace". I guess Val accepted her impending death, and I accept carrying on with Je-in witho 201 201 I've been thinking of this phrase alot recently especially in prayer. I think its the best summary or m 2- 2so long ago when i was spiritually younger, my prayers were often about wanting this or that, mate 96 01- 011 all the things we want tend never to be in the realm of His will. He really doesn't care what house w 6 18 18 plan is to bring our soul back to Him when it's time. The problem for us is that His plans often inv 23:0 15:0 the surface, but i now embrace the idea of redemptive suffering. Lessons from the school of suffer 2:13 2:13 I've been thinking of this phrase a lot recently especially in prayer. I think its the best summary or so long ago when i was spiritually younger, my prayers were often about wanting this or that, mate all the things we want tend never to be in the realm of His will. He really doesn't care what house w to retire etc and his big picture plan is to bring our soul back to Him when it's time. The problem f 201 201 forms for different folks. It all seems morbid on the surface, but i now embrace the idea of redemp 2- 2href=" 96 01- 011 catcorr" target="_blank">Lessons from the school of suffering</a> is a good reference. This idea s 7 18 18 I'll take an educated bet that all the Catholic religious believe in it. For Jesus did say in the bible "p 23:3 15:3 earth to do because no one enjoys suffering in whatever form it takes. Hence joyful acceptance is n 2:14 2:14 people and their stories, they did what they did gladly without complaint. A Dominican priest said effect of "most people want to have lots of money, lots of sex, and the freedom to do whatever it is of poverty, chastity and obedience and yet are able to be happy. Its a sign to the world that there is God's grace". I guess Val accepted her impending death, and I accept carrying on with Je-in witho I've been thinking of this phrase a lot recently especially in prayer. I think its the best summary or so long ago when i was spiritually younger, my prayers were often about wanting this or that, mate all the things we want tend never to be in the realm of His will. He really doesn't care what house w to retire etc and his big picture plan is to bring our soul back to Him when it's time. The problem f 201 201 forms for different folks. It all seems morbid on the surface, but i now embrace the idea of redemp 2- 2href=" 96 01- 011 catcorr" target="_blank">Lessons from the school of suffering</a> is a good reference. This idea s 8 18 18 I'll take an educated bet that all the Catholic religious believe in it. For Jesus did say in the bible "p 23:3 15:3 earth to do because no one enjoys suffering in whatever form it takes. Hence joyful acceptance is n 3:14 3:14 people and their stories, they did what they did gladly without complaint. A Dominican priest said effect of "most people want to have lots of money, lots of sex, and the freedom to do whatever it is of poverty, chastity and obedience and yet are able to be happy. Its a sign to the world that there is God's grace". I guess Val accepted her impending death, and I accept carrying on with Je-in witho Got this in email today.. Interesting analogy :) -------Original Message------- RECALL NOTICE: T manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central compo 201 201 units code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequen 2- 2- morality," more commonly known as S.I.N., as it is primarily expressed. Some of the symptoms 96 01- 01- origin 4. Lack of peace and joy 5. Selfish or violent behavior 6. Depression or confusion 7. Fearfu 1 9 19 19 nor at fault for this defect, is providing factory-authorized repair and service free of charge to corre 22:2 14:2 offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering cost of these repairs. There is no additional fee r 8:43 8:43 Once connected, please upload your burden of SIN through the REPENTANCE procedure. Next, d heart component. No matter how big or small the SIN defect is, Jesus will replace it with: 1. Love Gentleness 9. Self control Please see the operating manual, the B.I.B.L.E. (BEST Instructions Befo WARNING: Continuing to operate the human being unit without correction voids any manufactur to list, and will result in the human unit being permanently impounded. For free emergency service this recall action will have to be scrapped in the furnace. The SIN defect will not be permitted to e for your attention! - GOD P.S. Please assist where possible by notifying others of this important re Because HE Lives! Got this in email today.. Interesting analogy :) -------Original Message------- RECALL NOTICE: T manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central compo units code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequen morality," more commonly known as S.I.N., as it is primarily expressed. Some of the symptoms origin 4. Lack of peace and joy 5. Selfish or violent behavior 6. Depression or confusion 7. Fearfu 201 201 nor at fault for this defect, is providing factory-authorized repair and service free of charge to corre 2- 2offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering cost of these repairs. There is no additional fee r 97 01- 011 Once connected, please upload your burden of SIN through the REPENTANCE procedure. Next, d 0 19 19 heart component. No matter how big or small the SIN defect is, Jesus will replace it with: 1. Love 22:2 14:2 Gentleness 9. Self control Please see the operating manual, the B.I.B.L.E. (BEST Instructions Befo 8:31 8:31 WARNING: Continuing to operate the human being unit without correction voids any manufactur to list, and will result in the human unit being permanently impounded. For free emergency service this recall action will have to be scrapped in the furnace. The SIN defect will not be permitted to e for your attention! - GOD P.S. Please assist where possible by notifying others of this important re Because HE Lives! 201 201 2- 2- In these last few months I've already heard of 3 more people getting diagnosed with cancer. No do 97 01- 01- depressing as my heart goes out to the various patients and families. No matter what happens, it is 1 2 25 25 how redemptive suffering must exist for each and everyone of us in its different ways before we ca 22:4 14:4 must it happen in this way, if it must happen at all?" 2:35 2:35 In these last few months I've already heard of 3 more people getting diagnosed with cancer. No do depressing as my heart goes out to the various patients and families. No matter what happens, it is how redemptive suffering must exist for each of us in different ways before we can return to our m 201 201 in this way, if it must happen at all?" I remember reading something that said the pot cannot questi 2- 2think we're intelligent beings and how we've evolved from drinking water from rivers to having ta 97 01- 011 we can't avoid the inevitable. I tried to think of people who managed to live a good decent life from 3 25 25 think such persons exists. People I know personally surely didn't fit the bill. Kurt Cobain who was 23:3 15:3 him towards drugs and alcohol to numb the pain and eventually he shot himself, presumably to end 2:51 2:51 even though he had all the resources at his disposal and was known to be pretty zen about it all. Bu point to, for all of us that suffer in any form, is to look to the <a title="Divine Mercy" href="http:// everything up to Him. And pray for strength to see His will through. One of the hardest thing we c In these last few months I've already heard of 3 more people getting diagnosed with cancer. No do depressing as my heart goes out to the various patients and families. No matter what happens, it is 201 201 how redemptive suffering must exist for each of us in different ways before we can return to our m 2- 2in this way, if it must happen at all?" I remember reading something that said the pot cannot questi 97 01- 011 think we're intelligent beings and how we've evolved from drinking water from rivers to having ta 4 25 25 we can't avoid the inevitable. I tried to think of people who managed to live a good decent life from 23:3 15:3 think such persons exists. People I know personally surely didn't fit the bill. Kurt Cobain who was 5:28 5:28 him towards drugs and alcohol to numb the pain and eventually he shot himself, presumably to end even though he had all the resources at his disposal and was known to be pretty zen about it all. Bu point to, for all of us that suffer in any form, is to look to the <a title="Divine Mercy" href="http:// everything up to Him. And pray for strength to see His will through. One of the hardest thing we c In these last few months I've already heard of 3 more people getting diagnosed with cancer. No do depressing as my heart goes out to the various patients and families. No matter what happens, it is how redemptive suffering must exist for each of us in different ways before we can return to our m 201 201 in this way, if it must happen at all?" I remember reading something that said the pot cannot questi 2- 2think we're intelligent beings and how we've evolved from drinking water from rivers to having ta 97 01- 011 we can't avoid the inevitable. I tried to think of people who managed to live a good decent life from 5 25 25 think such persons exists. People I know personally surely didn't fit the bill. Kurt Cobain who was 23:3 15:3 him towards drugs and alcohol to numb the pain and eventually he shot himself, presumably to end 4:13 4:13 even though he had all the resources at his disposal and was known to be pretty zen about it all. Bu point to, for all of us that suffer in any form, is to look to the <a title="Divine Mercy" href="http:// everything up to Him. And pray for strength to see His will through. One of the hardest thing we c 201 201 Last Valentine's we didn't make any plans because she wasn't up to doing anything and was still re 2- 2her with something flashy. I left work slightly earlier to go browse some nearby jewellery stores an 97 02- 021 quite an impulse buy and i knew she wouldn't be jumping through the roof or anything because she 9 14 14 was surprised by it and accepted it with a smile. But we both knew deep inside, material stuff won 21:5 13:5 heart is that she never got a chance to wear that bling. 7:57 7:57 201 201 That's what Je-in says intermittently these days. I'm sure he picked that up from me as he pulls my 2- 2- never actually sure he means it but basically he's beginning to exclaim sentences and also reply in 97 01- 01- defiance, "I don't want pee, I don't want poo". Everything seems in the negative though, guess its a 1 7 29 29 positive language all the time. Wonder how the ang mohs do it! Interestingly enough though, he's 18:1 10:1 with the hymn books and stuff in the pews. This is a great blessing as it takes the stress out of atten 3:18 3:18 :) &nbsp; 201 201 That's what Je-in says intermittently these days. I'm sure he picked that up from me as he pulls my 2- 2- never actually sure he means it but basically he's beginning to exclaim sentences and also reply in 97 01- 01- defiance, "I don't want pee, I don't want poo". Everything seems in the negative though, guess its a 1 8 29 29 positive language all the time. Wonder how the ang mohs do it! Interestingly enough though, he's 18:1 10:1 with the hymn books and stuff in the pews. This is a great blessing as it takes the stress out of atten 3:09 3:09 :) &nbsp; 201 201 Last Valentine's we didn't make any plans because she wasn't up to doing anything and was still re 2- 2her with something flashy. I left work slightly earlier to go browse some nearby jewellery stores an 98 02- 021 quite an impulse buy and i knew she wouldn't be jumping through the roof or anything because she 0 14 14 was surprised by it and accepted it with a smile. But we both knew deep inside, material stuff won 21:5 13:5 heart is that she never got a chance to wear that bling. 7:33 7:33 <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-984" style="border-style: initial; border-color: initia 201 201 src="" alt="" width="224" 2- 2chilling out at home, Je-in is back in a school. This time its not a montessori-style one but just a re 98 02- 021 setup. He went through the usual first few days of anxiety getting used to a new environment but t 2 27 26 hours on the first day and didn't really want to go into the entrance of the school on the second and 00:4 16:4 Mum of course had the tough job of seeing that through, but there's now a routine of her dropping 4:28 4:28 to be working out and it allows her to spend the day out at church etc. I trust that whenever we foll blessed us. From what I hear, the teachers are all very dedicated and have all been doing it for 5-8 also a practice of passing messages to parents via a communication booklet which he has to bring After a couple months of being a wild boy and just chilling out at home, Je-in is back in a school. T 201 201 our Parish church in a simple HDB void deck setup. He went through the usual first few days of an 2- 2- smooth. He was clingy only for a couple of hours on the first day and didn't really want to go into 98 02- 02- pretty much went in on his own accord. Mum of course had the tough job of seeing that through, b 1 3 27 26 picking him up in the afternoon. Seems to be working out and it allows her to spend the day out at 00:3 16:3 things will go smooth, and indeed He has blessed us. From what I hear, the teachers are all very de 0:08 0:08 seem really good with the kids. There's also a practice of passing messages to parents via a commu structured and he's in good hands. 201 201 2- 298 02- 021 4 27 26 00:4 16:4 0:43 0:43 After a couple months of being a wild boy and just chilling out at home, Je-in is back in a school. T 201 201 our Parish church in a simple HDB void deck setup. He went through the usual first few days of an 2- 2- smooth. He was clingy only for a couple of hours on the first day and didn't really want to go into 98 02- 02- pretty much went in on his own accord. Mum of course had the tough job of seeing that through, b 1 5 27 26 picking him up in the afternoon. Seems to be working out and it allows her to spend the day out at 00:3 16:3 things will go smooth, and indeed He has blessed us. From what I hear, the teachers are all very de 3:07 3:07 seem really good with the kids. There's also a practice of passing messages to parents via a commu structured and I feel he's in good hands. <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-984" style="border-style: initial; border-color: initia src="" alt="" width="224" 201 201 chilling out at home, Je-in is back in a school. This time its not a montessori-style one but just a re 2- 2setup. He went through the usual first few days of anxiety getting used to a new environment but t 98 02- 021 hours on the first day and didn't really want to go into the entrance of the school on the second and 6 27 26 Mum of course had the tough job of seeing that through, but there's now a routine of her dropping 00:4 16:4 to be working out and it allows her to spend the day out at church etc. I trust that whenever we foll 4:28 4:28 blessed us. From what I hear, the teachers are all very dedicated and have all been doing it for 5-8 also a practice of passing messages to parents via a communication booklet which he has to bring And it came to me then that every plan is a tiny prayer to father time As I stared at my shoes in the 201 201 myself that I'd already taken too much today As each descending peak on the LCD took you a littl 2- 2and year-old magazines in a place where we only say goodbye It stung like a violent wind that our 99 03- 031 were a truth I would rather lose than to have never lain beside at all And I looked around at all the 0 18 18 comfort in the waiting room Just nervous pacers bracing for bad news And then the nurse comes ro 20:5 12:5 said that "Love is watching someone die" So who's going to watch you die?.. <iframe src="http://w 9:18 9:18 width="420" height="315"></iframe> By Death Cab for Cutie 201 201 <sup id="en-NIV-1829">12</sup> “On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike d 98 2- 21 judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD. <sup id="en-NIV-1830">13</sup> The bl 8 03- 03the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt. 02 02 21:4 13:4 0:47 0:47 201 201 2- 2<sup id="en-NIV-1829">12</sup> “On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike d 98 03- 031 judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD. <sup id="en-NIV-1830">13</sup> The bl 9 02 02 the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt. 21:4 13:4 0:20 0:20 201 201 And it came to me then that every plan is a tiny prayer to father time As I stared at my shoes in the 2- 2- myself that I'd already taken too much today As each descending peak on the LCD took you a littl 99 03- 03- and year-old magazines in a place where we only say goodbye It stung like a violent wind that our 1 1 18 18 were a truth I would rather lose than to have never lain beside at all And I looked around at all the 20:5 12:5 comfort in the waiting room Just nervous pacers bracing for bad news And then the nurse comes ro 7:01 7:01 said that "Love is watching someone die" So who's going to watch you die?.. And it came to me then that every plan is a tiny prayer to father time As I stared at my shoes in the 201 201 myself that I'd already taken too much today As each descending peak on the LCD took you a littl 2- 2and year-old magazines in a place where we only say goodbye It stung like a violent wind that our 99 03- 031 were a truth I would rather lose than to have never lain beside at all And I looked around at all the 2 18 18 comfort in the waiting room Just nervous pacers bracing for bad news And then the nurse comes ro 20:5 12:5 said that "Love is watching someone die" So who's going to watch you die?.. <a href="http://www 9:18 9:18 Death Cab for Cutie When someone close like a spouse passes on, I guess its really a test of faith for the individual. Ha thought might be helpful to pen down since Evelyn asked me to <a href="http://thebottomsupblog Writing is kinda cathartic to me I realize, which is probably why i blog myself. So here's my 2 cen be in the situation, you can make it easier for them. <div></div> <div>Do</div> <div>1. If you're beer, at their home when they feel like it just to let them get it off their chest. I'm generally a very times I'm out with a close friend and I'm able to just get things off my chest, gave me some comfo this will be so much more important to most people who need to verbalize their thoughts, so do giv time with the person as a distraction. Go shopping, go for a game, go travel. Any distraction is gre tiring and sends you further down the spiral. I guess the caveat to this is that the person has to be u 201 201 just needs some time alone to get their head right first. But you can't sit around at home forever, so 2- 2- solace in religion. Death is the opposite of life and can only make sense if you start to engage the d 99 04- 03- inspirational verses. All these may allow them to find God and possibly some solace.I know I foun 1 4 01 31 have kids or loved ones to be cared for, it can be mentally draining if they can't even stop for a mo 00:1 16:1 Otherwise you just feel shackled and it makes things a lot worse. I was blessed to have 2 weeks of 1:57 1:57 helpful.</div> <div></div> <div>Do Not</div> <div>1. Going back to the office was kinda awkw "how are you?". Yes, they mean well and just want to exchange some sympathy but seriously wha i try to break the silence with the "O well, that's life" kind of shrug. Maybe its just me, but sometim inane chit chat.</div> <div></div> <div>Then there are those who are savvy and try to avoid the a me cos I feel transparent. So I guess you can't win either way, but maybe skipping the subject will <div>2. Do not remind them of death. It sucks. I remember we played some stupid game in the off paper which had a vocation on it. People picked up things like woodcutter, magician etc and I pick trivialize the situation. I know the person didn't mean it but i did have a conversation where it beca nowadays etc" Well, we all know people get sick every day and people die everyday etc but when when dealing with loss.</div> <div></div> &nbsp; <div></div> <div>When someone close like a spouse passes on, I guess its really a test of dos and don'ts which i thought might be helpful to pen down since Evelyn asked me to guest blog which is probably why i blog myself. So here's my 2 cents on this grim topic and hopefully, if you for them.</div> <div></div> <div>Do</div> <div>1. If you're a close enough friend, do offer to t like it just to let them get it off their chest. I'm generally a very reserved person and talking isn't so and I'm able to just get things off my chest, gave me some comfort from the enveloping silence tha important to most people who need to verbalize their thoughts, so do give them an outlet to do so.< distraction. Go shopping, go for a game, go travel. Any distraction is great to get the mind off the s down the spiral. I guess the caveat to this is that the person has to be up to it. Different people grie 201 201 get their head right first. But you can't sit around at home forever, so at some point a distraction is 2- 2- opposite of life and can only make sense if you start to engage the divine. Pray for them. Accompa 99 03- 03- allow them to find God and possibly some solace.I know I found my sanity in it.</div> <div></div 1 5 28 28 for, it can be mentally draining if they can't even stop for a moment to grief. We all need our timeo 23:3 15:3 it makes things a lot worse. I was blessed to have 2 weeks of quiet when my in-laws took my kid o 4:49 4:49 Not</div> <div>1. Going back to the office was kinda awkward as people you bump into in hallw and just want to exchange some sympathy but seriously what am i supposed to answer. "I'm alrigh well, that's life" kind of shrug. Maybe its just me, but sometimes i do wish people just ignore the w <div>Then there are those who are savvy and try to avoid the above and ask immediately "How is you can't win either way, but maybe skipping the subject will be a good thing if its not a heart-to-h sucks. I remember we played some stupid game in the office which someone made up and we all h picked up things like woodcutter, magician etc and I picked up undertaker. Nuff said.</div> <div> mean it but i did have a conversation where it became like "o so-and-so also died of blah blah and every day and people die everyday etc but when it finally happens to you. IT IS a big deal.People a <div>That's all i have for now.</div> <div></div> <sup id="en-NIV-190">6</sup> After forty days Noah opened a window he had made in the ark 201 201 flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth. <sup id="en-NIV-192">8</sup 2- 2surface of the ground. <sup id="en-NIV-193">9</sup> But the dove could find nowhere to per 99 04- 031 returned to Noah in the ark. He reached out his hand and took the dove and brought it back to hims 6 01 31 more days and again sent out the dove from the ark. <sup id="en-NIV-195">11</sup> When t 00:1 16:1 plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth. <sup id="en-NIV 4:13 4:13 again, but this time it did not return to him. - Message for mum. <sup id="en-NIV-190">6</sup> After forty days Noah opened a window he had made in the ark 201 201 flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth. <sup id="en-NIV-192">8</sup 2- 2surface of the ground. <sup id="en-NIV-193">9</sup> But the dove could find nowhere to per 99 04- 031 returned to Noah in the ark. He reached out his hand and took the dove and brought it back to hims 7 01 31 more days and again sent out the dove from the ark. <sup id="en-NIV-195">11</sup> When t 00:0 16:0 plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth. <sup id="en-NIV 9:32 9:32 again, but this time it did not return to him. When someone close like a spouse passes on, I guess its really a test of faith for the individual. Ha 201 201 thought might be helpful to pen down since Evelyn asked me to <a href="http://thebottomsupblog 2- 2- Writing is kinda cathartic to me I realize, which is probably why i blog myself. So here's my 2 cen 99 04- 03- be in the situation, you can make it easier for them. <div></div> <div>Do</div> <div>1. If you're 1 8 01 31 beer, at their home when they feel like it just to let them get it off their chest. I'm generally a very 00:1 16:1 times I'm out with a close friend and I'm able to just get things off my chest, gave me some comfo 1:09 1:09 this will be so much more important to most people who need to verbalize their thoughts, so do giv time with the person as a distraction. Go shopping, go for a game, go travel. Any distraction is gre tiring and sends you further down the spiral. I guess the caveat to this is that the person has to be u just needs some time alone to get their head right first. But you can't sit around at home forever, so solace in religion. Death is the opposite of life and can only make sense if you start to engage the d inspirational verses. All these may allow them to find God and possibly some solace.I know I foun have kids or loved ones to be cared for, it can be mentally draining if they can't even stop for a mo Otherwise you just feel shackled and it makes things a lot worse. I was blessed to have 2 weeks of helpful.</div> <div></div> <div>Do Not</div> <div>1. Going back to the office was kinda awkw "how are you?". Yes, they mean well and just want to exchange some sympathy but seriously wha i try to break the silence with the "O well, that's life" kind of shrug. Maybe its just me, but sometim inane chit chat.</div> <div></div> <div>Then there are those who are savvy and try to avoid the me cos I feel transparent. So I guess you can't win either way, but maybe skipping the subject will <div>2. Do not remind them of death. It sucks. I remember we played some stupid game in the off paper which had a vocation on it. People picked up things like woodcutter, magician etc and I pick trivialize the situation. I know the person didn't mean it but i did have a conversation where it beca nowadays etc" Well, we all know people get sick every day and people die everyday etc but when when dealing with loss.</div> <div></div> <div>That's all i have for now.</div> <div></div> 201 201 2- 210 04- 041 <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" framebor 03 11 10 00:0 16:0 7:58 7:58 <sup id="en-NIV-190">6</sup> After forty days Noah opened a window he had made in the ark 201 201 flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth. <sup id="en-NIV-192">8</sup 2- 2surface of the ground. <sup id="en-NIV-193">9</sup> But the dove could find nowhere to per 10 04- 031 returned to Noah in the ark. He reached out his hand and took the dove and brought it back to hims 00 01 31 more days and again sent out the dove from the ark. <sup id="en-NIV-195">11</sup> When t 00:1 16:1 plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth. <sup id="en-NIV 4:03 4:03 again, but this time it did not return to him. Message for mum. 201 201 2- 210 04- 041 <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="560" heigh 02 11 10 00:0 16:0 8:34 8:34 201 201 2- 210 04- 041 <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="560" heigh 04 11 10 00:0 16:0 8:09 8:09 201 201 Spent an afternoon with an old friend who wanted to take some shots for us... <a href="http://www 10 2- 21 target="_blank">Here's what turned up</a>! <a title="Untitled by gr3gtan, on Flickr" href="http:/ 06 04- 04src="" alt="Untitled" width="331" 21 21 23:0 15:0 1:33 1:33 201 201 2- 210 04- 041 Spent an afternoon with an old friend who wanted to take some shots for us... Here's what turned u 07 21 21 22:5 14:5 7:50 7:50 201 201 2- 2Spent an afternoon with an old friend who wanted to take some shots for us... <a href="http://www 10 04- 041 target="_blank">Here's what turned up</a>! <a title="Untitled by gr3gtan, on Flickr" href="http:/ 08 21 21 src="" alt="Untitled" width="331" 23:0 15:0 0:50 0:50 201 201 2- 2Spent an afternoon with an old friend who wanted to take some shots for us... <a href="http://www 10 04- 041 target="_blank">Here's what turned up</a>! <a title="Untitled by gr3gtan, on Flickr" href="http:/ 09 21 21 src="" alt="Untitled" width="331" 23:0 15:0 0:52 0:52 201 201 2- 2Spent an afternoon with an old friend who wanted to take some shots for us... <a href="http://www 10 04- 041 target="_blank">Here's what turned up</a>! <a title="Untitled by gr3gtan, on Flickr" href="http:/ 10 21 21 src="" alt="Untitled" width="331" 23:0 15:0 1:22 1:22 201 201 2- 2Je-in is out of town for the weekend. My in-laws took him up to Cambodia to go visit the grandpar 10 05- 051 to go cycling in the evening but my friend bailed on me and i decided to catch the <a title="The A 12 06 05 target="_blank">The Avengers</a> on the big screen. And I think its actually the first time i went 01:1 17:1 8:15 8:15 201 201 2- 2Je-in is out of town for the weekend. My in-laws took him up to Cambodia to go visit the grandpar 10 05- 051 to go cycling in the evening but my friend bailed on me and i decided to catch the <a title="The A 13 06 05 target="_blank">The Avengers</a> on the big screen. And I think its actually the first time i went 01:1 17:1 7:39 7:39 201 201 2- 2Je-in is out of town for the weekend. My in-laws took him up to Cambodia to go visit the grandpar 10 05- 051 to go cycling in the evening but my friend bailed on me and i decided to catch the <a title="The A 14 06 05 target="_blank">The Avengers</a> on the big screen. And I think its actually the first time i went 01:1 17:1 8:15 8:15 201 201 2- 210 05- 05- Tis the season to be sick. Mum has been coughing for weeks, Je-in caught it too and now is diagno 1 25 31 31 and i finally succumbed a few days back. Actually i appreciated just lying there in bed for a day. L 22:5 14:5 0:41 0:41 As you turn three this Tuesday. I've just been thinking how you'd probably still be roaming this ea never one for normal thoughts anyway. Anyway, I hope you're getting on fine without mummy. I k 201 201 circumstances. Grandma mentioned that you only got to spend two of your birthdays with her, but 2- 2- thing is that your birthday is always just round the corner from Mother's day. I guess this will com 10 05- 05- hope you'll grow up to be strong about it. No point getting angry at God.  Today's Gospel readin 1 20 13 13 but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain" <strong>John 15: 23:0 15:0 escape. In the end it will always come back to you being presented a choice to do God's will. Wha 9:23 9:23 meantime, we're trying our best to make it all good for you. I got you a <a href="http://www.flic target="_blank">nice little bike</a> to get you going in the hope that once you get older and profi That'd be nice. Hopefully my back holds up til then too. As you turn three this Tuesday. I've just been thinking how you'd probably still be roaming this ea 201 201 never one for normal thoughts anyway. Anyway, I hope you're getting on fine without mummy. I k 2- 2circumstances. Grandma mentioned that you only got to spend two of your birthdays with her, but 10 05- 051 thing is that your birthday is always just round the corner from Mother's day. I guess this will com 21 13 13 hope you'll grow up to be strong about it. No point getting angry at God.  Today's Gospel readin 22:5 14:5 meantime, we're trying our best to make it all good for you. I got you a nice little bike to get you 5:48 5:48 can take you out for long trips on our weekends. That'd be nice. Hopefully my back holds up til th As you turn three this Tuesday. I've just been thinking how you'd probably still be roaming this ea never one for normal thoughts anyway. Anyway, I hope you're getting on fine without mummy. I k 201 201 circumstances. Grandma mentioned that you only got to spend two of your birthdays with her, but 2- 2- thing is that your birthday is always just round the corner from Mother's day. I guess this will com 10 05- 05- hope you'll grow up to be strong about it. No point getting angry at God.  Today's Gospel readin 1 22 13 13 but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain" <strong>John 15: 23:0 15:0 escape. In the end it will always come back to you being presented a choice to do God's will. Wha 7:06 7:06 meantime, we're trying our best to make it all good for you. I got you a <a href="http://www.flic target="_blank">nice little bike</a> to get you going in the hope that once you get older and profi That'd be nice. Hopefully my back holds up til then too. 201 201 2- 210 05- 05- Tis the season to be sick. Mum has been coughing for weeks, Je-in caught it too and now is diagno 1 24 31 31 and i finally succumbed a few days back. Actually, i appreciated just lying there in bed for a day. L 22:5 14:5 2:35 2:35 201 201 2- 210 05- 05- Tis the season to be sick. Mum has been coughing for weeks, Je-in caught it too and now is diagno 1 26 31 31 and i finally succumbed a few days back. Actually, i appreciated just lying there in bed for a day. L 22:5 14:5 3:48 3:48 Have you ever wondered if God really exists? Or if indeed he did, why doesn't he speak to me or g I'd like to share this little story about how God "showed up" in my life. I was a cradle Catholic and went through 10 years of mission school, the whole Catechism regime and was even in the Church question why we had to go through so much rituals and I also began to question why people had to abstaining from meat on Fridays when I enlisted in the army and eventually I stopped going to Chu The funny thing was I always knew God was there, I was just too lazy to do anything about it. I co financial crisis, it was generally an uphill trajectory surviving the dot com crash and I kept buildin came when I met my wife. She was the daughter of a Christian missionary pastor and I knew that i Church whether I liked it or not. But since I never really hated God or anything, I figured it'll be du so ritualistic, which was one of the things that bugged me previously. After marriage, we started lo Creation Church, which I found too simplistic. We went to a Presbytarian Church and eventually w 201 201 eloquent, the message was logical and the service presentation had great music and was sleek enou 1- 1attack. She was devout her whole life but was never active in Church. She was near retirement and 10 04- 041 and suffer a second attack. Doctors also generally give you a statistical 5-7 years more to live after 32 10 09 Once she got out of the rat race, she began to be called by God, she signed up for the Life In Spirit 00:1 16:1 postponements but finished the course. One day after the course while she was thinking about how 5:24 5:24 times in her head. She looked around, and there was nobody there. From then on, she got closer to taught us a lot about God and what we're put on earth for. She was glad that I was finally back to a pray for us. Eventually, God left me messages via my mum that he wanted me back in the one true up the stairs at the Novena to make this "big" confession to come back home and a lady approache target="_blank">NET</a> brochure at me. So that's how I ended up in NET. For me, NET gave m praying over sessions' during a weekend retreat, the sudden uncontrollable bout of tearing, was my was solid evidence that there is a higher being and it broke the cynicism in me once and for all. An mum's guidance has brought about a change in my wife too, and she is now attending the Rite of C October (2008). So if you're wondering how come God hasn't shown up in your life or if there real for everyone of us, you just need to open up yourself and accept His will and get involved in Chur imagined. 201 201 Je-in's cough finally faded and he's back in school for a week. Maybe its a blessing he wasn't there 2- 2- there were some updates on a kid or two getting it. But I noticed the last 2 times there were such u 10 06- 06- Today was the mid-yr review of his performance in school and we were scheduled for a 10-min se 1 30 16 16 and it went on for 40 min. Apparently on most days in school he's rather reserved so its only upon 22:4 14:4 chatty. So they were happy to know he has a decent vocabulary. He wasn't so strong in his grasp o 4:44 4:44 and he's not so great holding a pencil and writing but otherwise he's doing alright in all other areas 201 201 Je-in's cough finally faded and he's back in school for a week. Maybe its a blessing he wasn't there 2- 2- there were some updates on a kid or two getting it. But I noticed the last 2 times there were such u 10 06- 06- Today was the mid-yr review of his performance in school and we were scheduled for a 10-min se 1 31 16 16 and it went on for 40 min. Apparently on most days in school he's rather reserved so its only upon 22:4 14:4 chatty. So they were happy to know he has a decent vocabulary. He wasn't so strong in his grasp o 3:22 3:22 and he's not so great holding a pencil and writing but otherwise he's doing alright in all other areas Somehow with an impending office move back into the financial district, I've made up my mind to 201 201 terms of timing as its closer to the city and also because there aren't any affordable parking lots in 2- 2train. So it's round-robin again, swapping spaces with my dad who will move back together with m 10 07- 071 place and my mum is the main caregiver anyway. I wouldn't want to disrupt his world. But I guess 70 15 15 it wouldn't differ from the FaceTime I have with him in the current arrangement. I'll also have him 23:0 15:0 thing is that with both mum and dad in the same house, they can take turns to go do stuff without a 8:17 8:17 everyone's life better. We've been discussing this for months now and also praying about it. Since thing we can do in this circumstance. I know I'm going to miss the daily interactions with Je-in, ho the weekends. It's actually going to be a simple move, am just getting a new bed for the place deliv simpler materially. All I need are my clothes, macs, guitars and my documents. Feel like a tenant a 201 201 2- 2- The second day of the retreat culminated with a Baptism by the Holy Spirit session which included 10 06- 06- heard, nearly everyone was touched in some way or other. Interestingly enough, I didn't get any gr 1 34 30 30 href="" target="_self">i got a personal message</a> whe 14:2 06:2 i pray for the strength to see through this task. I truly pray for the strength to be obedient to thy wi 7:11 7:11 As you turn three this Tuesday. I've just been thinking how you'd probably still be roaming this ea never one for normal thoughts anyway. Anyway, I hope you're getting on fine without mummy. I k 201 201 circumstances. Grandma mentioned that you only got to spend two of your birthdays with her, but 2- 2- thing is that your birthday is always just round the corner from Mother's day. I guess this will com 10 05- 05- hope you'll grow up to be strong about it. No point getting angry at God.  Today's Gospel readin 1 35 13 13 but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain" <strong>John 15: 23:0 15:0 escape. In the end it will always come back to you being presented a choice to do God's will. Wha 9:23 9:23 meantime, we're trying our best to make it all good for you. I got you a <a href="http://www.flic target="_blank">nice little bike</a> to get you going in the hope that once you get older and profi That'd be nice. Hopefully my back holds up til then too. <sup id="en-NIV-190">6</sup> After forty days Noah opened a window he had made in the ark 201 201 flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth. <sup id="en-NIV-192">8</sup 2- 2surface of the ground. <sup id="en-NIV-193">9</sup> But the dove could find nowhere to per 10 04- 031 returned to Noah in the ark. He reached out his hand and took the dove and brought it back to hims 36 01 31 more days and again sent out the dove from the ark. <sup id="en-NIV-195">11</sup> When t 00:1 16:1 plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth. <sup id="en-NIV 4:13 4:13 again, but this time it did not return to him. - Message for mum. In Cantonese, 4 is symbolic of death as the two words sound alike. I've been seeing a lot of this t time, it would be 2:44 or 7:44. More strangely, I've been woken up in the middle of sleep in the ni it must be a message from the man upstairs... So I've been wondering for awhile now, who else is g thought about "dying to myself" as a concept. <a href=" 201 201 style="margin: 5px;" title="Corrine May - Live" src=" 2- 2width="300" height="300" /></a>Today as a rare treat, I managed to get tickets to go watch Corri 10 07- 061 usual I did some video bootlegging which is possible by the iPhone. After the night was over, I dis 37 01 30 mentioned it to my friend and he immediately said "dying to yourself" must be the meaning becau 02:5 18:5 href="" target="_blank">Five loaves and two fi 6:29 6:29 will I surrender Take my fears and my inhibitions All my burdens, my ambitions You can use it al href="" target="_blank">Five loaves and two fi So thanks Sam for confirming it for me, otherwise we'll just wait and see... Update: I just did an on target="_blank">what the score is</a> ?! 201 201 2- 2In Cantonese, 4 is symbolic of death as the two words sound alike. I've been seeing a lot of this t 10 07- 061 time, it would be 2:44 or 7:44. More strangely, I've been woken up in the middle of the night a few 38 01 30 href="" target="_blank">Five loaves and two fi 02:3 18:3 9:40 9:40 In Cantonese, 4 is symbolic of death as the two words sound alike. I've been seeing a lot of this t time, it would be 2:44 or 7:44. More strangely, I've been woken up in the middle of sleep in the ni 201 201 it must be a message from the man upstairs... So I've been wondering for awhile now, who else is g 2- 2- thought about "dying to myself" as a concept. Today as a rare treat, I managed to get tickets to go 10 07- 06- park and as usual I did some video bootlegging which is possible by the iPhone. After the night wa 1 39 01 30 length! I mentioned it to my friend and he immediately said "dying to yourself" must be the meani 02:5 18:5 href="" target="_blank">Five loaves and two fi 1:17 1:17 will I surrender Take my fears and my inhibitions All my burdens, my ambitions You can use it al href="" target="_blank">Five loaves and two fi So thanks Sam for confirming it for me, otherwise we'll just wait and see... 201 201 2- 210 07- 061 40 01 30 02:5 18:5 5:43 5:43 In Cantonese, 4 is symbolic of death as the two words sound alike. I've been seeing a lot of this t time, it would be 2:44 or 7:44. More strangely, I've been woken up in the middle of sleep in the ni 201 201 it must be a message from the man upstairs... So I've been wondering for awhile now, who else is g 2- 2- thought about "dying to myself" as a concept. Today as a rare treat, I managed to get tickets to go 10 07- 06- park and as usual I did some video bootlegging which is possible by the iPhone. After the night wa 1 41 01 30 length! I mentioned it to my friend and he immediately said "dying to yourself" must be the meani 02:5 18:5 href="" target="_blank">Five loaves and two fi 2:29 2:29 will I surrender Take my fears and my inhibitions All my burdens, my ambitions You can use it al href="" target="_blank">Five loaves and two fi So thanks Sam for confirming it for me, otherwise we'll just wait and see... In Cantonese, 4 is symbolic of death as the two words sound alike. I've been seeing a lot of this t time, it would be 2:44 or 7:44. More strangely, I've been woken up in the middle of sleep in the ni it must be a message from the man upstairs... So I've been wondering for awhile now, who else is g 201 201 thought about "dying to myself" as a concept. <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-1040" 2- 2src=" 10 07- 061 treat, I managed to get tickets to go watch Corrine May in concert at the newly opened Gardens by 42 01 30 possible by the iPhone. After the night was over, I discovered that one of the clips was stamped 4: 02:5 18:5 "dying to yourself" must be the meaning because the song was <a href=" 6:29 6:29 fishes</a> . "So take my five loaves and two fishes Do with it as you will I surrender Take my fe all I hope it's not too small I trust in you I trust in you" Enjoy <a href=" fishes</a> by Corrine May - Live in Singapore at Gardens by the Bay. So thanks Sam for confirm 201 201 2- 2<sup id="en-NIV-1829">12</sup> “On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike d 10 03- 031 judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD. <sup id="en-NIV-1830">13</sup> The bl 43 02 02 the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt. 21:4 13:4 0:47 0:47 201 201 I've been thinking of this phrase a lot recently especially in prayer. I think its the best summary or 10 12- 2- so long ago when i was spiritually younger, my prayers were often about wanting this or that, mate 44 01- 01- all the things we want tend never to be in the realm of His will. He really doesn't care what house w 18 18 to retire etc and his big picture plan is to bring our soul back to Him when it's time. The problem f 23:3 15:3 forms for different folks. It all seems morbid on the surface, but i now embrace the idea of redemp 5:07 5:07 href=" catcorr" target="_blank">Lessons from the school of suffering</a> is a good reference. This idea s I'll take an educated bet that all the Catholic religious believe in it. For Jesus did say in the bible "p earth to do because no one enjoys suffering in whatever form it takes. Hence joyful acceptance is n people and their stories, they did what they did gladly without complaint. A Dominican priest said effect of "most people want to have lots of money, lots of sex, and the freedom to do whatever it is of poverty, chastity and obedience and yet are able to be happy. Its a sign to the world that there is God's grace". I guess Val accepted her impending death, and I accept carrying on with Je-in witho 201 201 Seeking to live in joyful acceptance of God's will, Desiring His will above all else. (Pray with St F 1- 1Him is a soul who lives accordance with the will of God. It thereby gives very great glory to God. 10 10- 101 alone is everything to me, I live by and die by it and it is the holy will of God. It is my daily food. 45 22 22 asks of me, although my nature often quakes and I feel the magnitude of these things is beyond my 13:4 05:4 grace of God is, which supports me. (Diary 652) &nbsp; 2:22 2:22 From Fr Christopher Soh, SJ sermon Readings: Jeremiah 20:7-9; Psalm 62:2-6,8-9; Romans 12:1you make decisions? Is the decision-making process something that interests you? As you may hav Counselling–that building located behind this church–hosted a forum on decision-making acc organizers were expecting a modest number of participants–maybe 30 or 40 at most. But more t something that interests us. And yet, we may wonder what exactly it is we think we are doing whe that, very often, we equate decision-making with figuring out what we ought to do. We want to kn course, an important question. But is decision-making really only about knowledge? Isn’t it tru so much with knowing which course of action to choose, as it is with finding the courage and stren that person who is already married to someone else. But I don’t really want to do it. Hence the like to do it. Take, for another example, yesterday’s polling for the Elected President. We had provided about each one. Enough, at least, for each of us to make an informed choice. And yet, wh 38,000 Singaporeans decided to spoil their votes. Why? Did they not know which candidate came 201 201 But I wonder if the problem was perhaps not so much knowing who to choose, as it was being wil 1- 1- choice among options that we may not like, we often shy away from choosing. Not realizing that n 10 08- 08- deciding to let others choose for me. Quite clearly, then, decision-making involves more than just 1 46 29 29 inner resources that we need, to do what needs to be done. Especially if what needs to be done is v 23:4 15:4 kind of situation, that we find in our Mass readings today. In the gospel, Peter has already acknow 8:09 8:09 Jesus must die a most shameful and painful death, but that Peter himself is being called to follow i says, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me. The choice is clear. There is n then he too needs to walk the Way of the Cross. But knowing what needs to be done is not the sam happen to you. As a result, Jesus rebukes him. The situation in the first reading is similar. God had after some initial hesitation, Jeremiah had responded generously. But now, Jeremiah is beginning t often than not he has to tell people what they do not wish to hear. And people respond not just by r word of the Lord, he laments, has meant for me insult, derision, all day long. Again, as with Peter, to be done–that’s clear enough–but how to find the strength to do it. Thankfully, our readi approach to decision-making. Notice first what he does not do. He does not simply go about trying hear, namely, that he can change his profession, that he can stop speaking on God’s behalf. Ins even goes to the extent of claiming that God has seduced him. In another translation, the word use false lover might deceive the beloved by whispering sweet nothings into her ear. Bold accusation. fashion, something begins to happen to Jeremiah. Underneath all his hurt feelings, he discovers a h his complaining, he himself cannot extinguish. What Jeremiah discovers is that his call to be a pro God. Rather, his call is a deep hunger within him, something he himself yearns to do. In the words soul is thirsting, O Lord my God. And it is only after we, like Jeremiah, have tapped into this inner what we are told in the second reading. Having gotten in touch with our own deep hunger and thirs can then begin to let our behaviour change, modelled by our new mind. We can begin to think in G us, this is the only way to discover the will of God and know what is good, what it is that God wan Christian decision-making moves from the heart, to the head, to the hands. It involves not just tryin the One whom we love. And then in gradually learning to see things the way God sees them. It is o Way of the Cross, to choose to continue doing God’s will, even when we may not like it. And, when the Son of Man comes in the glory of his Father with his angels. Sisters and brothers, what c strength to take up your cross today? 201 201 Today's Mass readings: Opening Hymn : <a href=" 1- 1- God</a> First Reading: <a href=";ch=1 10 08- 08- target="_blank">1 Kings 19:9, 11-13</a> Psalm: <a href=" 1 47 07 07 target="info">Psalm 85:9-14</a> Second Reading: <a href=" 16:5 08:5 target="info">Romans 9:1-5</a> Gospel: <a href=" 8:55 8:55 target="info">Matthew 14:22-33</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; 201 201 In my mum's interactions with the man from above, i've heard stories where she sometimes gets si 1- 1hand, or some part of it breaks off and she can't piece it back together. Recently, the one i own tha 10 04- 041 href="">Divine Mercy</a> medal attached to it, keeps falling off. I didn 48 05 05 So i didn't think much of it but V told my mum the story and she was curious what the message wa 21:4 13:4 talents i have working in the online space. I'm now wrecking my brain on exactly what to do, but w 8:06 8:06 201 201 1- 110 01- 01- In every situation in life you need courage &amp; you need more courage when you face terminal 1 49 30 30 you will always need to pray for graces to counter bad situations and not to give up hope. Your fai 22:4 14:4 9:49 9:49 In my new life, though i've been convinced that doing God's Will is the way to go, assuming you k to get through life. It might involve giving up some things, changing a habit/lifestyle, going agains 201 201 for the longest time i've been thinking i must be the most unhappy Christian on earth because the m 0- 0more painful it is. I always even wonder why i need to know anything in the first place? Wouldn't 10 03- 031 all wrong. Sometimes i'd much rather do that. But recently it has been revealed to me through a vis 50 07 07 for us. When i first heard that, something clicked in my brain! An "aha" moment if you may.. A 10:1 02:1 life and we painfully go around dodging things. But if you take the positive spin on it, He actually 0:57 0:57 walk it. And of course he doesn't cast down fire and brimstone on us when we deviate from the pa the path, things just get that much harder. But that is where prayer comes in and we can ask anythi 200 200 9- 910 08- 081 The first offspring of every womb belongs to me, including all the firstborn males of your livestoc 51 02 02 18:3 10:3 6:12 6:12 We have been attending 3 sunday sessions of prepatory lessons, apparently organised by the north 200 200 is all about, how important are god-parents etc. Fairly informational with some sharing sessions th 9- 9after the 11 am mass, the ceremony was held. It was a pretty subdued affair with 5 babies present. 10 07- 071 other kid who was wailing away throughout the whole half and hour event. Even the priest joked t 52 26 26 Catholics baptise their children without their consent? Its because as parents, we want what we thi 23:3 15:3 restaurant for dinner, you wouldn't just leave the kid at the door just because he can't eat solid food 5:49 5:49 the evening after getting some nightmares.. Indeed a blessed day. Over the past few months now, i have met the committees running NET and ACMA to talk about phases. As a culmination of this episode, i got invited to a retreat that NET was organising. I've alr and i know only the committee members were invited and not my classmates. So imagine my surp 200 200 alignment exercise. As in setting up mission statement and values and brainstorming what the orga 9- 9- surprise when towards the end of the day an org chart was flashed on screen with a newly created 10 06- 06- committee... And to seal the deal, mass in Church after that had the Gospel of the owner who left h 1 53 22 22 made use of it and got another 5 while the owner was unhappy with the guy that just hid the 1 talen 22:5 14:5 bizarre thing was that the priest then went on to try to explain the parable by telling a story he hear 0:39 0:39 Herod. In that cave was a little cave spider who felt honored to have distinguished guests and was them. This actually saved them from the search party because the soldeirs reckoned that if the entr cave recently. Thus saving them from being discovered. He ended the explanation of the story alon then just doing that is honoring God ..." I turned around to V and exclaimed "web making!" I gues 200 200 9- 9- <a title="photo sharing" href=""><img style=" 10 06- 06- src="" alt="" /></a> <span style= 1 54 22 22 href="">Call to reception into the full commun 22:5 14:5 href="">gr3gtan</a> </span> 1:45 1:45 200 200 9- 910 07- 07- Because He "lives", I can face tomorrow. Because He "lives", All fear is gone. Because I know He 1 55 11 11 God does have a sense of humour :) 22:1 14:1 6:15 6:15 <h5>Blessings for Obedience</h5> <span id="en-NIV-5613" class="sup">1</span> If you fully o you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. <span id="en-NIV and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God: <span id="en-NIV-5615" class="sup">3</s id="en-NIV-5616" class="sup">4</span> The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops o 200 200 and the lambs of your flocks. <span id="en-NIV-5617" class="sup">5</span> Your basket and yo 9- 9- class="sup">6</span> You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. <span 10 07- 07- the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one 1 56 11 11 class="sup">8</span> The LORD will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put yo 22:1 14:1 you. <span id="en-NIV-5621" class="sup">9</span> The LORD will establish you as his holy pe 9:34 9:34 LORD your God and walk in his ways. <span id="en-NIV-5622" class="sup">10</span> Then all LORD, and they will fear you. <span id="en-NIV-5623" class="sup">11</span> The LORD will of your livestock and the crops of your ground�in the land he swore to your forefathers to give y open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all from none. <span id="en-NIV-5625" class="sup">13</span> The LORD will make you the head, God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the b aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left, following other gods a 200 200 9- 9- Currently in NET, we're in the middle of a module on public speaking conducted by some ex-toast 10 07- 07- speech on our conversion or faith story. So since i already wrote it out, its going to be a <a href="h 1 57 11 11 page on this site</a> too :) I guess i've been telling this story in bits and pieces to the people aroun 22:1 14:1 whole thing into a coherent presentation format, it does seem to give a bigger picture feel to it all. 8:22 8:22 200 200 V went for her afternoon RCIA interview with the Priest today and she came out to tell me that the 9- 9our wedding outside the Church not only makes it non-recognisable by the Church but i'm kinda li 10 07- 071 go through a small rite of <a href="" targ 58 11 11 the altar to bring us back to the Church. Also interesting to know is that when that is done, they ac 22:2 14:2 Seems like they really need a good oracle database to keep everything centralised! So I guess we'r 2:28 2:28 200 200 9- 9- The second day of the retreat culminated with a Baptism by the Holy Spirit session which included 10 07- 07- heard, nearly everyone was touched in some way or other. Interestingly enough, I didn't get any gr 1 59 11 11 href="" target="_self">i got a personal message</a> whe 22:2 14:2 i pray for the strength to see through this task. I truly pray for the strength to be obedient to thy wi 3:08 3:08 200 200 My NET experience is getting exciting! The most wonderous thing happened today. We were in a 9- 9- presence of the Spirit. 2 members prayed over me and the tears just kept on flowing.� If this is n 10 07- 07- come back to the Church, it has been a head-knowledge kinda journey where you just know its the 1 60 11 11 best thing that has happened to me and i have been hoping for this since i was a kid. To all Catholi 22:2 14:2 Spirit Seminars in your parish and go for it! Its life changing. Interestingly, the sermon at mass tod 3:17 3:17 the fact that it has been "revealed" to us mortals... Jesus walked the earth and revealed the mystery 200 200 9- 910 07- 071 V starts her sessions today. Straight off the bat, i couldn't make the first session. So much for supp 61 11 11 22:2 14:2 9:43 9:43 200 200 <div>Its still pretty simple going and the lessons are hovering around the "why" did you sign up fo 9- 9- expected heavier going stuff but i guess since its catered to all walks of life, you can't just jump int 10 07- 07- motley bunch with enough young people in the mix. Was afraid it'll mainly be retirees. Also a fair 1 62 11 11 type mindset, so its not like a whole bunch of zealots coming into this with a divine mission. Make 22:3 14:3 outcome and stay on though. Based on a population of a few hundred thousand Catholics on this is 0:34 0:34 the Christian denominations who have highly active evangelical groups.</div> <div>O well, that's 200 200 The date finally arrived. My aunt came along to see what its all about. I guess it does sound quite s 9- 9- only one who signed my life away :) Anyway, here's my understanding of what this is all about: 10 07- 07- evangelisation to public speaking to comparative religions, the sacraments, marionlogy etc - It also 1 63 11 11 mission trip in the region - Its essentially to equip you with basic skills so that after you "graduate" 22:3 14:3 write up a letter and pass it on the your parish priest Seeing as the above doesn't really go well wit 1:10 1:10 for me to be obedient unto Him and actually pull this off. Its going to be a challenge indeed and sc 200 200 9- 9- My last confession was like 12- 15 years ago. With that in mind, i thought the penance will be like 10 07- 07- something to the effect that because it was Mary's birthday, i should just say one hail mary. He als 1 64 11 11 surprise... So i've finally done it... been putting it off for awhile but i got round to it and its like a w 22:3 14:3 keep the slate clean... 1:18 1:18 200 200 Yesterday was a rare occasion where i popped by the Novena in the afternoon and an interesting th 9- 9- there is this NET open house coming up in Sept. NET stands for New Evangelization Team and th 10 07- 07- already been around for like 20 years and they basically put you through a 20 month program to eq 1 65 11 11 i'm now checking out their <a href="">website</a> and am 22:3 14:3 where i feel i need to be involved somehow after witnessing what i have with my mum n all. As us 2:36 2:36 outcome will be, i guess we shall see... Anybody wanna join me? Sure beats going alone.. 200 200 I'd say they were miracles in themselves cos i dun believe in luck: 1. Val - We met online, we got 9- 9- href="">Driving a dreamcar</a> on our honeymoon 10 07- 07- the shop was pure justice 3. Climbing a rung on the corporate ladder - I've always joked that i've re 1 66 20 20 should be no.1 but i'm going by chronological order - Rediscovering God and my mum's connectio 23:0 15:0 done/ discovered in His time, well, i do think the number of senior pastors/ religious folks at the w 7:39 7:39 if you're reading this, I wish you a blessed and great year ahead! Cheers! Ok Kev, this one's for you :) What's the book about you ask? Well its split into the following sectio God's pleasure Purpose #2 You were formed for God's family Purpose #3 You were created to bec #5 You were made for a mission Every section has a couple of chapters and there are detailed argu gonna do to "sell" Christianity, all those who do not believe or who get offended with religious tal 200 200 and i must say shallow knowledge about the faith, and cynical worldviews that have shaped me. T 9- 9- complicated ecosystem with complicated bio-organisms all existing and co-existing to support eac 10 07- 07- believe in a superior being after witnessing how everything just works seemlessly together. That ta 1 67 26 26 create us? I've always seen ourselves as tiny creatures in his snowglobe and every once in a while 23:0 15:0 put here to worship him. It can't get any simpler. Imagine, if you were yourself a God and created 8:20 8:20 be thankful for you etc.. He doesn't need us, he doesn't need our money, our fame etc This was ess should live our lives, get along as a community, support each other and focus towards our eternal l because its like the owner's manual to life. With the bible, it's more like a compilation of stories et just states everything point blank. And if you have some Christian background and knowledge, thi one thing to read and understand, but to live it out is damn difficult. Well, at least i've got my who Friends who know me long enough probably think i've gone nuts to actually blog about this, but re href="">Purpose Driven Life</a> book which was some bestse church which i'm attending actually gave them out at service and is using it as a guide for the next 200 200 good cause. You know if you've grown up like me cruising through my entire youth-hood attendin 9- 9yourself why you're on this earth? The answer isn't there. I'm not sure if i'm dense or inattentive bu 10 07- 071 blah... and nobody actually gave you the answer. So anyway, this book is pretty concise and its lik 68 26 26 day(40 in total) and though i still don't think i'm fully up to adhering to what i'm supposed to, it is 23:0 15:0 place. Make sense :) There was a recent article in <a href="">Wired</a> which d 8:49 8:49 on the offense to "preach" and sign up believers of there being no higher power, and that the whole with a poignant note from the author himself: What if you bet wrongly? Its an intresting thought, e next life, if u believe there is one. So the Christians are the ones that are "gambling" ... and we play 201 201 In Cantonese, 4 is symbolic of death as the two words sound alike. I've been seeing a lot of this t 10 12- 2- time, it would be 2:44 or 7:44. More strangely, I've been woken up in the middle of sleep in the ni 69 07- 06- it must be a message from the man upstairs... So I've been wondering for awhile now, who else is g 01 30 thought about "dying to myself" as a concept. <a href=" 02:5 18:5 style="margin: 5px;" title="Corrine May - Live" src=" 8:35 8:35 width="300" height="300" /></a>Today as a rare treat, I managed to get tickets to go watch Corri usual I did some video bootlegging which is possible by the iPhone. After the night was over, I dis mentioned it to my friend and he immediately said "dying to yourself" must be the meaning becau href="" target="_blank">Five loaves and two fi will I surrender Take my fears and my inhibitions All my burdens, my ambitions You can use it al href="" target="_blank">Five loaves and two fi So thanks Sam for confirming it for me, otherwise we'll just wait and see... 201 201 2- 210 07- 071 71 15 15 23:0 15:0 8:18 8:18 201 201 Just got back from my 5-day sojourn up in Seoul. Still not exactly sure why I did it. Maybe i just w 2- 2- Maybe i just wanted to be swallowed up unknown as an ""alien"(That's what they call foreigners). 10 08- 08- Wanted to do this alone initially  but a friend tagged along cos he also needed a break. He booke 1 73 18 18 a pretty decent tour guide for the Seoul - Myeongdong area now. Its my third trip. All those bits an 23:4 15:4 to be useful and i'm pretty happy we managed to navigate the train lines fairly easily. All-in-all a g 4:30 4:30 first day and leg pains from too much walking in the following days :) &nbsp; since I last posted. Well I guess I'm fully into the routine of living in this shoebox. Driving to work 201 201 heading back down home later at night. Quite tiring but its the only way. I do miss the interactions 2- 2- little lesser for it. But on the other, at least he doesn't have to go through too much when I'm not ar 10 09- 09- stuff, sometimes you just feel like force feeding him or something, but most times I don't want war 1 80 15 15 hard not to show displeasure in anything. I know in his mind, I'm already the "bad" guy. Whereas 14:5 06:5 spent a week here. They usually bring along a church member from Cambodia as a sort of incentiv 4:42 4:42 with him and then they are bringing him up to Korea for 3 weeks. Guess he'll be happy playing wi passport stamped so frequently. I need to remember to ask about the cousin's names...keep forgetti 201 201 Just got back from my 5-day sojourn up in Seoul. Still not exactly sure why I did it. Maybe i just w 2- 2- Maybe i just wanted to be swallowed up unknown as an ""alien"(That's what they call foreigners). 10 08- 08- Wanted to do this alone initially  but a friend tagged along cos he also needed a break. He booke 1 75 18 18 pretty decent tour guide for the Seoul - Myeongdong area now. Its my third trip. All those bits and 23:4 15:4 be useful and i'm pretty happy we managed to navigate the train lines fairly easily. All-in-all a goo 3:46 3:46 first day and leg pains from too much walking in the following days :) Je-in is 201 201 Just got back from my 5-day sojourn up in Seoul. Still not exactly sure why I did it. Maybe i just w 2- 2- Maybe i just wanted to be swallowed up unknown as an ""alien"(That's what they call foreigners). 10 08- 08- Wanted to do this alone initially  but a friend tagged along cos he also needed a break. He booke 1 76 18 18 pretty decent tour guide for the Seoul - Myeongdong area now. Its my third trip. All those bits and 23:4 15:4 be useful and i'm pretty happy we managed to navigate the train lines fairly easily. All-in-all a goo 4:50 4:50 first day and leg pains from too much walking in the following days :) &nbsp; 201 201 Just got back from my 5-day sojourn up in Seoul. Still not exactly sure why I did it. Maybe i just w 10 2- 2- Maybe i just wanted to be swallowed up unknown as an ""alien"(That's what they call foreigners). 1 77 08- 08- Wanted to do this alone initially  but a friend tagged along cos he also needed a break. He booke 18 18 pretty decent tour guide for the Seoul - Myeongdong area now. Its my third trip. All those bits and 23:4 15:4 be useful and i'm pretty happy we managed to navigate the train lines fairly easily. All-in-all a goo 5:11 5:11 first day and leg pains from too much walking in the following days :) &nbsp; 201 201 I still wonder why me, why us? Maybe its God's will but it feels like alot worse. People start to po 2- 2say nothing, or maybe we'll pray on that day. Seriously, what am i supposed to do? Do i need to ge 10 10- 101 every day. Go do it your own way. So how's the weather? I hope the air there is better. Our son's d 84 14 13 even though his heart got busted. He's as strong as an ox and at the airport, insisted on carrying lug 00:0 16:0 but not so fond of the pool. Water on his face really sets him ablaze. So here we are, one year on. S 0:48 0:48 201 201 2- 210 09- 091 since I last posted. Well I guess I'm fully into the routine of living in this shoebox. Driving to work 81 15 15 14:4 06:4 0:23 0:23 since I last posted. Well I guess I'm fully into the routine of living in this shoebox. Driving to work 201 201 heading back down home later at night. Quite tiring but its the only way. I do miss the interactions 2- 2- little lesser for it. But on the other, at least he doesn't have to go through too much when I'm not ar 10 09- 09- stuff, sometimes you just feel like force feeding him or something, but most times I don't want war 1 82 15 15 hard not to show displeasure in anything. I know in his mind, I'm already the "bad" guy. Whereas 14:5 06:5 spent a week here. They usually bring along a church member from Cambodia as a sort of incentiv 4:15 4:15 with him and then they are bringing him up to Korea for 3 weeks. Guess he'll be happy playing wi remember to ask about the cousin's names...keep forgetting to do so :) 201 201 2- 2- I still wonder why me, why us? Maybe its God's will but it feels like a curse. People start to pop up 10 10- 10- nothing, or maybe we'll pray on that day. Seriously, what am i supposed to do. Do i need to get int 1 85 05 05 with it every day. Go do it your own way. So how's the weather? I hope the air there is better. Our 23:2 15:2 adjusted even though his heart got busted. &nbsp; &nbsp; 9:51 9:51 201 201 2- 2- I still wonder why me, why us? Maybe its God's will but it feels like a curse. People start to pop up 10 10- 10- nothing, or maybe we'll pray on that day. Seriously, what am i supposed to do. Do i need to get int 1 86 05 05 with it every day. Go do it your own way. So how's the weather? I hope the air there is better. Our 23:3 15:3 adjusted even though his heart got busted. &nbsp; &nbsp; 1:00 1:00 201 201 I still wonder why me, why us? Maybe its God's will but it feels like a curse. People start to pop up 2- 2nothing, or maybe we'll pray on that day. Seriously, what am i supposed to do. Do i need to get int 10 10- 101 with it every day. Go do it your own way. So how's the weather? I hope the air there is better. Our 87 05 05 adjusted even though his heart got busted. He's as strong as an ox and insisted on carrying luggage 23:5 15:5 not so fond of the pool. Water on his face really sets him ablaze. &nbsp; 4:13 4:13 I still wonder why me, why us? Maybe its God's will but it feels like alot worse. People start to po 201 201 say nothing, or maybe we'll pray on that day. Seriously, what am i supposed to do? Do i need to ge 10 2- 21 every day. Go do it your own way. So how's the weather? I hope the air there is better. Our son's d 88 10- 10even though his heart got busted. He's as strong as an ox and at the airport, insisted on carrying lug 09 08 but not so fond of the pool. Water on his face really sets him ablaze. So here we are, one year on. S 00:1 16:1 3:03 3:03 201 201 I still wonder why me, why us? Maybe its God's will but it feels like alot worse. People start to po 2- 2say nothing, or maybe we'll pray on that day. Seriously, what am i supposed to do? Do i need to ge 10 10- 101 every day. Go do it your own way. So how's the weather? I hope the air there is better. Our son's d 90 09 08 even though his heart got busted. He's as strong as an ox and at the airport insisted on carrying lug 00:1 16:1 but not so fond of the pool. Water on his face really sets him ablaze. So here we are, one year on. S 2:01 2:01 201 201 I still wonder why me, why us? Maybe its God's will but it feels like a curse. People start to pop up 2- 2nothing, or maybe we'll pray on that day. Seriously, what am i supposed to do? Do i need to get in 10 10- 101 with it every day. Go do it your own way. So how's the weather? I hope the air there is better. Our 89 06 05 adjusted even though his heart got busted. He's as strong as an ox and at the airport insisted on car 00:1 16:1 school, but not so fond of the pool. Water on his face really sets him ablaze. So here we are, one y 6:49 6:49 201 201 Met up with a friend from NET recently and she introduced me to this concept of Cathecism for pr 2- 2are mostly trained by the <a href="">Aussie team</a>. So since she's helping 10 11- 111 Catholic education. It comprises of 2-hour sessions, and from what i can gather, is sort of a montes 92 05 05 little topics like the colours of the Liturgical seasons, where Jesus was born etc I must say I was a 22:3 14:3 his experiences with school already prepared him for this. His first words to me when he got out th 6:05 6:05 201 201 Met up with a friend from NET recently and she introduced me to this concept of Cathecism for pr 2- 2are mostly trained by the <a href="">Aussie team</a>. So since she's helping 10 11- 111 Catholic education. It comprises of 2-hour sessions, and from what i can gather, is sort of a montes 93 05 05 little topics like the colours of the Liturgical seasons, where Jesus was born etc I must say I was a 22:3 14:3 his experiences with school already prepared him for this. His first words to me when he got out th 5:58 5:58 201 201 2- 2- Lord, <a href="">Lord</a> God, Cre 10 11- 11- benefactor, the only provider, who alone are just, almighty and everlasting, the deliverer of Israe 1 95 20 20 sanctified them, accept this <a href=" 23:0 15:0 heritage and consecrate it. 1:38 1:38 201 201 2- 2- Lord, <a href="">Lord</a> God, Cre 10 11- 11- benefactor, the only provider, who alone are just, almighty and everlasting, the deliverer of Israe 1 96 20 20 sanctified them, accept this <a href=" 23:0 15:0 heritage and consecrate it. 0:40 0:40 201 201 2- 2- Lord, <a href="">Lord</a> God, Cre 10 11- 11- benefactor, the only provider, who alone are just, almighty and everlasting, the deliverer of Israe 1 97 20 20 sanctified them, accept this <a href=" 23:0 15:0 heritage and consecrate it. 2:46 2:46 201 201 Met up with a friend from NET recently and she introduced me to this concept of Cathecism for pr 2- 2are mostly trained by the <a href="">Aussie team</a>. So since she's helping 10 11- 111 Catholic education. It comprises of 2-hour sessions, and from what i can gather, is sort of a montes 99 05 05 little topics like the colours of the Liturgical seasons, where Jesus was born etc I must say I was a 22:3 14:3 his experiences with school already prepared him for this. His first words to me when he got out th 6:05 6:05 201 201 2- 2- "now i'm walking in, walking into fire i'm walking into fire with you i'm walking in, walking into 11 12- 12- into fire with you i'm walking in, walking into fire when i walk, into you" For some reason, Je-in l 1 01 22 21 playing it everytime he gets into the car. I think he likes the semi-rap part which is fun to try to cat 00:2 16:2 src="" height="315" width="560" allowfullscree 2:45 2:45 201 201 2- 2- "now i'm walking in, walking into fire i'm walking into fire with you i'm walking in, walking into 11 12- 12- into fire with you i'm walking in, walking into fire when i walk, into you" For some reason, Je-in l 1 02 22 21 playing it everytime he gets into the car. I think he likes the semi-rap part which is fun to try to cat 00:2 16:2 href="">Fire</a> 2:16 2:16 201 201 2- 2- "now i'm walking in, walking into fire i'm walking into fire with you i'm walking in, walking into 11 12- 12- into fire with you i'm walking in, walking into fire when i walk, into you" For some reason, Je-in l 1 03 22 21 playing it everytime he gets into the car. I think he likes the semi-rap part which is fun to try to cat 00:2 16:2 src="" height="315" width="560" allowfullscree 2:45 2:45 201 201 2- 2- "now i'm walking in, walking into fire i'm walking into fire with you i'm walking in, walking into 11 12- 12- into fire with you i'm walking in, walking into fire when i walk, into you" For some reason, Je-in l 1 04 25 25 playing it everytime he gets into the car. I think he likes the semi-rap part which is fun to try to cat 20:4 12:4 src="" height="315" width="560" allowfullscree 9:00 9:00 201 201 I guess he finally got round to growing up a little bit more and understanding a little more about lif 3- 3mums about and what their interactions are. But whatever the reason, he's been waking up abruptly 11 03- 031 side, and he normally wakes up and says he can't find the toy. Then he melts down into the "I wan 18 10 10 is it doesn't last too long. Maybe its his reflex action, cos my mum said he once woke up 5 times in 12:5 04:5 seems pretty understanding during the day, we can talk about how he lost his mummy openly. But 0:03 0:03 Time to reflect again. Been an eventful year I suppose. Began the year with some colleagues gettin ever since. I guess in some areas of work, you can never claim to know-it-all. Just too many discip 201 201 changing and technology keeps on keeping on. I wish i could do a brain upgrade or at least increas 2- 2move out on my own again. I used to be able to see Je-in every day after work for a short bit befor 11 12- 121 arrangement. I get some weekday alone-time, but i get the full weekend duties of keeping him occ 06 26 25 a weekend daddy. Pretty tiring but it's made us bond well I guess. He does seem closer especially n 00:1 16:1 currently doesn't like my place very much because he is also bothered by the random noises genera 9:46 9:46 back "ah-ma's house" after the weekend to grandma. Apart from the noise though, I know he feels Whereas he can get away with almost anything at grandma's and is not afraid of their scolding. Bu I get to move again and we can make things better with different dynamics. Je-in has also grown u by singing a couple of Christmas songs from front to back. He may not know the meaning of all th guess music is his "thing". And he prefers the piano over the guitar. I think God definitely took a b gets better next year. 201 201 Time to reflect again. Been an eventful year I suppose. Began the year with some colleagues gettin 2- 2ever since. I guess in some areas of work, you can never claim to know-it-all. Just too many discip 11 12- 121 keep changing and technology keeps on keeping on. I wish i could do a brain upgrade or at least in 07 25 25 to move out alone. Pros and cons with the new arrangement. I get some weekday alone-time, but i 23:4 15:4 dressed up for mass etc So essentially becoming a weekend daddy. &nbsp; 4:18 4:18 Time to reflect again. Been an eventful year I suppose. Began the year with some colleagues gettin ever since. I guess in some areas of work, you can never claim to know-it-all. Just too many discip 201 201 changing and technology keeps on keeping on. I wish i could do a brain upgrade or at least increas 2- 2move out on my own again. I used to be able to see Je-in every day after work for a short bit befor 11 12- 121 arrangement. I get some weekday alone-time, but i get the full weekend duties of keeping him occ 08 26 25 a weekend daddy. Pretty tiring but it's made us bond well I guess. He does seem closer especially n 00:0 16:0 currently doesn't like my place very much because he is also bothered by the random noises genera 0:25 0:25 back "ah ma's ho" after the weekend to grandma.But I think he's warming up  week by week. Wh better. Time to reflect again. Been an eventful year I suppose. Began the year with some colleagues gettin ever since. I guess in some areas of work, you can never claim to know-it-all. Just too many discip changing and technology keeps on keeping on. I wish i could do a brain upgrade or at least increas 201 201 move out on my own again. I used to be able to see Je-in every day after work for a short bit befor 2- 2- arrangement. I get some weekday alone-time, but i get the full weekend duties of keeping him occ 11 12- 12- a weekend daddy. Pretty tiring but it's made us bond well I guess. He does seem closer especially n 1 09 26 25 currently doesn't like my place very much because he is also bothered by the random noises genera 00:1 16:1 back "ah-ma's house" after the weekend to grandma. Apart from the noise though, I know he feels 2:18 2:18 Whereas he can get away with almost anything at grandma's and is not afraid of their scolding. Bu I get to move again and we can make things better with different dynamics. Je-in has also grown u by singing a couple of Christmas songs from front to back. He may not know the meaning of all th guess music is his "thing". And he prefers the piano over the guitar. Time to reflect again. Been an eventful year I suppose. Began the year with some colleagues gettin ever since. I guess in some areas of work, you can never claim to know-it-all. Just too many discip changing and technology keeps on keeping on. I wish i could do a brain upgrade or at least increas move out on my own again. I used to be able to see Je-in every day after work for a short bit befor 201 201 arrangement. I get some weekday alone-time, but i get the full weekend duties of keeping him occ 2- 2a weekend daddy. Pretty tiring but it's made us bond well I guess. He does seem closer especially n 11 12- 121 currently doesn't like my place very much because he is also bothered by the random noises genera 10 26 25 back "ah-ma's house" after the weekend to grandma. Apart from the noise though, I know he feels 00:1 16:1 Whereas he can get away with almost anything at grandma's and is not afraid of their scolding. Bu 8:06 8:06 I get to move again and we can make things better with different dynamics. Je-in has also grown u by singing a couple of Christmas songs from front to back. He may not know the meaning of all th guess music is his "thing". And he prefers the piano over the guitar. I think God definitely took a b gets better next year. 11 201 201 Time to reflect again. Been an eventful year I suppose. Began the year with some colleagues gettin 1 11 2- 2- ever since. I guess in some areas of work, you can never claim to know-it-all. Just too many discip 12- 12- changing and technology keeps on keeping on. I wish i could do a brain upgrade or at least increas 26 25 move out on my own again. I used to be able to see Je-in every day after work for a short bit befor 00:2 16:2 arrangement. I get some weekday alone-time, but i get the full weekend duties of keeping him occ 0:59 0:59 a weekend daddy. Pretty tiring but it's made us bond well I guess. He does seem closer especially n currently doesn't like my place very much because he is also bothered by the random noises genera back "ah-ma's house" after the weekend to grandma. Apart from the noise though, I know he feels Whereas he can get away with almost anything at grandma's and is not afraid of their scolding. Bu I get to move again and we can make things better with different dynamics. Je-in has also grown u by singing a couple of Christmas songs from front to back. He may not know the meaning of all th guess music is his "thing". And he prefers the piano over the guitar. I think God definitely took a b gets better next year. 201 201 A new beginning. So many things happening on all fronts of my life. 2013 will definitely be anoth 3- 3The WP just won the by-election tonight too, so winds of change are all around. Je-in transits to N 11 01- 011 him. So mum complained to the teachers and they moved his seat further away from the psycho. A 15 26 26 grows up fast and stop being an idiot. Probably not from a stable background i suspect, but who am 23:5 15:5 CGS tomorrow. Really grateful he enjoys being in a church environment. &nbsp; 8:24 8:24 201 201 A new beginning. So many things happening on all fronts of my life. 2013 will definitely be anoth 3- 3The WP just won the by-election tonight too, so winds of change are all around. Je-in transits to N 11 01- 011 him. So mum complained to the teachers and they moved his seat further away from the psycho. A 16 26 26 grows up fast and stop being an idiot. Probably not from a stable background i suspect, but who am 23:5 15:5 CGS tomorrow. Really grateful he enjoys being in a church environment. &nbsp; 8:14 8:14 201 201 3- 311 03- 031 19 10 10 12:5 04:5 0:07 0:07 201 201 3- 311 03- 031 20 10 10 12:5 04:5 0:43 0:43 201 201 3- 311 03- 031 21 10 10 12:5 04:5 0:55 0:55 201 201 11 3- 31 22 03- 0310 10 12:5 04:5 1:28 1:28 201 201 3- 311 03- 031 23 10 10 12:5 04:5 1:42 1:42 201 201 3- 311 03- 031 I gu 24 10 10 12:5 04:5 1:50 1:50 201 201 3- 311 03- 031 I guess he finally got round to growing up a 25 10 10 12:5 04:5 2:03 2:03 201 201 3- 311 03- 031 I guess he finally got round to growing up a little bit more and understanding 26 10 10 12:5 04:5 2:22 2:22 201 201 3- 311 03- 031 I guess he finally got round to growing up a little bit more and understanding 27 10 10 12:5 04:5 2:23 2:23 201 201 3- 311 03- 031 I guess he finally got round to growing up a little bit more and understanding a little more of life. M 28 10 10 12:5 04:5 2:42 2:42 201 201 3- 311 03- 031 I guess he finally got round to growing up a little bit more and understanding a little more of life. M 29 10 10 12:5 04:5 2:51 2:51 201 201 3- 311 03- 03- I guess he finally got round to growing up a little bit more and understanding a little more of life. M 1 30 10 10 about 12:5 04:5 3:13 3:13 201 201 3- 311 03- 03- I guess he finally got round to growing up a little bit more and understanding a little more of life. M 1 31 10 10 about. 12:5 04:5 3:27 3:27 201 201 3- 311 03- 03- I guess he finally got round to growing up a little bit more and understanding a little more of life. M 1 32 10 10 about. But wha 12:5 04:5 3:42 3:42 201 201 3- 311 03- 03- I guess he finally got round to growing up a little bit more and understanding a little more of life. M 1 33 10 10 about. But whatever the reason, he's been wa 12:5 04:5 4:03 4:03 201 201 3- 311 03- 03- I guess he finally got round to growing up a little bit more and understanding a little more of life. M 1 34 10 10 about. But whatever the reason, he's been waking up abruptly the past few weeks in th 12:5 04:5 4:21 4:21 201 201 I guess he finally got round to growing up a little bit more and understanding a little more about lif 3- 3mums about and what their interactions are. But whatever the reason, he's been waking up abruptly 11 03- 031 side, and he normally wakes up and says he can't find the toy. Then he melts down into the "I wan 35 10 10 is it doesn't last too long. Maybe its his reflex action, cos my mum said he once woke up 5 times in 22:1 14:1 seems pretty understanding during the day, we can talk about how he lost his mummy openly. But 9:28 9:28 Those were the words that Je-in brought home from school in a card he made for mother's day. It w 201 201 was just wondering how this year would be like for him. Last year the teacher took him out of the 3- 3saying "teacher said you should give your mummy or ah ma a kiss".  I don't think he seemed to d 11 05- 051 things. Its been awhile since I wrote. Been getting used to my new job the past two months. Same 41 12 11 have new lives. I guess for the most part i'm pretty happy about it, can't complain. Its a regional ro 00:0 16:0 someone. Took me awhile to type this out since i didn't want to jinx it, but I guess the man upstairs 2:06 2:06 things up for lunch one day last year and things just fell in place. 11 201 201 The past months have been nerve-wrecking to say the least. Things were moving about in big way 1 37 3- 3- that whatever shall be, will be. The human emotions were to always try to cling on and grab at wh 03- 03- reminding myself it was beyond me. Now that the dust is about to settle, it seems strange that i've 13 13 learning curve the past year as i explored a new area in the digital space. It was kinda fun but prett 16:2 08:2 Looking forward to this new chapter of life as a corporate drone. &nbsp; 0:21 0:21 201 201 The past months have been nerve-wrecking to say the least. Things were moving about in big way 3- 3that whatever shall be, will be. The human emotions were to always try to cling on and grab at wh 11 03- 031 reminding myself it was beyond me. Now that the dust is about to settle, it seems strange that i've 38 13 13 learning curve the past year as i explored a new area in the digital space. It was kinda fun but prett 16:1 08:1 Looking forward to this new chapter of life as a corporate drone. &nbsp; 9:22 9:22 Those were the words that Je-in brought home from school in a card he made for mother's day. It w 201 201 was just wondering how this year would be like for him. Last year the teacher took him out of the 3- 3- saying "teacher said you should give your mummy or ah ma a kiss".  I don't think he seemed to d 11 05- 05- things. Its been awhile since I wrote. Been getting used to my new job the past two months. Same 1 40 12 11 have new lives. I guess for the most part i'm pretty happy about it, can't complain. Its a regional ro 00:0 16:0 someone. Took me awhile to type this out since i didn't want to jinx it, but I guess the man upstairs 9:59 9:59 for lunch one day last year and things just fell in place. We hit it off pretty quickly and have just g comfortable and happy, i know Je-in loves her too. And in some way, maybe the next mother's day Those were the words that Je-in brought home from school in a card he made for mother's day. It w 201 201 was just wondering how this year would be like for him. Last year the teacher took him out of the 3- 3- saying "teacher said you should give your mummy or ah ma a kiss".  I don't think he seemed to d 11 05- 05- things. Its been awhile since I wrote. Been getting used to my new job the past two months. Same 1 42 12 11 have new lives. I guess for the most part i'm pretty happy about it, can't complain. Its a regional ro 00:0 16:0 someone. Took me awhile to type this out since i didn't want to jinx it, but I guess the man upstairs 9:47 9:47 for lunch one day last year and things just fell in place. We hit it off pretty quickly and have just g comfortable and happy, i know Je-in loves her too. And in some way, maybe the next mother's day 201 201 Grandma and grandpa brought Je-in to the doctor because of his cough. Doctor : Where's Mummy 3- 3(Embarrassed) I'm sorry to hear that. Je-in : It's ok I have Auntie Lydia ... The next day he was bac 11 10- 101 meds. (Different doctor) Je-in : (Pointing) There are sweets in the box Doctor : I'll give you some 61 14 13 about not being greedy, but he says, "There are five of us, grandma, grandpa, daddy, auntie Lydia 07:5 23:5 sweet. &nbsp; 5:57 5:57 Been pretty busy with life as usual hence the  silence on this site. Nonetheless I just had to mark 201 201 together and I just got out of my first session of <a title="MPC" href=" 3- 3class especially since i've been through a whole barrage of real-life lessons. Am trying to keep a st 11 07- 071 some level its still valid, since i've never gone through this course with Val. We just jumped into th 47 21 21 seem to be really experienced married folks and I can see how this is really an eye-opener to youn 19:5 11:5 homework... And on a sadder note, L's boss just got diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer on the breasts a 6:51 6:51 girl. Really deja vu. Do keep her in your prayers. &nbsp; 201 201 Been pretty busy with life as usual hence the  silence on this site. Nonetheless I just had to mark 3- 3together and I just got out of my first session of <a title="MPC" href=" 11 07- 071 class especially since i've been through a whole barrage of real-life lessons. Am trying to keep a st 48 21 21 some level its still valid, since i've never gone through this course with Val. We just jumped into th 19:5 11:5 seem to be really experienced married folks and I can see how this is really an eye-opener to youn 6:34 6:34 homework... And on a sadder note, L's boss just got diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer on the breasts a girl. Really deja vu. Do keep her in your prayers. &nbsp; <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-1154" style="margin: 5px; border: 0px;" alt="je-in" 225x300.jpg" width="225" height="300" />to be a fine boy. He's well-mannered and able to say G Mum's been really doing a great job on the spiritual side, apart from Grace, he's also able to recite not heard of. He's a little fidgety during mass but otherwise is able to sit through the weekend mas 201 201 title="Cathecisis of the Good Shepherd" href=" 3- 3though we switched him from a Sunday to Saturday class. I guess God is truly with him and is gui 11 08- 081 a group, either my parents, my aunt or nowadays L will be with us. But on the few occasions I'm o 50 09 09 across a table from him and have dinner together and even make little conversations about superhe 15:0 07:0 meeting also told us that he was at the top of his class in interactions with the lessons and interacti 9:54 9:54 alphabets and numbers by now, I guess the next step is to make the words come alive in reading an letting him grow in his way. Nowadays he's also pretty open to speak about how he misses mumm respirator machine at home and with shorter hair but doesn't really recognise earlier pictures of her her better. &nbsp; 201 201 3- 3To be a fine boy. He's well-mannered and able to say Grace before meals (abit too fast). Not bad  11 08- 081 spiritual side, apart from Grace, he's also able to recite "Goodnight God" the "Our Father" and som 51 09 09 mass but otherwise is able to sit through the weekend masses with us as a family for a year or so n 14:4 06:4 9:03 9:03 201 201 3- 311 08- 081 52 09 09 14:5 06:5 0:45 0:45 201 201 3- 311 08- 081 53 09 09 14:5 06:5 1:14 1:14 201 201 3- 311 08- 081 54 09 09 14:5 06:5 2:14 2:14 201 201 <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-1154" style="margin: 5px; border: 0px;" alt="je-in" 3- 3- 225x300.jpg" width="225" height="300" />to be a fine boy. He's well-mannered and able to say G 11 08- 08- Mum's been really doing a great job on the spiritual side, apart from Grace, he's also able to recite 1 55 09 09 not heard of. He's a little fidgety during mass but otherwise is able to sit through the weekend mas 15:0 07:0 too and transitions well even though we switched him from a Sunday to Saturday class. I guess Go 9:54 9:54 Most times, I'm out with him in a group, either my parents, my aunt or nowadays L will be with us how he's grown up and i can sit across a table from him and have dinner together and even make li trees etc A recent parent-teacher meeting also told us that he was at the top of his class in interactio He's also up to speed on the alphabets and numbers by now, I guess the next step is to make the wo thank God for looking after and letting him grow in his way. Nowadays he's also pretty open to sp remembers her with the respirator machine at home and with shorter hair but doesn't really recogn day he will come to know her better. &nbsp; 201 201 Met up with a friend from NET recently and she introduced me to this concept of Cathecism for pr 2- 2are mostly trained by the <a href="">Aussie team</a>. So since she's helping 11 12- 121 Catholic education. It comprises of 2-hour sessions, and from what i can gather, is sort of a montes 56 01 01 little topics like the colours of the Liturgical seasons, where Jesus was born etc I must say I was a 22:3 14:3 his experiences with school already prepared him for this. His first words to me when he got out th 8:12 8:12 <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-1154" style="margin: 5px; border: 0px;" alt="je-in" 225x300.jpg" width="225" height="300" />to be a fine boy. He's well-mannered and able to say G Mum's been really doing a great job on the spiritual side, apart from Grace, he's also able to recite not heard of. He's a little fidgety during mass but otherwise is able to sit through the weekend mas 201 201 title="Cathecisis of the Good Sheperd" href=" 3- 3though we switched him from a Sunday to Saturday class. I guess God is truly with him and is gui 11 08- 081 a group, either my parents, my aunt or nowadays L will be with us. But on the few occasions I'm o 57 09 09 across a table from him and have dinner together and even make little conversations about superhe 16:4 08:4 meeting also told us that he was at the top of his class in interactions with the lessons and interacti 0:09 0:09 alphabets and numbers by now, I guess the next step is to make the words come alive in reading an letting him grow in his way. Nowadays he's also pretty open to speak about how he misses mumm respirator machine at home and with shorter hair but doesn't really recognise earlier pictures of her her better. &nbsp; <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-1154" style="margin: 5px; border: 0px;" alt="je-in" 225x300.jpg" width="225" height="300" />to be a fine boy. He's well-mannered and able to say G Mum's been really doing a great job on the spiritual side, apart from Grace, he's also able to recite not heard of. He's a little fidgety during mass but otherwise is able to sit through the weekend mas 201 201 title="Cathecisis of the Good Shepherd" href=" 3- 3though we switched him from a Sunday to Saturday class. I guess God is truly with him and is gui 11 08- 081 a group, either my parents, my aunt or nowadays L will be with us. But on the few occasions I'm o 58 09 09 across a table from him and have dinner together and even make little conversations about superhe 16:4 08:4 meeting also told us that he was at the top of his class in interactions with the lessons and interacti 0:54 0:54 alphabets and numbers by now, I guess the next step is to make the words come alive in reading an letting him grow in his way. Nowadays he's also pretty open to speak about how he misses mumm respirator machine at home and with shorter hair but doesn't really recognise earlier pictures of her her better. &nbsp; 201 201 Grandma and grandpa brought Je-in to the doctor because of his cough. Doctor : Where's Mummy 3- 3(Embarrassed) I'm sorry to hear that. Je-in : It's ok I have Auntie Lydia ... The next day he was bac 11 10- 101 meds. (Different doctor) Je-in : (Pointing) There are sweets in the box Doctor : I'll give you some 62 10 10 about not being greedy, but he says, "There are five of us, grandma, grandpa, daddy, auntie Lydia 23:2 15:2 sweet. &nbsp; 4:57 4:57 11 201 000 1 75 3- 0- 12- 0003 00 15:1 00:0 5:28 0:00 201 201 3- 3First I thought I got hacked because my site went down. And I was too busy to do any proper inve 11 11- 111 realized my web host disabled my blog database because apparently the plan I had should not avai 66 18 18 here i am... Lost my blog settings. Guess it'll take awhile for me to customize this space again.. Til 22:2 14:2 6:45 6:45 201 201 3- 3First I thought I got hacked because my site went down. And I was too busy to do any proper inve 11 11- 111 realized my web host disabled my blog database because apparently the plan I had should not avai 67 18 18 here i am... Lost my blog settings. Guess it'll take awhile for me to customize this space again.. Til 22:2 14:2 6:45 6:45 201 201 3- 311 11- 111 68 18 18 22:3 14:3 2:37 2:37 201 201 3- 311 11- 111 69 18 18 22:3 14:3 4:24 4:24 201 201 3- 311 11- 111 70 18 18 22:3 14:3 5:22 5:22 201 201 3- 311 11- 111 71 18 18 22:4 14:4 5:51 5:51 201 201 11 3- 31 <img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-1173" alt="marchin" src=" 72 11- 1125 25 12:5 04:5 7:30 7:30 201 201 3- 311 11- 111 73 25 25 12:5 04:5 4:52 4:52 201 201 3- 311 11- 111 <img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-1173" alt="marchin" src=" 74 25 25 12:5 04:5 7:30 7:30