the organisation's profile.

Updated December 2009
The Centre for Research, Information, Action in Africa
Southern Africa - Development and Consulting
CRIAA SA - DC (Namibia)
22 Johann Albrecht Street, P.O. Box 23778, Windhoek, Namibia
Tel.: + 264 61 220117, Fax: + 264 61 232293, Office Cell: 081 122 3892
CRIAA SA-DC is a membership-based NGO that supports rural communities, particularly the poorest members of
society, to benefit from sustainably produced indigenous natural products and smallholder crops.
As a non-profit organisation, CRIAA SA-DC incubates and builds capacity to enable local communities to control and
take responsibility for their own ventures. It believes in cooperating at all levels with government and other
stakeholders, sharing knowledge and supporting networks and partnerships.
Its broad range of skills and expertise allows CRIAA SA-DC to work throughout the value chain, from identifying
opportunities and markets, through developing post-harvest technologies and diversifying products, to securing
sustainability, fair trade and organic accreditation. The focus is on developing smart commercial partnerships and
sustainable economic ventures based on natural resources.
CRIAA SA-DC also seeks to address the profound challenges posed by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, particularly by
developing and piloting innovative and participatory approaches to give a voice to those living on the frontline of the
HIV/AIDS. It aims to embark on programmes which promote livelihood goals and improve the living standards and
self-esteem of people living with and communities affected by HIV/AIDS. CRIAA SA-DC will play a significant role
in mainstreaming the development of skills which address the socio-economic challenges faced by these individuals and
In the course of its work, CRIAA SA-DC has gained extensive experience in institutional capacity-building with
community organisations, farming systems and livelihoods analyses, designing and manufacturing appropriate
technologies, conducting media and awareness campaigns, and development project design, management, and
monitoring and evaluation.
CRIAA SA-DC was created in 1996 as the result of the restructuring of the French development NGO CRIAA (now
closed down), the Centre for Research-Information-Action for Development in Africa, at its Paris head office and
Southern Africa country branches. CRIAA SA-DC has secured the continuation of CRIAA’s activities in the Region and
has developed into an independent European-Southern African development and consultancy service.
CRIAA SA-DC (Namibia) active members and directors* (as from the AGM of 27 June 2009):
Mr Benoît ALLANIC *
geographer and urban planner, regional development consultant
Mr Dave COLE
resigned June 2009 to join MCA-Namibia as INP Manager
Ms Saskia DEN ADEL *
social anthropologist (MA), community & natural resource development consultant
multi-media, appropriate technology and natural products consultant
Mrs Selma ELOBEID-LEJARS * agronomist, agricultural economist
agronomist (PhD), participatory rural development consultant
Mr Roger GAMOND *
technologist, small scale industry development consultant
Mrs Jeniphar GATSI *
HIV/Aids and gender mainstreaming consultant, accredited trainer (UN)
former KAP assistant manager, now based in France
Mrs Josiane LECLERCQ *
businesswoman in Malawi, former Windhoek office administrator
Mr James LEITH *
former country director of Africa Now in Zimbabwe, livelihoods consultant
PTA market development manager (London)
Mr Michel MALLET *
agricultural engineer, rural development consultant
community developer
Mrs Frederika SHIGWEDHA *
BTech (Pmgt), KAP manager
Associate members:
Mrs Abigail BACHOPI
Ms Veronica KALAMBI
Ms Sammie MATHE
Mr Kris PATE
Mrs Marianne STROHBACH
community development and social worker, FHS co-ordinator
film producer, land use planner, environmental researcher
agricultural engineer, university lecturer (UNAM)
integrated biodiversity conservation and tourism development expert
social worker (ACT), member of ICW regional steering committee
craft and skills trainer
IT and multimedia technology expert
community activist, Young Women Dialogue spokesperson
vegetation ecologist
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
Organisational Structure
Registered in Namibia as an Incorporated Association Not-for-Gain, Reg. No 21/97/069
Namibia Registered Office:
 Executive Director:
 Deputy Executive Director:
 Senior Consultants:
 Program Co-ordinator:
 Administration & Finance:
 Project Field Officer (Omaheke):
 Junior Professional Officers:
Intern ICEMA (HVAS):
Project Field Officer (NCRs):
YEEP Project Officer:
NWHN Project Officer:
NWHN associate researchers:
22 Johann Albrecht Street, PO Box 23778, Windhoek
Michel Mallet
Saskia den Adel (taking over from Dave Cole as from 27 June 2009)
Pierre du Plessis, Klaus Fleissner (joined June 2009)
Jennifer Gatsi (ICW-Namibia / NWHN)
Murial Scott, Monica Ntinda & Letisia Nafuka
Mbazo Motlhaping
Peggy Poncelet (FFEM/ICEMA Project – high value plant species)
Vincent Guillemin (FFEM/ICEMA Project – high value animal species)
Evert Kasirigua (as from end-Nov. 2009)
Padelia Phillipus (till end-July 2009)
Foibe Haludilu (from June 2009)
Veronica Kalambi (from April 2009)
Loini Eliaser, Edwina Kuhlewind, Penny Shilula, Esther Sheehama
Theofilia Kalombo, Saima Moses
Katutura Artisans’ Project (KAP):
 Project Staff:
Workshop Technician:
R&D/processing section:
 Resident Care-Taker:
Technology R&D and Service Centre managed by CRIAA SA-DC
Frederika Shigwedha
Paulina Ambondo-Ambinga
Thomas Ambinga
David Ipinge & James Shagama (and contract workers)
Monica Ntinda
Nedbank of Namibia
Main Branch (Frans Indongo Str.), Windhoek
Auditors / Company Secretary:
Saunderson & Co / ACSEC Professional Services
129 Hosea Kutako Drive, PO Box 24305, Windhoek, Namibia
Tel. (+264.61) 228858, Fax: (+264.61) 246306
Turnover (2008):
N$5.96 M (financial year: 1 January - 31 December)
Europe: Association CRIAA SA-DC (Law of 1 July 1901)
(Declared on 4/06/1996, No 1555 in Journal Officiel de la République Française)
France Registered Office:
c/o the President, M. Mallet, 27 rue Louis Scocard, 91400 Orsay
Banque Populaire Rives de Paris
agence Paris-Arago, 45 boulevard Arago, 75013 Paris
Turnover (2008):
€28’730 (financial year: 1 January - 31 December)
International Memberships, Networking and Partnerships
 Founding member of PhytoTrade Africa, the Southern Africa Natural Products Trade Association (Botswana,
Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe),
 Partner of the International Community of Women Living with HIV/Aids (ICW) in Namibia and local host of ICWNamibia branch for ICW projects’ implementation,
 Member of the Association for African Medicinal Plant Standards (AAMPS),
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
CRIAA SA-DC’s past and present funders, clients and partners include:
In Namibia:
ACT - Aids Care Trust
ALS - Analytical Laboratory Services cc.
ATF - Agricultural Trade Forum
AWDC - African Wild Dog Conservancy (Otjozondjupa Region)
BEN Namibia - Bicycle Empowerment Network Namibia
British High Commission in Namibia
CEDP - Caprivi Economic Development Project
CFN - Community Forestry in Namibia (DED)
COSDEC (Community Skills Development Centre) - Ondangwa
De Beers Marine Namibia
DRFN - Desert Research Foundation of Namibia
Embassy of Finland in Namibia
EWC - Eudafano Women Co-operative Ltd (North Central Regions)
EWMM - Eudafano Women Marula Manufacturing Pty Ltd (EWC Factory, Ondangwa)
FHS - Family Hope Sanctuary
HOGRAN - The Hoodia Growers Association of Namibia
Ibis (Namibia) - Education for Development
ICEMA - Integrated Community-Based Ecosystem Management Project (MET)
IPTT - Indigenous Plant Task Team (formerly IFTT - Indigenous Fruit Task Team)
IRDNC - Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation
KA - Kyramacan Association (West Caprivi)
KNC - King Nehale Conservancy (Omuthiya, Oshikoto Region)
Komeho Namibia Development Agency, Ben Hur and Ongwediva Rural Development Centres (RDCs)
KWID - Khomas Women in Development
LAC - Legal Assistance Centre
LFU - Likwama Farmers’ Union (Caprivi Region)
MAWF - Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry (formerly MAWRD)
MCA Namibia - Millennium Challenge Account Namibia
MET - Ministry of Environment and Tourism
MGECW - Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare (formerly MWACW)
ME - Ministry of Education (formerly MHETEC)
MSTT - Mahangu and Sorghum Task Team
MTI - Ministry of Trade and Industry
NAU- Namibia Agricultural Union
NAB - Namibian Agronomic Board
NACSO - Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations
NAMDEB Social Fund
NANASO - Namibia Network of Aids Support Organisations
NANGOF - Namibia Non-Governmental Organisations Forum
NASSP - National Agricultural Support Services Programme (8th EDF)
NBRI - National Botanical Research Institute (MAWF)
NDT - Namibia Development Trust
NJC - N≠a jaqna Conservancy (Otjozondjupa Region)
NNC - Nyae Nyae Conservancy (Otjozondjupa Region)
NNDFN - Nyae Nyae Development Foundation of Namibia
NNF - Namibia Nature Foundation
NNFU - Namibia National Farmers’ Union
NPC - National Planning Commission
NTC - !Nara Training Centre
Omwene Tukwafa Support Group (Katutura)
OOP - Ontanga Oil Producers (Ondangwa)
OST - Omaheke San Trust (Gobabis)
PoN - Polytechnic of Namibia
RAISON - Research and Information Services of Namibia
RF - The Rössing Foundation
Topnaar Community Foundation (Erongo Region)
TTP - Tulongeni Twahangana Project (Eenhana & Epembe, Ohangwena Region))
Tuyakula Group (Katutura)
UNAM - University of Namibia
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
In the SADC Region:
AAMPS - Association for African Medical Plant Standards (Mauritius)
Afriplex (Pty) Ltd - African Plant Extracts (South Africa)
ALN - Aids Legal Network (South Africa)
AWID - Association of Women’s Rights in Development (South Africa Regional Office)
Biowatch (South Africa)
CSIR - Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (South Africa)
Institute for Natural Resources, Pietermarizburg (South Africa)
IUCN - International Union for the Conservation of Nature (South Africa regional office)
OSISA - The Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (South Africa)
PTA - PhytoTrade Africa, the Southern Africa Natural Products Trade Association
SAFAIDS - Southern Africa HIV and AIDS Information Dissemination Service (South Africa)
SAFIRE - Southern Alliance for Indigenous Resources (Zimbabwe)
SADC Secretariat - Secretariat of the Southern African Development Community (FIRCOP Fund)
Thusano Lefatsheng (Botswana)
UP - University of Pretoria (South Africa)
VPRD - Veld Product Research and Development (Botswana)
WILDFOODS (Botswana)
WIMSA - Working Group of Indigenous Minorities in Southern Africa
In the rest of the World:
Africa Now (UK)
AFVP - Association Française des Volontaires du Progrès (France)
Arbor Ventures (UK)
The Athena Network (USA)
AVAC – Global Advocacy for HIV Prevention (USA)
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (USA)
BfN - Bundesamt für Naturschutz (German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation)
BVH - Botanisher Verein zu Hamburg (Botanical Association of Hamburg), University of Hamburg (Germany)
BGU - Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Israel)
CEDPA - Centre for Development and Population Activities (USA)
CFTC - Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation, Commonwealth Secretariat (UK)
CIFOR - Centre for International Forestry Research (Indonesia)
CIRAD - Centre for International Research in Agronomy for Development (France)
DANCED - Danish Co-operation for Environment and Development (Denmark)
DfID - Department for International Development (UK)
EC - European Commission
FAO - UN Food and Agriculture Organisation
FFEM - French Global Environment Facility
French Co. - French Cooperation
FFI - Fauna and Flora International (UK)
Ford Foundation (USA)
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
GDF - Global Diversity Foundation (UK)
GEF - The Global Environment Fund
GRAIN - Genetic Resources Action International (Spain)
GTZ - German Development Agency
IAS - International AIDS Society (Geneva)
ICRW - International Centre for Research on Women (USA)
ICW - International Community of Women Living with HIV/Aids (UK/Argentina)
IDRC - International Development Research Centre (Canada)
IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development (Roma)
IH/CEH - Institute of Hydrology / Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallington (UK)
IPACC - Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee
IPAS - Change in the Pacific Institute for Women’s Health (USA)
LuxDev - Luxemburg Development
MCC - Millenium Challenge Corporation (USA)
NRI - Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwhich (UK)
ODI - Overseas Development Institute (UK)
OXFAM Belgium, OXFAM Canada, OXFAM UK & Ireland, INTERMÓN (Spain)
PACT - Building Capacity Worldwide (Community Reach/USAID programme)
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
PANOS Institute London (UK)
PARTICIP GmbH (Germany)
PPI - People and Plants International Inc.
SIDA - Swedish International Development Agency
Skillshare International (UK)
Swedish Agricultural University (Uppsala)
TBSI (Community Trade) - The Body Shop International plc (UK)
The Gaia Foundation (UK)
UNAIDS - The United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS
UNCTAD BioTrade Programme (Geneva)
UNDP - The United Nations Development Program
UNICEF - The United Nations Children’s Fund
University of Cologne (Germany)
University of Hawai’i, Botany Department
USAID - The United States Agency for International Development
Vital Solutions GmbH (Germany)
VSO - Voluntary Service Overseas (UK)
World Bank (IBRD)
WHO - UN World Health Organisation
WWF - World Wildlife Fund
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
On-going and recently completed research, projects, programmes and technical assistance
undertaken by CRIAA SA-DC in Namibia and other countries
are presented below in following thematic areas:
Community-based Natural Resource Management
Marula Oil Development and Eudafano Women Co-Operative (EWC)
Women’s Health & Development, HIV/Aids & Gender Mainstreaming, Community Development
Crop Post-Harvest, Processing and Marketing
Grain Crops
Indigenous Green Leafy Vegetables
Kalahari Melon Seeds (KMS)
Devil’s Claw and Medicinal Plants Development
Research and development of other natural resources
In Namibia
In the SADC Region
Biotrade, Access and Benefit Sharing
Other Research, Projects and Consultancies
Katutura Artisans’ Project (KAP)
Participation in Working Groups, Task Teams and Committees
Southern Africa
Insert: Katutura Artisans’ Project (KAP)
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
Traditional Cultivation Project, Namibia
 Enrichment cultivation of traditional useful plants (Devil’s Claw, Marama bean, Kalahari melon in 4 villages in
Nyae Nyae Conservancy, funded by WWF through NNDFN; (Feb. 2009 - Dec. 2010)
Consultant: K. Fleissner
High Value Plant Species (HVPS) Senior Expertise, Namibia
 Provision of expert services to ICEMA and the CBNRM programme in conserving and valorising plant biodiversity
in selected communal conservancies, contracted by MET/ICEMA with funds from FFEM; (Nov. 2005-Jun. 2010)
Consultant: P. du Plessis
ICEMA Junior Professional Officers (JPO), Namibia
Through a MoA with MET, administration of two French “Volunteers” (JPOs) for the ICEMA/FFEM project:
 High Value Plant Species (HVPS) JPO hosted by NBRI in Windhoek; (Oct. 2005-May 2007, Jun. 2007-May 2009,
Jun. 2009-Jun. 2010)
JPO: Peggy Poncelet (from June 2007) - Supervisor: P. du Plessis
 High Value Animal Species (HVAS) JPO hosted by WWF in Windhoek; (Apr. 2009-Jun. 2010)
JPO: Vincent Guillemin / Intern: Evert Kasirigua - Co-ordinator: M. Mallet
CBNRM Brand-name Recognition Assisting Market Development, Namibia
 Creation of a branded identity for CBNRM products communicating to global consumers the environmental, social
and sustainable virtues of this Namibian approach to poverty alleviation, and develop a strategy and action plan to use
the new brand to market ecosystem services derived from CBNRM implementation; funded by DfID-NTPP (Namibia
Trade and Poverty Programme) through the Agricultural Trade Forum (ATF); (Oct. 2007-Apr. 2008)
Consultants: P. du Plessis & D. Cole
Natural Product Certification Support, Namibia
 To pilot organic certification by marula and KMS producers in the Omusati region in partnership with EWC and the
Rössing Foundation: establishment of ICS groups and training, small-holder farms mapping and organising a
certification inspection; co-funded by WWF-LifePlus through NNF and PhytoTrade Africa; (Nov. 2005-Jun. 2007)
 Preparation of a replication plan, organic certification manuals and training of trainers; funded by WWF-LifePlus
through NNF (Jul. 2007-Mar. 2008)
Project co-ordinator: S. den Adel (with support from P. du Plessis, M. Mallet, D. Cole, F. Shigwedha & P. Phillipus)
Tulongeni Twahangana Project (TTP), Namibia
 With the support of the Eenhana ERSC (see below) and agricultural extension service, assisting Ximenia producers
in Ohangwena in forming a producers’ organisation and organising Ximenia kernels and KMS intakes; (2004-2006)
 Support to commercial intakes of quality Ximenia kernels from TTP for pilot processing at KAP and export market
development; a collaborative effort of TTP, IPTT, PTA and CRIAA SA-DC; (2005-2008/09)
Co-ordinators: S. den Adel & M. Mallet (with support from F. Shigwedha)
Extension of IPTT Activities to Eco-Regional Satellite Centres (ERSCs), Namibia
 Built on results of Phase-1 (2004), operationalisation of 6 ERSCs throughout Namibia in conjunction with IPTT’s
national strategy and activities; commissioned by NR Int. for NASSP (EDF8) and MAWF; (Mar. 2005-Sep. 2006)
Consultant: S. den Adel (with support from P. du Plessis)
Exporting Ximenia to Encourage Domestication (EXTEND) project, Namibia
 Procurement of Ximenia kernels from communities in Ohangwena for trial processing, assess current knowledge on
domestication and define research strategy with stakeholders; funded by NNF/SIDA; (Jun.-Dec. 2004)
Co-ordinator: P. du Plessis (with support from S. den Adel & F. Schall)
Ximenia Oil Trial Intake and Commercialisation (X-OTIC Project), Namibia
 Appraisal of the environmental, socio-economic, technical and financial parameters of producing oil from the nuts
of Ximenia spp. and identify high-value oil markets; funded by SIDA through NNF; (Jan.-Dec. 2001)
Co-ordinator: P. du Plessis - Field researcher: N. Shikongo
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
Capacity Building to EWMM for Oil Export, Namibia
 Training and technical assistance to Eudafano factory (EWMM) staff to prepare complete documentation and
arrange logistics for exporting directly from Ondangwa containerised oil drums; contracted by PTA; (Nov.-Dec. 2009)
Consultant: S. den Adel
EWC and EWMM in Marula Food Oil (MFO) Development, Namibia
 Preparation and documentation of the inception workshop to develop a workplan for EWC & EWMM participating
into Phase-2 of the MFO project; contracted by GTZ-MET ISLM Biotrade Project; (Jun.-Jul. 2009)
Consultant: M. Mallet
Technical Assistance to EWC and Eudafano Women Factory, Namibia
 Technical support and advice, business planning, training and marketing facilitation to EWC and its Ondangwa
Factory in processing marula and Kalahari melon seed oils for niche export market; (since July 2005)
Adviser: M. Mallet
Facilitation of an Aldivia/M6 TV Crew film report on Organic Cosmetic Oils, Namibia
 Support to the filming of a TV programme (“Capital” French Channel M6) in North Central Namibia on the
sourcing by Aldivia of organically certified ingredients and the expanding organic cosmetic market; (Mar. 2007)
Co-ordinators: M. Mallet, S. den Adel & F. Shigwedha
Facilitation of The Body Shop International (TBSI) Marketing Trips to EWC, Namibia
 TBSI “community trade” and marketing team visits to EWC in Northern Namibia to prepare a global marketing
campaign on Eudafano and new range of Marula oil facial cosmetics (film shooting, photographic images & women
story records, press articles); (Aug. 2006 & Mar. 2007)
Co-ordinators: S. den Adel, M. Mallet, F. Shigwedha & J. Gallardo
Equipping EWC Factory in Ondangwa with Oil Processing Equipment, Namibia
 Provision of marula juice, melon seed and marula oil processing equipment, commissioning and staff training at
EWC factory in Ondangwa; funded by Namdeb Social Fund and De Beers Marine Namibia; (Jan. 2005 - Feb. 2006)
Project co-ordinator: M .Mallet - Technical expert: R. Gamond with support from J. Gallardo (AFVP Volunteer)
Co-operative Mentorship, Namibia
 Provision of mentorship services for developing the co-operative business of EWC; commissioned by the Division
of Co-operative Development (DCD-MAWRD) and NASSP; (Aug. 2004-Sep. 2005)
Mentor: M. Mallet (with support from F. Shigwedha)
Capacity Building of Eudafano Women Co-operative Ltd (EWC) and Producers’ Associations, Namibia
 Support to the drafting of a business plan and to the preparation of the 2003 AGM, co-operative development
training workshops; funded by the Embassy of Finland; (Sep. 2003-Jul. 2004)
 Support to the preparation of AGMs for 12 member-associations of EWC (3500 women members), and co-operative
development training workshops; funded by the Embassy of Finland; (Jul.-Oct. 2002)
Co-ordinator: M. Mallet (with support of F. Amutse-Shigwedha and S. den Adel)
A History of Marula Use in North Central Namibia
 Desk study and participatory field research in northern Namibia presented into a 100 p. illustrated report; funded by
CRIAA (France); (Nov. 2000-Oct. 2001); re-edited in 2007 by PhytoTrade Africa
Researcher: A. Botelle (Mamokobo Video & Research)
Trial Marula Oil Production (TMOP) Project, Namibia
 Phase 4: consolidation of EWC export business after 1st marula oil export order of 2000, co-operative development
and producers’ associations capacity building; funded by MWACW; (Apr. 2000-Jun. 2001 & Oct. 2001-Sep. 2002)
 Phase 3: Founding of EWC, capacity building and business planning support, pilot Marula oil production at KAP,
market & technical research; supported by NAMDEB Social Fund, MTI and DCD (MAWRD); (Jun. 1998-Mar. 2000)
 Phases 1 & 2: Feasibility study for the Office of the President (Dept of Women Affairs), sampling, collating and
pilot processing of Marula kernels into quality oil for export, so as to secure sustainable income and development
opportunities for northern Namibia rural women; funded by NAMDEB Social Fund and MTI; (Aug. 1996-May 1998)
Co-ordinators: C. Lombard & M. Mallet (with support from S. Mwaala, F. Amutse, S. den Adel & R. Gamond)
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
ICW-Namibia and the Namibian Women’s Health Network (NWHN)
 CRIAA SA-DC is acting as the fiscal agent of ICW-Namibia and the Namibia Women’s Health Network (NWHN)
for activities funded by ICW (UK) and various donors; (on-going since July 2005)
 During 2006 to 2008, ICW-Namibia/NWHN members participated in numerous regional and international
workshops and conferences including Toronto 2006 and Mexico 2008 AIDS Conferences (sponsored by IAS & The
Mirembe Project)
 Ms Gatsi sat in the Leadership Planning Committee of the IAS for Mexico 2008 AIDS Conference and is cochairing the Community Planning Committee for the Vienna 2010 AIDS Conference
Programme Co-ordinator: J. Gatsi
Women HIV Prevention Tracking Project on Male Circumcision (WHiPT), Namibia
 NWHN engaging and building capacities of women and community-based actors to monitor specific HIV
prevention research, policies and strategies; funded by AVAC; (Dec. 2009-Jul. 2010)
Co-ordinator: J. Gatsi
Documenting Litigation Cases and Other Violations in Namibia
 A cooperative project between NWHN, the Athena Network and the Aids Legal Network (ALN) to advance
women’s participation in the UNGASS Review Process and the Universal Access Initiative; funded by UNDP; (Dec.
2009-. Jul.2010)
Co-ordinator: J. Gatsi
Redressing and Halting Coerced Sterilisation of Women Living with HIV, Namibia
 ICW-Namibia’s support to affected women, awareness raising, partnering with CSOs in an advocacy campaign
around court cases of forced sterilisation; funded by OSISA; (Oct. 2009-Jun. 2010)
Co-ordinator: J. Gatsi, Project Officer: Veronica Kalambi
“Changing the River’s Flow” Project, Namibia
 Organisation by NWHN and NANASO of community-based volunteer workshops in Khomas and Caprivi regions,
and a community dialogue meeting in Katima Mulilo as part of a regional project on confronting cultural practices,
beliefs and customary laws to promote gender equality and prevent gender-based violence against women and girls in
southern Africa; funded by SAfAIDS; (Aug.-Dec 2009)
Co-ordinator: J. Gatsi, Project Officer: Loini Eliaser (with support from E. Sheehama & E. Kuhlewind)
Youth Economic Empowerment Project (YEEP), Namibia
 Support to ICW-Namibia to mentor and provide livelihood training and job entrepreneurship opportunities to youth
living with, affected by or at risk of HIV; funded by the Ford Foundation; (Dec. 2008 - Nov. 2010)
Co-ordinator: J. Gatsi (with support of S. den Adel), Project Officer: Foibe Haludilu
“Women’s Unpaid Work in HIV Care” in Namibia and Botswana
 Research by interviews in the 2 countries to feed into the compilation of a publication and a video by the
Commonwealth Secretariat; commissioned by the Commonwealth FTC (Jun.-Jul. 2009)
Consultant: J. Gatsi
Expanding Reproductive Rights Knowledge and Advocacy by HIV-positive Women & Allies, Namibia
 Action-oriented initiative by ICW-Namibia and IPAS in training, research, education and advocacy on reproductive
and sexual health rights, including safe abortion; funded by IPAS (USA); (Nov. 2008-Dec. 2009)
Co-ordinator: J. Gatsi, Project Officer: Emilia Michael / Veronica Kalambi (from Apr. 2009)
Bridging the Gap: addressing contentious & neglected issues in SRHR & HIV, Southern Africa
 Technical advisor to ATHENA project in Southern Africa and co-ordinator of a rapid documentation process on
coerced sterilisation in Namibia & Botswana; funded by ATHENA (Packard grant); (Dec. 2008-Apr. 2009)
Project Co-ordinator: J. Gatsi
Positive Women Monitoring Change in Namibia
 Training of the YWD steering group in advocacy, data collection, information dissemination and lobbying to
become active focal points for young positive women in all 13 Regions, project supported by Ibis; (Mar.-Dec. 2008)
Project Co-ordinator: J. Gatsi
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
Reproductive Rights for Women Living with HIV/Aids, Namibia and Eastern & Southern Africa
 Training of trainers for ICW members from Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Swaziland, Tanzania and Uganda
to further work with members of their communities; funded by IPAS (USA); (Jun. 2007-Sep. 2008)
Project Co-ordinator (Namibia): J. Gatsi
ICW Young Women Dialogue (YWD) Programme, Namibia
 Training of HIV-positive young women to mobilise and support in turn positive young women in regions and
develop their national advocacy work; funded by PACT-USAID through ICW (UK); (Aug. 2007-Jun. 2008)
Project Co-ordinator: J. Gatsi - YWD Officer: M. Shindi
Parliamentarian Leadership for Women Health, Namibia
 3-year advocacy project in partnership with Parliamentarians to promote the rights and the networking of women
living with HIV/Aids; funded by the B & M Gates Foundation through IRCW & ICW; (2005-2007)
Programme Co-ordinator: J. Gatsi
2006 Toronto AIDS Conference
 Paper on ‘Stigma and Discrimination in Namibia’ presented at a satellite session organised by the Atlantic Centre
for Excellence in Women’s Health, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the SA-HSRC and OSISA
Researcher & Presenter: J. Gatsi
 Co-facilitating Sexual Reproductive Health training for IPAS at the Toronto Conference (Aug. 2006)
Trainer: J. Gatsi
Burden of Care on Women and Girls in Namibia
 Panellist at the House of Commons and presentation of a paper* ‘The burden of AIDS care on women and girls in
Namibia’ at the invitation of the All Party Parliament Group on HIV & AIDS and VSO (UK); (Mar. 2006) *[a
publication was later produced, see]
Researcher: J. Gatsi
Access to Care, Treatment and Support in Namibia
 Study on “3 by 5” access to care, treatment & support of women living with HIV in Khomas, Kavango and Caprivi
Regions; funded by WHO; (Feb. 2006) [later published, see]
Researcher: J. Gatsi
Millennium Development Goals addressing Sexual Reproductive Health in Namibia
 Mapping of HIV-positive women’s experience in accessing service, care, treatment & support in Erongo & Khomas
Regions; funded by IPAS; (Jan.-Feb. 2006) [published in Fulfilling reproductive rights for women affected by HIV: a
tool for monitoring achievement of Millennium Development Goal, see]
 Research on the 3 MDGs pertinent to women’s SRH in Namibia: promoting gender equality & empowerment
(MDG3), improving maternal health (MDG5), and combating HIV/AIDS, malaria & other major diseases (MDG6);
funded by IPAS, CHANGE and the Pacific Institute for Women’s Health; (2004)
Researcher: J. Gatsi
HIV/Aids Turning Ideas into Action, Namibia
 Financial administration and support to the TCT Consortium’s outreach project for communities and OVCs affected
by HIV/Aids; funded by World Bank’s Development Marketplace Program; (Jul. 2004-Jul. 2005)
 As an offshoot of the above project, support to the creation of Family Hope Sanctuary (FHS) supporting OVCs, out
of school youth, PWA and caregivers in Hakahana; (Jan.-Jun. 2005) [FHS is now operating as an independent CBO]
Co-ordinator: J. Gatsi - FHS Manager: A. Bachopi
Empowerment at the Grassroots’ for PWA in Katutura - Tuyakula Group, Namibia
 Capacity building and income generation for a group of PWA to break isolation and victimisation [the Tuyakula
Group is now operating independently as a CBO]; funded by UNAIDS & VSO (UK); (May 2003-Dec. 2004)
Co-ordinator: J. Gatsi - Skills Trainer: S. Mathe
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
Grain crops
Business and Management Training for Emerging Mahangu Millers, Namibia
 Development of training materials and 2-week training for millers aspiring to register as commercial millers of
Mahangu, being declared a controlled product under the Agronomy Industry Act; tendered by NAB; (May 2008)
Consultants: M. Mallet & J. Chigariro
Mahangu (pearl millet) Grain and Flour Standards Review, Namibia
 Consultative workshops with industry stakeholders to finalise the newly established mahangu flour standards,
submission of final standards to NAB for gazetting, commissioned by MSTT & NAB; (Jul.-Aug. 2007)
 Review and improvement of mahangu grain grading standards and first Mahangu flour quality standards for NAB
and the mahangu Industry; commissioned by NR International for NASSP & MAWF (Aug.-Sep. 2006)
Consultant: M. Mallet
Participatory Evaluation of Annual Mahangu (pearl millet) and Maize Marketing Campaigns, Namibia
 Facilitation of annual workshops evaluating and planning the grain marketing campaigns organised by regional
farmers’ organisations (RFOs) in Northern crop-growing regions; commissioned by NNFU; (2006, 2007 & 2008)
 Ex-post evaluation of the grain marketing campaign organised by RFOs in the Northern regions for NNFU and
MSTT; commissioned by NNFU/SFEI (French Co.); (Nov. 2004-Apr. 2005)
Consultant: M. Mallet
Training Materials for Co-operative Mahangu Marketing, Namibia
 Preparation of improved mahangu (pearl millet) grain intake recording and bookkeeping forms for training
managers of rural grain assembly centres and farmers’ co-operatives; commissioned by NNFU; (Jun. 2005)
Consultant: M. Mallet
Development of a Mahangu (Pearl Millet) Technology Demonstration Unit, Namibia
 Phase II: Transfer of processing technology to the Ongwediva RDC; commissioned by NASSP/MSTT; (Aug. 2006)
 Phase I: Technical design of the demonstration area for a National Grain Post-Harvest Demonstration Unit at the
Ongwediva RDC; tendered by NASSP for MSTT/MAWRD; (Oct. 2004-Jan. 2005)
Consultants: R. Gamond & M. Mallet
NASSP Grain Management Programme: Review of Pilot Grain Marketing Initiatives, Namibia
 Field evaluation of the 2003 mahangu marketing campaign of farmers’ co-operatives in the North Central Regions
in collaboration with NNFU; commissioned by NASSP & MAWRD; (Sep. 2003-Mar. 2004)
Consultant: M. Mallet
Mahangu (pearl millet) Post-Harvest Processing R&D, Namibia
 R&D projects: testing of new hammermills, development of a portable grain winnower prototype, further
development of pre-cleaning technology; commissioned by NASSP/MSTT through NAB, (Dec. 2003-Jul. 2004):
Consultants: R. Gamond & M. Mallet
Indigenous Green Leafy Vegetables
The way forward with Indigenous Vegetables, Namibia
 Desk-top consultancy to propose a comprehensive way forward for the development of production and/or
harvesting, processing and marketing of green leafy and other IVs; commissioned by IPTT; (Oct.-Nov. 2008)
Consultant: P. du Plessis
Processing Trials for Indigenous Green Leafy Vegetables (IGLVs), Namibia
 Testing processing methods (drying, pasteurising, deep freezing, blanching) on shelf-life, nutritional value and
consumer market appeal of 2 key IGLV species; funded by NASSP & IPTT; (Mar.-Aug. 2005 & Mar.-Aug. 2006)
Consultants: P .du Plessis, R. Gamond, S. den Adel & M. Mallet
NASSP Indigenous Vegetable Development Programme, Namibia
 Preparation of a green leafy vegetable development plan including cultivation trials, synergies with agricultural
research and extension, and marketability research; tendered by NASSP/MAWRD; (Oct. 2003-Mar. 2004)
Consultant: P. du Plessis
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
Kalahari Melon Seeds (KMS)
Pilot Melon Cultivation Project in Nyae Nyae and N#a-Jaqna Conservancies, Namibia
 Technical assistance to the 2 Conservancies and their service providers as part of the Country Pilot Partnership
(CPP) for Integrated Sustainable Land Management (ISLM) Programme of UNDP/GEF in Namibia; (Feb. 2009-Jan.
Consultant: D. Cole / Klaus Fleissner
Kalahari Melon Seed (KMS) Development Project, Namibia
 Support to key industry stakeholders in strengthening Namibia’s position as a quality, reliable, eco-friendly and
ethical producer of KMS oil as a cosmetic ingredient for the local and international market ; funded by IPTT; (Phase-1:
Aug. 2008-Aug. 2009)
 Support to the Regional Farmers’ Co-operatives through NNFU in Northern Namibia to expand crop marketing
services to KMS; funded by PhytoTrade Africa/IUCN Natural Futures Programme; (Mar. 2008-Sep. 2009)
Project Co-ordinator: M. Mallet, Project Officer: P. Phillipus
DURAS Project: Geographical Indication of Kalahari Melon Seed (KMS) Oil, Namibia
 Case study and stakeholders’ consultations on the potential of using GI as a marketing tool for community-produced
KMS (Citrullus lanatus) oil; funded by CIRAD/French Gov. through University of Pretoria; (Mar. 2007-Mar. 2008)
Consultants: M. Mallet & S. Carr (NBRI)
Melon Seed Oil Fatty Acid Analysis, Namibia
 Technical service to NBRI and IPTT for comparing the oil content and fatty acid profile through accredited
laboratory analyses of selected land races of melon seeds (Citrullus lanatus) for selection and breeding; (2005, 2006,
2007, 2008 & 2009)
Co-ordinators: M. Mallet & P. du Plessis
Local Capacity Building and Export Facilitation of Kalahari Melon Seed (KMS) Oil, Namibia
 Strengthening the capacity of the King Nehale Conservancy (Omuthiya) as a community trade supplier of KMS,
organising contract processing in Ondangwa and oil export to UK for TBSI; funded by IPTT; (Nov. 2004-Feb. 2005)
Consultant: S. den Adel (with support from P. du Plessis)
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
Useful Natural Resources in Resettlement Farms, Namibia
 Baseline survey at Queen Sofia and Vasdraai farms; commissioned by Komeho Namibia; (Nov. 2009)
Consultant: M. Mothlaping
Sustainably Harvested Devil’s Claw (SHDC) in Bwabwata National Park (West Caprivi), Namibia
 Technical assistance to initiate a sustainable Devil’s Claw harvesting and marketing programme under the
management of the Kyaramacan Association; service contract IRDNC/EC-Env.; (Feb. 2008-Dec. 2009)
Consultants: D. Cole / Klaus Fleissner & M. Motlhaping
Land and Resource Management Project at Vergenoeg Farm, Namibia
 Devil’s Claw enrichment planting in fenced plots cleared from bush encroachment and development of a resource
management plan to improve community livelihoods; funded by CPP-ISLM, UNDP/GEF; (Feb. 2009-Jan. 2010)
Co-ordinator: D. Cole / Klaus Fleissner - Field Officer: M. Mothlaping
Komeho Sustainable Programme for Rural Communities in Namibia
 Training on sustainable harvesting of Devil’s Claw (SHDC) & Kalahari truffles at Tsjaka Ben Hur RDC; (Jul. 2009)
 Devils’ Claw ecological survey& SHDC training at Uutsathima (Omusati region); (Jun. 2009)
 Devils’ Claw ecological survey& SHDC training at Bravo Resettlement Project (Kavango region); (Jan. 2009)
 Succulents’ cultivation training at Blouberg (Omaheke region); (Jan. 2009)
Commissioned by Komeho Namibia Development Agency and Skillshare International (UK Big Lottery Fund)
Consultant: M. Mothlaping
Devil’s Claw Project in Nyae Nyae and N#a-Jaqna Conservancies, Namibia
 Marketing support and organic certification in the Nyae Nyae Conservancy (NNC) and N#a-Jaqna Conservancy
(NJC) in the Otjozondjupa region; commissioned by NNDFN & NJC; (Jun.-Dec. 2008, Feb.-Dec. 2009)
 Resource management support to NNC and NJC; commissioned by WIMSA/ICEMA; (Feb.-Apr. 2008)
 Technical assistance and capacity building of the NNC for increasing ecosystem-based income generating activities
for community benefit; commissioned by NNDFN/ICEMA; (Sep. 2006-Jul. 2007)
 Support to establishing a sustainably harvested and marketed Devil’s Claw project in the NJC through training of
local village co-ordinators; commissioned by WIMSA/ICEMA; (Mar.-Jul. 2007)
Consultant: D. Cole / Klaus Fleissner
Devil’s Claw Cultivation Research, Namibia
 Background report on Harpagophytum cultivation activities and results, and on perceptions of stakeholders relating
to sustainable harvesting and cultivation in Namibia; commissioned by PhytoTrade Africa; (Aug.-Oct. 2008)
Consultant: D. Cole
‘Devil’s Claw goes public” exhibition project of the Botanical Association of Hamburg
 Provision of samples, data and information from Vergenoeg harvesters to the project; (Nov. 2007-May 2008)
Consultant: D. Cole
Co-ordinator (Germany): Dr Berit Hachfeld (BVzH)
Sustainably Harvested Devil’s Claw (SHDC) Project in Hwange District, Zimbabwe
SHDC project implemented by the African Centre for Holistic Management (ACHM) in Victoria Falls with support
from Africa Now (AN) and funded by the EC, the RM Laing Foundation and the Body Shop International
 Final field evaluation of the project (May 2008); Mid-term field evaluation of the project; (Jan.-Feb. 2007)
 Ecological surveys and analysis for sustainable resource management; (Feb. 2008)
 Field training of harvesters in sustainable harvesting and processing; (Mar.-Apr. 2007)
Consultants: D. Cole & M. Mothlaping
Market Chain Analysis of Hoodia and Devil’s Claw Products, Namibia
 Desk-top analysis to document a development project proposal for fair trade marketing of these products benefiting
small farmers/harvesters in South and East regions; contracted by NDT; (Nov. 2007)
Consultants: P. du Plessis & D. Cole
International Strategy and Review Meeting of the Association of African Medicinal Plants Standards (AAMPS)
 Organisation in Windhoek for AAMPS an international workshop to authenticate 50 herbal profiles and the AGM of
AAMPS; co-funded by EC-PRO€INVEST, AAMPS and CRIAA SA-DC; (Aug.-Dec. 2007)
Co-ordinator: D. Cole (with support from M. Mallet & P. du Plessis)
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
Trade, Poverty and Natural Products: lessons learnt from Namibian organic Devil’s Claw, Namibia
 Research into the potential of re-aligning the market for Namibian Devil’s Claw; commissioned by ATF for DfID’s
Namibia Trade and Poverty Programme (NTPP); (Dec. 2006-Sep. 2007)
Consultants: D. Cole & B. Bennett (NRI)
Devil’s Claw Cultivation Trials, Namibia
 Scaling up the production of seedlings and transplantation to improve the overall profitability of the cultivation
project in the African Wild Dog Conservancy at Okandjatu; commissioned by NDT/ICEMA; (Mar.-July 2007)
 Establishment of nursery facilities at Ben Hur RDC (Omaheke) and Okondjatu (Otjozondjupa), seedlings production
and propagation; commissioned by NASSP/DCWG; Phase I: Nov. 2003-Jun. 2004; Phase II: Oct. 2004-Sep. 2006)
Co-ordinator: D. Cole - Field Officers: M. Mothlaping & F. Mieze
Population Status and Methods for Sustainable Use of the Medicinal Plant Harpagophytum in Namibia
 A 5-year research project to measure tubers’ growth rate and monitor harvesting impact on plant growth in cooperation with harvesting communities on 3 sites in Omaheke; funded by BfN (Germany); (Nov. 2000-Sep. 2006)
Co-ordinator: D. Cole - Ecologist: M. Strohbach - Field Officer: M. Mothlaping
Devil’s Claw Standards, Namibia
 Preparing Devil’s Claw standards for Namibia industry stakeholders; commissioned by NASSP; (Apr.2006)
Local Consultant: D. Cole - International Consultant: Keith Shaw
International Standards for Sustainable Wild Collection of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants (ISSC-MAP)
 Field testing of relevance, applicability and practicability of the draft standards; funded by WWF (Sep.-Nov. 2005)
Consultant: D. Cole - International Consultant: Dr David Newton (TRAFFIC South Africa)
In Namibia
Maguni African Fruit Trading (MAFT) business feasibility
 Feasibility study and technical support for the launch of a small enterprise commercialising Maguni fruit products
(Strychnos spp.) from the Kavango Region; contracted by MTI; (Jul.-Dec. 2009)
Consultants: S. den Adel & M. Mallet
Hoodia Marketing Research
 Evaluating marketing opportunities that would ensure poor rural producers a sustainable income in a fair value chain
and define the potential roles that HOGRAN can play in the Namibian Hoodia marketing chain; commissioned by
NNFU/NAU-HCPRP (EC 9th EDF); (May.-Sep. 2009)
Consultants: P. Du Plessis & M. Mallet
Flavour Extraction from Marula Fruit Skins
 Organising a technical field trip to northern Namibia and EWC Factory by an Afriplex expert and the IPTT coordinator to evaluate the practicalities of establishing a flavour extraction venture on site; funded by IPTT (Mar. 2009)
Co-ordination: P. Du Plessis & M. Mallet
 Preparing and preserving fresh marula fruits skins at KAP and dispatch to a specialised extraction company in Paarl
for producing and test market flavour extract samples; funded by PhytoTrade Africa; (Phase-1: Jun.-Jul. 2008)
Researcher: N. Amutenya - Co-ordinator: P. Du Plessis
Precautionary Investigation of the Potential Threat of Pesticide Use on Natural Products
 Study on the extent of use of DDT and other pesticides and investigation of their potential threat to NPs in Namibia
as part of a regional project co-ordinated and funded by PhytoTrade Africa; (Oct. 2008-Apr. 2009)
Researcher: S. den Adel
Ximenia subspecies collection, identification and characterisation
 Regional research co-ordinated by PhytoTrade Africa for identifying the 4 sub-species of Ximenia (americana &
caffra) in member countries and characterising their respective oils; (Aug. 2008-Apr. 2009)
Co-ordinator: M. Mallet (with support from P. Poncelet & S. den Adel)
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
Maruline Research and Development
 Production under controlled conditions of marula kernel samples from well identified source of fruit seeds and
supply for product R&D by Aldivia/PhytoTrade Africa under a MTA; (Oct.-Nov. 2008)
Researcher: P. Phillipus - Co-ordinator: M. Mallet
Hoodia and Aloe Cultivation Training, Namibia
 Field training at Blouberg on cultivation and sustainable harvesting of succulents; contracted by Komeho &
Skillshare International; (Oct. 2008)
Consultant: M. Motlhaping
Baseline Survey on Marketable Botanical Resources
 Rapid field appraisal of wild and semi-cultivated botanicals in selected Regions; contracted by Komeho Namibia
Development Agency & Skillshare International; (June 2008)
Consultant: M. Motlhaping
Production of Fresh !Nara Seed Oil
 Cold-pressing of seeds of the endemic Acanthosicyos horridis, composition and quality analyses of the virgin oil,
and test-market of this gourmet exotic and rare quality vegetable oil; funded by IPTT/MAWF; (Mar.-Nov. 2007)
Consultants: M. Mallet, Pierre du Plessis with support from J. Gallardo & S. den Adel
IPTT Co-ordination and Market Liaison Services
 Provision of expert and co-ordination services to the Indigenous Plant Task Team (IPTT); (2003/2007)
 Drafting of the Namibian submission on Indigenous Natural Products to the Millenium Challenge Corporation (US
Government) for IPTT, NPC and MAWF (Aug. 2006) and follow-up with MCA and MCC (Sep. 2006-Mar.2007)
 Organisation of the 3rd National Stakeholders’ workshop of IPTT (Mar. 2007)
 Situation analysis and way forward presentation at the 2-day IPTT Strategic Planning Meeting (Oct. 2007)
Consultant: P. du Plessis
Marula Juice and Pulp Pilot Project (MJP³) Phase-2
 Investigation into the commercial use of dried fruit skin by-products (from EWC Factory) for marula flavour
extraction; funded by IPTT through NAB (Feb.-Sep. 2007)
 Field testing (and adaptation) during the fruiting seasons of processing equipment developed previously, supplying
product samples to commercial R&D and market partners; funded by IPTT through NAB; (Feb. 2005-Jan. 2007)
Consultants: R. Gamond & P. du Plessis (with support from F. Schall/J. Gallardo, F. Shigwedha & T. Ambinga)
Business Plan and Enterprise Formation of a New Namibian Natural Products Company
 Consultations for creating a new company, elaboration of a business plan to valorise further and continue processing
and market development of natural products, particularly those derived from indigenous plant resources accessible to
poor rural producers; funded by IPTT, Arbor Ventures (UK) and CRIAA SA-DC; (Jun. 2005-May 2006)
Co-ordinator: P. du Plessis (with support from C. Lombard, M. Mallet, D. Cole & R. Gamond)
Contracted consultants: Peter Ryan, Claus Wibbelmann & Silke Rügheimer
Technical Support to Income Generation for Disadvantaged Namibian People through the Commercialisation of
Indigenous Products
 Documentation of traditional post-harvest processing methods, preparation of extension materials on improved postharvest and processing techniques; funded by the French Embassy; (2002-04, 2004-05 & Mar.-Nov. 2006)
Volunteers: J. Gallardo (2006) and F. Schall (2002/2005) - Technical support: M. Mallet & R. Gamond
Co-Cultivation of a Kalahari Desert Truffle and Watermelon for Commercial Purposes
 4-year local research support services provided to the Ben Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), Israel (Team
leader: Dr Varda Kagan-Zur); funded by USAID through BGU; (Dec. 2002-Jun. 2006)
Co-ordinator: D. Cole - Field Officer: M. Motlhaping
Baobab Pulp and Oil Processing Trials
 R&D project aimed at designing and testing a simple and reliable processing plant (fruit pulp and seed oil)
transferable to a SME in a rural producing area; funded by IPTT; (Nov. 2004-May 2005)
Consultant: R. Gamond (with support from P. du Plessis & S. den Adel)
 Baobab resource assessment in the Onesi-Tsandi-Outapi area and neighbouring Kunene, trial purchase from
communities, test processing, organic quality and marketability assessment; funded by IPTT; (Nov. 2003-Jun. 2004)
Consultants: P. du Plessis & R. Gamond
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
Strychnos Fruit Processing Trials
 Natural product R&D innovation grant for the production of samples of pulp from the fruit of Strychnos cocculoides
for potential commercialisation; funded by PhytoTrade Africa; (Dec. 2004-Mar. 2005)
Consultant: R. Gamond (with support from P. du Plessis)
Manketti (Mongongo) Oil and Nuts at Mashare
 Support to establishing a pilot oil production project at MADI (Kavango), including the provision of processing
technology (KAP) and training; sponsored by Lux-Dev and IPTT; (Nov. 2003-Feb. 2004)
Consultants: P. du Plessis & R. Gamond
NASSP Indigenous Plant Development Strategy Review
 Desk-top review of the Namibian IP development strategy of IPTT and formulation of prioritised recommendations
for action, as part of the inception phase of NASSP; commissioned by NASSP & MAWRD; (Mar.-May 2003)
Consultant: P. du Plessis
In the SADC Region
Use of Pesticides in Southern Africa and Potential Threat to the Natural Product Trade
 Collation of information gathered by PhytoTrade members in Swaziland,, Zambia, Namibia & Malawi, mapping of
pesticide use in the Region and assessment of contamination risks to NPs produced by PhytoTrade members; contracted
by IUCN (Natural Futures Programme); (Jul.-Sep. 2009)
Consultant: S. den Adel
Kalahari Species Domestication Research for Indigenous Livelihoods and Small Farmers Security
 Preparation of a regional research programme (Namibia, Botswana & South Africa) under a SADC Competitive
Fund for Innovative and Regional Collaborative Projects in Support of Small-Scale Farmers’ Development (FIRCOP):
‘Kalahari-DRILANDSS’; funded by FIRCOP/SADC Secretariat; (Aug.-Dec. 2004)
Co-ordinator: D. Cole (with support from P. du Plessis & M. Mallet) - Field consultant: Jeanette Clark
Natural Products Sector Review: Marula Sub-sector & Lipid Sector Analysis, Southern Africa
 Regional review and analysis for the Natural Enterprise Programme (NATPRO) planning and design of IUCN
(South Africa Country Office); commissioned by PhytoTrade Africa; (Feb.-Jun. 2004)
Consultant: P. du Plessis
Winners and Losers in Forest Product Commercialisation, Namibia and international
 FRP project on impacts along the market chain of commercialised Marula products in Namibia and South Africa;
funded by DfID FRP through the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Wallingford (UK); (Jul. 2000-Apr. 2003)
Co-ordinator: C. Lombard - Researchers: S. den Adel, P. du Plessis, A. Botelle, K. Pate & M. Mallet
Strategic Support to Marula Oil Enterprise Development in Namibia and Southern Africa
 A focused regional co-operation between service providers representing local Marula producers in Southern Africa
(Botswana, Namibia, South Africa & Zimbabwe) to deliver strategic support to Marula oil enterprise development and
to develop a regional marketing strategy that ensures maximisation of benefits to and protection of the primary
producers; funded by DfID-EDD; (May 2000-Oct. 2002)
Co-ordinator: C. Lombard (with support from M. Mallet & R. Gamond)
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
Capacity Building for Biotrade Project, Namibia/Nepal/Peru
 Part of an international project coordinated from Geneva by UNEP-UNCTAD Capacity Building Task Force and
piloted in Namibia, Nepal and Peru, CRIAA SA-DC is local implementing partner in Namibia with support from MTI,
contracted to establish national forum on trade and environment, develop strategic plan with forum members and
allocate flexible budget to identified priority actions; commissioned by GTZ with funds from BMZ Monterrey Fund;
(Jul. 2009-Dec. 2010)
Team leader: P. du Plessis
Marula Food Oil Development Project, Namibia
 Phase-2: commercialising a high-quality ‘modern Ondjove’ food oil, processing improvement trials, training of
Eudafano Factory staff, market testing, exploring national and regional, and planning a marketing strategy for further
international commercialisation in collaboration with PTA; commissioned by NAB with funds from GTZ-MET and
IPTT; (Phase 2: Aug. 2009-Jul. 2010)
Team leader: M. Mallet, consultants: F. Shigwedha, J. Chigariro, P. du Plessis
Biotrade Impact Assessment System Field Testing, Namibia
 Field testing of the new BT-IAS of UNCTAD with the EWC/EWMM Marula oil value chain for export as part of a
Regional exercise also conducted in Uganda & Swaziland; contracted by PTA/UNCTAD-BT; (Jul.-Aug. 2009)
Consultant: M. Mallet
Backstopping, Technical Advice and Training in the Area of Biotrade and Bioprospecting in Namibia
 Follow-up support to the IBPC and its secretariat, technical advice and training to the Biotrade Programme in
Namibia; contracted by the GTZ-MET Biotrade project; (Feb. 2009-Apr. 2010)
 Backstopping support, technical advice and training to the responsible MET staff providing secretarial services to
the Interim Bio-Prospecting Committee (IBPC); commissioned by the GTZ-MET Biotrade project; (Mar.-Sep. 2008)
Consultant: P. du Plessis
Biological Resources Collection and Export Permits Issuing Review, Namibia
 Review and clarification of the Namibian procedures for the issuing of permits for research, collection and export of
biological and genetic resources; commissioned by the GTZ-MET Biotrade project; (Mar.-May 2008)
Consultant: D. Cole
Marula Food Oil Development Project, Namibia
 Phase-1: R&D into defining and developing a high-quality ‘modern Ondjove’ product(s), production of samples and
market testing, exploring national, regional and international market opportunities and planning a marketing strategy for
further commercialisation; commissioned by NAB with funds from GTZ-MET and IPTT; (Nov. 2007-Sep. 2008)
Researcher: N. Amutenya (with support from M. Mallet & F. Shigwedha), Co-ordinator: P. du Plessis
GTZ-MET Biotrade and Natural Product Development, Namibia
Consultancy services to the GTZ-MET project aimed at planning and implementing integrated sustainable natural
resource management:
 Development of Fair Trade toiletries for the Namibian Hospitality Industry (2007/2008)
 Draft regulations on access to Namibia’s genetic resources and associated TK (Dec. 2005-Mar. 2007)
 Elaboration of a concept note for the development of innovative biotrade products (Dec. 2005-Mar. 2006)
Consultant: P. du Plessis
Southern Africa Regional Consultation for a Joint Approach to Technical, Market and Benefit Sharing Issues
with Common Botanical Resources
 Research and consultation in Namibia, South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe with community-based producers,
representative service NGOs and country stakeholders to assess the potential and constraints to jointly develop common
botanical resources and maximising benefits for the rural producers (led to the formation of PhytoTrade Africa); funded
by The Gaia Foundation (UK) and GRAIN (Spain); (Sep. 1999-Aug. 2000)
Researchers: C. Lombard & M. Mallet
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
Livelihoods Survey of Cotton Farmers in Central and Eastern Zambia
 Field survey to identify priorities and needs of small-holder cotton farmers supplying Dunavant Zambia Ltd
programme; commissioned by Africa Now (Feb. 2009)
Consultants: James Leith & Dave Cole
Summarising New Forest Policy and Forest Act, Namibia
 Desk-top preparation of documents in simple English explaining to the general public the new Namibian Forest
Policy and Act; commissioned by NNF for FAO; (2007 & 2009)
Consultant: P. du Plessis (with assistance from William Hofmeyr)
Namibian Wild Silk Project - Phase V & VI
 Developing a wild silk industry in Namibia: project commercialisation through the development of a Kalahari Wild
Silk Company; funded by Oxfam Canada, Canada Fund and MAWF (NAB); (Sep. 2004-Dec. 2005/Aug. 2006)
Project co-ordinator: D. Cole - Technical expert: I. Cumming (†)
Kalahari Livelihood Project, Namibia
 Poverty reduction through improved livelihood opportunities for marginalized rural communities in Omaheke in
collaboration with Oxfams in Namibia, OST & Ben-Hur RDC; funded by Intermòn / EC; (Mar. 2003-Oct. 2005)
Co-ordinator: D. Cole - Field Officers: M. Motlhaping and F. Mieze
Indigenous Plant Internship Programme (IPIP), Namibia
 6-month pilot training for post-graduate students of Polytechnic of Namibia in applied Ethnobotany and PRA,
lecturing and field practicals on commercialising indigenous resources; tendered by NASSP to !Nara Training Centre &
CRIAA SA-DC; (Jan.-Sep. 2005)
Consultant: P. du Plessis (with support from S. den Adel & M. Mallet)
A financially-self-sustaining Technology Development and Service Centre (located in Windhoek suburb) for community
initiatives, small scale and informal industries (leather-work, handy-crafts, food and other plant processing, and light
engineering sectors); (since Jun. 1996), see insert below.
 Pilot commercial processing of cold-pressed oil from Ximenia kernels procured from the harvesters’ CBO
(Tulongeni Twahangana Project) in Eenhana and Epembe areas (Ohangwena region), and storage of a strategic stock of
oil for the new and expanding cosmetic ingredient market; financed by CRIAA SA-DC with bridging funds from
PhytoTrade Africa (PTA) Natural Capital Fund; (2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09)
Co-ordinators: F. Shigwedha (with support from M. Mallet)
 Organisation of export consignments (air-freight and consolidated sea-freight container shipments) of various
natural oils from Namibian producers (KAP, EWC and OOP) to UK and France in co-ordination with PTA; (on-going)
Co-ordinators: S. den Adel, F. Shigwedha & M. Mallet
Southern Africa & beyond:
Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP): member (represented by P. du Plessis) of the Advisory
Committee (since Jan. 2009)
Devil’s Claw Range States Working Group (DCRSWG): a working group formally established at a meeting held in
Sep. 2003 in Windhoek to ensure the sustainable utilisation of Devil’s Claw in the range states; with government and
non-government representatives from South Africa, Botswana and Namibia (D. Cole, member since inception)
Management Board of PhytoTrade Africa (the Southern Africa Natural Products Trade Association) with
members from Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe; HO in
Harare and branches in London and South Africa; (P. du Plessis: from 2000 to 2005/06; M. Mallet from Jun. 2005)
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
Namibian Alliance For Improved Nutrition (NAFIN): under the auspices of the Office of the Prime Minister, created
to address the issue of malnutrition especially in children and prenatal women, working group member (K. Fleissner /
M. Mallet) since inception in July 2009
Namibian Organic Association (NOA): established in May 2009 to promote organic agriculture and set up Namibian
standards for this industry; founding and board member (S.den Adel)
National Expert Advisory Panel (NEAP) for rapid trade and environment assessment: Namibian panel examining
linkages between international trade and the environment, chaired by MTI (P. du Plessis since inception, Mar. 2009)
National Biosciences Steering Committee (NBSC), chaired by ME-DRST, the NBSC acts as a committee of the
Biosciences Forum which is the forerunner of the National Council for Life Science (Biosciences) under the planned
National Commission for Research, Science & Technology, the main task of which will be the co-ordination of research
efforts in Namibia; member (D. Cole / M. Mallet) since inception in June 2008
Interim Bio-Prospecting Committee (IBPC), inter-ministerial body chaired by MET to act as the Competent National
Authority on ABS before the Namibian Bill on Access to Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge is
enacted, co-opted member (P. du Plessis), since 2007
Development Projects Advisory Committee (DPAC) of the Namibian Agronomic Board: a committee to oversee
and advise on the directions and management of the newly created Division for Development Projects, which is aimed
at managing projects appropriate to the wider Agronomic Industry and funded from NAB reserves, GRN or donors;
member appointed by NAB (M. Mallet) since inception in Mar. 2007; (
Plant Sector Development Forum: a ‘smart partnership” between the public and private sectors initiated by the Hon.
Minister (MAWF) to develop an industry strategy and action plans in the plant sector (horticulture, alternative crops,
high-value exports, indigenous plants, mahangu, maize and wheat sub-sectors) coherent with National Development
Plans (NDP3) and aligned to the country’s national long term goal of Vision 2030; elected IPTT non-governmental
representative (M. Mallet) since 2006
Mahangu Advisory Committee (MAC) of the Namibian Agronomic Board: a committee to advise on the
implementation of mahangu (pearl millet) as a controlled product under the Namibian Agronomy Industry Act (2002);
expert member (M. Mallet) since inception in Sep. 2005
National Plant Genetic Resources Committee of Namibia (NPGRCom): under the auspices of NBRI (MAWF);
member (P. du Plessis) since Sep. 2004
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO): corporate member since Jun. 2002;
Mahangu and Sorghum Task Team (MSTT): national body (chaired by NAB) of government departments, farmers’
representatives, industry stakeholders, research and academic institutions, and service providers, which main task is to
develop the production, processing, marketing and utilisation of rain-fed cereals in Namibia; member (M. Mallet/R.
Gamond) since inception in Sep. 2001
Indigenous Plants Task Team (IPTT): national body of government departments, research and academic institutions,
NGOs and other civil society organisations, chaired by MAWF, which main task is to develop and co-ordinate the
implementation of a national strategy for the promotion of indigenous plants and products derived from indigenous
plants; organisational member since inception in May 2000; (
Namibian Devil’s Claw Working Group (DCWG): under the auspices of MET, constituted following the 1st National
Devil’s Claw Stakeholders’ Workshop to co-ordinate all activities around Devil’s Claw, including policy, research and
development; member (D. Cole / K. Fleissner) since Mar. 2000
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)
Corner Andrew Mogalie & Attie Potgieter Streets - Katutura
(Next to the NDC Menarovandu Workshop Stalls)
Tel. (061) 216 308
Management: CRIAA SA-DC PO Box 23778 Windhoek
Tel. (061) 220 117 - Fax: (+264.61) 232 293 - Email:
Katutura Artisans’ Project (KAP) is a technology R&D and service centre, which aims at providing appropriate
technical solutions and back-up support to artisans, rural communities and small & medium enterprises (SMEs) in
Namibia and the SADC Region, for improving traditional income generating activities and developing novel
KAP currently provides the following services for SMEs:
 ‘Katshoesup’ (Katutura Shoemakers Supplies): bulk buying and low-margin retailing of raw materials and tools,
largely for artisans in the leather goods manufacturing trade
 Pay-per-use ‘common facility’ access to little-used machines (shoe finisher/polisher ...)
 Technical training ‘à la carte’ and training-with-production of entrepreneurs with machines manufactured by KAP
for sale
 Low-rental working spaces as ‘incubator/pilot units’ for emerging businesses (available units limited): currently
‘Tulipa Shoe Makers’ and ICW-Namibia pilot urban gardening project
 Technology search, research and development, demonstration and dissemination
KAP has also embarked on appropriate technology research and development for rural post-harvest operators,
SMEs, as well as for development institutions and NGOs in Namibia and the SADC region:
 Technology research and development, design, manufacturing and dissemination:
- Hydraulic bridge presses for oil processing (“Kapmond-30”)
- Improvement of the Tinytech oil expeller from India
- Nut crackers (Marula, Manketti, ...)
- Seed conditioner / roaster
- Fruit juice presses for Marula (“Kapmond-10”)
- Hand operated drum-sieve pre-cleaners/graders for Mahangu (pearl millet) and for Melon seeds
- Hand-operated vibrating pre-cleaner for Mahangu (“Vibro-cleaner”)
- Motorised Mahangu winnower
- Mahangu dehuller
- Improved equipment for Mahangu processing (dehulling, fermentation and drying)
- Hand operated wire netting machine
 Processing trials of local plant materials:
- Cold-pressing of oil nuts and oilseeds: Marula kernels, Manketti nuts, Ximenia kernels, !Nara seeds,
Kalahari Melon seeds, Baobab seeds, Sunflower seeds, Castor beans, Jatropha seeds ...
- Improved processing of Mahangu (pearl millet) and sorghum
- Devil’s Claw tea processing
- Marula juice extraction and preservation
- Processing of Prosopis beans into flour
- Baobab and Strychnos fruit pulp extraction
- Indigenous green leafy vegetables
KAP provides processing and marketing services for rural producers’ organisations and SMEs:
 Contract processing and storage for Natural Products (Marula oil, Ximenia oil, KMS oil …)
 Market testing, and local and export marketing
KAP provides ad-hoc (technical and business) training and consultancy services to suit the needs of rural producers’
organisations, SMEs, NGOs and development institutions.
CRIAA SA-DC Organisational Profile (December 2009)