Young Women’s College Girls Rock 2014-2015 Preparatory Academy Teacher’s Name: Bina Singh Grade Level: 12th Date BELL RINGER This is the activity that students will be expected to do before class begins. Mon Tues Week of: 9/22/2014-9/26/2014 Subject: TEKS/STUDENT EXPECTATIONS OBJECTIVES What will students know and be able to do? How will you let them know the goals? Write in student friendly language. . . Who do you TEKS E.K1.B-1 think are closely Organisms share many related?-show a conserved core series of processes and features organisms that evolved and are widely distributed among organisms today INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES (ANAG) Accessing Prior Knowledge, New Information, Apply Knowledge, Generalization Activity-Cytochrome c lab. Read 26.2 from Campbell book Virtual Blast lab ASSESSMENT How will students show you that they know and can do using a variety of formative assessments? ACCOMMODATIONS FOR SPECIAL NEEDS RESOURCES MATERIALS (What different teaching strategies are used to teach all students including GT, 504,LEP, and Special Ed?) Lab reports Post analysis questions. Quiz on Cytochrome c lab More reading on gene sequencing. DNA sequence of different organisms, Computer Cladogram practice. Simpler version of Cladogram using household examples like screw, nut, bolt Or Pasta cladogram Pictures of different organisms, Different types of Pasta, nut bolts, nails. Whiteboard,Dry erase marker Wed Thurs Fri What is a Phylogenetic tree? Can you draw one? What does it signifies? TEKS E K1.B-2 Phylogenetic trees & Cladograms are graphical representation(module) Of evolutionary history that can be tested. Activity-How to make a Cladogram ? Great Clad Race. Reading 26.3 from Campbell textbook Quiz-Tree thinking. Young Women’s College Girls Rock 2014-2015 Preparatory Academy