
Z26/GI03 Project Management Assignment
To provide a plan for the project that is being currently undertaken. This plan is to be presented to an
audience of your peers, together with members of academic staff. The presentation should last no
longer than 20 minutes (30 minutes for group presentations), with 10 minutes for questions.
Presentation contents
Your presentation should address the following project management issues.
A high level perspective of the Project.
All the Objectives of the project should be indicated.
Context of the work
Background to the project
General technical approach to be undertaken
Project Strategy
The project strategy should include:
 The scope of the project and related assumptions
 Who are the customers and stakeholders and how will theirs needs be included and addressed?
 The project life-cycle.
 What will constitute the project team?
Project Organisation
Product Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure
Linear Responsibility Chart
A Gantt chart should be provided. The schedule should include a list of milestones.
What resources will be needed to complete the project.
Evaluation Methods
How will the success of the Project be evaluated, what criteria will be used.
Risk Management
What Risks can be identified and how will they be managed
Monitoring and Control
What will be the approach chosen to monitor and control the progress of the project? What
procedures will be used to monitor schedule?
What internal reports will be generated, by whom and to whom? Separate into progress reports and
specialist reports.