Señora Decker Número de teléfono: (224) 765-2184 Salón: B403 Oficina: A313 Correo electrónico: ¡Bienvenido a la clase de Español II! Spanish II is a challenging and interesting course designed around different topics relevant to your daily life. In this course we will review grammatical concepts from your previous Spanish classes as well as learn many others that will be new to you. We will also study various topics such as travel, family, childhood experiences, cultural celebrations and eating in restaurants. I am looking forward to working with you in order to help you enhance your speaking, reading, writing and listening skills as well as expand your knowledge of the cultures of the Hispanic world. No matter what your career plans may be, odds are that your ability to speak Spanish will be a useful personal as well as professional skill that you take with you from Highland Park High School. *Remember that the amount of effort you put forth both inside and outside of class will determine what you get out of this course. Classroom responsibilities: 1. Arrive to class on time- You will be considered tardy if you are not in the classroom when the bell rings. After your second tardy you will receive a detention and lose participation points. After that I will contact the dean and your parents. Remember that I dismiss you, NOT THE BELL!! 2. Speak Spanish- Everyone must speak Spanish in class. A cooperative attitude and willingness to communicate in Spanish are a must in order to succeed in this class. 3. Be respectful and have a positive attitude- In order to have a comfortable learning environment for all of us, it is necessary for everyone to respect one another. In other words, treat others the way you want to be treated so that everyone can have fun in a friendly environment. 4. Raise your hand- In order to talk with each of you and not leave anyone out, it is important to raise your hand before speaking. 5. Be prepared- It is necessary that you bring all of your materials every day, including your homework completed BEFORE you arrive to class. 6. Cell phones and IPODS- Cell phones must be put away and kept on silent while you are in the classroom. If you are late to class because you are using your cell phone in the hallway you will receive a detention. Please refer to your student handbook for our cell phone policy. Students that do not follow this policy will receive a 4 hour Saturday detention. IPODS may not be used during class and should be put away before the bell rings. 7. Email- Please make sure to talk to me in person if you have a question or concern about something class related. If you need to email me, please understand that it may take at least 24 hours for me to respond. Do not assume that I have read your email prior to seeing you in class. Also make sure to properly address your emails and proof read them before you send them to me. 8. Infinite Campus- It is important to check your grade regularly to monitor your progress in class. I will update your grades in Infinite Campus every one to two weeks. Please speak to me in person in my office (A313) if you have a question or concern about your grade. Positive attitudes are a must when it comes to discussing grades. Classroom Procedures: Learning Targets: Core targets will be given to you at the beginning of each lesson we will study this year to help guide your learning. These targets will help you understand what you should be able to do by the end of each lesson and can also be used as a study guide before assessments. I will refer to the core targets regularly so if there is something you do not understand please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. Attendance and Make up work: Attendance is a very important part of Spanish class. Missing several days may be detrimental to your progress. If you are absent on the day of a test/quiz, or have missed an assignment due to an absence, it is your responsibility to arrange a time with me as soon as possible to make up the exam and/or homework you missed. Makeup work will NOT be discussed immediately before or after class. Please see me before or after school or during a mutual free period to discuss what you have missed. I will keep a homework log available on my desk so that you may check to see what you have missed. You must show me your make-up work in a timely fashion (x+1) in order to receive full credit. If you are going on a field trip it is your responsibility to tell me right away so that you can get your work ahead of time. Language Lab: You will have an assignment to complete in the language lab (A309) once every other week during one of your free periods. If you are absent from a lab activity, you will have one week to makeup that assignment or you will not receive credit. Labs can only be made up if you have a pass from me. You will not receive credit for a lab completed late without a pass. Required materials: You must bring them to class by Monday, August 27th. 1. 2. 3. 4. Text: En Español II with your first and last name on it Workbook: En Español II Más Práctica Workbook with your name on it One folder or binder with loose-leaf paper A notebook ONLY for Spanish class for notes, homework and in-class activities. 5. Writing utensils: Pens, pencils and highlighters. Please use pens with black or blue ink that is easily visible to the eye. 6. A Spanish/English dictionary with your name on it. You must bring it to class every day! Do not buy it at the school bookstore as those are for the Spanish IV students. 7. Notecards to be used to practice and study new vocabulary. Grading: 1. Quizzes, Exams, Projects & Compositions (60%): Quizzes will be given after we finish a lesson or after the introduction of vocabulary or grammar. Exams will be given at the end of every chapter. Projects and compositions will be assigned periodically throughout each semester. 2. Class Participation and class work (15%): Attendance is a critical factor in your success! You will self-assess your participation at least two times per quarter. I will evaluate your self-assessment of your participation so it is important to be honest! In addition classwork will be collected periodically and evaluated (at least once every two weeks) as part of your participation grade. Remember to always keep the work I hand back to you because it will have important feedback about your progress in class. 3. Homework (15%): Develop the habit of daily studying and you will have an excellent foundation upon which to build your language skills. Failure to study or to do homework assignments will definitely harm your grade. Homework is worth 3 points each unless otherwise informed. Homework will be checked consistently or collected at the beginning of class. We will also review the answers the day the assignment is due so that you get immediate feedback about your work. 4. Laboratory activities (10%): You will be required to complete an activity with the CD ROM that accompanies our textbook to help you with your comprehension. Also we will go to the ASC lab once every 2 weeks to practice speaking and listening skills. *Each quarter grade will be 40% of your semester grade and the final written exam will be worth 20% of your semester grade. Grading Scale: 100-93=A 87-89=B+ 80-82=B- 73-76=C 67-69=D+ 60-62=D- 90-92=A- 77-79=C+ 70-72=C- 63-66=D 59 or less=E 83-86=B ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read these guidelines for Spanish class, and I have discussed them with my son/daughter. ___________________ Student signature ____________________ Parent/guardian signature _____________ Date