Parent Permission Form for BYOC

Attendee Parent Permission Slip
Troop 77 BYOC
(Pick Up Sunday at 8:00 AM sharp)
My son/daugher, ________________________________________, has my permission to attend the Bring
Your Own Computer Night (BYOC) for Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Troop 77, Boulder Colorado. I wave
all claims against the Boy Scouts of America, Boulder Elks Lodge No. 566, Troop 77, and the adult leaders
of Troop 77 for any injury or illness my son may sustain during this outing. In case of emergency, I
understand the adult leaders will make every effort to contact me. If I cannot be reached, I hereby give
permission to the physician selected by Troop 77 adult leader in charge to secure proper treatment, including
hospitalization, anesthesia, surgery, or injections of medication for my son.
All attendees will be limited to playing games up to and including the “Teen 13+” ESRB rating. During the
BYOC the attendees will additionally be permitted to play the “M” Mature rated games listed on the reverse
side of this form. These games are First Person Shooters, which depict some level of violence.
Please initial in the box below if you DO NOT want your son to play the “M Rated” mature games listed on
the reverse of this form.
I do not wish my son to play any M rated games. Please limit my son to playing ESRB Teen 13+ rating or
Troop 77 will provide two BSA registered adult leaders at all times throughout the BYOC. All attendees
must agree to abide by BSA conduct and behavior rules or they will be sent home. Once at the event,
attendees may not leave (or leave and return) without the express consent of both their parent/guardian and
the adult Troop 77 leader in charge of the BYOC.
Players will be playing throughout the night at their option. Attendees are asked to bring sleeping bags and
pads, should they wish to get some sleep during the event.
Movies watched during the BYOC will be restricted to PG-13 or lower ratings. Connection to the Internet by
attendees is forbidden during the BYOC.
Where: The Scout Hall (Youth Activities Center) at the Elks Lodge No. 566, Boulder Colorado.
Parent/Guardian __________________________________ Phone _______________________________
(Please Print)
Signature________________________________________ Address_______________________________
BYOC -- Troop 77
Mature “M” Games Permitted at BYOC
1) Counter Strike (A Half Life Mod)
2) Day of Defeat (A Half Life Mod)
3) Ghost Recon – Now Rated Teen (13+), initially rated Mature
Total of Three Games on this List as of March 22, 2006.
No other “M” rated games may be played. Continuation of BYOCs for Troop 77 is dependent on everyone’s
following these rules!
If in doubt, go to to look up the rating for a specific game. Games not rated by the ESRB
are not permitted.
What to bring:
PC-Computer capable of gaming with an active LAN (Cat-5 Ethernet cable) port
Or TV and gaming console (PS-2, X-Box, etc.) and games Teen (13+) or less rating
Computer headphones are mandatory – speakers are not welcome
Games -- Owned Copies with original disk and/or retail box demonstrating valid (nonpirated) ownership.
 Power strip
 Water bottle
 $10.00 for pizza and soda – participation in soda and pizza is optional
Computer Tips:
Note: Gaming generally requires fast computers with strong video cards. Most laptops have extreme problems
running games, which leads to frustrated players. CPU Speeds of 2.0 GHz and up are preferable. 512 Megs of
RAM are recommended. A 128 Meg Direct X 9 compatible video card is preferable too.
Please virus scan your computer before bringing it!
Please disable any firewalls and bring passwords to your firewalls (some restore themselves on start up).
Make sure your computer has a FUNCTIONING LAN connection. Wireless connections will not work.
Computer Compatibility Questions should be directed to the Scout in Charge.