Online help for AP style

How I edit
When I sit down to work, here's how I prepare.
1. I have my AP Stylebook at hand ready to use.
2. I open a Web browser to This is Webster's dictionary online.
3. I open a browser to This is a database that lets me check on company names. Reporters
frequently get them wrong or use incomplete versions.
4. I open a browser to for general searches.
5. I open a browser to Lexis-Nexis configured so that I can search only Associated Press. If I can't find
something in the stylebook, I search the wire to see what proper style is. Also good for finding or
verifying facts and sources.
Web-based resources for editors
At this site you can march through interactive AP style exercises. If you finish your lab work early during
the first third of the term, we’ll be asking you to spend time on these.
Here’s another good site:
Here you can look at the test the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund gives to prospective editing interns.
The American Copy Editors Society
Editteach is an organization of college editing teachers. Many exercises, guides.