Syllabus - Inverse Intuition

Composition I syllabus
Spring 2016
Syllabus is for the following Composition I courses
Credits: 3
Semester: Begins 1/11/16 Ends 5/06/16
Course and section
ENC 1101 07T
ENC 1101 04T
ENC 1101 03T
ENC 1101 06T
Day(s) and Time
MW 2:15 PM - 3:30 PM
MW 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM
TR 10:50 AM – 12:05 PM
TR 12:15 PM – 1:30 PM
Building /Room
Dr. Warren Jones
Service Learning Office Pod
Advisement Hours
Feel free to stop in anytime; however, those who have appointments have
precedence. Advising in my office T1-141A(SLOP) or in the classroom T1-130
Also, you may come in to the classroom for advisement during any of the
above listed times as long as students are working on PCs
Telephone Number
The telephone is not a substitute for seeing me during office hours
Only call if you need to set an appointment. 433-5077
Email is not a substitute for coming to see me during office hours; you can use
email to set an office appointment, but that appointment is not set until I have
responded to you.
Email is NOT for policy, grades, or assignment discussion.
If you email me concerning any item that concerns policy or assignments,
I will respond with the following:
"Message not read; see me during office hours"
This syllabus is subject to change
Composition I syllabus
Course Description
Prerequisite: Appropriate test scores in reading and writing. Meets Gordon Rule
and General Education requirements. This course concentrates on helping
students to develop skills in composing college-level expository essays. Learning
activities are also included to help students develop competency in information
literacy, research and documentation, critical thinking, and critical reading.
Multiple written assignments and a minimum grade of C are required to satisfy
Gordon Rule requirements.
Course Objective
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to do the following:
Effectively apply the principles of the writing process: pre-writing, drafting,
revising, and editing; Develop and organize purposeful, unified, and coherent
paragraphs and essays; Demonstrate competence in grammar, punctuation,
mechanics, and usage; and Apply basic research and documentation methods.
Course Competencies Writing effective paragraphs, Writing effective short essays, Writing an effective
research paper, Utilizing various rhetorical modes, Using correct grammar,
punctuation and mechanics in writing, Using MLA and APA format for
documenting sources in academic papers
As per the Student handbook, plagiarists will fail the entire course.
Late/ Absences
Maximum Absences before grade of "F" given.
Day Classes: 4 days (5 absences constitutes an F grade)
Night Classes: 2 days (3 absences constitutes an F grade)
See Official EFSC policy on EFSC website.
You can avoid having an absence by attending another section of my Comp 1
courses by using the schedule and determining when the same lesson/instruction
is given for other classes.
Late/Leave Early: Being Late constitutes one-half absence. Leaving class early is
equal to being late. If you are not present at the beginning of class, you will be
marked absent. Immediately after the class is over, YOU MUST INFORM ME
that you were late so that you are not logged as absent. You cannot wait until the
next class session or even later in the day.
Electronic devices:
No Phone/Pad/etc use in class; if you get a call, take it outside.
No Recording devices without prior approval; unauthorized use of
recording devices will result in expulsion from the course and student
conduct charges with the administration.
Grading Scale:
A standard letter grade/percentage score is applied: A = 900-1000, B = 800-899
C = 700-799 D = 600-699 F = 599 or below.
Service Learning is a mandatory part of this course.
This syllabus is subject to change
Composition I syllabus
Withdrawal Policy
Students may withdraw without academic penalty from any course by the
established deadline. This will result in a grade of 'W' for the course and will not
count against the student's GPA. Students will be permitted a maximum of two
withdrawals per course. Upon the third attempt, the student WILL NOT be
permitted to withdraw and will receive an earned grade for that course.
Extra Credit
Extra Credit, even if completed, only counts toward a grade that has a raw score
of 700 or above for the course. Those with raw scores of 699 or less will not
receive any EC points, regardless of the EC work done.
Incompletes are ONLY given for those who have passed with a grade of 70% or
higher on a minimum of 75% of the assignments. If you cannot verify these
conditions, do not ask for an "I".
You MUST do a research paper for the class. If you obtain enough points to
obtain a passing grade but do not satisfactorily complete one of the two research
papers (C or above grade), you cannot obtain a passing grade in the course.
Late Papers
Late papers can be turned in up to but not exceeding one week late
You can have 2 late assignments at your discretion, unless otherwise noted
below and on the schedule.
After the 2 late assignments have been used, no assignment will be accepted
as late.
The following papers must be on time, or you will receive NO credit for
them despite the conditions above: MLA Research paper, Prezitations, and
Syllabus and schedule is subject to change
Re-write Criteria
In order to Re-write papers, the original must fit certain criteria, and the rewrite must fit certain criteria. (See InverseIntuition for more details)
The following papers cannot be re-written: MLA Research paper and APA
Research Papers.
The Midterm may be redone for maximum possible points as often as needed or
until time runs out in the course. In the event the Midterm has not been
successfully achieved, the Final exam will account from both the Midterm and
the Final exam points. Unlike the Midterm, the Final is not “two strikes –you’re
out”; rather, the final is a continual points-reduction comparable to other
assignments in the class.
Weekly Schedule
Download your Class Time's appropriate weekly schedule from InverseIntuition
See Grade Sheet on InverseIntuition for assignments and point values
See Schedule on InverseIntuition for due dates of assignments
This syllabus is subject to change