U n i i t t P l l a n T T e m p l l a t t e
Available Online: http://projects.cbe.ab.ca/ict/2learn/jwfech/ePortfolio/
Unit Author
First and Last Name
Author's E-mail Address
School District
School Name
School Address
School City, Province, Postal
Jason Fech jwfech@cbe.ab.ca
Calgary Board of Education
MidSun Jr. High
660 Sunmills Dr. SE
Calgary, AB T2X 3R5
School Phone
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Unit Overview
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Unit Plan Title
Grade 9 Electronic Portfolio
Curriculum-Framing Questions
Essential Question
Who is student’s name
Unit Questions
What is my family history?
What are my interests, skills and hobbies?
What are my accomplishments?
What will my career be after school?
Unit Summary
This unit plan is meant to be a semester-long project for a grade 9 Computer Applications course called Electronic Portfolio.
Students will create a portfolio using multimedia software. The portfolio will consist of 5 components for which they will collect, organize, and link together reflective writing and various multimedia components (i.e. photographs, sound, video) of their life.
The end product will be in the form of a web page, and will be burned to a CD-R for the student to keep.
Subject Area(s)
(Click boxes of all subjects that apply)
Business Education Drama Other:
I N T E L ® T E A C H T O T H E F U T U R E with support from Microsoft ©2000 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved 1
Home Economics
Language Arts
Foreign Language
Industrial Technology
Physical Education
School to Career Science
Social Studies Technology
Grade Level
(Click boxes of all grade levels that apply)
K-2 3-5
Gifted and Talented Other:
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes
General Outcomes
1. Students will create and collect a variety of artifacts (i.e. writing, photographs, work samples) that represent themselves.
2. Students will create MS PowerPoint presentations of their artifacts.
3. Students will organize and link these artifacts into 5 components by creating a website of their portfolio.
4. Students will use intermediate research skills; basic and intermediate computer skills, navigate resources including, but not limited to, an Internet browser, word
5. processing software, CD ROMs, and presentation software.
Students will observe copyright rules.
Targeted Provincial Outcomes/Expectations/Objectives
ICT Outcomes
1. Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies. (C1)
2. Students will use organizational processes and tools to manage inquiry.
3. Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems. (C6)
4. Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning. (C7)
5. Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the operating skills required in a variety of technologies. (F6)
6. Students will compose, revise and edit text. (P1)
7. Students will communicate through multimedia. (P3)
8. Students will navigate and create hyperlinked resources. (P5)
9. Students will use communication technology to interact with others. (P6)
CTS Outcomes
1. Students will use specified tools to transfer media elements to and/or from various sources
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2. Students will design and produce a simple message, using a combination of two or more media
3. Students will select and use two or more media and technologies to present ideas and information to different audiences
4. Students will evaluate presentations made by self
5. Student will produce and present the message, using two or more media linked through digital technology selected by the student
6. Students will use file management procedures efficiently
7. Students will demonstrate multimedia authoring competence, by using software resident text, video and audio clips to:
use software-specific commands to access and manipulate text video and audio
develop a multimedia presentation
1. Using Inspiration software, students will map out their portfolio using the following 5 components:
Who are my ancestors?
What are my interests, hobbies, and skills?
What are my accomplishments?
What will my career be after school?
Student Choice
This assignment is outlined in the Electronic Portfolio Course Website
MS PowerPoint
1. Create a MS PowerPoint presentation for each of the 5 components.
The purpose is to quickly outline the content for each.
2. Add basic multimedia to each of the PowerPoint components (i.e. clipart, animations, audio)
3. Minimum 10 slides each component.
4. Each component will have a separate due date.
5. Career Component: must include high school and/or university education (degree)
This is further described in the Electronic Portfolio Course Website
Students should review the rubrics before beginning.
A sample is available.
MS Publisher
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1. Create a MS Publisher brochure (using the wizard) outlining the specifics of the career chosen. It should include an actual ad found on a career website (www.monster.ca).
2. The brochure should include both positive and negative sides to the career.
3. Must include a feedback form of some sort (i.e. could be basic job application).
4. Include graphics.
This is described on the Electronic Portfolio Course Website
Students should review the rubrics before beginning.
A sample is available.
1. Students create a MS Publisher newsletter (using the wizard) describing some family history, including photographs, and a family tree.
2. They will visit www.genealogy.com
to help with the creation of their tree.
This is described on the Electronic Portfolio Course Website
MS Publisher – Student Website
Students will compile all of their components, documents, and publications into one website, forming a complete electronic portfolio of what they have accomplished in the semester.
This is described on the Electronic Portfolio Course Website
Students should review the rubrics before beginning.
A sample is available.
Approximate Time Needed
( Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.)
This is intended to be one semestered computer option course (approx. 20 weeks).
To see sample deadline dates, visit the Electronic Portfolio Course Website .
Prerequisite Skills
basic operating skills
basic file management skills
basic word processing skills
Materials and Resources Required For Unit
Technology – Hardware
(Click boxes of all equipment needed.)
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Digital Camera
Laser Disk
Projection System
DVD Player Scanner
Internet Connection Television
Technology – Software
(Click boxes of all software needed.)
Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing
Desktop Publishing
E-mail Software
Encyclopedia on CD-ROM
Internet Web Browser
Video Camera
Video Conferencing Equip.
Other: audio microphones
Web Page Development
Word Processing
Highschool Course Descriptions
Printed Materials
University Calendars/Course Descriptions
Examples of resumes
Example of MS Publisher Career Brochure and
Family Newsletter
Internet Resources
Blank CD-Rs
Career webites, such as www.hotjobs.ca
and www.monster.ca
Any websites allowing research of family names, www.genealogy.com
Photographs, art work, or any other artifacts that the students may want to include into their portfolio.
Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction
the number of components could be reduced.
Resource Student
The whole portfolio could be complete at the
PowerPoint stage, rather than creating a website.
Gifted Student
Rather than using MS Publisher to create the finished Electronic Portfolio Website, they could create the site using HTML coding, or any other
WYSIWYG webeditor (like Dreamweaver , or
FrontPage )
A video component could be a requirement.
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Student Assessment
Key Word Search
Students will be assessed throughout the term as they complete the various components.
Rubrics have been included for each component: o Inspiration storyboard o MS PowerPoint presentations o MS Publisher brochure and newsletter o MS Publisher electronic portfolio website
Electronic portfolio
Collection portfolio
Family tree
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