Lesson Plan
Section 2 Systematics
Regular Schedule:
Block Schedule:
with lab(s): N/A
with lab(s): N/A
without lab(s): 1 day
without lab(s): 1/2 day
1. Identify the kinds of evidence that modern biologists use in classifying organisms.
2. Explain what information a phylogenetic diagram displays.
3. State the criterion used in cladistic analysis.
4. Describe how a cladogram is made.
5. Discuss how proteins and chromosomes are used to classify organisms.
6. Explain cladistic taxonomy, and identify one conclusion that is in conflict with
classical taxonomy.
LSEvol2: The great diversity of organisms is the result of more than 3.5 billion years of
LSEvol3: Natural selection and its evolutionary consequences provide a scientific
explanation for the fossil record of ancient life forms as well as for the striking molecular
similarities observed among the diverse species of organisms.
LSEvol4: The millions of different species of plants, animals, and microorganisms that
live on earth today are related by descent from common ancestors.
LSEvol5: Biological classifications are based on how organisms are related.
UCP1: Systems, order, and organization
UCP4: Evolution and equilibrium
HNS2: Nature of scientific knowledge
HNS3: Historical perspectives
FOCUS (5 minutes)
__ Overview, TE Review the objectives listed in the Student Edition. (GENERAL)
__ Bellringer, TE Students to draw a family tree for an imaginary human family.
MOTIVATE (5 minutes)
__ Internet Activity, Phylogenetic Tree, TE Have students research phylogenetic trees by
using the Internet Connect box on this page. (GENERAL)
KEY SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher Edition ANC = Ancillary Workbook HBS = Holt Biosources Lab Program
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Modern Biology
Chapter 17
Lesson Plan
__ Reading Skill Builder, Word Origins, TE Have students look up the root meanings of
the words homologous and analogous and explain their meanings. (GENERAL)
TEACH (25 minutes)
__ PowerPoint® Resources Use the customizable presentation to help students master the
concepts in this section.
__ Skill Builder, Writing Skills, TE Students write a short essay on the difficulties of
classifying organisms. (ADVANCED)
__ Discussion, Homology Versus Analogy, TE Students are asked to determine whether the
examples given are homologous or analogous. (GENERAL)
__ Using the Figure, Clades, TE Use the diagram to point out the differences in the names
used by each system. Prompt discussion with questions about the figure. (GENERAL)
__ Using the Figure, Cladograms, TE Use the cladogram showing major plant groups to
show how a cladogram can be constructed. (GENERAL)
__ Teaching Tip, Disappearing Characteristics, TE Tell students that sometimes a
character appears in a lineage and then disappears. (GENERAL)
__ Teaching Tip, Ancestral and Derived Characters, TE Clarify when the designation of
ancestral and derived characters is useful. (ADVANCED)
__ Teaching Transparency D22, Cladogram: Mammals, Reptiles, and Birds Use this
transparency to review a cladogram of mammals, reptiles, and birds. (GENERAL)
__ Teaching Transparency, Cladogram: Major Groups of Plants Use this transparency
to review a cladogram of major plant groups. (GENERAL)
__ Using the Figure, Phylogenetic Diagrams, TE Students examine the figures comparing
amino acid sequences and the phylogenetic diagram of placental mammals. (GENERAL)
__ Discussion, Phylogenies, TE Ask: How can DNA analysis alone be used to construct a
cladogram? (GENERAL)
__ Teaching Tip, DNA Surprises, TE Point out that DNA analysis is changing some longheld beliefs about evolutionary relationships. (GENERAL)
__ Teaching Transparency D24, Similarities in Amino Acid Sequences Use this
transparency to observe similarities in amino acid sequences. (GENERAL)
__ Teaching Transparency D25, Phylogenetic Diagram of Mammals Use this
transparency to show a phlyogenetic diagram of mammals. (GENERAL)
CLOSE (10 minutes)
__ Section Review, SE Students are assessed through questions about key concepts and
questions that require critical thinking skills. (GENERAL)
__ Reteaching, Recognizing Clades, TE Lead students to look for other phylogenetic
diagrams in future chapters of the book and the appendix. (BASIC)
__ Quiz, TE Students answer short answer questions about this section. (GENERAL)
KEY SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher Edition ANC = Ancillary Workbook HBS = Holt Biosources Lab Program
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Modern Biology
Chapter 17
Lesson Plan
__ Active Reading Worksheets, ANC Students are asked to analyze a passage related to the
chapter text and answer questions about the passage. (BASIC)
__ Quick, Data, and Math Labs, Using a Field Guide, HBS Students learn to use a field
guide. (BASIC)
__ Quick, Data, and Math Labs, Making a Cladogram, HBS Students use given data to
construct a cladogram. (BASIC)
__ Visual Concepts CD-ROM Use this multimedia resource to reinforce selected concepts
from the chapter.
KEY SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher Edition ANC = Ancillary Workbook HBS = Holt Biosources Lab Program
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Modern Biology
Chapter 17