Lesson Plan Section 2 Systematics PACING Regular Schedule: Block Schedule: with lab(s): N/A with lab(s): N/A without lab(s): 1 day without lab(s): 1/2 day OBJECTIVES 1. Identify the kinds of evidence that modern biologists use in classifying organisms. 2. Explain what information a phylogenetic diagram displays. 3. State the criterion used in cladistic analysis. 4. Describe how a cladogram is made. 5. Discuss how proteins and chromosomes are used to classify organisms. 6. Explain cladistic taxonomy, and identify one conclusion that is in conflict with classical taxonomy. NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS LSEvol2: The great diversity of organisms is the result of more than 3.5 billion years of evolution. LSEvol3: Natural selection and its evolutionary consequences provide a scientific explanation for the fossil record of ancient life forms as well as for the striking molecular similarities observed among the diverse species of organisms. LSEvol4: The millions of different species of plants, animals, and microorganisms that live on earth today are related by descent from common ancestors. LSEvol5: Biological classifications are based on how organisms are related. UCP1: Systems, order, and organization UCP4: Evolution and equilibrium HNS2: Nature of scientific knowledge HNS3: Historical perspectives FOCUS (5 minutes) __ Overview, TE Review the objectives listed in the Student Edition. (GENERAL) __ Bellringer, TE Students to draw a family tree for an imaginary human family. (GENERAL) MOTIVATE (5 minutes) __ Internet Activity, Phylogenetic Tree, TE Have students research phylogenetic trees by using the Internet Connect box on this page. (GENERAL) KEY SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher Edition ANC = Ancillary Workbook HBS = Holt Biosources Lab Program Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Modern Biology 1 Chapter 17 Lesson Plan __ Reading Skill Builder, Word Origins, TE Have students look up the root meanings of the words homologous and analogous and explain their meanings. (GENERAL) TEACH (25 minutes) __ PowerPoint® Resources Use the customizable presentation to help students master the concepts in this section. __ Skill Builder, Writing Skills, TE Students write a short essay on the difficulties of classifying organisms. (ADVANCED) __ Discussion, Homology Versus Analogy, TE Students are asked to determine whether the examples given are homologous or analogous. (GENERAL) __ Using the Figure, Clades, TE Use the diagram to point out the differences in the names used by each system. Prompt discussion with questions about the figure. (GENERAL) __ Using the Figure, Cladograms, TE Use the cladogram showing major plant groups to show how a cladogram can be constructed. (GENERAL) __ Teaching Tip, Disappearing Characteristics, TE Tell students that sometimes a character appears in a lineage and then disappears. (GENERAL) __ Teaching Tip, Ancestral and Derived Characters, TE Clarify when the designation of ancestral and derived characters is useful. (ADVANCED) __ Teaching Transparency D22, Cladogram: Mammals, Reptiles, and Birds Use this transparency to review a cladogram of mammals, reptiles, and birds. (GENERAL) __ Teaching Transparency, Cladogram: Major Groups of Plants Use this transparency to review a cladogram of major plant groups. (GENERAL) __ Using the Figure, Phylogenetic Diagrams, TE Students examine the figures comparing amino acid sequences and the phylogenetic diagram of placental mammals. (GENERAL) __ Discussion, Phylogenies, TE Ask: How can DNA analysis alone be used to construct a cladogram? (GENERAL) __ Teaching Tip, DNA Surprises, TE Point out that DNA analysis is changing some longheld beliefs about evolutionary relationships. (GENERAL) __ Teaching Transparency D24, Similarities in Amino Acid Sequences Use this transparency to observe similarities in amino acid sequences. (GENERAL) __ Teaching Transparency D25, Phylogenetic Diagram of Mammals Use this transparency to show a phlyogenetic diagram of mammals. (GENERAL) CLOSE (10 minutes) __ Section Review, SE Students are assessed through questions about key concepts and questions that require critical thinking skills. (GENERAL) __ Reteaching, Recognizing Clades, TE Lead students to look for other phylogenetic diagrams in future chapters of the book and the appendix. (BASIC) __ Quiz, TE Students answer short answer questions about this section. (GENERAL) KEY SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher Edition ANC = Ancillary Workbook HBS = Holt Biosources Lab Program Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Modern Biology 2 Chapter 17 Lesson Plan OTHER RESOURCE OPTIONS __ Active Reading Worksheets, ANC Students are asked to analyze a passage related to the chapter text and answer questions about the passage. (BASIC) __ Quick, Data, and Math Labs, Using a Field Guide, HBS Students learn to use a field guide. (BASIC) __ Quick, Data, and Math Labs, Making a Cladogram, HBS Students use given data to construct a cladogram. (BASIC) __ Visual Concepts CD-ROM Use this multimedia resource to reinforce selected concepts from the chapter. KEY SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher Edition ANC = Ancillary Workbook HBS = Holt Biosources Lab Program Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Modern Biology 3 Chapter 17