
Standards-Based Unit Planning Template
Part 1: Unit Planning Template
Heather Childress
Subject(s)/Course(s):__Social Studies_ Grade/Level: _______5th_________
Unit Topic/Focus: __Immigration and Ellis Island_____
Integration with other content areas: _Technology, Reading, and Writing
Estimated time for implementation: _2 weeks/ 15 hours _
Connections to previous/future learning: Passage to Freedom (Reading Story from
Scott Foresman
Standards (see Combined Curriculum Documents and others):
Academic Expectations
Program of Studies
Students make sense of the
variety of materials they read.
Students make sense of the
various things they observe.
Students make sense of the
various messages to which
they listen.
Students use computers and
other kids of technology to
collect, organize, and
communicate information and
2.15 Students can accurately
describe various forms of
government and analyze
issues that relate to the rights
and responsibilities of citizens
in a democracy.
2.16 Students observe, analyze,
and interpret human
behaviors, social groupings,
and institutions to better
understand people and the
relationships among
Students will demonstrate an
understanding of culture &
cultural elements of diverse
Students will demonstrate an
understanding of the
interpretative nature of history
using a variety of tools
Students will use information
from print and
non-print sources.
Students will understand that
technology is used to
communicate in a variety of ways
including global communications.
Students will participate in online
group projects and learning
activities using technology
Core Content for Assessment
Students will identify main
ideas and details that support
Students will establish and
maintain a focused purpose
to communicate with an
authentic audience
Students will support main
ideas and deepen the
audience’s understanding of
purpose by developing
logical, justified, and suitable
Students will compare
reasons immigrants came to
America long ago with why
immigrants come to American
Students will describe
significant historical events in
Standards-Based Unit Planning Template
individuals and among
Students interact effectively
and work cooperatively with
the many ethnic and cultural
groups of our nation and
Students will use technology to
collect data for content area
Students will use a variety of
tools and formats to summarize
and communicate the results of
observations and investigations.
Students recognize &
understand the relationship
between people & geography T-I-ICP-S-C6
& apply their knowledge in
Students will use online
real-life situations.
collaborative tools.
2.20 Students understand,
analyze, & interpret historical
events, conditions, trends, &
issues to develop historical
Students will understand that
technology is used in
collaborative and interactive
projects to enhance learning.
Students will understand that
technology is used in jobs and
careers to support the needs of
the local and global community.
Students will apply safe behavior
when using technology
Students will explore, investigate
and participate in the use of
technology in an appropriate,
safe and responsible manner.
each of the broad historical
periods and eras in U.S.
Students will describe specific
rights& responsibilities
individuals have as citizens of
the United States & explain
why civic engagement is
necessary to preserve a
democratic society.
Students will give examples
of markets in different periods
of U.S. History (Colonization,
Expansion, Industrialization,
and Twentieth Century to
Present) & explain similarities
& differences.
Students will explain & give
examples of how people
adapted to/modified the
physical environment to meet
their needs during the history
of the U.S. (Colonization,
Expansion) & analyze the
impact on their environment.
Students will explain how
technology has had an influence
on our world.
Students will explain reasons
immigrants came to America
long ago (Colonization &
Settlement, Industrialization &
Immigration, Twentieth
Century to Present) &
compare with why immigrants
come to America today.
Students will gather and use
accurate information from a
variety of electronic sources in all
Students will describe
significant historical events in
each of the broad historical
Standards-Based Unit Planning Template
content areas.
Students will evaluate the
accuracy, relevance,
comprehensiveness and bias of
electronic information sources.
periods and eras in U.S.
history (Colonization &
Settlement, Revolution & a
New Nation, Expansion &
Conflict, Industrialization &
Immigration, Twentieth
Century to Present) & explain
cause & effect relationships.
Students will use technology to
solve problems using critical
thinking and problem-solving
Other Standards (e.g., national, district, English language proficiency, Kentucky World
Languages Framework, technology, Kentucky Occupation al Skill Standards, etc.):
Technology Standards:
1.1 Students apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
2.2 Students communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and
2.3 Students develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners or other cultures.
2.4 Students will contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
3.1 Students plan strategies to guide inquiry.
3.2 Students locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of
sources and media.
4.2 Students plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.
4.4 Students use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.
5.1 Students advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.
6.1 Students understand and use technology systems.
6.2 Students select and use applications effectively and productively.
6.4 students transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.
Standards-Based Unit Planning Template
Unit Organizer:
A statement or question that:
 Focuses on realistic issues or problems
 Communicates the content standards in a way that engages students
 Connects learning to prior knowledge, experiences, skills, beliefs, and customs
This unit will focus on immigration and the lives of people that have made the choice to come to America. The
hardships that they have faced and their trials and tribulations.
Why did they leave their homes for the unknown?
Part 1: Unit Planning Template
Essential Questions (3-5 questions that guide lesson planning/focus):
Each question reflects
 Selected content standards
 Connection of learning with living
 Thinking, Problem-Solving, Application of Learning
 Engaging, Student-Centered Instruction
Why was Ellis Island chosen as the new port for immigration?
Who were/are the immigrants to the United States?
What did/do immigrants find distinctive about America?
What is it like to live in the United States as an immigrant?
Connections to Literacy: Literacy includes, reading, writing, and the creative and
analytical acts involved in producing and comprehending text.
Books for Literary Circles
A True Story of Ellis Island by: Patricia Ryon Quiri
A Nation of Many Colors by: Joshua Nissenbaum
The Land of Opportunity by: Peggy Bresnick Kendler
Immigrant Children in New York City by: Lillian Forman
Doll Hospital by: Joan Holub
A Country on the Move by: Mary C. Turck
Immigration by: Kids Discovery
Immigrant Kids by: Russell Freedman
Last Road to Safety: A True Story by: Peggy Mann
Ellis Island New Hope in a New Land by: William Jay Jacobs
Immigrants by: Martin W. Sandler
Who belongs Here? by: Margy Burns Knight
The New Life of an Immigrant by: Scott Foresman
Standards-Based Unit Planning Template
Part 1: Unit Planning Template
Culminating Activity/Assessment:
A product or performance that
 Allows learner to demonstrate their knowledge of targeted content standards
through a variety of formats (Universal Design).
 Offers choice to meet learners differentiated needs.
 Directs the development of instructional strategies and activities.
 Includes scoring guide/rubric to inform learners of expectations.
Culminating Activity/ Assessment
Students will be assessed in a variety of ways throughout the unit. The two major assessments are the OnDemand Article and the CPS Test.
Other Assessments that will be used throughout the unit
* K-W-L Chart Activity
* Class Discussions on The Immigrant Experience by: Mindsparks
* Packing Suitcase Activity
* Smart Board Activity
* PowerPoint with United Streaming Clip
* Open Response Question “Immigrant Life-Late 1800’s and Early 1900’s”
* The Nystrom Atlas of Our Country’s History Hands-On Atlas Activity
* United Streaming Video and Quiz
* Hollywood Squares review game
* Photo Story discussion
Resources to be used that support teaching and learning within the unit of study.
Resources should include multiple means to access curriculum (i.e., audio, visual, multimedia, and technology).
* Smart Board Discussion and Venn Diagram work
Virtual Tour of Ellis Island~
* PowerPoint with Encyclomedia Clip (Coming to America)
* Other Encyclomedia Clips
Moving to America: Then and Now
Immigration to the United States: American Heritage
* Video~ Island of Hope-Island of Tears
* Photo Story 3~ Ellis Island
* Classroom Performance System Test
Standards-Based Unit Planning Template
Immigration and Ellis Island (2 Weeks)
 Begin unit by completing a K-W-L Chart
 Allow students to act out The New Life of an
Immigrant by: Scott Foresman
 As a class complete and discuss the Scholastics
Virtual Tour (DOK 2~Make Observations / TS 2.2/ TI-RIPSI-S-IPS2)
 Complete CPS Quiz to review and discuss key
concepts (DOK 2~ Summarize/ TS 5.1, 6.1 and 6.2/
 Begin discussing The Immigrant Experience: Depart to
New World
 Students will pack their own suitcases as if they were
an immigrant coming to America.
 Smart Board Activity (DOK 3~ Compare and
Contrast/ TS 2.2 and 3.2/ T-I-ICP-S-C5)
 Continue discussing The Immigrant Experience: 1st
Contacts in America and The Immigrants as Seen By
 United Streaming Clip (DOK 3~ Relate/ TS 2.3/ T-IICP-S-C4)
 Discuss PowerPoint with Clip (DOK 4~ Connect and
Analyze/ TS 2.2, 2.4, and 3.1/ T-I-ICP-S-C4 and T-IRIPSI-S-R1)
 On-Demand Article (Included in clip) Rubric
 The Immigrant Experience: Adapt to a New Life
 Complete Open Response Question
 The Nystrom Atlas of Our Country’s History Hands-On
Standards-Based Unit Planning Template
Atlas Activity
 Literary Circles~ Read and discuss trade books
 Conclude with Photo Story and Discussion (DOK 4~
Analyze/ TS 1.1, 2.2, and 3.2/ T-ICP-S-C5 and T-IRIPSI-S-IPS2)
 Play Hollywood Squares Power Point Game (DOK 1~
Recall/ TS 2.2/ T-ICP-U-4 and T-I-ICP-S-C5)
 Complete test using CPS System (DOK 2~
Summarize/ TS 5.1, 6.1 and 6.2/ T-I-SESI-S-S2)
 Continue Literary Circle Discussions
 Watch and discuss Video~ Island of Hope-Island of
Tears (DOK 3~ Relate/ TS 2.3/ T-I-ICP-S-C4)