HONORS BIOLOGY FIRST SEMESTER EXAM REVIEW NAME___________________________ Chapter 1: 1. KNOW THE DEFINITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING TERMS:: biology scientific method hypothesis prediction bias data theory control independent variable dependent variable standardized variables SI units 2. GIVE THE PROPERTIES THAT ARE CHARACTERISTIC OF ALL LIFE FORMS. 3. KNOW THE DEFINITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING TERMS: cell reproduction metabolism homeostasis evolution species natural selection ecology . CHAPTER 2: 1. KNOW THE DEFINITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING TERMS: atom molecule elements compounds matter heterogeneous homogeneous mixtures suspensions solutions colloidal suspensions Tyndall effect nucleus of an atom proton neutron electron orbital energy level electron cloud “s” orbital “p” orbital "d" and "f" orbitals symbol molecular formula structural formula atomic number mass number average atomic mass periodic table isotopes ions positive ion negative ion ionic compound ionic bond covalent bond hydrogen bond chemical reaction chemical equation reactants products solute solvent acid base neutral pH indicator law of conservation of mass buffer pH scale stable atom polar molecule nonpolar molecule 2. Be able to draw neutral atoms. 3. Be able to draw isotopes. 4. Be able to draw ions. 5. Be able to state what an atom must do to become stable. 6. Be able to draw ionic bonding. 7. Be able to draw covalent bonding. 8. Be able to write the formulas for molecules. 9. Be able to balance equations. 10. Be able to state how many atoms are in a molecule. 11. Be able to identify elements and their symbols. 12. Be able to state the diatomic elements. 13. Be able to give the characteristics of acids and bases. 14. Be able to recognize the formulas and names of acids and bases. 15. Be able to explain what adding acids and bases does to living material, and what a buffer is. 16. Be able to give the diagonal rule and use it to write the electron configuration of any atom or ion. 17. Be able to list and describe the properties of water, especially in relation to hydrogen bonding. 18. REVIEW THE OBJECTIVES FOR ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 19. DISCUSS THE PROCEDURES AND OUTCOMES OF THE "NUTRIENT MOLECULES" LAB: A.. Know how the following chemical tests indicate nutrients: BENEDICT’S SOLUTION: SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES BENEDICT’S SOLUTION: PROTEINS IODINE: STARCH BROWN PAPER: LIPIDS B. Describe the sources of error that occurred in this lab, and the limitations of the lab. 20. DISCUSS THE LAB ON ENZYMES: A. Identify the following components of this lab: INORGANIC CATALYST ORGANIC CATALYST SUBSTRATE CONTROLS - B. Describe how the following conditions affected the working of the enzyme: HIGH TEMPERATURES - COLD TEMPERATURES - SMALLER PARTICLE SIZE - CONCENTRATION - pH - C. Describe how it would be possible to show that enzymes are reusable. CHAPTER 3: 1. BE ABLE TO DEFINE THE FOLLOWING TERMS: magnification resolution(resolving power) light microscope electron microscope compound light microscope depth of focus( depth of field) simple microscope field of vision parfocal 2. BE ABLE TO LABEL THE PARTS OF THE MICROSCOPE ON A DIAGRAM. 3. KNOW THE FUNCTION OF EACH PART OF THE MICROSCOPE. 4. EXPLAIN HOW TO MAKE A WET MOUNT SLIDE. 5. EXPLAIN HOW TO FOCUS A MICROSCOPE ON LOW AND HIGH POWER. 6. GIVE THE PROPER PROCUDURES FOR THE CARE OF THE MICROSCOPE. 7. EXPLAIN HOW TO CALCULATE TOTAL MAGNIFICATION OF EACH LENS ON OUR MICROSCOPES(or any microscope.) 8. EXPLAIN HOW TO DETERMINE THE DIAMETER OF THE HIGH POWER FIELD OF VISION. 9. EXPLAIN HOW TO ESTIMATE THE SIZE OF A CELL VIEWED UNDER THE MICROSCOPE. 10. DESCRIBE THE THREE CHANGES THAT A COMPOUND LIGHT MICROSCOPE MAKES IN THE IMAGE OF A SPECIMEN. 11. GIVE THE THREE STATEMENTS OF THE CELL THEORY. 12. EXPLAIN WHY CELLS MUST BE RELATIVELY SMALL. 13. GIVE THE CHARACTERISTICS AND DIFFERENCES OF PROKARYOTIC AND EUKARYOTIC CELLS. 14. GIVE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PLANT AND ANIMAL CELLS. 15. DESCRIBE THE STRUCTURE OF THE CELL MEMBRANE. 16. GIVE THE FUNCTIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CELL ORGANELLES OR PARTS: cell membrane cytoplasm ribosomes cytoskeleton cell wall flagella cilia actin fibers microtubules intermediate fibers nucleus nucleolus endoplasmic reticulum(smooth and rough) vesicle Golgi apparatus lysosome mitochondria chloroplasts central vacuole CHAPTER 4: 1. BE ABLE TO DEFINE THE FOLLOWING TERMS: passive transport active transport diffusion concentration gradient equilibrium osmosis hypertonic solution hypotonic solution isotonic solution ion channel carrier proteins facilitated diffusion sodium - potassium pump endocytosis exocytosis phagocytosis pinocytosis receptor protein second messenger 2. IDENTIFY THREE WAYS THAT RECEPTOR PROTEINS CAN CHANGE THE ACTIVITY OF A CELL.