September 2015 Newsletter

Hawkcraig Road, Aberdour
Fife KY3 OUP
Telephone: 01383 602442
Headteacher: Kate Whiteley
Dear parents,
A separate Headteacher Update will follow shortly which covers curriculum developments and wider school
issues and improvements. The Newsletters cover matters which are directly related to children and parents.
We continually seek to reflect with the children on what we are doing and how well we are impacting on their
learning. A couple of years ago we began to routinely ask children to reflect on their learning each week, and
we shared these evaluations with parents. We observed last session that the process was becoming a bit
‘repetitive’ for the children and we felt that we needed to improve the quality of their reflection.
This term we will begin asking children to reflect on specific lessons, particularly focussing on how
well supported and challenged they felt.
We found in our ‘Lesson Studies’ last session that talking with children immediately after a lesson leads to
much more detailed feedback about what works well for them, and things they would like us to do differently.
Staff have agreed that P4-P7 will be involved in helping to agree the best questions to ask about lessons and
creating a shared ‘bank’ of questions from which to select. Each question will be given a number so that
children don’t have to write out the question, just their response after a given lesson. We will share these
evaluations with you in the last section of their Progress Folders. P1-P3 will use a photocopied sheet so that
the questions are prepared and recorded for them. Sometimes they will engage in a shared class discussion
rather than completing individually. We really want the children to know that what they tell us will make a
difference, and that we are listening to them, so that together we maximise their learning and minimise any
Hamish Ferguson and Bob Smith from the Dalgety Bay and Inverkeithing Rotary group joined us in assembly
last week to share with the children why we fill shoeboxes with gifts for children in time for Christmas. The
shoeboxes are now in reception and can be requested through your child or collected by you if you prefer to
come into school. The boxes have all the details and guidance printed on them, so that you will know what is
appropriate to include. However please see attached the separate guidance sheet prepared by the Rotary. I
hope you will involve your child(ren) in this valuable opportunity to make a difference and be caring and
responsible citizens. We would like as many boxes as possible in time for the Harvest Service on Thursday 8th
October, but they will not be uplifted until early November so you have the holiday period too.
On Monday 28th September a Parenting Course Taster Evening is being held at The Institute, Shore Road,
Aberdour. The Parenting Course is a five week course where parents come together to explore issues
related to parenting. Please look out for the invitation cards issued to the eldest child in each family. Each
evening begins with a pudding and coffee/tea with other parents. This is followed by a talk (DVD format)
exploring issues such as:
 Building Strong Foundations (Mon 28th Sept: 7:30pm - 9.30pm)
Setting Boundaries (5th Oct)
Meeting our Childrens’ and Teens’ Needs (26th Oct)
Helping our Children make Good Choices (9th Nov)
Teaching Healthy Relationships (23rd Nov)
The purpose of this course is to allow parents to take time out of very busy lives to think about and discuss the
most important role we have – parenting and investing in our children. You are most welcome to come along
to the Taster Evening to see what it is all about.
In addition ‘Triple –P’ Parenting of 3-5 year olds is currently running an 8 week parenting course specifically
for parents of pre-schoolers. One is in Rosyth and one in Dunfermline. This is run and funded by NHS staff.
Please get in touch with myself or Mrs Cormack if you are interested in this course and we will put you in touch
with the organisers.
We do hope that many of you will don your scruffies and join us on Friday to help us with managing, improving
and harvesting within our school grounds. The morning involves a timetable of activities for each class which
family members can help with, but also, throughout the day, if you speak to Miss Milne there are a variety of
‘adult only’ jobs. You will be warmly welcomed!
Children will be advised by their teachers about what they should wear (depending on their class job), they
may be asked not to wear uniform.
The Parent Council raised the thorny issue of the hawthorn overgrowth along Hawkcraig Road making the
journey to and from school difficult. Apparently this is a series of shrubs and not technically a hedge, therefore
the Council no longer cut this annually. It is now devolved to schools. We have actioned a quote to have this
cut back asap. The School Eco fund will pay for this work.
Tuesday 29th Sept – P6 Class Assembly at 2.30pm
Friday 2nd Oct – P1 and P2 Shared Finish 2.30pm
Friday 2nd Oct – P3-7 Open Classrooms 2.15pm
Friday 2nd Oct - Pupil Progress Folders come home
Tuesday 6th Oct – Parents’ Evening 4.30-7.30
Wednesday 7th Oct - Parents’ Evening 3.30-6.30
Thursday 8th Oct – Harvest Service in school hall 10am
Friday 9th Oct – End of term 3pm
Kind regards,
Kate Whiteley