ENG-101-Composition - Wentworth Military Academy & College

Wentworth College & My School R-4 High School
Dual Credit College Class Syllabus
The mission of Wentworth Military Academy and College is to provide the environment and
resources necessary for its students to develop their potential in academics, leadership, physical well-being,
moral character, and self-discipline so they become productive citizens in a diverse, global society.
ENG 101: English Composition and Rhetoric I
Jane Doe, instructor
555-347-2351 ext. #101
3 college credit hours
Spring 2014
Mon-Fri 10:39-11:20 am
College Catalog Course Description
A study of the fundamentals of formal writing with an emphasis on short papers. Development of skills
in analysis, organization and expression. Grammatical structure is stressed.
Required Textbook
The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing, 9th Edition. Axelrod, Rise B. and Charles R. Cooper, 2010
Student Learning Objectives
1. Students will demonstrate the ability to write a paragraph using correct form.
2. Students will demonstrate the ability to use sensory evidence.
3. Students will construct appropriate theses statements and topic outlines for various three-page papers.
4. Students will write effective examples of narrative, biographical, profile, persuasive-argumentative,
solution and interpretation papers.
5. Students will use appropriate grammar in writing assigned papers.
Assessment of Student Learning and Grading Policy
The grading system of Wentworth College are on a 4.0 scale as follows:
A = 90-100 (4.000 quality points)
B = 80-89 (3.000 quality points)
C = 70-79 (2.000 quality points)
D = 60-69 (1.000 quality point)
F = 59 and below (0.000 quality points)
W = Withdrawal (not counted in calculating GPA)
English Composition and Rhetoric I is a weighted course at My School High School
and is on a 5.0 scale as follows:
A = 95-100
B+ = 87-89
C+ = 77-79
D+ = 67-69
F = 50-59
A-= 90-94
B = 83-86
C = 73-76
D = 63-66
B- = 80-82
C- = 70-72
D- = 60-62
Attendance Policy
Class attendance is mandatory and could affect the final grade. Advance arrangements for unavoidable absences
should be made with the instructor. It is the responsibility of the student to meet all course requirements
regardless of absences. The instructor will provide class absence procedures.
“Wentworth College's official definition of Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism is as follows: dishonesty in
connection with any College activity, including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing
false information to the College, as well as the commit1nent of acts of cheating, lying, and deceit in any of their
diverse forms (such as the use of substitutes for taking examinations, the use of illegal cribs, plagiarism, and
copying during exa1ninations ). Moreover, to willingly and knowingly aid and/or abet, whether directly or
indirectly, other parties in co1nmitting dishonest acts is in itself dishonest. Penalties for infractions of academic
dishonesty vary from a warning and written notification of the Academic Dean, failure for the course, and
expulsion from the college. Wentworth College considers the previous explanation to be official notification of
the nature and seriousness of all acts of academic dishonesty. See the Student Handbook and College Catalog for
examples of academic dishonesty.”
Tentative Schedule/Course Outline
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Review of parts of speech
Paragraph with sensory evidence
Review of subject/verb relationships and
Descriptive paper
Review of subject/verb relationships and
Narrative paper
Review sentence classification
Biographical paper
Week 9
Review of pronoun/antecedent agreement
and pronoun usage
Week 10 Profile paper
Week 11 Review of punctuation and capitalization
Week 12 Persuasive/argumentative paper
Week 13 Review other usage and usage problems
Week 14 Solution paper
Weeks 15-16 Interpretation paper
Weeks 17-18 Portfolio evaluation paper
Week 19 Review and Final Exam
Final Exam
The final exam will be administered during the scheduled high school final exam class period, unless a student is
exempt from HS finals, in which case the final will be administered on the last day of attendance for the
semester. Exemption from HS finals does not apply to dual-credit classes. All dual-credit students will take their
dual-credit course final exams. A portion of the final exam will be provided by Wentworth and will count as 20%
of the Final Exam score.
Wentworth Information
Wentworth Military Academy & Junior College
1880 Washington Ave. Lexington, MO 64067
Wentworth is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association
(312-263-0456; 1-800-621-7440), http://www.ncahlc.org.
Aaron Kurdle, Dual Enrollment Coordinator
Office: (660) 259-6043, akurdle@wma.edu