TENDER TERMS & CONDITION FOR THE PURCHASE OF Incubator and Micro pipettes Tender Document advertised on 10-02-2015. For Queries/Information if any: Prof. Dr. Iqbal Munir, Project P.I Office Tel:+92-91-9221072 STORE OFFICER Office Tel:+92919221166 Office Tel:+92919216572 TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL Bidders are requested to read carefully the following terms and conditions and sign the Tender Form in token of having understood and accepted the same in all respects. They are also requested to submit the bid/bids complete in all respect. Tender without 2% earnest money will be out-rightly rejected. Conditional / incomplete tenders will not be accepted. Telephonic / telexed / faxed / telegraphic quotation will not be entertained. The bidders must submit Non-Black List Certificate (confirming that bidder has ever been blacklisted by any Government/Semi Government Organization) along with their offer, failing which their offer will be rejected. The bidders must provide a warranty duration of at least 6 months up-to one year in their quotations/bids. In case of non-conformity with the desired specification, the item shall be replaced by the Supplier free of cost. The bid prices must be valid for at least 90 days from the date of Tender opening. All Government Taxes are applicable on bills. Any bids received after the prescribed date & time for submission of bids shall be returned un-opened to the bidder. Under section 47 of PEPRA rules (KP) The University of Agriculture, Peshawar (Purchase Committee) reserves the right to reduce or increase the quantity, accept or reject all or any bid and to stop the bidding process and reject all bids, Where possible the procuring entity shall ask for a warranty from the supplier for replacement or repair of the procured good falling in the warranty period. No cutting/corrections or interpolation will be allowed in the BOQ’s. Supplier Initial Signature______________ FINANCE DIRECTORATE (STORE SECTION) THE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL PESHAWAR TENDER NOTICE Sealed Tenders on item rate are invited for the purchase of Incubator and Micro Pipettes for “Genetic Transformation of Brassica Carinata for low Viscosity Biodiesel Production” in PSF funded project. from Suppliers duly registered with income / sale tax. A details, samples, terms and conditions may be obtained from the office of undersigned on payment of Rs.500/- as tender form fee (non refundable). Bids along with 2% earnest money in shape of call deposit in favour of Director Finance should reached by post to the undersigned on or before 27-02-2015 upto 10:AM which will be opened on the same day at 11:AM in University Main Store in the presence of bidders/ authorized representatives. As per Section-47 of procurement rules 2014 the procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. The bids documents can be downloaded from university website www.aup.edu.pk but cost of tender form will have to be paid in the shape of bank draft/cash. SALAH UD DIN STORE OFFICER 091-9221166 TENDER FORM Rs.500/- Name of supply Incubator and Micro Pipettes Tender cost of the supply Rs.________________ Earnest money at the @2% on tender cost: Rs.________________ Percentage to be deducted from the bill: Rs.________________ Time allowed for the completion of supply from the date of written order to commence supply: Store Officer The University of Agriculture, Peshawar. Issue to M/S._______________________________________________________ The sum of Rs.____________ is forwarded hereby vide call deposit No:____________dated___________ as earnest money. The full value of which is absolutely forfeited to the Vice Chancellor, The University of Agricultural Peshawar or his successor in his office, should I / we in any way default on the supply tendered for and which shall otherwise along with the percentage deducted as specified above be retained to from my / our security deposit for the correct execution or the supply as per conditions of the contract. I/We certify that I/ We have been and carefully read all the schedule of specifications and conditions of the contact carrying the work tendered for before tendering and hereby agree to avoid by the terms and conditions. Signature of Supplier Dated_____________ FINANCE DIRECTORATE (STORE SECTION) THE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL PESHAWAR SPECIFICATION Of supply of following Scientific Lab Equipment for Biochemistry lab under P.S.F funded project entitled: “GENETIC TRANSFORMATION OF BRASSICA CARINATA FOR LOW VISCOSITY BIODIESEL PRODUCTION”, Project No. PSF/NSLP/KP-AU(270). Specification Quantity S.No Incubator: digital microprocessor PID controlled precision, range from ambient +5 to 01 70°c with built in digital timer range 99 hr 59 min with double over-temperature protection, Natural Convection exterior and interior heavy stainless steel double door operated on 220volts. Capacity 32 Lit Int size 400 x 320 x 250mm, made in Germany, As per USA or Japan requirement 02 Micropipettes: (1-10μl, 2-20μl, 20-200μl, 100-1000μl, 500-5000μl) made in France, USA or Japan. Adjustable built to last constructed of stainless steel and PVDF with unique dry seal technology thick body robust accurate and precise individually calibrated Tip Holders and Tip Ejectors are fully Auto cleavable, Range as following:A) Measuring Range 0.2 to 2μl, Accuracy +0.024μl B) Measuring Range 1 to 10μl, Accuracy +0.025μl C) Measuring Range 2 to 20μl, Accuracy +0.10μl D) Measuring Range 10 to 100μl, Accuracy +0.35μl E) Measuring Range 20 to 200μl, Accuracy +0.50μl F) Measuring Range 100 to 1000μl, Accuracy +3μl As per G) Measuring Range 1000 to 5000μl, Accuracy +12μl requirement