List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes Prefix/suffix Meaning Example(s) a-, an- Denotes an absence of Apathy ab- away from Abduction abdomin(o)- Of or relating to the Abdomen Abdomen -ac pertaining to cardiac acanth(o)- thorn or spine acanthocyte acous(o)- Of or relating to hearing acr(o)- extremity, topmost -acusis hearing -ad toward, in the direction of dorsad ad- increase, adherence, motion toward, very Adduction aden(o)-, aden(i)- Of or relating to a gland Adenology Acromegaly adip(o)- Of or relating to fat or fatty tissue Adipocyte adren(o)- Of or relating to adrenal glands adrenal artery -aemia (BrE) blood condition Anaemia aer(o)- air, gas Aerosinusitis aesthesio- (BrE) sensation -al pertaining to abdominal alb- Denoting a white or pale color Albino alge(si)- pain Analgesic -algia pain Myalgia alg(i)o- pain Myalgia allo- Denoting something as different, or as an addition Alloantigen, allopathy ambi- Denoting something as positioned on both sides; Describing both of two Ambidextrous amnio- Pertaining to the membraneous fetal sac (amnion) Amniocentesis an- not, without Analgesia an(o) anus andr(o)- pertaining to a man Andrology, android angi(o)- blood vessel Angiogram aniso- Describing something as unequal Anisotropic ankyl(o)-, ancyl(o)- Denoting something as crooked or bent Ankylosis ante- Describing something as positioned in front of another thing antepartum anti- Describing something as 'against' or 'opposed to' another Antibody, antipsychotic apo- separated from, derived from Apoptosis arteri(o)- Of or pertaining to an artery Artery, Arteriology arthr(o)- Of or pertaining to the joints, limbs Arthritis articul(o)- joint Articulation -ary pertaining to bilary tract -ase enzyme Lactase -asthenia weakness Myasthenia gravis -ation process aur(i)- Of or pertaining to the ear Aural aut(o)- self, same Autoimmune axill- Of or pertaining to the armpit [uncommon as a prefix] Axilla [edit] B Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s) balano- Of the glans penis or glans clitoridis Greek balanos, acorn, glans Balanitis bi- twice, double Latin bio- life Ancient Greek blast(o)- germ or bud blephar(o)- Of or pertaining to the eyelid Biology Blastomere Ancient Greek βλέφαρον (blépharon), eyelid Blepharoplast brachi(o)- Of or relating to the arm Latin (brachium) < Ancient Greek βραχίων (brachiōn), arm Brachium brachy- Indicating something as 'short' or less commonly 'little' Ancient Greek βραχυς (brachys), short; little, shallow brachycephalic brady- Indicating something as 'slow' Ancient Greek βραδυς (bradys), slow Bradycardia bronch(i)- bronchus bucc(o)- Of or pertaining to the cheek burs(o)- bursa Bronchiolitis obliterans Latin (bucca), cheek Buccolabial Bursitis [edit] C Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s) capill- Of or pertaining to hair capit- Pertaining to the head Latin (caput, capit-), the head (as a whole) Capitation carcin(o)- cancer Carcinoma Latin (capillus), hair Capillus cardi(o)- Of or pertaining to the Ancient Greek καρδία heart (kardía), heart carp(o)- Latin (carpus) < Ancient Greek καρπός (karpós), wrist; Of or pertaining to the NOTE: This root need not be Carpopedal wrist. confused with the mirror root carp(o)- meaning fruit. cata- down -cele pouching, hernia Hydrocele -centesis surgical puncture for aspiration Amniocentesis cephal(o)- Of or pertaining to the Ancient Greek κέφαλή head (as a whole) (képhalē), the head Cephalalgy cerat(o)- Of or pertaining to the Ancient Greek κέρας, κερατcornu; a horn (kéras, kerat-), a horn Ceratoid cerebell(o)- Of or pertaining to the Latin (cerebellum), little brain Cerebellum cerebellum cerebr(o)- Of or pertaining to the Latin (cerebrum), brain brain Cerebrology cervic- Of or pertaining to the Latin (cervix, cervīc-), neck, neck, the cervix cervix Cervicodorsal chem(o)- chemistry, drug Chemotherapy Greek (kata) Cardiology Cataract chir(o)-, cheir(o)- Of or pertaining to the Ancient Greek χείρ, χειροhand (cheir, cheiro-), hand chlor(o)- Denoting a green color Ancient Greek χλορος Chlorophyll (chloros), green, yellow-green chol(e)- Of or pertaining to bile Ancient Greek χολή (cholē), bile Ancient Greek χοληκύστις Of or pertaining to the (cholēkýstis), gallbladder < cholecyst(o)gallbladder χολη (cholē), bile, gall + κύστις (kýstis), bladder Chiropractor Cholaemia Cholecystectomy chondr(i)o- cartilage, gristle, granule, granular chrom(ato)- color Ancient Greek -cidal, -cide killing, destroying Latin cili- Of or pertaining to the < Latin (cilium), eyelash; cilia, the eyelashes; eyelid eyelids Ciliary circum- Denoting something as 'around' another Latin (circum), around Circumcision cis- on this side Latin (cis) clast break Greek Chondrocalcinosis Hemachromatosis co- with, together, in association col-, colo-, colono- colon Colonoscopy colp(o)- Ancient Greek κόλπος Of or pertaining to the (kólpos), bosom, womb; vagina hollow, depth Colposcopy com- with, together Latin contra against Latin cor- with, together Latin cor-, core-, coro- Of or pertaining to eye's pupil Ancient Greek κόρη (kórē), girl, doll; pupil of the eye cordi- Of or pertaining to the heart [Uncommon as a Latin (cor, cordi-), heart prefix] cornu- Applied to processes and parts of the body describing them likened or similar to horns cost(o)- Of or pertaining to the Latin (costa), rib ribs cox- Of or relating to the hip, haunch, or hip- Latin Contraindicate Corectomy Commotio cordis Latin (cornū), horn Latin (coxa), hip Costochondral Coxopodite joint Latin (cranium) < Ancient Greek κρᾱνίον (krānion), the cranium, skull, bones enclosing the brain crani(o)- Belonging or relating to the cranium -crine to secrete Endocrine cry(o)- cold Cryoablation cutane- skin Subcutaneous cyan(o)- Denotes a blue color Ancient Greek κύανος, κυάνεος (kýanos, kyáneos), blue cycl- circle, cycle Greek (kuklos) cyph(o)- Denotes something as Ancient Greek κυφός bent [uncommon as a (kȳphós), bent, hunchback prefix] cyst(o)-, cyst(i)- Of or pertaining to the Ancient Greek κύστις (kýstis), Cystotomy urinary bladder bladder; cyst cyt(o)- cell Greek Cytokine -cyte cell Greek Leukocyte [edit] D Craniology Cyanopsia Cyphosis Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s) dacrio- tear Greek dactyl(o)- Of or pertaining to a finger, toe Ancient Greek δάκτυλος (dáktylos), finger, toe de- away from, cessation Latin de- dent- Of or pertaining to teeth Latin (dens, dentis), tooth Dentist dermat(o)-, derm(o)- Ancient Greek δέρμα, Of or pertaining to the skin δέρματ- (dérma, démat-), Dermatology skin, human skin -desis binding Greek (desis) arthrodesis dextr(o)- right, on the right side Latin dexter Dextrocardia di- two Greek di- apart, separation Latin dia- (same as Greek meaning) Ancient Greek διά (diá), through, during, across dif- apart, separation Latin digit- Of or pertaining to the finger [rare as a root] Latin (digitus), finger, toe Digit Dactylology Diacetyl dis- separation, taking apart Latin dis- Dissection dors(o)-, dors(i)- Of or pertaining to the back Latin (dorsum), back Dorsal, Dorsocephalad duodeno- duodenum - upper part of the small intestine, connects to the stomach Latin duodeni Duodenal atresia dynam(o)- force, energy, power Greek δυναμις (dunamis) -dynia pain dys- bad, difficult Greek δυσ- Dysphagia, dysphasia [edit] E Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s) -eal pertaining to Latin ec- out, away Greek (ek-) ect(o)- outer, outside Greek Ectopic pregnancy -ectasis expansion, dilation Ancient Greek Bronchiectasis -ectomy Denotes a surgical Ancient Greek εκτομή operation or removal Mastectomy of a body part (ectomē), excision -emesis vomiting condition Hematemesis -emia blood condition (AmE) Greek Ἀναιμία, without blood encephal(o)- Of or pertaining to the brain Ancient Greek ενκέφαλος (enképhalos), Encephalogram the brain endo- Denotes something as 'inside' or 'within' Ancient Greek ενδο(endo-), inside, internal Endocrinology, Endospore enter(o)- Of or pertaining to the intestine Ancient Greek έντερον (énteron), intestine Gastroenterology epi- [Same as Greek meaning: on, upon] Ancient Greek επι- (epiEpistaxis, epicardium, ), before, upon, on, episclera, epidural outside, outside of episi(o)- Of or pertaining to Ancient Greek επίσιονthe pubic region, the (epísion), the pubic area, Episiotomy loins loins; vulva erythr(o)- Denotes a red color Ancient Greek ερυθρος (erythros), red -esophageal, gullet (AmE) esophago esthesio- sensation (AmE) Greek Anemia Erythrocyte eu- good, well Greek Eukaryote ex- out of, away from Latin exo- Denotes something as 'outside' another Ancient Greek εξο- (exoExoskeleton ), outside of, external extra- outside Latin [edit] F Prefix/suffix Origin language and etymology Meaning Latin (faciēs), the face, countenance faci(o)- Of or pertaining to the face fibr(o) fiber filli- fine, hair like -form, iform Used to form adjectives indicating Latin (forma), form, 'having the form of' shape front- Of or pertaining to the forehead Example(s) Facioplegic Fibroblast Cuneiform Latin (frōns, front-), the forehead Frontonasal [edit] G Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and Example(s) etymology galact(o)- milk Galactorrhea gastr(o)- Of or pertaining to the Ancient Greek γαστήρ Gastric bypass stomach (gastēr), stomach, belly -gen (1) Denotes the sense Ancient Greek -γενής 'born in, from' (2) (1) Endogen; (2) (-genēs) < γεν-νάειν Denotes the sense 'of a Heterogenous (gen-náein), to be born certain kind' -genic Formation Cardiogenic shock genu- Of or pertaining to the Latin (genū), knee knee Genu valgum gingiv- Of or pertaining to the Latin (gingīva), gum gums Gingivitis glauc(o)- Denoting a grey, bluish-grey color gloss(o)-, glott(o)- Ancient Greek Of or pertaining to the Glossology γλῶσσα, γλῶττα tongue (glōssa, glōtta), tongue gluco- glucose Glucocorticoid glyco- sugar Glycolysis gnath(o)- Of or pertaining to the Ancient Greek γνάθος Gnathodynamometer Ancient Greek γλαυκός (glaúkos), grey, bluish-grey Glaucoma jaw (gnáthos), jaw gon(o)- seed, semen; also, reproductive Ancient Greek -gram record or picture -graph record or picture -graphy process of recording Gonorrhea Angiogram Ancient Greek -γραφία (-graphía), written, Electrocardiograph drawn, graphic interpretation Angiography gyn(aec)o(BrE), gyn(ec)o- woman (AmE) Gynecomastia [edit] H Prefix/suffix halluc- hemat-, haemato(haem-, hem-) Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s)]][[Media to wander in mind Classical Latin to wander in mind Hallucinosis Of or pertaining to blood Latin (hæma) < Ancient Greek αίμα, αίματ- (haima, haimat-), blood Hematology, older form Haematology hema or hemo- blood (AmE) Hematological malignancy hemi- one-half hepat- (hepatic- Of or pertaining to the liver ) Ancient Greek ἡμι(hēmi-), "half" Cerebral hemisphere Ancient Greek ηπαρ, ηπατο- (hēpar, Hepatology hēpato-), the liver heter(o)- Denotes something as 'the other' (of two), as an addition, or different Ancient Greek έτερος (héteros), the other Heterogeneous (of two), another; different hidr(o)- sweat Greek hist(o)-, histio- tissue home(o)- similar Ancient Greek όμοιος Homeopathy (homoios) hom(o)- Denotes something as 'the same' as another or common Ancient Greek ομο(homo-), the same, common Homosexuality humer(o)- Of or pertaining to the shoulder (or [rarely] the upper arm) Incorrect Etymology < Latin (umerus), shoulder Humerus hydr(o)- water Greek Hydrophobe hyper- Denotes something as 'extreme' or 'beyond normal' Ancient Greek υπερ (hyper), over, above; Hypertension beyond, to the extreme Hyperhidrosis Histology Ancient Greek υπ(ο)Hypovolemia, (hypo-), below, under hyp(o)- Denotes something as 'below normal' hyster(o)- Ancient Greek Of or pertaining to υστέρα (hystéra), the womb, the uterus womb Hysterectomy [edit] I Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s) -ia(sis) condition Mydriasis iatr(o)- Of or pertaining to medicine, or a Ancient Greek physician [uncommon as a prefix; ιᾱτρός (iātrós), common as as suffix, see -iatry] healer, physician Iatrochemistry -iatry Denotes a field in medicine of a certain body component Ancient Greek ιᾱτρός (iātrós), healer, physician Podiatry, Psychiatry -ic pertaining to Greek (-ikos) Hepatic artery -icle small -ics organized knowledge, treatment idio- self, one's own Ovarian follicle Greek ἴδιος, idios, "one's own" Idiopathic ileo- ileum Ileocecal valve infra- below Latin Infrahyoid muscles inter- between, among Latin Interarticular ligament intra- within Latin Intracranial hemorrhage irid(o)- iris Iridectomy ischio- Ancient Greek Of or pertaining to the ischium, the ισχιόν (ischión), hip-joint hip-joint, ischium Ischiorrhogic -ism condition, disease Dwarfism -ismus spasm, contraction iso- Denoting something as being 'equal' Ancient Greek ίσος Isotonic (ísos), equal -ist one who specializes in Greek (-istes) -ite the nature of, resembling Hermaphrodite -itis inflammation Tonsillitis -ium structure, tissue pericardium Pathologist [edit] K Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology Greek κάρυον, "nut" Example(s) karyo- nucleus Eukaryote kerat(o)- cornea (eye or skin) kin(e)-, kin(o), kinesi(o)- movement Greek Kinesthesia koil(o)- hollow Greek (koilos) Koilocyte kyph(o)- humped Keratoscope Kyphoscoliosis [edit] L Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology Latin (labium), lip Example(s) labi(o)- Of or pertaining to the lip lacrim(o)- tear Lacrimal canaliculi lact(i)-, lact(o) milk Lactation lapar(o)- Of or pertaining to the abdomen-wall, flank Ancient Greek λαπάρᾱ Labiodental Laparotomy (lapárā), flank laryng(o)- Of or pertaining to the Ancient Greek λάρυγξ, larynx, the lower throat λαρυγγ- (lárynx, laryng-), Larynx cavity where the voice box is throat, gullet latero- lateral Lateral pectoral nerve lei(o)- smooth Leiomyoma Epilepsy, narcolepsy -lepsis, -lepsy attack, seizure lept(o)- light, slender Greek (leptos) leuc(o)-, leuk(o)- Denoting a white color Ancient Greek λευκος (leukos), white, bright Leukocyte lingu(a)-, lingu(o)- Of or pertaining to the tongue Latin (lingua), tongue Linguistics lip(o)- fat Liposuction lith(o)- stone, calculus Lithotripsy log(o)- speech -logist Denotes someone who studies a certain field: _____-logy Ancient Greek λογιστης (logistēs), studier, practitioner Oncologist, pathologist Ancient Greek λογoς (logos) study -logy Denotes the academic study or practice of a certain field hematology, urology lymph(o)- lymph Lymphedema lys(o)-, -lytic dissolution Lysosome -lysis Destruction Paralysis [edit] M Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s) macr(o)- large, long Macrophage -malacia softening Osteomalacia mamm(o)- Of or pertaining to the breast Latin (mamma), breast; udder mammill(o)- Of or pertaining to the nipple Latin (mammilla), nipple manu- Of or pertaining to the hand Latin (manus), hand mast(o)- Of or pertaining to the breast Ancient Greek μαστός (mastós), breast, women's Mastectomy breast; man's pectoral muscle Mammogram Manufacture meg(a)-, megal(o)-, megaly enlargement melan(o)- Denoting a black color mening(o)- membrane mes(o)- middle meta- after, behind Metacarpus -meter measurement Sphygmomanometer -metry process of measuring Optometry metr(o)- Pertaining to conditions or instruments of the uterus Ancient Greek μήτρᾱ (mētrā), womb, uterus Metrorrhagia micro- denoting something as small, or relating to smallness Ancient Greek μικρος (mikros), small Microscope mon(o)- single Infectious mononucleosis morph(o)- form, shape Morphology Splenomegaly Ancient Greek μελας, μελανο- (melas, melano-), Melanin black; dark Meningitis Ancient Greek μέσος (mesos), "middle" Mesoderm Musculoskeletal system muscul(o)- muscle my(o)- Of or relating to muscle myc(o)- fungus Onychomycosis myel(o)- Ancient Greek μυελον Of or relating to bone (myelon), marrow; bonemarrow marrow Myeloblast myring(o)- eardrum Myringotomy myx(o)- mucus Myxoma Ancient Greek μυς, μυ(mys, my-), muscle; mouse; mussel Myoblast [edit] N Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s) narc(o)- numb, sleep Greek narcolepsy nas(o)- Of or pertaining to the nose Latin (nāsum), nose nasal necr(o)- death Greek Necrotizing fasciitis neo- new Greek Neoplasm nephr(o)- Of or pertaining to the kidney Ancient Greek νεφρός (nephrós), kidney nerv- Of or pertaining to nerves and the nervous system [Uncommon as a root: neuro- mostly always used] Latin (nervus), tendon; nerve; Cognate with the Nerve Greek νευρον (neuron) (see below) neur(i)-, neur(o)- Of or pertaining to nerves and the nervous system Ancient Greek νευρον (neuron), tendon, sinew; Neurofibromatosis nerve normo- normal Nephrology Normocapnia [edit] O Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s) ocul(o)- Of or pertaining to the eye Latin (oculus), the eye odont(o)- Of or pertaining to teeth Ancient Greek οδούς, οδοντorthodontist (odoús, odont-), tooth odyn(o)- pain -oesophageal, oesophago(BrE) gullet -oid resemblance to Oculist stomatodynia Sarcoidosis ole small or little olig(o)- Denoting something Ancient Greek ολιγος as 'having little, (oligos), few having few' om(o)- Of or pertaining to the shoulder Oligotrophy Ancient Greek ωμος (ōmos), Omoplate shoulder -oma (singular), tumor -omata (plural) Sarcoma, Teratoma Ancient Greek ομφαλός (omphalós), navel, bellybutton omphal(o)- Of or pertaining to the navel, the umbilicus onco- tumor, bulk, volume onych(o)- Of or pertaining to the nail (of a finger or toe) Ancient Greek < όνυξ, όνυχο(ónyx, ónycho-), nail; claw; Onychophagy talon oo- Of or pertaining to the an egg, a woman's egg, the ovum Ancient Greek ωόν, ωο- (ōón, Oogenesis ōo-), egg, ovum oophor(o)- Of or pertaining to the woman's ovary Ancient Greek ωφόρον (ōphóron), ovary, eggbearing Oophorectomy ophthalm(o)- Of or pertaining to the eye Ancient Greek οφθαλμός (ophthalmós), the eye Ophthalmology Omphalotomy Oncology optic(o)- Middle French (optique) < Of or relating to Greek οπτικός (optikós); chemical properties Cognate with Latin oculus, of the eye relating to the eye Opticochemical or(o)- Of or pertaining to the mouth Latin (ōs, or-), mouth Oral orchi(o)-, orchido- testis Greek (orkhis, orkhi-) Orchiectomy, Orchidectomy orth(o)- Ancient Greek ορθος Denoting something (orthos), straight, correct, as straight or correct normal Orthodontist -osis a condition, disease or increase Harlequin type ichthyosis osseo- bony ossi- bone Peripheral ossifying fibroma ost(e)-, oste(o)- bone Osteoporosis ot(o)- Of or pertaining to the ear -ous pertaining to ovari(o)- Of or pertaining to the ovaries Ancient Greek ους, ωτ- (ous, Otopathy ōt-), the ear Latin (ōvarium), ovary Ovariectomy ovo-, ovi-, ov- Of or pertaining to the eggs, the ovum oxo- addition of oxygen oxy- sharp, acid, acute, oxygen Latin (ōvum), egg, ovum Ovogenesis [edit] P Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s) pachy- thick palpebr- Of or pertaining to the eyelid Latin (palpebra), eyelid Palpebra [uncommon as a root] Denoting something as pan-, pant(o)- 'complete' or containing 'everything' pachyderma Ancient Greek πας, παν- (pas, pan-), all, every panophobia, panopticon papill- Latin (papilla), nipple; Of or pertaining to the nipple dimunitive of papula Papillitis (of the chest/breast) (see below) papul(o)- Latin (papula), pimple, Indicates papulosity, a small pustle; a small elevation or swelling in the Papulation elevation or swelling in skin, a pimple, swelling the skin para- alongside of, abnormal Ancient Greek -paresis slight paralysis hemiparesis path(o)- disease Pathology -pathy Denotes (with a negative sense) a disease, or disorder Ancient Greek παθος (pathos), suffering, accident sociopathy, neuropathy ped-, -ped-, pes Of or pertaining to the foot; Latin (pēs, pēd-), foot footed Pedoscope pelv(i)-, pelv(o)- hip bone Pelvis -penia deficiency osteopenia peo- Of or pertaining to the penis Greek (peos) Peotomy -pepsia Ancient Greek πεπτός Denotes something relating (peptós) cooked, to digestion, or the digestive digested < πέσσω tract. (péssō) I boil, cook; digest Dyspepsia per- through peri- Denoting something with a position 'surrounding' or 'around' another -pexy fixation Ancient Greek περι(peri-), around Periodontal Nephropexy phaco- lens-shaped -phage, phagia Forms terms denoting conditions relating to eating or ingestion phago- eating, devouring -phagist: Forms nouns that denote a person who 'feeds on' the first element or part of the word -phagy Forms nouns that denotes Ancient Greek φαγια 'feeding on' the first element (phagia) eating; see or part of the word phagia Anthropophagy phallo- phallus Aphallia pharmaco- drug, medication pharyng(o)- Of or pertaining to the pharynx, the upper throat cavity -phil(ia) attraction for phleb(o)- Of or pertaining to the (blood) veins, a vein phob(o)- exaggerated fear, sensitivity Ancient Greek φαγἰα Sarcophagia (phagía) eating < φαγειν (phagein) to eat phagocyte Ancient Greek φαγιστης (phagistēs) eater; see -phagia Greek (phallos) Lotophagis pharmacology Ancient Greek φάρυγξ, φάρυγγ- (phárynx, Pharyngitis, pháryng-), throat, Pharyngoscopy windpipe; chasm Hemophilia Ancient Greek φλεψ, Phlebography, φλεβ- (phleps, phleboPhlebotomy ), blood-vessel, vein arachnophobia phon(o)- sound phos- Of or pertaining to light or its chemical properties, now Ancient Greek φλως, historic and used rarely. See φλωτ- (phōs, phōt-), the common root phot(o)light below. Phosphene Ancient Greek φλως, φλωτ- (phōs, phōt-), light Photopathy phot(o)- Of or pertaining to light phren(i)-, phren(o)-, phrenico diaphragm Phrenic nerve -plasia formation, development Achondroplasia -plasty surgical repair, reconstruction rhinoplasty -plegia paralysis paraplegia Latin (pleura) < Ancient Greek πλευρόν Pleurogenous (pleurón), rib, side of the body pleur(o)-, pleur(a) Of or pertaining to the ribs -plexy stroke or seizure pneum(o)- Ancient Greek Pneumonocyte, Of or pertaining to the lungs πνευμων, πνευμον(pneumōn, pneumon-), Pneumonia lung < πνευμα Cataplexy (pneuma), wind, spirit pneumat(o)- air, lung pod-, -pod-, pus Of or pertaining to the foot, - Ancient Greek πούς, Podiatry footed ποδ- (poús, pod-), foot -poiesis production polio- Denoting a grey color Ancient Greek πολιός (poliós), grey Poliomyelitis poly- Denotes a 'plurality' of something Ancient Greek πολυς (polys), much, many Polymyositis por(o)- pore, porous Porphyroblast Postoperation, Postmortem hematopoiesis porphyr(o)- Denotes a purple color Ancient Greek πορπύρα (porphýra), purple post- Denotes something as 'after' or 'behind' another Latin (post), after, behind pre- Denotes something as Medieval Latin (pre-) < 'before' another (in [physical] (Classical) Latin (præ), Prematurity position or time) before, in front of presby(o)- old age prim- Denotes something as 'first' or 'most-important' Presbyopia Latin (prīmus), first, most important Primary pro- Denotes something as Ancient Greek προ 'before' another (in [physical] (pro), before, in front position or time) of Procephalic proct(o)- anus, rectum proctology prot(o)- Denotes something as 'first' or 'most-important' Ancient Greek πρωτος (prōtos), first; Protoneuron principle, most important psych(e)-, psych(o) Of or pertaining to the mind Ancient Greek ψυχή (psyché), breath, life, soul -ptosis falling, downward placement, prolapse -ptysis (a spitting), spitting, hemoptysis, the spitting of blood derivied from the lungs or bronchial tubes pulmon-, pulmo- Of or relating to the lungs. Latin (pulmo, pulmōn-, usually used in plural), pulmonary a lung pyel(o)- pelvis Ancient Greek (pyelos) Pyelonephritis pyo- pus Pyometra pyro- fever Antipyretic [edit] Q Psychology, Psychiatry Apoptosis Prefix/suffix quadr(i)- Meaning Origin language and etymology four Example(s) quadriceps [edit] R Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s) rachi(o)- spine radio- radiation, re- again, backward rect(o)- rectum ren(o)- Of or pertaining to the kidney Latin (rēnes), kidney reticul(o)- net retro- backward, behind rhabd(o)- rod shaped, striated rhin(o)- Of or pertaining to the nose Ancient Greek ρῑς, ρῑνο(rhīs, rhīno-), nose Rhinoceros rhod(o)- Denoting a rose-red color Ancient Greek ρόδον Rhodophyte Renal retroverted (rhódon), rose -rrhage burst forth Hemorrhage -rrhagia rapid flow of blood -rrhaphy surgical suturing -rrhea (AmE) flowing, discharge -rrhexis rupture -rrhoea (BrE) flowing, discharge rubr(o)- Of or pertaining to the red nucleus of the brain Galactorrhea Diarrhoea Latin (ruber), red Rubrospinal [edit] S Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology salping(o)- Of or pertaining to the fallopian tubes Ancient Greek σάρπιγξ, σαρπιγγ-, (sálpinx, salpingo-) trumpet [literally] sangui-, sanguine- Of or pertaining to blood Latin (sanguis, sanguin-), blood Example(s) Salpingectomy Sanguine sarco- muscular, fleshlike Greek sarcoma schist(o)- split, cleft Greek (schistos) schiz(o)- Denoting something 'split' or 'double-sided' Ancient Greek; Irregular formation of the verb σχιζειν Schizophrenia (schizein), to cut, split scler(o)- hardness Greek artherosclerosis scoli(o)- twisted Greek (skolios) scoliosis -scope instrument for viewing Greek stethoscope -scopy use of instrument for viewing semi- one-half, partly Latin sial(o)- saliva, salivary gland Greek (sialon) sigmoid(o)- sigmoid, sigmoid colon Greek sinistr(o)- left, left side Latin sinus- Of or pertaining to the sinus Latin (sinus), a curve, Sinusitis bend, bay -sis condition of Greek endoscopy osteoperosis sito- food, grain somat(o)-, somatico- body, bodily Greek spasmo- spasm Greek sperma-, spermo-, spermato- semen, spermatozoa Greek (sperma) splanchn(i)-, splanchn(o)- viscera splen(o)- spleen Splenectomy Greek σπόνδθλος / σφόνδθλος, (spóndylos / sphóndylos), the spine spondyl(o)- Of or pertaining to the spine, the vertebra squamos(o)- Denoting something as 'full of Latin (sqāmōsus), full Squama scales' or 'scaly' of scales; scaly -stasis stop, stand Greek -staxis dripping, trickling Greek sten(o)- Denoting something as Ancient Greek στενος 'narrow in shape' or pertaining (stenos), narrow; Stenography to narrow-ness short Spondylitis steth(o)- Of or pertaining to the upper Ancient Greek chest, chest, the area above στηθος (stēthos), the breast and under the neck chest, cuirass stheno- strength, force, power stom(a) mouth stomat(o)- Ancient Greek στόμα, Of or pertaining to the mouth στοματ- (stóma, Stomatogastric stomat-), mouth -stomy creation of an opening sub- beneath Latin subcutaneous tissue super- in excess, above, superior Latin superior vena cava supra- above, excessive Latin supraorbital vein sy(l)-, sym-, syn-, sys- Indicates similarity, likeness, or being together; Assimilates Ancient Greek συνbefore some consonants: (syn), with, together before l to syl-, s to sys-, before a labial to sym-. Greek Stethoscope stomatognathic system colostomy Synalgia, Synesthesia, Syssarcosis [edit] T Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s) tachy- Denoting something as fast, irregularly fast -tension, tensive blood pressure Of or pertaining to a thel(e)-, thel(o)- nipple [uncommon as a prefix] Ancient Greek ταχυς (tachys), fast, Tachycardia quickly Hypertension Ancient Greek θηλή Theleplasty (thēlē), a teat, nipple Ancient Greek θηλυς (thēlys), female, Thelygenous feminine thely- Denoting something as 'relating to a woman, feminine' therm(o)- heat thorac(i)-, thorac(o)-, thoracico- Of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest; the area above the breast and under the neck Latin (thōrāx) < Ancient Greek θώραξ (thōrax), chest, cuirass thromb(o)- Of or relating to a blood clot, clotting of blood Ancient Greek θρόμβος (thrómbos), Thrombus, lump, piece, clot of Thrombocytopenia blood thyr(o)- thyroid -tic pertaining to toco- childbirth Thorax -tome cutting instrument -tomy cutting operation tono- tone, tension, pressure -tony tension top(o)- place, topical tox(i)-, tox(o)-, toxico- toxin, poison trache(o)- trachea trachel(o)- Of or pertaining to the neck trans- Denoting something as Latin (trāns), across, moving or situated 'across' Transfusion through or 'through' trich(i)-, trichia, trich(o)- Of or pertaining to hair, hair-like structure -tripsy crushing Lithotripsy -trophy tissue, Muscular Dystrophy Cystotomy Toxoplasmosis Ancient Greek τράχηλος (tráchēlos), Tracheotomy neck Ancient Greek τρίξ, τριχ(ο)- (tríx, trich(o)-), hair Trichotomy -trophy nourishment, development tympan(o)- eardrum [edit] U Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s) -ula, -ule small Latin Nodule ultra- beyond, excessive Latin umbilic- Of or pertaining to the navel, the umbilicus Latin (umbilīcus), navel, belly-button Umbilical ungui- Of or pertaining to the nail, a claw Latin (unguis), nail, claw Unguiform, Ungual un(i)- one Latin (unus) Unilateral hearing loss ur(o)- Of or pertaining to urine, the urinary system; (specifically) pertaining to the physiological chemistry of urine Ancient Greek ουρον (ouron), urine Urology uri(c)-, urico- uric acid urin- Of or pertaining to urine, the urinary system Latin (ūrīna), urine < Ancient Greek ουρον Uriniferous (ouron), see above. uter(o)- Of or pertaining to the uterus or womb Latin (uterus), womb, uterus Uterus [edit] V Prefix/suffix Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s) vagin- Of or pertaining to the vagina Latin (vāgīna), sheath, scabbard Vagina varic(o)- swollen or twisted vein Latin varicose vas(o)- duct, blood vessel vasculo- blood vessel ven- Of or pertaining to the (blood) veins, a vein [used in terms Latin (vēna), bloodpertaining to the vascular vessel, vein system ] ventr(o)- Of or pertaining to the belly; the stomach cavities Latin (venter), the belly, Ventrodorsal the stomach; the womb vesic(o)- Of or pertaining to the bladder Latin (vēsīca), bladder; blister viscer(o)- Of or pertaining to the internal Latin (viscera), internal organs; plural of organs, the viscera (viscerum), internal vasoconstriction Vein, Venospasm Vesica Viscera organ [edit] X Prefix/suffix xanth(o)- Origin language and etymology Meaning Denoting a yellow color, an abnormally yellow color Ancient Greek ξανθός (xanthós), yellow Example(s) Xanthopathy [edit] Y Prefix/suffix -y Meaning Origin language and etymology condition or process of Example(s) Surgery [edit] Z Prefix/suffix Meaning zo(o)- animal, animal life zym(o)- fermentation, enzyme Origin language and etymology Example(s) Greek [edit] English meanings This section contains lists of different root classification (e.g. body components, quantity, description, etc.). Each list is alphabetized by English meanings, with the corresponding Greek and Latin roots given. [edit] Roots of the Body [edit] Roots of Bodily Concepts Bodily Concept Greek Root Latin Root Other Root Digestion -pepsia - - Disease -pathy - - Eating -phagia - - [edit] Roots of body parts and components (Internal Anatomy, External Anatomy, Body Fluids, Body Substances) Body Part/Component Greek Root Latin Root Other Root abdomen lapar(o)- abdomin- - aorta aort(o)- aort(o)- - arm brachi(o)- - - armpit - axill- - artery arteri(o)- - - back - dors- - big toe - allic- - bladder cyst(o)- vesic(o)- - blood haemat-, hemat- (haem- sangui-, , hem-) sanguine- - blood clot thromb(o)- - - blood vessel angi(o)- vascul-, vas- - body somat-, som- corpor- - bone oste(o)- ossi- - bone marrow, marrow myel(o)- medull- - brain encephal(o)- cerebr(o)- - breast mast(o)- mamm(o)- - chest steth(o)- - - cheek - bucc- - ear ot(o)- aur- - eggs, ova oo- ov- - eye ophthalm(o)- ocul(o)- optic(o) [French] eyelid blephar(o)- cili-; palpebr- - face - faci(o)- - fallopian tubes salping(o)- - - fat, fatty tissue lip(o)- adip- - finger dactyl(o)- digit- - forehead - front(o)- - gallbladder cholecyst(o)- fell- - genitals, sexually undifferentiated gon(o)-, phall(o)- - - gland aden(o)- - - glans penis or clitoridis balan(o)- - - gums - gingiv- - hair trich(o)- capill- - hand cheir(o)-, chir(o)- manu- - head cephal(o)- capit(o)- - heart cardi(o)- cordi- - hip, hip-joint - cox- - horn cerat(o)- cornu- - intestine enter(o)- - - jaw gnath(o)- - - kidney nephr(o)- ren- - knee gon- genu- - lip cheil(o)-, chil(o)- labi(o)- - liver hepat(o)- (hepatic-) jecor- - loins, pubic region episi(o)- pudend- - lungs pneumon- pulmon(i)(pulmo-) - marrow, bone marrow myel(o)- medull- - mind psych- ment- - mouth stomat(o)- or- - muscle my(o)- - - nail onych(o)- ungui- - navel omphal(o)- umbilic- - neck trachel(o)- cervic- - nerve; the nervous system neur(o)- nerv- - nipple, teat thele- papill-, mammill- - nose rhin(o)- nas- - ovary oophor(o)- ovari(o)- - pelvis pyel(o)- pelv(i)- - penis pe(o)- - - pupil (of the eye) cor-, core-, coro- - - rib pleur(o)- cost(o)- - rib cage thorac(i)-, thorac(o)- - - shoulder om(o)- humer(o)- - sinus - sinus- - skin dermat(o)- (derm-) cut-, cuticul- - skull crani(o)- - - stomach gastr(o)- ventr(o)- - testis orchi(o)-, orchid(o)- - - throat (upper throat cavity) pharyng(o)- - - throat (lower throat cavity/voice box]) laryng(o)- - - thumb - pollic- - tooth odont(o)- dent(i)- - tongue gloss-, glott- lingu(a)- - toe dactyl(o)- digit- - tumour cel-, onc(o)- tum- - ureter ureter(o)- ureter(o)- - urethra urethr(o)-, urethr(a)- urethr(o)-, urethr(a)- - urine, urinary System ur(o)- urin(o)- - uterine tubes sarping(o)- sarping(o)- - uterus hyster(o)-, metr(o)- uter(o)- - vagina colp(o)- vagin- - vein phleb(o)- ven- - vulva episi(o)- vulv- - womb hyster(o)-, metr(o)- uter(o)- - wrist carp(o)- carp(o)- - [edit] Roots of Color Color Greek Root in English Latin Root in English Other Root black melano- nigr- - blue cyano- - - gray, grey polio- - - green chlor(o)- vir- - purple porphyr(o)- purpur-, purpureo- - red erythr(o)-, rhod(o)- rub-, rubr- - red-yellow cirrh(o)- - - white leuc-, leuk- alb- - yellow xanth(o)- flav- jaun - [French] [edit] Roots of Description [Size, Shape, Strength, etc.] Description Greek Root in English Latin Root in English Other Root bad, incorrect cac(o)-, dys- mal(e)- - bent, crooked ankyl(o)- prav(i)- - big mega-, megal(o)- magn(i)- - biggest megist- maxim- - broad, wide eury- lat(i)- - cold cry(o)- frig- - dead necr(o)- mort- - equal is(o)- equ(i)- - false pseud(o)- fals(i)- - female, feminine thely- - - flat platy- plan(i)- - good, well eu- ben(e)-, bon(i)- - great mega-, megal(o)- magn(i)- - hard scler(o)- dur(i)- - heavy bar(o)- grav(i)- - hollow coel(o)- cav- - huge megal(o)- magn(i)- - incorrect, bad cac(o)-, dys- mal(e)- - large; extremely large mega- magn(i)- - largest megist- maxim- - long macr(o)- long(i)- - male, masculine arseno- vir- - narrow sten(o)- angust(i)- - new neo- nov(i)- - rect- - normal, correct; straight orth(o)- old paleo- veter- - sharp oxy- ac- - short brachy- brev(i)- - small micr(o)- parv(i)- (rare) - smallest - minim- - slow brady- tard(i)- - fast tachy- celer- - soft malac(o)- moll(i)- - rect(i)- - straight, normal, correct orth(o)- thick pachy- crass(i)- - varied, various poikilo- vari- - well, good eu- ben(e)- - wide, broad eury- lat(i)- - [edit] Roots of Position Greek Root in English Description Latin Root in English Other Root around peri- circum- - left - sinistr- - middle mes(o)- medi- - right dexi(o)- dextr(o)- - circum- - surrounding peri- [edit] Roots of quantity (Amount, Quantity) Greek Description Root in English double diplo- Latin Root in English dupli- Other Root - equal iso- equi- - few oligo- pauci- - half hemi- semi- demi(French) many, much poly- multi- - twice dis- bis- - [edit] See also Classical compound Interlingua International Scientific Vocabulary List of medical abbreviations Medical dictionary Medicine Retrieved from ",_suffixes_and_prefixes" Categories: Medical terms | Medical lists | Interlingua | Scientific nomenclature | Scientific terminology | Word coinage Views Article Discussion Edit this page History Personal tools Log in / create account Navigation Main page Contents Featured content Current events Random article Search Go Search Interaction About Wikipedia Community portal Recent changes Contact Wikipedia Donate to Wikipedia Help Toolbox What links here Related changes Upload file Special pages Printable version Permanent link Cite this page Languages Italiano This page was last modified on 1 February 2009, at 06:45. 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