Study Guide for Art 1: Quiz 2 - LBCC e

Study Guide for Art 1: Exam 3
 Look at the slide lists and focus on being able to answer the questions below.
 Make flashcards for each work with title, artist, date on one side and
the main idea, visual and historical elements on the other.
 Use the textbook CD – remember there is one on reserve in the library.
I. Etruscan Art
1. How is the Etruscan temple similar and different from the Greek temple? How does it
influence Roman temples?
2. How are Etruscan funerary traditions evident in their art?
3. What is the Capitoline wolf?
II. Republican Rome (509 – 27 BCE)
1. What does the early funerary sculpture of the Roman culture tell us about class?
2. What is the form and purpose of Roman portraiture?
III. The Early Empire (27 B.C. – 98 CE.)
1. What is the role of the Colosseum in Roman life? What is the architectural
achievement of the Roman amphitheater?
2. Can you identify the characteristics of the four styles of Roman wall painting?
3. What is Pax Romana ?
4. What sculptures were commissioned by Augustus and what do they tell us about his
IV. High Empire ( 96 – 192 CE.)
1. How does Roman art and architecture communicate political ideas of power for the
2. What are the architectural developments of the Roman forum, the markets, the
triumphal arches, and the Pantheon?
V. Late Empire (192-337 CE.)
1. What is different about the Roman portrait as developed in the High Empire?
2. What influenced Roman ‘mummy’ painting?
3. How is power, order and lost individuality expressed in the Late Empire?
4. What changes are brought about in the art and architecture in the time of Constantine?